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Clinical Profile of Cyclocryotherapy Patients in Yap Eye Hospital

Anik Ika Winarni, Retno Ekantini

Department of Ophthalmology,
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada

Cyclocryotherapy (CCT) is cyclodestructive procedure involves freezing the ciliary processes from an
external approach. The main purpose of CCT is to treat uncontrolled or refractory glaucoma. It also
used to reduce ocular pain in some patients with end stage glaucoma.

To analize clinical conditions of patients who underwent cyclocryotherapy.
Retrospective review of medical records of patients who underwent cyclocryotherapy at Dr. YAP
Hospital in Yogyakarta.

Data regarding demographic and clinical features of patients who underwent CCT from January 2016
until January 2017. Data including diagnosis, visual acuity, gender, age, IOP, VAS, cornea condition,
and numbers of medications.

This study observed 34 patients who had undergone CCT that consist of 19 males(55,88%) and 15
females(44,12%) with average age 60,4 years old. The most cause of CCT was pain with VAS ≥3 in
56% eyes and N++ IOP in 24eyes(75%), N+ IOP in 9eyes(26%). The diagnosis were PACG absolute
stage in 41 %, NVG absolute stage in 32%. Duration between diagnosis and CCT were ≤3months in
24% patients, 4-6 months: 18%, 7-12 months: 12%, and >1 year: 32%. Visual acuity before CCT
were NLP in 75% patients, LP (3%), HM (9%), 1/60 (3%). The conditions of cornea before CCT were
edema 33% and 38% still clear. The using 3 of antiglaucoma medications was in 9%, 2 antiglaucoma
in 59%, and 18% only use 1 antiglaucoma medication.
The cause of underwent CCT is pain. The most common diagnosis was PACG absolute stage. Most of
them have visual acuity no light perseption with various condition of the cornea.

Key words

Cyclocryotherapy, glaucoma, IOP, ocular pain

Introduction elements of the cilliary proccesses, resulting in

decreased aquos production.1
Cyclocryotherapy was first described
by Bietti and endorsed many years later by de The procedure in performed with a
Rotth as a highly succesfull way to reduce nitrous oxide cryotherapy unit using a
IOP.5 Cyclocryotherapy lowers the IOP by cryoprobe with a 2,5 mm tip. The tip is placed
destroying the epithelial and capillary 1,0-1,5 mm from the cornea limbus with three
or four adjacent applications made in each diagnosis of glaucoma. From the standpoint of
quadrant. When the cryoprobe reaches -800C, the management of individual patients, the
treatment is then timed for 45 to 60 seconds. significance of this is that the dignosis of
Usually 180-270 degrees of circumferenceis glaucoma must be based primary on the
treated.5 examination of the optic discs and retina nerve
fiber layer and the evaluation of visual
With each application an iceball forms function.4
at the end of the cryoprobe and this extends
into the ciliary body to produce cell death. The Intraocular pressure varies with a
rapid freeze produces intracellular ice crystals, number of factors, including the time of day,
and a slow thaw leads to formation of yet hearbeat, respiration, exercise, fluid intake,
larger crystals that are highly destructive o the systemic medications, and topical
cell. A second and later mechanism in a medications.2
sumperimposed hemorrhagic infarction that
results from obliteration of the METHODS
microcirculation within the frozen tissue and This study is design as a descriptive
produces ischemic necrosis.5 study. Data regarding demographic and
Possible complications of clinical features of patients who underwent
cyclocryotherapy include severe pain, increase cyclocryotherapy from January 2016 until
of IOP, hyphema (common in eyes with January 2017. Data was taken from medical
neovascular glaucoma), visual loss (‘wiping record including diagnosis, visual acuity,
out’ fixation in patient with advanced optic gender, age, IOP, VAS, cornea condition, and
nerve damaged), choroidal detachment, retinal numbers of medications used. Case records
detachment, chronic hypotony, cystoid were available 34 eyes of 34 people.
macular edema, anterior segment necrosis, Cyclocryoterapy was done by different
vitreous hemorrhage, aquous misdirection, operator with different tehnique. A full
cataract, lens subluxation, and ptisis bulbi.1 description of the operation was not available
Cyclocryotherapy affords good pain for all cases, but the typical parameter
relief, without good pressure control, in tehnique were 60 second single freeze in 4-8
various type of glaucoma. While there is an applications covering 1200 until 3600 of the
apparent high complication rate, visual loss ciliary body.
and phthisis cannot be ascribed direcly to the The patients received post operative
procedure, since there are eyes with a poor medications include analgetic, topical
prognosis. It should be borne in mind that antibiotic and corticosteroid and glaucoma
prevention of rubeotic glaucoma is paramount, medication was continued as necessary. After
and that there are very favourable repots for the patient had underwent CCT, intraocular
the use of photocoagulation combined with pressure, pain scale that describe as visual
modified filtration surgery for neovascular analog scale (VAS), condition of cornea,
glaucoma.3 medication used, and complications were
Glaucoma represents a group of recorded
diseases defined by characteristic optic RESULTS
neuropathy that is consistent with excavation
and undermining of the neural and connective There were 34 eyes of 34 patients
tissue elements of the optic disk and by the evaluated. They consist of 19 males (55,88%)
eventual development of the distinctive and 15 females (44,12%) with average age
patterns of visual dysfunction. Although 60,4 years old. Most of them had suffer from
elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) is one of glaucoma more than 1 year. Subject
the primary risk factors, its presence or demographics are reported in Table 1. Fifteen
absence does not have a role in the definition eyes had angle closure glaucoma, eleven eyes
of the disease.2 had neovasclar glaucoma, three eyes had
secondary glaucoma, one eyes had open angle
Statistically, elevated IOP does not glaucoma, 4 eyes were not description. The
equate with the diagnosis of glaucoma, and
conversely, normal IOP does nota exclude the
type of galucoma pasients cyclocryotherapy rest are (LP) Light Perception 1 eye, HM
are reported in Table 2. (Hand Movement) 3 eyes, and 1/60 1 eye. The
Most of patients have visual acuity cause of CCT was pain with
NLP (No Light Perception) 29 eyes, and the
VAS >5 1 patient, VAS 3-5 10 patients, VAS 1- (Northern European population) and Barbados
2 14 patients, and 1 patient was not described. Eye Study (Caribean population) report that
Intraocular pressure was N++ in 71% patients there is a significant increase in the prevalence
and N+ in 26% patients. The duration between of glaucoma in older individuals, with
glaucoma diagnosis was positive until CCT estimated for person in their 70s being
done were ≤ 3months in 8 patients (24%), 4-6 generally 3 to 8 times higher than those for
months 6 patients (18%), 7-12months 4 person in their 40s.2 Acute angel-closure
patients (12%), >1 year 11 patients (32%). The glaucoma has been reported more often in
conditions of cornea before CCT were clear 13 women than in men, and several population-
patients (38%), edema 11 eyes (33%),1 eye based surveys show that women are at increase
had seklusio pupil, one eye had nebula, and 8 risk of angle-closure glaucoma. Studies at
eyes were not described. The using 3 of normal eyes have shown that women have
antiglaucoma medications was in 9%, 2 shallower anterior chambers that men. 2
antiglaucoma in 59%, and 18% only use 1
Table 3. Clinical Feature of Patient Cyclocryotherapy
antiglaucoma medication. The clinical feature
of Patients Before Underwent Clinical Feature n Precentages
cyclocryotherapy was described in Table 3. Visual Acuity
Table1. Demographic Characteristic Cyclocryotherapy No Light perception 29 73
Patients (NLP)
Light Perception (LP) 1 3
Demographic n Precentages Hand Movement (HM) 3 9
1/60 1 3
Male 19 56
Female 15 44 Visual Analog Scale (VAS)
Age 1-2 24 20
≤50 yo 6 18 3-5 43 53
51-60 yo 11 32 >5 3 11
61-70 yo 8 24
No description 9 4
>71 yo 9 26
Intraocular Pressure (IOP)
Duration of suffer
from glaucoma N++ 24 71
≤3 months 8 24 N+ 9 26
4-6 months 6 18 Corneal Condition
7-12 months 4 12
Edema 11 33
≥1 year 11 32
unknown 5 16 Edema 13 38
Others 2 6
No description 8 24
Table 2. Type Glaucoma Patient Cyclocryotherapy

Type of Glaucoma n Precentage

Angle Closure Glaucoma 15 14 In our study , angle closure glaucoma
Neovascular Glaucoma 11 32 is the largest group, comprising 44% cases.
Secondary Glaucoma 3 9 The most common type of glaucoma in one
Open Ngle Glaucoma 1 3 region of the world may differ from the other
No description 4 12 region. PACG is more common in Asia,
whereas POAG is more evenly distribute d
throughout the world. In United States,
DISCUSSION Europe, and Australia 75 to 90% of
glaucomain Caucasian is POAG whereas
In our series, the subjects consist of 19 PACG accounts for 70 to 90% of galucoma in
males (55,88%) and 15 females (44,12%) with China and India.5
average age 60,4 years old. Rotterdam Study
Cyclocryotherapy decreases aqueous visual acuity no light perseption (NLP) with
production by damaging the ciliary epithelium various condition of the cornea.
and the vascular supply to the ciliary body.
The destructive effect depends on the freezing
rate and the tissue temperature achieved. At REFERENCES
-150 C extracellular water water crystallises,
1. Azuara-Blanco Augusto, Wilson P. Richard, Costa P.
leading to increased extracellular Vital.2003. Glaucoma Surgical Prosedure in
concentration of electrolytes, with resulting Handbook of Glaucoma. London : Taylor & Francis e-
cellular dehydration and disruption. Below Library. pp205-207
2. Basic and Clinical Science Course Section
-150C intracellular ice crystals form, causing 10.Glaucoma. American Academy of Ophthalmology:
far greater damage.3 2013-2014
3. Benson M.T, Nelson M.E.1990. Cyclocryotherapy: a
To ensure placement over the pars review of cases over a 10 year period. British Journal
of Ophthalmology.74:103-105
plicata a 2,5mm probe should be used, and this 4. Loewen A. Nils, Tanna P. Angelo. 2014. Glaucoma
should be placed 1mm from the limbus nasally Risk Factors : Intraocular Pressure in Clinical
temporally, and inferiorly and 1,5mm Glaucoma Care the essentials. New York : Springer
Science+Business Media
superiorly. A freeze temperature of -80 0C is 5. Pollack P. Irvine, Pollack S. John.2003.
desirable to produce a toxic concentration of Cyclodestruction in Glaucoma Science and Practice.
New York : Thieme Medical Publusers Inc
electrolytes. The freeze time should be longer 6. Tharwat H. Mokbel. 2011. End Stage Glaucoma,
than 30 seconds so that the changes occuring Glaucoma- Basic and Clinical Concept, Dr Shimon
in cells can cause permanent damage. At -80 0C Rumelt (Ed.), ISBN: 978-958-307-591-4, In Tech,
a 60-second appication appears to be most from:http//www.intechopen.com/books/glaucoma-
appropriate.3 basic-and-clinical-concepts/end-stage-glaucoma

In this study, the conditions of cornea

before CCT were edema 33% and 38% still
clear. Enlargement of the cornea associated
with breaks in the descemet membrane (Haab
striae) is commonly found indevelopmental
glaucoma patients. Microcystic epithelial
edema is commonly associated with elevated
IOP, particularly when the IOP rise is acute.
The central corneal thickness (CCT) of all
patients suspected of glaucoma should be
assessed by corneal pachymetry, as low central
corneal thickness is a risk factor of glaucoma. 2
Many factors have been proved to
increase the risk of glaucoma progression in
end stage glaucoma. The most important are
elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), IOP
fluctuations, male gender, less formal
education, severity of disease,
pseudoexfoliation syndrome, worsening visual
field during follow up, optic disc hemorrhage,
advanced stage of disease, migraine, patient’s
expected longevity, and the possibility of
systemic diseases e.g hypertension, diabetes,
and myopia.6

The cause of underwent CCT was
pain. The most common patient’s diagnosis
was PACG absolute stage. Most of them have

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