1.1 About The Study Employee Welfare Measures - Concept

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“Welfare is a broad concept referring to a state of living of an individual or a group, in a
desirable relationship with the total environment, ecological, economic, and social welfareincludes
both the social and economic contents.
The industrial progress depends on a satisfied labor force, and the importance ofemployee welfare
measures. After the placement of the employees, they should be given proper
training and programmers’ to develop their efficiency so as t
o serve the organizations better. Welfare facilities are designed to take care of the well
 being of the employees. They donot generally result only in monetary benefit. These welfare
measures are provided bygovernment Non
 Government agencies and the employers.
The Oxford Dictionary defines employee Welfare as ‘Efforts to make life worth livingfor workmen’.
The concept of ‘Labor welfare’ us flexible elastic and differs widely with time
region, industry social valu
es, customers’ degree of industrialization, the general socio – 
 development of the people and the political ideologies prevailing at a particular moments.
The International Employee Organization defined Employee Welfare as such services,facilities and
amenities as may be established in or in the vicinity of undertakings to enable the persons employed
in them to perform their work in healthy, congenial surroundings and provided
with amenities conducive to good health and high morale”.
The Encyclopedia of
Social Science defines Employee Welfare as “The voluntary efforts
of the employers to establish, within the existing industrial system, working and sometimes,living and
cultural conditions of the employees beyond what is required by law, the custom ofthe
country and the conditions of the market”.
Labor welfare work aims at providing, such service facilities and amenities which enablethe
employees employed in industries / factories to perform their work in a healthy, congenialsurrounding
conducive to good health and morale.
Employee welfare aspects can be considered into negative and positive aspects. IN thenegative side,
employee welfare is concerned with counteracting the harmful effects of the largescale
industrialization on the personal, family and social life of the worker. In its positive side,

it deals with the provision of opportunities for the worker and his family for a socially and personally
good life.
Types of employee Welfare Services
Employee welfare services can be classified into two
Activities consists of such welfare schemes provided within the factories as medicalfacilities,
compensation for accidents, provision of crèches and canteens, supply of drinkingwater, washing and
bathing facilities, provision of safety measures such as fencing and coveringof machines, good layout
of the machinery and plant, sufficient lighting, first aid appliances, fireextinguishers; activities
relating to improving conditions of employment, recruitment, disciplineand provision of provident
fund, pension and gratuity, and maternity benefits etc

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