Methods in Flea Research
Methods in Flea Research
Methods in Flea Research
David M. Bland*, Lisa D. Brown*, Clayton O. Jarrett, B. Joseph Hinnebusch, and Kevin
R. Macaluso.
*Authors contributed equally
Methods in Flea Research is part of a comprehensive collection of new rearing and handling
protocols for vector species of importance to human health was borne out of the Vector
Biology Research Resources Workshop held in June 2015 at the National Institutes of Health
with the generous support by BEI Resources. This effort was inspired by the BEI manual,
Methods in Anopheles Research, started by Mark Benedict and widely expanded by Paul
Howell, which has become the gold standard of mosquito rearing and manipulation protocols.
It continues to be the go‐to resource for laboratory‐based scientists conducting basic research
and public health entomologists from malaria endemic countries alike.
We would like to thank David Bland, Paul Howell, Michael Levin, Kevin Macaluso, Claudio
Meneses, Tobin Rowland, Saravanan Thangamani, and Margaret (Peggy) Wirth, for sharing
their techniques and expertise, and for putting together these protocols.
These protocols are intended as living, breathing documents with ample room for improvement
based on a specific lab's capacity and infrastructure. They are intended as guidelines only,
especially with regards to research involving vertebrate animals or biohazards, and arthropod
containment, which require institutional approval tailored to individual laboratories.
We hope that the community can benefit significantly from the generation of this
comprehensive set of new protocols and stimulate new work in vector biology and vector‐
borne diseases.
To provide feedback on this or any of the vector resources protocols, please send an email to
[email protected].
Kristin Michel ([email protected], Kansas State University) and Lyric Bartholomay
([email protected], University of Wisconsin‐Madison)
BEI Resources is funded under contract HHSN272201000027C by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services. The views expressed in this publication neither imply
review nor endorsement by HHS, nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement
by the U.S. Government.
Table of Contents
6. Insert the tip of the vinyl tubing into the flea port located on the side of the capsule
(where screw is inserted).
7. While holding the stopper and vinyl
tubing in place with the wrist and
fingers of one hand, use the opposite
hand to direct the suctioning end of
the tube towards fleas contained
within the flea basin. Fleas can be
concentrated at one edge of the basin
by tilting the entire container at a 60°
8. Once finished, turn off the vacuum,
ensure no fleas are stuck in the
Capsule Vacuum System
collection tubing, remove the stopper,
and return the screw to the flea port
on the capsule.
Flea Disposal
Freeze fleas contained within a sealed container in order to euthanize them. Dispose of
fleas in a biohazard waste bin prior to autoclaving.
Eggs are white and ovular in shape. X. cheopis females produce hundreds of eggs in
their lifetime and about 2-6 per day. Eggs hatch within a few days of being laid if
conditions are favorable.
Flea larvae are legless, eyeless, and worm-like in appearance. Larvae are translucent
white under a light microscope. Upon emergence, larva will wander in search of food
which can consist of dried blood, feces from the parents, or other organic detritus (Bacot
1914). Depending on the species, larvae may cannibalize one another. Larvae are
negatively phototactic and will burrow into the medium of the colony when the jar is
removed from the rearing chamber. Larvae go through 3 instars, only distinguishable by
their increasing size. The larval life stage is particularly susceptible to desiccation,
making humidity control critical for flea development.
Pull a tablespoon of larval medium from the base of a colony, remove the adult fleas,
and examine the medium under a dissection microscope. Multiple larvae should be
present in a given tablespoon.
Make sure the larval medium isn’t becoming wet. Depending on the humidity control
method, the ceiling and/or sides of your incubator may collect condensation.
Condensation can drip into the colony, promoting the growth of detrimental microbes
in the flea medium.
Examine larval medium for proper color and odor. A color change in the medium
accompanied by unexpected odors may indicate that it has become contaminated.
Examine the medium for the presence of mites. Mites can be very small and may go
unnoticed until they become pervasive. They may outcompete flea larvae for
resources or directly parasitize them. Colonies should be restarted and the medium
should be disposed of in an appropriate manner. Your incubator should be
decontaminated and allowed to dry out. Fleas can be given a “shower” with tap
water in order to remove any mites or mite eggs that may cling to the adult fleas.
Immobilize the fleas on ice, place them in-between 2 sieves such that the fleas will
not wash away, and liberally run cool water over the surface of the fleas for 2-5
minutes. This will not injure the fleas but should remove the mites. Restart the
Chapter 2: Laboratory Bionomics of the Flea
2.2 Colony Quality Control
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colonies when you have ensured that you have eliminated the potential for mite
reintroduction. Repeat process as needed.
Contamination of larval-rearing containers by psocids is common. This can be
delayed by sterilizing the medium before use, keeping the humidity of the rearing
environment to a minimum (approximately 75% relative humidity), and using the
medium for a limited time (i.e., one larval generation)
Grind up and plate adult fleas on blood agar plates. Bacterial contaminants such as
Proteus mirabilis can colonize fleas and affect the overall health of the flea colony.
The most common fix for any problem with the colony is to collect adult fleas,
completely remove the old medium, disinfect the jar and/or incubator, and restart the
colony using fresh medium. It is possible to feed fleas a blood meal containing
antibiotics, however you may also eliminate beneficial or influential commensal
microorganisms during the process. Ideally, your colony is given enough time to clear
any detrimental infections naturally.
2. Remove the stand that the feeding apparatus rests on from the basin
3. While applying moderate pressure to the top of the feeding apparatus with one hand,
detach the feeding apparatus from the flea capsule by removing the tape with the
opposite hand.
4. Inspect the tape for fleas. Occasionally, if the feeder and capsule are slightly
misaligned, fleas will be able to escape around the edges of the capsule and get stuck
on the tape. Avoid this if possible. Recovery of fleas from the tape using forceps will
potentially injure the fleas.
5. Lift the feeding apparatus from the capsule and let it hang down into the flea basin,
suspended by the vinyl tubing resting on the edges of the basin.
6. Carefully turn the feeding apparatus at a 45-60° downward angle so the membrane
surface and fleas are visible.
7. Gently blow on the membrane surface, taking care to keep the membrane angled
downward (at least a foot away from your body) and safely within the flea basin, causing
the majority of the fleas to detach from the surface of the membrane. The remaining
fleas can be removed from the membrane using a coarse brush or forceps.
9. Once you are sure the basin and feeding apparatus are flea-free, place the feeder
unit into a container with a red biohazard bag (such that it can be suspended hands-
free), detach the vinyl tubing from the hose-connectors, cut the rubber bands using
scissors, and remove the membrane using forceps. Ensure all biological material is
placed into the biohazard bag.
O. montana
Pronotal comb present, genal comb absent
C. felis
Genal and pronotal combs present (genal comb of 5 or more spines, positioned
horizontal, and spines pointed)
Eyes present
Head length twice the height, spines I and II of genal comb approximately equal
in length
Female (Left) and male (Right) Oropsylla montana fleas
Female (Left) and male (Right) Xenopsylla cheopis fleas
Typically larger in size and take larger blood meals than males.
Sensilium (a.k.a. the pygidium), located on the posterior portion of the abdomen,
is oriented at a 60-80° angle relative to the dorsal portion of the flea.
No spermatheca, the male genitalia is coiled in the posterior part of the abdomen
and has a curlicue shape.
Sensilium is oriented at a 10-30° angle relative to the dorsal part of the flea.
Dissected X. cheopis With Labeled Anatomy (Left) Flea Salivary Glands and Midgut (Right)
1. Remove the desired number of fleas from a colony 5-6 days prior to infection and
place them in a one-gallon jar with sawdust. Prestarving the fleas for 5-6 days prior
to the infection will ensure high feeding success rates. It is recommended to starve
nearly twice as many fleas as you actually need for your experimental and control
populations. Typical feeding rates range from 80-95%. However, on occasion, only
50-60% of fleas will feed.
2. On the day of the infection, prepare the artificial rodent-membrane feeding apparatus
(see Chapter 2.3 for details).
4. Allow the fleas to feed for one hour, then carefully disassemble the feeding apparatus
(see Chapter 2.3 for details).
5. Remove an aliquot of the infectious blood meal and plate serial dilutions in order to
determine the bacterial concentration in the feeder.
6. Fleas should be screened for signs of feeding (see Chapter 2.3 for details) and all
fleas that did not take a blood meal or unhealthy looking fleas should be removed
from the experimental population.
7. Place 10-20 fleas that fed in a 1.5 ml tube and store them in a -80°C freezer so that
the bacterial load per flea and infection rate can be calculated at a later date (see
8. Place fleas that took an infectious blood meal in one or more capsules (see Chapter
1.3 for details). Storing more than 150 fleas in a single capsule is not recommended.
Chapter 4: Flea Infection Models
4.2 Infecting Fleas with Yersinia pestis
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Typically, we place around 50 male and 50 female fleas in one capsule to monitor for
development of blockage and for mortality, and a second capsule of 20 female fleas that
is collected and stored at -80° C 7 days after infection for infection rate and bacterial
load determination (see below).
9. Store the capsule at 75% relative humidity with limited air movement. We achieve this
by placing the capsules in a closed desiccator jar over a saturated solution of sodium
chloride at the bottom of the jar. The entire jar is then placed in an incubator, typically
maintained at 20-22°C, a temperature at which Y. pestis will form biofilm and cause
proventricular blockage in fleas.
10. It is recommended that on the same day, a second group of fleas from the same
cohort be allowed to feed on sterile blood to serve as uninfected controls. Control
fleas (~50 males and 50 females) that took a sterile blood meal are placed in a
capsule and maintained identically to the infected fleas and are monitored for
mortality. Healthy fleas should have a mortality rate of <10% after 4 weeks.
1. Remove the rubber bands from the membrane feeder.
2. Suspend the feeder above a biohazard bag and detach the membrane from the
feeder using forceps.
3. Discard the membrane and infectious blood meal in the biohazard bag.
4. Wipe the majority of blood from the feeder with a paper towel and discard in
autoclave bag.
5. Submerge feeder in 1.5% Contrex solution (Decon Labs, Inc.) and let sit overnight to
clean and disinfect the feeder.
6. Rinse the chamber with distilled water and let dry.
7. Allow dirty capsules to soak overnight in a 1.5% Contrex solution
8. Rinse three times in distilled water and then air-dry
Maintaining Infected Fleas and Monitoring Blockage and Mortality
Experimental fleas are provided maintenance feedings twice a week for four weeks,
beginning 2-3 days after the infectious blood meal. For each of these maintenance
1. Empty the capsule of fleas into the high-walled container. Remove any dead fleas,
record sex and number, and discard in a container of disinfectant solution.
No fresh blood in the midgut. Only patchy, dark remains of previous blood meals
are present in the midgut, and the outline of the midgut is irregular.
Chapter 4: Flea Infection Models
4.2 Infecting Fleas with Yersinia pestis
Page 5 of 10
Often, evidence of dehydration, causing the abdomen and thorax to contract and
the tergites to telescope together and push the proventriculus closer to the head.
Completely blocked fleas usually die within a few days from starvation.
Evidence of fresh blood in the midgut as well as in the esophagus. A fresh blood
meal may rapidly turn dark and not appear bright red, but the midgut will appear
distended with a regular, continuous border. Alternatively, a small stream of
blood may be seen to have passed through a small-bored opening in a nearly-
blocked proventriculus.
A partially blocked flea will often not appear to be suffering from
dehydration/starvation or only mildly so
Examples of partially blocked fleas photographed soon after feeding, with
evidence of fresh blood in both the midgut and the esophagus
Examples of blocked X. cheopis and O. montana fleas photographed soon
after they attempted to feed. Arrows point to the fresh red blood in the
esophagus that was unable to enter the midgut
Low and high magnification photomicrographs of digestive tracts dissected
from two X. cheopis fleas blocked with GFP+ Y. pestis. In both fleas, a dense
GFP+ bacterial biofilm completely fills the proventriculus and extends back
into the midgut.
Bacot, A. 1914. 'LXIX. A study of the bionomics of the common rat fleas and other
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Burroughs, A.L. 1953. 'Sylvatic plague studies. X. Survival of rodent fleas in the
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Cole, M.M., D.L. VanNatta, W. Ellerbe, and F. Washington. 1972. 'Rearing the Oriental
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Deoras, P. J., and R. S. Prasad. 1967. 'Feeding mechanism of Indian fleas X. cheopis
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Furman, D. P., and E.P. Catts. 1982. Manual of Medical Entomology (Cambridge
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Gage, K. L. 2005. 'Fleas, the Siphonaptera.' in W.C. Marquardt (ed.), The Biology of
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infestations on lymphocyte proliferation, cytokine production, and adhesion-
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Sharif, M. 1949. 'Effects of Constant Temperature and Humidity on the Development of
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fleas, Ctenocephalides felis Bouche (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae)', J Med Entomol,
25: 186-90.
Additional Resources
1. Bacot AW & Martin CJ (1924) The respective influences of temperature and
moisture upon survival of the rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis) away from its host. J.
Hyg. 23:98-105.
2. Bar-Zeev M & Sternberg S (1962) Factors affecting the feeding of fleas
(Xenopsylla cheopis Rothsch.) through a membrane. Ent. Exp. Appl. 5:60-68.
3. Bruce WN (1948) Studies on the biological requirements of the cat flea. Ann.
Entomol. Soc. Amer. 61:346-352.
4. Cavanaugh DC, Stark HE, Marshall J, J.D., & Rust J, J.H. (1972) A simple
method for rearing fleas for insecticide testing in the field. J. Med. Entomol.
5. Galun R (1966) Feeding stimulants of the rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis Roth. Life
Sciences 5:1334-1342.
6. Geetha Devi S & Prasad RS (1985) Phagostimulants in artificial feeding systems
of rat fleas Xenopsylla cheopis and X. astia. Proc. Indian Natn. Sci. Acad.
7. Hudson BW (1958) Culture methods for the fleas Pulex irritans (L.) and Pulex
simulans (Baker). Bull. World Health Org. 19:1129-1133.
8. Indian Plague Research Commission (1908) Observations on the bionomics of
fleas with special reference to P. cheopis. J. Hyg. 8:236-259.
9. Kartman L (1954) Studies on Pasteurella pestis in fleas. I. An apparatus for the
experimental feeding of fleas. Exp. Parasitol. 3:525-537.
10. Krishnamurthy BS (1966) Rat fleas. In: Insect Colonization and Mass Production,
ed Smith CN (Academic Press, NY).
11. Leeson HS (1932) The effect of temperature and humidity upon the survival of
certain unfed rat fleas. Parasitology 24:196-209.
12. Leeson HS (1936) Further experiments upon the longevity of Xenopsylla cheopis
Roths. (Siphonaptera). Parasitology 28:403-409.
13. Linduska JP & Cochran JH (1946) A laboratory method of flea culture. J. Econ.
Entomol. 39:544-555.
14. Margalit J & Shulov AS (1972) Effect of temperature on the development of
prepupa and pupa of the rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis Rothschild. J. Med.
Entomol. 9:117-125.
15. Mellanby K (1933) The influence of temperature and humidity on pupation of
Xenopsylla cheopis. Bull. Entomol. Res. 24:197-202.
16. Mitzmain MB (1910) General observations on the bionomics of the rodent and
human fleas. Publ. Hlth. Bull. 38:1-34.
17. Pullen SR & Meola RW (1995) Survival and reproduction of the cat flea
(Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) fed human blood on an artificial membrane system. J.
Med. Entomol. 32:467-470.
18. Pullen SR & Meola RW (1996) Use of an artificial membrane system for feeding
the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis). Lab Animal:39-40.
19. Rust MK & Dryden MW (1997) The biology, ecology, and management of the cat
flea. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 42:451-473.
20. Rutledge LC, Lawson MS, Young LL, & Moussa MA (1979) Rearing Diamanus
montanus (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae) and Hoplopsyllus anomalus
(Siponapter: Pulicidae). J. Med. Entomol. 15:304.
21. Sharif M (1937) On the life history and the biology of the rat-flea, Nosopsylus
fasciatus (Bosc.). Parasitology 29:225-238.
22. Sharif M (1948) Nutritional requirements of flea larvae, and their bearing on the
specific distribution and host preferences of the three Indian species of
Xenopsylla (Siphonaptera). Parasitology 38:253-263.
23. Sikes EK (1931) Notes on breeding fleas, with reference to humidity and feeding.
Parasitology 23:243-249.
24. Silverman J, Rust MK, & Reierson DA (1981) Influence of temperature and
humidity on survival and development of the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis
(Siphonaptera: Pulicidae). J. Med. Entomol. 18:78-83.
25. Vaughan JA & Coombs ME (1979) Laboratory breeding of the European rabbit
flea, Spilopsyllus cuniculi (Dale). J. Hyg. 83:521-530.
26. Wheeler CM, Suyemoto W, Cavanaugh DC, Shimada T, & Yamakawa Y (1956)
Studies on Pasteurella pestis in various flea species. II. Simplified method for the
experimental infection of fleas. J. Inf. Dis. 98:107-111.
27. Yinon U, Shulov AS, & Margalit J (1967) The hygroreaction of the larvae of the
Oriental rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis Rothsch. (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae).
Parasitology 57:315-319.