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_______________ is the complex of mental characteristics that makes each of us

unique from other people

B.Emotional tone

Our personalities developed as a result of ______________________ .

A.Genetic inheritance
B.Environmental influences
C.Both of the above
D.None of the above

Which of the following things can have an effect on the development of an

individual's personality
A.Physical and mental capabilities
B.Health and physical appearance
C.Skin color, gender, and sexual orientation
D.All of the above

What strategy are you using when you feel what another person is feeling while you
interact with them
D.Social decentring

What is Culture?
A.A persons� ethnicity
B.A persons� religion
C.What is normal for a particular group of people
D.The rules and regulations of a country

What does the term �Buddhism� mean?

A.To wake up
B.Peace be with you
C.To be set apart

What is cultural understanding?

A.Having a general understanding that different cultures do things differently
B.Having an understanding of various cultures and how to best respect them
C.Being understanding towards people of different cultures
D.People from the same culture will understand why people from their culture do
certain things

Why might you need to adapt some of your behaviour around someone of a different
A.So as not to cause offence due to a misunderstanding of differences
B.It goes great respect to a person if you take on their cultural behaviours
C.You shouldn�t adapt your behaviour, you have to be true to your own culture
D.You should treat everyone in the same manner
What are cultural values and beliefs?
A.Things that people from a culture think are important and right
B.Things that people from a culture use as a moral compass
C.Things that people from a culture use to create rules and regulations
D.Things that people from a culture hold as important to guide their decisions

How can you avoid offending someone from a different culture?

A.Be as friendly and nice as you can
B.Take time to understand their cultural practices
C.Don�t work with people from different cultures
D.Treat everyone the same

Which of the following statements is true?

A.Socialization plays no part in personality formation in individuals.
B.Large-scale complex societies that are not culturally homogenous usually have
unanimous agreement about what should be the shared norms.
C.Successful socialization can result in uniformity within a society.
D.B and C

When does socialization begin?

A.At the time when an individual is conceived or within the first few weeks
following conception
B.At birth or shortly thereafter
C.On entering nursery school or kindergarten
D.When children reach puberty and are able to understand the reasons for society's

What is NOT a word that describes patriotism?


What does the concept of diversity in the workplace refer to?

A.Physical differences among employees
B.Social differences among employees
C.Historical differences among groups
D.Managerial difference among employees

Which of the following statements is false?

A.Managing diversity does not try to harness the potential of a diverse workforce
B.Managing for diversity forces major changes on an organization
C.An organization's diverse workforce can give it a competitive advantage
D.Valuing diversity means managers actively try to build a diverse workforce

According to goal-setting theory, which one of the following is not a motivating

feature of goals?
A.Knowledge of results of past performance
B.Challenging goals
C.Keeping goals vague
D.Participation in setting goals
What is the point of managing our time?
A.So we can create more time
B.So we can work more or less, depending on our schedule
C.So we can complete more work in the time that we have available
D.There is no point - it is better to just keep focused on the tasks in front of

What is emotional competence?

A.The ability to understand and regulate our emotions
B.The ability to manage emotional situations
C.The ability to understand other people�s perspectives and intentions
D.All of these

Which of the following is the best strategy to use with someone who doesn�t realize
how they are behaving?
C.Describing behavior

In order to describe your feelings, an effective strategy is to:

A.Identify what triggered the feelings, identify the particular emotion, use �I
feel� to name the emotion
B.Blame the person who triggered the feelings, identify the particular emotion, use
�I feel� to name the emotion
C.Save up all of your feelings for years
D.None of the above

Which of the following statements BEST follows the guidelines set forth for giving
positive feedback?
A."Jack, you were awesome in the game last night."
B."Jack, you were better than any of the other players.�
C."Jack, your three-point shot at the buzzer was awesome."
D."Jack, your performance on the court last night was the best I've ever seen."

Which of the following is a guideline for self-disclosure?

A.Continue self-disclosure even if it is not reciprocated.
B.Self-disclose intimate information only when disclosure represents an acceptable
C.Move self-disclosure to deeper levels as fast as possible.
D.Self-disclose personal information when you feel comfortable.

When giving constructive criticism, you should follow these guidelines:

A.Preface a negative statement with a positive one
B.Be specific
C.Suggest ways that the person can change their behavior or action
D.All of the above

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