Daissarimilati 4C 4 PDF
Daissarimilati 4C 4 PDF
Daissarimilati 4C 4 PDF
0021-9193/06/$08.00⫹0 doi:10.1128/JB.188.3.894–901.2006
Copyright © 2006, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
Escherichia coli chemoreceptors are type I membrane receptors that have a periplasmic sensing domain, a
cytosolic signaling domain, and two transmembrane segments. The aerotaxis receptor, Aer, is different in that
Escherichia coli has five chemoreceptors that guide cells to ment tend to be cytoplasmic, whereas negatively charged res-
favorable environments (41, 47). Four of these are methyl- idues near boundaries of a TM segment tend to be exported
accepting chemoreceptors (MCPs) that bind periplasmic li- (10, 14, 29, 59). Furthermore, central proline residues in model
gands and transmit this information across the membrane to systems can convert a 40-residue single membrane-spanning
the cytosolic two-component chemotaxis cascade. The fifth hydrophobic polymer into two membrane-spanning helical seg-
receptor, Aer, is an aerotaxis, energy, and redox sensor con- ments (44). However, the central Pro186 present in E. coli Aer
taining N-terminal PAS sensing and C-terminal signaling do- is not conserved in other Aer proteins, so its influence may not
mains separated by a putative membrane anchor (1, 2, 52, 56). be important for membrane topology. From a survey of known
Although not proven, several lines of evidence indicate that membrane protein structures (19), the length of the Aer mem-
both PAS sensor and C-terminal signaling domains of Aer are brane anchor meets the minimum requirements to span the
cytosolic. (i) All known PAS domains are intracellular sensors membrane once, extrude into the periplasm, and return to the
(62, 68). (ii) Native folding of the N-terminal PAS domain cytosol (Fig. 1). However, a number of other conceivable struc-
requires HAMP domain residues that are C terminal to the tures (e.g., parallel to the bilayer surface) could occur if this
membrane anchor (18). (iii) Mutations in the HAMP domain segment were unable to span the membrane twice (54, 55).
are suppressed by mutations in the PAS domain (65). (iv) GFP To determine the overall topology of the Aer homodimeric
fusions to Aer N termini (D. Salcedo and M. S. Johnson, protein, we used a cysteine-scanning approach with whole cells
unpublished data) or C termini (11) fluoresce. Since GFP (33) and with membrane vesicles (3, 23, 35). We estimated the
fluoresces in the cytosol but not in the periplasm (11), both N proximity of cognate cysteine replacements by measuring the
and C termini are likely cytosolic. Thus, a topology similar to rate and extent of dimer formation after the addition of the
that of MCPs, where the sensor is periplasmic and the signaling oxidant copper phenanthroline. Membrane boundaries were
region is cytosolic, is not likely. identified by using a series of sulfhydryl-reactive probes (3, 23,
Aer has just one hydrophobic segment long enough to span 35). We show that the Aer membrane anchor spans the mem-
the membrane. The region exhibits several hallmarks consis- brane twice and contains a central, flexible loop that faces the
tent with two membrane-spanning segments separated by a periplasmic space. However, the orientation between cognate
hairpin loop. These include ⬃38 consecutive hydrophobic res- transmembrane helical faces could not be identified, due to the
idues, a central proline (P186), and flanking N- and C-terminal sparse cross-linking within the membrane core.
arginines (Fig. 1). It is known that successive positively charged
residues near the boundaries of a transmembrane (TM) seg-
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Division of Microbiology Reagents. Methoxy polyethylene glycol 5000 (mPEG) was purchased from
and Molecular Genetics, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA Nektar Therapeutics (Huntsville, AL); 4-acetamido-4⬘-maleimidylstilbene-2,2⬘-
92350. Phone: (909) 558-4480. Fax: (909) 558-4035. E-mail: mjohnson disulfonic acid, disodium salt (AMS) was from Molecular Probes, Inc. (Eugene,
@llu.edu. OR); 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein (5-IAF) was from Pierce (Rockford, IL); PE-
TM segments and secondary structure prediction of the
membrane anchor region. Twelve membrane protein prediction
programs were used to predict Aer membrane topology, but
there was no consensus among these algorithms. Nine pro-
grams forecasted just one transmembrane helix: MEMSAT,
residues 183 to 204 (25, 27); DAS, residues 168 to 203 (8);
PHDhtm, residues 173 to 197 (57, 58); TopPred, residues 167
to 187 (7, 64); TMHMM, residues 172 to 194 (30); TMpred,
residues 169 to 188 (21); HMMtop, version 2.0, residues 171 to
195 (63); TMAP, residues 164 to 192 (50, 51); and TMfinder,
residues 166 to 204 (12). Three of the programs predicted two
TM helices: PRED-TMR, residues 167 to 185 (TM1) and
DISCUSSION dimers unit. Preliminary evidence indicates that this is the case
(D. N. Amin, unpublished data). (iv) Membrane-spanning seg-
These data are consistent with a model in which the mem- ments might form a -sheet rather than a helix. This scenario
brane anchor of Aer forms two membrane-spanning regions is unlikely, as secondary structure programs predicted ␣-heli-
(TM1 and TM2) flanking a central periplasmic loop. Such a ces for this region, and -sheets are generally found in pore
model supports previous studies indicating that both the N- proteins, as well as being amphipathic. Helices form sponta-
terminal PAS domain and the C-terminal HAMP and signaling neously when a hydrophobic sequence inserts into a membrane
domains are cytosolic (11, 18, 62, 65, 68). bilayer, due to the free energy of hydrogen bonding between
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