Power Switching Devices

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Power Semiconductor Switching

Classification of power semiconductor switches
• Power devices is divided into terms of their number of terminals:
– The two-terminal devices (diodes) whose state is completely dependent on the external power circuit
they are connected to.
– The three-terminal devices, whose state is not only dependent on their external power circuit,but
also on the signal on their driving terminal (gate or base).
• A second classification has to do with the type ofcharge carriers they use:
– Some devices are majority carrier devices (Schottky diode, MOSFET,JFET)- use only one type of
charge carriers (i.e., either electrons or holes)
– Others are minority carrier devices (p-n diode, Thyristor, BJT,IGBT) - use both charge carriers (i.e.
electrons and holes).
• A third classification is based on the degree of controllability: uncontrollableswitches
(diodes), semi-controllable switches (thyristors), and fully-controllable switches (BJT,
Brief History
• Power semiconductor devices first appeared in 1952 with the
introduction of the powerdiode.
• The thyristor appeared in 1957. Thyristors are able to withstand very
high reverse breakdown voltage and are also capable of carrying high
current. One disadvantage of the thyristor for switching circuits is that
once it is 'latched-on' in the conducting state it cannot be turned off
by external control.
• The first bipolar transistors devices with substantial power handling
capabilities were introduced in the 1960s. These components
overcame some limitations of the thyristors because they can be
turned on or off with a control signal.
• With the improvements of the Metal Oxide Semiconductor
technology, power MOSFETs became available in the late 1970s.These
devices allow operation at higher frequency than bipolar transistors,
but are limited to the low voltage applications.
• The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) developed in the 1980s
became widely available in the 1990s. This component has the power
handling capability of the bipolar transistor, with the advantages of the
isolated gate drive of the powerMOSFET.
Ideal Switch
Practical Switch
Switching Trajectory
Power Diode
• An ideal diode should have the following characteristics:
– When forward-biased, the voltage across the end terminals of the
diode should be zero, whatever the current that flows through ;
– When reverse-biased, the leakage current should be zero,whatever
the voltage .
– The transition between on and off states should beinstantaneous.
• The symbol and i-v curve of an ideal diode are shownbelow.
Practical Power Diode
• Static Parameters
– Forward voltage VF(threshold + linear incr.)
– Reverse current IR
– Reverse breakdown voltage VB
– Forward current IF (avg. andsurge)
• Dynamic Parameters
– Forward recovery time tfr
– Reverse recovery time trr
– Peak reverse recovery current IRR
– Diode capacitance CD
– Rate of voltage and current: di/dt, dv/dt
– Transient thermal resistance (high frequency)

Approximate relation between storage Qrr, t rr and IRR

1 di
Qrr  t rr I rr , t rr  I rr
2 dt
t rr  , I rr  2Qrr (di /dt)
di /dt
Diode protection
• Snubber circuits are essential for diodes used
in switching circuits as they can save a diode
from overvoltage spikes, which may arise
during the reverse recovery process. A
common snubber circuit consists of a seriesRC
connected in parallel withthe diode.

• Series/parallel connections: necessary in high

voltage and high current applications.
Matching diode in terms of their reverse
recovery properties is important in order to
avoid large voltage imbalances between the
diodes. A parallel RCsnubber in parallel with
each diode overcomes most of these
Diode Ratings
• Voltage ratings: One is the repetitive peak inverse voltage
(VRRM ), the other is the non-repetitive peak inversevoltage
(VRM), i.e., the diodes capability to block a reverse voltage
that may occur occasionally due to a overvoltagesurge.
• Current ratings: Power diodes are mounted on a heat sink
which dissipates the heat arising due to continuous
conduction. Hence, current ratings are estimated based on
temperature rise considerations. The datasheet of a diode
normally specifies three different current ratings: average,
rms, and peak currents.
Typical Diode Applications

• Rectifier

• Voltage clamping

• Voltage multiplier
Thyristor (SCR)
• A thyristor is a semi-controlled, three-terminal device with four layers
of semiconductor material.
• Thyristors have three states:
– Reverse blocking mode —Voltage is applied in the direction that would be blocked by adiode
– Forward blocking mode —Voltage is applied in the direction that would cause a diode to
conduct, but the thyristor has not yet been triggered into conduction
– Forward conducting mode —The thyristor has been triggered into conduction and will
remain conducting until the forward current drops below a threshold value knownas the
"holding current"
Static Parameters of a Thyristor
• With zero gate current and positive VAK, the forward
characteristic in the off- or blocking-state is determined
by the center junction J2, which is reverse biased.
• At operating point “1” very little current flows.
However, if the applied voltage exceeds the forward-
blocking voltage, the thyristor switches to its on- or
conducting-state (shown as operating point “2”).
• The effect of gate current is to lower the blocking
voltage at which switching takes place. The thyristor
moves rapidly along the negatively- sloped portion of
the curve until it reaches a stable operating point
determined by the external circuit (point “2”).
• The minimum anode current that will cause the device
to remain in forward- conduction as it switches from
forward-blocking is called the latching current IL.
• The minimum value of anode current necessary to
keep the device in forward-conduction after it has been
operating at a high anode current value is called the
holding current IH .
• The reverse thyristor characteristic (quadrant III) is
determined by the outer two junctions (J1 and J3),
which are reverse biased in this operating mode.
Thyristor Parameters (Static & Dynamic)
Thyristor Protection and Gate Drive Circuits
• Snubber circuits are needed to protect athyristor,
from a large di/dt (top elements) during turn-on
and a large dv/dt (bottom elements) during turn-
• Gating, triggering or firing the thyristor involves
injecting a current pulse into its gate.Restrictions
on the maximum peak and duration of the gate
pulse current apply.
• Controlled AC-DCConverters.

• Utility HVDCSystems.

• Motor Controls.

• Static VARControls.
Types of Thyristors
• Development efforts: continued
integration of the gating and control
electronics into thyristor modules,
and the use of MOS-technology to
create gate structures integrated into
the thyristor itself.
– SCR(or thyristor)
– IGCT(modified GTOstructure)
– MOS-controlled thyristor
– Static induction thyristor
– Optically triggered thyristors
– Bidirectional thyristors ( or triac)
• A Tirac belongs to the thyristor (or SCR) family. However, unlike
SCRs,which are unidirectional devices (i.e., can conduct current
only in one direction), a Triac is bidirectional and so current can
flow through them in either direction.
• Another difference from SCRsis that TRIACs can be triggered by
either a positive or a negative current applied to its gate
electrode, whereas SCRscan be triggered only by currents
going into the gate
• Once triggered, the device continues to conduct untilthe
current drops below the “holding current”.

Light Dimmer Circuit

Assignment 2: Light Dimmer

In the previous slide, the amount of power delivered to the incandescent

light bulb is controlled by adjusting the firing angle through the variable
resistor. Assume the controllable switch is ideal and without filtering, the
lamp resistance is 120 Ohms, and the source voltage is 120 V (rms) with
a frequency of 60 Hz. Determine the following (using any tool you wish)
for a firing angle of 60 degrees.
1. Average (active) power supplied by source P = …………….W
2. RMS value of current = ……………A
3. RMS value of fundamental current = ……………..A
4. Phase angle of fundamental current = ………. deg
5. RMS Value of distortion current = …………………A
6. Apparent power S = …………………..VA
7. Non-active power = …………
Simple SCRcircuit
• For successful turn-off, reverse voltage required for an interval tq
greater than the turn-off intervaltrr.

Gate Turn-Off Thyristor (GTO)
• A gate turn-off thyristor (GTO) is a special type of thyristor.
GTOs, are fully controllable switches which can be turned on
and off by switching the polarity of the gate signal.
– Turn on is accomplished by a "positive current" pulse betweenthe
gate and cathode terminals.
– Turn off is accomplished by a "negative current" pulse between the
gate and cathode terminals. The negative current required is higher
than the positivecurrent.
• GTOsare used at very high power levels, and they require
elaborate gate control circuitry .
• The structure of a GTOconsists of a four-layer-PNPN
semiconductor device (similar to a thyristor). The main difference
is that the GTOhas long narrow emitter fingers surrounded bygate
electrodes, and higher concentration of impurities.
– The turn-on mode is similar to a standard thyristor, but the gate
current must remain continuous.
– In order to turn-off a GTO, the gate is reversed biased with respect to
the cathode , which eventually reverse biases the gate cathode
Example of I-V Characteristic of 4 kA, 4.5 KV GTO
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
• A BJTis a current-controlled switch that can be considered as
two diodes with a sharedanode.
• A sufficiently large base current results in the device fully on(iB
> IC/hFE, where hFEis the dc current gain).
• The base current must be supplied continuously to keepthe
switch turned on.
• Used commonly in the past (now used in specificapplications).
BJTsare being replaced by MOSFETsandIGBTs.
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
• A MOSFET is a voltage-controlled device - easy to control. It uses an electric
field to control the conductivity of a channel of majority-charge-carriers in the
semiconductor material.
• MOSFETS have gate, drain, and source terminals that correspond roughly
to the base, collector, and emitter of BJTs. MOSFETs also have a fourth
terminal called the body, base, or substrate.
• It is the fastest power switching device with switching frequency more than 1
MHz, with voltage power ratings up to 1 kV and current rating as high as 300
• On-state requires continuous application of gate-source voltage of
appropriate magnitude.
I-V Curves of MOSFET
Note: Like BJTs,MOSFETSare not capable of withstanding reversevoltage.
• Advantages over MOSFET, BJTandGTO:
– Similar to the MOSFET,the IGBT has a high impedance gate,
thus requires only a small amount of energy to switch the
– Like the BJT,the IGBThas a small on-state voltage.
– Similar to the GTO, IGBTcan be designed to block negative

IGBT-Module with a rated current of 1.2

kA and a maximum voltage of 3.3 kV
• The MCT is a power switch with a MOS gate for turn- on and turn-off. It
is derived from a thyristor by adding the features ofa MOSFET.
• It is basically a thyristor with two MOSFETsbuilt into the gate
structure. One MOSFETis used for turning on the MCT and the
other for turning off the device.
• In an MCT, anode is the reference with respect to which the gate
signal is applied. In a conventional SCR, cathode is the reference
terminal for the gatesignal.
Advantages of MCT
• The MCT has a low forward drop and a higher current
density which are required for high-powerapplications.
• The MCT has a MOS gate similar to a power MOSFETor an
IGBTand hence it is easy to control.
Summary of Switching Device Capabilities
(in terms of voltage, current and frequency)

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