30 Days of Change
30 Days of Change
30 Days of Change
This program is designed to change your There are no rest days in the 30 Days Of
eating and exercise habits as well as the Change but some days are easier than
way you look and feel - in a month. The others to let you recover for the upcoming
program requires consistency and day or after a particularly difficult one.
dedication no matter how tired or busy you
Don’t be afraid if it feels hard – it’s
supposed to. If you feel that you can’t follow
through anymore, drop down a level.
Each day consists of a sample meal plan for
the day, cardio and core workouts. The meal If you find it difficult to train at the beginner
plan is designed to satisfy all your needs level – halve the amounts of reps per
and provide you with the fuel to work out exercise and continue, but don’t skip days.
throughout the day. You can jump from one fitness level to
another at any point during the program.
There are six small meals a day but you
don’t have to eat if you don’t feel hungry. If you suffer from back pain or had knee
Snacks are optional, too. You can scale the injuries take care while performing running.
amounts provided up or down depending on You can pick your own type of cardio:
how much you feel you need but try not to cycling (double the distance), swimming,
go overboard by drastically increasing or rowing or skiing – as long as you keep the
reducing the portions. You can always time. The more changes you make to the
replace items and mix and match depending program the less likely you are to stick with
on your preference. it so try to follow it as is as much as
possible. If you can’t perform push-ups or
Whenever the quantity of something isn’t push-up like exercises perform them with
specified like with green beans, tomatoes your knees touching the floor but don’t skip
and mushrooms, for example, that means the exercise. In one instance you’ll need a
the quantity isn’t limited. Also, try to avoid ball – you can use any ball or even a pillow,
buying any sweets or salty snacks during get creative.
the 30 days of the program or drink any
This program is completely equipment free
but you’ll need to be able to go for a walk or
a run outside.
Almost every workout in the program
consists of two parts: cardio and Different daily workouts will ensure that your
bodyweight training. You can perform each body doesn’t adapt to the same routine so
separately or one after another depending you’ll see progress a lot sooner than with
on your schedule. any other program.