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d) Color and temperature

Name______________________Score_________ 10. Pineapple

Multiple Choice a) Fixes atmospheric CO2 during the day

b) Fixes atmospheric CO2 during the night through the
1. C3 plants have C3 pathway
c) Decarboxylates malate in its cytosol during the night
a) Only one CO2 fixation pathway d) Produces malate during the night through the C4
b) Two CO2 fixation pathways separated in space pathway
c) Two CO2 fixation pathways separated in time
d) Three CO2 fixation pathway 11. Adjustments of modern crop production system to achieve
sustainability should be
2. This phytohormone is also called ripening hormone
a) Holistic in approach
a) IAA c ) Gibberelin b) Fragmentary to be effective
b) Cytokinin d ) Ethylene c) Fast and problem specific
d) Precise and profit oriented
3. This light reaction phase of photosynthesis takes place in
12. The features of a sustainable crop production are
a) Chloroplasts
b) Stroma a) Ecologically safe, highly productive and profitable
c) Thylakoid lamellae b) Economically viable moderate crop productivity, and
d) Chlorophyll molecules environmentally safe
c) Ecologically safe, economically viable, an socially
4. Rice is classified as C3 species because its first stable product acceptable
of photosynthesis is a 3-carbon compound known as d) Environmentally sound, economically viable and low
input requirement
a) Pyruvic acid
b) 3- phosphoglyceric acid 13. A crucial component of sustainable crop production system
c) Oxaloacetic acid which can be achieved through crop polyculture
d) 3- phosphoglyceraldehyde
a) Crop-animal integration
5. Transpiration is a very useful process in plants because it is b) Crop intensification
c) Plant diversity
a) Involved in heat exchange between the leaves and d) Genetic contamination
the air
b) Essential in the distribution of essential elements in 14. Planting of multiple varieties of different crops in a farm is
plants called
c) Important in water and nutrient utilization
d) Needed in solubilizing compounds a) Intercropping
b) Intraspecific diversity
6. Certain plant organs move when exposed to water stress c) Interspecific diversity
d) Biodiversity
a) To maintain high leaf water potential
b) To maximize photosynthetic activity 15. Monocultures of a crop variety in large scale over an
c) To optimize translocation during the day interrupted period promotes
d) To balance their temperature with the
surrounding air a) Crop yield stability
b) Build up of insect pests and diseases
c) Genetic purity and stability
d) Soil fertility and productivity
7. Both photosynthesis and respiration are influenced by
16. A crop production system is considered sustainable when
a) Relative humidity and CO2 concentration
b) Oxygen concentration a) Renewable resources are conserved and crop
c) Temperature and CO2 concentration productivity is stable
d) Temperature and Relative Humidity b) External inputs are absolutely required to maintain
crop yield
8. Solutes move into and out of the vacuole resulting in c) Non-renewable resources are well managed
d) Management of the agroecosystem remains the same
a) Loss of cell turgor over time
b) Change un cell volume
c) Cell growth 17. Sustainability of crop production is highly-specific due to
d) Regulation of osmotic potential of the cystosol
a) Crop genetic potential instability
b) Crop diversity and management capability
9. Nutrient availability in the soil is largely dependent on c) Agroclimatic and socioeconomic variability
d) Geographic and demographic factors
a) pH and moisture content
b) Structure and bulk density

18. Based on the frameworks of sustainable crop production,

the indicators of the performance of an agroecosystem are 27. Rainfall data that are most meaningful in formulating
appropriate cropping calendars are
a) Sustainability, productivity and level of external
inputs a) Annual rainfall data
b) Productivity, stability and sustainability b) Monthly rainfall data
c) Social acceptability, ecological soundness and cost c) Weekly rainfall data
of production d) Semi-annual rainfall data
d) Economic viability, conservation of resources and
scale of adaptation 28. Rice yield is often low when air temperature is abnormally high
19. An example of an economically feasible water-conserving
irrigation method that could substantially reduce the water a) Tillering stage c) Heading stage
requirement of lowland rice is b) Anthesis d) Hard dough stage

a) Drip irrigation 29. Large-scale deforestation would eventually lead to global

b) Intermittent flooding warming due to
c) Overhead irrigation
d) Gravity irrigation a) Reduction of vegetative cover of the earth
b) Reduction of sink for carbon dioxide
20. The type of crop to be grown and appropriate tillage c) Direct exposure of forest soil to solar radiation
practices is largely determine by this land attributes d) Rapid drying of the soil

a) Topography c ) Type 30. Crops that are likely to show significant reduction of biomass
b) Structure d ) Depth when exposed to heat stress are

21. A climatic element that determines crop growth and yield be a) Subtropical species
affecting various enzymes involved in dry matter production b) Tropical species
is c) Temperate species
d) Desert species
a) Solar radiation c ) Wind speed
b) Precipitation d ) Temperature 31. Plants that grow relatively well under drought condition usually
22. The adverse effect of global warming on crop productivity is
expected to be worse in the a) Long diagravitropic roots
b) Short orthogravitropic roots
a) Temperate climate areas c) Long orthogravitropic roots
b) Sub-tropics areas d) Short diagravitropic roots
c) Tropics
d) High elevation areas
32. Gene recombination occur as a result of

23. The physiological response of crops to drought is usually a) Vegetative propagation

similar to their response to b) Clonal propagation
c) Self-pollination of a pureline
a) Low solar radiation c ) Soil salinity d) Sexual reproduction
b) Low temperature d ) Acidity
33. In rice, the best time of the day to conduct emasculation is
24. Given favorable environment, superior crop potential and
adequate production inputs, crop yield would largely depend a) In the morning c ) At noon time
on b) In the afternoon d) Anytime of the day

a) The management capability of the farmers 34. Seeds which can be dried to a low moisture level but cannot
b) Market demand tolerate low temperature like coffee and papaya are
c) Competition among farmers considered
d) Availability of postharvest facilities
a) Recalcitrant c ) Intermeddiate
25. The relatively high frequency of rainfall on the windward side b) Orthodox d ) Heterotic
of a mountain range is attributed to
35. Which of the following is optional requirement for favorable
a) Orographic effects seed germination?
b) Warm temperature
c) Variable wind speed a) Favorable temperature
d) Constant relative humidity b) 20% oxygen concentration
c) Light
26. The yield of various filed crops exposed to unreliable water d) Proper amount of water
supply usually drops significantly when droughts occur during
36. Certified seed is produced from
a) Early vegetative stage
b) Mid-reproductive stage a) Breeder seed c) Foundation seed
c) Flowering stage b) Registered seed d) Good seed
d) Mid- vegetative stage

37. Seeds of fruit trees such as durian, mango, and coconut are 45. Multiple cropping is the planting of more crops per unit area.
examples of What advantages can be achieved through multiple cropping

a) Orthodox seeds a) Increase yield per unit area

b) Recalcitrant seeds b) Enhance biodiversity
c) Intermediate seeds c) Increases use of efficiency for nutrients and water
d) Dormant seeds d) Less incidence of pests and diseases

38. Farmers are not advised to save seeds from hybrid cultivars 46. What do you expect when you increase organic matter of the
for planting the following season because of soil?

a) Seeds will not germinate a) Decrease the amount of nitrogen to apply

b) Seeds will be susceptible to pests b) Increase the nitrogen to apply
c) Yield reduction due to segregation c) Maintain the nitrogen to apply
d) Weight of seeds reduced d) You don’t apply nitrogen

39. Seeds germination indicated the quality of seeds. 47. In leaves of many plants
Germination percentage is reduced when one of the
following conditions occurs a) N is higher than P than K
b) K is higher than P than N
a) Seeds are germinated under dark conditions c) K is higher than N than P
b) Seeds germinate in paper boxes d) N is higher than K than P
c) Seeds are pre-germinated in water and then sown
in the field 48. Mulching is the practice of placing biodegradable or non-
d) Seeds are germinated in moist paper towels in the biodegradable materials on soil surface to achieved the
cabinet following but one purpose

a) Conserve soil moisture

40. Grafting is done to b) Maintain soil temperature
c) Control weeds
a) Accelerate crop improvement work by grafting d) Improve soil depth
seedling onto shoots of full grown trees
b) Reproduction of true to type clones 49. Transpiration in plants increases the loss of water from the soil
c) Produce diseased free plants by budding indexed to the plant to the
tissues onto test tube grown seedlings
d) All of the above a) Atmospheric temperature is high
b) Atmospheric relative humidity is low
41. Techniques of layering differ and maybe applied depending c) Wind velocity is high
on the tree species. What technique is used when the base d) All of the above
of stem attached to the trunk is slowly covered with soil
50. Water utilization at lower depths can be achieved under the
a) Trench layering following conditions
b) Mound layering
c) Serpentine layering a) Plants has more lateral roots
d) Air layering b) Plants has deeper roots
c) Growing environment is suitable to the plants
42. One application of grafting is in top working which is done to d) The soil is terraced to conserve soil moisture

a) Rejuvenate the plants 51. To induce flowering of citrus by irrigation, the plant should be
b) Repair damage tissues in plants
c) Control diseases a) Irrigated continuously
d) Change existing variety of plants b) Subject to water stress and not irrigated
c) Subject to water stress and irrigate
43. Tissue culture is based on totipotency. This phenomenon d) Do not subject to water stress
refers to :
52. Gravimetric method is the determination of water by
a) Ability of the cells to differentiate to produce a
plant a) Allowing water to flow to a gravimetric meter
b) Ability of the cells to produce hormones b) Getting fresh weight of water
c) Ability of the cell to divide c) Measuring the amount of water leached from the soil
d) Ability of the cell to be cultured d) Getting the dry weight and fresh weight of soil and
getting percentage water therefrom
44. Cropping system must be appropriately designed to achieved
the following 53. Surface irrigation is typified by furrow irrigation. For water to
be uniformly distributed in the field, the furrow should be
a) Enrich the soil with organic matter
b) Improve nutritional status of plants a) Wide and long c) narrow & straight
c) Improved soil structure b) Narrow and long d) wide and short
d) Improve soil irrigation and drainage
e) All of the above 54. Drainage can be achieved by

a) Raising the beds up to 30 cm


b) Cultivation 64. Both moldboard plow and disc plow are used in the
c) Subsoiling preparation of
d) All of the above
a) Lowland
55. Poorly drained soil result in b) Upland
c) Both lowland and upland
a) Increase ethylene content in the leaf resulting to d) Wetland
yellowing and defoliation
b) Increase incidence of root diseases
c) Increase rooting intensity 65. A kind of triangle that is formed in the triangular system of
d) All of the above planting

56. At higher temperature , the tendency of the plant is to a) Isosceles c ) Right

produce poor size fruits because of the b) Equilateral

a) Fruit cannot get nutrients from the soil 66. Quincunx is a system of planting which is also called
b) Fruit is scanscald
c) Fruit matures even before it reaches full size a) Diagonal c ) Rectangular
d) Fruit is affected by insect pests which occurs at b) Hexagonal d ) Triangular
higher temperature
67. Wider plant spacing is adapted when
57. At low light intensity
a) Soil fertility is low
a) Leaf tends to become thick b) Plants have erect growth habit
b) Leaf tends to become thin c) Plants have spreading growth habit
c) Leaf tends to become more green d) Plants are small
d) Leaf tends to bend
68. Which of the following is not among the objectives of pruning
58. Coronas climatic classification is based on
a) To dwarfen the plants
a) Amount of rainfall b) To maintain desired canopy shape
b) Distribution of rainfall c) To increase the volume of the canopy
c) Length of rainy days d) To rejuvenate an old tree
d) Light intensity and rainfall
69. A method of harvesting in which only matured or ripe fruits or
59. When climate is evenly distributed, one of the following may pods are harvested is called
not be achieved
a) Stripping c ) Tuxying
a) Flowering of seasonal fruit will become erratic b) Taping d ) Priming
b) Flowering of non-seasonal fruits will continue
c) Fruit quality will increase particularly of fleshy 70. The process of separating cotton lint from the cotton seeds is
fruits called
d) Fruit gap along the stem of papaya wil be avoided
a) Ginning c ) Retting
60. Exacting crops should be established in b) Degumming d ) Stripping

a) Poor site in good location 71. Oleocellosis occurs when citrus fruits are harvested
b) Good site in poor location
c) Good site in good location a) Early morning
d) Poor site in poor location b) Late morning
c) Early afternoon
61. When you go away from the equator d) Anytime of the day

a) Difference between day and night period 72. For longer shelf life, perishables should not be stored under
b) Temperature is not affected a) Low oxygen
c) Day length is not affected b) Low temperature
d) Temperature and daylenght variation increases c) Low relative humidity
d) High CO2
62. All agricultural crops in the Philippines belongs to
73. Trees propagated by sexual method are
a) Angiospermae c) Spermatophytes
b) Gymnospermae d) Thallophytes a) True-to-type c) Tall and big
b) Early bearing d) Uniform
63. In lowland rice production, land preparation requires
puddling the soil in order to 74. Which of the following does not have modified stem

a) Increase water percolation a) Ginger c ) Banana

b) Destroy soil structure b) Pineapple d ) Sweet potato
c) Modify soil texture
d) Promote aeration 75. Aerial plantlets formed on the axis of the leaves or flower stalk
of Agave are called

87. The organic acids found in apples

a) Bulbils c ) Offsetts
b) Bulblets d ) Tuber a) Malic acid c ) Benzoic acid
b) Citric Acid d ) Ascorbic acid
76. Which type of cutting is used for cassava and siniguelas
88. A high rate of respiration in plants is associated with
a) Soft-wood c ) Semi-hardwood
b) Hard-wood d ) Herbaceous a) Long storage life
b) Short storage life
77. One requirement for a successful union in grafting c) High photosynthetic rate
d) High transpiration rate
a) Cambium layer scarped off from the wood
b) Cambium layers are both stock and scion exposed 89. The respiration rate is highest in
and fitted together
c) Rootstock and scion of same diameter a) Rambutan c ) Young cob corn
d) Bark of rootstock and scion of the same thickness b) Banana d ) Rice
78. In a traditional system of land preparation, what is the most
common draft animal used? 90. A 10% loss in weight of vegetables may result to

a) Water buffalo c ) Cow a) 50% commercial loss

b) Horse d ) Oxen b) 75 % commercial loss
c) 25 % commercial loss
79. What is the population density of corn in a hectare if the d) 100 % commercial loss
distance of planting is 75 cm x 33 cm with 2 plants per hill?
91. The flow of latex in mango is fastest in
a) 53,333 c ) 66,666
b) 80,808 d ) 75,048 a) 9: 00 AM c ) 12: 00 NN
b) 5: 00 AM d ) 3: 00 PM
80. Premature and overmature harvesting of sugarcane will
result to 92. The two gases found in smoke which cause flowering of
a) Increase in tonnage and increase in sucrose yield
b) Increase in tonnage and decrease sucrose yield a) Ethylene and acetylene
c) Decrease in tonnage and decrease in sucrose yield b) Carbon dioxide and oxygen
d) Decrease in tonnage and increase sucrose yield c) Oxygen and hydrogen
d) Bioethylene and oxygen
81. Parts of the plant cell not found in animal cells
93. Modified atmosphere storage results to lower
a) Mitochondria and chloroplasts
b) Cell wall and chloroplast a) CO2 c )N2
c) Mitochondria and cell wall b) O2 d ) H2
d) Nucleus and chloroplasts
94. Leafy vegetables are very brittle and rot faster when harvested
82. The leading agricultural export crops in the Philippines is
a) Very early morning
a) Banana c ) Abaca b) Mid morning
b) Sugarcane d ) Coconut c) Noon time
d) Early afternoon
83. After a green manure crop has been cut and incorporated
into the soil through plowing, planting can proceed after : 95. The first genetically modified food crop produced

a) 5-6 weeks c ) 2-3 weeks a) Tomato c ) Corn

b) 3-7 days d ) 2 months b) Eggplant d ) Soybeans

84. Coffee and Siniguelas are examples of plants which are 96. What moisture content of the seeds inhibit insect activity or
considered as little insect activity

a) Berry c ) Hesperidium a) 45-60% c ) 18-20 %

b) Drupe d ) Pepo b) 14-45 % d ) Below 8-9 %

85. Which of the following is an apomictic fruit 97. Seedling of rice on wet bed method are ready for transplanting
a) Eggplant c ) Mangosteen
b) Banana d ) Coconut a) 10-15 days c ) 25-30 days
b) 15-20 days d ) 30-35 days

98. Land preparation for one hectare using draft animal requires
86. The postharvest losses are highest in
a) 15 man days c) 25 man days
a) Vegetables c ) Grain crops b) 20 man days d) 30 man days
b) Fruits d ) Plantation crops



99. What is the probability of getting BB offspring from BB x bb

cross ? a) Queena N. Lee-Chua
b) Lilian Patena
a) ½ c)1 c) Emerita de Guzman
b) 1/4 d)0 d) Gregory Tangonan

100. The recommend seeding rate of peanut is 90 kilogram per 109. Agriculture centers have found lately varieties of coconut
hectare. How many kilogram seed is needed if the propagation. How did their varieties get discovered and
germination test is only 80 percent distributed?

a) 120 c) 125.0 a) Putting up nurseries

b) 112.5 d) 128.5 b) Laboratory tissue culture
c) Fielding scholars
101. The International Rice Research Institute in UP Los Banos has d) Seed selection process
introduced varieties for all season. Name the most popular
one that was exported in the 70’s 110. The best direction for treating bamboo shoots is

a) Dry and brush with chemicals

a) Dinorado c ) Sampaguita b) Dry by mulching
b) C-5 Variety d ) C-4 Variety c) Expose to windy heights
d) Expose all to direct sunlight
102. The most important crop in the world in terms of hectarage
of production 111. Created the Magna Carta of Small Farmers

a) Rice c ) Potato
b) Maize d ) Wheat a) RA 7670 c ) RA 7760
b) RA 6077 d ) RA 7607
103. Tomatoes come in abundance at certain times of the year.
How can the supply be assured? 112. The government approach to avoid low prices for products
during harvest is through____
a) Encourage preservation of tomatoes
b) Plant during rainy season a) Putting up bonded warehouse
c) Use substitute to tomatoes b) Organizing cooperatives among farmers
d) Avoid using tomatoes c) Giving business capital to farmers
d) Exchange of products
104. The Department of Agriculture noted that only 1/3 of the
palay produced are used to advantage. What measures was 113. Very lately, Philippines mangoes were exported to Australia,
adopted to save observed harvested wastage? but a new country has produced more quality mangoes and
mango products. This is in_________
a) Palay drying and storage
b) Rice milling process a) Korea c ) Vietnam
c) Rice transplanting method b) Thailand d ) Indonesia
d) Palay exchange and marketing
114. The CIMMYT ( International Center for the Improvement of
105. Cooperatives established by farmers failed to thrive well Maize and Wheat) is located in
a. Philippines c) Colombia
a) Cooperative activities are poorly managed and b. Mexico d) Nigeria
b) Members distrusts their cooperative officials 115. The CIAT ( Centro Internationale Agricule Tropicale ) is located
c) Seed money for cooperatives shared by senators in
and congressman are poorly administered
d) Farmers were used to dole outs a. Philippines c) Colombia
b. Mexico d) Nigeria
106. There are two big pineapple factories in the Philippines.
Which is located in Cotabato? 116. The IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture ) is
located in
a) Dole
b) Del Monte Fresh Produce a) Philippines c) Colombia
c) Lapanday Diversified b) Mexico d) Nigeria
d) Stanphilco

107. New techniques in food production are learned through 117. The International Potato Center (CIP) is located in
a. Peru c) Kenya
b. India d) Ethiopia
a) Television modules
b) Radio comments 118. The ICRISAT ( International Crops Research Institute for the
c) Editorials and cartoons Semi-Arid Tropics ) is located in
d) Barangay Forum
a. Peru c) Kenya
108. The macapuno mutant coconut was discovered by b. India d) Ethiopia

119. The ILRAD ( International Laboratory for Research on Animal a. Tuxying c) Striping
Diseases ) is located in b. Tapping d) Priming

a. Peru c) Kenya 131. The process of separating cotton lint from the cotton seeds is
b. India d) Ethiopia called

120. The IBPGR( International Board for Plant Genetic Resources ) a. Ginning c) Retting
is located in b. Degumming d) Stripping

a. Ethiopia c. Liberia 132. Which of the following does not require threshing
b. Italy d. Lebanon
a. Rice c. Mungbean
121. The ICARDA ( International Center for Agricultural Research b. Corn d. Soybean
in Dry Areas is located in
133. Which of the following does not require shelling
a. Ethiopia c. Liberia
b. Italy d. Lebanon a. Rice c. Mungbean
b. Corn d. Soybean
122. The process of digging large seedling with a ball of soil intact
and with minimum root disturbance is called 134. The method of extracting fiber from abaca is done manually by

a. Balling c. Blocking a. Decortication c) Tuxying

b. Hardening d. Sub-soiling b. Retting d) Hagutan method

123. The practice of gradually exposing the seedlings to sunlight 135. Which among the following is not a steps in the primary
before field planting in order to minimize transplanting shock processing of coffee
a. Depulping c) Dehulling
a) Balling c. Blocking b. Drying d) Roasting
b) Hardening d. Sub-soiling
136. Which of the following require fermentation during primary
124. A well prepared upland soil should have processing

a. Granular and friable structure a. Cotton c. Coconut

b. Zero-tillage b. Cacao d. Abaca
c. High OM
d. Flat surface 137. Totipotency is a state of cell development in which a
nonembryonic cell differentiate into an embryonic cell and
125. The practice of providing support to viny plants to keep stem, develops into a complete new plant if the environment is
leaves and fruits away from the soil and to allow better suitable
exposure to sunlight
a. True c. Maybe
a. Supporting c) Staking b. False d. Cannot tell
b. Trellising d) Proping
138. Vernalization is process of exposing plant/ planting materials
126. This refers to the judicious removal of plant parts to attain to low temperature for a few days or weeks which result in
specific purpose flower formation, usually after plants are returned to normal
a. Thinning c) Training
b. Pruning d) Rejuvenating a. True c. Maybe
b. False d. Cannot tell
127. Which of the following is not among the objectives of
pruning 139. Mucilage on cacao seeds can be removed efficiently by

a. To dwarfen the plant a. Rubbing with sand

b. To maintain desired canopy shade b. Fermenting for a day followed by washing
c. To increase the volume of canopy c. All of the above
d. To rejuvenate an old tree d. None of the above

128. Crops that are considered durables include 140. Water deficiency can lead to

a. Grain crops c) Vegetables a. Poor crop yield

b. Fruits d) Recalcitrant seeds b. Yield reduction
c. Leaching of nutrients
129. A method of harvesting in which only matured or ripe fruits d. All of the above
or pods are harvested is called e. A and B

a. Stripping c) Tuxying 141. What is the average economic life of Jatropha?

b. Tapping d) Priming
a. 10 years c. 35 years
130. The process of extracting latex from a tree or fruit is called b. 25 years d. 75 years

142. Jatropha starts producing seeds within _____from planting 153. Which of the crops listed below requires more frequent
but reaches its maximum productivity level after 4 to 5 years. irrigation

a. 3 months c. 14 months a. Onion c. Tomato

b. 7 months d. 21 months b. Watermelon d. Mungbean

143. The Jatropha seed matures when the capsules changes from 154. Which among the following cropping pattern will exhibit
green to yellow about _________ after flowering. allelopathic effects

a. 2-3 months c. 9-12 months a. Mungbean- mungbean

b. 5-8 months d. 11-15 months b. Mungbean-rice
c. Mingbean -corn
144. Jatropha can be tissue cultured d. Mingbean- sweet potato

a. True c. Not yet tested

b. False d. Maybe 155. An example of an aggregate fruit

145. Three hybrid rice varieties have been developed, namely: a. Atis c. Orange
PSB Rc26H (Magat), PSB Rc72H (Mestizo), and PSB Rc76H b. Jackfruit d. Lanzones
(Panay). Identify the rice variety that is currently available
and recommended for nationwide planting 156. The best climate for mango is

a. Magat and Panay a. Type 1 c. Type 3

b. Mestizo and Panay b. Type 2 d. Type 4
c. Mestizo only
d. All of the three varieties 157. Plants will need more water when the RH is

146. The Main location of the Bureau of Postharvest Research and a. 60% c. 80%
Extension is located in b. 70% d. 90%

a. Nueva Ecija c) Laguna 158. IN soils, that are easily eroded, it is beat to use
b. Davao d) Bicol
a. Flood irrigation c. Drip irrigation
147. What is the first Science City in the Philippines and 2 in Asia b. Furrow irrigation d. Sprinkler irrigation

a. Los Banos Laguna 159. The scientist who formulated the “ rule of thumb in seed
b. Diliman, Quezon City storage
c. Maligaya, Munoz, Nueva Ecija
d. Subic Bay a. Harrington c)Collin
b. Taylor d) Van Daan
148. Where is the largest Jatropha plantation in the Philippines
located 160. Which is an example of stem-nodulating legume

a. General Santos c. Nueva Ecija a. Glycine max

b. Camarines Sur d. Negros Occidental b. Cjanus cajan
c. Sesbania rostrata
149. Dams are important in Agriculture. What is the largest dam d. Leuceana leucicephala
in the Philippines
161. Direction of tillage on rolling hills or hilly fields
a. Magat c. San Roque
b. Ambuklao d. Puangi a. Across the contour
b. Follow the general contour of the land
150. The center of Origin of Rice is c. Against the contour
d. Down-up direction
a. China
b. India and Indo-Malayan Center 162. Plowing a hectarage with an animal-drawn moldboard plow
c. Central Asia requires how many kilometers of walking
d. Near East
a. 90 km c. 120 km
151. Senescence can be delayed by b. 100 km d. 130 km

a. Removing flowers 163. Refers to a group of shade loving plants

b. Spraying the plants with cytokinins
c. Spraying the plants with nitrogenous fertilizers a. Heliophytes c. Xerophytes
d. All of the above b. Sciophytes d. Hydrophytes

152. The most effective dessicant for seed storage and therefore 164. Which of the following is a dicot
requires smallest amount is
a. Pandan c. Abaca
a. Lime c. Silica gel b. Sugarcane d. Tobacco
b. Charcoal d. Wood ash

165. Stage when 2 daughter chromosomes separte an migrate to c. Bicol Region

the opposite poles d. Northern Mindanao

a. Prophase c. Anaphase 176. Coffee is the major growing crop of what Philippine Region
b. Metaphase d. Telophase
a. Southern Mindanao
166. Squash, Upo, Patola, cucumber and Upo are examples of b. Northern Mindanao
c. Southern Tagalog
a. Monoecious plants d. ARMM
b. Dioecious plants
c. Gymnocious plants 177. Peanut is the major growing crop of what Philippine Region
d. Androceious plants
a. Cagayan Valley
167. Orange and pommelo are examples of b. Ilocus Region
c. Southern Mindanao
a. Pepo c. Nut d. Western Visayaz
b. Drupe d. Hesperidium

168. Organic acids found in apple 178. Sweet Potato is the major growing crop of what Philippine
a. Malic acid c. Ascorbic acid
b. Citric acid d. Carbonic acid a. Bicol
b. Eastern Visayaz
169. The Mitscherlich equations reflects plant growth response by c. Central Visayaz
resources as describe by d. CARAGA

a. Law of the Minimum 179. Gladiolus is the major crop of what Philippine Region
b. Blackman response
c. Law of Diminishing Return a. CAR
d. Theory of Optima and Limiting Factors b. Southern Tagalog
c. Central Visayaz
170. The meristem responsible for stem elongation for crop plants d. Central Mindanao
is defined as
180. Nearly all grasses exhibit the following type of seedling
a. Apical emergence
b. Lateral
c. Intercalary a. Epigeal c. Hypogeal
b. Mesogeal
171. Sugarcane is the major growing crops of what Philippine
Region 181. When light strikes the chlorophyll molecules, they lose
electron, which are replaced ultimately by
a. Southern Tagalog
b. Central Luzon a. ATP
c. Central Visayaz b. Fixing Carbon
d. Western Mindanao c. Splitting water
d. Removing them from NADPH
172. Durian is the major growing crop in what Philippine Region
182. Conventional seed bed preparation for corn as compared to a
a. Southern Mindanao no-plow system would usually result in
c. Central Mindanao a. Higher grain yield in all situation
d. ARMM b. Earlier dates of planting
c. Lower grain yield
173. Potato is the major growing crop of what Philippine Region d. Less erosion

a. CAR 183. What is the greatest advantage of a no-plow system of reduced

b. Northern Mindanao tillage
c. Central Visayaz
d. Southern Mindanao a. Greater yields
b. Reduced labor and operation cost
174. Anthurium is the major growing crop of what Philippine c. Less fertilizer required
Region d. Earlier date of planting possible

a. CAR 184. Physical changes that happen in the soil under a lowland
b. Southern Mindanao system of land preparation
c. Western Mindanao
d. Central Mindanao a. Soil structure and granulation are maintained
b. Macro and micropores are maintained
175. Coconut is the major growing crop of what Philippine Region c. Downward movement of water is normal and water drain
a. Southern Mindanao d. Paddling destroy soil structure and particles are densely
b. Southern Tagalog packed, soil is compacted

195. The kind/ type of fertilizer that can be applied during drought
185. One way of increasing the shelf life of cassava is to
a. Granular
a. Keep it in the barn b. Foliar fertilizer
b. Pile the roots in a bed of straw under the sun c. Urea
c. Keep it in boxes and store in high d. Ammonium sulfate
d. Pile the roots on a bed of straw and cover it 196. Lowland preparation starts with
with straw and soil under the shade
a. Soaking the paddles
186. Selection criteria for fruit crops emphasizes on the following b. Fixing the dikes
except c. Plowing the fields
d. Harrowing the fields
a. Fruit size
b. Early bearing tendency 197. Direct seedling can be practiced as a mean of rice culture
c. Increase level of acidity especially if
d. Increase fiber content
a. Weeds are persistent
187. Disadvantages obtained in a dry-seedbed rice cultivation b. Labor is not scarce
c. Water is dependable
a. Early crop establishment and possibilities for 2 d. Seeds are viable
crop like munggo or peanut
b. High draft power requirement 198. Plants that require light intensity from 10,000 to 15,000 ft
c. Percolation and seepage of water are high candle to grow luxuriantly
d. Weed control at the early stages of seedling
establishment is critical a. Legumes
b. Gabi
188. A non-growth hormone used to induce flowering of mango c. Ginger
d. Cacao
a. IBA c. NAA
b. Potassium nitrate d. IAA
199. A botanical pesticide locally known as “ tubli” is a bushy
189. Plantation establishment for perennial crops can be done leguminous vine usually found growing near river banks
a. Derris
a. Sloping area only b. Neem tree
b. Old plantation that needs replanting c. Marigold
c. Both sloping and flat area d. Chrysanthemum
d. Alienable and disposable area
200. The largest of all plant families

190. Which of the following crops is not exported by the a. Compositae a

Philippines b. Rosaceae
c. Solanecea
a. Coconut c. Rice d. Umbellifereae
b. Banana d. Pineapple

191. The following are methods used in handling F! and END OF EXAMINATION IN CROP SCIENCE
subsequent generation among self pollinated crops except

a. Selection
b. Single seed descent
c. Pedigree method
d. Bulk population

192. A group of plants originating by vegetative propagation from

a single plant

a. Strain c. Clone
b. Line d. Breed

193. An act that provide protection to new plant varieties and

establishes the National Plant Variety Protection Board

a. RA 9168 c. RA 7581
b. RA 2614 d. RA 0011

194. The irrigated lowland areas of the Philippines

a. 1.4 M ha c. 1.5 M ha
b. 1.2 M ha d. 1.3 M ha



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