Practice Test in Crop Science (Clsu)

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1. The Grass family is the same as I. Graminae I. Ponaceae III. Monocotyledonae.

A. I and II are True
B. I and II are False
C. III is True
D. All of the above

2. The Philippine Seed Board was replaced with the national Seed Industry Council beginning March
27, 1992 by what law?
A. R.A. 7308
B. R.A. 2000
C. R.A. 7001

3. Crops with any of the following characteristics are direct seeded.

A. Seed are difficult to germinate
B. Seed are expensive
C. Seedlings cannot tolerate root disturbance
D. Seedlings develop multiple tap roots

4. Smudging of mango trees initiates flowering due to a hormone called

A. Cytokinins
B. Gibberellins
C. Ethylene
D. None of the above

5. Analyze the following statements:

I. The source of the oxygen gas released in photosynthesis is water.
II. The source of the electrons used to reduce NADP+in the light reaction is chlorophyll
A. Both statements are correct
B. Statement I is correct but statement II is wrong
C. Statement II is correct but statement I is wrong
D. Both statement is wrong

6. The appearance of a plant with respect to a particular character.

A. Phenotype
B. Genotype
C. Ideotype
D. Prototype

7. The technique of moving genes from one organism to another or putting them back in different
combinations to produce an improved organism is known as
A. Genetic engineering
B. Biotechnology
C. Recombinant DNA
D. All of the Above.
8. This is the implantation of a meristem from another plant to a plantlet or sterile plant in vitro.
A. grafting
B. micrografting
C. budding
D. microlayering

9. It is the process of preparing the soil for planting, thereby providing good physical, chemical and
biological condition that would permit optimum plant growth.
A. Land preparation
B. Primary tillage
C. Secondary tillage
D. Tillage

10. Planting the seeds by distributing them individually in the row is called:
A. Hill planting
B. Drill planting
C. Ridge planting
D. List planting

11. The judicious removal of plant parts to control the growth of a plant physically.
A. trimming
B. pruning
C. training
D. topping

12. Post harvest processing activities that do not change the structure of the commodity.
A. Primary processing
B. Secondary processing
C. Tertiary processing
D. All of the above

13. Decision on the quality of output/produce in farming system are largely influenced by:
A. technical factor
B. exogenous factor
C. endogenous factor
D. all of the above

14. Which of the following are not elements of weather:

A. temperature and wind
B. atmospheric pressure and humidity
C. typhoons and tornadoes
D. Precipitation and cloudiness

15. The world Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), which was formed by the United
Nations in 1983, is better known as the Brundland Commission. In April 1987, it issued its report
A. Sustainable Development
B. Development and the Environment
C. Our Common Future
D. Conserving the Earth

16. Where water is scare or expensive. The soil is porous, and the area is windy, irrigation is best done
A. furrow irrigation
B. drip irrigation
C. overhead irrigation
D. all of the above

17. Which is not under the family Leguminoseae?

A. Phaseolus lunatus
B. Vigna unguiculata
C. Lagenaria siceraria
D. Phaseolus vulgaris

18. Properly dried seed can be stored for a longer duration with high germination using the container.
A. paper bag
B. sealed tin can
C. jute sack
D. plastic sack

19. A method of asexual propagation in which missing organs are allowed to regenerate on detached
vegetative parts of the plant.
A. Marcotting
B. Cuttage
C. Budding
D. Grafting

20. This is the capacity of a cell cultured in vitro to regenerate into plant.
A. potency
B. totipotency
C. micropropagation
D. culturability

21. Carotenoids are present in the leaves to

A. convert sunlight to ATP
B. reduce NADP
C. prevent photo-oxidation of chlorophyll
D. transport oxygen out of the leaves

22. The observable variation present in a character in a population is called

A. phenotypic variation
B. genotypic variation
C. dominance variation
D. environmental variation

23. This refers to the increased genetic variability brought by tissue culture.
A. mutation
B. genetic variation
C. somaclonal variation
D. none of the above

24. This is a group of cell, tissue or plant derived from a single mother cell,. Tissue or plant through
asexual means and is expected to be genetically identical
A. Clone
B. meristrem
C. bud
D. scion

25. The mechanical manipulation of the soil from a known condition to a different desired condition.
A. Primary tillage
B. Soil tilth
C. Tillage
D. Secondary tillage
26. A method of planting the seed at specified depth on the top of the furrows and with the expectation
of abundant rain.
A. Surface or flat-bed planting
B. Ridge planting
C. List planting
D. Hill planting

27. The general term for techniques that control the growth of plants in term of shape, size, and spatial
A. Training
B. pinching
C. pruning
D. trimming

28. End of the development stage of a fruit or fruit vegetable when it has developed the ability to ripen
normally after harvest.
A. Commercial maturity
B. Physiological maturity
C. Horticultural maturity
D. Botanical maturity

29. A system of cropping in which as many crops are grown as possible on the same land within a year.
A. monocropping
B. multiple cropping
C. integrated cropping
D. sustainable cropping

30. Assuming dry air and a sea-level air temperature of 30C, the temperature on top of a 1000-meter-
high mountain is
A. 10C
B. 20C
C. 30C
D. 40C

31. Equity between the interests and rights of present and future generation is known as
A. intragenerational equity
B. intergenerational equity
C. both a and b
D. none of the above
32. Because irrigation water is applied in a small amounts onto the soil without disturbing the surface,
soil erosion and surface crustation are usually eliminated when using
A. flood irrigation
B. furrow irrigation
C. drip irrigation
D. sprinkler irrigation

33. Which does not belong to the group?

A. Centrosema
B. Siratro
C. Stylosanthes
D. Paragrass

34. Which are not included as rouges in seed production?

A. weeds
B. plants that are genetically pure and conform with the standard of the variety intended for
C. plants of the other cultivars of the same species
D. diseased plants of the same cultivar

35. Combining a root stock and a scion until they unite permanently is
A. Marcoting
B. Layering
C. Grafting
D. Cutting

36. The leafy shoot origination from auxiliary buds borne at the base of the pineapple fruit is called.
A. Sucker
B. Runner
C. Slip
D. Crown

37. The light reactions of photosynthesis involve photosystem I and Photosystem II, each of which is
characterized by a specific reactive molecule. The reactive molecule of Photosystem II is
A. P730
B. P700
C. P680
D. P660

38. The differential performance of genotypes is different environment is termed as

A. Adaptation
B. GxE interaction
C. Plant reaction
D. Acclimatization

39. This method of genetic conservation conserves the plant outside the natural habitat
A. Ex situ conservation
B. In situ conservation
C. Cryopreservation
D. none of the above

40. This a standard procedure of testing whether plant or plant tissue carried known diseases or not.
A. quarantine
B. diagnostic
C. disease tracing
D. disease indexing
41. The tillage operation that does the initial cutting or breaking of the soil at its state where either a
crop has been grown and harvested or simply a barren soil.
A. Secondary tillage
B. Primary tillage
C. Zero tillage
D. Maximum tillage

42. Method of raising rice seeding where pre-germinated seeds are sown on cement or pulled soil
covered with banana leaves or polythylene plastic sheet. The raided seedlings are ready for
transplanting in 10-14 days.
A. Wet bed method
B. Dapog method
C. Dry bed method
D. Seedbed method

43. The process by which seed with inhibitory substances are subjected to cold temperature treatment
prior to germination to trigger the process of the flowering later is called
A. hardening
B. vernalization
C. acclimatization
D. scarification

44. Series of steps which include all those practices done after harvest to prepare the commodity for the
market or long term storage.
A. packaging operation
B. secondary processing operation
C. packinghouse operation
D. handling operation

45. Application of system approach concept in practice is based on a:

A. holistic approach
B. specific approach
C. scientific approach
D. commodity approach

46. In crop rotation, the most critical factor to consider is:

A. proper combination of crops
B. right sequencing of growing the crop
C. proper intercropping of crops
D. proper mixing of crops

47. The temperature at which a biological process will take place at the faster rate is the
A. cardinal temperature
B. maximum temperature
C. minimum temperature
D. optimum temperature

48. The attitude that regards the value of nature merely as a pool of exploitable resources to be used for
the satisfaction of human wants is the
A. Profi t attitude
B. biocentric-holistic attitude
C. anthropocentric attitude
D. none of the above

49. Which requires a longer irrigation interval?

A. sandy soil
B. loamy soil
C. well-structured clay soil
D. poorly structured clay soil

50. Which is not a root crop?

A. sweet potato
B. yam
C. potato
D. cassava
51. The scientist who formulated the “rules of thumb” in seed storage was?
A. Harrington
B. Taylor
C. Colline
D. Van Daar

52. This is an example of plant propagated by root cutting.

A. Onion
B. Okra
C. Guava
D. Eggplant

53. Which of the following is a nut?

A. coconut
B. peanut
C. pili nut
D. cashew nut

54. Many plants with tropical origin fix carbon using the
A. C4 pathway
B. C3 pathway
C. CAM pathway
D. Calvin cycle

55. This is the ratio of genotypic variance to the total variance

A. genetic advance
B. heritability
C. repeatability
D. combining ability

56. Two of the most widely antibiotics in plant genetic engineering are
A. ampicillin and kanamycin
B. ampicillin and penicillin
C. penicillin and kanamycin
D. streptomycin and penicillin

57. The sterile plant with a functional roots and shoots developed in vitro is known as
A. seeding
B. embryo
C. plantlet
D. radicle
58. Land preparation is performed at relatively low moisture content, well below the saturation
moisture level.
A. Wetland or lowland preparation
B. Secondary tillage preparation
C. Dryland or upland preparation
D. Conventional land preparation

59. A process of transferring the seedlings t\from one seed box to another seed box or container before
they are brought to the filed.
A. Pricking
B. Hardening
C. Blocking
D. None of the above

60. It refers to the visual impact of the total mass of an object such as a plant or group of plants.
A. color
B. line
C. form
D. texture

61. Rapid closing of the neck of bulb crops under favorable condition
A. Tightening
B. Drying
C. Curing
D. Healing

62. The intercropping of cabbages and tomatoes is commonly adopted in vegetable growing areas
because of:
A. allelopahty
B. reduce incidence of diamond-back moth
C. reduce incidence of diseases
D. reduce cost of fertilizer

63. A given non-photoperiodic variety of rice will flower and mature

A. earlier in the Philippines than in China
B. earlier in China than in the Philippines
C. at the same time in the Philippines and in China
D. none of the above
64. This refers to the finite limits to the capacity of ecosystem and to the impacts that they are the earth
as a whole can withstand without dangerous deterioration.
A. carrying capacity
B. biotic capacity
C. environmental capacity
D. none of the above

65. In soils that are easily eroded, it is best to use

A. flood irrigation
B. furrow irrigation
C. drip irrigation
D. sprinkler irrigation

66. This is a crop that can be classified both as an agronomic crop and as a horticultural crop based on
its uses in the Philippines.
A. rice
B. mungbean
C. sorghum
D. peanut

67. The best seed storage temperature for orthodox seeds with 4% to 14% seed moisture content is
A. below 0C
B. 15C
C. 20C
D. 25C

68. Inarching is also known as

A. Approach grafting
B. Layering
C. Marcotting
D. Saddle grafting

69. Analyze the following statements:

A. Statement I and statement II are both correct
B. Statement I is correct but statement II is wrong
C. Statement I is wrong but statement II is correct
D. Statement I and statement II are both wrong

70. The required compound for CO2 fixation, NADPH and ATP, are produce via
A. cyclic photophosphosrylation
B. non-cyclic photophosphosrylation
C. dark reactions
D. light reactions

71. Characters governed by several genes with small effects are known as
A. qualitative characters
B. quantitative characters
C. dominant characters
D. recessive character

72. The first genetically modified food crop was produced in developed countries to delay ripening. This
crop is
A. Tomato
B. eggplant
C. watermelon
D. soybean

73. The soil is tilled when it is saturated with water.

A. Wetland or lowland preparation
B. Primary tillage preparation
C. Dry land or upland preparation
D. Conventional land preparation

74. The common methods of testing seed viability

A. Rag doll method
B. Seed box method
C. Petri-dish method
D. All of the above

75. Flowering plants can be jewels of the landscapes if they are planted in
A. group
B. random
C. both A and B
D. none of the above

76. Drying of surface moisture after washing or waxing or when commodities are harvested wet.
A. wiping
B. airing
C. blowing
D. water elimination
77. In hilly land farming the most commonly used hedgerow crow is:
A. mahogany
B. eucalyptus
C. ipil-ipil
D. falcate

78. An easterly wind blows.

A. from east to west
B. from west to east
C. from the equator to the east
D. from the equator to the west

79. Sustainable agriculture is any practice, method, technique/technology, philosophy or system or

production that makes agriculture
A. economically feasible, and ecologically sound
B. social just and humane
C. culturally appropriate, and grounded on holistic science
D. all of the above

80. To drain unsuitable soils, it is best to use

A. open drainage ditches
B. mole drains
C. tile drains
D. subsurface drains

81. An example of small fruit is

A. Pineapple
B. Lanzones
C. Tamarind
D. Duhat

82. Who is not a member of the National Seed Industry council (the former Philippine Seed board?)
A. Secretary of Agriculture
B. Directory of the Bureau of Plant Industry
C. Crop Research directory, PCARRD
D. Director of the Bureau of Postharvest Research and Extension

83. The easiest methods o plant propagation is

A. Marcotting
B. Inarching
C. Layering
D. Cuttage

84. The flower of squash is

A. Complete and perfect
B. Incomplete and perfect
C. Complete and imperfect
D. Incomplete and imperfect

85. The destruction of the chlorophyll molecules due to strong light intensity is called
A. photolysis
B. photo-oxidation
C. etiolation
D. decoloration

86. It refers to the traditional system, which begins with a primary tillage operation followed by several
secondary tillage operatons.
A. Zero tillage
B. Minimum tillage
C. Maximum or conventional tillage
D. Secondary tillage

87. What is the germination percentage of corn, if only 180 normal seedlings have germinated out of
the 200 seeds sown?
A. 80%
B. 85%
C. 90%
D. 95%

88. Straight lines give a feeling of rigidity and formality while curved lines radiate a feeling of
A. Gracefulness
B. Softness
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

89. Application of a foliar coating of fruits and vegetables

A. Waxing
B. Painting
C. Artificial coloring
D. All of the above
90. Land equivalent ratio (LER) is used to measure the yield advantage of intercropping. An LER index
value higher than 1.00 indicates:
A. disadvantage of intercropping
B. advantage of intercropping
C. break – even point of intercropping
D. all of the above

91. Plants will need more water when the relative humidity is
A. 60%
B. 70%
C. 80%
D. 90%

92. Some examples of external cost that are avoided in sustainable agriculture are
A. soil erosion, pollution, lower food quality
B. loss of biodiversity, species/varieties/breeds, and indigenous knowledge
C. erosion of human health and social relationships
D. all of the above

93. Drainage is important for

A. better germination of seeds
B. healthy root system
C. timely land preparation and harvesting
D. all of the above

94. A plant, like sineguelas, that loses its leaves during a certain time of the year is a
A. seasonal plant
B. evergreen plant
C. deciduous plant
D. none of the above

95. Insect activity is inhibited when seed moisture content is

A. 45-60%
B. 8-20%
C. Above 20-45% but below 45%
D. Below 8-9%
96. This is the mucilage or waxy materials around some seeds that causes physical dormancy.
A. Exodermis
B. Seed coat
C. Sacro-testa
D. None of the above

97. Kangkong, ampalaya, and camote tops are easily chews because of the absences of supporting and
strengthening tissue called
A. parenchyma
B. collencyma
C. scelerencyma
D. chlorencyma

98. The anaerobic phase of respiration is lined to the aerobic phase by means of
A. succinyl Co-A
B. acetyl Co-A
C. glutaryl Co-A
D. gluconyl Co-A

99. It is process by which, the soil colds are broken or the soil is puddle by means of a spike toothed
harrow or comb harrow. Usually the operation is done by alternate direction with two lengthwise
and one crosswise.
A. Plowing
B. Harrowing
C. Rotavating
D. Furrowing

100. The recommended seedling rate of peanut is 90 kilograms per hectare. How many kilogram
seed is needed if the germination percentage is only 70 percent.
A. 100.0
B. 112.5
C. 125.0
D. 128.6

101. In landscaping, the fine texture of small leaves gives an illusion of distance while the coarse
texture of broadleaves gives an illusion of
A. softness
B. neatness
C. closeness
D. gracefulness
102. Type of fruits that exhibits a rise in respiration when it starts to ripen
A. Non-climatic fruit
B. Climacteric fruit
C. Tropical fruits
D. Temperate fruits

103. The most critical determinant of the cropping pattern rice followed by rice is:
A. water availability
B. soil texture and topography
C. market accessibility
D. technology

104. A farmer can spray his crop if the clouds in the sky are
A. cumulonimbus clouds
B. nimbus clouds
C. cirrus clouds
D. nimbostratus clouds

105. The deadly disease of infants caused by high nitrate levels in drinking water is
A. Methemoglobinemia
B. cancer
C. diarrhea
D. nitrate toxicity

106. compared to shallow-rooted plants, deep-rooted plants require

A. more frequent irrigation and larger volume of water per irrigation
B. more frequent irrigation but smaller volume of water per irrigation
C. less frequent irrigation but larger volume of water per irrigation
D. less frequent irrigation but smaller volume of water per irrigation

107. Bitter gourd is know to help control diabetes. What is its specific name?
A. Momordica charantia
B. Luffa acuatangula
C. Citrullus lunatud
D. Luffa cylindrical

108. In rice seeds, a white tag is attached to the bag of

A. Breeder Seed
B. Foundation Seed
C. Registered Seed
D. Certified Seed
109. This is the treatment that removes the seed coat alters it making it permeable to water.
A. Scarification
B. Stratification
C. Vernalization
D. Separation

110. An indication that corms and rhizomes are stems although they are generally found below the
ground is the presence of
A. nodes and internodes
B. nodes and buds
C. node and leaf sheath
D. node and roots

111. In glycosis, slucose is converted to

A. phosphoglyric acid
B. pyruvic acid
C. succinic acid
D. malic acid

112. Purpose of tillage that is peculiar to wet land preparation

A. Turn soil into soft puddle and form a hard pan
B. Develop proper soil tilth
C. Improve soil aeration
D. Promote erosion

113. Corn is planted at a spacing of 75cm between rows and 50cm between hills with 2 plant per hill.
What is the plant population per hectare?
A. 50,333
B. 51,333
C. 52,333
D. 53,333

114. Processor classifying produce into groups according to a set of recognized criteria of quality and
size, with each group bearing an accepted name and size grouping.
A. Sorting
B. Sizing
C. Grading
D. Selection
115. When a cropping pattern is written, sequential cropping is denoted by what symbol between
two crops?
A. hypen(-)
B. plus(+)
C. slash(/)
D. multiply(x)

116. Mango requires a climate distinct dry season of at least four months. That best climate for
mango is
A. Type 1
B. Type 2
C. Type 3
D. Type 4

117. Which of the following particles are sustainable?

A. recycling of nutrients, and use of compost, green manures and other forms of organic fertilizer
B. non-pestecidal control of pest
C. diversified and integrated farming system
D. all of the above

118. Breaking hardpans in the soil and improving soil structure improves
A. drainage
B. surface drainage
C. internal drainage
D. all of the above

119. An example of horticulture crops that have medicinal properties is

A. Vetix negundo
B. Bracheria mutica
C. Pennisetum purpuriom
D. All of the above

120. The agency involved in approving the release of recommended varities in the Philippines is
A. Philippine Seed Board (PSB)
B. National Seed Industry Council (NSIC)
C. Department of Agriculture (DA)
D. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

121. An aggregate fruit is derived from one flower with several ovaries. An example of an aggregate
fruit is
A. Atis
B. jackfruit
C. orange
D. lanzones

122. These are seeds that can not kept viable for a long time. They cannot withstand drying and
should not be permitted to dry out before planting.
A. Recalcitrant seed
B. Registered seed
C. Foundation seed
D. Orthodox seed

123. If photosynthesis is limited to the reaction that take place inside the choloroplast, the product of
photosynthesis is
A. glucose
B. phosphoglyceraldehyde
C. sucrose
D. phosphoglyceric acid

124. Plowing a hectare with an animal-drawn moldboard plow requires how many kilometers of
A. 90 km
B. 100 km
C. 120 km
D. 130 km

125. In the wet method of raising rice seedling, how many squares meters of seedbed is needed to
sow a bag of palay seed plant one hectare?
A. 200 sq m
B. 300 sq m
C. 400 sq m
D. 500 sq m

126. It is strongest of the training system but allows he least light in the canopy.
A. central leader
B. modifier leader
C. open center or vase
D. none of the above

127. Technology or process that adequate protection and safe delivery of a produce from the
producer to the consumer?
A. trucking
B. nundling
C. packaging
D. handling

128. The multiple cropping technology is quite difficult for farmers to adopt because of:
A. the need to grow new and unfamiliar crop
B. the need for timely implementation of required particles
C. the need for additional resources
D. all of the above

129. Aurora province is on the eastern part of Luzon, between the Pacific Ocean and the Sierra Madre
mountains. West of the Sierra Madre is the town of gabaldon Nueva Ecija. When the northeast
monsoon prevail
A. more rain fall on aurora that on gabaldon
B. more rain fall on gabaldon receive equal amounts of rain
C. All of the happen at different months

130. Because it is not prescriptive of a defined set of particles, methods, techniques/technologies or

policies that would restrict the option of farmers, sustainable agriculture is
A. flexible
B. experiental
C. proactive
D. participatory

131. Drainage is important because it improves

A. soil aeration
B. entry of oxygen from the atmosphere to the soil
C. release of carbon dioxide from the soil to the atmosphere
D. all of the above

132. This is an example of a group under special-purpose classification of field crops.

A. pulses
B. cover crops
C. tuber crops
D. none of the above

133. Which of the following is an optional requirements for seed germination?

A. favorable temperature
B. 20%oxygen concentration
C. Light
D. Proper amount of water
134. When a plant experience water stress, it conserves water by closing the stomata. This is effected
by the plant hormone.
A. ethylene
B. cytokinin
C. abscissic acid
D. auxin

135. This type of cutting consist of the leaf blade, petiole and a short piece of the stem with auxiliary
A. Stem cutting
B. Leaf cutting
C. Leaf-bud cutting
D. Root cutting

136. The phenomenon of a single major gene affecting more than one character is known as.
A. Pleiotropy
B. penetranx
C. expressivity
D. isogenic

137. Direction of tillage on rolling or hilly fields

A. Across the contour
B. Follow the general contour of the land
C. Against the contour
D. Down-up direction

138. A design principle that focuses the attention of the eye on some dominant feature of the design
and helps make the garden personal and interesting.
A. Emphasis
B. balance
C. unity
D. contrast

139. Rapid cooling of produce immediately after harvest

A. Pre-cooling
B. Post cooling
C. Site cooling
D. All of the above
140. Farmers intercrop peanut in between corn plants because:
A. it reduce corn borer infestation
B. it serves as source of seed
C. it serves as animal feed
D. all of the above

141. The lack of rain during EL Nino episode is an example of

A. permanent drought
B. seasonal drought
C. contingent drought
D. invisible drought

142. The constancy of production under a given set on environmental, economic, and management
conditions is known as
A. stability
B. sustainability
C. flexibility
D. resiliency

143. The removal of excess water from the soil is

A. drainage
B. surface drainage
C. internal drainage
D. all of the above

144. A woody plant that needs a support to be able to stand upright is a

A. vine
B. liana
C. shrub
D. climber

145. The most favorable condition for storing orthodox seeds is

A. Dry and cool condition
B. Dry and hot condition
C. Moist and cool condition
D. Moist and hot condition

146. These are small suckers just emerging from an underground stem.
A. Maiden sucker
B. Water sprouts
C. Peeper
D. Swords

147. Analyze the following statement: “A juvenile plant will initiate the flower when it receives the
proper day length.”
A. The statement is always true
B. The statement is sometimes true and sometimes false
C. The statement is always false
D. None of the above

148. Modification in the expression of a dominant gene by another non-allelic dominant gene is
known as
A. gene interaction
B. gene action
C. gene flow
D. none of the above

149. One purpose of tillage is to:

A. Develop a desirable soil structure
B. Form hard surface crust
C. Promote soil compaction
D. Reduce soil granulation

150. A specimen plant has the following effect in landscaping

A. it is charming in a big garden
B. it is out place in small gardens
C. both a and b
D. none of this

151. Ripening hormone

A. Acetylene
B. Ethylene
C. Calcium carbide
D. Auxin

152. Which of the following cropping patter will exhibit allelopathic effect:
A. mungbean-mungbean
B. mungbean-rice
C. mungbean-corn
D. mungbean-sweet potato
153. Which among of irrigation that has the least contribution to salinization is
A. flooding
B. furrow irrigation
C. overhead irrigation
D. drip irrigation

154. If benefits from the farm, resources, and power are distributed evenly so that the basic needs of
all members of society are met, agriculture is
A. humane
B. cultural appropriate and sensitives
C. sustainable
D. socially just and equitable

155. Which of the crops listed below requires more frequent irrigation?
A. Onion
B. watermelon
C. tomato
D. mungbean

156. Plant with vegetative shoot that continue to grow until the plant senesce are
A. determine plants
B. indetermine plants
C. perennials
D. none of the above

157. The most effective desiccant for seed storage, and therefore requires the smallest amount is
A. Lime
B. Charcoal
C. Silica gel
D. Wood ash

158. When the wedge is made on the stock and the split on the scion, the grafting method is
A. Whip and tongue grafting
B. Bark grafting
C. Saddle grafting
D. Cleft grafting

159. When plants are grown at very narrow spacing, stem elongation is
A. restricted
B. promoted
C. not affected
D. any of the above depending on variety

160. Bt corn is a variety of corn where the Bt gene has been inserted and makes corn resistant to
A. Asiatic corn borer
B. Corn downy mildew
C. Ear worm
D. Tobacco budworm

161. Physical change in lowland preparation

A. Flooding breaks soil clods into smaller aggregate and particles and penetration resistant to
plowing reduced
B. Soil structure and granulation are maintained
C. No flooding is involved
D. Downward movement of water is normal and water drains easily

162. To make a small garden seem big, it is better that

A. colored leaf plants should not be used
B. large-leaf plants should be used
C. small-leaf plants should not be used
D. small-leaf plants should be used

163. The technology recommended in hilly land or sloping land is

A. Slopping agricultural land technology
B. Contour farming
C. Multiple cropping technology
D. Integrated cropping technology

164. Wetland rice production contributes to global warming by the emission of

A. nitrous oxide from denitrification
B. methane from anaerobic decomposition of organic mater
C. carbon dioxide from soil microorganism and plant roots
D. all of the above

165. Growing two or more varieties if rice in the farm enhances

A. genetic diversity
B. species diversity
C. ecosystem diversity
D. biodiversity
166. Irrigation is most efficient if applied before soil moisture becomes limiting to plants thus as a
general guide, irrigation water should be applied when
A. 20 percent of the available water in the root zone has been depleted
B. 40 percent of the available water in the root zone has been depleted
C. 60 percent of the available water in the root zone has been depleted
D. 80 percent of the available water in the root zone has been depleted

167. The most suitable material for germination test of very small seeds is
A. Rolled filter paper
B. Petri dish line with filter paper
C. Rag doll method
D. Sand

168. These type of grafting allows a bigger area of cambial contact between the rootstock and the
scion hence, it heals quickly and makes a very strong union.
A. Cleft grafting
B. Saddle grafting
C. Whip and tongue grafting
D. Bark grafting

169. There are short-day plants that flower even when the proper night length is not supplied but the
flower are few. They are known as
A. Qualitative short-day plants
B. Quantitative short-day plants
C. Quantitative long-night plants
D. Qualitative long –night plants

170. These are cells containing nuclei of one species but cytoplasm from both the parental species
A. Cybrids
B. Hybrid
C. Transgenic
D. Symmetric hybrids

171. This is the tillage system in which soil disturbance is reduced and some crop residues remains on
the soil surface after the operation
A. Conventional tillage
B. Conservation tillage
C. Minimum tillage
D. Secondary tillage

172. A landscape design is said to have no rhythm when

A. The eye jumps from one form to another
B. The eye jump from one color to another
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above

173. Although many farmers are using improved technologies, few framers are following the
recommendation made by researchers and extension workers in their entirely because:
A. farmers are stubborn or hard-headed
B. extension is ineffective
C. credit is inadequate
D. recommended technologies are not appropriate to their conditions

174. The G in the equation Y=f(G+E(GXE) refers to

A. growth
B. genotype
C. gebberellins
D. geotropism

175. Resources that are exhausted with use because they are not replenished or cycled thought
natural processes
A. Recycled resources
B. Renewable resources
C. Non-renewable resources
D. None of the above

176. A sugarcane field in tarlac has a loamy sand soil. What irrigation method should be used?
A. furrow irrigation
B. drip irrigation
C. sprinkle irrigation
D. any of the above

177. Abaca in Bicol is afflicted by virus diseases. There are techniques to mass produce disease-free
planting materials like
A. Division of corms coming from existing farms
B. Tissue culture
C. Using desuckering tools
D. Grafting abaca with resistant

178. Classification of seed is base on the these concepts

A. Orthodox seed can kept for long period in storage when moisture content is low
B. Recalcitrant seed are more associated with perennial horticultural crop
C. Seeds of corn, rice, eggplant and squash are recalcitrant seeds
D. Seeds of rambutan, mango, and avocado are orthodox seeds

179. Senescene can be delayed by

A. removing flowers
B. spraying the plants with cytokinin
C. spraying the plant with nitrogenous fertilizer
D. all of the above

180. The DNA segment or the gene to be transferred in genetic engineering may be introduced into
plants cell though
A. T1 Plasmid
B. Gemini virus vectors
C. Direct DNA uptake by cells
D. All of the above

181. Which are advantages of conservation tillage over conventional tillage?

A. Water conservation and reduce erosion
B. High yield and high profit
C. Low cost and ease of operation
D. Increase organic matter and easier application of fertilizer

182. To increase distance in a small garden, the following pointers must be taken into consideration
A. Plants with larger leaves and brighter colors should be planted in the foreground
B. Plants with smaller leaves and dull colors should be planted in the background
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

183. The multiple cropping index is generally higher with:

A. Small farm size
B. Bigger farm size
C. Medium farm size
D. Plantation farm

184. The thinning of the ozone layer can result to harmful effect caused by
D. All of the above
185. A major strategy is sustainable agriculture is to restore agricultural diversity in time and space
A. crop rotation and intercropping, especially those that include legumes
B. polycultures and cover crops
C. crop/livestock mixtures
D. all of the above

186. A field is well-drained if it has no standing water

A. 24 hour after a heavy rain
B. 36 hour after a heavy rain
C. 48 hour after a heavy rain
D. All of the above

187. Propagation that preserves the characters of the parent plant is

B. asexual propagation
C. grafting
D. layering

188. The following statements refers to what law? “the increase in yield per increase in growth
factors is proportional to the difference between the maximum yield and the actual yield.”
A. Leibig’s law of the minimum
B. Blackman’s law of limiting factors
C. Leibsher’s optimum law
D. Mitscherlich’s law of diminishing returns

189. This consist of actively dividing non-organized tissues of undifferentiated and differentiated cells
often developing from injury (wounding) or in tissue cultures.
A. cellulose
B. callus
C. protocorm
D. cell suspension

190. A design principle which refers to the pleasing relationship of object making each component a
part of a unified whole.
A. balance
B. harmony
C. rhythm
D. emphasis

191. In the SALT technology, a simple device which is used in determining the contour is known as.
A. Z-frame
B. A-frame
C. X-frame
D. C-frame

192. The role of light in photosynthesis is an example of

A. photoengenetic effect
B. photodestructive effect
C. photocybernetic effect
D. all of the above

193. This is a holistic system of agriculture started by Rudolf Steiner that aims to connect nature and
cosmic forces (“formative life energies”) to farming. Its followers believes that heavenly bodies
(stars, etc.) influence the growth and development of plants
A. Natural farming
B. Sustainable agriculture
C. Bio-dynamic farming
D. Permaculture

194. For rapid rate of multiplication, the method of propagation generally practiced is
A. micropropagation
B. asexual propagation
C. sexual propagation
D. none of the above

195. The best training system for mango is

A. open-center or vase
B. modifier leader
C. central leader
D. all of the above

196. Analyze the following statements:

I. Phototropism is regulated by blue light
II. Photoperiodism is regulated by red (660 nm) light and far-red (730 nm) light.
A. both statements are correct
B. statement I is correct but statement II is wrong
C. statement II is correct but statement I is wrong
D. both statements are wrong
197. LEISA is a farming practices or philosophy in which most of the used originate from the farm
deliberate action is taken to ensure sustainability. However, it is open for combination of organic
and inorganic fertilizer. LEISA means
A. Low-external-input and sustainable agriculture
B. Low-external-input and subsistence agriculture
C. Liberalized economy, industry and strategic agriculture
D. Liberalized economy, industry and sustainable agriculture

198. A plant is tall and spindly with few branches and you want it to be short, compact and with more
branches. The pruning technique that you should use is
A. heading back
B. thinning out
C. shearing
D. none of the above

199. Rice, corn, mungbean, watermelon and most crops that grow in the Philippines are
A. sciophytes
B. halophytes
C. Heliophytes - Bright sunlight ito ang gusto ng Water melon, mung bean, rice and corn
D. xerophytes

200. Any plant used to provide a backround against which shape and color of flowers are being
A. edging
B. screen
C. ground cover
D. sequence

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