1-Power System Protection

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Power System Protection

Day 1
Course Sylabus
• Dr. Lionel R. Orama Exclusa, PE
[email protected]
– www.ece.uprm.edu/~lorama/INEL5415/
• Textbook:
– R. Mason, The Art & Science of Protective
Relaying, GE Publication, available at
• Evaluation:
– 5 Quizzes
– 1 Project, due July 2, 2007
Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 2
Philosophy of Protective Relaying
Readings-Mason Chapter 1
• Relay function
• What exactly is a relay?
• CT’s and PT’s
• Abnormal conditions-faults
• Desirable relay characteristics
• Zones of protection
– Primary and backup protection

Jan 18/2006 Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 3

Relay function
• Causes fast disconnection of equipment
from power system during abnormal
– Minimizes damage
– Minimizes effects on the system operation
– Maximizes power transfer

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 4

Relay function
• Power transfer (from C.R. Mason page 13)

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What exactly is a relay?
• Measuring device-receives a signal from
the Power System (PS) & determines if
the condition is abnormal
• Control device-for abnormal conditions, it
signals Circuit Breakers (CB) to
disconnect equipment
– It kind of “relays” a signal from the PS to the CB
– Relay & CB is a system protection team
– Fuses are simpler system

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 6

What exactly is a relay?

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What exactly is a CB?

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 8

What exactly is a relay?

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Current Transformers (CT’s)
• Device that produces
current proportional to
current in the power
system conductor
• Ideal CT has current of: I SYS
I CT =

• Rated ICT is aprox. 5A,

typically (called CT
secondary current)

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 10

Current Transformers (CT’s)
Common ratios

Current Turns
50:5 10
100:5 20
Polarity dot convention
200:5 40
400:5 80
600:5 120
1000:5 200
2000:5 400
Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 11
Potential Transformers (PT’s)
• Device that produces
voltage proportional to
voltage in the power
system bus
• Ideal PT has voltage of: N2

• Rated VPT is aprox. 120V,

typically (called PT
secondary voltage)

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 12

Relaying Diagram

Jan 20/2006 Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 13

Simple Contacts Diagram
• Short hand notation
for the trip circuit
• Control Relaying &
Diagram (CR&I)

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 14

Relay Contacts
• “a” Contact
– Open when relay that controls it is
not picked up, or when CB that
controls it is open
– Closed when relay that controls it is
picked up, or when CB that controls it
is closed
• “b” Contact
– Closed when relay that controls it is
not picked up, or when CB that
controls it is open
– Open when relay that controls it is
picked up, or when CB that controls it

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 15

• A relay is said to be picked
up when its:
– Its “a” contacts are closed
– Its “b” contacts are open

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 16

Faults (Short Circuits)
• Most common type of abnormal (undesired)
• Often undesired high currents flow IF>>IL
• Flow of current in a path not intended for it
• To interrupt IF, circuit must be opened
• Relays often set based on calculated IF

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 17

Faults (Short Circuits)
• Cause high current
– mechanical stress
• Cause high temperature arcs
– destroy equipment, cause fires
• Alter system voltage
• Cause system unbalance
• Block the flow of power
• Cause generator overspeed
– Instability, loss of synchronism

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 18

Fault Current Interruption

• No current flow when breakers open

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 19
Desirable Relay Characteristics
• Speed (time to make decision 1/60sec)
– Minimizes damage from current
– Maximizes power transfer and stability
• Security
– Relay should not cause CB to open during
normal conditions
• Dependability (reliability-confiabilidad)
– Relay should cause CB to open during
undesirable condition

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 20

Desirable Relay Characteristics
• Sensitivity
– Ability to detect all faults for the expected limiting
system and fault conditions
• Selectivity
– Ability to discriminate between faults internal and
external to its intended zone of protection

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 21

Primary & Backup Protection
• Relays, CB’s, CT’s
& PT’s located at
• Substation is a point
– Interconnection
– Switching
– Voltage

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 22

Primary & Backup Protection
• Every equipment should be protected by
at least two independent protection
• Equipment
– Lines, busses, transformers, generators
• Protection system
– Primary and backup

Jan 23/2006 Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 23

Primary Protection
• Primary
– To do it, zones are drawn on the system’s
one-line diagram
– Zones are defined by CT location and include
equipment & CB’s that isolate equipment

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 24

Primary Protection
• Primary protective zones
– CB’s located in connection to each PS
– Zones configured so the fault within the zone
causes all CB’s in the zone to open
– CB’s open simultaneously & instantaneously
(no intentional delay)
– If primary zone is successful, minimum effect
on the system (power transfer ability)

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 25

Primary Protection
• Primary
protective zones
– Zones defined
by the CT’s
located in the
bushings of the
– Zones overlap
to avoid
areas and CB
failure Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 26
Primary & Backup Protection
Causes of Relaying Failure
• CT’s and circuits
• PT’s and circuits
• Loss of DC supply
– Short circuit
– Open circuit
• Failure of auxiliary switches
• Relay failure
Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 27
Primary & Backup Protection
Causes of CB failure
• Loss of DC supply
• Open trip coil
• Short circuit trip coil
• Mechanical failure
• Failure of main contacts

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 28

Backup Protection
• Provided in case of:
– Primary relaying failure
– Circuit breaker failure
• Ideally primary & backup must be independent
– Relay, CB’s, CT’s, PT’s
– However, duplicity of CB’s is not practical & causes other
• Backup is slower than primary
• Opens more CB’s than necessary to clear a fault
• Provides primary protection when primary
equipment is out of service

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 29

Backup Protection
Types of backup protection
• Remote backup
– Clears fault one substation away from where
the failure has occured
• Local backup
– Clears fault in the same substation where the
fault has occured

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 30

Remote Backup

• CB’s P and O opens

• CB M stay closed
• Then B, C and I has to open
• Load is lost in this case
Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 31
Remote Backup
• Trips more system than necessary to
clear the fault
• Long backup times from 50-60 cycles
(0.8-1.0 sec)
• Difficult to set remote relays
• Initially, more economical
• In the long run is more expensive

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 32

Local Backup
• Primary relay
operates &
energizes timer
• If CB relays
remain picked up
& timer times out
– Opens all CB’s on
the bus (trips all

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 33

Local Backup

• J opens
• H closed
• G and I opens
• Load is operating
Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 34
Local Backup

• P and O open
• M closed
• L and I opens
• L trips locally
• I tripped by
communicated signal
(Transfer Trip)
• A special kind of
backup keeps Z
Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 35
Local Backup
When a CB does not work:
• Trips least amount of system in clearing a
• Fastest backup times are 9-20 cycles
(0.15-0.33 sec)
• Simple relay settings
• Initially has a higher cost

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 36

Remote vs. Local Backup

• Remote

• Local

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 37

Remote vs. Local Backup

• Remote

• Local

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 38

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