2BG Case Studies Holland

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Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

- 8 case studies from the Netherlands

May 2008
List of Contents

Introduction ..........................................................................................................................5

Case 1: Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht .......................................................................................7

Case 2: EVA-Lanxmeer, Culemborg.............................................................................14

Case 3: De Vliert, ’s- Hertogenbosch............................................................................17

Case 4: Monnikenhuizen, Arnhem ................................................................................20

Case 5: Lankheet, Haaksbergen ..................................................................................23

Case 6: Ruwenbos, Enschede......................................................................................26

Case 7: Stad van de Zon, Heerhugowaard...................................................................29

Case 8: Westerpark, Amsterdam ..................................................................................32

General reflections.............................................................................................................35

Overview tables .................................................................................................................39

Images on front page © Google Earth

This working paper presents observations and experiences from a study trip to the Netherlands
carried out during 23 – 26 April 2008 as a part of the Black, Blue and Green PhD course in
sustainable urban drainage provided jointly by the University of Copenhagen and the Technical
University of Denmark.

The study trip included visits to Leidsche Rijn (Utrecht), Eva-Lanxmeer (Culemborg), De Vliert (’s-
Hertogenbosch), Monnikenhuizen (Arnhem), Haaksbergen (Twente), Ruwenbos (Enchede), Stad
van de Zon (Heerhugowaard), and Westerpark (Amsterdam).

The report is developed by Heidi Birch and Maria Bergman, Technical University of Denmark, and
Antje Backhaus, Ole Fryd and Simon Toft Ingvertsen, University of Copenhagen.

Case 1: Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht

Fig. 1. Left: Orthographic photo of Leidsche Rijn. Elevation 10 km © Google Earth. Right: Map of the water
system (Ingenieursbureau Utrecht 2007)

Leidsche Rijn is the largest ongoing housing development project in the Netherlands located in the
western part of Utrecht. The project was founded in 1995 when a master plan for the whole area
was set up, and is estimated to be finished by 2015. It will then contain some 30,000 houses that
can accommodate up to 80,000 inhabitants. The area comprises 2100 hectares of land of which
approximately 11 % is covered by surface water. The district is being built neighborhood by
neighborhood ascribing different identities to the different neighborhoods.

As shown in figure 1 the area of Leidsche Rijn is divided into two hydrological different parts (white
and light blue). The topography varies with relatively high grounds in the central parts of the area to
lower lying areas along the perimeter. The higher grounds mainly consist of sandy soils facilitating
stormwater infiltration, whereas the surrounding lower grounds are loamy and thus not (or far less)
suitable for infiltration. Stormwater is infiltrated in the centre, overflow is led to the free water
surface canals, before being retained in the large lake in the northwestern part of the area. The
lake has direct contact to the groundwater, and here the water is stored, used for recreation and as
an ecological habitat. In the north, the canals are deeper with steeper slopes and a high flow rate
to transport the water to the lake. In the southern part, the slopes of the canals are less steep and
infiltration of the water is possible.

One of the key features of this area is its stormwater management system, which is mainly made
as an open system, visible to the citizens in order to improve the quality of life for the inhabitants.
Stormwater is managed in a closed loop system intended to retain water in the canals year round,
to prevent the occurrence of flooding incidents and with as little intake of water from the
surrounding area as possible. The reason for this is that stormwater is regarded as a source of
non-polluted water, whereas the water in the neighbouring Amsterdam-Rhine Canal and the water
from the surrounding agricultural areas are high in phosphorus concentration, which will lead to
algae growth in the system. In order to have sufficient water in the system during dry periods it is
therefore important to keep the stormwater in the area. This is achieved by a comprehensive
closed canal system in which water is pumped from lower to higher grounds in order to maintain
flow in the canal system. The stormwater collected from roofs and small streets is conducted
through a network of wadis (wide infiltration trenches) and canals, and ends up in a 40 m deep lake
on the northwestern edge of Leidsche Rijn. The wadis located in the drier parts of the area also

contribute to infiltration and replenishes the groundwater. In addition to this, many low-traffic roads
and yards are equipped with permeable pavement that lets the stormwater runoff percolate to the

This stormwater system was established due to problems in the past, when Leidsche Rijn was an
agricultural district. Normally the groundwater levels in the region are higher in winter and lower in
summer. Agricultural activities require fairly stable groundwater levels, and therefore a lot of
groundwater was drained out from the area during winter, whereas water had to be supplied
externally from the nearby Amsterdam-Rhine Canal in the summer. The water in the canal was
relatively polluted compared to the water within the area, and thus the idea of storing superfluous
water from wet periods for use during dry periods arose.

The current stormwater system helps keeping the stormwater within the area by infiltration and by
using the lake as a buffer between wetter and drier periods. Under normal circumstances there will
be no need for extra water supply, which minimizes the pollution from external sources. The
groundwater level in the area is regulated and allowed to fluctuate a maximum of 30 cm between
seasons. However the lake has an extra buffer of 100 cm, in order to avoid flooding problems in
case of 100-year rain events.

Water quality management

In order to keep the open stormwater system clean and avoid stagnation of water, the water is
continuously being pumped from low to high areas, which results in constant circulation. Within this
closed loop, in the north-western corner of the district, a so-called vertical flow reed bed is
incorporated (although the amount of reed is very sparse), where phosphates are held back (fig.
2). The main purpose is to maintain the P level of the surface water below 0.15 mg/l. The filter
matrix consists of sand enriched with limestone (calcium carbonate) and iron oxides. The water
taken in from the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal and some of the circulating water from the closed
system runs through this treatment facility. The filter is currently in a trial period where various
setups and parameters are tested to obtain the most efficient treatment. In the near future the
system will be implemented at full scale expected to cover an area of approximately 6 hectares.
The low technology nutrient removal combined with the constant flow in the canal system should
keep the surface water free of algal bloom and potential odor problems.

Fig 2. Water filled (rightr) and empty (left) basin at the treatment facility.

There is not a big concern about groundwater contamination by infiltration in the area because the
groundwater is only used for drinking water purposes after further infiltration and treatment. In the
urban stormwater management system there is a distinction between water which is considered
clean and water considered dirty, where dirty water is led to the sewer. Runoff from roofs is
considered ‘clean’. Road run-off was originally categorised as (i) less than 500 cars per day, could
be infiltrated without prior treatment, (ii) between 500 and 5000 cars per day, should be infiltrated
through a wadi, (iii) more than 5000 cars per day, is considered dirty and should be led to the
sewer system for municipal treatment. It was assessed that this distinction was too hard to
manage, and in practice the distinction was made based on a judgement by the engineers on the
size of the roads, where runoff from local roads were infiltrated through wadis while runoff from the
bigger roads were led to the sewer.

In order to improve the quality of the runoff before discharge to the canals, infiltration through a so-called
wadi is used. A wadi is a grass-covered suppression in the landscape, with a top layer designed to retain
pollutants (covered with grass), and a soak away pit or good infiltration potential underneath. The wadis at
this site are constructed with a mixture of sand and humus in the top layer, which will remove a wide range
of pollutants which is found in stormwater (PAHs and other hydrophobic compounds and heavy metals).
Underneath the top soil there may be plastic boxes/trenches, storing the water while it infiltrates into the
In areas with low permeability (clay ground) and high groundwater levels, the wadis function more as
reservoirs in extreme events because of the low infiltration potential. Here there is a drain pipe in the bottom
of the wadi leading to the open water canal system. A wadi and the infiltration trench underneath is shown in
figure 3.

Fig. 3. Left: a wadi. Centre: Infiltration trench underneath the surface of the wadi. Right: Small stormwater infiltration
area with compacted soil due to car parking.

In Leidsche Rijn, different types of wadis have been implemented over the last 10 years and varying
experiences with their operations have been made. Most of the wadis in Leidsche Rijn are covered with
grass and some are additionally escorted by trees alongside. A few wadis are also planted with perennials
and used as small “rain-gardens”. These wadis are liked by the inhabitants and are well functioning. They
provide seasonal colourful impressions for the neighbourhoods.

The experiences with maintenance of the wadis show, that only large dimensioned and long wadis are
recognized as such and therefore maintained well. Experiences with the infiltration boxes installed in the
wadis show that they are clogging and a proper maintenance of them is not possible. Therefore new wadis
in the area of Leidsche Rijn are now built without infiltration boxes.

Cars parking on wadis are another problem occurring regularly when wadis are built close to houses and
along streets. Cars that park in the wadis cause soil compaction, which decrease the permeability.
Therefore the water stays too long on compacted soil and inhibits the growth of grass or other plants. This
problem needs to be solved by provident planning. Visible kerbstones (not hindering water from entering the
wadi) and enough regular parking lots available close by could help to prevent this problem.

Other problems found within the construction of wadis are the need of very precise management of
elevations at the the site. Examples of drainage pits that are implemented so high that no water will ever
drain in can be seen in the area. Or large differences in terrain/ steep slopes which cause dry areas uphill
and too wet areas on the ground of the wadi. This again leads to problems in plant growth.

Altogether the experiences with the planning and building of wadis are still relatively limited. Further
experiences and research (!) will help to improve the technology and its usability for stormwater infiltration
and storage.
Text box 1. Wadis at Leidsche Rijn

The smaller local roads from which direct infiltration of runoff is considered as safe practice are
covered with permeable pavement. The roof runoff from adjacent buildings is led through
downpipes and spouts onto the street to either infiltrate or run as surface runoff directly to the
nearby canal or wadi.

Permeable pavement
Non visible, but effective for the purpose of infiltration is the permeable paving, used in the neighbourhood
streets of Leidsche Rijn. Unfortunately the paving is not always functioning well. In streets with high traffic
load, tire particles tend to clog the infiltration pores. Close to gardens, humus particles of garden soil can
cause the same effect. This could only be prevented by a regularly cleaning of the pavement. This is
commonly done by industrial vacuums that suck up all the sediment. This technique is cost intensive and
not done in Leidsche Rijn yet. Here enough other infiltration capacity is available and infiltration through the
pavement is therefore not crucial in relation to flooding problems.

Fig. 4. Wadi between roads and tiled pervious surfaces. Roof runoff is led onto the street to infiltrate or flow on the
surface to the wadi.

Text box 2.Permeable pavement at Leidsche Rijn

In order for the water quality to remain satisfying, important measures concerning the behavior of
the citizens is being implemented. Pesticides and salt for de-icing in the winter is banned, carwash
and walking the dog is only allowed in special sites, and other innovative methods are
implemented to elucidate the citizens on these matters are being used, e.g. a computer game
about “dos and don’ts” in the area. It is not reported how well this ban works, but there are
campaigns in order to get people to obey the restrictions. There is a risk though, that as time goes
by people will forget about the regulation and this could cause problems in the system.

Monitoring of the water quality consists of monitoring the wadis and the efficiency of the removal of
phosphorus from the vertical sand filter. The performance of the wadis is monitored on a yearly
basis by collecting samples from various soil depths underneath the wadis and analyzing for 10-15
common pollutants, but mainly focusing on the heavy metals. This way, the wadis can be
maintained when the need is there (the top layer of the wadi is replaced with a new layer with new
sorbing capacity). There is no monitoring of bacterial contamination in the system. This could pose
a risk to the inhabitants because of the closeness of the water and inhabitants built into the system.

Planning and design

The canals do not only transport the water, but provide a strong structure to the neighbourhood of
Leidsche Rijn. Visible water everywhere forms the special character of the area.

The stormwater management in the area of Leidsche Rijn aims to handle the accumulated
stormwater on site. The stormwater is with few exceptions detached from the sewer system.
Besides the technical solutions for infiltration, transpiration and storage of the water, the
stormwater is also used for the design of the neighbourhood. The elements for stormwater
management, like wadis and canals are communicating with the inhabitants and visitors. Even
though the stormwater is not always visible, the elements give a special structure and arouse
associations of water. The elements show the ecological standard and give an identity to the area.

With the steady growth of the area, more and more people are living in the new city district. One of
the problems of the area is the absence of schools, cafés, neighbourhood centres etc. The
shortage of these institutions results in missing social structures. The people’s identification with
the area is developing slowly and the inhabitants complain of a lack in life quality.
In this situation, the stormwater management system was used as a tool to build up a local identity.

One exemplary project to improve the situation is a local photo competition. The inhabitants were
asked to take pictures of the water system and the pictures were shown in a small exhibition. This
way, the people started to inform themselves about the water system and told their neighbours
about it. As a result, people got aware of the special structures in their neighbourhood and took
over responsibilities for it. Along with this the inhabitants got in contact with each other and social
structures started to grow. This small successful project shows the social potentials within a new
sustainable stormwater management system as well. Besides this little example, the information
centre of Leidsche Rijn informs the people very detailed and in many different ways. Brochures,
information materials and a game are available to teach the people how to behave in the sensitive
environment of stormwater infiltration areas (fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Left: Table from an information brochure in Leidsche Rijn. Right: Physical model at the Leidsche Rijn
exhibition centre.

In terms of organisational set-up, conflicts of interest have been identified between different
stakeholders. The Water Board has been concerned with ensuring and protecting water supply
interests, the urban drainage department has been concerned with run-off and flood protection, the
urban planning department has focused on land use (i.e. the provision of green space, open water
surfaces – igniting discussions whether or not, or to which degree, wadis should be identified as
green space, thus compromise the provision of other park areas).

Study area, Terwijde

Fig. 6. Orthographic photo showing the 8 enclaves along the west side of the island. Elevation 1 km ©
Google Earth.

As Leidsche Rijn is a large scale project with several neighborhoods of different ideas and designs
the case study is carried out for a local residential area in Terwijde in the northern part of the
Leidsche Rijn district. The houses in this area are situated in 8 well structured clusters with green
grass covered areas in between, and surrounded by a larger canal system (fig. 6).

Fig. 7. Left: Common court yard. Right: Green space.

Each enclave is arranged with buildings framing a common court yard dominated by hard surfaces.
On the rear side of the buildings the soft surfaces dominate with private gardens overlooking the

public green space (fig. 7). These green areas are topographically lower than the inhabited areas
by up to approximately 0.5 meter (fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Left: Illustration of the lake, public green space dividing enclaves and light green representing private
gardens and semi-private buffer zone. Right: conceptual section of green space and elevated enclaves.

The green areas form wide swales which are able to store significant amounts of stormwater
without putting the buildings at risk, and there may be further storage below ground in the form of
infiltration trenches or other porous material. However, this local area is supposedly built on the
clayey soils of the Leidsche Rijn district and it is most likely that the water is stored, evaporated or
discharged into the nearby canal system, which are in direct connection with the green areas.
Rainwater from roofs is transported via downpipes below ground. The downpipe material is
unknown, but seems somewhat metallic by the looks of it even though it has been painted black.
The roof material is also unknown. It is uncertain whether the water is infiltrated into the soil near
the houses or if it is transported into the green areas via underground pipes. All hard surfaces in
the inhabited areas are permeable to some extent consisting only of tiles and stones. The
stormwater which is not infiltrated is transported via open drains in the middle of the roads to the
green areas. The area is deliberately turned into a low traffic area with most parking spaces
situated furthest from the canal system to ensure maximum treatment of this water before

Infiltration beds in local streets

In the case area stormwater infiltration beds are implemented in
local streets. By differences in the terrain, the stormwater is led to
the beds and infiltrated through grass covered soil. Probably due to
lack of awareness among residents in the observed area, one of
the beds was used as a small garden area (fig. 9). The bed was
filled with garden soil and different herbs and flower planted. By
this use, no stormwater infiltration is possible. This example shows
the importance of adequate information provided for all residents
and the need for new stormwater management systems to be
supported by the residents.
Fig. 9. Infiltration bed filled and planted by the residents
Text box 3.Infiltration beds at Leidsche Rijn

Provided that the roof and downpipe materials are not zinc, copper or otherwise pollutant releasing
materials and that the inhabitants follow the environmental guidelines provided by the municipality
there seems to be no incentive for further cleaning of the rain runoff from this particular area.

Case 2: EVA-Lanxmeer, Culemborg

Fig. 10. Buildings and stormwater retention pond at EVA-Lanxmeer

EVA-Lanxmeer is a residential area developed by a group of ecologist from the EVA-foundation

and is designed to house about 250 people. The project is designed as a demonstration project
integrating multiple aspects of urban ecology including landscape based stormwater management,
grey wastewater treatment and infiltration, passive solar heating, non-motorized transportation and
the use of environmentally friendly construction materials (fig. 10 and fig. 12).

EVA-Lanxmeer is located at the edge of a water protection area. It focuses on approaching a
closed hydrologic cycle and small scale solutions. This includes for instance rainwater harvesting
and re-use, wastewater treatment and local infiltration. The involvement and motivation of
inhabitants in the area is a highly prioritized area, since improper use or disposal of the water
resources may cause a risk of groundwater pollution, which in turn can affect the drinking water.
Consequently, learning and playing with the water seems to be an important factor in the design of
the EVA-Lanxmeer as well. One can find a groundwater level indicator, a small water playground
and a fountain.

Wastewater management is divided into 4 different flows; (i) run-off from roofs and vegetated areas
collected in free-water surface ponds, (ii) road run-off and (iii) grey wastewater collected and
treated in a constructed wetland before being infiltrated through the soil matrix, and (iv) sanitary
wastewater collected and managed in conventional sewers (fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Diagram of the 4 flows of wastewater at EVA-Lanxmeer

The stormwater from the roofs is collected in ponds located within the area. Much of the
precipitation that falls on the roofs is however retained and/or detained by the many green roofs in

the area, which also contribute to increased evapotranspiration. Stormwater runoff from streets and
paved surfaces is led to wadis where it is allowed to infiltrate. Extra storage capacity is provided by
restored riverbeds to prevent flooding during intense precipitation events.

When the project was launched the water supply to each house consisted of two separate
pipelines: one for drinking water and one for household water. Household water was collected
rainwater as well as wastewater from the cleaning process of filters at the local water plant. The
household water was used for toilet flushing and washing machines. This practice was, however,
later prohibited by the government authorities and the pipelines for household water are currently

Fig. 12. Orthographic photo showing EVA-Lanxmeer during construction. Note the lakes, the forest strip, the
intimate gardens in top and the constructed wetland immediately next to the big building to the East.
Elevation 1 km © Google Earth

Water quality management

The fact, that the settlement is a pedestrian only area, reduces the pollution of the stormwater,
contributes to a high quality of the collected rain runoff in the surface ponds and minimizes the
need for larger paved areas. Lots of small pathways connect the houses and gravel materials are
used frequently. This concept minimizes the stormwater runoff from the start and there is no strong
need for runoff treatment before infiltration.

Another measure taken to approach a closed hydrologic cycle is the local treatment of household
greywater, such as effluents from kitchen and laundry. The treatment is made by a reed bed
located on the terrain. There are 3 local facilities for treatment of grey wastewater in the vicinities of
the EVA-Lanxmeer area. No available documentation for the performance of these particular
facilities has been found. However, it is well-known that such facilities require environmental
awareness from the citizens of the area in order to maintain a satisfying degree of purification.
One of the grey wastewater treatment facilities is a sand filter/gravel filter at a central location
immediately next to a school/office building. The wetland is fenced off by approximately 2 meter

high metal bars, restricting access. But the facility is still used, thus providing treatment at a
satisfying level with an acceptable level of odorous and aesthetical nuisance.

Other types of wastewater from households, such as blackwater, is led to sewers and treated
externally, due to the risk of groundwater contamination.

Planning and design

With the exception of the lakes providing aesthetic character to the area and reflecting the
buildings, the integration of landscape based urban drainage principles is difficult to comprehend
when visiting the site. Downpipes end below the soil surface and the separation or combination of
flows in subsurface pipe systems is not immediately identifiable. Run-off from walkways and
vegetated surfaces, however, flows by gravity to wet swales along the perimeter of local
The very individually build houses are build thoughtfully in the existing landscape. Old tree lined
ditches still exist and give character and structure to the landscape. In addition, the estate
exemplifies a high level of community involvement and commitment, which for example is indicated
in the well maintained community gardens.

Case 3: De Vliert, ’s- Hertogenbosch

Fig. 13. Orthographic photo of De Vliert, ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Green spaces to the north and south, and
heavily trafficked roads in the centre and to the west. Elevation 1 km © Google Earth

The De Vliert area in ‘s-Hertogenbosch was constructed more than 60 years ago, and originally
had a combined sewer system. In the 90’s, there was an urgent need of reparation of the sewer
system, and along with this restoration the stormwater was disconnected from the sewers and local
infiltration was promoted.

The design of the stormwater handling is based on small localised solutions. Stormwater from the
roofs is infiltrated individually in the gardens either on the ground or below, in rainwater tanks,
infiltration ponds, trenches or similar, thus every household has the responsibility for their own
runoff. Water from the roads with a low traffic load infiltrate through an infiltration trench under the
road (run-off from roads with heavy traffic is collected in the sewer system). This system is
supplemented with porous pavement and in case of wet weather and large flow an overflow from
the infiltration system to a trench through a specially designed playground incorporating the
stormwater and/or discharging to a nearby watercourse to the north and south (fig. 13 and fig. 14).

Fig. 14. Playground with stormwater overflow.

Water quality management
According to one of the key consultants on the project, Govert Geldof, stormwater quality has not
been given a lot of consideration, because water from the roofs is seen as ‘clean’. At the
playground children are encouraged to play in/with the water. Even though this could be a potential
cause of concern, there has been no complaints or worry by the inhabitants or the designers of the

Planning and design

Fig. 15. Permeable road pavement and run-off to park area at De Vliert.

De Vliert shows how unspectacular the renewal of an old sewer system can look like. Most of the
roof runoff is handled in the backyards and not seen from the outside. The solutions for infiltration
and use of the stormwater are mostly simple and long-known technologies. One can find elements
like rain butts or little rain gardens to handle the stormwater on site.
The interesting aspect of this project is the use of the sewer renewal as a driving force for other
purposes and the successful renewal of a whole city quarter.

The district of De Vliert represents an urban renewal project where landscape based urban
drainage played an integrated part in line with traffic safety improvements, rehabilitation of
recreational spaces (parks and playgrounds) and upgrading of the urban design including new
pavement and street furniture (fig. 15).

During the planning process every resident had to be spoken with and every house needed its own
special solution. This process was time consuming and exhausting for the planners, but it paid off
and led to a new identity for the neighbourhood and the growth of a social community.
Inhabitants were involved in the planning process and took part by designing single items like the
manhole covers and parts of a new playground. Govert Geldof, stresses the importance of public
involvement for the success of urban regeneration projects. In his opinion support is wide spoken,
when people are thoroughly informed about the objectives of the renewal process, when local
ideas are integrated in the project and information provided along the way.
The design for stormwater infiltration systems sometimes leads to strange solutions, such as the
water playground at De Vliert where there is only water when it rains. This design solution does not
make much sense and dramatically reduces the number of days where active interaction with
water is possible.

At De Vliert the designers operated with 3 concepts:

(i) the heroes, being the aesthetic landmarks and the resource persons,
(ii) the rituals, being the collaboration with end-users and end-user practice and
awareness building, and

(iii) the symbols, being custom designed manhole covers or pumps at
playgrounds referring to the design and presence of the special drainage
system (fig. 16).

Fig. 16. Left: Custom made manhole covers indicate that the water here is infiltrated. Right: A pump at a
playground included in the project.

In the case of De Vliert the urban retrofit was more expensive than just implementing a larger pipe
where capacity problems occurred. In addition, and as a general premise, rehabilitating existing
areas does not provide as ‘exceptional’ design solutions as seen in new urban development
projects. However, with an integrated approach, more urban environmental quality and social gains
such as a growing community feeling (and growing trust in the city administration) is obtainable.

Case 4: Monnikenhuizen, Arnhem

Fig. 17. Orthographic photo of Monnikenhuizen in Arnhem. Note the forests to the west and south. The slope
descends from north to south. The lake is seen in the triangular arrow-shaped green space in the centre of
the plan. Elevation 1 km © Google Earth

Located on a hill and surrounded by forest the site of Monnikenhuizen in Arnhem provides exiting
and challenging topographic and contextual conditions for the utilization of landscape based urban
drainage as an integrated design element in the development and branding of the area (fig. 17).

Monnikenhuizen consists of 204 residences and is distinguished by 3 special characteristics;

gabions, water system and plantation.

Planning and design

Fig. 18. The Lake (left) and the River (right) as two dominant design elements at Monnikenhuizen

Two key design elements are identified; the River and the Lake (fig. 18). The River, being the
gutter in the centre of the main access road, dynamically accentuates the meandering curves and
the slope of the street, with a reference to more mountainous regions. Located in the valley at the
bottom of the hill, the lake/pond forms the mental focal point of the plan, the communal meeting

place for residents, and the welcoming gate for visitors. The fluctuating water levels in the pond
reflects the seasonal precipitation levels and uses the dynamics of water as an asset in the
development of an ever changeable transitional space.
In addition a second river or ‘waterfall’ is used as a design element along the eastern part of the
site. Both the river and the waterfall remain dry in periods without precipitation - as in nature.


Fig. 19. Left: Green roof with zinc edges. Right: Visibility of stormwater and zinc ‘down-pipe’.

Monnikenhuizen provides a broad scope of inspiring solutions for stormwater management from
small to large scale. On the small scale can be mentioned the green roofs retaining water (fig. 18),
permeable parking lots (fig. 20), down pipes irrigating vegetated gabions or connected to infiltration
boxes below ground and gutters reducing traffic speed or delineating private and semi-private
(parking)spaces. On the bigger scale, water from the roads and overflow from the infiltration boxes
are led via open, wide and shallow gutters in the middle of the streets to an infiltration and storage
pond in the center of the area.

The bottom of the infiltration basin is covered with loam, which prevents (or significantly slows
down) infiltration through the bottom. Thus, the pond will never dry out completely. During wet
weather the water level will rise and infiltration take place through the sides of the basin. The pond
also has an overflow which lets water out to an ecological corridor in case of extreme events.

A problem which has been observed at the site is clogging of the underground infiltration boxes.
Therefore it is a problem that there is no access to the infiltration system when the construction is

Monnikenhuizen is implemented in year 2000 and is at that time relatively unique in terms of using
landscape based urban drainage systems as an asset. At present, according to the landscape
architects, infiltration of rain water is the standard design solution in the Netherlands. Municipalities
have developed guidelines for urban stormwater management (e.g. the “yellow book” by the City of

Fig. 20. Permeable parking lots.

Water quality management
All hard surfaces except from the roofs consist of more or less pervious material such as tiles,
flagstone or pebbles partly facilitating infiltration. Some roofs discharge the runoff onto the streets
and the open wide gutters which transport the stormwater downhill to the lake. Other roofs lead the
runoff into infiltration trenches in the gardens and again, some roofs exploit both options
There are green roofs in the area as well as zinc roofs. It is well known that zinc roofs and
downpipes have the potential to release zinc ions to the flowing stormwater and accumulation may
occur in soils that infiltrate the water. There are, however, no measurements of the zinc
concentrations in the lake water or sediment to reveal whether this is the case for the metal
materials of Monnikenhuizen.

Zink is an important element in the design of the houses (fig. 19). It can therefore be expected that
the run-off will contain considerable concentrations of zink. There have been no measurements on
the water quality (i.e. concentration of zinc) or toxicity of the water and this was of no concern in
the design of the project. Zink is only toxic in very high concentrations, so it is not clear if there
could be adverse effects by the concentrations at the site.

Case 5: Lankheet, Haaksbergen

Fig. 20. Artists impression (left) and photo of the constructed wetland park as built at Haaksbergen (right).

At the Lankheet site located a forest area close to the town of Haaksbergen, in the East-Holland
region of Twente, river water is treated in a constructed wetland system. The system combines
treatment with reed production, land art and a recreational park, thus layering and intensifying land
use in a multi-functional green space (fig. 20).

Fig. 21. Orthographic photo of the wetland system at Haaksbergen during construction. The canal runs to the
east. Two of the intimate spaces are identified as ponds to the west. Elevation 1 km © Google Earth

The project site is divided into two large open plains combined with 3 smaller and more intimate
spaces (fig. 21). The plains contain grids of wetland cells, each approximately measuring 40 x 40
m. The wetlands are lowered from the level of the walk paths and designed with a small moat
restricting public access onto the wetland cells. Wetlands are covered by reeds, which are
harvested for thatching (fig. 22), and the changing heights of the plants change the
intimacy/openness of the walkways and reflect the seasonal changes. An artificial hill divides the
two plains, frames the space, and provides the option for more perspective and an overview of the

site. The intimate, somewhat meditative, spaces have open water surface accommodating direct
interaction with water.

Fig. 22. Close-up of reed bed at Lankheet, Haaksbergen.

Hydrology and quality control

The system of reed bed infiltration basins are used to infiltrate and treat water from surrounding
agricultural area. It can thus not really be considered a stormwater system since it is located in a
relatively rural area in the outskirts of Haaksbergen. However, the project indicates the potential
and necessity of multi-functional green space in the vicinity of urban areas to meet stormwater
treatment demands at large scale.
When visiting the site, the purpose of treatment and the flow of water is relatively difficult to
identify. The meandering river along the eastern edge of the site is expected to be the source.
Whether treated water is discharged back to the river downstream, or water is infiltrated in the
surrounding farmland or forest is unclear. Whether the reed beds function according to the
intention and how clean the outflowing water is, is also unclear.

Planning and design

At first glance the location and scale of the plains makes it hard to differ the park from the
surrounding production landscape. To underline the presence of a public accessible park land art
is used to provide landmarks, mark the gateways and make the intimate spaces contrast the
relative homogeneous context.

Fig. 23. Concrete stepping stones in a pond in Haaksbergen.

One example for the combination of art and water treatment is the step stones found in the park
(fig. 22). Amorphous formed concrete step stones invite the visitors to walk through one of the
lakes. By walking over the step stones one experiences the water very closely. The surface levels
in the two sides of the lake are different. The step stones are used as a barrier where the water is
floating through. By the time of the visit, the overall water level was relatively low and only little
water was streaming from one part of the pond to the other.
This caused accumulation of waste and dirt in the gaps between the stones. The nearly still
standing water was smelly and the experience of the close water surface was not positive.

Fig. 23. Reference picture. Pond with concrete stones on the Nieuwe Ooster cemetery in Amsterdam

A better solution for the same effect was found in the Nieuwe Ooster cemetery of Amsterdam (fig.
23). Here the landscape architects Karres en Brands chose to build the concrete stones more
formal and closer together. This solution seems to be less susceptible for dirt accumulation.
Probably the cemetery is maintained more often than the step stones in the open landscape.
Solutions for the open landscape need to be less fragile and easy to maintain.

Case 6: Ruwenbos, Enschede

Fig. 24. Photo of a wadi dividing built enclaves in Ruwenbos.

The district of Ruwenbos in Enschede has been developed during the last 10-15 years. As a
consequence the area provides historic foot prints of the relation between the level of knowledge in
and experience with landscape based urban drainage systems and the physically built
environment. As counting tree rings the level of confidence in landscape based urban drainage can
be read from one phase to another.

At the early stages stormwater is collected in a separated system and discharged to the green
areas to the east and west of the enclaves. Here water seeps into wadis (fig. 24). Overflow is
discharged to a retention pond to the south (fig. 25). The first phase was designed to be reversible
to a conventional separated sewer system if the systems did not meet functional expectations.

Fig. 25. Sketch of drainage system and design phases.

As time goes by and experience and confidence rises the design is more integrated and non-
reversible. Landscape based urban drainage options are now integrated in the design from the

Water from paved areas and roofs are led via open gutters to the wadis. The residential area
Ruwenbos in Enschede hosts the first wadi constructed in the Netherlands. At the time of
construction there was thus little experience on the performance and design of wadis in Holland,
which has resulted in wadis being over-dimensioned. However, this is not really a problem since
they seem to function well and are appreciated by the inhabitants. The stormwater in the wadis will
generally infiltrate in the underlying soils, or during intense precipitation events, flow out in a
nearby pond and river.

There have been slight problems with clogging of the wadis in this area due to the presence of
nearby oak trees. The leaves of oak trees are seemingly degraded very slowly and tend to
pulverise which clogged the upper layers of the soil. So from time till time the citizens are actively
removing the leaves that fall in the wadis.

Water quality management

The wadis of Ruwenbos were the first in the Netherlands and were a copy of the German Mulden
Rigole (fig. 26). The roof runoff as well as runoff from the small local roads is transported via
ditches to enter one of the three wadis traversing the area of Ruwenbos. The whole area is
generally paved with more or less permeable surfaces such as tiles, flagstone and pebbles
allowing for significant parts of the storm water to infiltrate even before entering the ditch.

Fig. 26. Conceptual section of wadi at Ruwenbos, Enschede. Depression, filter substrate, infiltration box,
drain pipe, geo textile and overflow structure (from Palsmaa, 2008)

An example of the importance of communication between the different partners in such a project is
that the first houses built here were equipped with downpipes made of copper, which have the
potential to release copper ions to the flowing rain water. This was based on a misunderstanding
between the architects and the engineers designing the wadis. Problems with high concentration of
copper in the soil can therefore occur. However, according to Govert Geldorf the wadis are being
monitored on a yearly basis and to his knowledge no alarming accumulation of copper has yet
been registered in the top soil layer. Monitoring is mainly concerned with heavy metals and is
performed by taking out soil samples from different depths in the top soil of the wadis to register
the rate of accumulation. Later in the building stage, the material was switched to something else,
so that only the oldest houses still have copper pipes.

Planning and design

Fig. 27. Orthographic photo of the Ruwenbos district in Enschede. The enclaves are divided by green
wedges predominantly north-south and one central with an east-western orientation. The retention pond and
park is located next to the motorway and below power transmission lines. Elevation 1 km © Google Earth

The stormwater management system is well integrated in the green structure of the housing estate,
with a visual reminiscence of the water from the streets via open gutters to green wedges, through
wadis and into the retention pond in the local park (fig. 27).

The early wadis were over-dimensioned – by about 300%. This has increased the robustness of
the technology, and has provided room for more multi-functional use of the urban green spaces. As
an example the meandering curves and wadis are now doubling as popular bicycle race tracks for
children. Govert Geldof, who has been involved as a consultant in the project, recommends large
scale and robust wadis, in contrast to small systems squeezed in at marginal spaces.

The stormwater retention pond to the south is located under power transmission lines and next to
the motorway, thus integrated in the planning of a multi-functional infrastructure corridor. As such,
it is an example of actively including areas that would otherwise be left as wastelands. As a result
of infiltration in wadis (due to the relatively good soil and ground water conditions) the stormwater
retention pond turned out to be over-dimensioned and covering a relatively large area.
Consequently the pond has been resized to provide more dry soil for park land. This exemplifies
the appropriateness of over-dimensioning systems at the early pioneering stages of new
technologies so that the flexibility of rehabilitation is maintained as an option if systems (does not)
work better than expected.

Case 7: Stad van de Zon, Heerhugowaard

Fig. 28. Ortho photo of Stad van de Zon, Elevation 3 km © Google Earth

Stad van de Zon – City of the Sun – was constructed to meet the rising demands for housing in the
Alkmaar region north of Amsterdam.
The city is located almost precisely between the North Sea and the IJmeer. As such the large pond
with the iconic square island (fig. 28) - which is possibly ‘visible from the moon’ - is an integrated
part of the overall regional blue structure linking the two major water bodies to the east and west
(fig. 29).

Fig. 29. Orthographic photo of the pond and iconic square island in the centre. The North Sea to the west.
The IJmeer to the east. Elevation 30 km © Google Earth

Stad van de Zon is the first city in Holland to be classified as “CO2 emission neutral”, which means
that it does not contribute to global warming. Water is used as a crucial element in the branding of
Stad van de Zon as a ‘sustainable’ the new city.

The site covers about 250 ha and is divided between the historical northeast axis with high trees
framing the road and old thatched farmhouses located at the original Dutch polder level.

The new development consists of the pond, the square island, the labyrinth and the hills to the
south, and is levelled about 60-80 cm above the polder system to prevent inflow of nutrient rich
water from surrounding agricultural land. Consequently, the stormwater system is designed to be
self-sustained in terms of precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, treatment and recycling at an
annual basis. In addition, the system is prepared to manage 100-year rain events without flood

Fig. 30. Orthographic photo of the southern part of Stad van de Zon, with the historical north-east axis, the
labyrinth treatment canal and private residential islands linked to the central square. Elevation 1 km ©
Google Earth

The residential area is situated in the middle of an artificial lake, which is divided into two parts (fig.
30). The northwestern part of the lake is deeper, and the growth of aquatic plants is not promoted.
This is also where a public beach is situated. The southeastern part is more shallow, and contains
a “labyrinth”- designed as a free water surface flow constructed wetland with an average depth
around 1 meter - with various aquatic plants, through which the water is led and being treated from
nutrients and other pollutants at the same time. To secure continuous circulation stormwater is
pumped counter clockwise around the pond a speed of 1200 m3/hour.

The water system in Stad van de Zon and the surrounding Park van Luna is mainly focused on
recreational values and water quality, and thus the techniques usually associated with sustainable
urban stormwater drainage (such as infiltration devices etc.) are not being employed.

Water quality management

The pond includes a beach area, which demands high water quality standards.
The labyrinth in the southeastern part of the area acts as a treatment facility with the main function
of removing nutrients from the lake water through uptake by plants, predominantly reed. Until now
the system has been able to keep the lake sufficiently clean to ensure a good water quality for
swimming. To our knowledge there is no particular monitoring program connected to this labyrinth
wetland except for the monitoring of the water quality in the lake itself. As long as it purifies the
water satisfyingly there will be put no more consideration into this facility. One of the concerns with
respect to maintaining the high water quality is the presence of birds which may pollute the water.
In case of the wetland failing to purify the water the possibility exists to bypass the wetland and run
the water through a more technical treatment system.
Furthermore, in order to reduce contamination risks, road run-off is discharged to the polder
system, thus excluded from the pond and the closed-loop stormwater management system.

Planning and design
The stormwater pond is utilised at many levels. As an integrated part of the regional blue structure,
as a landmark branding and promoting the new area, as a swimming/surfing/fishing locale, and as
a point-de-vue for the housing estates – most extraordinarily for the houses located on their own
private island or peninsula in the pond. Generally spoken, the cost of houses immediately next to
open water surfaces are approximately 20% higher than second row locations in the Netherlands.

The design of the wetland integrates landscape architectural concepts of a maze layout, a
recreational play spot and a bird habitat, compromising strictly rational area and performance
optimisations as suggested by the consulting engineers. However, if the future proves it necessary,
the scale of the treatment plant is expected to provide good basis for rehabilitation works without
dissolving the original landscape architectural idea.

Fig. 31. Conceptual sketch of Stad van de Zon presented by Jan Wijn, Dutch Water Board.

The project shows the importance of envisioning and communicating the potentials and qualities of
utilising stormwater at many levels. The conceptual sketch of the Stad van de Zon uniting energies
and themes at regional level (fig. 31), the iconic branding of the site, the recreational potential for
residents and visitors, the sensitivity to historic buildings and the respect for protected areas along
polders all communicate the intensions and unite stakeholders across disciplines. During the site
visit, the project was presented with great enthusiasm by Jan Wijn from the Dutch Water Board. He
showed a motivation to carry out very tedious and time consuming ‘new’ tasks (breaking with the
everyday practice) in order to support the common goal of making the vision come true, for
example securing high water quality in the pond to allow for swimming. This commitment makes all
partners an asset working with, not against, the project. In other cases, some
stakeholders/authorities/professions risk being regarded as stubborn and in opposition to new (less
reliable?) solutions.

Case 8: Westerpark, Amsterdam

Fig. 32. Leisure activities on top of a wetland in Westerpark.

Westerpark in Amsterdam is a recently developed park located at a former gas works site (fig. 34).
Stormwater plays an important role in the design and is an important element used to promote
activities for the visitors of the park.
Two former gas tanks are transformed into ponds with seaweed, ducks and other birds, creating a
strong contrast and co-existence of culture and nature in the park.
A bar is built next to and on top of a wetland and pond system, exemplifying the attraction of water,
the cooling effect of trickling water, the sound of falling water, the reflection and glittering play of
sunlight in the water surface, the sound of the wind blowing through the wetland plants (fig. 32).
The wetland environment is used as a trendy attraction for young people – however, addressing
the need of odour control and evaluating potential health risks.
Another site reflects the varying states and aesthetics of fresh water – clear, green, brown, still
water covered with duck weed, cement slopes with varying water depths and temporary wet and
dry surfaces reflecting the precipitation levels of the previous hours or days.

Fig. 33. Children playing in the urban beach environment.

Most families and sunbathers flock around the shallow pond where children are allowed to play in
the water (fig. 33). The site works as an urban beach in the centre of Amsterdam, and beach life
enfolds along the banks. Water is changed (recycled?) at a rate about 1 l/s, providing a small water
fall at the outlet, which attracts and invites children to play.
The Westerpark is an inspiring site with multiple examples of the socio-cultural potentials of
landscape based urban drainage. The legal and technical aspects of water quality control and
odour control are yet to be identified in detail.

Fig. 34. Orthographic photo of Westerpark in Amsterdam. The older park inspired by the English garden
tradition is located in the eastern part. Reminiscences of 3 gas tanks can be seen to the west. The triangular
concrete pond is located to the north followed by ponds and wetlands to the west and north-west. Elevation 1
km © Google Earth

General reflections
Having visited the 8 case study areas in the Netherlands a number of issues seem to be parallel in
the projects and might provide valuable lessons.

The systems tend to be closed loop systems, where water is collected, retained and recycled
within the project site. Much attention is put into preventing inflow of relatively contaminated water
from the rivers and polder systems. When water is retained and restricted from external water
sources, the water quality is easier controlled.

Much attention is on preventing surface water from rivers and agricultural drainage systems from
entering the closed loop stormwater management system. However, little concern seems to be
given ground water sources. In EVA-Lanxmeer infiltration is allowed, despite ground water is
extracted below ground (however 100 meters below ground). In Leidsche Rijn direct contact with
ground water sources is allowed in the design of the 40 meter deep retention pond. In Ruwenbos
groundwater is allowed to rise to ground level during winters. The lesson being that ground water,
in the Netherlands, is not a major obstacle to locate areas suitable for stormwater infiltration.

Over-dimensioning the design seems to be an appropriate option in the start-up phase, when the
confidence in the technology and the level of experience among contractors, designers,
administrators and decision makers is still modest. This also shows the need for experiments, and
the willingness among professionals and decision makers to implement pilot projects. The
knowledge base and decision support tools might not be as comprehensive as conventional
solutions, and the cost of customized projects might be more expensive than implementing pre-fab
units by business as usual, but to generate knowledge and bring the sector forward, more
experiments are needed. Ruwenbos has shown the process of trial and error. Most importantly it
has shown the necessary maturing process for professionals to gain confidence in new
technologies (in an iterative process influencing management practices, contractors’ trust,
legislation, public administration practices and so on).

It is recommended by Palsmaa and Geldof that wadis are designed as large systems included in
the overall urban design. Small systems squeezed in at marginal spaces are not recommendable
due to lower robustness and difficulties in maintaining and keeping an overview of the optionally
multiple sites in need for continuous monitoring, operation and maintenance.

Landscape based stormwater management is not a utility network to be squeezed in at marginal

spaces. It is not invisible, hidden underground. It must never be an ad hoc element to be
elaborated by technicians just prior to the tendering process. For successful solutions in terms of
flood control, pollution control, aesthetics and social inclusion water must be integrated and taken
seriously from the earliest stages of the design process. Furthermore, for successful and integrated
projects, designing is not a task for (landscape) architects alone. Projects must be developed in an
interdisciplinary team of civil engineers, environmental engineers, hydrologists, biologists,
chemists, social scientists, school and pre-school teachers, event makers, artists, entrepreneurs,
contractors, architects, landscape architects, and of course local residents of all ages. It is not an
easy task. It counteracts and challenges the planning autopilot. It takes more time. But the result is
worth it. Jan Wijn from Stad van de Zon is a fully committed example of that.

Integrating water from the early stages might also - at least in new built areas – allocate the areas
necessary for landscape based urban drainage systems. SUDS is not one solution, but (often) a
series of technical solutions customized to the specific context.

This leads to the premise that in order to assess projects and evaluate the appropriateness of one
technical solution to another one must start with the specific context. Asking oneself the questions:
How is the topography? What is the soil condition? How high is the ground water table (during
summer and winter)? Which types and which levels of contamination are visible/measured/
known/intended/allowed at this specific site? What is the history of the site? What is the level of
local awareness? How is the level of commitment among residents, decision makers, professionals
and other partners involved in the project? Having these answers at hand the basic premises for
project evaluation and/or project design are in place. It is now reasonable to proceed.

Wadis with infiltration trenches are difficult to maintain and experience has shown their tendency to
clog, which provide an extra expense to clean up. In the case of Leidsche Rijn experience has
changed practice from inclusion to exclusion of infiltration trenches in the standard design of wadis.
The experience from Leidsche Rijn is that the design parameter for wadis should be infiltration –
not retention.
Govert Geldof criticizes the infiltration system at Leidsche Rijn as the wrong technology for the
given location. Leidsche Rijn is located in a clay bed not suitable for infiltration. Implicitly Geldof
stresses that one must always start with the specific contextual setting and premises before
evaluating the scope of appropriate technologies. If technologies are not fitted to the specific
setting, the design will ultimately fail. The experiences from Leidsche Rijn might prove him right.

Reviewing the project the successful projects seem to include a somewhat holistic approach. Not
only approaching the issue of stormwater management (in the sense of flood protection and
environmental conservation), but applying as many integrated aspects as possible. De Vliert, as an
example, addressed problems with traffic, needs for better recreational facilities, community
involvement and social inclusion, aesthetical upgrading etc. to the (otherwise technical and
isolated) issue of sewer rehabilitation works. This way, the necessary public expenses for
rehabilitating ageing infrastructures aimed at multiple societal benefits, also in the short run. EVA-
Lanxmeer is another example showing that infiltration in a water reclamation zone is an option if
properly addressed and planned from the start. Not least, if proper dialogue between stakeholders
is initiated at an early stage.

Envisioning and communicating ideas is a powerful tool to gain support among stakeholders. In
this sense participatory practices and residents’ involvement must have a high priority. Stad van de
Zon and De Vliert are two good examples on this issue.

Envisioning is one issue, a holistic approach another, round table discussions among multiple
stakeholders a third. At the earliest stages operation and maintenance tasks must also be
included. The oak leaves clogging the wadis in Ruwenbos, the destroyed grass pavers in
Monnikenhuizen, the malfunctioning infiltration boxes and the clogged permeable pavements in
Leidsche Rijn. They are all examples of systems that have broken down fully or partly or
seasonally due to challenges during the ongoing operations and management duties. Keeping in
mind that the blue print from the design office is first handed over to the contractor (who risk
making mistakes during construction in the field, especially when new technologies are
introduced), the contractor and consultant hands over the final drawings ‘as built’ (at least they
claim to do so), the environmental management department at the local municipality takes over the
drawings, ongoing maintenance work might be out sourced to a local contractor (who risk not
report the changes to the municipal officer, who might not have the original digital drawing or who
risks making mistakes when carrying out the updates etc.), years go by, new staff is taking over,
the gap between the drawings and the built reality widens. At least 4 times the project drawings are
handed over from one part to another. To secure functionality of the system, the design must be so
robust and the drawings so clear, that the chain does not break somewhere along the way. In other
words, the successful design must be very aware of and address all the weak links that can
ultimately lead to the termination of the system. Starting over from scratch.

The robustness of the system is essential. Especially in the long run. The more complex the
design, the more parameters can lead to malfunctioning. This does not equal ‘small is beautiful’,
‘less is more’ or other dogmas. Again, the choice of solutions and assessment of appropriateness
rely on the specific context.

In the Netherlands residences next to open water surfaces are in general 20% more expensive
than the neighbouring buildings in second and third row. This indicates clearly the value of water in
an urban development process. But to secure the attraction and promote water in the real estate
market, the stormwater management systems must be reliable. They must be beautiful to look at,
they must not provide a health risk, they must not be a source for odour nuisance, they must not
break down, they must not flood the basement or undermine the foundation structures. These
aspects must be thoroughly assessed before implementing ‘alternative’ stormwater management

To sum up, some of the general conclusions at this stage are:

- start with the context
- think holistically / in entities
- integrate water from the earliest planning and design stages
- envision and communicate the idea to all stakeholders
- allocate the necessary space for interlinked SUDS elements
- plan for operation and maintenance tasks from the beginning
- prioritize robustness
- utilise the financial potential of water in urban development projects
- respect that it takes time to gain confidence in new planning, implementation and
maintenance practices
- allow for experiments

The Netherlands has about 10-15 years of experience with landscape based urban drainage
systems. The history and evolution has influenced legislation and practice, which provides a
valuable resource base for other countries evaluating the potentials, necessity and possible
conflicts of landscape based stormwater management systems.

For Denmark, many lessons can be leaned and some mistakes can be prevented, by integrating
thoroughly the experiences from the Netherlands.

Overview tables

The following section include overview tables of the case studies presented in previous chapters,

- Leidsche Rijn
- EVA-Lanxmeer
- De Vliert
- Monnikenhuizen
- Lankheet
- Ruwenbos
- Stad van de Zon
- Westerpark

Leidsche Rijn

Work analysis Evaluation Questions

A closed water system is the On the whole the system What are the soil types and
aim at the site. seems to work well, but the related infiltration properties in
infiltration trenches underneath the area?
Because of the geology at the the wadi’s are not functioning
site, the infiltrated water flows as well as they were supposed How much of the total
to the lakes in the area. to, due to clogging. precipitation is retained by

Stormwater is infiltrated through The use of green roofs was not

grass covered wadis with supported since the aim of the How much is ‘’lost’’ by
infiltration soils. project is to keep water in the evapotranspiration?
area and be self-sufficient in
Problems with some wadis, water supply, thus the How much of the total
clogging the infiltration boxes increased evapotranspiration stormwater volume is
obtained by green roofs is not infiltrated/led to sewer
desired. systems?

Infiltration on clay soil is difficult

Water is circulated in the canals There could be problems with Is there any monitoring strategy
and lakes in order to avoid getting people to obey the rules for the quality of the water in
standing water. on not to use pesticides, only the system?
wash their cars at the car-wash
Phosphorus in imported water etc. This would increase the What are the criteria for
and in the system is reduced by risk of contamination of the classifying water as ‘clean’ and
vertical filtering in soil with iron system. ‘dirty’?
Quality control

There are no measurements on How is the quality of the

Water is kept in the area to bacterial contamination in the groundwater at the site? Is it
minimize losses and to system. This is a risk because used?
minimize needs for importing of the close contact between
water water and inhabitants in the
No pesticides and salt are
allowed in the area.

Focus is on regulating and

controlling the water levels and

Very large scale project Focus of the whole project is to What is the main focus of the
make water visible to the project – communicating /
The project integrates canals, citizens regulating?
wadis, lake
Different architectural qualities What are the single elements of
Water is visible to citizens and in different areas the projects?
stormwater management is
very obvious in the area. Stormwater management as Are the single elements
frame for a whole new city working? (Problems with
New urban development district. overflow, dirt, smell, life span…)

Canals and wadis give a strong From the stormwater What are the difficulties in the
identity to the neighbourhoods. perspective altogether a detailed construction of the
Planning and design

successful project elements?

Canals have different profiles
depending on their duties. Social problems. Missing What kinds of materials are
identity. Partly identified as used?
Communicating and regulating starting problems
aspects seem to be equally Are there special, smart
weighted in the area. Utilization of levelling promising solutions – good functioning,
combination of several
functions in one element, very
beautiful solutions?

Are stormwater management

elements working as design

How obvious is the stormwater

management in the area?

Is stormwater management
able to give an identity to the

Table 1: Summary of the Leidsche Rijn project.


Work analysis Evaluation Questions

Focus on closing the hydrologic Stormwater management not in What is the soil type/infiltration
cycle as much as possible the main focus, but part of an properties of the area?
overall ecological concept.
Stormwater is infiltrated in Is the treated water from
infiltration trenches and ponds. household effluents also

allowed to infiltrate locally after

Grey-water is collected and being treated or is it led
treated in reed-beds. someplace else?

Black wastewater is led to Problems with flooding?


Protect drinking water No information on the efficiency Are there any measurements
resources of the system or monitoring on the efficiency of the grey-
programs. water treatment? Monitoring?
Treatment of household
wastewater (greywater) Groundwater pollution no major How deep is the groundwater
issue - no cars. level/drinking water aquifer?

In spite of the area being on the

Quality control

edge of a water protection area

where drinking water is
retrieved, local infiltration was
permitted. This leads to the
assumption that the infiltration
time and depth to groundwater
table are large enough to
ensure proper “treatment” of the
water. Furthermore it ought to
imply that the water quality is
being closely monitored, but
whether these assumptions are
correct is not known.

Medium scale project Strong emphasis on ecological Why is the fountain not working
living, high life quality – – too little stormwater?
Community driven individual wishes and visions
for living can be fulfilled. See table 1.
Central pond and community Communicating water elements
gardens core of plan do not, fulfil their purpose.

Includes design elements like

main pond, old ditches, green Water system relatively invisible
roofs, fountain, small gravel (for a demonstration project).
pathways – less imperious The narrative of water difficult
paving to read – competing with
passive solar heating, eco-
Both communicating and friendly materials, gardening,
Planning and design

regulating aspects can be found ‘life quality’

in the area. Often the functions
of elements are not visible. No visible structure for the
stormwater management, but
Pond clear without algae good atmosphere.

Fountain not working

Old ditches need to be


Paving done by recycled

materials (old concrete plates),
gravel, wood chips

The stormwater management is

not the single driving force for
the area. Other aspects of an
ecological life style seem to be
as important. (solar energy, eco
materials, gardening…)

Table 2: Summary of the EVA-Lanxmeer project.

De Vliert

Work analysis Evaluation Questions

Urban retrofitting. Renewal of The infiltration solutions were Has the local infiltration led to a
drainage system led to chosen individually for each change in groundwater levels
separated systems house, and consist of for and/or variations compared to
instance infiltration beds, pre-SUDS levels?
Disconnection of individual rainwater harvesting cisterns,
house lots etc. Thus to quantify e.g. Is the water mainly infiltrated or
infiltration rates each individual is it also being used for e.g.
Stormwater from roofs is solution has to be taken into toilet flushing?
infiltrated in the individual account and considered.


Individual solutions for every

house. Little infiltration
depressions, rain gardens,
water butts etc.

Stormwater from roads it is led

to an infiltration trench with
overflow through a playground.

Stormwater from major roads is

led to sewers
Quality control

No treatment component is Potential risk to the children in Is there any concern about
highlighted close contact with the runoff water quality in relation to the
water from the roads. close contact with children?

Medium scale project Stormwater management is See table 1.
used to lift a whole city district.
Rehabilitation of area from
WW2 Stormwater management not
visible but well functioning.
Urban renewal project
integrating water, traffic and Process as the most important
recreation. result – not the best design
results, but increasing
Public participation in focus. awareness and responsibility of
Main difficulty in this project is residents.
Planning and design

the contact to the inhabitants

and their cooperation. Community accept and
awareness counteract piracy -
Play & lean features included washing machines no longer
discharge to the drainage
Regulating aspects are in focus system
of the project. Some
communicating elements like This project shows the chances
special designed manhole lining within new stormwater
covers are added to management solutions.
communicate the new system
to the people.

The stormwater management is

not very obvious in the area,
even though it is used as a
driving force for the renewal of
the district.

Table 3: Summary of the De Vliert project.


Work analysis Evaluation Questions

Project aims to expose The water system of this area Where is the groundwater level
stormwater in public seems to be more of an in relation to the infiltration
architechtural/aesthetical basin?
Stormwater is infiltrated near feature rather that hydrological,

the houses or led via gutters in although of course it also Is it possible for the infiltration
the road to an infiltration basin. affects the hydrology. basin to dry out completely
during dry periods?

How much stormwater runoff

(return period) can the area
accept before infiltration basin
is flooded?
Quality control

There could be contamination Has the water quality in the

Best practice guidelines of the infiltration basin by zink, infiltration basin been
distributed to inform residents which could influence the measured?
How high levels of zink are

Medium scale urban Good quality of planning and See table 1.
transformation project design work

Traffic shares the public space Stormwater used as an asset to

with stormwater brand the estate

The system is working well and Water integrated as element

after 8 years still in a good from detail to master plan level
After eight years no major
Both communicating and vandalism or problems in
regulating aspects work hand in function.
Nice atmosphere, high quality
Elements include stormwater of living.
infiltration pond, gutter along
the streets to collect and Terrain/topography important
transport the stormwater, green for stormwater system and the
roofs, brick paving, gabions, design of the settlement.
Planning and design

grass pavers, small gravel foot

paths. The use of good suitable
materials pays of over the
Infiltration pond with variable years.
surface level (water temporarily
covering grassland) an
important feature

Stormwater management
visible (especially the gutter)
and important for the local
identity, Other elements like
gabions and recurring materials
are of the same importance for
the appearance of the area.

Use of the gutter as traffic block

to slow down the speed of the
cars and to structure the
streets. Residents complain
about the depth of the gutter.

Plastic grass pavers are

destroyed by frequent parking –
replaced by concrete grass

Table 4: Summary of the Monnikenhuizen project.


Work analysis Evaluation Questions

Infiltration/water treatment The impression from the study What kind of water is being
ponds with reed vegetation. visit is that the system mainly received by the ponds?
affects water quality rather than
quantity, even though it may Is it only direct infiltration to
result in increased infiltration to groundwater or are there
some extent compared to other drainage pipes underneath?

rural areas. However the

information was very scarce
and it is difficult to draw any
certain conclusions both on
purpose and effects of the

Difficult to identify water flow

(from where to where?)
Quality control

Treating contaminated water

from agriculture/ polluted river
by infiltration in ponds planted
with reed.

Large scale project located in The use of a large scale, See table 1.
rural farmland landscape based water
treatment area for recreational
Integrated river treatment, purposes is an interesting
public park, and reed approach. The added design
production feature, like the wooden
archways are used to mark the
It is a landscape based solution area and wake the interest of
with natural materials (grass visitors. It is questionable if this
covered dikes, reed). Wooden approach fits to the
entrances, concrete step stones surrounding.
were added to highlight the
Planning and design

recreational value. Layering/intensifying land use

Indicates the potential or need
Area with stepping stones for multi-functional green space
provides aesthetic value to the in peri-urban areas
Hidden site.
Both communicating and
regulating aspects can be
found. It seems that the project
started of with the regulating
entitlement. Communicating
aspects where added on to
make the project visible and to
develop a recreational value on

The horizontality and

homogeneousness of the
geometric fields is
counteracted/articulated by land

Table 5: Summary of the Lankheet project.


Work analysis Evaluation Questions

Since the wadis are over- Are the wadis capable of

First wadi in the Netherlands dimensioned compared to infiltration all year around (or

normal stormwater volumes, it are there wetter periods when

Wadis are working well, they is likely that the wadis have a water stays in the wadi)?
were over-dimensioned from relatively high capacity for
the beginning. Therefore no infiltration
flooding problems occur.
Quality control

Wadis are used for infiltration of Copper was used for down-
stormwater pipes in the area, which results
in contamination of the soil in
In early stages architects used the wadis.
‘wrong’ materials for the down

Medium-large scale project. Early project, still functioning See table 1.

well. Some mistakes to be
15 years of development - from learned from.
differentiated to integrated
design Wadis over-dimensioned, take
lots of space, but by this give
Design elements include wadis, quality to the neighbourhood.
small scale streets, gutters in
the streets Stormwater management
integrated in green structure
Planning and design

Both communicating and though in itself not too obvious.

regulating aspects were
probably source of motivation Cheep simple solutions that
for the planning. Except of the work.
wadi areas, only little
communicating elements can Describe evolution and iteration
be found. between level of knowledge
and physically built
Wadis function as frame for the environment
neighbourhood, other
stormwater management Indicates feasibility of over-
elements are not very visible. dimensioning in early stages

Softly curved green spaces

divide built enclaves

Surplus capacity in retention

pond -> more park area

Table 6: Summary of the Ruwenbos project.

Stad van de Zon

Work analysis Evaluation Questions

Self-sustaining closed loop The flooding risk (return period) What is the flooding risk of the
system. of the residential area is 100 residential area?
years, which includes future
Respecting / isolated from climate scenarios. This, in Has future climate scenarios
historic and contaminated river combination that water is being been taken into consideration
and polder system. kept within the area and that when calculating the risks?

measures are taken to preserve

a good water quality, leads to
the conclusion that the
stormwater system could be
considered sustainable even
though this may not have been
a main objective when the area
was established.

The closed loop system is

relying on heavy duty pumping

Water as a part of the city Open-ended design. The

Quality control

rehabilitation of the labyrinth is

Water quality good enough for an option
swimming and water activities

Labyrinth integrates landscape,

bird habitat, recreation and
stormwater treatment

Large scale project Shows potential of stormwater See table 1.

pond as swimming locale.
Planning and design

Stormwater lake used as a

brand for area and part of the Attraction of water, e.g. with
regional blue structure private residential islands.

CO2-neutral urban development


Public beach included

Table 7: Summary of the Stad van de Zon project.


Work analysis Evaluation Questions

Quality control

Medium scale project Local government and

Planning and design

professionals willing to use

Integrated park, water stormwater actively
treatment, trendy bars, play
spots and urban beach

Showing different aesthetics of

water (clear, green, brown,
duck weed, reed, dry cement)

Table 8: Summary of the Westerpark project.


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