Social Studies Lesson Plan 3

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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Note: Suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. Delete all blue text and replace it with your own.

Name of Teacher
Tiffany Tran

Lesson Overview
Grade Level Kindergarten
Estimated Time Needed 45 minutes
For this lesson, the students are going to know what is producing and
consuming means. In order for students to know what is producing or
Lesson Description
consuming, they need to have prior knowledge about goods and services.
(6) Economics. The student understands that basic human needs and
Content Area Standards wants are met in many ways. The student is expected to:
(B) explain the difference between needs and wants
Technology Standards N/A
Objectives The student is expected to explain the difference between needs and wants

Technology Resources Projector
Other Resources Anchor Chart

Lesson Procedures
A step-by-step description of the
scope and sequence of lesson
activities, with estimated time on
task noted in parentheses for each
step. In other words, completely Describe how each stage of
Cite specifically what
describe the flow of the lesson-the the lesson will be managed,
This template is content to be presented, and the including role of teacher and
resources for this activity
built on the will be used, and describe
strategies to be used. Include actual learners (who is doing what
in detail how they will be
traditional words you will use and questions at each point), location
“Madeline you will ask students. Consider items (e.g., classroom, computer
Note who will be using the
Hunter” lesson such as: parts of the lesson that lab, outside), and any
tool and in what ways. Note
might be difficult, and how you will special considerations, such
structure. know whether you can go on; how to as for differentiated
any safety considerations
ensure that students completely instruction.
understand directions before
releasing them to work
independently; and what students
will do if they finish their work early.
Focus/Anticipat Say the objective to the The teacher would
ory Set students. have sticky notes
hook) I am going to ask the students
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
if they have ever gone
shopping with their mom/dad/
or both of their parents at a
store (grocery/toy/mall):

“Have you ever gone shopping

with your mom, dad, or both of
your parents?”

“What did they buy for family

or for you?”

If there was a student who

Teacher will be at the
never went shopping with
them, I would say:
Students will be sitting
“Do you ever see what your
at the carpet. Raise
parents bought back from the
their hand if they have
store when they got home?
a response.
What are they?”

I would let each student have

a turn to provide a response. I
need at least one thing from
each student.

When students give their

answers, I will write/draw the
items on a sticky notes and
then put them in two separate
categories on the board.

(Could include Explain to students that a
content outline, need is something we have to
presentation, have to live. While, a want is
questioning, something we would like to
modeling, have, but we don’t need to
examples) survive. Wants are there to
make life a little more

Watch the video on projector:

I will students to listen for

things that people need (they
cannot live without). Put up the
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
anchor chart and write down
what four things we need to
What are the four things we
have to have to live/survive?
Needs are water, food ,
clothing, and shelter:
● Water: “Why do you
need water?”
● To stay hydrated, all
you need is water.
However, this need
can turn into a want
with things like soda,
coffee, etc. Teacher will need to
Draw water have the anchor that
● Food: Why do we is already up. This
need food? Students raise theirs goes the same for the
● We need food to eat. when they have an video. The teacher
There are many types answer. Listen and pay should already have
of food out there, but attention to what others the video ready.
healthier foods are have to say.
better. “What are
healthy foods you can
Draw food (Fruits/Veggies/etc)
● However, going out to
eat at a restaurant is
not a need but a want
because you need to
spend more than
necessary for food.
● Next, we need shelter
to live in. “Where do
you all live?”
● Some of you live in a
house, apartment, etc.
(Draw a house) As
long it is a place in
which you are able to
afford and not
overspend than you
actually need to.
● Last is clothes: What
clothes do we need?
● This includes shirts,
pants, shoes (Draw).
So we can stay warm
and protect from bugs.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
This becomes a want
when you spend on
clothing that is way
too expensive for you
to afford. Especially
clothing that cost over
100 or 1000 of dollars.

I would have a t-chart that is

already made. The left side
will be needed and the right
side will be wanted.

I would give students random

pictures cards. These pictures
would have an item that is
The teacher will give
either something that people
instructions to the
need or want. After giving
instructions about the
them the pictures, I will ask
activity. Will call each
them to look at their picture
student up and ask
and decode if their item is a
questions pertaining to
need or want for a couple of Teacher is going to
Guided Practice the picture that they
seconds. make a t-chart and
(identify receive whether it is a
picture cards before
students who need or want, how did
I would then call out students the instruction. The t-
failed to master they know or why.
up, one at a time to bring up chart may be be on
their card and place on which poster paper or
objectives.) Students will look at
side if their picture is a need or written on the board
their picture/item card
want. When students are up
and think if it's a need
there, these are the possible
or want. Will go up to
question I will or will may ask:
the board a place on
● Is your picture a need
side that best match
or want?
the item.
● Why?
● Do you need this to
If a student says something
wrong, I would ask them to
think again and look at the
anchor chart for help.

Independent Before sending students back Teachers will have

Practice to their seats. I explain the the worksheet
(reteaching and next activity or the worksheet already printed.
enrichment) that they will be doing by Teacher will already
themselves to have a chance provide pencils,
to demonstrate what they have scissors, and glue on
just learned. Students would the table for the
be identifying objects if they students. Thus,
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
are things I need or things I

You will be doing this

worksheet in which you will cut
out the pictures from the
bottom one by one. Then put
the picture on the correct side,
like if this item/picture is
something I need or
something that I want. You
may look at the anchor chart students will not need
for help. After gluing all of the any material or tools
pictures correctly, you may that they need to
color them. bring out.

Closure Students will be on the Teacher and student

I would relate back to the carpet. do not not need
focus. anything during this
Based on what you have just Teacher will portion.
learned about needs and
wants, can someone tell which
side is need and want?

Students will be on the carpet.

Go over what needs and
wants are:
- What are needs
(things we have to
have to live)
- What things do we
need to survive?
(Food, water, shelter,
- What about wants?
- What is an example of
a want
I will end it by saying: before
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
you buy something, you
should stop and think about
“Why do I need or want this
item?” “Do I need this t o

Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accomodations

If there are Special Ed students in my class, the teacher would have to provide
more time for the student to complete the work. When asking and answering
questions, the teacher would do the strategy called wait time. The teacher would
pause during questioning so the students have time to process the question and
give me the response. In addition, provide support when they have questions or
need help on assignment or activity.
For English Language Learners, I would provide them a list of all the vocabulary
with the definitions in english and their native language. Since English is not
their first language, I would give them extra time to let them read, think, and
answer a question. Another way is to let ELL pair up with someone else who
speaks the same language as them but also fluent in English as well. By doing
this the ELL are able to ask for help from their classmates to explain a word,
definition, or instruction in their native language. This will help students work
together and learn with one another. At the same time, I need to make sure the
student who they will be working with will be patient and understanding of the
ELL student situation rather than doing all of the work.
For students who are gifted and talented, I would give them sheets of paper or
writing paper. They would need to draw a picture of a want or a need. Along with
Gifted and
the picture I will provide them with a sentence that they need to fill in and finish.
For need it would be, I need ____ because ____. While for want it is, _____ is a
want because ___.

Potential Challenges/Plan B
If there is not a lot of time to do everything, what I could do is made pre-made anchor chart and just go
over what is on the chart with the students.

Students will get a Wants and Needs Chart and the picture cards. To assess their
understanding of wants and needs, have them sort and glue the pictures in the appropriate
column on the worksheet.

I will use formative assessment in which I would question students throughout the learning
process or instruction. To assess their understanding of wants and needs
When students are doing their independent practice, I will be walking around to see students
where they are placing their images. I would question if they think this is a need and want based
if they have the item to live. I In addition, ask then why they place this image on this side or give
me reason to support their decisions.

I would be walking around, and check students' worksheets for understanding.

UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
Make sure that they drew pictures in the correct sections, and challenge them to give a reason
for why something might be a need.

Notes and Credits

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