UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Note: Suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. Delete all blue text and replace it with your own.
Name of Teacher Candidate Mahin Ali

Lesson Overview
Grade Level 4th
Estimated Time Needed 45 minutes
Lesson Description Main Idea & Supporting Details
Comprehension skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and
thinking using multiple texts. The student uses metacognitive skills
Content Area Standards to both develop and deepen comprehension of increasingly complex
texts. The student is expected to: evaluate details read to determine
key ideas.
Technology Standards NA
Objectives The student will evaluate details read to determine key ideas

Main idea – the most important thought about the topic. It is what
the entire story is about
Supporting details – facts, statements, examples which guide us to a
full understanding of the main idea
Promethean board
Technology Resources
Chart paper
Other Resources Independent practice worksheet
Exit ticket
Book: Henry’s Freedom Box

Lesson Procedures
A step-by-step description of the
scope and sequence of lesson
activities, with estimated time on task
noted in parentheses for each step.
In other words, completely describe Describe how each stage of
Cite specifically what
the flow of the lesson-the content to the lesson will be managed,
resources for this activity
be presented, and the strategies to including role of teacher and
will be used, and describe
This template is built on the be used. Include actual words you learners (who is doing what
in detail how they will be
will use and questions you will ask at each point), location
traditional “Madeline students. Consider items such as: (e.g., classroom, computer
Hunter” lesson structure. Note who will be using the
parts of the lesson that might be lab, outside), and any
tool and in what ways. Note
difficult, and how you will know special considerations, such
any safety considerations
whether you can go on; how to as for differentiated
ensure that students completely instruction.
understand directions before
releasing them to work
independently; and what students
will do if they finish their work early.
Focus/Anticipatory Set The teacher will activate The teacher will ask -Promethean board
(motivational hook) students a simple
prior knowledge and
question about the
connect the content to the
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

students by asking, “what

are some things you do at
recess?” The teacher will
instruct students to “turn
and talk” with a classmate
around them about some
things they like to do at
recess. Students will have
about 1 minute to talk with
a friend. Next, they will
share out thoughts and
ideas from their discussion.
As students are sharing things they do at
their ideas aloud, the recess. Students will
teacher will write their raise their hand to
responses on the answer and the
promethean board. Then, teacher will record
the teacher will connect this their answers on a
content to the new bubble map.
information they will learn
today by explaining,
“Students, you’ve just listed
many details that support
our topic “Things we do at
“A main idea is a sentence
that tells us what the story
is about. Today, we will
evaluate the details we have
read to determine the main
Content-input The teacher will model an The teacher will -Chart paper
(Could include content instruct students to
anchor chart for students to -Markers
outline, presentation, get out their
write in their readers -Readers notebook
questioning, modeling, readers notebook.
examples) The teacher will
Modeling: Should include create an anchor
both Tier 1 (examples) and chart about main
Tier 2 (think aloud) idea and the
students will jot it
down in their
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

The teacher will read The teacher will Henry’s Freedom

“Henry’s Freedom Box” read a story to the Box
to the class. “Class, while class. While the
I am reading, I want you teacher is reading,
to think about what the students will think
main idea could be and about what the
the supporting details that main idea and
help you in determining supporting details
the main idea. After are. Students will
reading, the teacher will “turn and talk”
ask students what the with a partner
main idea and supporting about the main idea
details are from the story. and supporting
Teacher: “Boys and girls, details. Then, the
I want you to think about teacher will ask a
what the main idea of this few students to
story could be.” Rephrase share the main idea
question: “What is the and supporting
ENTIRE story about?” details with the
Teacher will have class. The class will
students “turn and talk” have a 3-5-minute
Guided Practice with someone next to discussion about
Include Check for them about what the main Henry’s Freedom
Understanding Questions idea is and ONE Box.
supporting detail.
Students might have
varying answers for
supporting details which
is okay. They might also
have different
answers/ways of phrasing
for main idea and that is
also okay as long as their
answer has the word
“freedom” in it.
Teacher will give students
about 1 minute to talk
with a partner and then
they will share their
thoughts out loud using
the following sentence
“The main idea is…” and
“One supporting detail
Independent Practice The teacher will hand out The teacher will Independent
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
a worksheet over main pass around a
ideas and supporting worksheet for
details. The students will independent
read the passage, list 3 practice. Student
supporting details, and will independently
Include Check for determine the main idea work on the
Understanding Questions of the passage. worksheet. When
they are finished,
they will quietly
read a book and
wait for the rest of
the class to finish.
The students will Students will
Exit ticket paper
complete an exit ticket. complete an exit
1. They will write down ticket and share
how they feel about the their responses with
lesson. (“I think I got the class if they
this,” “I need a bit more choose to.
practice,” or “I’ll get
there, but I need help!”)
2. They will write one
thing they learned and
one question they have. If
they don’t have a
question, they don’t have
to write anything for that
part. The teacher will
have a few students share
their responses with the
class if they want to.
Plans for Leading a Discussion Following Guided Practice and Independent Practice
Plan for Leading a 5-10- Launch Frame
minute Discussion Following “We just read a story together and identified our big main idea from
Guided Practice the story, which is what the WHOLE story is about. We also listed
the supporting details from the story. What was something that
helped you in determining the main idea?”
Eliciting, Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion
How do you determine the main idea of a story?
What details from the story helped you in figuring out the main
Conclusion Frame
“We just determined what the main idea is in Henry’s Freedom Box.
Remember, our main idea is what they entire story or passage is
about and our supporting details are the small details that tell us
what our main idea is. Everyone did a really great job using our
supporting details to determine the main idea. Next, you will be
doing exactly what we just did as a class. I am going to pass around
a worksheet that you will be completing on your own. You will read
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
the passage and then, determine the main idea and 3 supporting
Launch Frame
Boys and girls, let’s go over this worksheet. I’m going to read and
after I finish reading, I will be asking for the main idea and
supporting details. If you would like to answer, please raise your
hand…” *** teacher reading***
“What is the main idea of this passage?”
“What key details helped you in figuring out the main idea?”
“Great job everyone and thank you for participating!”
Plan for Leading a 5-10-
Eliciting Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion
minute Discussion Following
What is a main idea or key idea?
Independent Practice
What are some ways we can determine the main idea?
What are supporting details?

Conclusion Frame
“Today we read different texts to determine what the main idea is
and what our supporting details are. Who can remind me what the
main idea is?” (Give students thinking time) “Who can tell me what
the supporting details are?” (Give students thinking time)
Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations
Students will read the passage or have it read to them and they will
be given multiple choice questions to answer about the main idea
and supporting details of the passage. This will allow them to easily
Special Education Students
eliminate wrong answer choices. These students will also get extra
time to complete assignments as well as support staff to guide them
through each step.
Creating visual directions/work such as pictures will be great for
ELL students because sometimes English Language Learners have a
harder time processing spoken or written words. I can also read the
English Language Learners
passage for ELL students and explain what they need to do in simple
terms. These students will also get extra time to complete
assignments as well as support staff to guide them through each step.
GT students will have open ended questions rather than multiple
choice questions to answer about the main idea and supporting
details from the passage. They will be expected to write the main
idea and find the supporting details from the passage on their own.
Gifted and Talented
GT students will also tell me the main idea of the read aloud story by
using the sentence stems: “The main idea is…” and “One supporting
detail is…”

It is necessary to constantly evaluate student learning in order for students to gain full mastery of
the content being taught. One way to do this is by doing a pretest and post-test. Pretest determines
what students already know before the lesson is taught and post-test determines what students
learned after the lesson is complete. Post-tests helps teachers determine whether to reteach or not.

Here is the link to my Independent Practice and Pre/Post Assessment: I used the one about bees
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Classroom Management Plan for the Lesson

I will use attention getters if necessary, such as: “class, class” and the students will answer
“yes, yes.”
Lesson Resources

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