TV Patrol Script

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Social alienation is an inevitable result of contemporary society pre-occupation with

Nationalism and frantic “ busy-ness”

A. True
B. FalsE
C. Maybe
D. It depends
Thinking your partner or spouse as the princess or knight and not seeing
him/her as “real” human being is an inclination of what common
relationship problem?

A. Jealousy
B. Sexual issues
C. Unrealistic expectations
D. Manipulation of family or friends
What should you consider when making decisions around sex and sexual limits?

A. Values
B. Friends
C. Family
D. All of the Above
According to these researchers, people who spend 6-7 hours per day socializing like hanging out with friends
sharing meals with families is the most happiest time.

A. Hurter and Arora

B. Olds and Swartz
C. Christakis and Fowker
D. Clark and Lempers
Which of the following refers to the willingness to be open to yourself and others even
In painful times with a gentle nonjudgmental attitude?

A. Acceptance
B. Compassion
C. Gratitude
D. Forgiveness

Which of the following is the style of communication to use when making decisions about sexual limits and
A. Active
B. Assertive
C. Passive
D. Aggressive

The following are the basic rights in a family relationship, EXCEPT;

A. The right to emotional support
B. The right to live free from accusation and blame
C. The right to spend the right amount of time together
D. The right to be respectfully asked, rather than ordered
Jane has the ability to stay calm and deal with her emotion during stressful and difficult times.
A.Emotional stability C. Conscientousness
B. Agreeableness D. Extraversion
Which of the following statements below is the first rule in finding love and creating a long lasting
A. communication is essential
B. Creating love is a process
C. Negotiation will be required
D. You must love yourself

How is communication essential to a relationship?

A. It helps in creating successful and authentic union with other
B. By opening and exchanging of thoughts and feelings makes it a lifeblood of a relationship
C. It helps your relationship to flourish
D. It maneuvers those twist and turns that determines the success of a relationship.
What is considered essential component who live together as one household?
A. Friendship C. Family
B.Partnership D. Community
What is one of the common relationship problems that include emotional infidelity and short
term affairs?
A.sexual issues C. Cheating
B. Traumatic events D. Addiction

Who is the Author in relationship that recommends connecting with family, by letting
little grievances go?
A Clark Lempers C. Mimie Doe
B. James Fowler D.Dan Buttner
. What is one of the most accessible positive emotions that strengthen friendship and
A.Rituals C. Gratitude
B. façade D. Grievances
What is a prerequisite to creating a successful and authentic union with another?
A.Nurturing Choice C. Loving Yourself
B.Providing opportunities D. Renewal to Longevity
Why Would you choose Abstinence?
A. Way to avoid the risks C. Planning for your future.
B. ALso help you focus D. All of the above
Which of the following are the signs that you in an abusive relationship?
A. Tend to be happy and inspired C. Bruises, scratches and mentally incapable
B. Respecting one another D.. apologizing friends
What is the crucial period in social development shaped by the roles and responsibilities
he /she may assume
A. Middle Adolescent C. Adult Adolescent
B. Late Adolescent D. Adolescent
How will your family deal with your wrong behavior?

A. Demand your rights C. Dictatorial

B. Mind your own business D. loving from discipline

Why do Personal Relationship are important?

A. Conversely its comparable to risk C. Compelling evidence
B. Vital component of health and well-being D. Trends of cognitive
How will you deal wrong behavior in your family
A. Demand your rights C. Dictatorial reaction
B. Mind your own business D. Loving from discipline
How do rules set and enforced in your home?

A. dependent relationship C. Every punishment

B. Consistently w a loving relationship D. Guilt tripping
How do you assess the present state of your relationship?
A. There are no absolute C. Let your heart guide you
B. Hurt them, if they hurt you D. Struggle to overcome
How does your family affect you as a developing individual?

A. giving time is much important C. Silent treatment

B. An intense fight adheres understanding D. Detached apathy
How do personal factor influence your career choices?
A. Skills and abilities in particular C. Childhood fantasies
B. Gender sensitivity D. Consulting career counselor
It occurs when an individual changes his/her behavior to adapt a social demands.
A. Social Influence B. Social Facilitation
C. Social Relationship D. Personal Relationship

It is the change of ones behavior to be more like the others in the group.
A. Obedience C. Compliance
B. Conformity D. Complement

It is a change in one’s behavior by doing request asked by another individual in exchange for
reward or punishment.
A. Conformity B. Compliance
C. Complacent D. Complement
It is the change in one’s behavior by following the demand given by the individuals you
A. Objective C. Conformity
B. Obedience D. Compliance
It happens to a person in order to perform better of working with others than working alone.

A. Social Change C. Social Influence

B. Social Loafing D. Social Facilitation

Which of the following characterizes a conforming individual?

A. Likes reward C. Fears punishment
B. Gains approval D. Accepts responsibility
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a conforming individual?

A. Gains approval C. Accepts opinion

B. Avoids rejection D. Accepts responsibility

Which of the following characterizes a compliant individual?

A. Likes reward C. Respects authority
B. Accepts opinions D. Accepts Responsibility

Which of the following characterizes an obedient individual?

A. Accepts opinion C. Fears Punishments
B. Avoids rejection D. Respect authority

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an obedient individual?

A. Follows order C. Respect authority
B. Avoids rejection D. Accepts responsibility
Which of the following best describes a foster family?
A. Two families brought together due to divorce, separation,
or remarriage
B. A family wherein father or mother who is singly responsible
for raising a child
C. A family where the parents are members of different racial groups
D. A type of family wherein one member of the family is a temporary
member of a household either that member is related by blood or not.
What consist of Extended family?
A. father, mother, children
B. father, mother, children, grandparents, cousins, and other relatives
C. gay father, mother, niece
D. mother and father
Which of the following is not included in a nuclear family?

A. Mother C. Grandparents
B. Father D. Children (son/daughter

Which of the following best describes single parent family?

A. Two families brought together due to divorce, separation,
or remarriage
B. A family wherein father or mother who is singly responsible
for raising a child
C. A family where the parents are members of different racial groups
D. A type of family wherein one member of the family is a temporary
member of a household either that member is related by blood or not.
What is the definition of Family?
A group of people with common likes and dislikes
B. A group of people related to one another by blood, marriage,
or adoption
C. Two people loving one another
D. People living together in one community
Which of the following describes emotional intelligence.
A. the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre and tone.
B. the ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions.
C. used in measuring analytical skills and cognitive abilities.
D. can help predict how well someone may do academically.

What is the abbreviation of Emotional Intelligence?

IQ stands for?
A. Intellectual Quotient
B. Intelligent Quote
C. Interactive Que
D. Investment Quota
Complete the sentence, “Juan excels academically, he has a really high ____”
Complete the sentence, “Anna is very good in managing her emotions, she has an amazing _____”
All the following are types of communication responses EXCEPT:

A. Passive Response
B. Aggressive Response
C. Assertive Response
D. Perfect Response
A type of response that is threatening, sarcastic or humiliating that may offend the other person is called
A. Passive-aggressive response
B. Passive response
C. Aggressive response
D. Assertive response
A type of response that is honest and in a respectful way that does not infringe on another person’s rights
is called _____.
A. Passive-aggressive response
B. Passive response
C. Aggressive response
D. Assertive response
What describes best the response, “I don’t care one way or the other”?
A. Perfect response
B. Passive response
C. Aggressive response
D. Assertive response
What describes best the response, “Great idea, but have you considered this other suggestion?”
A. Perfect response
B. Passive response
C. Assertive response
D. Aggressive response

Thank you and May God Blessed you!

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