Additional Mathematics Chapter 6 Coordinate Geometry

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Form 4 (2019) Additional Mathematics

Extra Exercise for Chapter 6 Coordinate Geometry

Question 1
A point P moves along the arc of a circle with center B(3, 2). The arc passes
through the point C(6, 0) and D(t, 4).
(a) Find
(i) the equation of the locus of point P ,
(ii) the values of t.
(b) The tangent to the circle at point C intersects the y-axis at point E. Find the
area of ∆COE.
Answer: (a) (i) x2 + y 2 − 6x − 4y = 0
(ii) 0 or 6
(b) 27 unit2

Question 2
A straight line passes through points C(−2, −6) and D(5, 8).
(i) Given that E(m, 12) lies on the straight line CD. Find the values of m.
(ii) Point F divides the line segment CD in the ratio 2 : 3. Find the coordinates
of F .
(iii) Point M moves such that its distance is always 3 unit from point N (2, 5).
Find the equation of the locus of M .
Answer: (i) 7
4 2
(ii) F ( ,− )
5 5
(iii) x2 + y 2 − 4x − 10y + 20 = 0

Question 3
Given that the points P (h, 2k), Q(2h, k + 1), R(6, −5) and S(−1, 4) are the
vertices of parallelogram P QRS. Find
(i) the values of h and k.
(ii) the point of intersection of diagonals P R and QS.
(iii) the equation of the straight line which passes through the point of intersection
and is parallel to the side QR.
Answer: (i) h = 7, k = 10
 13 15 
(ii) ,
2 2
(iii) y = 2x −

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Form 4 (2019) Additional Mathematics

Question 4
A triangle DEF has vertices D(x, −1), E(1, 1) and F (2, −7). Given the triangle is
right-angled at point D.
(i) Find the possible values of x.
(ii) Calculate the possible values of the area of the triangle DEF .
Answer: (i) x = −2 or 5
(ii) 15 unit2 , 13 unit2

Question 5 (Clone SPM 2001)

A point Q moves in such a way that its distance from the point T (2, −2) is twice
its distance from the point S(0, 4).
(i) Find the equation of the locus of the point Q.
(ii) Hence, determine whether the locus of point Q intersects the x-axis or not.
Answer: (i) 3x2 + 3y 2 + 4x − 36y + 56 = 0
(ii) The locus of the point Q
does not intersect the x-axis.

Question 6 (Clone SPM 2002)

The coordinates of points A and B are (1, 2) and (7, 5) respectively. Find the
equation of the locus of the moving point P such that the triangle AP B always
has a right angle at P .
Answer: x2 + y 2 − 8x − 7y + 17 = 0

Question 7
A(3, −2), B(p, 3), C(6, 2) and D(q, r) are the vertices of a rhombus ABCD. Find
(i) the values of p, q and r.
(ii) the area of the rhombus.
1 17
Answer: (i) p = ,q= , r = −3
22 2
(ii) 25 unit

Question 8
Two ships leave a port at the same time. Ship A sails north at a speed of 30
kmh−1 while ship Q sails east at a speed of 50 kmh−1 . Find
(a) an expression for the distance between the ships after t hours,
(b) the distance between the ships 3 hours after leaving the port.

Answer: (a) s = 10 34 t
(b) s = 174.9 km

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Form 4 (2019) Additional Mathematics

Question 9?
If Q0 is the image of point Q(−4, 8) when it is reflected in the straight line
2y = 5x + 7, find the coordinates of point Q0 .
(Solution by scale drawing will not be accepted.)
Answer: (6, 4)

Question 10
A(0, 1), B(0, −2) and C(2, 2) are three fixed points. The point P (x, y) moves such
that P A : P B = 1 : 2.
(a) Find the equation of the locus of point P .
(b) Show that the point C lies on the locus of P .
(c) The line joining A and C intersects the locus of P at another point D, find
the coordinates of D.
(d) Show that lines AC and BD are perpendicular to each other.
Answer: (a) x2 + y 2 − 4y = 0
6 2
(c) D(− , )
5 5

Question 11?
The diagram shows the x-axis and the y-axis which
represent the floor and the wall respectively. The ends
of the ladder P Q touch the floor and the wall. The
length of the ladder is 10 m.
(a) Find the equation that relates p and q.
(b) Given that R(x, y) is a point on the ladder such
that the length of RQ is 3 times the length of P R,

(i) show that the equation of the locus of point R when the ladder slides along
the x-axis and the y-axis is 16x2 + 144y 2 − 900 = 0
(ii) find the x-coordinate of the point R when the ladder is lying flat on the x-axis.
Answer: (a) p2 + q 2 = 100
(b)(ii) −

Question 12
An electrical store offers free delivery service to all points within a radius of 25 km
from its store. If Jun Jie lives 21 km east and 15 km south of the store, will Jun
Jie have to pay a delivery charge? Justify your answer.
Answer: Yes, the distance = 25.8 km.

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Form 4 (2019) Additional Mathematics

Question 13??
Find the perpendicular distance between the pair of parallel lines 2x + 7y − 14 = 0
and 2x + 7y − 35 = 0.
(Hint: difference of the distances of the parallel lines from the origin.)
Answer: 2.885 units

Question 14

Answer: (i) C(3.6, 1.8) (ii) 3.578 units

Question 15
The diagram shows a kite OABC in which AC is the
line of symmetry. The coordinates of A and C are
(0, 4) and (8, 0) respectively and O is the origin.
(a) Find the equations of AC and OB.
(b) Find, by calculation, the coordinates of B.
Answer: (a) x + 2y = 4, y = 2x (b) B(3.2, 6.4)

Question 16
Two points A and B have coordinates (−1, 1) and (3, 4) respectively. The line BC
is perpendicular to AB and intersects the x-axis at C.
(a) Find the equation of BC and the x-coordinates of C.
(b) Find the distance AC, giving your answer correct to 3 decimal places.
Answer: (a) 4x + 3y = 24, x = 6 (b) 7.701

Question 17
The points A(1, 1) and B(5, 9) lie on the curve 6y = 5x2 − 18x + 19.
(a) Show that the equation of the perpendicular bisector of AB is 2y = 13 − x.
The perpendicular bisector of AB meets the curve at C and D.
(b) Find, by calculation, the distance of CD, giving your answer in the form ,
where p and q are integers.
Answer: (b) CD =

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