The Pentateuch and The Deuteronomistic History: Unit 2 Preassessment

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Revelation and the Old Testament

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Unit 2 Preassessment
The Pentateuch and the Deuteronomistic History

Recounts the stories of the patriarchs

Sarah gets a good laugh!
and matriarchs, our ancestors in faith.

Contains many stories of sibling

Contains the amazing story
rivalry, including that of the twin
of Joseph and his journey to Egypt.
brothers Jacob and Esau.


Moses is the hero of these stories. God appears as a burning bush.

The Israelites receive the

The Israelites journey from slavery
Ten Commandments and
in Egypt to freedom.
other laws at Mount Sinai.

© 2019 Saint Mary’s Press

Live Jesus in Our Hearts Series Document #: TX005934
Unit 2 Preassessment

Leviticus and Numbers

Contains instructions
Most of the 613 laws of the Torah
for the Israelites’ ritual sacrifices,
are found here.
including animal sacrifices.

God declares that the Israelites

Is the source for kosher laws
will wander forty years before
(dietary laws).
arriving in the Promised Land.


Contains Moses’ final instructions

to the Israelites before they cross Is a Greek word meaning “second law.”
into the Promised Land.

Contains a Jewish prayer called

the “Shema” that Jesus quotes Tells about the death of Moses.
in the New Testament.

Joshua and Judges

The Israelites cross the Jordan River Recounts the Israelites’

into the Promised Land. conquest of Canaan.

Military leaders like Deborah

Contains the famous story
and Gideon provide
of Samson and Delilah.
guidance and authority.

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Live Jesus in Our Hearts Series Document #: TX005934
Unit 2 Preassessment


Contains the story of a Moabite

Contains the story of King David’s
woman who was unexpectedly
faithful to her mother-in-law.

Three women from a same family Helped the Israelites to see

are widowed―a dangerous that God’s love also extended
situation for women. to people of other nations.

First and Second Samuel

Hannah offers a prayer very similar The nation of Israel

to Mary’s prayer, the Magnificat. becomes a monarchy.

Israel’s greatest king commits

The boy David kills Goliath.
adultery and murder.

First and Second Kings

God appears to Solomon

Israel’s third and final king
in a dream and promises
ascends to the throne.
to give him wisdom.

Contains a detailed description

The nation of Israel splits in two.
of the Temple in Jerusalem.

© 2019 Saint Mary’s Press Page 3

Live Jesus in Our Hearts Series Document #: TX005934

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