Pakistan Relation'S With Iran: Overview of Relations

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Prepared by Samia Shams

Overview of Relations

Pakistan-Iran bilateral relations are rooted in historical linkages and based on religious,
linguistic, cultural linkages and spiritual affiliation. Relations between Pakistan and Iran have
by and large remained positive. Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan after
independence. After the 1979 Islamic Revolution of Iran, Pakistan was one of the first
countries to recognize the new dispensation. The two countries have supported each other at
critical junctures in their history.

Bilateral Political Relations

2. Bilateral relations between Pakistan and Iran are undergoing a transformative phase.
There is a renewed energy and growing positivity and desire to work together
between the two countries. The growing warmth in our relations and desire to re-
engage can be measured from the fact that Iranian Foreign Minister Dr. Javad Zarif
was the first foreign dignitary to visit on 31 August 2018 after formation of new
government in Pakistan. The Foreign Minister once again visited on 31 October 2018
and in May 2019. Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi also visited
Iran on 24 December 2018.
3. The Prime Minister Imran Khan made his first official visit to Iran at the invitation of
Iranian President Dr. Hassan Rouhani on 21-22 April 2019. The timely and fruitful
visit contributed to enhancing mutual understanding on a range of issues in political,
economic and security areas. The visit helped in setting a clear policy direction for
durable, mutually-beneficial relations with Iran.

The key outcomes of the visit include;

 Signing of Declaration for Cooperation in Healthcare Sector

 initiation of the process for release of a number of Pakistani prisoners
 holding meetings of various bilateral mechanisms
 opening of new crossing points;
 call for peaceful solution of Jammu &Kashmir dispute.

Supporter of Kashmir issues

Iran has remained strong supporter of the Kashmir cause. It has openly voiced support for the
innocent Kashmiris under brutal siege of Indian forces. The Iranian high leadership has also
repeatedly given statements in support of people of Kashmir and condemned unjust Indian
atrocities. Similarly, Pakistan’s support on Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and
commitment towards Iran despite US’ unilateral sanctions has been greatly appreciated in


Despite the excellent bilateral relations, the current trade volume between the two countries is
below its full potential. Currently, the volume of trade is US $ 392.08 million with $22.86
million Pakistani exports comprising mainly of rice, meat, paper and paper board, chemicals,
textiles, fruit & vegetables; major imports from Iran comprise mainly of iron ore, hide &
skins, and chemical products (Pakistani imports US$ 369.23 million).


Iran and Pakistan are working together at expert level to improve road and rail connectivity.
This includes upgradation of 700 kilometer Quetta-Taftan highway, improvement of facilities
at border crossing points, opening up of new border crossing points (Gabd-Reemdan and
Mand-Pishin) and improvement of facilities available to Zaireen during their visits to Iran,
Iraq and other countries.


Pakistan-Iran border has been named “Border of Peace, Friendship and Love” by the
leadership of both countries. There are many border management mechanisms operational
between the two countries.
Historical Background

Iran’s relations with Pakistan can be characterized as a complex mix of cooperation and peer
rivalry. In recent years, political ties between the two countries have improved over trade and
energy issues; they also cooperate intermittently on border security. At the same time,
tensions continue to exist over religious sectarian issues. As the two continue to compete for
political influence in Afghanistan as a means of securing their respective security and
economic interests, Pakistan’s activities will be a key determinant of Iran’s strategy. An
increase in unrest brought about by a precipitous withdrawal of ISAF troops from
Afghanistan would complicate relations.


 Pak-Iran Relations And Rise Of Taliban In Afghanistan

Infect both countries were agreed and intending to bring peace, prosperity and stability in
Afghanistan after the fall of Soviet Union. But unfortunately another challenge appeared with
new regime of “Taliban” in Afghanistan. And Taliban regime became hurdle in between Pak-Iran
relations. A different policy stance regarding upcoming regime of Taliban was seen in both sides.
Both countries were focusing on their national interest being sovereign nation states of the realist
world. Pakistan was favoring and cooperating with Taliban due to Pashton majority elements,
further Taliban were strong group of that area of Afghanistan linking with Pakistan. 214But Iran’s
case was not the same, as Iran was in favor of Northern alliance having non Pashton elements,
promoting and cooperating Professor Rabbani group, and similarly this group was strong in the
Afghanistan’s area linking with Iran.

 Different Major challenges in Pak-Iran relations

There are many other issues in between Pakistan and Iran which needs to be focused
systematically. Some issues are basically mutual others are due to role of foreign factors.
Unfortunately these issues are affecting domestic and regional stability. Sensitivity of the region
can be understood that both countries have border commonality with Afghanistan. Issues, such as
Smuggling of weapons, transfer of drugs, human trafficking, and illegal trade of oil across Pak-
Iran border. Consequently economic instability in both sides increasing, terrorism in both sides of
the countries especially in Pakistan is increasing day by day which is destabilizing the region as
well. Increase in drugs and human trafficking are also causing instability of the region. Common
border with Afghanistan and such issues needs more care to solve out the issues for the sake of
domestic and regional development

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the major issues which are affecting Pak-Iran ties. Agents Mafia used
the Baluchistan area as their rout for their illegal activities in terms of human trafficking towards
Iran. As Z.A Khan stated that in 2011, Iranian officials sent more than 8,732 unlawful workers to
Pakistani authorities at the Taftan border. 239“Taftan” is a township near Pakistan Iran border.
There can be seen many illegal activities including human trafficking in Taftan area. And theses
illegal activities especially human trafficking in Taftan area are creating hurdles in the way of
Pak-Iran motivated for border fencing.Iran decided to create a wall on Pakistan Iran border.
Iranian motives behind establishing border fence were to overcome the challenges which were
appearing from Pak-Iran border areas. The Pak-Iran barrier wall is a three foot wide, ten-foot
high, solid wall stretching out crosswise over 700 kilometers of denying desert landscape in
Baluchistan region.241The wall would begin from Taftan territory to Mand in the Baluchistan
greater part of Sistan region, which fringes Pakistan's Baluchistan region. 242Iran was motivated
for border fencing and to create check posts to control smuggling, human trafficking and to
control the other issues especially security issues appearing from border side. Iranian government
authorities also sent extra units of her army to secure their border linkages with Pakistan and
Afghanistan.243It is most important to control the Bloch rebels. Most Bloch rebellions are active
near Pakistan-Iran border and affecting the interests of both countries. There is need to work
mutually against rebellions to secure bilateral relations.
US Factor and foreign policy of Pakistan

Political and strategic compulsions of Pakistan and Iran are different regarding their foreign
policies. Religious and spiritual affiliations play important role in foreign relations but “National
Interest” each country focuses more while articulating their foreign relations plane. After 9/11, in
front of Bush administrations the status of Pakistan and Iran was not same. Earlier was non
NATO ally in US led on so called GWOT while later was “an axis of evil.” 258Pakistan depends
on US while Iran mentioned US at top of its enemies list. 259It is fact that Pak-Iran have strong
historically, religiously, politically, economic and social relations.

Politics Of Energy: Pak-Iran RelationsAnd Role of India

Natural resources play important role for the development of any country. On the basis of natural
resources any country can influence the geo politics of the region as well as the globe; the
countries whom having more natural resources can affect the world politics. On the basis of
natural resources countries affect and influence other countries for their interests.In terms of
energy resources Pakistan is facing serious type of problem. In our region, Pakistan is facing
worst crises of energy.275Already available sources of energy in Pakistan are destroying due to
mismanagement. Hence issue of unbalance of demand and supply appeared. The use of gas in
automobile and electricity create unbalance between the demand and supply. Further the projects
like “KalaBaghDam” to generate energy resources have been internally politicized with in
Pakistan.276Consensus on “Kala BaghDam” is not being developed by political parties of
Pakistan.277So in this situation energy crises of Pakistan have become unsolvable question

Gas pipeline from directly Iran to Pakistan via eastern border

It is difficult to import gas from TAPI, due to worst security conditions of Afghanistan when
Taliban terrorists are still working there. To import gas from Qatar is much costly and there are
also some technical flaws as well and the rout via Oman is also so lengthy. As Asif described IPI
is better and appropriate option other than any, because it is feasible technically and also it is not
much costly.279Pakistan has already chosen this

options and bilateral talks were started in 1994 regarding this project known as IPI. 280Later
Pakistan and Iran signed agreement regarding IP gas pipeline project to develop mutual economic

Divergence of Pak-Iran interests:

Chahbahar and Gawadar port India is providing assistance to Iran for development of Chahbahar
port, as India is intending to affect Pakistan’s Gawadar port which is developing with the
assistance of China. India is basically showing her enmity against Pakistan by opposing to
Gawadar port which is a greater economic project of Pakistan-China coordination.


Iran-Pakistan relations have not always been smooth; they have fluctuated over the years. Iran
extended moral, political, diplomatic, and financial support to Pakistan whenever it faced a serious
crisis. However, the events of 9/11, growing US-Pakistan relations, and wars on Iran's two flanks
have had their effect on relations between the two states. The rise of the Taliban created a lot of
acrimony between the two.Despite some potentially contentious issues, Iran-Pakistan relations remain

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