Occurrence of Carcinoma After Prolonged Exposures To Metals in Electronics Industry: An Evidence-Based Case Report

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Manuscript for Evidence-Based Case Report

Occurrence of Carcinoma after Prolonged Exposures to Metals in Electronics

Industry: An Evidence-Based Case Report

Reynardi Larope Sutanto1

Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
[email protected]
and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
1. Introduction could
Menstrual disorders on menstruation
disturbances are variations of menstruation be used to confirm several diseases. 4,5
which may be indicative of disease. These Treatment for menstrual disorders are
disorders may include amenorrhea judged according to its underlying
(absence of menstrual periods), diseases. Several diseases, such as PCOS,
dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, are chronic conditions which could not be
oligomenorrhea (infrequent menstrual erased but manageable by hormonal
periods), and premenstrual syndrome.1 correction.2
Menstrual disorder is believed to be Nowadays, a proper understanding on
happening in increasing numbers the interaction between social determinants
nowadays. Approximately 20-90% of of health and its biomedical outcomes have
adolescent girls ever experienced been discovered thoroughly. Regarding
dysmenorrhea, 47.8% of all women menstrual disorders, a connection between
experienced premenstrual syndrome, and work activity and the incidence of the
12% experienced menorrhagia. condition is thought to be quite significant.
Normally, structures in the brain, such Increasing duration of work and night
as the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, in shifts are associated with menstrual
coordination with the ovaries and uterus disruption. Therefore, some professions
follow a sequence of events occuring once with prolonged work and shifts are likely
per month called the menstrual cycle. This to affect the outcome of reproductive
cycle is done to prepare the female body health of women.6
for pregnancy. In doing this, the body is Flight attendants, a traditionally “pink-
using combination of hormones, such as collar” job, have prolonged work hours
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and night shifts. Besides work hours and
luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone, night shifts, traditionally “pink-collar”
and estrogen. However, disturbances in the professions are associated with higher
cycle could occur and may signal incidence of menstrual disorders.7
underlying diseases which need adequate Moreover, flight attendants work in
medical interventions.2,3 conditions with radical differences than
There are several tests which could be other professions because of the changing
done to diagnose menstrual disorders. external environment in high altitude.
These include historical anamnesis, which Therefore, it is very likely that this type of
seeks to find the woman’s personal and female population may have higher
family medical history, physical probability of contracting menstrual
examination primarily in the breasts and disorders.7,8
lower abdomen, and laboratory tests such
as blood tests. In some cases, ultrasound 2. Case Illustration
A young 27-year old woman came into Patient/Pr Interve Compa Outc
oblem ntion rison ome
the obstetric and gynecologic clinic with
complains about her menstruation cycle. Young Being a Young Mens
She has not achieved her period for more female flight female trual
population attendan of other disor
than two months and her last menses gave
t occupat ders
her immense pain and discomfort. The ions
discomforting menses only occurred since
these last two years and were increasing in Clinical Correlati
Question ve
severity. Moreover, these last menses had
variable duration of cycle, ranging from 18 Study Observa
days to 40 days. She has never taken any Design tional
birth control pills and said that she practice
sexual abstinence. She comes from an 4. Methods
urban middle-class family and now works A systematic review from
as a flight attendant for an Indonesian ScienceDirect and Pubmed databases using
national flight carrier. The patient has no the keyword “("Menstruation
known relatives exhibiting metabolic Disturbances") and ("flight" OR
disorders and has an ideal body weight. "stewardess" OR "flight attendant")” were
conducted. Afterwards, inclusion criteria
Physical gynecological and obstetrical
were set to filter the results. The criteria
examinations were conducted as well as include: observational studies or higher
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), evidence-based level of study and studies
complete blood count (CBC) and thyroid assessing the relationship between
functions test. No signs of pregnancy were menstrual disorder and flight attendants.
found but there was an increase in Accepted studies were then assessed
testosterone concentration. An ultrasound for possible bias using STROBE
(Strengthening The Reporting of
imaging was done and several cystic
Observational Studies in Epidemiology).
formations in the ovaries were found. The outcome of the assessment could be
seen in Table 1. The whole process could
3. Clinical Question be seen in Figure 1.
Based on the illustration above, the
clinical question formulated is “Does being
a flight attendant increases the risk of
young woman having menstrual disorders?”
5. Results
The search was conducted via
ScienceDirect and Pubmed databases.
Titles were screened for relevancy,
duplication, and availability. After a
thorough assessment of eligibility, 4
suitable articles were reviewed and
included in this literature review.
5.1 Validity

Figure 1 : Flow Diagram of Literature Searching

Radowicka M, Yang Y, et al. Lauria L, et al Iglesias R, et al

et al. (2013) (2013) (2006) (1980)

0 0 0 0
Title and abstract 1
1 0.5 1 1
Background/rationale 2 0 1 1 1
Objectives 3 1 1 1 1
Study design 4 1 1 0 0
Setting 5 1 1 1 1
Participants 6 1 1 1 1
Variables 7 1 1 1 1
8 1 1 1 1
Bias 9 1 0 0 0
Study size 10 1 1 1 0
Quantitative variables 11 1 1 1 1
Statistical methods 12 0,8 0,6 0,8 0,8
Participants 13 0,67 1 0,33 0,67
Descriptive data 14 0,67 1 0,33 0,67
Outcome data 15 1 1 1 1
Main results 16 1 1 1 1
Other analyses 17 1 1 0 1
Key results 18 1 1 1 1
Limitations 19 1 1 1 1
Interpretation 20 1 1 1 1
Generalisability 21 1 1 1 1
Other Information
Funding 22 Table12: STROBE critical appraisal
Total 19,14 18,1 17,14 16,14

5.3 Importance menstrual disorders could be found in
The importance of the study flight attendant profession. The studies
included in this report is attributed to attribute this primarily to the differences
the strong connection exhibited by in work hours, higher night shifts, and
every study between the occupation of change in altitude and thus environment.
the women as flight attendants and the Iglesias et al (1980) conducted a study
rate of menstrual disorders. All of the of 200 airline stewardesses. The study
studies, conducted in multiple found that 39% of them underwent
Yang Iglesias menstrual disorders, primarily manifesting
Paramete Randowicka et al et al as changes in the cycle and 38% got
et al
r et al (2013) (2013 (1980) dysmenorrhea. However, it also found that
) 11% of them who had previous menstrual
Is my disorders got healed after becoming
patient so airline stewardesses. The age of the study
different to coupled with the lower critical assessment
those in
is the major limitation for this study
the study Yes Yes Yes Yes
that the result.1–9
result Lauria et al (2006) found that out of
cannot 3036 flight attendants, 74% of which were
apply? currently working, menstrual irregularities
Is the could be found more likely in the
condition currently working flight attendants
similar to Yes Yes Yes No compared to the retirees (20.6% vs 10.4%,
my p = 0.02). Moreover, fertility problems
setting? could be seen at 20.6% of the
Did the respondents.8
study use Yang et al (2013) found that menstrual
Yes Yes Yes Yes disorders, such as abnormal cycles and
methods to
address the dysmenorrhea, was significantly higher in
question? flight attendants compared to non-flight
countries from different years point to attendants (30.55% vs 13.40%).
a connection between the occupation Accordingly, the fertility rate (36.59% vs
and the clinical outcome. 43.95%) was lower and the spontaneus
abortion rate was significantly higher
5.4 Applicability (6,80% vs 2.97%).
Table 2: Applicability of the study Finally, Radowicka et al (2013) found
that the occurrence of menstrual disorder
in flight attendants is 21%. Menstrual
6. Discussion disorders are more likely to be found in
As stated before, all of the studies point women working more than 5 years or 14
to similar conclusion that is an increase in routes per week even if the correlation is
not too significant (p>0.05). Significant factors and occupational exposure in
correlations were found between years of cancer survival studies: the example of
work as flight attendant and incidence of intestinal type sinonasal adenocarcinoma.
throid diseases, cervical erotions, and Laryngoscope. 2011 Sep;121(9):2011–8.
5. Pesch B, Casjens S, Stricker I, Westerwick
7. Conclusion D, Taeger D, Rabstein S, et al. NOTCH1,
Based on the studies assessed, it can be HIF1A and other cancer-related proteins in
concluded that women working as female lung tissue from uranium miners--variation
flight attendants are more likely to have by occupational exposure and subtype of
menstrual disorders primarily because of lung cancer. PLoS ONE.
the change in environment of work. 2012;7(9):e45305.
However, further research is needed to
find more direct evidence or correlation 6. Heltoft KN, Slagor RM, Agner T, Bonde
between other professions with similar JP. Metal arc welding and the risk of skin
problmes, such as female pilots, and cancer. Int Arch Occup Environ Health.
promising treatment and management for 2017 Nov;90(8):873–81.
women working as a flight attendant or
other fields relating to the sky and 7. Khlifi R, Olmedo P, Gil F, Hammami B,
differing altitudes. Chakroun A, Rebai A, et al. Arsenic,
cadmium, chromium and nickel in
8. References cancerous and healthy tissues from
patients with head and neck cancer. Sci
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DS, Eliot M, Nelson HH, Kelsey KT.
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