Exercise and Massage

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Physical activity - bodily movement produced by (according to energy source)

skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure

and produce progressive health benefits 1. Aerobic Exercise: literally means ‘with
Exercise - is a type of physical activity defined as oxygen’ - If a certain exercise is ‘aerobic’ then
planned, structured, and repetitive bodily it means that oxygen is being used as part of
movement due to improve or more components of an energy system to fuel the body
physical fitness -Amount of oxygen is greater than that used to
perform the activity
Types of Exercise -Walking, jogging, running, bicycling
(according to muscle contraction) ,dancing , jumping rope and swimming are
1. Isotonic (dynamic) exercise some of the examples of aerobic exercise
2. Anaerobic Exercise: If a certain exercise is
o Concentric ‘anaerobic’, then it means that NO oxygen is
being used during the exercise regimen
This type is typical of most exercise. The external -Activity in which the muscles cannot draw
force on the muscle is less than the force the out enough oxygen from the bloodstream,and
muscle is generating - a shortening contraction anaerobic pathways are used to provide
additional energy for a short time
o Eccentric
The muscle lengthens due to the resistance being Benefits of Exercise
greater than the force the muscle is producing.
 Musculoskeletal system
o Isotonic exercises put more strain on a
-Maintain size, shape, tone, and strength of
muscle, which it is not used to. These
muscle contractions lead to the growth of muscles (including the heart muscle)
proteins in each cell of the muscle. –Nourish joints
o Isotonic exercises are effective for people –Increase joint flexibility, stability, and ROM
who want to gain weight. -Maintain bone density and strength
o Isotonic exercises are extremely
beneficial for patients suffering from Immobility
arthritis. –Disuse osteoporosis
o These exercises are an important part of
–Disuse atrophy
physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
o They help improve co-ordination mobilize
joints –Stiffness and pain in the joints

Advantages of isotonic training:  Effects on Cardiovascular System

Relatively inexpensive Exercise
Broad range of exercises
Ability to exercise all major muscle groups –Increases HR, strength of contraction, and blood
supply to the heart and muscles
Uneven force throughout each exercise. –Mediates harmful effects of stress
Exercises may not fully strengthen each muscle
group. Immobility

2. Isometric (static) exercise -Diminished cardiac reserve

-Increased use of the Valsalva maneuver
Isometric" combines Greek :"iso" (same) with -Orthostatic hypotension
"metric" (distance), meaning that in these -Venous vasodilation and stasis
exercises the length of the muscle does not -Dependent edema
change -Thrombus formation

The joint and muscle are either worked  Effects on Respiratory System
against an immovable force (overcoming Exercise
isometric) or are held in a static position
while opposed by resistance (yielding -Increase ventilation and oxygen intake improving
isometric gas exchange
–Prevents pooling of secretions in the bronchi
3. Isokinetic (resistive) exercise = involve and bronchioles
muscle contraction or tension against
resistance; thus they can be either of the Immobility
isometric or isotonic –Decreased respiratory movement
–Pooling of respiratory secretions
Types of Exercise
–Hypostatic pneumonia
Effects on Metabolic/Endocrine System Effleurage: stroking the body; smooth, long
Exercise strokes moving hands up and down the back
–Elevates the metabolic rate. Petrissage: kneading or making large quick
–Decreases serum triglycerides and cholesterol. pinches of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and
–Stabilizes blood sugar and make cells more muscle
responsive to insulin Friction: (firm, deep, circular rubbing
Immobility Tapotement: sharp, backing movement of little
–Decreased metabolic rate finger side of each hand on the fleshy back, never
–Negative nitrogen balance on the
–Anorexia spinal column; must not be too strong to cause
–Negative calcium balance discomfort or pain
Vibration: (rapidly shaking or vibrating specific
Effects on GI System muscles)
–Improves the appetite
–Increases GI tract tone
–Facilitates peristalsis

- Constipation

Effects on Urinary System

–Promotes blood flow to the kidneys causing
body wastes to be excreted more effectively
–Prevents stasis (stagnation) of urine in the


A variety of massage strokes or movements may

be used singly or in combination, depending on
the outcome desired. These include effleurage
(stroking), friction, pressure, petrissage (kneading
or making large, quick pinches of the skin,
subcutaneous tissue, and muscle), vibration, and
Historically, the back massage has been
used by nurses to enhance or induce relaxation
before sleep or to stimulate skin circulation in
association with hygienic measures. Support
persons, too, can provide the technique to loved

Physically- relaxes muscles and releases lactic
acid that accumulates during exercise, improve
the flow of blood and lymph, stretch joints, and
relieve pain and congestion
-also thought to release body toxins and stimulate
immune system
Mental-emotional area- relieve anxiety and
provide sense of relaxation and well-being
Spiritually-provide sense of harmony and balance

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