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177-185 (2014)

DOI 10.2478/aee-2014-0014

Modified concept of axial-flux permanent magnet

machine with field weakening capability


Department of Power Engineering and Electrical Drives

West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin
70-313 Szczecin, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]
(Received: 20.10.2013, revised: 28.01.2014)

Abstract: This paper presents the concept of an innovative field-controlled axial-flux

permanent-magnet (FCAFPM) machine. In order to show the working principle and
features of the proposed dual-rotor with surface-mounted PM’s and iron poles, a toroi-
dally-wounded slotted single-stator FCAFPM machine is investigated and analyzed in
detail, using 3-D FEAnalysis. The control range, back electromotive force (back-EMF),
output and cogging torque components have been evaluated.
Key words: axial-flux (AF) electrical machines, electric vehicle (EV), permanent mag-
net (PM), field weakening, three-dimensional finite element analysis (3-D FEAnalysis)

1. Introduction

PM machines have found a wide range of applications due to their high efficiency, high
power density, high drive performance and maintenance-free qualities, due to which they have
been preferred for EV traction applications, where energy efficiency and power density are the
most important attributes.
The challenge for the PM traction machine design is that it has to produce high torque at
standstill or low speed (at least 3 times of the rated torque), in order to provide the required
acceleration capability. Moreover, since the EV machine operates in response to various driv-
ing conditions, it needs to output peak power close to twice the rated value at medium to high
Although conventional radial-flux PM (RFPM) machines are the most widely used type of
PM machines, axial-flux PM (AFPM) machines have been becoming more and more popular
in applications where the use of conventional RFPM machines would not be appropriate, such
as hybrid traction motors and certain generators. They can be designed for higher torque-to-
weight ratio, better efficiency, as well as lower noise and vibration levels. However, the main
drawback of AFPM machines stems from the area of field weakening, from an EV’s drive
application point of view. PM machines often suffer from uncontrollable flux, thus limiting
their constant power operation in high speed regions. Accordingly, to cope with a wide speed

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178 P. Paplicki Arch. Elect. Eng.

range, an optimal drive design for EVs should offer a field weakening capability of at least
1 :4. Advanced material technology and a new design concept of a PM machine have allowed
to obtain novel machine configurations, thus allowing to achieve flux weakening in a simple
At present, there exists a number of alternative solutions to solve field weakening problem
in RFPM [1-10 ] and AFPM machines [11-14] e.g.
The aim of this paper is to present a modified concept of an AFPM machine with field-
weakening and strengthening capability, that could be easily applied to different type of AF
machines, including multiple structures.
It should be noted that a schematic diagram of presented FCAFPM machine has some
similarity with the new brushless synchronous alternator researched by Brawn and Haydock
[11] and the hybrid excitation of AC and DC machines researched by Spooner, Khatab and
Nicolaou [12]. Moreover, the presented concept despite the fact that it also has similarities
with some of the concepts discussed in patent [19], wherein hybrid excitation type PM syn-
chronous motor are explored, it’s a slightly different solution.

2. Structure and principles of FCAFPM machine

The concept of an air-gap flux control technique for one pole pair section in a simple PM ma-
chine structure with direct current (DC) control coil fixed on the stator is presented in Figure 1.
Unlike the conventional d-axis current injection field-weakening technique, DC field ex-
citation control coil current is used to slight polarization of the rotor iron poles. In accordance
with the magnitude and direction of an excitation current IDC, the air-gap flux across the pole
section can be increased or reduced.

Fig. 1. Method of field-weakening and strengthening in PM machines with positive (right)

and negative (left) DC fields

The air-gap flux densities resulting from the different excitation current IDC acting on the
double sided machine stator winding (shown in Fig. 2c) become different and the induced
back-EMF is reduced or increased.

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To show the application of the idea, the machine with two air-gaps flux control dual-rotor
and single-stator (FCAFPM) is selected and analyzed using 3-D FEAnalysis. The stator and
rotor structures of the machine are shown in Figure 2. The stator is formed by sheet steel
toroidal core, circumferentially wound DC field winding and two sets of three-phase win-
dings. The DC field control coil is placed inside the hole of the slotted stator core between the
inner stator and the end-winding.

a) b) c)

Fig. 2. The structure of FCAFPM machine a); rotor parts b); stator parts c)

The machine rotor is formed by two solid steel discs with arc-shaped iron pieces and arc-
shaped axially magnetized PMs mounted on the surfaces of each disc, a magnetic tube made
from soft material composite (SMC) and a shaft. It should be pointed out that the rotor pole
pair is formed by PM and the iron pole piece and there exists some space between them in
order to reduce the magnetic flux leakage.
The main dimensions and design parameters of the machine design are presented in
Table 1.
Table 1. The main data of the analyzed FCAFPM machine
Description Value
Number of poles 12
Magnet remanent 1.2 T (type NdFeB)
Magnet permeability 1.05
Stator outer diameter 240.0 mm
Stator inner diameter 140.0 mm
Air-gap length under iron pole/PM 0.5/2.5 mm
PM length 8.0 mm
Iron pole length 10.0 mm
Stator stack length 80.0 mm
Number of stator slots 2 H 36
Width of the slot opening 2.0 mm

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3. No-load characteristics

To evaluate the applicability of the idea of the air-gap flux control of the FCAFPM ma-
chine, a transient 3-D FEAnalysis is used to investigate the field weakening capability under
normal and strengthening or weakening conditions.
Moreover, the 3-D FEAnalysis is used due to a lack of symmetry of the FCAFPM ma-
chine, and to accurately calculate the various components of flux density. The design was
simulated on commercial Flux3D v.10.4.2 software.
Figure 3 shows the magnetic flux distribution within three dimensional finite element
model (3-D FEModel) of FCAFPM machine without DC excitation current.

Fig. 3. Rotor and stator magnetic flux density

distribution without DC excitation current

The DC field excitation current can weaken or strengthen the air-gap flux, depending on its
direction. Moreover, it should be noted that the flux boosting is limited both by the current
density of the DC control coil and iron saturation. Figures 4 and 5 show the air-gap flux den-
sity for the cases of zero (IDC = 0), positive (IDC > 0) and negative (IDC < 0) DC field excitation
current. It should be pointed out that the DC field excitation current IDC ≠ 0 corresponds to the
DC control coil current density jDC = 5A/mm2.
Figure 4 shows the 2-D flux density distribution over a single magnet and iron pole section
of the rotor for three different cases of the DC field excitation current, thus proving the prin-
ciple of the air-gap flux control.

Fig. 4. Two-dimensional air-gap flux

density distribution for the different DC
field excitation currents over magnet
and iron pole pitch

As can be seen in Figure 4, the air-gap flux in front of the iron pole changes its direction
and magnitude depending on the direction of the DC field excitation current. Since the PM

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flux changes slightly with the DC field excitation current, the iron pole flux in the air-gap
alters with the direction and the magnitude.
In order to demonstrate the slotting effects of the machine stator, Fig. 5 shows air-gap flux
density distribution for three cases of the DC field excitation current.

Fig. 5. Air-gap magnetic flux density distribution for different values of DC

field excitation current over magnet and iron pole pitch

The total magnetic flux passing through the air-gaps of the FCAFPM machine can be
thought of as the combination of a magnet flux (Фm) and iron pole flux (Фip) due to the DC
field excitation current.
Figure 6 shows the air-gap flux components Фm and Фip created over one PM and iron pole
versus DC field excitation current, performed under no-load conditions and at a fixed (initial)
rotor position.

Fig. 6. Air-gap fluxes Фm and Фip

over one pole pair machine vs. DC
field excitation current density

As it can be seen from Figure 6, the air-gap iron pole flux can be weakened or stren-
gthened with respect to the zero DC field excitation current case. With the variation of ± 6500
Ampere-turns, the air-gap flux control range at no-load becomes roughly 71% with field-
strengthening and 93% with field-weakening. This allows to obtain a reasonable range of field
weakening with a reasonable DC field excitation current case.
Additionally, no-load flux components Фm and Фip versus rotor position for different DC
field excitation current densities are determined, as shown in Figure 7.

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Thanks to the 3-D FEAnalysis the flux linked with a phase armature winding for a given
position of the rotor has been determined. Derivative of the linked flux evaluates the time
performance of back-EMF. This can be expressed as:
dψ (θ ) d (θ ) dψ (1)
e (t ) = = ωr ,
d (θ ) d (t ) d (θ )

where e is the back-EMF, ψ is the flux linkage, linked with phase of the machine, θ is the rotor
position, and ωr is the angular speed of the rotor.

a) b)

Fig. 7. Air-gap magnetic fluxes Фm (a) and Фip (b) over one pole pair machine vs. rotor position
for different DC field excitation currents

The flux linked for a given position of the rotor can be calculated as:

ψ (θ ) = N ∫∫ B ⋅ dS,
S coil

where N is number of turns of coils per phase and Scoil is a surface corresponding to the coil
By gradually changing the rotor position, different sets of rotor-position-linked flux values
are calculated. Figure 8 shows the linked flux waveform versus the rotor position with a step
of 1.0 degree for different values of the DC field excitation current.

Fig. 8. Flux linked waveform for different

values of DC field excitation current

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Figure 9 shows a predicted open-circuit line-to-neutral back-EMF waveforms for the

FCAFPM machine for positive, negative, and zero DC field excitation currents obtained by
3-D FEAnalysis.
As can be seen in Figure 9, a significant field control capability is clearly observed. Atten-
tion should be drawn to the ratio of the EMF values that are changed from the maximum to the
minimum value. According to the 3-D FEAnalysis simulation results given in Table 2, it can
be concluded that the field-weakening ratio of 4:1 and higher can be obtained.

Fig. 9. Back-EMF waveforms

for different values of DC
field current at 1000 rpm

Table 2. Back-EMF values in Volts at different DC field excitation current

IDC < 0 IDC = 0 IDC > 0
Back-EMF(rms) 163.8 99.5 34.7
Back-EMF(av) 150.6 91.6 37.1

In order to evaluate the impact of the DC field excitation current on the electromagnetic
and cogging torque of the FCAFPM machine, additional simulations have been performed.
Figure 10 shows the starting torque of the FCAFPM machine versus armature current density
for the different DC field excitation currents at a fixed rotor position.

Fig. 10. Starting torque for

different values of DC field
excitation current density

As can be seen from these static torque characteristics, the starting torque variation against
armature current for a given DC field excitation current is close to linear.

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With the variation of armature current density in the range from 1 to 6 A/mm2, the
electromagnetic torque control range at load becomes roughly 35% with strengthening field
and 80% with weakening field.
Figure 11 shows the cogging torque, which is one of the most important sources of torque
ripples, especially in controlled flux PM machines. It can be minimized using various
techniques [15-18] e.g.

Fig. 11. Cogging torque for dif-

ferent values of DC field excita-
tion current

The cogging torque has a peak value of 3.0 Nm for IDC = 0A. It constitutes approximately
4% of the predicted torque (70 Nm) of the machine. In other cases, cogging torque has a peak
value of 12.7 Nm for IDC < 0 and 5.0 Nm for IDC > 0.
It should be noted that the disadvantage of field-straightening technique in the FCAFPM
machine lies in an increase of torque ripple, which stems from increasing the cogging torque
at full magnetization level.

4. Conclusions

The modified concept of air-gap flux control in both weakening and strengthening regions
has been presented for axial-flux surface mounted PM machines.
The 3-D FEAnalysis of the topology has been illustrated for different field excitation cur-
rents to prove the flux weakening and strengthening concept. It was established that a reason-
able range of field weakening can be obtained with practical DC field excitation currents.
Moreover, the FEA results show that, for the purpose of increasing the field control range
efficiently, the length values of air-gaps of the FCAFPM machine should be quite different.
The length of the air-gap in front of the PM pole should be larger than length of the air-gap in
front of the iron pole and they should retain a proper ratio.
The control range, back EMF, torque output and cogging torque components have also
been successfully analyzed. It has been demonstrated that the idea allows for easy control of
the axial-gap machine without any negative effects of current injection. The concept of
machine is one of the PM-machine capable of true field weakening.

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This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science, Poland, under grant N N510 508040.

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