Comparison of Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets in High Pressure Saturated Steam

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Designation: F2716 – 08

Standard Practice for

Comparison of Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets in High Pressure
Saturated Steam1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2716; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope ASME PCC-1 Guidelines for Pressure Boundary Bolted

1.1 This practice provides a means of comparing various Flange Joint Assembly
nonmetallic flat gasket materials, Classification F104, in satu- 2.3 ESA/FSA Standards: 4
rated steam service under controlled conditions. While the ESA/FSA Publication No. 009/98 Guidelines for Safe Seal
practice is designed primarily for flat gaskets, it also can be Usage - Flanges and Gaskets
applied to various form-in-place gasket materials upon modi- FSA-NMG-204-02 Standard Test Method for Performance
fication. The practice may be used for quality control or of Non-Asbestos Gaskets in High Pressure, Saturated
material comparison purposes as agreed upon between pro- Steam
ducer and user. This practice is consistent with Fluid Sealing 3. Significance and Use
Association test method, FSA-NMG-204-02, with regard to
fixtures used and procedure. 3.1 This practice may be used to evaluate Classification
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded F104 gasket materials using saturated steam and standard
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical ASME RF (raised face) flanges. This practice is intended for
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only use as quality control or material comparison tool and should
and are not considered standard. not be used to predict performance.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the 4. Apparatus
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 4.1 The test equipment shall consist of the following com-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- ponents:
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 4.1.1 Hot Air Circulating Oven, equipped with temperature
controls and capable of maintaining temperatures up to 570 6
2. Referenced Documents 5°F (299 6 3°C).
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 4.1.2 Scales, capable of maintaining an accuracy of 60.1 g
A193/A193M Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless with a nominal capacity of 12 kg.
Steel Bolting Materials for High Temperature or High 4.1.3 Flange Fixture—A2 in. cast steel Class 600 fixture
Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications made from one weld neck flange capped by welding to boiler
A194/A194M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel code and one blind flange (see Fig. 1). Flange surfaces are 275
Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature to 325 RMS µin. (7.0 to 8.3 µmm), flatness range 0.002 in.
Service, or Both (0.05 mm). Each fixture shall have an identification number.
F104 Classification System for Nonmetallic Gasket Mate- 4.1.4 Flange Protectors—To help ensure safe operation, use
rials standard metal flange protectors.
2.2 ASME Standards: 3 4.1.5 Fasteners:
ASME B16.21 Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges Seven 5⁄8-in. bolts, 4 in. long, per Specification
A193/A193M, Grade B7. One calibrated bolt modified by the insertion of a
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F03 on Gaskets and calibration pin as detailed in Fig. 1.
is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F03.10 on Composite Gaskets. Eight 5⁄8-in. hexagonal nuts per Specification A194/
Current edition approved May 1, 2008. Published May 2008. DOI: 10.1520/
F2716-08. A194M, Grade 4, coarse thread.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or Sixteen 5⁄8-in. hardened steel washers (38-45 HRC),
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM Grade 8.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.
Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME
International Headquarters, Three Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-5990, http:// Available from Fluid Sealing Association (FSA), 994 Old Eagle School Road, Suite 1019, Wayne, PA 19087–1866.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

F2716 – 08

FIG. 1 FSA Steam Test Fixture

4.1.6 Calibrated Dial Indicator, graduated to 0.0001 in. 5. Test Specimen

(0.0025 mm) and equipped with a 90° conical contact point to
5.1 The test specimen shall be a Class 600 2-in. (50-mm)
be used in conjunction with the adapter shown in Fig. 1.
ring gasket. It is recommended that a 1⁄16-in. (1.5-mm) thick
4.1.7 Torque Wrench—One calibrated torque wrench with a
minimum capacity of 70 ft·lbf (95 N·m). gasket be used. However, other thicknesses can be used if
4.1.8 Torque Wrench—One calibrated torque wrench with a agreed to by the producer and user.
range of 0 to 200 in.·lbf (0 to 23 N·m). 5.1.1 See ASME B16.21, Table 8, for gasket dimensions.
4.1.9 Bolt Lubricant—High temperature-resistant molybde- 5.1.2 See Classification F104 for thickness tolerance.
num disulfide grease. 5.1.3 Preconditioning of the test gasket is not necessary,
4.2 Preparation of Apparatus: since this test is designed for shelf stock gaskets.
4.2.1 Prior to running any tests in a new fixture, the integrity
of the assembled test fixture should be checked by running a
6. Flange Limits
test at a temperature at least 100°F (38°C) higher than the test
temperature, without exceeding the temperature/pressure rating 6.1 Ensure that the test pressure never exceeds the pressure/
for the flange. A standard gasket material approved for these temperature rating of the flange class:
service conditions shall be used with water as the test fluid. Class 600 Cast Steel
4.2.2 The maximum use temperature for the fixture with @ 400°F (205°C) Limited to 1270 psig (88.6 bar) or (8.87 MPa)
saturated steam is 563°F (295°C). Therefore, if a test tempera- @ 500°F (260°C) Limited to 1200 psig (83.8 bar) or (8.38 MPa)
@ 600°F (316°C) Limited to 1095 psig (76.6 bar) or (7.66 MPa)
ture is not specified, this maximum shall be used as the default.
@ 700°F (371°C) Limited to 1065 psig (74.5 bar) or (7.45 MPa)
However, any temperature that does not exceed this limit may
be used if agreed upon by the producer and user.
7. Test Limits
4.2.3 Follow the steps in Section 9 for one cycle of a
minimum of 24 h. Ensure that the gasket is acceptable for that 7.1 Temperature/pressure properties for saturated steam
temperature/pressure. from the steam table:

F2716 – 08

400°F (205°C) Generates 235 psig (16.2 bar) or (1.62 MPa) 65 6 5 ft·lbf (886 7 N·m) (see ESA/FSA Publication No.
450°F (232°C) Generates 405 psig (27.9 bar) or (2.79 MPa) 009/98 or ASME PCC-1, or both). Then torque each bolt
500°F (260°C) Generates 665 psig (45.8 bar) or (4.58 MPa) consecutively in a counterclockwise pattern at 65 ft·lbf (88
540°F (282°C) Generates 945 psig (65.1 bar) or (6.51 MPa)
N·m), doing the first bolt a second time. The final torque may
550°F (288°C) Generates 1035 psig (71.3 bar) or (7.13 MPa)
563°F (295°C) Generates 1145 psig (78.9 bar) or (7.89 MPa)
be adjusted as agreed upon between producer and user, but
must be clearly stated in the report. The default torque setting
8. Bolt Torque Guidelines shall be 65 ft·lbf (88 N·m) unless otherwise agreed upon and
8.1 The recommended assembly torque is 65 6 5 ft·lbf (88 specified.
6 7 N·m), which produces a gasket stress of approximately 11 9.6.7 Complete the tightening process in 15 min.
000 psi (75.8 MPa). This calculation is based on the use of 9.6.8 Ten minutes after completing the tightening process
molybdenum disulfide grease as the bolt lubricant (4.1.9). described in 9.6.6, torque again with the FSA cross pattern to
8.2 A recommended article is “Torque - Tensioning Part II” 65 ft·lbf (88 N·m). Finally, tighten each bolt consecutively in a
by Dr. H. E. Trucks.5 Also see ASME PCC-1. counterclockwise pattern to 65 ft·lbf (88 N·m), doing the first
8.3 Various assembly torques may be used, as agreed upon bolt a second time.
by producer and user, and provided the gasket stress is never
9.6.9 Reinstall the dial indicator assembly over the cali-
less than 4350 psi (30 MPa).
brated bolt using a calibrated torque wrench set to 40 in.·lbf
9. Procedure (4.6 N·m). Take the reading and record this value as Lo.
9.1 A minimum of two test assemblies is recommended per Remove the dial indicator assembly carefully. This reading
gasket type tested. may also be taken using an external bolt stretch gauge as
9.2 Ensure that the flange assembly has been thoroughly described in 9.6.5.
cleaned and that the exposed surfaces of the flanges are free of 9.6.10 Install the flange protector, weigh the assembly, and
all residues from previous tests. Inspect for nicks, scratches, or record the weight as Wt.
serious defects. Recondition when required. (Warning—It is A separate dial indicator assembly (dial indicator
important to check the flanges to ensure that the surfaces mounted on adapter) will be required for each calibrated bolt
remain within the correct roughness and flatness range.) used in the test.
9.3 Ensure that the bolts, nuts, and washers are not damaged 9.7 Place the test rigs in the oven, and raise the temperature
and that the nut runs freely onto the bolt by hand. so the test temperature is reached no sooner than in 30 min.
9.4 Cut standard ASME 2-in., Class 600 ring gaskets. Ideally, a temperature rate-of-rise of 1°C/min is preferred.
9.5 Clean bolt threads, nuts, and washers with an organic
solvent. Then lubricate bolts, nuts, and washers. Do not NOTE 1—The test can be run with the steam in contact with the gasket
lubricate the dial indicator adapter assembly or the part of the by locating the fixture in the oven with the liquid chamber down (steam
calibrated bolt that it will contact, since the presence of phase). Another option is to allow the gasket to be in contact with the test
lubricants on these components will adversely affect bolt liquid by reversing the fixture so the liquid chamber will be up (wet
elongation readings. Do not coat gasket or flanges with any
NOTE 2—The weekly steam cycle in Fig. 2 consists of two cycles
kind of release material.
allowing time for the technician to take all the measurements in a normal
9.6 Assemble the fixture as follows: 5-day working week.
9.6.1 Place the empty weld neck flange on the scale and tare
it. 9.8 After the indicated time at the chosen temperature, cool
9.6.2 Pour 125 mL of water in the flange, and record the down the oven to room temperature no sooner than 30 min.
exact weight of water (Ww). Ideally, a cool down rate of 1°C/min is preferred.
9.6.3 Tare the scale, center the gasket onto the raised face of 9.9 Remove the test rig from the oven and weigh it. Record
the weld neck flange, and record gasket weight (Gw). the weight as Wr.
9.6.4 Place the blind flange carefully on the weld neck 9.10 Repeat the steps in 9.7-9.9 for a minimum of 10 cycles
flange, and install the bolts, washers, and nuts finger tight. and 1000 h. Test hours will include the ramp-up time for the
9.6.5 Install the dial indicator assembly (dial indicator fixture and the time held at temperature but not the cool-down
mounted on adapter) over the calibrated bolt with a calibrated time. If Fig. 2 is followed, a 7-week test will comprise 1064 h.
torque wrench set to 40 in.·lbf (4.6 N·m), and zero the dial.
Lock the dial indicator in the zero position, then remove the NOTE 3—Cycles can vary from 9.7-9.10, provided there is an agree-
dial indicator assembly carefully. Bolt stretch may also be ment between testing parties. Note any change from the default schedule
measured externally using an ultrasonic bolt stretch gauge for in the report.
a given bolt. 9.11 After the final cycle is completed, measure and record
9.6.6 Using a calibrated torque wrench, torque the bolt the weight of the fixture, install the dial indicator adapter as
according to the FSA recommended cross pattern in 3 incre- described in 9.6, take the reading, and record as Lf. This
ments of 20 6 5 ft·lbf (27 6 7 N·m) and finally one cycle at reading may also be taken using an external bolt stretch gauge
as described in 9.6.5.
Trucks, Dr. H. E., “Torque-Tensioning Part II,” Fastener Technology, Decem- 9.12 Dismantle the fixture, and record any relevant obser-
ber 1987. vations.

F2716 – 08

FIG. 2 Weekly Steam Cycle

10. Calculation Ti = the time increment during which the weight

10.1 Calculate water loss as follows: change (Wri – 1– Wri) occurred, and
Wt – Wr
li = the leak rate for the time increment during which
W% 5 Ww 3 100 (1) the weight change (Wri – 1– Wri) occurred.
NOTE 5—Typical units are weight per second—which is useful for
where: comparisons.
W% = water loss in percent,
Ww = initial water weight, 11. Report
Wt = initial total assembly weight, and 11.1 Report the following information (the information on
Wr = assembly weight after each cycle.
the worksheet in Fig. 3 is also reported to support the test
NOTE 4—Determine weight loss due to the gasket and the lubricant by finding):
running a dry test for a few cycles. Use results to confirm what effect they 11.1.1 Gasket identification and thickness under “Product
have on precision of W%. description.”
10.2 Calculate bolt elongation as follows: 11.1.2 Initial bolt torque in ft·lbf and calculated gasket stress
Lo – Lf in psi under “Comments.”
L% 5 Lo 3 100 (2) 11.1.3 Indicate wet or steam phase under “Condition (Wet
or Steam).”
where: 11.1.4 Total number of cycles and total hours.
L% = bolt elongation loss in percent, 11.1.5 Temperature of the oven.
Lo = initial bolt elongation, and 11.1.6 Weight loss at each cycle.
Lf = final bolt elongation. 11.1.7 Bolt elongation loss in percent.
10.3 Calculate incremental leak rate as follows: 11.1.8 General observations under “Comments.”
li 5 ~Wri – 1 – Wri!/~Ti! (3) 11.1.9 Leak Rate at each cycle.
where: 12. Keywords
Wri – 1 = the previous Wr measurement, 12.1 bolt elongation; flange gasket; gasket; nonmetallic flat
Wri = the current Wr measurement,
gaskets; saturated steam; steam test

F2716 – 08

FIG. 3 FSA Steam Test Status Worksheet

F2716 – 08
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
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make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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