CM Gen. Bio 2

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Palawan Hope Christian School, Inc.

Manalo Extension, Puerto Princesa City

Science 12- General Biology 2
School Year 2022-2023

Grade: Grade 11/12

Quarters: 1st to 2nd Quarter
Subject Title: General Biology I
No. of Hours: 40 hours/10 Weeks per Quarter
Subject Description: This subject is designed to enhance the understanding of the principles and concepts in the study of biology, particularly life processes at the cellular and molecular levels. It also
covers the transformation of energy in organisms.
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Formation Standards Transfer Goal Learning Competencies
The learners demonstrate The learners should be able The learner will be able to The learners should be able to…
The learner will …
understanding of… to… independently use their learning..

Cell As The Basic Unit of

1. The Cell Theory 1. construct a 3D model of a respect for life; of cell structure and function to 1. explain the postulates of the cell
1. The Importance of plant/animal/ bacterial cell create an educational material for theory
Studying Biology 2. The Cell Structure and using recyclable materials recognize and accept young learners. (STEM_BIO11/12-Ia-c-1)
Functions strength and weaknesses;
2. Biology as a Science 2. construct a cell membrane 2. describe the structure and
3. The Prokaryotic versus model from indigenous or give importance to biology function of major and
3. Life, Its Beginnings, Eukaryotic Cells recyclable materials and its application; subcellular organelles
and Unifying Themes (STEM_BIO11/12-Ia-c-2)
4. The Cell Types realize the benefits and
4. The Twenty-First risks of modern biological 3. distinguish prokaryotic and
Century Biology 5. The Cell Modifications advances to society; eukaryotic cells according to
their distinguishing features
5. The Microscope and Its make judgments or (STEM_BIO11/12-Ia-c-3)
Uses decisions concerning the
usefulness of biological 4. classify different cell types
6. The Basic Cell Types, advances. (plant/animal tissues) and
Their Machinery, and specify the function(s) of each
Variety (STEM_BIO11/12-Ia-c-4)

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5. describe some cell
modifications that lead to
adaptation to carry out
specialized functions (e.g.,
microvilli, root hair)
Specific Learning Objectives
1. define biology and explain its

2. explore the evolving concept

of life based

3. describe classic experiments

that model conditions that may
have enabled the first life
forms to evolve

4. describe how unifying themes

in the study of life show the
connections among living
things and how they interact
with each other and their

5. identify the branches of biology

and its related occupations;

6. cite and explain examples of

biological advances and how
they affect daily life.

7. explain why microscopes are

needed to visualize cells

8. differentiate prokaryotic from

eukaryotic cells

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9. compare and contrast animal
cells from plant cells the structures, sizes,

and shapes of various cell

11.explain the postulates of the

cell theory

12.distinguish prokaryotic and

eukaryotic cells according to
their distinguishing features

13.identify the different cell


14.describe the characteristics

and functions of each cell

15.describe the structure and

function of major and
subcellular organelles

16. draw and label an animal cell

and a plant cell

Cell Division

1. The Cell Cycle and Its The Cell Cycle: Mitosis and 1. participate in advocacy advocate preservation of life of cell division to participate in 1. characterize the phases of the
Regulation Meiosis campaigns to raise advocacy campaigns to raise cell cycle and their control
awareness of the different appreciate variability among awareness of the different points
2. Cell division and Its The Cell Membrane and genetic disorders common organisms genetic disorders common to STEM_BIO11/12-Id-f-6
Mechanism Transport Mechanisms: to Filipinos. Filipinos.
a. Simple Diffusion understand the importance 2. describe the stages of
3. Cancer: Growing Out of of water in our lives mitosis/meiosis given 2n=46

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Control b. Facilitated Transport STEM_BIO11/12-Id-f-7

4. Human Life Cycle and c. Active Transport 3. discuss crossing over and
Sexual Reproduction recombination in meiosis
d. Bulk/Vesicular Transport STEM_BIO11/12-Id-f-8
5. Meiosis
4. explain the significance or
6. Gametogenesis applications of mitosis/meiosis
7. Cell and Its
Environment 5. identify disorders and diseases
that result from the malfunction
8. Cell Membrane and of the cell during the cell cycle
Transport of Molecules STEM_BIO11/12-Id-f-10

6. describe the structural

components of the cell

7. relate the structure and

composition of the cell
membrane to its function

8. explain transport mechanisms

in cells (diffusion osmosis,
facilitated transport, active

9. differentiate exocytosis and


Specific Learning Objectives

1. describe cell division;

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2. identify the importance of cell

3. describe the structure of a


4. identify and describe the major

stages of cell cycle;

5. determine the three sub-

stages of interphase;

6. identify the importance of cell


7. identify and describe the

phases/ stages of cell cycle

8. determine the five-stages of

mitotic phase/ mitosis and

9. describe how cell cycle is

regulated and maintained

10. explain the occurrence of


11. distinguish between autosome

and sex chromosomes;

12. differentiate mitosis from

meiosis and their role in the
different life cycle stages;

13. identify and describe the

stages in meiosis;

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14. relate crossing-over,
independent assortment, and
random fertilization processes
to genetic variation;

15. explain the significance of

meiosis in maintaining
chromosome number;

16. identify disorders and diseases

that result from the malfunction
of the cell during the cell cycle

17. describe the structural

components of the cell

18. relate the structure and

composition of the cell
membrane to its function;

19. explain transport mechanisms

in cells (diffusion osmosis,
facilitated transport, active
transport); and

20. differentiate exocytosis from



The National Museum through the different local city museums currently embark in the project that aims to promote science and technology among Filipino learners. The project aims to put up
interactive galleries or exhibit focused on science and technology. This program seeks to influence younger learners to engage in a future career in science and technology.

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You are freelance visual artist who has been commissioned by your local city museum to create interactive displays for the upcoming Science Month Gallery. You are tasked to create a set of
interactive displays or models for the “Tiny Science Gallery” that features concepts involving Cytology and Microbiology. You are expected to come up with 3-D models of an animal cell, a plant cell,
a bacterial cell, and a plasma membrane. The following must include the following components: cell parts, label of cell parts, and functions of cell parts.

Your gallery displays will be presented and evaluated by your project coordinator, content experts from the Department of Science and Technology, visual artists, and curators from the National

Excellent Satisfactory Fair Needs Improvement
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Content Accuracy (50%) The project presents complete The project satisfactorily presents The project presents information The project incompletely provides
information about the cell parts. distinct information about the cell about the cell parts. However more information about the cell parts.
They are accurately detailed and parts. They are accurately detailed details are needed to recognize cell Some organelles are not
clearly represented. More than and clearly recognizable. 8-10 parts because some are not represented. Less than 5 organelles
11 organelles are correctly organelles are correctly located recognizable. 5-7 organelles are are labelled or there are errors with
located and labelled. and labelled on the model. correctly located and labelled on the organelles identified.
General Appearance (10%) The project stands out from the The project shows evidence of The project is not neatly done and The project appears hastily built and
rest and shows evidence of good effort. Labels are typed or more effort is needed. Labels are lack of effort is evident.
considerable effort. It is neat and neatly written. hard to read.
Creativity and Originality The project uses materials that The project uses materials that are The project is a poster or 2-D model The project copied from a diagram
(10%) are not often seen in most often used by other students but only with minimal creativity. in the book and it lacks creativity.
projects. there is good creativity.
Creativity and Delivery Creativity and original content Creative elements are included but Creativity is lacking and does not No creative elements are included,
(20%) enhance the purpose of the do not enhance the purpose of the enhance the content or purpose of or the types of creative elements
piece in an innovative way. The piece. Creative elements do not the piece. Creative elements may used are inappropriate. They
audiences other than the distract from the content or purpose. distract from the content or purpose
presenter’s peers learn The project reaches the intended of the piece. The project does not
something from the project and audience but is not educational. reach the intended audience.
find it valuable.
Use of Recyclable Excellent use of recyclable Satisfactory use of recyclable Fair use of recyclable materials that Poor choice of recyclable materials;
Materials materials that are appealing and materials that are appealing and are appealing and durable do not appeal to intended audience
(10%) durable. durable and are not durable.

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The Biodiversity Conservation Society of the Philippines (BCSP) aims to conduct and manage wild life research on Philippine biodiversity. It has been the goal of the organization to improve and
advance biodiversity research and capabilities of the country. It is the aim of the organization to increase appreciation and understanding of Philippine biodiversity. To act on this goal, BCSP
organizes a symposium every year to increase public awareness on the most recent developments in the field of biodiversity conservation.

As a group of environmental biologists who work for BCSP, the head of your organization assigned your team to organize the next biodiversity conservation symposium. As organizers, your task is
to communicate your personal knowledge on the nature of life science by organizing a class symposium, which highlights researches done by both local and foreign scientists that focus on the
protection of plant and animal species. The symposium must also feature researches about advancements in biotechnology that are used to preserved life.


Excellent Satisfactory Fair Needs Improvement

(4) (3) (2) (1)
Symposium All aspects of the symposium are Most aspects of the symposium are A relationship between the theme and the The theme has very little connection
Theme (10%) captured by the theme. captured by the theme. symposium is seen, however, there are a to the overall aspect of the
number of areas wherein the relation is weak. symposium.
Symposium The poster is informative and The poster is creative and informative The poster is not informative and not The poster is not informative and not
poster (20%) creatively done. It is very well for most parts. Some parts are not creatively done. Many parts of the poster are creatively done. Most parts lack
researched and contains correct and easy to understand. Not all parts are not correctly cited. necessary information.
accurate information about the correctly cited.
Symposium All aspects of the program relate very Most aspects of the program relate to A relationship between the program and the The program has little or no
Program (10%) strongly to the theme of the the theme. The program is clear and symposium is seen but some thoughts need to connection to the symposium. The
symposium. The program is clear and organized but few points need see the relationship. Clarity and organization program lacks clarity and
excellently organized. improvement. needs to be improved. organization.
Talks On The talks discuss excellent scientific The talks discuss correct scientific Some information in the talks are incorrect. Most information in the talks are
Science information. The presentations are information. The presentations cover The presentations show the idea of the task inaccurate and incorrect. The
Researches on focused on the main idea of the task the main idea of the task and show but need to be improved in terms of the presentations about the theme are not
Protection of and show excellent and complete good and complete details about the discussion of the theme. done well and need to be improved.
Species (25%) details about the theme. theme.
CURRICULUM MAP- General Biology 1 | 8
Talks On The talks discuss excellent scientific The talks discuss correct scientific Some information in the talks are incorrect. Most information in the talks are
Science information. The presentations are information. The presentations cover The presentations show the idea of the task inaccurate and incorrect. The
Researches on focused on the main idea of the task the main idea of the task and show but need to be improved in terms of the presentations about the theme are not
Biotechnology and show excellent and complete good and complete details about the discussion of the theme. done well and need to be improved.
(25%) details about the theme. theme.

Overall No grammatical and spelling errors are Few grammatical and spelling errors Many grammatical and spelling errors are Grammatical and spelling errors are
Language and seen in the symposium outputs. are seen in the symposium outputs. seen in the symposium outputs. And needs to seen in most of the symposium
Grammar be improved. outputs. It lacks thought and
(10%) organization.

The Chemistry of Life

1. Water and Its Unique 1. Water and Its participate in community-based appreciate the importance of cells and biomolecules to 1. categorize the biological
Properties Properties activities that promote healthy of water advocate for healthy eating molecules(lipids,
lifestyle practices. practices in the community. carbohydrates, proteins, and
2. Inorganic Compounds 2. Inorganic Compounds appreciate the role of nucleic acids) according to
for Homeostasis organic compounds in the their structure and function
3. Structures and diet STEM_BIO11/12-Ii-j-15
3. Maintenance of Normal Functions of Biological
pH Molecules practice discipline in 2. explain the role of each
 Carbohydrates choosing the right kinds of biological molecule in specific
4. Carbon Dioxide and Its  Lipids food to keep the body metabolic processes
Benefits  Proteins healthy STEM_BIO11/12-Ii-j-16
 Enzymes
5. Biomolecules: Proteins,  Nucleic Acids 3. describe the components of an
Carbohydrates, Lipids, enzyme
and Nucleic Acids STEM_BIO11/12-Ii-j-17

4. explain oxidation/reduction

5. determine how factors such as

pH, temperature, and
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substrate affect enzyme

Specific Learning Objectives

1. Define matter and relate its
role in living systems;

2. Identify the major biomolecules

that make up living organisms;

3. Differentiate organic from

inorganic compounds;

4. Explain how the properties of

water make life possible on

5. Define pH and its significance

in the normal functions of the
human body;

6. Explain how the pH scale

indicates acidity and alkalinity
of substances.

Cellular Respiration and

Photosynthesis 1. ATP- ADP Cycle prepare simple fermentation reduce the effects of climate of cellular respiration and 1. explain coupled reaction
setup using common fruits to change photosynthesis in advocating for processes and describe the
Carbon Offsetting and 2. Photosynthesis produce wine or vinegar via sustainable local livelihood role of ATP in energy coupling
Climate Change microorganisms. give importance to balanced practices. and transfer
3. Respiration diet STEM_BIO11/12-IIa-j-1
Specialized Cell Organelles
for Energy Transformation value photosynthesis as 2. describe the major features
energy source in the food and chemical events in
Cellular Respiration chain photosynthesis and respiration
Photosynthesis appreciate photosynthesis
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in controlling global warming 3. explain the importance of
chlorophyll and other pigments

4. describe the patterns of

electron flow through light
reaction events

5. describe the significant events

of the Calvin cycle

6. differentiate aerobic from

anaerobic respiration

7. explain the major features and

sequence the chemical events
of cellular respiration

8. distinguish major features of

glycolysis, Krebs cycle,
electron transport system, and

9. describe reactions that

produce and consume ATP

10. describe the role of oxygen in

respiration and describe
pathways of electron flow in
the absence of oxygen

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11. compute the number of ATPs
needed or gained in
photosynthesis and respiration

12. explain the advantages and

disadvantages of fermentation
and aerobic respiration

The Department of Health (DOH) and the Department of Education (DepEd) currently embark in a project that aims to educate Filipinos about healthy eating practices and lifestyle. This
project aims to conduct exhibits to communities in Puerto Princesa City where the rate of obesity is significantly higher than other parts of the country. This program arises from the need to promote
a healthier lifestyle in the country.

You are a creative consultant who works for a renowned advertising and events firm, which was commissioned to make the following:
1. advertising campaign (short film)
2. exhibits (3D structures and functions of the different biomolecules)
3. food samples rich in different biomolecules

You were tasked by your superior to head the team in charge of conceptualizing the event, which will be held around the country in the attempt to educate members of rural communities
and children in public schools about healthy eating practices and habits.

The short film must include the following components: healthy lifestyle practices, healthy eating practices, what comprises a balanced diet, and impacts of health to economy and society.

Your exhibit/workshop will be presented and evaluated by your superiors, experts from DOH, licensed nutritionists and dieticians, sports science and wellness experts, and selected
representative of the local community.


Excellent Satisfactory Fair Needs Improvement

(4) (3) (2) (1)
Content Provides complete information about Provides detailed information about Provides information about health Provides incomplete information about
Accuracy (40%) healthy lifestyle, elaborates healthy healthy lifestyle, discusses healthy prompting lifestyle and practices, prompting lifestyle and practices, and
eating practices with concrete and eating practices with concrete describes healthy eating practices with does not include a discussion of healthy
well-described examples, presents examples, presents what comprises a limited number examples, describes eating practices, what comprises a
what comprises a balanced diet, and balanced diet, and discusses the what comprises a balanced diet, and balanced diet, and the benefits of

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elaborates the benefits of adapting benefits of adapting healthy lifestyle to mentions the benefits of adapting adapting healthy lifestyle to economy
healthy lifestyle to economy and economy and society. healthy lifestyle to economy and and society.
society. society.
Introduction Introduction is unique and Introduction engages the audience and Introduction has little creativity and Introduction is included but does not
(10%) memorable. It immediately engages presents the topic and purpose. somewhat engages the students. It make sense. It does not present the
the audience and presents the topic generally presents the topic and topic and purpose clearly.
and purpose clearly. purpose.

Technical Transitions are smooth throughout Transitions are smooth but dead space Transitions are uneven and there is Transitions are jumpy and there is lots of
Production piece. Graphics create an effective is occasionally heard. Graphics help in distracting dead space or ambient distracting background noise. Graphics
(10%) presentation and enhance key points communicating the content. noise. Graphics do not always help in distract from the content.
by contributing to the concept communicating the content.
Creativity and Creativity and original content Creative elements are included but do Creativity is lacking and does not No creative elements are included, or
Delivery enhance the purpose of the piece in not enhance the purpose of the piece. enhance the content or purpose of the the types of creative elements used are
(20%) an innovative way. The audiences The intended audiences understand piece. Creative elements may distract inappropriate. They distract from the
other than the presenter’s peers learn the project. from the content or purpose. The content or purpose of the piece. The
something from the project and find it project reaches the intended audience project does not reach the intended
valuable. but is not educational. audience.


The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in cooperation with the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) currently embark on a joint-project that aims to involve local communities to
consider alternative livelihood opportunities by utilizing their local plants and resources. The first stage of the project involves key areas in Palawan. Because these areas are rich in coconut trees,
DTI and FDA suggested that the project in this area focus on wine- making as a viable source of livelihood.

You are food technologist who works for FDA who was tasked to create a generic process of using wine that makes use of available plants and/or resources from Palawan. The process
must be properly documented in written report containing the following components:
a. objectives
b. materials to be used
c. procedure (in flow chart form)
d. rationale for the procedure
e. packaging and storage
f. cost of production

Your written output will be evaluated based on the following criteria: content accuracy; use of cost- effective materials; discussion of scientific principles; effectiveness and efficiency of
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packaging and storage; professional writing. Aside from the written report, the actual product (wine) must be presented and tasted by the evaluators. The evaluators will be composed of technical
experts from FDA, DTI, and representatives from the local communities in Palawan.

Excellent Satisfactory Fair Needs Improvement
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Content Excellently presents complete and Satisfactorily presents distinct Presents information about wine- Incompletely provides information about
Accuracy (30%) thorough information about wine information about wine-making as an making as an alternative source of wine-making as an alternative source of
making as an alternative source of alternative source of livelihood. livelihood. Discusses how the wine is livelihood. Does not include an effective
livelihood. Excellently discusses how Discusses how the wine is manufactured through an organized set discussion of the wine-making process.
the wine is manufactured through a manufactured through an organized of procedure. Schematic diagram Schematic diagram cannot be clearly
systematic, organized and easy-to- and easy-to-follow set of procedure needs a little revision. understood.
follow set of procedure summarized in summarized in a schematic diagram.
a schematic diagram.
Wine-making procedure makes use of Wine-making procedure makes use of Wine-making procedure makes use of Wine-making procedure does not make use
cost-effective materials that are cost-effective materials that are locally cost-effective materials. However, it of cost-effective nor locally available and
locally available and easily available. may not be as readily accessible. accessible materials.
Use of Cost- Includes a thorough discussion of Includes a discussion of scientific Includes a discussion of scientific Does not include a discussion of scientific
Effective scientific principles involved in the principles involved in the wine-making principles involved in the wine-making principles involved in the wine-making
Materials (20%) wine-making process with a rich process with some examples. process. Lacking inclusion of examples process.
number of examples and extensions. for the reader to better understand
these concepts.
Discussion of Creativity and original packaging Creative elements are included in the Creativity is lacking in the packaging No creative elements are included in the
Scientific scheme and storage mechanism is discussion of packaging, but do not scheme. Includes a basic storage packaging scheme. Storage mechanism
Principles (30%) discussed. enhance the market value of the mechanism. incorrectly discussed.
product. Includes a basic storage
Efficiency of Report is written with great clarity and Report is written with clarity and Report is moderately clear. Several Report lacks clarity and precision.
Packaging and precision. Each sentence is precision. Writing is understandable. errors in word choice, grammar, Sentences are poorly constructed and
Storage understandable. Word choice, Word choice, grammar, punctuation, punctuation, and spelling. The narrative confusing. Word choice, grammar,
(20%) grammar, punctuation, and spelling and spelling are adequate. The lacks focus. punctuation, and spelling reflects poor grasp
are excellent. The narrative is logical narrative is logical and coherent. of basic writing conventions. Narrative
and coherent. absent.

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