I1070e04 PDF
I1070e04 PDF
I1070e04 PDF
Selection methods
Part 5: Breeding clonally propagated
selection step are again ‘normal’ asexual result was the domestication of pitiquiña
reproduction (Simmonds, 1979). Hence, (Solanum stenotomum), which was most
the finally selected clone is genetically iden- probably selected from S. leptophyes or
tical with the original seed plant from S. canasense. From the view-point of the
which the selected clone is derived. In other knowledge of the twenty-first century it is
words, each seed plant is a potential variety. not surprising that suddenly potato plants
Roots and tubers, fruit and tree plant spe- with larger leaves and larger tubers were
cies have been used by human since long found. Potato spontaneously changes its
before the dawn of agriculture. They have polyploidy level by unreduced gametes and
been domesticated by IPB (Simmonds, recombination. Polyploid potatoes are more
1979) and several made a substantial yield vigorous than their diploid ancestors. The
progress by FPB in some regions of the result was the domesticated of polyploid
world. However, in other regions of the andigena (S. tuberosum subsp. andigena).
world there is not much yield progress, Andigena is the ancestor of the commercial
and in these regions there appears to be a potato in long-day temperate climates—the
clear need of PPB for progress. We wish to so-called Irish potato (S. tuberosum subsp.
illustrate this by two examples: potato and tuberosum) (Hawkes, 1979, 1981). This IPB
sweet potato. of potato and introductions of FV of potato
An example of the needs and requirements into the Northern Hemisphere changed
of clonally propagated varieties can be the world both socio-economically and
found in potato (Solanum spp.). There are politically (Hobhouse, 1985).
about 200 wild potato species (Huamán Today, eight species of potato are still
and Ross, 1985). They usually contain cultivated in the Andes, variously diploid,
glycoalkaloids, which give tubers a bitter triploid, tetraploid and pentaploid:
taste and which are toxic when consumed (i) cultivated diploid potatoes are
in large quantities (Zitnak and Filadelfi, pitiquiña (S. stenotomum), its close
1985). It is nearly certain that 100 to 130 relatives phureja (S. phureja) and
centuries ago indigenous knowledge in limeña (S. goniocalyx), and ajanhuiri
the Andes and along the Pacific coast of (S. ajanhuiri), which evolved from
South America was those sites where it was interspecific recombination of diploid
possible to collect wild potato tubers where pitiquiña and the diploid wild potato
species and mutants were growing that had species S. megistacrolobum;
low alkaloid content. Although these tubers (ii) cultivated triploid potatoes are
were very small, the man, or more probably chaucha (Solanum × chaucha), a
a woman, made life much easier by growing hybrid between diploid pitiquiña
and maintaining desirable types by cloning and tetraploid andigena, and rucki
close to their homes. This happened more (Solanum × juzepczukii), a hybrid
than 8 000 years ago, and most likely between diploid pitiquiña and the
independently at several places (Ugent, tetraploid wild potato species
Pozorski and Pozorski, 1982; Ugent, S. acaule;
Dillehay and Ramirez, 1987). Those types (iii) cultivated tetraploid potatoes are
were preferred that were easier to maintain, andigena and Irish potato; and finally
easier to harvest (shorter stolons) and had (iv) the cultivated pentaploid potato
larger tubers compared to other types. The is a hybrid species (Solanum ×
278 Plant breeding and farmer participation
the potato crop can be lost because of high DM, low-sweet or bland type, which
Colorado beetle (Leptinotaras decemlineata) has a dry mouth feeling. The first type, also
(CIP, 1977, 1980; Radcliffe, 1982; Rich, called the dessert type, has extremely high
1983). pro-vitamin A concentrations (Huang,
A simpler example for the needs and Tanudjaja and Lum, 1999) and a 50 g piece
requirements of clonally propagated varie- of fresh storage roots can meet the daily
ties can be found in sweet potato (Ipomoea requirements of a pre-schooler (Low et
batatas). Sweet potato was domesticated in al., 2007). Moreover, sweet potatoes with
the Americas more or less during the same high pro-vitamin A concentrations have
prehistoric period as the potato (O’Brien, high protein and mineral concentrations
1972). The evolution of sweet potato was (Grüneberg, unpublished). In the United
not as complex and diverse as that of States of America, the dessert type is
potato. There are about 500 Ipomoea spe- generally the desired sweet potato to
cies, but only the I. batatas species was meet market and consumer needs. In the
domesticated (Austin and Huamán, 1996). Caribbean, low DM orange-fleshed sweet
Again polyploidy was important. Sweet potatoes (OFSP) are consumed, but as
potato is hexaploid and its closest relative a staple, so a dryer mouth feel and less
is I. trifida (di- and tetraploid). It is certain sweet flavour is preferred. These white-
that sweet potato contains the I. trifida or yellow-fleshed varieties are known as
genome, but obviously it is not simply a bonitos or ricos (Baynes, 1972). Along the
multiple copy. Two-thirds of the sweet Pacific coast of South America we observed
potato genome corresponds to the I. trifida that sweet potatoes are mainly pale orange
genome and one-third to an ancestor very fleshed and less sweet. However, locally,
closely related to I. trifida (Shiotani and white- and purple-fleshed sweet potatoes
Kawase, 1989). Within diploid I. trifida are consumed, which clearly have different
accessions (seed families) it is also possible taste, texture and flavour compared to
to find plants that form small storage roots OFSP. In Brazil, the sweet potato storage
(Daniel Reynoso, pers. comm.). However, roots must clearly have a high DM
sweet potato has been found in the ruins concentration (28 to 30 percent DM), and
of the so-far oldest city in the Americas, usually this is a white-fleshed sweet potato;
Caral on the Pacific coast of central Peru however, locally, high DM OFSP can be
(Solis, 2004), and the crop reached Pacific found (Amauri Buso, pers. comm.).
Polynesia and parts of South-East Asia The taste preferences in sub-Saharan
(naturally or by early seafarers) before Africa are similar to those in Brazil, per-
Columbus. It was primarily the Portuguese haps because the Portuguese introduced the
that introduced it into Europe, Africa, sweet potato into Africa. All FVs are nearly
South Asia and East and South-East Asia exclusively white- or yellow-fleshed and
(Yen, 1976). have high DM concentrations; however, a
Although the taste of sweet potato in FVs few pale- to medium-orange-fleshed FVs
and MVs differ tremendously, two major can be found with high DM concentrations
types can be distinguished: (i) the orange- (Tumwegamire, unpublished). These local
fleshed, moist, low dry matter (DM) and OFSP FVs are very promising for allevia-
sweet type, which has a soft mouth feeling; tion of vitamin A deficiency in sub-Saharan
and (ii) the white- or pale-yellow-fleshed, Africa (e.g. FVs such as ‘Ejumula’, ‘Carrot
280 Plant breeding and farmer participation
C’, ‘Carrot Dar es Salaam’ or ‘Zambezi’). farmers have not adopted MVs (e.g. cv.
In eastern Africa, storage root DM con- INA100, which is a high yielding OFSP
tents must be >30 percent (Mwanga et al., and fits consumer needs very well), because
2003). In southern Africa, storage DM of insufficient SPVD tolerance. Farmers
concentration between 26 and 29 percent became disappointed with new MVs and
are accepted (Laurie Sunette, pers. comm.), after a few growing seasons returned to FVs
whereas in West Africa, sweet potato must such as cv. Jonathan and cv. Huambachero.
be non-sweet, very high in DM concentra- OFSPs from the Americas with elevated DM
tions (between 30 and 35 percent DM) and (e.g. cv. Jonathan) are partially successful in
with a texture and flavour tentatively simi- southern Africa, and in south-west and
lar to yam (Dioscorea spp.) (IITA, 1981). central Asia, provided that weevil pressure is
In contrast, in India, where sweet potato not extreme. Weevil damage is associated with
consumption has been very low in the past, drought-prone regions (Central and South
today people prefer sweet potatoes with America, sub-Saharan Africa and south-
high DM, high sugar content, dark orange west and central Asia); however, weevil
flesh and a storage root shape that is cylin- species differ: Cylas formicarius in all parts
drical but tapering at both ends (Sreekanth of the tropics, C. puncticollis additionally
Attaluri, pers. comm.). in Africa, and Euscepes postfasciatus in the
In addition to regional and local West Indies. On-station and farmers’ field
preferences for storage-root colour, DM, experiments show that there are significant
texture and taste, the acceptability of sweet differences in weevil tolerance among sweet
potato varieties is mainly determined by pest potato genotypes (Hahn and Leuschner,
and disease pressures. However, the number 1981), but this tolerance appears to be less
of pest and diseases in sweet potato are pronounced or inexistent on-farm. At the
considerable lower than in potato. Generally, same time, farmers in drought-prone regions
sweet potato varieties must have a certain of Malawi want sweet potatoes in which
degree of tolerance to Sweet potato virus storage roots are formed deep in the soil
disease (SPVD). The disease occurs after and which are clearly tapering at the top,
infection by two viruses: the Sweet potato because they associate this with less weevil
feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) and the Sweet damage (Ibrahim Benesi, pers. comm.).
potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV). The Moreover, latex in the storage root skin has
SPCSV is the more problematic component been associated with less weevil damage by
of SPVD, because yield losses due to SPFMV, farmers, and varieties like Santo Amaro from
in the absence of SPCSV co-infection, are Brazil clearly have considerably less weevil
low and SPFMV resistance in sweet potato damage than other sweet potato varieties
breaks after the plant is infected by SPCSV (Rafael Vasquez Martinez, pers. comm.).
(Gibson et al., 1998; Karyeija et al., 2000). The International Potato Center (CIP)
SPVD often causes serious yield losses in is promoting OFSPs to alleviate vitamin A
high-virus-pressure zones of sub-Saharan deficiency in the world (Low et al., 2007;
Africa, and American OFSPs have failed in Pfeiffer and McClafferty, 2007). However,
many regions of sub-Saharan Africa due to introductions from the Americas failed in
insufficient SPVD tolerance. Although the the high-SPVD-pressure zone of eastern
virus pressure of SPVD along the Pacific Africa (as did the FV Jonathan). To a
coast of South America is not extreme, certain extent this was associated with the
Selection methods. Part 5: Breeding clonally propagated crops 281
storage root flesh colour and taste. At up regional platforms for sweet potato
the same time, local African OFSP FVs, breeding in eastern, southern and West
such as Ejumula, Carrot C, Carrot Dar Africa, with a focus on dual purpose OFSP
es Salaam and Zambezi, and locally-bred (human consumption and animal feed),
OFSP MVs, such as NASPOT5 (Mwanga drought tolerant OFSP, and non-sweet high
et al., 2003), have been adopted after DM OFSP. PPB has so far mainly been a
awareness campaigns on the vitamin A research component in the organization of
deficiency problem (Regina Kapinga, pers. sweet potato breeding.
comm.). For this reason, CIP puts emphasis There are strong indications that PPB
on decentralized sweet potato breeding, in early selection steps of the sweet potato
and has recently started to recommend breeding process increases the efficiency
incorporation of at least one participatory and minimizes the risk of making wrong
selection step in the breeding process. selection decisions. In contrast to PPB, PVS
In sweet potato breeding for human is tentatively a form of on-farm evaluation
consumption, decentralization is (in the frame of a larger number of multi-
characterized by a general overall goal: that location trials) and cannot be as efficient
of developing more OFSP varieties that as PPB, because there is considerably less
meet local needs and consumer preferences, genetic variation, and, for highly heritable
to alleviate hunger and malnutrition and traits, there is nearly no genetic variation
to improve public health. The emphasis is at later breeding stages among clones. Not
on organizing OFSP breeding in eastern surprisingly, akin to the role of IPB in
and southern Africa, with national OFSP potato crop evolution, it has been shown
breeding programmes starting recently in that farmers have the ability to manage
West Africa (Ghana and Nigeria) and south- selection stages in sweet potato (Gibson
west and central Asia (India, Bangladesh and et al., 2008). This is consistent with
Sri Lanka). Breeding is almost exclusively results for potato (Gabriel and Torrez,
carried out by national agricultural 2000) and cassava (Manu-Aduening et al.,
research system (NARS) breeders and on 2006). Farmer selections are mainly made
NARS breeding stations, with currently by visual screening. This includes quality
12 NARS and two sweet potato breeders characteristics, diseases and pests, as well as
from the CGIAR system involved. NARS the growth type, which is to a certain extent
breeders are provided with funds for associated with drought adaptation in sweet
parental recombination and to consider the potato (see below on selection in early
quality trait of storage root flesh colour breeding stages). Most importantly, farmers
in the breeding process. Main emphasis in use more criteria and characters to select
breeding is given to: (1) material exchange sweet potato clones than do breeders in FPB
at the seed and clone level, (2) exchange of (Gibson et al., 2008). In such a situation,
information, knowledge and results from the risk of FPB is to ignore characters that
breeding trials by annual meetings, reports are important for good overall performance
and back-stop visits, and (3) a sweet potato of a clonal variety. However, in the study
breeding research and training build up of Gibson et al. (2008) in three provinces in
on the needs shaped among discussions Uganda, the most important characteristics
between NARS and CGIAR breeders. This for selection by farmers in early selection
has resulted in an additional aim to build stages were common to those used by
282 Plant breeding and farmer participation
(see Section 13.5) involved in appropriate are eaten fresh, or are only boiled or
choices of parents in breeding clonally roasted, and when they are processed this
propagated crops. is often carried out at the household level.
To consider the range of needs, Exceptions are sugar cane, fruit crops used
preferences and adaptation requirements for the juice industry, and to certain extent
for the large number of clonally propagated root and tuber crops (potato, cassava and
crops is out of scope in this chapter. Here sweet potato) when they are used for the
we want to give the principles of breeding starch, alcohol or biofuel industries. In
clonally propagated crops and how PPB can resource-poor environments, yields and
be carried out or linked into these breeding yield stability with low input are a priority,
programmes. The breeding objectives in addition to consumer acceptability. As
and methods will be considered for four has been mentioned above, a major factor
agricultural crops in more detail at the that determines yields, yield stability and
end of this chapter, namely: potato, sweet adaptation are pests and diseases. The most
potato, cassava, and banana or plantain. important pests and diseases of important
Table 13.1 gives the plant parts used for clonally propagated crops in agriculture
propagation, the world production and by eco-geographical region are given in
the area harvested, as well as the polyploid Table 13.2, together with the most important
level of the most important clonally quality characteristics.
propagated crops in agriculture. Obviously, Most clonally propagated crops are
quality characteristics determined by polyploid (Table 13.1). An exception
consumer preferences and market needs is cassava, which can be considered as
are key characteristics for breeding clonally a polyploid behaving like a diploid (see
propagated crops, because many of these below). Polyploidy is an important aspect
TABLE 13.1
Data on the 11 most important clonally propagated crops on a global basis
Species Planting material World production† Area harvested† Polyploidy
Potato Sprout tubers 315 ×106 t 18.8 ×106 ha 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x
(Solanum tuberosum)
Cassava Hardwood cuttings 226 ×106 t 18.6 ×106 ha 2x
(Manihot esculenta)
Sweet potato Sprout cuttings 124 ×106 t 9 ×106 ha 6x
(Ipomoea batatas)
Yam Root tubers 51 ×106 t 4.6 ×106 ha 3x–10x
(Dioscorea spp.)
Taro Corms 12 ×106 t 1.8 ×106 ha 4x
(Colocasia esculenta)
Sugar cane Cane stalks 194 ×106 t ‡ 20.4 ×106 ha 8x
(Saccharum officinarum)
Banana and Plantain Corms 105 ×106 t 9.6 ×106 ha 3x
(Musa × paradisiaca)
Citrus fruit Bud stick grafting on 89 ×106 t 5.6 ×106 ha 2x, 3x+1, 4x-3
(Citrus spp.) rootstocks
Grapes Hardwood cuttings 69 ×106 t 7.4 ×106 ha 6x
(Vitis vinifera)
Apple Bud stick grafting on 64 ×106 t 4.8 ×106 ha 2x, 3x
(Malus pumila) rootstocks
Strawberry Adventitious shoots 4 ×106 t 0.26 ×106 ha 8x
(Fragaria grandiflora)
NOTES: † FAOStat 2006 at faostat.fao.org, ‡ Sucrose production.
284 Plant breeding and farmer participation
TABLE 13.2
Quality characteristics, pests and diseases by production zone of the 11 most important clonally
propagated crops in agriculture and horticulture
Major production Quality characteristics Pest and diseases
in crop evolution (as we have already seen hexaploids (six sets; 6x) (Tate, Soltis and
in potato) and has important consequences Soltis, 2005) – and species with even higher
in breeding clonally propagated crops. It is polyploidy levels are known (Table 13.1).
important to note that all ‘breeding lines’ The haploid level (one set; 1x) does not
or varieties of clonally propagated crops are occur as a normal stage in the life cycle of
homogenous (clone lines and varieties are a crop. However, haploid plants occur by
genetically fixed and as homogenous as non- spontaneous mutations, wide crosses and
segregating breeding lines or hybrids from anther culture (e.g. diploids are developed
breeding self-fertilized or hybrid crops). from tetraploid potatoes by pollination with
The homogenous clones are exact genetic specific clones of S. phureja and haploids by
copies of their mother plants, if mutations anther culture). Haploids are occasionally
are ignored. This is more or less obvious in used in FPB of clonally propagated crops,
potato, cassava or sweet potato field plots, especially potatoes (Hermsen and Verdenius,
or in fruit and tree plantations, provided 1973; Wenzel and Foroughi-Wehr, 1984). In
no genotype mixtures are observed. What crop evolution different polyploidy levels
is not directly obvious to an observer originated from genome mutations and by
is that each clone line or variety in the hybridization between very closely related
field or plantation is a highly heterozygous species. Autopolyploids and allopolyploids
hybrid (clone lines and varieties are highly include wheat (Triticum durum and T.
heterozygous hybrids comparable with aestivum), canola (Brassica napus) and cotton
heterozygous hybrids developed in hybrid (Gossypium spp.), and nearly all clonally
breeding). It should be noted that due propagated species are autopolyploids. The
to polyploidy, clonally propagated crops homologous chromosomes in autopolyploids
are usually more heterozygous than those are similar enough that multivalents of the
diploid crops in which hybrid breeding same homologous chromosomes are formed.
is applied. The difference between “clone Doubling of chromosomes occurs if the
hybrids” and “seed hybrids” such as maize spindle poles are not developed when the
is that the first are propagated by asexual nucleus is dividing chromosomes in mitotic
reproduction and the latter are developed and meiotic cell division. There are several
by sexual reproduction. possible outcomes of abnormal meiosis.
Natural formation of 2n gametes was
13.3 POLYPLOIDY most important in evolution of cultivated
General knowledge about polyploidy is Solanum species, and the formation is mainly
required to get an understanding of breeding determined by one recessive gene (Watanabe
clonally propagated crops. Polyploidy has and Peloquin, 1988), so this character can
a strong effect on the performance of clones be used in breeding potato. Polysomic
as well as the parent–offspring correlations. inheritance is sensitive to disorders and
A polyploid genotype contains more than therefore autopolyploids often have reduced
two homologous sets of chromosomes in fertility, and occasionally they are completely
the nucleus of somatic cells. According to infertile and propagate only asexually.
the number of chromosome sets in the Multiple chromosome sets occur
nucleus we distinguish different polyploid spontaneously in nature from 2n gametes
types: triploid (three sets; 3x), tetraploid and can be induced artificially by colchicine
(four sets; 4x), pentaploids (five sets; 5x), (an alkaloid of autumn crocus, Colchicum
Selection methods. Part 5: Breeding clonally propagated crops 287
crops is represented by vegetative plant gametes), has been proposed for breeding
parts. Most polyploids display heterosis tetraploid potatoes (Ortiz, 1998). Polyploidy,
relative to their parental species, as well as heterozygosity and heterosis make the
relative to inter-gene-pool crossings within selection of good parents in population
a species. A polyploid population contains improvement of clonally propagated crops
three, four, five, six or more alleles at each very difficult. A good parent generates
locus. Hence, considerably more effects large genetic variation around a high family
due to dominance and epistasis are possible, mean. Cross-prediction and inter-gene-pool
and the genetic variation due to dominance crosses are very important in population
and epistatic effects in polyploidy crops improvement of clonally propagated crops.
is very large compared with the genetic This aspect of clonal breeding is often
variation caused by dominance and epistatic neglected and this might be the reason for
effects in diploid crops. For this reason, the low level of breeding progress in many
the performance of clonally propagated clonally propagated crops. In contrast
crops is mainly determined by heterosis. to population improvement (selection of
Usually in breeding of clonally propagated superior parents – see Section 13.7 below),
crops, an F1 clone hybrid is crossed selection within a given genetic variation
with another F1 clone hybrid, so that for variety development is relatively easy in
the offspring shows extremely extensive clonally propagated crops (discard inferior
segregation. In parent–offspring studies it material). All the genetic advantages of
is possible to determine mid-parent and clonally propagated crops can be used for
mid-offspring heterosis, as well as the best- variety development, and the genotype
parent mid-offspring heterosis (similar to finally released is in the hands of the breeder
the assessment of heterosis in a hybrid immediately after the initial crossings.
breeding programme of diploid crops—see A clonally propagated crop that has no,
Chapter 11). In polyploids, more than one or nearly no, sexual reproduction is close
allele per locus is transferred in gametes to a dead end in evolution and breeding.
to the next generation, so that, in contrast Genetic variability can only accumulate
to diploids, the genetic variation due to by mutations. However, this source of
dominance determines the response to new variation has often been used to find
selection in population improvement as enhanced types of fruits and ornamentals
long as the population is not in equilibrium (van Harten and Broertjes, 1988).
(after recombining parental material in Nevertheless, the main source of generating
controlled crossings, a population is usually new variation in clonally propagated crops
not in equilibrium). In tetraploid potato is sexual reproduction. Owing to a more
populations that are not in equilibrium, or less regular meiosis in polyploids with
one-third of the dominance variance is an even number of chromosome sets
exploitable for selection progress when (4x or 6x), sexual seed production and
selection takes place on the female and male generation of new genotypes is possible.
sides (Wricke and Weber, 1986; Gallais, Nearly all clonally propagated crops, e.g.
2004). The exploitation of the dominance potato, sweet potato and cassava, are cross-
variance in population improvement, in fertilized crops in combination with self-
combination with the selection for different incompatibility. Incompatibility alleles
levels of ploidy (using the inheritance of 2n are the reason why specifically sought
Selection methods. Part 5: Breeding clonally propagated crops 289
seed often differ considerably from plants years. It is obvious that the wide range of
raised from vegetative planting material, quality preferences and the numerous pests
(ii) the plants raised from seeds are normally and diseases in each clonally propagated
grown in pots in greenhouses, and for crop and their interaction with genotypes
most traits this is not representative of justifies decentralization and participatory
field conditions, and (iii) a single plant approaches. However, the better simulation
evaluation is usually not appropriate, with of the final target environment realized
the exceptions of susceptibility to highly with FPB justifies a stronger PPB approach.
aggressive pathogens. In field crops, an Many advocate PPB because the stress and
important factor is interplant competition. marginal field conditions of resource-poor
A genotype must be tested under conditions farmers are not adequately simulated by
that simulate the field conditions in practice. FPB (see also below). In this context the
For this reason several plants of each two clear advantages of breeding clonally
clone are tested in plots in blocks under propagated crops should be pointed out:
homogenous field conditions. The aim is an (i) no genetic changes occur in genotypes
unbiased comparison of genotypes within after seed has been produced; and (ii) the
blocks. The number of plants per plot and total genetic variation of genotypes
the plot size depends on the crop as well as (comprising the genetic variances due to
the breeding stage. Fruit trees and perennial additive, dominance and epistatic effects)
shrubs are tested in larger plots with fewer can be exploited by selection. For these
plants than potatoes, and these again are reasons, only the genotype×environment
tested in larger plots than cut flowers. Early (G×E) interaction and the plot error must be
selection stages (A-clones and B-clones) are considered (and reduced by testing in several
tested in smaller plots than later selection environments) to identify the best clone.
stages (C-clones and D-clones). The amount
of planting material at each breeding stage is 13.4.1 Early breeding stages and PPB
determined by the propagation coefficient In the general breeding scheme
of the crop. For example potato has, (Figure 13.1) each surviving seed plant
among clonally propagated crops, a very is cloned to be raised as A-clones in
low propagation coefficient of about ten, observation plots (visual screening of
whereas sweet potato has a relatively high general clone performance), or evaluation
propagation coefficient of between 30 and plots (recording of data on specific traits
90 (depending on the field propagation of each clone). Figure 13.2 shows the
method used). This is one factor why potato planting of sweet potato A-clones. The
breeding is relatively slow (about eight to plot size of A-clones is usually a single-row
ten years from cross to variety release). plot comprising 3 to 5 plants. The trial is
Breeders do not breed for a single conducted with no replications. It is open
environment; they breed for a range to discussion whether A-clones should
of environments. Hence, the field be evaluated at two locations. Selection
evaluations must simulate the range of theory results show that it is nearly always
target environments. For this reason, and the best resource allocation to test as many
depending on the propagation coefficient, clones as possible at one location, without
the clones are tested in plots, in homogenous replications (Wricke and Weber, 1986).
blocks, at several locations and for several Many breeders use only one location at the
Selection methods. Part 5: Breeding clonally propagated crops 291
Planting early selection stages of sweet potato for the
accelerated breeding scheme in San Ramon (one of four locations)
early breeding stages due to the restrictions a marginal or hot-spot environment (for
of the propagation coefficient and breeding drought, salinity, biotic challenge, etc.) can
budget. However, there are several reasons be discarded, or at least considered with
to test A-clones at two locations: (i) a trial caution in good environments.
at one location can be lost (e.g. extreme A-clones are only selected for highly
weather conditions) and then a full breeding heritable traits such as general performance
step and population is lost; (ii) trials at only (growth type; tuber, root or fruit size, shape
one location are of little value (the G×E and colour), resistance to pests and diseases,
interaction cannot be separated from the harvest index, dry matter and nutritional
genotypic effect); and (iii) the response to quality. Breeders nearly always conduct
selection is still very close to the optimum a visual selection at the A-clone breeding
in a wide range of scenarios, including stage. However, it can be questioned if the
the scenarios where A-clones are tested A-clones selected by the breeder match
at two locations (Grüneberg et al., 2004). farmer needs and would be selected by
Moreover, information from contrasting farmers. With two locations, one location
environments can be combined if the can be easily evaluated by farmers in a
breeder tests A-clones at two locations. PPB approach, while the other location
For example, clones that clearly fail in is used by the breeder. It should be noted
292 Plant breeding and farmer participation
that visual selection of general performance nutritional quality (starch, vitamins and
can also be an efficient indirect selection micronutrients by fast through-put analysis
for yield. In sweet potato, we observed methods) (Hartmann and Buning-Pfaue,
among several thousand A-clones grown in 1998; Lu, Huang and Zhang, 2006; Zum
1 m-row plots at three locations a heritability Felde et al., 2007; Bonierbale et al., 2009).
for yield of about h2 ≈ 0.4 (harvesting and In the next season, B-clones—also
recording all A-clones for yield at all three called “promising clones”—are planted in
locations). It was considered as ‘useless larger plots in 2 to 3 rows with planting
work’, because a visual selection at the material obtained from selected A-clones.
first location resulted in a nearly common The B-clone trials are still conducted
set of selected clones and a heritability without replications, but generally at two
for yield of about h2 ≈ 0 in the selected or more locations. The B-clone stage is
fraction. This was demonstrated for two usually the beginning of selection for low
different breeding populations grown in heritability traits such as yield, biomass
two different seasons, so that the breeding and yield stability. The determination of
scheme was changed. Only those clones stability parameters such as the slope of
that have passed the visual selection step at the regression line and deviations from
location 1 are harvested and considered for regression (Fox, Crossa and Romagosa,
storage root quality evaluations at location 2 1997) requires at least three locations.
and 3. However, relying on visual selection However, it should be noted that stability
in early breeding stages requires a person parameters from less than 6 environments
who is very experienced with sweet potato. are still of little value. As mentioned above,
We think farmer participation at the visual a strong justification for PBB is that stress
selection stage in early breeding stages and marginal field conditions of resource-
is essential to avoid genotypes entering poor farmers are not adequately simulated
later breeding stages with characteristics by FPB (Ceccarelli, 1994). Cross-over G×E
(storage root size, shape, form, colour, etc.) interactions occur, and what appears to be
unacceptable to farmers. As described above, good in resource-rich environments often
farmer preferences vary substantially both does not perform well in resource-poor
within and between regions, and the visual environments. This has also been clearly
selection can be conducted by independent observed in sweet potato, and outstanding
farmer groups. The advantages of PPB are clones for resource-poor environments were
very obvious in the early selection stages discarded by FPB (e.g. the clone SR92.499-
of clonal breeding, in which large numbers 23; Grüneberg et al., 2005). Usually, but not
of fixed genotypes must be screened for always, the response to selection in poor
many highly heritable traits. PPB in the production environments is smaller than in
early selection stages has been successfully good production environments. The genetic
applied in potato (Gabriel and Torrez, variance is smaller while interaction and
2000), cassava (Manu-Aduening et al., error are larger, so that the performance of
2006) and sweet potato (Gibson et al., individual clones becomes more difficult
2008), and by working with two or three to distinguish. However, outstanding
locations it can be linked into FPB, in genotypes with different growth types
which selection is conducted for traits that adapted to resource-poor environments
cannot be evaluated by farmers, such as cannot display their full potential if FPB
Selection methods. Part 5: Breeding clonally propagated crops 293
does not test in such environments. Taking 3- to 5-row plots. All important agronomic
sweet potato breeding as an example again, traits are determined, including taste and
yield stability is associated with harvest post-harvest characteristics. Furthermore,
index (Grüneberg et al., 2005). Under it merits determination of the above-
drought stress, good performing sweet mentioned stability parameters: (i) slope
potato clones have a harvest index of about of the regression line, and (ii) deviations
0.5 (on the basis of fresh matter storage from regression, as well as conducting an
root yields and total fresh matter biomass Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative
yields). Vine production is of considerable Interaction (AMMI) Analysis in those
importance to farmers to obtain sufficient cases where the regression model does
planting material for the next growing not fit (Fox, Crossa and Romagosa, 1997).
season. Clones performing well in resource- Usually, a clone is considered to have stable
rich environments usually fail in drought- performance if the slope of the regression
stress environments due to insufficient vine line is close to 1, and the deviations from
production rather than to unacceptable the regression line are small. An important
storage root production. At the same question in later breeding stages is that
time, outstanding clones in drought-stress of how many locations and how many
environments show a strong increase in vine replications to use. With more locations and
production with medium storage root yields more replications, the estimation of the yield
when grown in environments with good performance of clones is more reliable. At
water supply (Andrade, unpublished). The the same time, for a given testing capacity,
selection of genotypes with desired growth increasing the number of locations and
types or desired sink–source allocations replications results in fewer clones being
in marginal environments requires that tested. Generally, the gain from increasing
breeders evaluate the breeding population the number of replications is less than
in such an environment; this characteristic that obtained by increasing the number of
cannot be determined in a resource-rich genotypes and locations. Investigations of
environment. Here we suggest linking this problem in selection theory have led
the evaluation in a marginal environment to a recommendation to conduct advanced
with the visual selection in early breeding clone trials still with no replications but in
stages. All clones that fail in the marginal the maximum number of environments that
environment (i.e. extreme reduced storage can be managed by the breeder (Utz, 1969,
root production or vine production) are cited in Wricke and Weber, 1986). However,
eliminated from all other selection steps. many scientists are still very reluctant to
conduct trials without replications. Since
13.4.2 Later breeding stages and PPB the fixed costs of experimental stations are
At the beginning of the C-clone and high, it is usually an advantage to (i) create
D-clone selection stages the breeding ‘artificial environments’ on experimental
population has been reduced to between stations (by running part of a station without
30 and 300 clones. While the number of fertilizer or with less irrigation) and (ii) to
clones in later selection stages is further go on-farm to evaluate clones with farmers,
reduced, those selected clones are tested i.e. PVS. However, nearly all of the initial
in more environments and in replications. genetic variation in the breeding population
The plots for C-clones and D-clones are has been discarded at later breeding stages,
294 Plant breeding and farmer participation
1951; Wricke and Weber, 1986). In ABS, from two hybrids cannot be reproduced
independent culling is conducted: (i) in a by crossing the hybrids again) without a
poor resource environment where clones system that maintains and provides at least
undergo visual selection; (ii) only those some healthy planting material.
clones passing the first selection step are Numerous viruses, bacteria and fungi
harvested in environments 2 and 3 to are transmitted by vegetative planting
determine yield and quality of selected material. Viruses are particularly important,
good performance clones over all traits and because viral diseases cannot be controlled
environments (index values are determined chemically. Viruses are spread by vectors,
by the Pesek-Baker index (Pesek and Baker, most often aphids and whiteflies. The
1969) to assist the breeder in their selection traditional maintenance of varieties and
decisions); and (iii) only those clones that production of healthy planting material
have passed the second selection step are includes protecting the base plants of
harvested in environment 4, where clones varieties in greenhouses or under nets, and
were already planted in season 2 in a farmer’s to prevent the development of a vector
field under high SPVD pressure in a third population by intensive use of insecticides.
selection step to select for SPVD tolerance. The base material is also termed ‘mother
About 300 sweet potato clones enter the later plants’. However, under these conditions,
breeding stages. In two subsequent seasons only 20 to 200 plants of each variety can
and two selections steps, 4 to 5 clones are be maintained, and planting material must
finally selected for variety release (first be produced in the field. These clones in
season: 300 clones, three environments, two the field for producing healthy planting
plot replications and 5-row plots; second material are the so-called S-clones, because
season: 40 clones, 16 environments, two planting material is usually called seed in
plot replications and 5-row plots). This is clonally propagated crops. Healthy S-clone
carried out in cooperation with NARS and production is supported by (i) application
farmer groups. of insecticides against vector populations
(monitoring by yellow cards); (ii) choosing
13.6 MAINTAINING VARIETIES AND locations for S-clone production that
S-CLONE MULTIPLICATION are out of range of vector populations
As a result of clonal propagation, (i.e. locations close to the sea or in cool
maintaining varieties should not be highlands); and (iii) removing all visibly
difficult. Genetic changes in varieties do infected plants from S-clone fields.
not occur by undesired crossings nor The detection of virus infections has
by segregation, and mutations are rare. been simplified by use of the enzyme-linked
However, the opposite is the truth, and immunosorbent assay (ELISA) procedure.
maintaining clonally propagated varieties is The principle is a reaction between the
a difficult and expensive part of the breeding viruses in plants and antibodies against these
operation. The main reason is that in clonal viruses. The reaction is made visible by an
propagation through vegetative plant parts, enzymatic colour formation. In practice,
many more diseases can be transmitted some leaf sap is pressed out and the colour
compared with seed propagation. A new reaction is assessed on special test plates
variety will have no impact in practice, and coated with antibodies. In the case of sweet
even can be lost (a clone hybrid developed potato, the plants tested negative for viruses
296 Plant breeding and farmer participation
prior knowledge on the cross … the breeder are rarely used in practice. One suggestion
has to make as many crosses as possible”, is to determine the value of a parent on the
which is also minimizing the risk of raising basis of the offspring performance from test
genotypes with poor performance (Wricke crosses. Another suggestion is to work on
and Weber, 1986). As mentioned above, most a reduced polyploidy level, which has been
clonally propagated crops are polyploid and especially proposed for breeding tetraploid
highly heterozygous, so that dominance potatoes (Ross, 1986). However, the latter
and epistatic effects contribute considerably has been little applied in practice for
to clone performance. For this reason, it parental selection, but has often been used
should be assumed that not much is known to incorporate germplasm of wild Solanum
about the value of a cross combination species into advanced breeding populations
until it has been made and tested. This is in (Tarn et al., 1992). Parental selection on the
agreement with our observations in sweet basis of test crosses are made on a large scale
potato, where the correlation between in potato breeding programmes for long-
mid-parent and mid-offspring yields is low day, temperate climates (150 to 500 cross
(r ≈ 0.5). We currently recommend raising combinations per breeding programme,
10 to 20 genotypes per cross combination, cited by Ross, 1985). It has been observed
while increasing the number of cross that specific combining ability is nearly
combinations to the maximum possible as large as general combining ability, and
with the resources available. However, after in some cases specific combining ability
clones of these crosses have been evaluated, has been observed that is clearly larger
the good crosses should be repeated on a than general combining ability (Sanford,
large scale. An optimum for the number and 1960; Mullin and Lauer, 1966; Tai, 1976;
size of crosses can determined if estimations Killick, 1977; Veilleux and Lauer, 1981;
are available for the genotypic variance Gaur, Gopal and Rana, 1983, cited by Tarn
between crosses and within crosses, and the et al., 1992; Gopal, 1998; Kumar, 2004; De
non-genetic variance components (Wricke Galarreta et al., 2006). This is not surprising
and Weber, 1986). Breeders often generate a as long as potato breeders do not work with
large number of seeds in polycross nurseries, two clearly separate gene pools for variety
but in these only the female parent is development. In potato breeding for tropical
controlled. The correlation between parent and subtropical regions, heterosis and
and mid-offspring in breeding populations high general combining ability have been
derived from polycross nurseries is half observed between andigena and tuberosus
of mid-parent–mid-offspring correlation in gene pools in tuber-propagated potatoes
controlled crosses. and in true-seed potatoes (Enrique Chujoy,
Often the parents are chosen due to their pers. comm.). However, as long as these
performance per se. For theoretical reasons, gene pools are not improved on the basis of
this cannot be very secure in clonally- general combining ability separately from
propagated crops. Clone varieties are the complementary gene pool, such effects
highly heterozygous hybrids and usually cannot be exploited in the long term.
polyploids, so that segregation in crossings In sweet potato experiments we observed
is almost unpredictable. Therefore, for a long a mid-parent–mid-offspring heterosis of
time now, suggestions have been made for 84 percent among 48 cross combinations (or
better assessment of parents; however, they 184 percent if the mid-parent value is set to
298 Plant breeding and farmer participation
100 percent). This is a clear indication that colour, as well as pest and disease resistanc-
the design of breeding schemes using the es), while others are selected simultaneous-
combining ability of two gene pools merits ly by aggregating characters into an index
investigation. Two breeding gene pools are (often an intuitively formed index, such as
available for sweet potato to test heterosis: score values for overall performance).
the Jewel Gene pool, developed mainly A parent appears to have a good overall
from North American varieties, and the trait performance if no trait is below the
Zapallo-SPK Gene pool, developed mainly population average. However, only in those
from South American and African FVs. cases where trait associations are close to
The value of a parent is nearly always zero or positive can it be expected that
determined by several characteristics. In parents with good performance over all
general, parents should be recombined with traits produce offspring in which each char-
a good combining ability and good per- acter has been improved. In parental selec-
formance over all traits. The PPB study in tions, negative trait associations can be very
Uganda (Gibson et al., 2008) underlines critical. Table 13.3 gives an example for
how many characteristics are important for sweet potato, in which DM shows a strong
good performance over all traits. Moreover, negative trait association with pro-vitamin
FPB also has the aim of improving nutri- A, iron and zinc concentrations, as well as
tional quality, especially pro-vitamin A, a moderate negative trait association with
iron and zinc concentrations (Pfeiffer and storage root yield. The associations in the
McClafferty, 2006) in potato, sweet potato, example are strong enough that under vari-
cassava, plantain and other crops. With an ous scenarios of multi-trait selection the
increasing number of characters, breeders breeding population is improved for yield,
operate with larger breeding populations, pro-vitamin A, iron and zinc, whereas the
as in potato and sweet potato. Aiming at DM of the population decreases.
only 30 genotypes finally selected, and In other words, the DM is changing
assuming 10 characters each, selected in in the wrong direction even though it
sequential selection steps with a selected was selected for improvement. These sur-
fraction of ten percent (1 out of 10), then prising undesired effects in the case of
300 000 000 000 genotypes would be needed sweet potato and DM improvement in
in the original base population. Populations connection with pro-vitamin A, iron and
of this size cannot be established in prac- zinc improvement was also observed for
tice. Moreover, even if the population size the Williams selection procedure and this
is extremely large, some desired combi- index selection procedure (Williams, 1962)
nations probably do not exist, such as comes very close to intuitive selection pro-
sweet potato genotypes with high yield, cedures used by breeders in which a weight
high SPVD tolerance, high DM and high is assigned to each trait on the basis of its
pro-vitamin A, iron and zinc concentra- economic importance. The only selection
tions). Often, breeding can only approach procedure that can monitor the response
the desired genotype in several steps of to selection in each trait is the Pesek Baker
recombination and selection. In practice, index (Pesek and Baker, 1969). However,
some characters are selected sequentially this index requires estimations of genetic
(especially where there is clearly a low- variance and co-variances, but the proce-
est acceptable value (tuber size, shape and dure ensures that parents are selected that
Selection methods. Part 5: Breeding clonally propagated crops 299
TABLE 13.3
Estimations of genetic correlations for yield, dry matter, total carotenoids, iron and zinc in sweet
potato storage roots of 24 megaclones and 26 advanced breeding clones grown in at two locations
in two replications
Storage root yield Dry matter Total carotenoids Iron
develop populations in which traits are combining ability and improving gene pools
improved according to a ratio of desired on the basis of general combining ability
genetic improvements (so-called desired values (called reciprocal recurrent selection
genetic gains) given by the breeder. in maize breeding) are the most difficult
An alternative is the Elston index tasks in breeding; however, they can greatly
(Elston, 1963), in which the breeder can increase yield gains. At the same time, we
raise the threshold for the trait at risk by think that the visual selection of potential
modifying the lowest acceptable value for parents in a PPB approach should be used
each. This index can be easily applied in as additional information by the breeder. It
each replication and environment, so that should be noted that the work plan for both
index mean values for each genotype can the selection of parents for the next cycle of
be calculated together with other statistical selection and the early selection stages for
parameters (Grüneberg et al., 2005). variety development are always to a certain
We are aware of only one case in which extent in common. In sweet potato breeding
PPB has been applied for the selection of at CIP we use a combination of sequential
parents in clonally propagated crops. In and simultaneous index selection in early
the Cochabamba region of Bolivia, farmers selection stages (see also above): (i) visual
selected potato parents in an andigena selection by eliminating all genotypes that
population, which had been improved do not meet the lowest acceptable values
for agronomic performance and Late for each trait (this lends itself to PPB);
blight tolerance. Selected clones in this (ii) in the remaining selected fraction (about
population were used as parents with the 2 500 clones), apply index selection for
regionally grown FV ‘Waycha’ (Gabriel yield and nutritional quality traits using the
and Torrez, 2000) and the PPB approach Pesek-Baker index, with the square roots
included hand-crossing by farmers. We of variance components as desired genetic
think that the ability of farmers in the gains; and (iii) selecting for pest and disease
selection of parents is limited beyond a tolerance (mainly SPVD) in the remaining
selection of clone performance per se. Test selected fraction (about 300 clones) by
crosses, general combining ability, specific visual selection (this lends itself to PPB) and
300 Plant breeding and farmer participation
systems used in hybrid seed production. It no longer apply. Moreover, breeding TPS
is interesting that apomixis is distributed potato as a cross-fertilized crop will not lead
across many plant families. It appears not to to completely homogenous varieties. This
be controlled by a complex genetic system. is the reason why only a few TPS varieties
An example is Guinea grass (Panicum have been developed in the Northern
maximum), in which the sexual tetraploids Hemisphere. All these have been exclusively
are recessive homozygous (aaaa), whereas used for home garden production. However,
apomictic genotypes carry a dominant we think that by using hybrid selection
allele and are heterozygous (Aaaa) (Savidan, schemes and inbreeding in two separate
1983). So far, studies on apomixis have been gene pools it should be possible to develop
mainly made in tropical grasses, but more more and more homogenous and attractive
and more attention is being paid to rice and TPS varieties.
maize. There are opinions that apomixis The advantages of TPS are mainly
systems will become available to breeders, of interest in tropical and subtropical
and in this context gene isolation and an regions of the world. Under these climatic
‘apomixis gene’ have been mentioned conditions, the production, storage and
(Savidan, 2000). However, so far there is no transportation of potato planting material
such apomixis system usable in breeding is difficult. Moreover, potato yields are
programmes. The major problem is that considerable lower in tropical and
plants with the same genotype can express subtropical regions of the world than in
different degrees of apomixis. the Northern Hemisphere, so that about
20 percent of the harvest is needed as
13.9 PROPAGATION OF POTATOES BY planting material. Hence TPS varieties in
SEED the tropics can have 20 percent lower yields
Finally, the option that clonally propagated compared to clonally propagated potato
crops can be propagated by sexual seeds is varieties and remain competitive. About 20
considered. In many countries there have TPS varieties have been developed. Most
been research projects in which potatoes interesting are those varieties developed
were cultivated by seed. These are potatoes from recombination of the andigena and
that are sown instead of planted. Since the tuberosus gene pools. However, the original
planting material of clonally propagated idea of raising seedlings in nurseries and then
potatoes is often called a ‘seed’ potato, the planting seedlings into the field by hand has
term ‘true potato seed’ (TPS) was introduced. not been adopted. What has been adopted is
The use of TPS has two principle advantages: to raise TPS varieties in seedling nurseries to
the most important potato diseases cannot obtain healthy planting material, and then
be transmitted in true seed, and only a few to cultivate these TPS varieties for several
hundred grams of TPS are needed to cultivate growing seasons as a clonally propagated
a potato field, where usually several tonne crop, and to request true seed again after
of tubers are needed (Simmonds, 1997). yield declines are significant due to declining
This is associated with two disadvantages: health status (Fuglie, 2001). However, today,
potatoes grown from seed are weak in not more than 10 000 ha of TPS are grown,
vigour and are sensitive to many factors, mainly in Asia, which trace back to about
and the breeding method and advantages eight TPS varieties. The future of TPS is
of breeding clonally propagated crops can debatable. From the breeding perspective,
302 Plant breeding and farmer participation
the future of TPS will mainly depend on the Americas (41 million tonne) and Africa
working with two gene pools, in which a (16 million tonne) (FAO, 2006). The top 20
certain extent of inbreeding is applied, with potato producing countries are China (22
subsequent use of general combining ability percent), The Russian Federation (12 percent),
to improve these two gene pools. India (8 percent), Ukraine (6 percent), United
States of America (6 percent), Poland (3
13.10 POTATO percent), Germany (3 percent), Belarus (3
Breeding potatoes has been reviewed by percent), Canada (2 percent), France (2
Tarn et al. (1992). The andigena potato percent), United Kingdom (2 percent),
(Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigena; Turkey (2 percent), Netherlands (1 percent),
autotetraploid with 48 chromosomes) Bangladesh (1 percent), Brazil (1 percent),
originated in the highlands of South Romania (1 percent), Peru (0.8 percent),
America about 5000 BC, while today two- Spain (0.6 percent), Nepal (0.5 percent) and
thirds of world potato production is in Pakistan (0.5 percent).
temperate latitudes. Following introduction
into Europe, andigena evolved into the Irish Breeding objectives
potato (S. tuberosum subsp. tuberosum), Characteristic of potato breeding is the
which is mainly characterized by day-length large number of breeding objectives. For
neutrality, uniformity of tuber shape, shorter the Irish potato, quality traits are at least
crop duration and higher harvest index than as important as yield. Moreover, breeding
andigena. Andigena remains the predominant for resistance against numerous pest and
cultivated potato in the Andes, whereas the diseases, e.g. numerous viruses (potato leaf-
Irish potato is the potato of commerce roll virus (PLRV), Potato virus Y (PVY)
in long-day temperate climates. Potatoes and Potato virus X (PVX)), Late blight
introduced into other, tropical, regions of (Phytophthora infestans), dry rots (Fusarium
the world trace back to breeding populations spp.), soft rot and blackleg (Erwinia spp.),
derived from crossings between andigena cyst-forming nematodes (Globodera
and Irish potato. However, in the Andean rostochiensis and G. pallida) have major
region, seven other potato species are still importance in long-day temperate as well
in cultivation; most important are phureja as in tropical temperate climates. For the
(S. phureja; diploid with 24 chromosomes), andigena potato, these pests and diseases
limeña, ajanhuri and rucki. In addition to are of nearly similar importance (i.e. late
these cultivated species, 160 wild potato blight can destroy the whole crop in cool,
species are known (Hawkes, 1979 and 1981; high-altitude regions, especially when the
Spooner and Hijmans, 2001), so that potato weather is wet).
might have the largest gene pool among crops. There are clear differences between
Wild and indigenous species are important tropical temperate and tropical hot
resources of pest and disease resistance for climates. At temperatures above 25°C,
andigena and Irish potato. The evolution of Late blight and cyst-forming nematodes
the potato was described in the introduction decline rapidly in importance, but Early
of this chapter. Asia and Europe are the blight (Alternaria solani) and root-knot
world’s largest potato producing regions, nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) take
with annual production of about 130 and over, and Bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas
128 million tonne, respectively, followed by solanacearum) is widespread in tropical
Selection methods. Part 5: Breeding clonally propagated crops 303
lowlands. The phureja potato (for PVY and with considerable levels of total carotenoids,
Late blight) and the wild species S. acaule including pro-vitamin A.
(for PLRV, PVX and both Globodera spp.)
and S. demissum (for PLRV, PVY, and late Breeding methods
blight) are important resources in breeding Crossing is relatively easy. In nature,
for tolerance and resistance. It should be crossings occur easily by open pollination
noted that the pests and diseases presented by insects. For breeding purposes the
represent only the most important species. flower architecture of the potato allows
Ross (1985) provides a list of resistance easy emasculation and controlled hand
sources in wild potato species. pollination. A fruit with about 200 seeds
However, it is possible to find tolerance develops from each successful pollination. In
or resistance genes in cultivated and wild commercial breeding, controlled crossings
potatoes against nearly all potato diseases. are usually made (both parental genotypes
An exception is Bacterial wilt, for which so are clearly defined). Genotypes with good
far no useful tolerance or resistance have performance over all traits and with a certain
been found for breeding purposes. Today, degree of genetic distance are recombined.
all new Irish potato varieties contain one The value of a cross combination is usually
or more resistance genes from wild and determined in test-crosses with 100 to
other cultivated potato species. For the 200 seeds per combination. Occasionally
Northern Hemisphere, yield, crop duration, plant breeding text-books recommend
tuber size, shape and flesh colour, eye combining parents with complementary
depth, starch content, storability, cooking traits. However, many breeders find that
characteristics, taste and suitability for this results in potatoes breeding in a ‘wild’
mechanical harvesting, as well as processing segregation, so that finally only genotypes
characteristic for chips (crisps) and French can be selected with moderate performance
fries (chips) are the most important quality over all traits. Each year, breeders plant
breeding objectives. For tropical regions, 10 000 to 200 000 seeds, which trace back
yield, regional adaptability, crop duration, to 150 to 200 cross combinations. Crossings
storability, cooking characteristics, taste and are made with flower sprouts obtained from
nutritional quality are the most important cuttings of field plants, grown in greenhouses
quality breeding objectives. Outside of the in nutrient solutions. Frequencies of
Andes, crop duration is one of the most successful crosses differ tremendously
important traits (i.e. in south-west and between parental combinations and about
central Asia there is a requirement for one-eighth to one-quarter of all parental
potato varieties with less than 80 days combinations cannot be recombined due to
crop duration). Recently, focus has been no flowering, low pollen quality, no fruit
given to improve pro-vitamin A, iron and formation or genetic incompatibility. For an
zinc concentrations in tubers to alleviate overview of overcoming crossing barriers
micronutrient malnutrition in tropical in potatoes, the reader is referred to Jansky
regions (potatoes have comparatively high (2006).
iron and zinc concentrations). This has Pre-breeding crosses are important
resulted in a separate breeding programme when one requires to improve one or two
for phureja, which has the highest iron and traits in an enhanced breeding gene pool
zinc contents among potatoes, together (e.g. shorter crop duration). Pre-breeding
304 Plant breeding and farmer participation
sixteenth century into the Philippines, whence adapted to salinity, drought and marginal
it spread to other islands and the east Asian soil conditions (Woolfe, 1992).
mainland. Portuguese seafarers introduced The crop has recently received more
the crop into Europe, Africa and India. Today interest due to the very high levels of
it is cultivated in 117 countries in all tropical pro-vitamin A (concentrations of up to
and subtropical regions of the world. Asia is 700 ppm DM) in OFSPs, and hence as
the world’s largest sweet potato producing a vehicle to reduce vitamin A deficiency
region, with about 107 million tonne of problems in the world (Huang, Tanudjaja
annual production, followed by Africa and and Lum, 1999; Low, 2007). We observed
the Americas, with approximately 15 and up to 1 200 ppm β-carotene on a DM
3 million tonne, respectively. The top 12 basis in clones with variety potential in
producing countries are China (80 percent), our breeding population ‘Jewel II’ (this
Nigeria (2.8 percent), Uganda (2.2 percent), corresponds to 30 mg β-carotene in 100 g
Indonesia (1.5 percent), Viet Nam (1.2 fresh sweet potato storage roots. A pre-
percent), United Republic of Tanzania (0.9 schooler needs 4.8 mg β-carotene per day,
percent), Japan (0.8 percent), India (0.8 and it merits discussion as to what extent
percent), Burundi (0.7 percent), Kenya (0.6 OFSP should be recommended as baby
percent), Rwanda (0.6 percent) and United and weaning food. Moreover, storage roots
States of America (0.6 percent). Further provide medium levels of iron and zinc
important sweet potato producing countries (Woolfe, 1992). Recent finding of about
are Angola, Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, 50 ppm DM iron and 40 ppm DM zinc in
Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Haiti, Korea deep orange fleshed sweet potato storage
(Democratic Republic of), Madagascar, Peru, roots (Burgos and zum Felde, pers. comm.)
the Philippines and Papua New Guinea, merits further investigation.
with annual production between 0.3 and The stems and leaves can have spinach-
0.5 million tonne (FAO, 2006). Nearly half like taste and some varieties are used in
of the sweet potato produced in Asia is used China specifically as a green vegetable.
for animal feed, with the remainder primarily Stems and leaves have on DM basis about
used for human consumption, either as fresh four times more protein, iron and zinc than
or processed products. In Africa, the crop storage roots. It appears that stems and
is cultivated almost exclusively for fresh leaves must be cooked to reach an acceptable
consumption. iron bioavailability, but investigations into
Sweet potato is a perennial vine, propa- iron bioavailability of sweet potato tops is
gated by cuttings, and usually cultivated as very limited.
an annual crop. The planting distances in There is new demand for purple-fleshed
fields vary. In Africa, planting distances are sweet potato due to the health-promoting
usually 1 m between rows and 30 cm within effects of anti-oxidant anthocyanin sub-
rows. In China, recommended planting stances, and cell lines for a potentially
distances are 75 cm between rows and ongoing production for the food industry
20 cm within rows. The crop duration is have been established (Konczak, 2006).
very short (4 to 6 months) and the crop is However, much more important appears
even cultivated in northern China. It pro- to be the demand for non-sweet sweet
duces more edible energy per hectare per potatoes, but few genotypes are non-sweet
day than wheat, rice or cassava, and is well (Kays, 2006). There is a very large genetic
306 Plant breeding and farmer participation
variation for DM, starch and sugars in the use of the crop as animal feed and
sweet potato, and a strong positive correla- folder. The breeding for high DM and
tion has been observed for DM and starch, extractable starch is relatively easy: the
whereas a strong negative correlation was target is a high starch yield per hectare.
found between sugars and DM and starch However, currently, in many regions of
(Grüneberg et al., 2009). This is nearly the world the price of sweet potato starch
ideal for the breeding target of a non-sweet currently cannot compete with the price of
high-DM sweet potato type, and we think cassava starch. Only in large regions where
that the development of non-sweet sweet the growing period is too short for cassava
potatoes should not be too difficult. within the cropping system (e.g. China) is
there an economic demand for sweet potato
Breeding objectives varieties for starch production. Breeding
FPB started very late for sweet potato. for biofuel production is in its initial stages,
One of the first breeding programmes was and so far variety recommendations for this
established at Louisiana State University in purpose are made on the basis of screening
the 1920s. Today there are several strong existing successful varieties. The breeding
national breeding programmes (e.g. China, of purple-fleshed sweet potatoes as a
Japan, South Africa, Uganda, United separate breeding programme is a relatively
States of America and Uruguay) and one new trend, and so far only carried out on
international breeding programme, at CIP a small scale in Japan, Indonesia and Peru.
(Peru). Four major breeding objectives can Future targets are the non-sweet sweet
be clustered: (i) breeding of OFSP for potato, and quick cooking features (cv.
consumption of storage roots and leaves; Quick Sweet) (Katayama et al., 2006), as
(ii) breeding for high DM and extractable well as suitability for processing into chips,
starch; (iii) breeding for biofuel production, puree, juice, weaning and baby food, and
which has started in China (Dai Fu Ma, bread on the basis of a wheat-sweet potato
pers. comm.); and (iv) breeding of purple- flour mixture (Woolfe, 1992); these trends
fleshed sweet potatoes for consumption. appear nearly exclusively in east Asia, and
In breeding for consumption, it has to be for recent developments the reader should
considered that people in different regions consult proceedings, such as Liu (2008).
have very different taste preferences; the Major constraints on high yields are
extremes are low DM content, moist mouth pests and diseases, especially Sweet potato
feel, very sweet taste and deep orange flesh chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV) and the sweet
colour, versus high DM, bland, dry mouth potato weevils. The prevailing diseases and
feel, low sweet taste and white, yellow or insects affecting sweet potato vary from
orange flesh colour. In breeding for human region to region. There are about 35 bac-
consumption, focus is more on high DM terial and fungal diseases, more than 20
OFSP varieties with elevated iron and zinc viruses or virus-like agents, 20 nematodes
concentration and a dry and less-sweet and 20 insect species known to affect sweet
mouth taste. This breeding is hampered potato (Martin and Jones, 1986).
by a strong negative genetic correlation Currently there are only four important
between storage root DM and storage root pest and diseases: SPVD, Alternaria, sweet
pro-vitamin A, iron and zinc contents. The potato weevils and the root-knot nematode.
breeding for human consumption includes The most important virus is whitefly-
Selection methods. Part 5: Breeding clonally propagated crops 307
transmitted SPCSV, which often occurs in this reason, a transgenic approach using
co-infection with Sweet potato feathery Bt genes has received attention. Recent
mottle virus (SPFMV – aphid-transmitted). findings of compounds in the latex of the
Clear synergistic disease effects are seen storage root skin and the effect of these on
with SPFMV and SPCSV (the so-called weevils might of interest for breeding (P.C.
SPVD virus complex). Generally, all Stevenson, H. Muyinza, D. Hall and R.
varieties need a certain degree of tolerance Mwanga, unpubl.).
to SPVD, and there is genetic variation for
SPVD (Mwanga, Yencho and Moyer, 2002). Breeding methods
Very high tolerance or resistance is needed True seed set occurs easily in nature by cross
in eastern Africa. Currently, it is assumed pollination (by insects, mainly bees), and for
that SPFMV and all other sweet potato breeding purposes the flower architecture
viruses (except SPCSV) are not important, of sweet potato allows easy emasculation
because sweet potato has an effective virus and controlled hand pollination. A skilled
defence system, which is broken by SPCSV technician can make 200 crossings per day,
(I. Barker, pers. comm.). with a success rate of 25 percent. From
The major fungal disease in subtropical each successful cross, two or three true
America is Fusarium wilt (Fusarium seeds are obtained. Not all sweet potato
oxysporum f.sp. batatas) and in the African parents flower readily, but flowering can
highlands the main problem is Alternaria be easily induced by grafting on Ipomoea
storage root, leaf spot and stem blight nil (2n = 30 chromosomes). It should be
(Alternaria spp.). Although there are many noted that frequencies of successful crosses
bacterial and fungal diseases with a wide differ tremendously between parental
distribution, high levels of tolerance or combinations, and about one-third of all
resistance are frequently found. This is also parental combinations are incompatible,
true for resistance to nematodes. with no seed formation. The sweet potato
There has been recurrent success in seed has a hard coat and needs to be
breeding for root-knot resistance against scarified with concentrated sulphuric acid
new races of Meloidogyne spp. (Martin to obtain even and rapid germination. In
and Jones, 1986). However, in regions a well managed breeding nursery, after 3
with a pronounced dry season, the greatest months it is possible to obtain 40 to 60
constraints are sweet potato weevils (Cylas cuttings from a true seed plant if the plant
formicarius elegantulus in all parts of the is grown in the field, and 20 to 30 cuttings if
tropics, C. puncticollis and C. brunneus the plant is grown in a pot in a greenhouse.
in Africa, and Euscepes postfasciatus in The extreme genetic make up of the crop
the West Indies). It has been an objective (hexaploid, highly heterozygous, open-
to find weevil resistance for more than pollinated by insects with true seed set
50 years, but differences in weevil attack occurring easily), the short crop duration
probably depends on preference factors (4–5 months), and the rapid propagation
of the weevil. It is believed that dense (40 to 60 cuttings from one plant) permits
storage roots developed deep below the soil the design of a very efficient and rapid
surface are less susceptible than less dense, breeding system.
moist-fleshed storage roots. No effective The recombination of parents is still
weevil resistance has been found so far. For usually carried out in polycross nurseries
308 Plant breeding and farmer participation
shrivel and are sun dried until they shatter, ca. 100 clones are tested in replicated trials
releasing hybrid seeds that are ready for at three locations, and consumer acceptance
germination. Cassava seed have a very short is assessed. Final selections are multiplied
dormant period and germinate quickly. and enter dissemination in year 6.
No scarification is necessary. Few seeds In eastern and southern Africa, 10 000 to
germinate unless the mean temperature 50 000 true-seed plants are raised for the first
exceeds 24°C, with a temperature exceeding selection step and screened for resistance
30°C for at least part of the day; the best rates to major diseases and pests at 1, 3, 6 and 9
occur at 30–35°C. A dry heat treatment of months after sowing, namely East African
14 days at 60°C is also beneficial for newly cassava mosaic disease (EACMD), African
harvested seeds. If temperatures permit and cassava mosaic disease (ACMD), Cassava
irrigation is available, the easiest method is brown streak disease (CBSD) and CBB.
to sow the seeds direct into the soil. This In a second selection step, 2 000 clones are
is successful at IITA because temperatures planted in single-row plots (3 to 5 plants) at
from January to March range from 30° 1×1 m spacing. The observations made in the
to 35°C. At CIAT, seeds are frequently first year are repeated again at 1, 3, 6 and 9
planted in a screen house and the emerging months after planting. Each clone is scored
seedlings held until they reach 20–25 cm for yield, and agronomic characteristics
before being transplanted to well prepared assessed, such as branching height and angles,
soil with good moisture conditions. canopy and number of stems per plant. In a
Since many national programmes do third selection step, 20 to 50 clones are
not have a continuous cassava crossing grown in preliminary yield trials in single
programme, they rely on distribution of pre- rows with ten plants per clone and three
selected clones from the two international replications at one to three locations. In year
institutions, CIAT and IITA. The improved 6, the final selections are taken on-farm and
germplasm generated is distributed either into national variety release trails.
in the form of elite genotypes transferred In the Americas and Asia, cassava
in vitro, or as populations of recombinant improvement is closely linked with the insti-
seeds (full-sibs or half-sibs). Cassava tutions Embrapa (Brazil), FCRI Rayoung
breeding operates with larger populations (Thailand) and CIAT (Colombia). In con-
than potato or sweet potato. trast with Africa, there are no extremely
In West Africa, up to 100 000 true devastating diseases. CIAT established
seed plants are raised from field-sown 50 000 seedling selections for particular
seed, which are screened in a first selection climatic zones. Up to 20 parents from each
step for resistances to CMD and CBB. gene pool are disseminated for evaluations
At harvest, selection is for compact roots to national centres in similar edapho-cli-
with short necks, stems branching at about matic zones. From this programme a very
100 cm, with low HCN in the leaves. broad range of improved diversity has been
In the second selection step, about 3 000 developed and distributed worldwide.
clones are grown in small, non-replicated Generally, MVs in Asia can be traced back
plots. Further selection is made for disease to 100 crosses between Asian and American
resistances, yield potential and root DM parents (Kawano, 2003). Recent findings
content, and the HCN in the roots is assayed show that the general combining ability for
enzymatically. For the third selection step, cassava fresh root yields are clearly larger
312 Plant breeding and farmer participation
than the specific combining ability across (Simmonds, 1976; Ortiz, 1995). They are a
contrasting environments (Ceballos et al., staple in Samoa, the Philippines, south India
2004). This is a clear indication that heterotic and the West Indies. Around 87 percent of all
gene pools in cassava can be formed and bananas and plantains grown worldwide are
exploited by improving two gene pools with produced by small-scale farmers for home
a reciprocal recurrent selection scheme. consumption or for sale in local markets.
About two-thirds of world production is
13.13 BANANA OR PLANTAIN dessert bananas and one-third plantains.
Breeding bananas and plantains has The fruit export market comprises only
been reviewed by Rowe (1984), and Jain one-sixth of total world production. The
and Swennen (2001) have edited recent banana is the number one fruit crop in
proceedings on banana improvement, with the world, with about 70.5 million tonne
a main emphasis on biotechnology. Banana produced annually. The top ten producing
and plantain (Musa × paradisiaca, Musaceae, countries are India (24 percent), Ecuador (9
usually triploid with 33 chromosomes) percent), Brazil (9 percent), The Philippines
originated in Southeast Asia. The term (8 percent), China (8 percent), Indonesia (5
plantain is used for those bananas that are percent), Costa Rica (3 percent), Mexico (2
palatable only when cooked. The crop was percent), Thailand (2 percent) and Colombia
introduced into Africa about 3 000 BPE. (2 percent). Plantains are grown as a staple
Introduction into the Americas came after food in 52 countries worldwide with a total
1 500 AD. Today the crop is cultivated production of 34 million tonne. The top ten
worldwide in the tropics. Bananas and plantain producing countries are Uganda
plantains evolved from two diploid (30 percent), Colombia (9 percent), Rwanda
wild species, Musa acuminata (AA) and (8 percent), Ghana (7 percent), Nigeria (6
M. balbisiana (BB) in the Eumusa series percent), Peru (5 percent), Cote d’Ivoire (4
(x = 11) of the genus Musa. An exception percent), Congo (4 percent) and Kenya (3
is the small group of ‘Fehi ’ bananas in percent) (FAO, 2006).
the Pacific, which have their origin in the Bananas and plantains are one of the
Australimus series (x = 10) of Musa. All very few crops in which breeders are still
export fruit bananas are triploids (AAA) trying to find an appropriate conventional
and originated from M. acuminata. All breeding method to develop new MVs.
plantains and several locally preferred fruit Nearly all cultivars are FVs and have been
bananas are hybrids between M. acuminata selected from genetic variation developed
(AA) and M. balbisiana (BB). The higher by natural evolution. In cases of crop failure
dry matter (about 5–8 percent) and higher due to new pathogens and diseases, FPB still
starch content of plantains compared to focuses on identifying alternative cultivars
pure M. acuminata cultivars is attributed within existing genetic variation (collections
to the BB genome. The AAB cultivars and large screening programmes). Hence,
have long curved fruits and appear like an important source for identifying ‘new’
an oversized export banana. They are cultivars are germplasm collections held in
important food crops in south India, eastern trust in genebanks, such as the International
and central Africa and tropical America. Musa Germplasm Collection in Leuven,
The ABB cultivars have thick straight fruits, Belgium. Spontaneous mutants in Musa have
which are much shorter than the AAB types played a very important role in banana and
Selection methods. Part 5: Breeding clonally propagated crops 313
plantain breeding, including the replacement widely distributed. However, for several
of the export banana cultivar ‘Gros Michel’ of these FHIA cultivars, taste and cooking
(susceptible to Panama disease or Fusarium qualities are still problematic (Roux, pers.
wilt (Fusarium oxysporum sp. cubense) by comm.). Further breeding programmes
‘Cavendish’ banana cultivars, which are have been set up at the Empresa Brasiliera
resistant to most fusarium wilt pathogens, de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (Embrapa) in
and the replacement of the plantain cultivar Brazil, the Instituto de Investigaciones
‘Horn plantain’ (AAB) (susceptible to Black en Viandas Tropicales (INIVIT) in Cuba,
sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis)) by the the Centre Africain de Recherches sur
‘Laknau’ cultivar (AAB), which is tolerant Bananiers et Plantains (CARBAP) in
to Black sigatoka and closely resembles the Cameroon, the International Institute of
Horn plantain (Stover, 1972). However, the Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Nigeria, and
cooking qualities of Laknau are inferior the National Research Centre on Banana
to Horn plantain. Owing to the low level (NRCB) in India.
of occurrence of spontaneous mutations,
mutagenic agents and mutation breeding Breeding objectives
have often been used to generate new In breeding, resistance against Panama
genetic variation in bananas and plantains, (Fusarium wilt) and sigatoka diseases are
followed by screening programmes for in the foreground. In the first half of the
plants with resistance or tolerance to twentieth century, Panama disease destroyed
pest and diseases, coupled with desirable approximately 40 000 ha of bananas in
agronomic qualities (e.g. tolerance to Central and South America. Fortunately,
Panama disease; tolerance to the toxin of resistant Cavendish cultivars could substitute
Mycosphaerella fijiensis; short; larger fruit for the predominantly grown Gros Michel
size; and earliness). The FPB programmes variety. However, Cavendish cultivars are
for bananas and plantains started in the not resistant to all fusarium wilt pathogens
early 1900s, to develop new AAA cultivars (i.e. race 4). It should be noted that Panama
for the export market, with resistance disease cannot be controlled chemically,
against Panama disease or Fusarium wilt so that use of resistant varieties is the only
(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense). way to maintain production in regions with
Despite continued breeding efforts, no new challenge from this disease. The leaf spot
banana and plantain cultivar acceptable diseases caused by Mycosphaerella musicola
by farmers and consumers was bred until (Yellow sigatoka) and M. fijiensis (Black
the 1980s (Roux, 2001). Nevertheless, by sigatoka) are costly pathogens and must be
the end of the twentieth century, efforts regularly controlled by fungicides. Cultivars
to improve Musa started to focus on the with an AAA genome are very susceptible
use of diploid and tetraploid gene pools to both sigatoka diseases. The Horn
to develop triploid and tetraploid bananas plantain is resistant to Yellow sigatoka, but
and plantains. To date, the first improved susceptible to Black sigatoka. The latter
cultivars (AAA, AAAA, AAB, AAAB and disease threatens continued cultivation of
AABB), developed at Fundación Hondureña the plantain food crop. Triploid cooking
de Investigación Agrícola (FHIA) in bananas of the ABB type, such as ‘Chato’,
Honduras through the International ‘Pelipita’ and ‘Saba’, are highly tolerant
Musa Testing Program (IMTP), have been to the Black sigatoka pathogen. However,
314 Plant breeding and farmer participation
Chato is susceptible to bacterial wilt or tillering capacity (Ferwerda and Wit, 1969;
Moko disease caused by Pseudomonas Rowe and Richardson, 1975; Persley and
solanacearum and to race 2 of Fusarium De Langhe, 1987).
oxysporum f. sp. cubense, while Pelipita does
not meet flavour and fruit-shape preferences, Breeding methods
so that currently only Saba remains as a Triploid bananas and plantains are vegetatively
possible substitute for the Horn plantain. parthenocarpic, i.e. no pollination is
Moreover, nematodes, mainly the burrowing necessary for fruit development. In diploids,
nematode (Radopholus similis), are a major pollination often results in seeded fruits.
constraint to bananas in monoculture, Diploids are not suitable as varieties since
and outside of the Americas the Bunchy fruit size and plant vigour are low. However,
top virus is widely distributed, which is diploids are the basis for crop improvement.
transmitted by the banana aphid (Pentalonia In the initial stages of breeding efforts, a few
nigronervosa). Many diploid accessions of seeds per bunch in some triploid varieties
M. acuminata subsp. malaccensis and M. a. were used when these had been pollinated
subsp. burmannica are resistant to races by diploid genotypes. The reason for this
1, 2 and 4 of Panama disease. Sources of seed production and genetic variation is the
resistance to Yellow sigatoka are available in formation of unreduced triploid gametes in
several subspecies of M. acuminata, while some triploid female parents after pollination
M. a. subsp. burmannica is highly tolerant within diploid male parents, which produces
to the Black sigatoka fungus. The tolerance reduced haploid gametes. The progenies of
in M. acuminata accessions to sigatoka these crosses are tetraploid. This method
diseases is apparently controlled by several was used to generate genetic variation with
dominant genes. Resistance to the burrowing the female banana parent Gros Michel and
nematode has been found in the ‘Pisang Jari the female plantain parent Laknau (AAB),
Buaya’ group of diploid accessions. The which closely resembles the Horn plantain.
resistance is controlled by one or very few Tetraploid hybrids (AAAA) from crosses
dominant genes and has been incorporated with Gros Michel were resistant to Panama
into diploid and polyploid progenies. Today, disease and closely approached commercial
several FHIA varieties are resistant to acceptability, but the inferior agronomic
burrowing nematodes (Kalorizou, Gowen characteristics of the diploid parents
and Wheeler, 2007). were also present in the hybrids. Triploid
Among agronomic qualities, dwarfness hybrids derived from crosses between these
is most important in bananas and plantains, tetraploid hybrids and diploid genotypes
because they are often grown in areas were useless. Unfortunately, the cooking
with periodic strong winds. Dwarf and qualities of hybrids derived from Laknau
semi-dwarf mutants have been found in were also inferior to those of the Horn
many diploid and triploid bananas and plantain. No seeds have been produced
plantains. Examples are ‘Highgate’ (a dwarf from Cavendish clones and no other
mutant of Gros Michel) and the Cavendish suitable triploid parents—except Gros
cultivar ‘Grand Nain’. In dwarf diploids, Michel and Laknau—for seed production
the dwarfness character is controlled by unreduced gametes have been found.
by a single dominant gene. After this in This breeding method has not succeeded in
importance are fruit characteristics and creating acceptable new varieties. However,
Selection methods. Part 5: Breeding clonally propagated crops 315
the major finding of this work was that it Thompson and Aked, 2000; Ludger, 2005;
is necessary to improve the diploid male Kalorizou, Gowen and Wheeler, 2007).
parent gene pool to increase the chances However, to our knowledge, no PPB has
of developing either new tetraploid or new been applied in early breeding stages. Most
triploid varieties. likely the reason for this is that almost
Today, banana and plantain breeding no diploid clone in its performance per se
aims at producing tetraploid and triploid would achieve acceptability by farmers.
varieties on the basis of diploid accessions Nevertheless, the future of banana and
resistant to various diseases, and the plantain breeding, as in other clonally
continuous improvement of this diploid propagated crops, should be seen in testing
gene pool for agronomic qualities (i.e. plant the combining ability between two gene
height, fruit characteristics and tillering pools and in the improvement of two
capacity) as well as high pollen production. gene pools on the basis of the general
Crossings within the diploid gene pool are combining ability and reciprocal recurrent
complex: the diploid ‘SH-2095’, which was selection. In banana and plantain breeding,
later successfully used in tetraploid variety such a breeding system can be established
development, was derived from a four-way by a seed-fertile diploid gene pool with
cross of three diploid cultivars and one wild high pollen production and a seed-fertile
accession ((‘Sinwobogi’ × ‘Tjau Lagada’) × tetraploid gene pool, which is used as the
(‘Guyod’ × a wild Musa acuminata subsp. male parent. In such a breeding programme,
malaccensis)). Nevertheless, the genetic basis PPB could easily be incorporated. However,
of diploid pollen parents with improved the important information provided by
agronomic performance is considerably the farmers would not be seen in the
wider than in the past. The currently evaluation of clone performance per se in
best diploids are continually crossed on the diploid and tetraploid gene pool, but in
triploid Highgate and Laknau, which the numbers of acceptable clones per cross
produces unreduced triploid gametes, as combination and family between genotypes
well as on seed-fertile tetraploids with good of the diploid and tetraploid gene pool, as
agronomic performance. The first results in described above in the section on selection
new potentially tetraploid varieties and the of parents and cross prediction.
later in new potentially triploid varieties.
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ses are accepted through local research, new on definitions: a farmer’s variety of a self-
details and perspectives are sure to arise, pollinated crop (e.g. of barley or rice) may
and it is only by having an open minded, be composed of diverse genotypes that,
respectful attitude that outsiders can hope from a plant breeder’s perspective, may be
to learn and reap the benefits of collabora- different varieties. Therefore discriminating
tion with local farmers. Such an attitude among these genotypes would be selection
facilitates new insights and understandings from the perspective of farmers as it can
that can improve the accuracy and relevan- change the genetic make up of their variety,
cy of the scientific work. If plant breeders but would be choice from the perspective
think of their interactions with farmers as of plant breeders as it would not change
tests of how complete or accurate farmers’ the genetic make-up of varieties as they
knowledge is, breeders will lose a critical define them. At a more fundamental level,
opportunity for supporting collaboration, farmers’ choice of populations and varie-
respect and collegiality, and for improving ties determines the diversity available for
the quality of their own work. Thus, at least hybridization and subsequent selection of
initially, experiments and discussions with plants. For all of these reasons, we can say
farmers should be seen as opportunities to that selection and choice together deter-
learn, not to teach. mine the degree to which varieties stay
the same, change between generations, or
14.1.1 Choice as distinct from selection evolve over generations.
It is important to differentiate between Farmers and plant breeders make choices
choice of populations or varieties that between varieties and populations, especially
does not change the genetic make-up of in the initial stages of the selection process
these units, and the selection of plants when choosing germplasm for making
from within populations or varieties, with crosses (for plant breeders), and in the final
the potential to change the genetic make- stages when choosing among populations
up of these units, which may eventually or varieties generated from those crosses
result in new varieties (Cleveland, Soleri for further testing (Hallauer and Miranda,
and Smith, 2000). Farmer criteria for both 1988: 159), or for planting (farmers) or
choice and selection include agronomic, release (plant breeders). Farmers’ choices
economic, culinary and aesthetic charac- of varieties or populations when saving
teristics, as well as minimizing perceived seed for planting, in seed procurement and
risk. While the distinction is commonly in allocating different varieties to different
made in some participatory plant breeding growing environments also affects the
literature (e.g. Witcombe et al., 1996), the genetic diversity of their crop repertoires,
terms ‘choice’ and ‘selection’ are often not and establishes the diversity on which future
explicitly defined, and in some writing may selection will be based. (For simplicity, in
be used interchangeably. Obviously, distin- the discussion of choice we will use the
guishing between these is partly a function term ‘variety’ to refer to both populations
of scale, as is most clearly seen in the case and varieties.)
of vegetatively propagated crops, in which
a single clone may be chosen to establish 14.1.2 A taxonomy of farmer selection
a new variety (e.g. with cassava; Pujol, A taxonomy of selection and its biological
David and McKey, 2005). It also depends effects can help to clarify the differences
326 Plant breeding and farmer participation
Phenotypic selection classified according to the agent of selection, and farmers’ goals
when the farmers are the agents, applied to traditional agricultural systems
and similarities between plant breeders a bridge between these is useful (Soleri
and farmers. Selection can be categorized and Cleveland, 2005). For plant breeding,
according to the agent carrying out the most fundamental model of the
phenotypic selection, and the intention of relationship among phenotype, genotype
the agent when it is a human (Figure 14.1). and environment is assumed to be a good
While all types of selection function in model of reality that is the basis for PBK; we
both farmer and professional breeding, will assume it is also the basis for FK. This
professional plant breeders see intentional model is universally accepted by biologists,
phenotypic selection for micro-evolution including plant breeders, but they disagree
over generations (E) as the primary among themselves about its interpretation at
goal, with other types of selection either higher levels of generalization, for example
eliminated (e.g. applying irrigation to whether selection in optimal or marginal
eliminate drought selection), controlled for environments leads to genotypes that are
(e.g. in experimental plot design to reduce better adapted to marginal environments
E2 ), or used to optimize selection for (Ceccarelli and Grando, 2002) (see
E (e.g. roguing off-types) (Cleveland and Chapter 2). This variation in scientists’
Soleri, 2007). interpretations suggests that, if farmers
Figure 14.1 focuses on selection under do in fact think in terms of this basic
farmer conditions. Natural selection is not biological model, it would be a valuable
influenced by farmers, in contrast with comparator, facilitating understanding of
human or artificial selection. Artificial selec- variations (differences in higher levels of its
tion is both indirect, a result of the envi- interpretation) within and between FK and
ronments created by farmers and plant PBK on equal grounds.
breeders, e.g. in their fields and store rooms, We use the two parts of the model on
and direct, a result of human selection of which plant breeding is based (Cleveland,
planting material. Direct artificial selection Soleri, and Smith, 2000), as presented in
can be both unconscious or unintentional standard texts (e.g. Falconer and Mackay,
(based on implicit or correlated criteria), 1996: 189; Simmonds and Smartt,
when no conscious decision is made about 1999: 193).
the trait selected for, and conscious or inten- 1. Variation in population phenotype
tional (based on explicit criteria), the result (observable characteristics) ( P2 ) on
of decisions to select for certain traits. which choice (discrimination between
different groups of plants) and selection
14.1.3 A biological model to compare (discrimination among individual plants
farmer and plant breeder knowledge within a group) are based is deter-
and practice mined by genetic variation ( G2 ), envi-
Many plant breeders and other outsiders ronmental variation ( E2 ), and variation
who work with farmers make the mistake of in genotype (genetic constitution)-by-
assuming that western scientific knowledge environment (G×E) interaction ( GE2 ),
and practice is always more accurate and thus P2 G2 E2 GE
‘better’ than that of farmers. To have a 2. Response to selection (R) for a trait is
way of comparing plant breeder knowledge the difference between the mean of the
(PBK) and farmer knowledge (FK), a whole population from which the parents
neutral comparator that can function as were selected and the mean in the next
328 Plant breeding and farmer participation
generation produced by planting those Soleri, 2002b). When FK differs from that
selected seeds under the same conditions. presumed by plant breeders’ interpretation
R is the product of two factors, h2 and of the model, we should try to understand
S (R = h2S), where S is the selection the difference in terms of the specific geno-
differential, the difference between the types and environments each works with,
mean of the selected parental group and as well as other factors in their experience.
the mean of the entire original population
(Allard, 1999: 101–102; Falconer and 14.1.4 Methods for understanding
Mackay, 1996: 189; Simmonds and Smartt, farmers’ knowledge and practice
1999: 193). Narrow sense heritability The best starting place for collaboration may
(h2) (that part of P2 that can be passed be simple interviews with a representative
directly from parent to progeny, the random sample of households. Such
additive variance, A2 ) = A2 / P2 . Thus, interviews can provide insights critical for
artificial phenotypic selection per se is collaboration. There are many resources
a process of identifying the individuals available describing how to conduct such
with specific phenotypic traits within a interviews (e.g. Cleveland and Soleri, 1991)
population that will contribute genetic and analyse them (e.g. Stern et al., 2004).
material to the next generation, and is The key requirements are that: (i) the
distinct from the heritability of those sample is representative of the human
phenotypic traits (see Section 14.5). population with which you are working,
In our use of the basic biological model, possibly requiring a stratified sampling
we make several assumptions. (1) It models approach, based for example on gender of
empirically observable patterns in the real farmers, household socio-economic status,
world. (2) Among both farmers and plant or dominant soil type on farms; (ii) people
breeders and other scientists, there are conducting the interviews are consistent,
some who are particularly good observers respectful, open and primarily listen
of their environments, crops and interac- to and document farmers’ answers and
tions between these if they occur, while comments; and (iii) questions are relevant
others are poor observers, resulting in for understanding and collaboration.
variation within groups. (3) Variation in In addition to simple questions to elicit
knowledge within and between groups can basic descriptive data (household size,
also be caused by experiences with different number working in farming, area sown to
genotypes and environments, and by dif- each crop, sources of planting seed, yields,
ferent values and pre-existing knowledge. etc.), methods such as scenarios and ranking
(4) Differences between FK or PBK and exercises may use hypothetical varieties
the model do not mean that either form to better understand farmers’ theoretical
of knowledge is wrong, and differences knowledge, or actual varieties they are familiar
between FK and PBK do not mean that with for insights into specific experiences and
either is inferior to the other. observations (Crossa, Bellon and Franco,
Thus, experiences under diverse circum- 2002; Soleri and Cleveland, 2005). For
stances can result in local interpretations example, a scenario using hypothetical maize
of the model, by either farmers or scien- varieties was created to better understand
tists, which can be sources of learning for the G×E interaction most valued by maize
both scientists and farmers (Cleveland and farmers in a study in Mexico, Cuba and
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 1: Farmers’ and scientists’ knowledge and practice in variety
choice and plant selection 329
Ranking exercise as presented to farmers
Four types of maize are available
our farmer Modern variety (MV) our farmer variety with Modern variety with properties
variety (FV) properties from other from other organisms via
organisms via transgenesis transgenesis (TGMV)
Rank these from best to worst for:
$ Planting in your fields
$ ou and your family to eat
Guatemala (Soleri et al., 2005). When asked and those same varieties as backgrounds for
to choose between two maize varieties a transgene: a transgenic farmers’ variety
with qualitative G×E response to annual and a transgenic modern variety (Figure
precipitation, 61 percent of farmers preferred 14.2). We asked farmers to rank these first
a variety with lower yield potential, mean as maize seed for sowing in their own fields,
and yield variation (‘stable’) to a variety and then again as maize grain for their
with higher yield potential, mean and yield family to eat. The FV and MV represented
variation (‘responsive’). The answer varied, two seed systems (informal vs formal,
with farmers from more difficult growing respectively) and had different agronomic,
environments preferring the stable variety at storage and culinary characteristics with
a significantly greater frequency than those which farmers were already familiar.
in more favourable growing environments. Farmers had no previous experience with
A similar scenario was created to investigate transgenic crop varieties (TGVs). Providing
farmers’ attitudes towards some of the these four choices allowed us to distinguish
possible consequences of pesticidal farmers’ preferences for varieties or genetic
transgenes in their maize varieties and the backgrounds (FV vs MV) from their
evolution of resistance in the pests that it preference for a genetic technology (TGV
controlled. Some of these consequences were vs non-TGV), an important distinction that
reliance on the formal seed system, a higher is either overlooked or confounded in most
seed price and initially high but declining research with farmers. TGVs were described
yields over time as pest populations evolved neutrally to farmers and they were given a
resistance. The hypothetical transgenic positive example of TGVs with the potential
variety was not identified as being transgenic to decrease pest damage.
when the scenario was presented to farmers.
Of those interviewed (n = 334), 70 percent 14.2 THE CONTEXT: INDUSTRIAL AND
chose a lower yielding but more stable and THIRD WORLD AGRICULTURE
locally available variety (Soleri et al., 2005). Industrial and Third World agriculture are
Similarly, an exercise asked those farmers to different in important ways in terms of seed
rank four types of maize: their own FV, a and food systems, growing environments
conventional MV they were familiar with, and crop genotypes. They are also similar in
330 Plant breeding and farmer participation
Components of agricultural systems in traditionally-based
small-scale and industrial large-scale agriculture
(by formal plant
(by scientists ex
situ in gene
Consumption Multiplication
(by consumers (by seed institutes
distant from or companies)
(by specialized,
terms of the basic principles and processes holds sell some portion of their production
governing these variables and the interactions in the market, but they are incompletely
among them, including the outcome of integrated into these markets (Ellis, 1993).
choice and selection. Better understanding Farmers’ production knowledge combines
of these differences and similarities, and understanding based on theory and empiri-
their relationship to differences and cal observation with values about the social
similarities between farmers’ and breeders’ and cultural significance of farming, often
goals, knowledge and practices, can help to focused on FVs (Soleri et al., 2002).
further collaboration between farmers and Off-farm income is often critical for
plant breeders. households’ overall survival strategy, and
may reduce the importance of on-farm
14.2.1 Seed and food systems production. Migration of household mem-
In industrial agriculture, food production, bers, for example, may lead to labour short-
food consumption, crop improvement, seed age (Narayanan and Gulati, 2002) and to
multiplication and crop genetic resources reduced time and other resources devoted
conservation are specialized, physically to seed selection, conservation of crop
and structurally separated, and farming is genetic diversity or production, and even-
often considered to be primarily a busi- tually to loss of the knowledge on which
ness (Lyson, 2002) (Figure 14.3a). In SSTW they depend (for an example in central
agriculture these functions are combined Mexico, see Fitting, 2006).
within the farm household and community
(Figure 14.3b) (Soleri and Cleveland, 2004), Consumption
as described below. The differences due to Farm families rely on their own food
separation vs integration of these critical production for a significant proportion of
functions in seed and food systems have their food, and FVs are valued for traits that
important implications for decisions about contribute to storage, food preparation,
the best ways for farmers and breeders to taste, colour, texture and specific uses (e.g.
improve yields and quality traits, and to maize varieties grown for husks used in
minimize farmers’ risk. tamale production) (Soleri and Cleveland,
2001), or sticky rice FVs used for traditional
Production foods in southern China (Zhu et al., 2003).
SSTW agriculture is essential for feeding a These specialized uses mean some FVs have
significant proportion of the world popula- high market values.
tion now, and will probably remain so in
the future, even with production increases Improvement
in large-scale, industrial agriculture (Hazell Cultivation in new locations, farmers’
et al., 2007; Heisey and Edmeades, 1999). changing selection criteria and growing
As mentioned earlier, over 2 billion people environments were responsible for the
live on almost half a billion small-scale tremendous increase in intraspecific crop
farms (<2 ha) in the Third World, including diversity via mass selection following
half of the world’s undernourished people domestication (Harlan, 1992; Matsuoka et
and the majority of those living in absolute al., 2002) (see Chapter 1, this volume), and
poverty (Nagayets, 2005). Food production all of these continue today. It has been best
relies on household labour, and most house- documented at a local level in vegetatively
332 Plant breeding and farmer participation
propagated crops (Elias et al., 2001), but using or selecting and saving FV seed each
also in predominantly self-pollinated crops year for planting (Louette and Smale, 2000;
such as rice (Dennis, 1987; Richards, 1986). Soleri, Smith and Cleveland, 2000). This
For cross-pollinating crops like maize, conservation is dynamic in that populations
farmers may not be interested in chang- are exposed to changing natural and artificial
ing quantitative phenotypic traits of their selection pressures, often creating locally
varieties through selection, but rather in distinct and adapted populations through
maintaining qualitative traits of interest indirect selection.
(Pressoir and Berthaud, 2004b), and can do Because food production and consump-
so successfully even in the presence of high tion and crop improvement, seed multi-
rates of gene flow at other loci (Louette, plication and conservation are all carried
Charrier and Berthaud, 1997; Pressoir and out within the same crop population, that
Berthaud, 2004a). Quantitative improve- population will not be optimized for any
ment in such species may more often be one function per se as it might be in indus-
sought through choosing new varieties or trialized systems. For example, the value of
populations, as discussed below. FV genetic diversity in its local conserva-
tion role may in some way be in conflict
Seed multiplication with the genetic composition ‘optimal’ for
Farmers do not usually distinguish seed its role as an improved population (Soleri
multiplication from food production, and Smith, 1995). In this sense, farmers’
although sometimes they plant separate crop populations are similar to semi-natu-
seed multiplication plots, as do some ral plant populations that
rice farmers in Sierra Leone (Richards, ...approach complex equilibria in
1986: 138–144). Farmers often save a high which overall fitness is as high as the
proportion of their seed from their own varied demands of differing sites and
harvests, but often also obtain seed through seasons, complex genetic control and
informal seed systems (Ndjeunga, 2002), the long term demands of adaptability
and frequently experiment with new seed allow.
(Louette, Charrier and Berthaud, 1997), (Simmonds and Smartt, 1999: 91)
including planting seed obtained as grain For this reason, and because of the value
(Soleri et al., 2005). The result is extensive of this farming for production and dynamic
gene flow via seed and other propagules, conservation, both in situ conservation by
as well as by pollen flow, creating seed farmers and ex situ conservation in formal
systems that are predominantly local and gene banks are necessary and complemen-
genetically open (Berthaud et al., 2001; tary. However, for conservation to play a
Pressoir and Berthaud, 2004a; vom Brocke useful role, interaction between farmers
et al., 2003a). and scientists is required, e.g. to ensure
that the selection environments in ex situ
Conservation conservation do not result in evolution that
Farmers conserve crop genetic diversity makes the population unsuitable for farm-
of FVs in situ in their fields and storage ers in the event that they require renewal
containers (Qualset et al., 1997). Most of their seed from outside their communi-
in situ conservation is done indirectly— ties (Soleri and Smith, 1995). In a similar
perhaps unintentionally—as a result of way, collaboration between farmers and
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 1: Farmers’ and scientists’ knowledge and practice in variety
choice and plant selection 333
plant breeders needs to balance the goals with farmers, this environmental stress and
of the breeder, which will tend to focus on variation mean that selection for improved
improving specific traits, with the other performance in farmers’ environments
functions of the food and seed system. needs to take place in those environments,
and requires re-thinking some of the
14.2.2 Growing environments and assumptions of conventional plant breeding
genotypes (Ceccarelli and Grando, 2002). However,
Growing environments and crop genotypes many plant breeders, especially those with
of Third World farmers differ in impor- little experience with farmers’ growing
tant ways from those with which most environments, believe that as a general
plant breeders and agronomists in industrial principle selection should be done in
countries are familiar. Farms often consist optimal environments because there are
of a number of small, scattered fields with ‘spillover’ effects to marginal environments
marginal growing environments, i.e. rela- (for discussion, see Atlin et al., 2000;
tively high levels of stress and of temporal Rajaram and Ceccarelli, 1998). Thus,
and spatial variability. For example, while while plant breeders agree on the basic
the average size of maize grain farms in the principles of selection, they can disagree
United States of America in 2003 was 79.2 vehemently about how those principals
ha (USDA NASS, 2004), in the southern should be applied to farmers’ environments
Mexican state of Oaxaca over 76 percent of (Ceccarelli and Grando, 2002; Cleveland,
maize farms were smaller than 5 ha in 1995 2001). One source of such disagreements
(INEGI, 2001), and in one of the communi- may be differing interpretations of empirical
ties in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca where observations and theories thought to
we have worked, the average farm size is 3.7 underlie them (see Section 14.2.3).
ha and the average maize field size is 0.8 ha Farmers often continue to use locally
(Soleri, 1999; Soleri, Cleveland and Aragón selected FVs, even when MVs produced
Cuevas, 2003). In that same Oaxacan com- by the formal plant improvement and
munity, coefficients of variation of maize seed multiplication systems are available,
yields calculated using triangulation of because FVs may be better adapted to
farmer estimates were very high, averaging marginal growing environments, and
44 percent (Soleri et al., n.d.). Indeed it has because MVs may be agronomically,
been estimated that maize farmers in that culinarily and economically inappropriate
area of Oaxaca experience production fail- (Ceccarelli et al., 1994; Evans, 1993;
ure one year in four due to drought (Dilley, Heisey and Edmeades, 1999). Farmers
1997). In addition to high levels of environ- value FVs for agronomic traits, such as
mental variability, other factors contribute drought resistance, pest resistance and
to high levels of yield variability and pro- photoperiod sensitivity, as well as for traits
duction risk. SSTW farmers typically use contributing to storage, food preparation,
low levels of external inputs, and have lim- taste, market value and appearance (Smale,
ited access to government programmes and 2002). FVs include landraces, traditional
markets, and limited influence on the poli- varieties selected by farmers, MVs adapted
cies affecting them (Ellis, 1993; Hardaker, to farmers’ environments by farmer and
Huirne and Anderson, 1997). natural selection, and progeny from crosses
For many plant breeders who work between landraces and MVs (sometimes
334 Plant breeding and farmer participation
the best response for all environments, Therefore, especially for those biophysi-
including ones with high E2 . However, cal aspects of genotypes and environments
empirical testing has shown this not to be that are less well understood in terms of
true in many cases (e.g. Ceccarelli, 1996; plant breeding theory, PBK may more
Ceccarelli et al., 1994, 2003; Comadran et likely to be based on each person’s or insti-
al., 2008); two reasons are that, first, the tution’s specific experiences with the par-
genes responsible for a quantitative trait ticular environments and crop genotypes
such as yield may be different in different they work with, and thus may be less gen-
environments (e.g. Atlin and Frey, 1990; eralizable, and more apt to be influenced by
Atlin, McRae and Lu, 2000; Venuprasad, pre-existing knowledge (including values)
Lafitte and Atlin, 2007), and, second, h2 of specific to the plant breeder’s social envi-
some important traits may not be entirely ronment. This means that disagreements
obscured by E2 (Al-Yassin et al., 2005) between farmers and plant breeders, and
(see Chapter 2, this volume). Working among plant breeders, could arise even
with farmers often requires that breeders though fundamental genetic and statistical
test the validity of those interpretations of principles remain constant across a range of
theory that form the basis of conventional contexts, because the ‘art’ of plant breeding
plant breeding. This includes comparing is more tied to specific individuals or envi-
the genotypes and environments and goals ronments (Ceccarelli and Grando, 2002;
for improvement, and testing the assump- Soleri and Cleveland, 2001).
tions (biological, environmental, economic,
sociocultural) on which they are based, 14.2.4 Farmer knowledge
and adjusting interpretations of theory, A lack of empirical research and theoretical
and hence methods used (Ceccarelli and analysis has contributed to using overly sim-
Grando, 2002). plified definitions of FK (and often of PBK
For this reason, farmer–breeder col- as well), and the common failure to test the
laboration may often benefit from making many assumptions underlying these defini-
a clear distinction between (a) fundamental tions (Cleveland, 2006; Sillitoe, 1998). We
biological theory, (b) interpretations of can very roughly divide current views of FK
fundamental theory, and (c) methods and into two categories: there are those that see
practice, with ‘c’ possibly very different FK as fundamentally different from PBK,
depending on whether it is based on ‘a’ or and those that see it as fundamentally similar.
‘b’, or on different versions of ‘b’. Many These views also form the basis of particu-
of the disagreements about plant breeding lar advocacy perspectives; generally neither
methods for participatory plant breeding considers the theoretical content of FK.
(PPB) may grow out of disagreements In the first category, definitions of FK
about differences in the interpretation of emphasize that it is primarily value-based,
fundamental biological theory, and disa- comprising intuition and skill, socially con-
greements about these interpretations may structed, and based on the local social
in turn be based on the belief of proponents and environmental contexts and culture.
that their interpretations of fundamental According to this perspective, farmer and
theory are not based on their unique expe- PBK are seen as fundamentally different,
riences and assumptions, but rather are part and attempts to explain FK in scientific
of fundamental theory. terms impede true appreciation of FK.
336 Plant breeding and farmer participation
who carefully selected as parents tion) and other linked loci. The presence
those individuals … with the ability of this sweep distinguishes the sticky rice
to live and reproduce in the local favoured by upland northeast Asian peo-
environment, as well as with superior ples from the non-glutinous rice varieties
usefulness to local consumers. used by other Asian groups, and presum-
(Allard, 1999) ably would be among their fundamental
In contrast, Simmonds and Smartt (1999: 13) choice criteria, perhaps as an adaptation for
emphasize indirect selection: “the art of eating with chopsticks (Olsen et al., 2006).
cultivation is perhaps the peasant’s most Increasing evidence for a number
potent contribution.” of crops suggests that domestication
Similar to studies based on archaeologi- could have occurred over short periods
cal data, results of molecular analyses sup- relative to the ~12 000 years that crop
port the hypothesis that farmers’ selection plants have been cultivated (Gepts, 2004).
has been successful in achieving evolution- Domestication syndrome traits often
ary change for traits in the ‘domestication appear to be determined by a small number
syndrome’ that might be indirectly or unin- of genes with large effects, suggesting that
tentionally favoured because of agronomic domestication could proceed relatively
superiority (see Chapter 1, this volume). rapidly. For example, Paterson et al. (1995)
There is also evidence that farmer selection found a small number of quantitative trait
has been a powerful force for evolutionary loci (QTLs) coding for the domestication
change based on other preferences as well. syndrome traits of seed size, photoperiod
For example, three major genes involved in sensitivity of flowering, and brittle rachis
starch metabolism in maize were found to in taxonomically distinct cereals with
have unusually low genetic diversity com- diverse centres of origin (sorghum, rice
pared with its closest wild relative (teos- and maize). In common bean (Phaseolus
inte, Zea mays subsp. parviglumis), which vulgaris L.), control of the domestication
is strong evidence of selection for specific syndrome involves genes that have a large
processing and culinary qualities impor- effect (>25–30 percent) and account for a
tant for the primary manner in which substantial part of the phenotypic variation
maize has been consumed in its regions of observed (>40–50 percent) (Koinange,
origin and diversity (Whitt et al., 2002). In Singh and Gepts, 1996). Simulations based
addition, three other loci contributing to on sequence variations at loci coding for
sweet maize grain phenotypes showed low biochemical or structural phenotypes in
diversity (resulting from strong selection) maize and its close and distant relatives
in only certain varieties in particular loca- have estimated that domestication
tions, evidence of further specialization could have taken from 10 (Eyre-Walker
in the non-agronomic selection pressures et al., 1998) to between 315 and 1 023
farmers have exerted on maize (Olsen et generations (Wang et al., 1999). In
al., 2006; Whitt et al., 2002). Similarly, it addition to selecting for characteristics of
appears that strong directional selection the ‘domestication syndrome’, especially
for sticky, glutinous grain quality resulted in cereals and small pulses (Harlan, 1992),
in a selective sweep affecting an area over domestication in sexually propagated crops
250 kb long that includes the locus cod- may have resulted in increased autogamy
ing for this quality (low amylase produc- and therefore homozygosity, expressed
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 1: Farmers’ and scientists’ knowledge and practice in variety
choice and plant selection 339
World agriculture, are not well understood traditions or current needs (Cleveland and
(Ellstrand, 2003b; Heinemann, 2007; NRC, Murray, 1997).
2002; Snow et al., 2005). Much plant breeding has moved from
The spread of biotechnology has also the public to the private sector (Frey, 1996)
resulted in unintentional transgene flow, and thus selection criteria are increasingly
including into centres of diversity, e.g. maize vulnerable to being dominated by private
transgenes documented in Mexican FVs profit motives rather than public good
(Alvarez-Morales, 2002; Pineyro-Nelson et motives (Simmonds, 1990), which is espe-
al., 2009; Serratos-Hernández et al., 2007). cially evident for TGVs. The major share
Such transgene flow can be difficult to pre- of agricultural biotechnology processes and
vent (NRC, 2004), the early stages of trans- products are controlled by private multina-
gene flow to FVs are extremely difficult to tional corporations with little incentive to
monitor (Cleveland et al., 2005), and the develop TGVs most appropriate for Third
effects may often be irreversible (Ellstrand, World farmers who cannot afford to pay
2003a). Potential effects of transgene flow the premium for TGV seed (CGIAR, 2006;
on FVs and farmers are both positive and World Bank, 2007: 178).
negative, and will require risk analysis and Similarly, there is increasing concentration
evaluation specifically adapted to each loca- in the seed sector, which potentially
tion – crop combination within the Third reduces competition and limits the kinds
World (Cleveland and Soleri, 2005; Soleri, of crops and crop varieties produced and
Cleveland and Aragón Cuevas, 2006). made available. The largest seed companies
Transgenes can introduce novel forms of control an ever larger proportion of the
diversity into the crop populations being seed market; according to one estimate,
selected upon by farmers and plant breeders, between 1997 and 2004 the companies with
but there is no reason to expect that farmers the largest sales increased their market share
will be able to retain, discard or manipulate from 27 percent to 33 percent, and in 2004
them any differently from other genes. the top four companies owned 38 percent
of biotechnology patents (World Bank,
14.3.4 Privatization 2007: 135–136).
In the early 1980s, some countries and The drive to globalize industrial-world
farmer support groups sought to do away IPRs in plants has been intensified as a result
with all intellectual property rights (IPRs) of pressure from agricultural biotechnology
in crops, establishing ‘farmers’ rights’ to all corporations (Graff et al., 2003; Shorett,
crop genetic resources, but this move was Rabinow and Billings, 2003). This means
defeated by the United States of America that as patented TGV crops and their trans-
and other industrial nations (Fowler, 1994), genes move intentionally or unintentionally
and private rights in plants and other living around the world, so could the rights of the
organisms now dominate, with industrial companies who own them. Movement of
patents leading the way (Atkinson et al., transgenes into non-transgenic crop popu-
2003). Farmers were left with having to lations, whether producing a net benefit for
defend themselves from the advances of an the farmer or not, makes farmers vulnerable
IPR system in plants designed by industrial to IPR claims from the technology devel-
nations and corporations, a system that oper. In the United States of America and
generally does not recognize farmers’ many other industrialized countries, patent
342 Plant breeding and farmer participation
holders have rights to seek damages from 14.3.5 Sustainability and farmer-
farmers who end up with patented genes scientist collaboration
in their crops, even though farmers do not The search for sustainability provoked by
want them, and do not know they are there negative environmental impacts of agri-
(Janis and Kesan, 2002). The World Trade culture (Matson et al., 1997; NRC, 2002;
Organization (WTO) seeks worldwide Tilman et al., 2002), and its genetic vulner-
uniformity of laws for IPRs in plants and ability (NRC, 1991) has led to the incor-
plant DNA to facilitate global enforce- poration of more genetic variation within
ment, and many Third World countries and among varieties by the formal crop
have adopted the industrial world model improvement system (Cooper, Spillane and
(UPOV – International Union for the Hodgkin, 2001; Ortiz et al., 2007). It has
Protection of New Varieties of Plants) also encouraged a re-evaluation of G×E
while others have adapted their national in crops and how best to exploit this
laws to protect small-scale farmers (World for farmers’ conditions (Ceccarelli et al.,
Bank, 2007: 167). The spread of IPRs and 1994, 2001). The impact on farmer selec-
coupled economic control of agricultural tion will be in the greater intraspecific and
biotechnology means that Third World intravarietal diversity deployed in formally
farmers and the nation states they live in developed varieties, and greater interest in
will have a difficult time gaining mean- that system for breeding goals more simi-
ingful control of the means to intention- lar to those of farmers. Part of the interest
ally create TGVs more suited to their own in sustainability (environmental, economic
needs, if this is the path they choose. As and social) has led to collaboration between
a result, most organizations promoting farmers and scientists.
TGVs more suited to Third World farmers Participatory or collaborative plant
are advocating public-private partnerships breeding is attempting to reverse the
(CGIAR, 2006; FAO, 2004; World Bank, separation of farmers and scientists and
2007), yet it is not clear how farmers’ improve the outcomes of choice and
rights will fare in this collaboration, and selection in farmers’ terms (Cleveland
they are not being rigorously addressed. and Soleri, 2002a; PRGA, 2004; McGuire,
While most corporations deny they Manicad and Sperling, 2003; Weltzien et
would enforce their IPRs against Third al., 2003). To that end, the next sections
World farmers, there are no guarantees. focus on understanding farmers’ choice
In addition to transgenes, control of local and selection, and thereby enabling farmers
farmers’ crop genetic resources, and the and scientists to work more closely and
traditional names and other cultural prop- productively in improving the crops they
erty that go with them through industrial grow and depend upon.
IPRs, can legally and economically pre-
vent local people themselves from reaping 14.4 CHOICE OF GERMPLASM
potential benefits in a global marketplace It is important for plant breeders to under-
increasingly interested in traditional crops stand how and why farmers choose varie-
and foods (Soleri et al., 1994). There are ties of their crops, because farmer choice
already cases of this, some of which are will ultimately determine whether a new or
being challenged (Pallotini et al., 2004). improved variety will be useful. In this sec-
tion we consider choice based on perceived
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 1: Farmers’ and scientists’ knowledge and practice in variety
choice and plant selection 343
risk and yield stability, and on other fac- farmers’ fields, or even within a field (Soleri
tors, including quality traits. et al., 2002). Variation in time is also large:
Just as there are factors favouring the in the semi-arid tropics, seasonal and
inclusion of more than one variety in a annual rainfall is highly variable, and even
farmer’s crop repertoire, there also are fac- in years with adequate total rainfall, rains
tors limiting the number of varieties chosen. may arrive late, end too early, stop for a
These include farmers’ resources, growing period or be too heavy during flowering
environments and crop reproductive biology, or harvesting. Therefore farmers may often
among other possible factors. Additionally, grow two or more varieties of many crops,
if crop varietal diversity is maintained at a each with distinct agronomic characteristics
community instead of household level, then presumably “as a measure of insurance
farmers may not feel the need to maintain against vagaries of the weather, diseases, or
some varieties themselves each year, even pests” (Doggett, 1988).
though they consider those varieties to be Understanding farmers’ choice can
part of their varietal repertoire and intend to provide valuable insights for scientific plant
grow them in the near future (for the case of breeders. In response to climate change
rice, see Dennis, 1987). in the form of the southern movement of
isohyets, policy-makers in Mali argue that
14.4.1 Varietal choice, yield stability improved short-cycle varieties are a critical
and risk part of stabilizing the country’s volatile
In much of the past plant breeding for cereal production (Dembélé and Staatz,
SSTW farmers, it was assumed that high 2000). One result is that both sorghum
yielding varieties selected in more optimal breeders and farmers in southern and central
environments would outyield FVs in Mali look north for shorter cycle varieties.
farmers’ environments (Ceccarelli et al., Interviews in four villages in the Upper Niger
1994; Ceccarelli, Grando and Booth, 1996). River valley zone of Mali found the most
If farmers did not adopt these varieties it common reason for adoption of the three
was assumed that they were ignorant of most popular sorghum varieties was early
how to improve their growing environments maturity (Adesina, 1992). However, since
(Aquino, 1998), or if they could not afford in good rainfall years long-cycle varieties
to do so, it was assumed that they should generally have higher yields (Adesina, 1992)
get out of farming. Consideration of risk and are rated higher for quality (Ingram,
provides a different understanding of Roncoli and Kirshen, 2002), farmers do not
farmers’ varietal choices and other practices. give these up entirely. Their choices thus
In the conventional economic model, a risk- increase the number of varieties in their
neutral farmer would only grow the one repertoires, although the net impact on
variety that gives the highest profits per unit genetic diversity has not been investigated.
area (Smale, 2002). However, many small- Another study in Mali of farmers’ choices
scale farmers in marginal environments are among their traditional sorghum varieties
risk averse (Anderson and Dillon, 1992; Soleri in terms of one or more than one variety,
et al., n.d., 2008), and spatial environmental and short-cycle or long-cycle varieties,
variation increases the likelihood of cross- found that farmers make these choices in
overs in varietal performance (qualitative an effort to optimize outputs in the face of
G×E; see Section 14.5.1, below) between variation in the growing environment and in
344 Plant breeding and farmer participation
Sample scenario used to elicit farmers’ knowledge of heritability
Typical local field, variable and high stress Hypothetical uniform and optimal field
For each field we asked, “What length will the ears that grow in this field
be? The same as or different from the ears from which the seed was taken?”
This scenario, used with farmers in Cuba and Mexico, is about a maize trait with low average heritability (ear length). We
asked farmers what the ear length of the next generation would be in a typical relatively variable, stressful field and a
hypothetical uniform, optimal field if seed from long ears only was planted. Similar scenarios were used for low and high
heritability traits for crops in the five sites in study (see Table 14.1).
Copyright © 2008, D. Soleri, D.A. Cleveland, used with permission.
TABLE 14.1
Understanding farmers’ perceptions of heritability
Location, crop Null hypothesis #1: Null hypothesis #2:
For traits with relatively low or those with relatively In scenarios depicting a typical
high h2, distribution of farmers’ responses is the environment, distribution of farmers’
same whether scenarios depict typical or optimal responses is the same for traits with
environments, i.e. farmers do not see a contribution relatively low or those with relatively
of environment (Env) to phenotype high h2, i.e. farmers do not see a
difference in h2 between traits
(a) Low h2 trait across (b) High h2 trait across Low v high h2 traits in typical, variable
typical and optimal Envs typical and optimal Envs Env
Cuba, maize Ear length* Husk colour Ear length v. husk colour*
Mexico, maize Ear length* Tassel colour Ear length v. tassel colour*
Mali, sorghum Panicle weight* Glume colour* Panicle weight v. glume colour*
Syria, barley Plant height* Seed colour Plant height v. seed colour*
Nepal, rice Plant height* Seed colour Plant height v. seed colour*
* Hypothesis rejected, Fisher’s exact test, P<0.05
Based on Soleri et al., n.d.
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 1: Farmers’ and scientists’ knowledge and practice in variety
choice and plant selection 347
levels: between locations, between fields evolution, breeders looked to farmers for
in one location, and between places in one their applied knowledge and practice that
field (Soleri et al., n.d., 2002). The results produced practical results in the form of
indicated that farmers (n = 208) perceive new varieties, as in the early commercial
inter- (57 percent) and intra- (30 percent) development of maize in the United States of
location G×E for their major crop, though America (Wallace and Brown, 1988: 87–90).
far fewer at the latter level. G×E within With the increased importance of formal
a field (18 percent) was noted mostly, science in plant breeding compared with
though not exclusively, by those growing empirical heuristics, and later as plant
self-pollinated crops, and especially those breeding moved from the public to the
working at a small scale with intimate private sector (Kloppenburg, 1988), plant
knowledge of within-field soil and breeders began to eliminate farmers from
moisture variations (e.g. rice farmers in their work (e.g. Schneider, 2002). Plant
western Nepal). Similarly, 37 percent of breeders’ and farmers’ practices and concepts
farmers responded that a qualitative G×E subsequently developed independently of
interaction could occur in their crop due each other, effectively separating the formal
to temporal environmental variation in and informal systems of crop improvement
the form of annual precipitation. In the and seed multiplication, with plant breeders
presence of qualitative G×E, perceptions coming to dominate: “a trend that has been
of the best genetic strategy may differ at least locally apparent for 200 years”
and be informative about the needs of (Simmonds and Smartt, 1999: 13). Plant
particular groups or regions. As mentioned breeders focused on modern varieties widely
in Section 14.4.1 above, farmers tended to adapted to more optimal, more intensively
favour yield stability over high yield when managed environments, while many
choosing among varieties in the face of traditionally-based farmers in relatively
qualitative temporal G×E. This choice was marginal environments continued to focus
significantly more frequent among farmers on traditional, specifically adapted varieties
in more difficult environments compared for their diverse, more marginal growing
with more favourable environments. environments (Ceccarelli and Grando, 2002;
Cleveland, 2001). When contemporary plant
14.5.2 Farmers’ selection goals breeders involve farmers in their work, it
If plant breeders misunderstand what has generally been limited to the stage of
farmers are and are not attempting to evaluating the plant breeders’ populations
accomplish with their selection practices, or varieties in the field (Duvick, 2002), i.e.
it can limit the potential for meaningful choosing among different populations or
collaboration and lead to inappropriate varieties, not selecting among different plants
investments of scarce time and resources. to genetically change existing populations
Such misunderstandings have grown out or varieties.
of the historical process of separation Today, many modern plant breeders
of farmers’ and plant breeders’ work consider themselves to be ‘applied
(Cleveland and Soleri, 2007). evolutionists’, whose goal is to develop
Just as early evolutionary biologists looked plant varieties better adapted to improved
to breeders for empirical demonstration growing environments, with adaptation
of results of selection that illuminated measured primarily as increased yield
348 Plant breeding and farmer participation
Phenotypic selection classified according to outcome of selection
(Allard, 1999: 49). Their emphasis in the ensuing proliferation of crop varieties.
selection is on achieving directional, multi- It also means formal plant breeders tend
generational, micro-evolutionary change. to judge the efficacy of farmer seed saving
This makes sense given the organization of in terms of applied evolution, i.e. the same
industrial agricultural systems (see Section criteria they apply to their own work, and
14.2.1 above, and Figure 14.3). It also means assume that farmers use these criteria as
that plant breeders often view farmers’ well.
selection of seeds or other propagules for In the following sections we describe
planting as a form of mass selection for phenotypic selection by farmers organized
heritable traits, the process that is assumed in terms of possible outcomes: longer-
to account for crop domestication and for term (multi-generational) genetic change
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 1: Farmers’ and scientists’ knowledge and practice in variety
choice and plant selection 349
mass selection for low heritability traits in result in new varieties (i.e. the goal is E)
cross-pollinating species with the goal of (Evans, 1993: 313–314). Like plant breed-
making directional change in their varieties ers (Cooper, Spillane and Hodgkin, 2001),
(Christinck, 2002: 126; Vom Brocke et farmers also encourage gene flow under
al., 2002). This research also documented some conditions, for example mixing seed
farmers’ intentional introgression of from different sources, planting different
modern with traditional varieties of pearl populations contiguously or in same plot,
millet, and subsequent selection, resulting and by making crosses, as a way of increas-
in increased genetic variation and long- ing the variation on which to select.
term directional change (E) in selected Farmers can be successful in maintaining
traits, such as growing period (Christinck, varietal ideotypes through direct, inten-
2002: 123; vom Brocke et al., 2003a). tional selection for key traits, especially for
However, although it is clear that farmers highly heritable phenotypic traits, like those
can understand the principle of phenotypic that define a variety. This type of selection
selection and use it to achieve goals of is probably most important for cross-polli-
evolutionary change with different crops, nated crops, such as pearl millet and maize,
this may not always, or even usually, be as discussed below, since it is much more
their goal, or the result. difficult to maintain populations in these
compared with clonally propagated and
14.5.4 Selection for genetic response, self-pollinated crops. In eastern Rajasthan,
but not evolution India, amplified fragment length polymor-
Farmers also select with the goal of phism (AFLP) analysis showed that farmers
eliminating changes in phenotypic traits maintained the ideotypes of distinct intro-
resulting from gene flow or natural or duced pearl millet FVs, even though they
indirect phenotypic selection, i.e. to achieve have the same name as local FVs, via inten-
R but not E. Best documented are farmers’ tional selection of panicles for their unique
attempts to maintain varietal ideotypes based phenotypes (vom Brocke et al., 2003b). In
on quantitative or qualitative phenotypic contrast, farmers in Jalisco, Mexico, regu-
traits over time in the face of gene flow larly mix maize varieties together by clas-
(Berthaud et al., 2001). Plant breeders can sifying seed obtained from diverse sources
control unwanted gene flow much more as the same variety based on ear or kernel
effectively in their experimental plots than morphology and colour, which, together
farmers can in their fields, and in industrial with planting patterns, leads to a 1–2 per-
agriculture farmers often buy new seed cent level of gene flow between maize
every year, especially for cross-pollinated varieties during one crop cycle (Louette,
crops like maize, eliminating most concerns Charrier and Berthaud, 1997). A control-
regarding gene flow. led experiment found that, compared with
This type of farmer selection to elim- random selection, farmer selection dimin-
inate changes may contrast with main- ished the impact of gene flow on one FV
tenance (stabilizing) selection by plant from contrasting FVs for key varietal traits
breeders, which usually has the goal of (kernel rows per ear, kernel width and
maintaining yield in the face of changing kernel colour), but did not have any effect
environments by incorporating new alleles on allelic frequencies at 9 polymorphic loci
or changing allele frequencies, and may coding for traits invisible or unimportant to
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 1: Farmers’ and scientists’ knowledge and practice in variety
choice and plant selection 351
farmers (Louette and Smale, 2000). Farmers or other propagules for cross-pollinated
stated that they were not interested in (e.g. in maize; Soleri and Smith, 2002), self-
changing their varieties, but in maintain- pollinated (e.g. in barley; Ceccarelli et al.,
ing varietal ideotypes, and appeared to be 2000) and vegetatively propagated crops
achieving their goal. Research in Oaxaca, (e.g. in potato; Zimmerer, 1996). Selection
Mexico, using microsatellite data support- with this goal is also conducted as part of
ed this finding in terms of the results of MV seed multiplication (Simmonds and
farmer selection, although farmers’ goals Smartt, 1999: 215). Plant breeders may also
were not investigated. Extensive gene flow carry out this type of selection, for example
and little molecular genetic structure was by removing small seed, but they do this to
observed, but the maintenance of signifi- decrease the contribution of E2 to P2 , and
cantly different maize populations based so increase heritability with the goal of E.
on morphophenological traits of interest to Research on non-heritable phenotypic
farmers persisted (Pressoir and Berthaud, differences shows these can have important
2004b). intra-generational effects in terms of ecolo-
A study in Chiapas, Mexico, found gy and agronomy. Even in species with high
that cultural diversity, as measured by heritability for seed polymorphisms, envi-
ethnolinguistic groups, was not reflected ronment may be an important determinant
in maize diversity as measured by isozyme of seed size and shape, and seed polymor-
variation, but was reflected in some phism can be a significant determinant of
morphological traits (Perales, Benz and differential survival via influence on survi-
Brush, 2005). The differences observed may vorship and adult plant size (Baskin and
have been due to unidentified culturally- Baskin, 2001: 208–214). In maize, for exam-
based networks or practices that structured ple, larger seed size was found to provide
these maize populations based on farmer significant advantages in the early stages of
selection for a few critical traits against a plant growth (from germination until stem
background of ongoing gene flow (Perales, elongation) (Bockstaller and Girardin,
Benz and Brush, 2005), as was found in 1994), and was correlated with better early
the study in the central valleys of Oaxaca, vigour, greater leaf area throughout the life
Mexico, (Pressoir and Berthaud, 2004b), cycle and more rapid development from
although neither study investigated farmer time of emergence to flowering (Pommel,
goals in detail. 1990; Revilla et al., 1999).
When the goal of selection is intra-
14.5.5 Selection for intra-generation generational phenotypic differentiation,
phenotypic difference the result may not be genetic response or
Although farmers are capable of pheno- evolution, especially for low-heritability
typic selection that is effective in achieving traits in cross-pollinated crops. This
goals of evolution and genetic response, hypothesis was supported by results of
perhaps the most common goal of farmer maize seed selection exercises with farmers
selection is not genetic, but solely pheno- in two communities in Oaxaca, Mexico.
typic, because most of the time a farmer’s The exercises were done with maize ears
primary goal in selecting seed is to obtain post-harvest, which is the way these farmers
good planting material. This often means and most others in Mexico select maize
selection for large, clean, disease-free seeds seed. Their selections resulted in high S
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 1: Farmers’ and scientists’ knowledge and practice in variety
choice and plant selection 353
TABLE 14.2
Farmers’ expectations for response to selection for their primary selection criterion in the major crop
they grow
Country, crop, trait (n) Question A. Farmers responding that Question B. For farmers responding
response to intentional selection for IS10>RS10 to Question A, those stating that
10 cycles > random selection for 10 response to intentional selection for 11
cycles (IS10>RS10) cycles > random selection for 10 cycles +
intentional for 1 cycle (IS11>RS10+IS1)
n % P n % P
Mexico, maize, ear length (59) 23 39 * 0.000000 6 26 * 0.000000
Cuba, maize, ear length (29) 27 93 0.245614 12 44 * 0.000002
Syria, barley, plant height (21) 20 95 0.499999 11 55 * 0.000614
Nepal, rice, grain yield (40) 39 98 0.499999 17 44 * 0.000000
Mali, sorghum, grain yield (40) 35 88 0.057662 23 66 * 0.000078
Total (189) 144 76 * 0.000000 69 48 * 0.000000
One sided Fishers’ exact test , of the null hypothesis that, similar to plant breeders, farmers would see intentional selection
as achieving a greater response compared to random selection. Calculated using SISA (http://home.clara.net/sisa/). RS =
random phenotypic selection by farmer, IS = intentional phenotypic selection by farmer.
Based on Soleri et al., n.d.
Some farmers said large seed resulted in a hypothetical scenario asking them to
higher germination, larger seedlings, early compare random with intentional selection
vigour and higher yields, although most for 10 cycles in a typical field, in populations
farmers attributed their preference for large with phenotypic variation for the trait
seed to ‘custom’. they used as major selection criterion
It is still possible that simple mass (Figure 14.6) (Table 14.2, question A). The
selection for intra-generational phenotypic null hypothesis was that farmers did not
differences could result in R or E even if differ from plant breeders, i.e. that they
these are not farmer goals. As mentioned would all consider intentional selection to
above, it is not clear what importance this be more effective than random selection for
had during domestication and subsequent improving or at least maintaining this trait.
diversification of crops, versus intentional The majority of responses corresponded to
selection for short-term change or long- the null hypothesis of no difference between
term maintenance. For example, maize farmer and plant breeder expectations that
farmers in Uganda and the United Republic intentional selection was more effective
of Tanzania, like those in Mexico, were for increasing yield, 76.2 percent (144/189),
reported to select for large, clean kernels although those who disagreed with that
from large ears, apparently because they idea were sufficient to reject the hypothesis
believed that these germinated well and statistically (P = 0.00000). Disagreement
produced high-yielding plants (Gibson et was particularly frequent among maize
al., 2005). Interestingly, this appeared to farmers, probably due to recombination in
result in decreased resistance to maize streak that cross-pollinating crop.
virus, since resistant plants had smaller ears, These results indicate that farmers who
and plants with large ears appeared to be believe there is an advantage of intentional
non-resistant escapes. over random selection, see their goal for
As part of a comparative five-country phenotypic selection as either S or R or E.
study of FK and PBK (Soleri et al., To discriminate between these possibili-
2002, 2004), farmers were presented with ties, and with the same null hypothesis as
354 Plant breeding and farmer participation
outlined above, those farmers responding and the movement to make formal plant
to the first question that intentional selec- breeding more relevant to farmers through
tion resulted in greater yield, were asked to PPB. Understanding farmers’ choice and
compare random selection for 10 cycles fol- selection practices, their biological results,
lowed by one cycle of intentional selection, the knowledge and goals underlying them,
with 11 consecutive cycles of intentional and the similarities and differences with
selection. Results differed significantly from plant breeders provides a means for the two
the null hypothesis (Table 14.2, question groups to work together more effectively.
B). Among these farmers, only 23.2 percent This understanding and collaboration is
(20/86) saw 11 years of intentional selection critical for supporting all of the important
as superior. These results demonstrate that functions of SSTW agriculture, including
among those farmers favouring intentional long-term global food security.
selection, only a minority see it as provid- For PPB, this means that farmers’ goals
ing cumulative multi-generational change for varietal choice and phenotypic selec-
(E), while the primary selection goal of tion need to be understood in the context
the other farmers who saw an advantage of a system that integrates production,
to multi-generational intentional selection consumption, improvement, multiplication
for low-heritability yield-related traits is and conservation. The biological result of
either eliminating changes between genera- phenotypic selection needs to be evalu-
tions (R) or a non-genetic advantage they ated in terms of its possible ecological
believe is fully achieved within one year effects (via S), as well as in terms of R
(S). The large number of farmers who do and E. Additionally, farmers’ theoretical
not consciously see an advantage to multi- knowledge of choice and selection, not just
generational intentional selection, but who, their criteria, need to be understood by
like other farmers, select for large seed from plant breeders to fully realize the potential
large, clean ears, may do so because of cus- benefits of collaboration. The value of this
tom, as did the majority of farmers in the research will be judged by its effectiveness
selection experiment described earlier. in improving the efficiency and outcomes
of collaborative breeding by scientists and
14.6 CONCLUSIONS farmers, and improvement in the well-being
Many elements of crop variety choice of those farmers and their communities.
and plant selection in the Third World
contrast substantially with industrial ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
agricultural systems, including the growing We thank the many farmers and scientists
environments, genetic resources and we have worked with in Cuba, Egypt,
organization of the agricultural system. Ghana, Guatemala, Mali, Mexico, Nepal,
The urgency of understanding farmer Pakistan, the Syrian Arab Republic and
selection will increase in the future with the United States of America for sharing
global climate changes, the continuing loss their knowledge, both about crop gen-
of genetic resources, the rapid spread of otypes and growing environments, and
transgenic crop varieties, the development their ideas about improving plant breeding
of a global system of IPR in crop genetic and crop production. Thanks to Salvatore
resources, the need to make agriculture Ceccarelli and Elcio Guimarães for com-
more sustainable while feeding more people, ments on drafts of this chapter. We grateful-
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 1: Farmers’ and scientists’ knowledge and practice in variety
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368 Plant breeding and farmer participation
below), but these are too rare to be a gen- The main advantage of horizontal resist-
eral breeding tool. ance is that it is durable, and that it is
A second disadvantage of vertical possible to breed for increased levels of
resistance is that it is responsible for the many different quantitative variables simul-
vertifolia effect, which is the gradual loss of taneously. Participatory plant breeders can
horizontal resistance during breeding for accordingly aim at high levels of horizontal
vertical resistance, and which is described resistance to all locally important para-
in more detail below. A third disadvantage sites. This will achieve crop husbandry that
is that vertical resistances occur only against is effectively free of all parasite damage,
some species of parasite. Consequently, it is and one that is free of pesticides as well.
not possible to use vertical resistance for all And these freedoms will be permanent.
the locally important parasites. However, it must be emphasized that this is
In general, vertical resistance is not the objective. Such an objective may prove
recommended for participatory plant impossible to achieve in practice, at least in
breeding. This is mainly because the failure some crops, and in some areas. But, even if
of a wonderful new cultivar, which has this objective is unattainable, there will be at
taken years of devoted work to produce, least some improvement over current farm-
by both professional and amateur breeders, ing practices in terms of increased yields
is quite frankly heart-breaking. Nothing and decreased damage from parasites.
can be expected to discourage amateur
breeders more than this. An essential aspect 15.1.6 Two kinds of plant breeding
of participatory plant breeding is that we Clearly, the key difference in breeding crop
maintain the confidence of the participating plants for temporary and durable resist-
amateurs. Consequently, participating ances is the difference between breeding for
professional breeders should be very single-gene and multiple-gene characters.
cautious about recommending the use of Breeding for single-gene characters
vertical resistance, or even the combined requires both pedigree breeding and back-
use of vertical and horizontal resistance, in crossing, or the very modern techniques of
participatory plant breeding. marker assisted selection and genetic engi-
neering. Anyone using these techniques for
15.1.5 Horizontal resistance acquiring resistance should assume that the
Being a quantitative variable, horizontal resulting resistance will be unstable, and
resistance can be expressed at any level that it will have a very high probability of
between a minimum and a maximum. In the breaking down sooner or later.
absence of crop protection chemicals, the Breeding for multiple-gene characters,
minimum level of horizontal resistance usu- such as horizontal resistance, requires an
ally results in a total loss of crop from the entirely different breeding technique, called
parasites. And the maximum level of hori- recurrent mass selection, which is discussed
zontal resistance usually results in negligible below.
loss of crop. However, the maximum level of
horizontal resistance never provides as com- 15.2 WHY WAS TEMPORARY
plete a protection as vertical resistance. Even RESISTANCE SO POPULAR?
with the highest level of horizontal resist- During most of the twentieth century, ver-
ance, there is always some slight parasitism. tical resistance was consistently the resist-
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 2: Breeding for durable resistance to crop pests 371
TABLE 15.1
Summary of misleading variables
Misleading Variable Problem Solution
Parasite interference Hides high levels of horizontal resistance Use relative measurements only
Epidemiological Resistance requirements vary between agro- Use on-site screening
competence ecosystems
Environmental erosion An apparent loss of horizontal resistance Each agro-ecosystem should have its own
due to re-location in an area of higher breeding programmes
epidemiological competence
Vertifolia effect The loss of horizontal resistance when Inactivate all vertical resistances, and avoid
breeding crops for vertical resistance, or any use of crop protection chemicals
under the protection of crop protection
Parasite erosion An apparent loss of horizontal resistance Screen in an area of high parasite density
due to changes in the parasite population
False erosion An apparent loss of horizontal resistance Be more careful
due to sloppy or negligent assessments
Biological anarchy An increased epidemiological competence in This phenomenon will disappear after a few
the parasite due to the loss or debilitation seasons of freedom from pesticides, as the
of biological control agents biological controls are restored by the use of
horizontal resistance
Population immunity Makes field assessments preferable Avoid laboratory assessments of resistance
Chance escape Provides a false indication of resistance Inoculate the screening population, or use
grid screening
Quantitative vertical Looks like horizontal resistance but is not Use parents that lack vertical resistance
resistance genes, or use the one-pathotype technique
(see below).
Durable vertical This rare phenomenon provides a false hope Do not rely on this remote possibility
resistance for breeders of single-gene resistances
Sub-optimization Do not breed for a single resistance Use the holistic approach (see below)
mechanism, or resistance to single species of
to all the locally important parasites. This epidemiological competence is low, the
requires the one quality of ‘good health’. horizontal resistance will also be low,
The least parasitized individuals will be because there is little selection pressure for
fairly susceptible to many different species resistance. But where the epidemiological
of parasite. Their quality of ‘good health’ competence is high, the level of horizontal
will be low. But it will be higher than all resistance will also be high, because there is
those other, less healthy individuals in the strong selection pressure for resistance.
screening population, many of which may When breeding for horizontal
have disappeared entirely. resistance, this variation in epidemiological
A final comment about parasite interfer- competence is important in two ways.
ence concerns the movement of parasites First, we must use ‘on-site screening’. This
from one farm, or one district, to another. means that the screening for horizontal
Many organic farmers are able to culti- resistance must be conducted: (i) in the
vate fairly susceptible cultivars successfully locality of future cultivation; (ii) in the time
because their neighbours are using crop of year of future cultivation; (iii) in the field
protection chemicals. The district interfer- (i.e. not in the laboratory or greenhouse);
ence is then minimal. But were all the farm- and (iv) according the farming system (e.g.
ers in that district to eschew crop protection organic or conventional, irrigated or rainfed)
chemicals, the parasite populations would of future cultivation. On-site screening is
be so large, and the district interference particularly well suited to participatory
so great, that the use of those cultivars for plant breeding.
organic agriculture might prove impossible. Second, each distinct agro-ecosystem
The other side of this coin is that progress will require its own horizontal resistance
in breeding for horizontal resistance will breeding programme for each of its crop
lead to reductions in district interference, species. This programme must be aimed at
which, in turn, will enhance the effects of the levels of epidemiological competence of
that horizontal resistance. the locally important parasites. In practice,
this is not difficult. Agro-ecosystems are
15.3.2 Epidemiological Competence usually quite large, and the necessary levels
Epidemiological competence refers to the of horizontal resistance will be discovered
ability of a crop parasite to cause an epi- by practical farming experience, spread
demic (or infestation). It is another bio- over time, as the breeding programmes
logical variable that can be expressed at any produce more and more new cultivars, with
level between a minimum and a maximum. higher and higher levels of comprehensive
Consider a wild ecosystem, which horizontal resistance.
might, perhaps, extend up a mountainside.
The epidemiological competence of a plant 15.3.3 Environmental erosion of
parasite might change along a gradient horizontal resistance
from low to high moisture, or temperature, If a cultivar has adequate horizontal resist-
or whatever factor is governing that ance in an agro-ecosystem in which the
epidemiological competence within the parasite has a relatively low epidemiological
ecosystem. The various host ecotypes competence, and that cultivar is taken to a
along that gradient will have corresponding different agro-ecosystem, where the parasite
levels of horizontal resistance. Where the has a high epidemiological competence, the
374 Plant breeding and farmer participation
It should be added that the best way Indeed, it must be strongly positive if it is
to restore biological controls is to use to become a serious crop pest or disease.
horizontal resistance. And the best way to Each individual parasite must spawn more
enhance the effects of horizontal resistance than one new individual before it dies. Now
is to restore biological controls. The two suppose that the combination of horizontal
effects are mutually reinforcing. The resistance and biological controls is such
practical effect of this is that a new cultivar that, on average, each parasite individual
with apparently inadequate horizontal spawns less than one new individual. The
resistance may well prove to have adequate parasite population growth is now negative,
horizontal resistance, once the biological even though the host individuals are not
controls are restored. This restoration immune. This situation is population
may require several seasons of cultivation immunity, and it is important in horizontal
without pesticides but, once complete, the resistance breeding in three quite different
effects can be dramatic. ways.
It should also be added that the agents First, population immunity means that
for biological control often depend on a we do not need to breed for the maximum
small population of the parasite in order levels of horizontal resistance. We need to
to maintain their own populations. A low breed for enough horizontal resistance to
level of parasitism is often desirable for this cause population immunity, and no more.
reason, provided that it has no deleterious This level is discovered from practical
effect on the yield or quality of the crop farming experience.
product. However, purchasers of organic Second, although vertical resistance can
food often like to see minor parasite be assessed on detached leaves in a test tube,
damage as evidence for freedom from crop or leaf disks in a Petri dish, or even entire
protection chemicals. plants in a growth chamber, horizontal
resistance should not be measured in this
15.3.8 Population immunity way. This is because these laboratory
Population immunity means that a host methods cannot possibly represent the
population is effectively immune, even effects of biological controls or population
though the individuals that make up that immunity. The levels of horizontal
population are less than immune. This resistance are best determined in the field
is because population growth, unlike an and, if at all possible, under conditions of
individual’s growth, can be positive or restored biological controls. Once again,
negative. Positive population growth means the best determinations will be the result of
that there are more births than deaths, practical farming experience.
and the population is increasing. Negative Third, all measurements and descriptions
population growth means that there are of horizontal resistance must be relative.
more deaths than births, and the population There can be no absolute measurements.
is decreasing. The dividing line occurs when We can describe a new cultivar “A” as being
the births and deaths are equal, and the more resistant to a particular parasite than
population growth is then zero. cultivar “B”, but less resistant than cultivar
Now consider a crop parasite. In order “C”. But we cannot have an absolute scale
to cause an epidemic (or infestation), the of measurement comparable to the Celsius
parasite population growth must be positive. scale of temperatures. This is because these
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 2: Breeding for durable resistance to crop pests 377
biological variables are too imprecise to of parasite and, with participatory plant
define accurately. However, this does not breeding, this will be the responsibility of
make horizontal resistance any less useful the professionals.
in farmers’ fields. If the parasite is wind-borne, such as most
fungal spores, or a flying insect, a previously
15.3.9 Chance escape prepared population of the parasite can be
The distribution of parasites in a screening released, blown or water-sprayed on to
population is often uneven. This is called a the screening population. Once again, the
‘patchy distribution’ and it is most common details of the techniques vary and will be
with soil-borne parasites and gregarious handled by the professionals.
insect pests. There may then be some host With some parasites, inoculation is not
individuals that have no parasites at all, feasible for technical reasons. An alternative
and they give the impression of being technique is then to ignore those parts of
highly resistant. They are known as ‘chance the screening population that are free of
escapes’ and, obviously, they should not the parasite in question. Or any individual
be selected as parents of the next screening plant that is entirely free of the parasite in
generation because they could be very question can be ignored. This procedure
susceptible. But the problem is how do runs the risk of discarding some highly
we recognise them, and how do we avoid resistant potential parents, but this wastage
them? There are a number of techniques is preferable to the risk of selecting highly
that increase the accuracy of the screening, susceptible escapes as parents of the next
depending on the nature of the parasite. generation.
It is in this area that the professionals will Finally, there may be parasite gradients
be most useful to participatory amateur within the screening population in which
breeders. the intensity of parasitism changes
If the parasite is soil-borne, such as a gradually from low to high from one part
root nematode, or a fungal or bacterial of the host population to another. This
wilt organism, it is a good idea to pre- effect can be eliminated by dividing the
germinate the seedlings in flats or peat screening population into a grid of suitably
pots for later transplanting in the field. sized squares. Only the least parasitized
These flats or pots can then be inoculated individual is selected within each square,
with the parasites in question, and the very regardless of the level of that parasitism
process of transplanting will ensure an even when compared with other squares.
distribution of the parasite.
If the parasite is a gregarious insect, in 15.3.10 Quantitative vertical resistance
which all individuals tend to congregate Occasionally, vertical resistance can be
on one host plant, they can often be quantitative and it is then easily confused with
redistributed on a daily basis by disturbing horizontal resistance. It occurs, for example,
them. This can be particularly important with Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor)
with virus vectors. of wheat (Dent, 1998). Fortunately, this
If the parasite is seed-borne, it is usually situation is rare and need not worry the
feasible to inoculate the seed before sowing. breeders of most crops. However, if it does
The details of the techniques for doing occur, quantitative vertical resistance must
this vary considerably with different kinds obviously be avoided or inactivated during
378 Plant breeding and farmer participation
originated somewhere else. This is analogous the lock of the host and, consequently, all
to cross-pollination, or allogamy. With auto-infection is matching infection. Even
auto-infection, the parasite is born, hatched parasites that reproduce sexually, such as
or spawned on the host that it is infecting. many insects, will soon reach homozygosity
This is analogous to self-pollination, or of the matching biotype. However, vertical
autogamy. We also recognize that, in a wild resistances against insects are rather rare,
pathosystem, vertical resistance can control and this may explain why there has been so
allo-infection only, and auto-infection can little crop breeding for resistance to insects
be controlled only by horizontal resistance pests.
(although horizontal resistance can also These functions of the two kinds of
control allo-infection). resistance are emergent properties that
The control of allo-infection by ver- were completely unknown until recently,
tical resistance apparently operates as a and, being unknown, they were inevitably
system of locking, with each host having ignored by crop scientists during the
a biochemical lock, consisting of several twentieth century.
resistance genes, and each parasite having a Another obvious example of sub-
biochemical key consisting of several para- optimization occurs when breeding for a
sitism genes. If the parasite key does not fit single resistance mechanism, such as hairy
the lock of the host it is allo-infecting, the leaves that repel an insect pest. Horizontal
infection fails, while if the key does fit the resistance to insects usually consists of
lock the infection succeeds. Such a system many obscure mechanisms, all of which may
ensures that the frequency of matching vary quantitatively, and which collectively
allo-infection is low, and this stabilizes the reduce the rate of population growth of
population explosion of the parasite. This that pest.
stabilization is an emergent property that The converse of sub-optimization is
can be seen only at the level of the system known as the holistic approach, which
of locking, the level of the pathosystem. leads to local optimization of all variables.
However, if every door in the town has When breeding for horizontal resistance,
the same lock, and every householder has therefore, we must not sub-optimize. We
the same key, which fits every lock, the must work at the systems level of the agro-
system of locking is ruined by uniformity. ecosystem. Within this agro-ecosystem, we
And this is exactly what we have done in must use population breeding to produce
agriculture, with our use of a single vertical adequate and durable resistance to all locally
resistance in a uniform pure line, clone or important species of parasite, by exerting
hybrid cultivar that might be grown over selection pressure for the one characteristic
a huge area as a homogeneous population. of ‘good health’. Susceptibility to only one
This was sub-optimization at its worst. important species of parasite will result in an
Auto-infection can be controlled only inferior cultivar, and this would constitute a
by horizontal resistance because auto- clear case of sub-optimization. In addition
infection can commence only after there has to ‘good health’, new cultivars should have
been a matching allo-infection. Many crop good levels of all the other variable attributes
parasites reproduce asexually to produce necessary to a productive agriculture. This
a clone. All the individuals within that approach does not necessitate participatory
clone have the same key which matches plant breeding, and some professional
380 Plant breeding and farmer participation
breeders may choose to work on their own This crop is called corn in North America
in a scientific institution. However, this but it is called maize in all other countries,
approach does depend on high numbers of and in all other languages. It was taken by
plants being screened, and many amateur the Spanish from the New World to the
breeders, working cooperatively with Iberian peninsula some five centuries ago
a professional, can lead to both greatly and tropical rust was either left behind or
increased numbers of plants screened, and it failed to survive outside the tropics. The
greatly increased attention applied to each Portuguese then took rust-free maize to
plant screened. Africa and all points east, where it was cul-
tivated for more than four centuries in the
15.4 BREEDING CROPS FOR DURABLE absence of tropical rust. This negative selec-
(HORIZONTAL) RESISTANCE tion pressure led to the level of horizontal
In this section there are inevitable resistance to tropical rust declining to its
generalizations that do not apply to all minimum natural level. In technical terms,
crop species. For example, comments about this is the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
open-pollinated crops may not apply to self- In theory, it should be possible to breed
pollinated crops, or comments about annual experimentally for absolute susceptibility,
crops may not apply to perennial crops. but this is a somewhat academic point.
When planning a breeding programme, With the development of trans-Atlantic
therefore, readers should highlight only air transport in the 1940s, tropical rust was
those aspects of these descriptions that accidentally taken from the new world to
apply to their crop species of choice. the old. Devastating epidemics developed
in the low altitude, equatorial tropics. In
15.4.1 Maize in tropical Africa East Africa, a classic breeding programme
The best way to breed for horizontal for vertical resistance was initiated. Genes
resistance is to imitate the behaviour of for resistance had to be imported from
open-pollinated maize (Zea mays) in tropical America because none could
tropical Africa, following the introduction be found in the local maize populations
of the re-encounter disease called Tropical (Storey et al., 1958). Unfortunately, these
rust (Puccinia polysora). A re-encounter vertical resistances broke down so quickly
parasite is one in which the host was that none lasted long enough to be released
separated from its parasite and taken to farmers.
to another part of the world. At a later However, the appearance of this
date, the parasite is also taken to that re-encounter disease exerted positive
new area where it re-encounters its host, selection pressure for horizontal resistance
which has lost resistance in the meanwhile. in the farmers’ open-pollinated crops. After
Conversely, a new encounter parasite is about a dozen maize generations, the levels
one which evolved separately from its host, of disease had declined from ‘total loss
on a botanical relative. Later the two are of crop’ to ‘negligible loss of crop’. The
brought together in a new encounter. An horizontal resistance had increased from its
old encounter parasite is one in which the minimum level to its maximum level. With
host and parasite have never been separated, two crops each year, this transformation
even though both may have been moved to occurred in about six years, and it had
new areas (Buddenhagen, 1987). happened without any help from plant
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 2: Breeding for durable resistance to crop pests 381
It is not clear whether the maize in and with each breeding cycle the levels
tropical Africa lacked vertical resistance of horizontal resistance increase until no
genes, or that it had such genes but their further increase is either possible or neces-
resistances were matched so quickly that sary. This process of quantitative increase,
they went unobserved. In either event, the in which the progeny have a higher level of
positive selection pressure for horizontal a quantitative variable than their parents, is
resistance was not hindered by functioning known as transgressive segregation.
vertical resistance. So, when breeding for horizontal resist-
ance, there is no need to begin with a good
15.4.3 Genetic resources source of resistance, but there must be a
It is now a plant breeding shibboleth that reasonably wide genetic base to ensure that
breeding for resistance requires a ‘good all the necessary polygenes are present.
source’ of resistance before the breeding In practice, it is much easier to breed
can even begin. This is true when breeding for horizontal resistance than it is to
for vertical resistance, because it is essential breed for high yield, high quality of crop
to have at least one gene for resistance. But product or high agronomic suitability.
it is not true when breeding for horizontal It is therefore best to use high-yielding,
resistance. This point is so important that it high-quality, agronomically suitable, but
merits careful explanation. susceptible, modern cultivars as the original
Consider a heterogeneous screening parents. With suitable selection procedures,
population in which every individual is it should be easy to gradually increase
different from every other individual, but the levels of horizontal resistance, while
in which all the plants are susceptible. Each retaining the other desirable qualities.
plant possesses about 10 percent of the total Conversely, it would be very difficult to use
polygenes that contribute to the horizontal highly resistant, primitive archetypes as the
resistances to each of the various locally original parents, and then try to improve
important parasites. The host population as their various agricultural attributes, while
a whole is thus very susceptible. However, retaining their resistance.
we may assume that each host individual The maize of tropical Africa illustrat-
possesses a different 10 percent of those ed this point conclusively. The horizontal
total polygenes. Provided that there is a resistance accumulated within very sus-
reasonably wide genetic base, this will ceptible host populations of highly prized
mean that all the polygenes are present in local landraces. No ‘good source’ of resist-
the population, but their frequency is too ance was necessary, and no diminution of
low for much resistance to be expressed in the prized characteristics occurred. When
any of the individuals. The objective of the breeding for horizontal resistance, there-
breeding is to increase these resistance gene fore, the discernible qualities of the genetic
frequencies. resources must be those of yield, quality of
The most resistant plants are selected and crop product and agronomic suitability.
they become the parents of the next screen-
ing generation. Now the most resistant 15.4.4 Population breeding
individuals will possess perhaps 20 percent Recurrent mass selection means that a
of the total polygenes. In the next screening heterogeneous plant population is screened
generation, this percentage is even higher, for the best individuals, which then become
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 2: Breeding for durable resistance to crop pests 383
the parents of the next generation. This plants to total plants. This ratio is called
process is repeated some 10–15 times, the selection coefficient. In practice, this
by which time the upper limits of most means that the screening population should
quantitative variables will have been be as large as possible so that perhaps only
reached. In each breeding cycle (i.e. each one plant in a thousand becomes a parent
generation of recurrent mass selection), of the next generation. The possibilities
there should be at least 10 to 20 parents, depend very much on the nature of the
depending on the nature of the crop. These crop. If the plants are small, such as wheat,
parents may be randomly cross-pollinated, rice or beans, it is entirely feasible to use
or hand-pollinated in all combinations, a screening population of some 100 000
again depending on the nature of the crop. plants, but if the population is a tree crop,
Quantitative variables change as a result such as a fruit or nut species, such large
of selection pressures. The term ‘pressure’ populations are not feasible. However, the
is used in the sense of bringing pressure to size of the screening population is not
bear, of coercion or persuasion, and selec- critical, and if a relatively small population
tion pressures can be positive or negative. is necessary because of land or labour
Positive selection pressures lead to restrictions, the breeding programme will
the increase of a variable, while negative require more time, but the deficiency will
selection pressures lead to its decrease. The be no worse than this.
mechanism of these changes is reproductive Should it transpire that the original
fitness. For example, if a heterogeneous genetic base was too narrow to accumulate
host population is susceptible to a parasite, adequate horizontal resistance, new genetic
the most resistant individuals will be material can be added to the screening
parasitized the least and will reproduce population. This may lead to an initial,
the most, while the most susceptible slight loss of horizontal resistance, but the
individuals will be parasitized the most ultimate potential will be improved.
and will reproduce the least. With each A special aspect of quantitative
generation the population as a whole will variables is that they must all be increased
gain resistance as a consequence of this simultaneously. There is little point in
positive selection pressure for resistance. having high levels of horizontal resistance
Conversely, if the parasite is absent from to all of the locally important parasites
the locality in question, as with the maize of except one. Even a single susceptibility
tropical Africa, or because of a functioning will spoil a cultivar, and make spraying
vertical resistance or the use of a pesticide or some other form of artificial control
(i.e. the vertifolia effect; see above), the necessary (see also sub-optimization,
selection pressure for horizontal resistance above). This is a major difference between
will be negative, and the frequency of breeding for single-gene and multiple-gene
genes controlling horizontal resistance characters. Pedigree breeding allows the
will decrease. This happens because any transfer of a single-gene character, such as
unnecessary genetic characteristics tend a resistance, from a wild plant to a cultivar
to decline to a level called the Hardy- by hybridization and back-crossing. A
Weinberg equilibrium. multiple-gene variable cannot be transferred
Positive selection pressure can be in this way because hybridization leads to
increased by increasing the ratio of selected an immediate dilution. Hence the need for
384 Plant breeding and farmer participation
are infecting all the other trees. If the farmer’s crop constituted a natural screen-
most susceptible trees are identified and ing population. Each farmer’s maize then
removed, and all other diseased branches constituted a landrace with exactly the right
are also removed, this parasite interference amount of horizontal resistance to tropical
(see above) will stop and the disease will rust for that latitude and that altitude. This
be controlled. Even if the disease is merely was an example of subconscious selection
reduced in intensity, further negative Because tropical rust is so sensitive to
screenings of the most susceptible trees altitude and latitude, the pathosystems,
will eventually control the disease. This and hence the agro-ecosystems, of tropical
procedure is often far more economical rust are small. However, this extreme of
than a positive screening for resistant trees, environmental sensitivity is unusual, and
followed by a subsequent replanting of the with most crop species the agro-ecosystems
entire crop with these selections. are quite large, and relatively few breeding
programmes are necessary.
15.4.8 On-site selection
The maize of Africa illustrated the 15.4.9 A holistic approach
importance of on-site selection (see The tropical maize in Africa also illustrates
above). Puccinia polysora has maximum the need for a holistic approach. Before the
epidemiological competence at the equator, appearance of tropical rust, the maize had
and at sea level. As latitude increases, the no important pests or diseases. In other
epidemiological competence decreases to words, it had high levels of comprehensive
nothing at sea level at the tropics of Cancer horizontal resistance. That is, it had
and Capricorn. As altitude increases, the adequate levels of horizontal resistance to
epidemiological competence decreases to all the locally important parasites. With the
nothing at the equator at elevations of introduction of this re-encounter parasite,
about 1 200 m. this pathosystem balance was immediately
Maize from the highlands of Kenya, lost, and it required about a dozen
where tropical rust lacks epidemiological generations of selection to restore it.
competence entirely, is extremely It can be argued that pathosystem balance
susceptible when planted at sea level near has been lost in virtually all of our modern
the equator. Conversely, maize in Malawi crops. The objective of participatory plant
was reported to be highly resistant to breeding should be to restore pathosystem
tropical rust but it proved to be very balance in each crop species in each agro-
susceptible when planted near the equator ecosystem. When we consider the many
at sea level. This was environmental erosion different crops and the many different agro-
that occurred because the maize had come ecosystems worldwide, this is too big a task
from an area of minimum epidemiological for professional plant breeders to undertake
competence of the pathogen, where it had on their own, and it is perhaps the best
suffered minimum selection pressure for justification of participatory plant breeding.
resistance. When planted in an area of
maximum epidemiological competence, its 15.4.10 Selection pressures for other
susceptibility was revealed. qualities
Because this maize in tropical Africa was If we were to produce new cultivars that
cultivated as an open-pollinated crop, each had high levels of horizontal resistance to all
386 Plant breeding and farmer participation
locally important parasites, but which had 15.5 EXAMPLES OF BREEDING FOR
reduced yield and quality of crop product, HORIZONTAL RESISTANCE
we would be sub-optimizing (see above). Simmonds (1991) has compiled a compre-
This is why we should use modern but sus- hensive review of the results of breeding for
ceptible cultivars as our genetic resource. It horizontal resistance. He gives examples
is clear that a good source of resistance is of durable resistance in 21 species of crop,
not necessary when breeding for horizontal functioning variously against airborne and
resistance, but that high yield, quality and soil-borne pathogens—fungal, bacterial,
agronomic suitability are necessary. The viral, insect and nematode. Stoner (1992)
levels of various horizontal resistances are reviewed 705 papers on host resistance to
increased while selection pressures for yield insects and mites in vegetables, and she also
and quality are maintained to ensure that quotes reviews of this topic in grain crops,
these qualities are not reduced. alfalfa and cotton. She comments that, in
most studies, the resistance is a quantitative
15.4.11 Measurement of horizontal trait, but she adds that there has been little
resistance plant breeding for resistance to insects.
When measuring the results of breeding for
horizontal resistance, assessments can be 15.5.1 Potatoes in Kenya, Mexico,
relative only. That is, we can say that a new Scotland and the United States of
cultivar has either greater or less horizontal America
resistance to a particular parasite than John S. Niederhauser was one of the
another well known and well tried cultivar. pioneers of horizontal resistance. Indeed,
An alternative description can be given with he was the first scientist to reject the
the phrase ‘spraying not necessary’, but use of vertical resistance in favour of
even this must be qualified with the rider horizontal resistance, and he did this in
that this is only true in a normal season. Mexico with resistance to Late blight of
potato (Phytophthora infestans). His most
15.4.12 Crops that are difficult or famous cultivar was Atzimba, and Mexican
impossible to breed scientists have continued his work. Blight is
For technical reasons, some crops are so severe in Mexico that the popular cultivar
difficult or even impossible to breed, and Alpha has to be sprayed with fungicides 25
amateur breeders should not attempt to times each season. The new, horizontally-
improve them. These include banana, citrus, resistant cultivars, such as Sangema and
date palm, figs, garlic, hops, horseradish, Tollocan, need to be sprayed only once or
olives, pineapple, sisal and wine grapes. twice each season.
However, most of the main food crops Working in Scotland, Simmonds (1976)
are easy to breed, and none of them could demonstrated that the potatoes cultivated in
be described as being difficult to breed. Europe (Solanum tuberosum) were derived
Worldwide, it is clearly logical for amateur from the S. andigena of South America.
plant breeders to work with participatory With only four generations of recurrent
plant breeding of crops that are easy to mass selection he was able produce ‘neo-
breed, while the professional plant breeders tuberosum’ from S. andigena, and he was
should work with crops that are difficult also able to accumulate useful levels of
to breed. horizontal resistance to Late blight.
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 2: Breeding for durable resistance to crop pests 387
Stoner, K.A. 1992. Bibliography of plant resist- Vanderplank, J.E. 1963. Plant Diseases:
ance to arthropods in vegetables, 1977–1991. Epidemics and Control. New York, USA,
Phytoparasitica, 20(2): 125–180. and London, Academic Press. 349 p.
Storey, H.H., Howland (Ryland), A.K., Vanderplank, J.E. 1968. Disease Resistance
Hemingway, J.S., Jameson, J.D., Baldwin, in Plants. New York, USA, and London,
B.J.T., Thorpe, H.C. & Dixon, G.E. 1958. Academic Press. 206 p.
East African work on breeding maize resist- Vanderplank, J.E. 1978. Genetic and Molecular
ant to the tropical American rust Puccinia basis of Plant Pathogenesis. Berlin, Germany,
polysora. Empire Journal of Experimental Springer Verlag. 167 p.
Agriculture, 22: 1–17.
isolation; they often interact, both with agronomic, genetic, breeding, physiological
other abiotic stresses and with biotic stress. and molecular aspects of drought resistance,
Moreover, areas with a high probability of or as recently more often used, water
abiotic stresses generally have low-input productivity (Passioura, 2006). This is
agriculture (Cooper et al., 1987), because highlighted by the publication of several
the risk of losing the crop or of a low yield reviews (Ceccarelli et al., 2004; Reynolds,
discourages the farmers from using costly Mujeeb-Kazi and Sawkins, 2005; Parry,
inputs, particularly fertilizers. This results Flexas and Medrano, 2005).
in low outputs, poor human nutrition Drought has been always a challenge
and reduced educational and employment to plant breeders, despite many decades of
opportunities, especially for girls. The rural research (Blum, 1993). The development,
poor are particularly badly affected because through breeding, of cultivars with higher
of lack of access to alternative sources of and stable harvestable yield under drought
employment or food. conditions would be a major breakthrough
(Ceccarelli and Grando, 1996). However,
16.2.1 Drought drought resistance is a very elusive trait
Drought, defined as water availability below from a genetic point of view. This is
that required for maximum crop yield, is because the occurrence, severity, timing
one of the main factors limiting crop pro- and duration of drought vary from year
duction. Although it reaches the front pages to year, and although every year there are
of the media as drought warnings or when it “winners”, it is difficult to find those that
causes famine and death, drought is a perma- are consistently successful. To make matters
nent constraint to agricultural production in worse, drought seldom occurs in isolation;
many developing countries, and an occa- it often interacts with other abiotic stresses
sional cause of losses in agricultural pro- (particularly temperature extremes), and
duction in developed ones. Several drought with biotic stress. As mentioned earlier
warnings have been issued in recent years in this chapter, the risk of losing the crop
in Australia, Europe and the United States because of drought limits the use of inputs.
of America. Climate changes will increase Also the definition of dry areas seems
the frequency of droughts, particularly in to be an elusive issue. This is illustrated by
Southeast Asia and Central America, and by the distribution of crops in different agro-
2050 are expected to cause water shortages climatic environments. For example, in a
for 67 percent of the future population in country such as the Syrian Arab Republic,
the world (Ceccarelli et al., 2004). with a large spatial variability of rainfall
In areas where water availability is within short distances (van Oosterom,
limited, and irrigation is not available, the Ceccarelli and Peacock, 1993), bread wheat
choice of crops is restricted to a few, and (Triticum aestivum L.), durum wheat
often to only one, thus making farmers in (T. turgidum var. durum L.) and barley
those areas vulnerable for lack of options. among the cereals, and faba bean (Vicia
In fact, most of the rural poor live in faba L.), chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and
areas where crop productivity and crop lentil (Lens culinaris L.) among the food
diversification are limited by lack of water. legumes, are grown in progressively drier
Therefore it is not surprising that there is environments, with some overlapping.
an ongoing global research effort on social, Therefore, a dry area for faba bean or bread
394 Plant breeding and farmer participation
wheat is moderately favourable for durum Soil mineral stresses are increasingly
wheat and chickpea, and a dry area for becoming important limiting factors for
durum wheat and chickpea is moderately crop plants in many parts of the world.
favourable for barley and lentil. Acid soil and associated aluminum toxicity
At the drier end of the spectrum, barley affect over 2 billion hectares worldwide
and lentil are the only rainfed crops, and (Humphreys and Humphreys, 2005).
the other cereals or legumes are only grown Mineral nutrient deficiency can be caused
under supplementary or full irrigation. The by low nutrient status of the soil, low
situation described for the Syrian Arab mobility or availability of nutrients within
Republic applies to most countries of the the soil.
Mediterranean basin and West Asia, and Salinity is generally defined as the
for crops such as millet, sorghum and maize presence of excessive amount of soluble salts
to the dry areas of the tropics, and is only that hinder or affect the normal function of
altered by irrigation. plant growth (Shafiq-ur-Rehman, Harris
The complexity of breeding for dry and Ashraf, 2005). Saline soils have a
areas is not only due to the biological mixture of chloride salts, with sodium
complexity of drought resistance, but chloride being often dominant. Salinity can
also to the consequences of drought for be divided into primary sources in soils
the livelihood of people living in the dry derived from saline parent rocks (Sposito,
areas. In developed countries, farmers have 1989) and secondary salinization caused
various forms of social protection against by human intervention, such as irrigation
the devastating effects of drought, while (Sposito, 1989).
in developing countries farmers have to Salinization is one of the most common
survive on their own, usually selling their forms of soil degradation. Almost all con-
assets, most commonly livestock. In areas tinents have problems related to saline soils
affected by drought in developed countries (Pessarakli, 1999), and is particularly severe
farmers may prefer cultivars capable of in arid and semi-arid regions.
high yields in the few favourable years; It is estimated that 6 percent of the
this is very different in the dry areas of world’s land and 30 percent of the world’s
most developing countries with no or irrigated areas already suffer from salinity
little social assistance where farmers prefer problems (Unesco Water Portal, 2007).
varieties capable of some yields even in the
driest years. This is an example that the 16.2.3 Temperature stresses
same biological problem in different social Temperature extremes can be experienced
contexts requires different solutions. on both a daily or seasonal basis. Long-
term climatic changes lead to higher average
16.2.2 Soil toxicities and deficiencies temperatures and increase the frequency
Soil plays a major role in determining and severity of extreme temperature events.
the amount and availability of nutrients As with other stresses, early and late stages
and toxic minerals. Soil toxicities and of crop growth are particularly sensitive
deficiencies render more than one hundred to temperature extremes. Plants can be
million hectares of agricultural land marginal affected by exposure to prolonged periods
for agriculture, limiting production and of moderately high temperatures as well to
creating poverty for millions. short periods of extremely high tempera-
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 3: Breeding for resistance to abiotic stresses 395
tures. Low temperatures can affect plants have become more frequent over most land
by chilling, which leads to physiological areas, the frequency of heavy precipitation
and developmental abnormalities, and by events has increased over most areas, and
freezing, which causes cell damage. About since 1975 the incidence of extreme high sea
15 percent of arable land is estimated to be level has increased worldwide.
affected by freezing stress (Dudal, 1976). In conclusion, higher temperatures are
Changes in temperature are the most part of the future climate for which breeders
certain aspect of climate changes. The should breed today.
most recent evidence from the Fourth
Assessment Report on Climate Change 16.3 CHALLENGING CONVENTIONAL
of the Intergovernmental Panel on BREEDING CONCEPTS
Climate Change (IPCC), published in Most plant breeders assume that it is
2007, indicates that the warming of the too slow and too difficult to breed for
climate system is unequivocal, as it is now environments where droughts or other
evident from observations of increases in stresses are unpredictable and variable. The
global average air and ocean temperatures, target is hard to define, and heritability, and
widespread melting of snow and ice, and hence response to selection, is too low to
rising global average sea level. This is achieve meaningful results. Therefore most
shown by (i) 11 of the last 12 years (1995– of the breeding for stress environments has
2006) rank among the twelve warmest been actually conducted using the same
years in the instrumental record of global basic approach that has been very successful
surface temperature (since 1850); (ii) the in areas where lack of water or other abiotic
temperature increase is widespread over stresses is seldom important.
the globe, and is greater at higher northern With few exceptions, most breeding
latitudes; (iii) global average sea level has programmes share the following concepts:
risen since 1961 at an average rate of • selection has to be conducted under the
1.8 mm/yr, and since 1993 at 3.1 mm/ well-managed conditions of research
yr, with contributions from thermal stations. It is felt that environmental
expansion, and melting glaciers, ice caps noises can be kept under control, error
and the polar ice sheets; and (iv) observed variances are smaller and response to
decreases in snow and ice extent are also selection higher;
consistent with warming. Satellite data • cultivars must be genetically homogenous
since 1978 show that annual average Arctic (pure lines, hybrids, clones) and must be
sea ice extent has shrunk by 2.7 percent per widely-adapted over large geographical
decade, with larger decreases in summer of areas;
7.4 percent per decade. Mountain glaciers • locally-adapted landraces must be
and snow cover on average have declined replaced because they are low yielding
in both hemispheres. and disease susceptible;
The 2007 report indicates that it is also • seed of improved cultivars must be
very likely that over the past 50 years, cold disseminated through mechanisms
days, cold nights and frosts have become and institutions such as variety release
less frequent over most land areas, and hot committees, seed certification schemes
days and hot nights have become more and governmental seed production
frequent, and it is likely that heat waves organizations; and
396 Plant breeding and farmer participation
• the end users of new varieties are may be very different from those of
not involved in selection and testing; the breeder (Hardon and de Boef, 1993;
they are only involved at the end of Sperling, Loevinsohn and Ntabomvura,
the consolidated routine (breeding, 1993). Typical examples are crops used
researcher-managed trials, verification as animal feed, such as barley, where
trials), to verify if the choices made for breeders often use grain yield as the
them by others are appropriate or not. sole selection criterion, while farmers are
Breeders have very seldom questioned usually equally concerned with forage
these assumptions. When they have, it has yield and the palatability of both grain
been found that: and straw.
• selection in well-managed research Although the chapter is largely based on
stations tends to produce cultivars that the strategies and methodologies developed
are superior to local landraces only under during the last 20 years in the ICARDA
improved management—not under the barley breeding programme, we believe that
low-input conditions typical of the the main findings have general applicability.
farming systems of stress environments. They will be described to demonstrate
The result is that although many new that it is indeed possible to improve the
varieties outyield local landraces on a production of a typically low-input crop
research station and some are released, such as barley, grown in environments with
few if any are actually grown by farmers low and poorly-distributed rainfall, low
in difficult environments; temperatures in winter, high temperatures
• poor farmers in stress environments tend and drought during grain filling, low soil
to maintain genetic diversity in the form fertility and poor agronomic management.
of different crops, different cultivars The data were mainly obtained from
within the same crop or heterogeneous three locations in the northern Syrian
cultivars, or combinations, to maximize Arab Republic (Tel Hadya, Breda and
adaptation over time (stability), rather than Bouider). They represent three distinct
adaptation over space (Martin and Adams, agricultural systems. Tel Hadya (348 mm
1987a). Diversity and heterogeneity serve average annual rainfall) is a favourable
to disperse or buffer the risk of total crop high-input environment that lends itself to
failure due to environmental variation. a wide choice of different crops. Bouider
This is in sharp contrast to the trend of (236 mm average annual rainfall) represents
modern breeding towards uniformity; the opposite extreme: a typical low-input,
• resource-poor farmers seldom use the high-risk environment where barley is the
formal seed-supply systems. They only possible rainfed crop. Breda (273 mm
frequently rely on their own or on average annual rainfall) is intermediate
neighbours’ seed (Almekinders, Louwaars between the two, located on the edge of
and de Bruijn, 1994). Therefore, when the the area where Arabi Aswad becomes the
appropriate cultivar is selected, adoption dominant landrace. The three sites are
is much faster through non-market geographically close, located 35 (Tel Hadya),
methods of seed distribution (Grisley, 60 (Breda) and 80 km (Bouider) south-
1993); and east of Aleppo. The key aspects of these
• when farmers are involved in the strategies and methodologies are: (i) direct
selection process, their selection criteria selection for specific adaptation in the target
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 3: Breeding for resistance to abiotic stresses 397
TABLE 16.1
Grain yield (t/ha) of Tadmor and Zanbaka in 11 and 8 locations respectively in the northern Syrian
Arab Republic
Year Location (Province) Arabi Aswad Tadmor Zanbaka
Notes: The mean in parentheses is calculated from the locations in common with Zanbaka. The data are from trials
conducted in farmers’ fields, without fertilizer.
TABLE 16.2
Grain yield (t/ha) of Arta in 51 locations over seven cropping seasons
Year No. of sites cv. Arta cv. Arabi Abiad % increase
Note: The data are from trials on farmers’ fields in the Syrian Arab Republic (except those of 1986–1987, which are from
Breda research station).
Grain yields (t/ha) of pure lines derived from Syrian landraces and modern cultivars
at three levels of stress in the Northern Syrian Arab Republic
5 4.5
t /ha
1 0.6
Level of stress
Modern Landraces
Frequency of selection by farmers of four types of germplasm (modern, landraces,
landraces × modern and landraces × Hordeum spontaneum)
Tel Brack Bylounan J. Aswad B. Sharky
TABLE 16.3
Gas exchange parameters of Hordeum spontaneum accessions (means of 12 accessions) and ratio
H. spontaneum/H. vulgare at Tel Hadya, Syrian Arab Republic
Parameter Units H. spontaneum H. spontaneum/H. vulgare
higher net photosynthesis and lower pre- only 176 mm rainfall (Grando, von Bothmer
dawn leaf water potential at this stage of and Ceccarelli, 2001).
development than did cultivated barley These lines had some photosynthetic
(Table 16.3). The ability of some accessions activity early in the morning, even though
of H. spontaneum to tolerate extreme levels six times less than in absence of stress,
of drought stress was evident during the stomata were open and the pre-dawn leaf
severe drought of 1987, when two lines of water potential was negative. At the same
H. spontaneum were the only survivors in time, the stomata of the black-seeded local
the breeding nurseries grown at Bouider landrace, Arabi Aswad, considered by
(Syrian Arab Republic), which had received farmers to be very resistant to drought,
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 3: Breeding for resistance to abiotic stresses 401
were closed, even though the pre-dawn leaf heads are grown as head rows and tested for
water potential was slightly higher than in disease resistance or quality characteristics.
H. spontaneum. By midday, the stomatal Some bulks will lose the superiority shown
conductance of H. spontaneum decreased the year before because of genotype ×
and net photosynthesis became negative, environment interaction and because of
while the stomatal conductance of Arabi decreasing heterozygosity and associated
Aswad was zero. reduced heterotic effects. The corresponding
families will also be discarded.
16.5 BREEDING METHODS The families deriving from the populations
Individual plant selection (such as in the that maintained their superiority for three
widely used ‘pedigree method’) in crops cropping seasons will enter yield testing.
that are normally grown in dense stands When the programme is fully
is very effective for traits that are not implemented, the yield trials contain two
affected by competition. The best example types of materials: new bulks, and pure
is probably disease resistance. However, lines derived from the superior bulks of
many characters of interest to the breeder the previous cycle. If the requirements
are strongly affected by competition. for the genetic uniformity of the varieties
Among others, the ability to tolerate water to be released in a given country are very
stress is certainly greatly affected by the strict, only the pure lines will considered as
distance between plants competing for candidates for release.
limited available water. The result is that The method is based on the basic
isolated plants (such as those of a spaced- assumptions that (i) a superior bulk is
plant F2 used in the pedigree method) grow made by a large number of superior
much better than they would if planted at genotypes, and (ii) that if the superiority is
normal density. The argument that this does maintained for a period of three cropping
not matter as long as all plants are in the seasons in a highly variable environment,
same conditions ignores the possible effects the probability is small that the superiority
of genotype × competition interaction. is associated with heterosis. The method
One breeding method that, in the case can also be used to test the importance
of self-pollinated crops, seems particularly of population buffering in relation to
suitable to breeding for resistance to abiotic stability.
stresses is the bulk-pedigree method, in The method is based on the exploitation
which, after producing the F1 and the F2 on of the genetic variance between
station, three years of multilocation yield populations (Vb) because estimates of Vb
testing and selection of the bulks are carried are comparatively easy and economical to
out in the target environment(s). Selection obtain, while estimates of within-population
is done between bulks by identifying the variance (Vw) are more expensive and
best populations for either yield or other much less precise because of interaction
characters. In parallel with the field testing and competitive effects (Simmonds, pers.
of the bulks, a within-bulks selection is comm.).
conducted only in those bulks that are This method has proved to be ideal for
selected for the next level of field testing: 10 use in participatory breeding programmes
to 50 heads are collected from the selected with self-pollinated crops (Ceccarelli and
populations. The progenies of the selected Grando, 2007).
402 Plant breeding and farmer participation
diploid crops (Allard and Bradshaw, 1964). that, during millennia of cultivation under
However, as modern varieties of cereal adverse conditions, natural and artificial
crops such as wheat and barley are mostly selection have not been able to identify
pure lines, they must rely on individual either an individual genotype possessing
buffering to be stable. Population buffering a key trait associated with its superior
is a mechanism of stability associated with performance, or an individual genotype
genetic heterogeneity. ‘Varieties’ made with a specific architecture of different
up of a number of genotypes, such as traits. On the contrary, the combined
the landraces, are well buffered (stable), effects of natural and artificial selection
because each member of the population is has led to diversity in architecture of
best adapted to slightly different conditions genotypes, representing different
from other members of the population. The combinations of traits. These populations
stability of the individuals is sacrificed to can be extremely useful for understanding
maximize the stability of the population. mechanisms that enhance stability in stress
Although a direct relationship between environments, not only from the genetic
genetic heterogeneity and stability has yet structure point of view, but also for
to be demonstrated for landraces, it can understanding the adaptive role of given
be speculated that, being the product of traits. In fact, although variable, landraces
natural and artificial selection following grown in environments characterized by
domestication, the genetic structure of a high frequency of stress conditions tend
landraces must bear some advantage, or at to present a high frequency of a given
least cannot be a purely random outcome. expression of specific traits.
The genetic structure of landraces, For example, barley lines extracted from
therefore, may be considered an landraces collected from five sites in the
evolutionary approach to survival and Syrian steppe (Table 16.4) were compared
performance under arid and semi-arid with barley lines extracted from landraces
conditions (Schulze, 1988). It follows collected in Jordan and with a wide range of
TABLE 16.4
Mean of morphological and developmental traits in 1041 modern barley genotypes (unrelated to
Syrian or Jordanian landraces) compared with 322 pure lines extracted from Syrian landraces and
232 pure lines from Jordanian landraces
Traits Modern (n=1041) Landraces
Syrian Arab Republic
Jordan (n=232)
1. Early growth vigour 2.5 b 3.2 a 2.4 b
2. Growth habit 2.8 c 4.0 a 3.1 b
3. Cold tolerance 3.0 a 1.3 c 2.3 b
4. Days to heading 117.9 b 121.2 a 116.9 c
5. Grain filling 39.3 a 35.5 c 37.4 b
6. YP (t/ha) 4.398 a 3.293 c 3.947 b
7. YD (t/ha) 0.483 c 0.984 a 0.835 b
Notes: (i) Traits 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6 were scored or measured at Tel Hadya in 1987/88 (504.2 mm rainfall); trait 3 was scored at
Bouider in 1987/88 (385.7 mm rainfall); and trait 7 was measured at Bouider in 1988/89 (189 mm rainfall), on 521 modern
lines, 92 Syrian landraces, and 86 Jordanian landraces. Early growth vigour (1=good; 5=poor), Growth habit (1=erect;
5=prostrate), Days to heading (days from emergence to awn appearance), Grain filling duration (days between heading and
maturity), YP = Yield Potential, YD = Yield under Drought.
(ii) Means followed by the same letter are not significantly (P<0.05) different based on t-test for samples of unequal size.
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 3: Breeding for resistance to abiotic stresses 405
modern (non-landrace) barley genotypes. each of these traits. The variability around a
The Syrian lines showed a higher frequency mean expression of each character—which
of genotypes with prostrate or semi- already allows a high degree of adaptation—
prostrate growth habit, cold tolerance might perhaps be considered as a fine-tuning
and short grain-filling period, and a lower mechanism to cope with environmental
frequency of genotypes with good growth fluctuations. Thus, 321 lines derived from
vigour and early heading. Their average Syrian landraces were classified according
grain yield in unfavourable conditions (at to the score for early growth vigour in
Bouider in 1989) was 0.984 t/ha (ranging three classes: good vigour (score <2.5);
from 0.581 to 1.394 t/ha), more than twice intermediate (score = 2.5–3.5); and poor
the average grain yield of modern genotypes vigour (score >3.5). Each class was then
(0.483 t/ha, ranging from crop failure to classified according to the score for growth
1.193 t/ha). The average yield in favourable habit (erect <2.5; semi-prostrate = 2.5–3.5;
conditions of the Syrian landraces (3.293 t/ prostrate >3.5). No genotypes were found
ha) was 75 percent of the average yield in the good vigour-erect, intermediate
in favourable conditions of the modern vigour-erect, poor vigour-erect, and poor
germplasm (4.398 t/ha). vigour-semi-prostrate classes (Table 16.5).
Although this particular set of data is The groups were compared not only for
based on one environment only, it confirms the two traits used in their classification,
the existence of the trade-off between yield but also for days to heading, cold tolerance
in unfavourable conditions and yield in and length of the grain-filling period. Lines
favourable conditions discussed earlier. with good early growth vigour tend to be
Landraces collected in Jordan, from sites less cold tolerant, earlier and with a longer
with milder winters than the Syrian steppe, grain-filling period. This small percentage
have a higher frequency of genotypes that of genotypes will presumably have a yield
have better early growth vigour, more erect advantage in years with slightly milder
habit, less cold tolerance, slightly longer winter temperatures, absence of late frosts
grain-filling period and earlier heading and less severe terminal stress. The highest
than Syrian landraces. Their average frequency of genotypes (71.3 percent)
grain yield in unfavourable conditions combines intermediate early-growth vigour
was only slightly lower (0.835 t/ha) than with semi-prostrate or prostrate growth
Syrian landraces, while their average yield habit. These genotypes are slightly more
in favourable conditions (3.947 t/ha) was cold tolerant than the first group, but
in between the Syrian landraces and the are slightly later in heading. However,
modern germplasm. Syrian landraces they are better equipped to escape terminal
therefore show a combination of escape drought because of the shorter grain-
(early maturity) and avoidance (prostrate filling period. About one-quarter of the
habit and cold tolerance result in good genotypes (22.1 percent) have poor early
ground cover) mechanisms. growth vigour but a very prostrate growth
In addition to the high frequency of habit (growth habit score = 4.2) and a high
combinations of escape and avoidance level of cold tolerance (1.3). Their slightly,
traits, landraces possess another powerful although significantly, later heading is not
mechanism. They are composed of a number necessarily a negative attribute, mostly
of genotypes with a variable expression for because it is compensated for by a very
406 Plant breeding and farmer participation
TABLE 16.5
Frequency of different combinations of early growth vigor (GV), and growth habit (GH), and mean
values of cold tolerance (CT), days to heading (DH) and length of the grain filling period (GF) in a
sample of 322 lines of barley collected in the dry areas of the Syrian Arab Republic (from same trials
as indicated in notes of Table 16.4)
Groups % GV GH CT DH GF
Notes: All collection sites are included in the Palmyra region, as defined by Weltzien (1988).
• the trials are grown in farmers’ fields using is gained as part of the selection process.
the host farmer’s agronomic practices; Last, but not least, the public investment in
• selection is conducted by farmers in seed production is nearly always paid off
farmers’ fields, so that farmers are the by farmers’ adoption.
key decision-makers; and The programme started in the Syrian
• the traditional linear sequence of Scientist Arab Republic in 1996 and was expanded to
→ Extension → Farmers is replaced by a Algeria, Egypt, Eritrea, Islamic Republic of
team approach, with Scientists, Extension Iran, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen,
Staff and Farmers participating in all using the same bulk-pedigree method
major steps of variety development (see described earlier. Four types of impact can
Figure 9.1). be observed, considered below.
In a conventional breeding programme,
the most promising lines are released as Variety development
varieties, their seed is produced under New varieties were spontaneously
controlled conditions (certified seed) and disseminated from farmer to farmer as
only then can farmers decide whether to early as three years after starting the
adopt them or not. In many developing programme. In the Syrian Arab Republic,
countries the process results in many several thousand hectares are planted with
varieties being released but only a small two varieties, and 12 varieties have been
fraction being adopted. The major adopted by farmers and are under seed
consequence of the PPB concept is that multiplication (Table 16.6). Varieties are
the process transforms the delivery phase adopted both in dry areas and in wetter areas
of a plant breeding programme from being in a much shorter time than in a conventional
supply driven to being demand driven. breeding programme. It also confirms the
Under PPB, it is the initial farmers’ importance of landraces (Tadmor, Arta,
preference that drives the decision of which SLB and JLB lines, Zanbaka, A. Abiad
variety to release. As a consequence, adoption and A. Aswad) as well as H. spontaneum
rates are higher, and risks are minimized, as when farmers’ opinion becomes part of the
intimate knowledge of varietal performance breeding process.
TABLE 16.6
Varieties adopted from the PPB programme by farmers in the Syrian Arab Republic
Pedigree Name Location Rainfall
Grain yield (t/ha) of two lines with improved drought resistance in comparison
with the local landrace tested in 2004, 2005, and in 2006 in rainfed location in
the Syrian Arab Republic receiving less than 200 mm of total rainfall
2004-1 2004-2 2005 2006-1 2006-2 mean 2004-1 2004-2 2005 2006-1 2006-2 mean
Improved Local
Line 1=H.spont.41-1/Tadmor//SLB45-090/H.spont.41-2/3/H.spont.41-1/Tadmor//H.spont.41-1/Tadmor
Line 2=Arta/3/Arar/H.spont.19-15//Hml
410 Plant breeding and farmer participation
below average and crop yields were severely and between 0.5 and 3.0 t/ha of biomass
affected. In some areas, the rainfall was so yield (Ceccarelli et al., 2004).
low that the crop did not even germinate; in Two of these lines were tested by farmers
many others the crop failed to produce grain. on large areas (5–20 ha) in 2004, 2005 and
The PPB trials, planted in eight farmers’ 2006, which were all very dry (Figure 16.3).
fields in the Syrian Arab Republic, were In comparison with the local landrace,
affected by different intensities of drought. which itself is considered to be drought
At one extreme, the rainfall was only 50 mm resistant, the two lines showed an average
in the entire season and no germination yield advantage of 44 percent, ranging from
occurred. At the other extreme, the rainfall 9 percent to 67 percent. This includes one
was 252 mm rainfall and average grain yield case in which the local landrace failed, and
was 1.8 t/ha (ranging from 1.0 to 3.2 t/ha). one of the improved lines yielded 0.5 t/
The driest sites, where some new barley ha. Both lines are derived from crosses
entries were able to produce some grain with a pure line of H. spontaneum (the
or some biomass, received between 87 and wild progenitor of cultivated barley), an
130 mm. Average grain and biomass yield indication that some H. spontaneum lines
were very low but some lines were able to can contribute significantly to enhance the
produce between 0.3 and 0.5 t/ha of grain drought resistance of cultivated barley.
TABLE 16.7
Rainfall (mm) and average yield (in parenthesis in t/ha) in five locations in the dry areas of the
Syrian Arab Republic during the three years 2003–2005
Location No. of lines 2003 2004 2005 Mean annual
2000–2005 (mm)
TABLE 16.8
Grain yield (as percentage of the local check) of the highest yielding lines during 2003, 2004 and
2005 in five dry locations in the northern Syrian Arab Republic receiving between 186 and 308 mm
total annual rainfall
Location Line 2003 2004 2005 Mean
The second example derives from trials first and Al Bab and J. Aswad the second).
conducted in dry locations in the northern As these lines are the product of one cycle
Syrian Arab Republic during the period of selection, further progress is expected
2003–2005. Two locations (Bylounan and with additional cycles of recombination
Melabya) represent some of the driest areas and selection.
in the Syrian Arab Republic, where barley
is the only possible rainfed crop; J. Aswad 16.12 CONCLUDING REMARKS
and Siebatt are in slightly wetter areas, The objective of this chapter has been to
while Al Bab is a location characterized by discuss what plant breeders can do when
colder winters than the other four. In the the target environment of their breeding
two driest locations, rainfall varied from programme is characterized by chronic
176 mm to 245.3 mm total annual rainfall low yields due to numerous factors,
and average grain yield from 0.432 to 1.496 t/ such as climatic, nutritional and abiotic
ha during the testing period. In the two stresses. The data are mostly derived from
wetter locations, rainfall varied from 215 barley and from one type of dry area (dry
to 319 mm total annual rainfall and average Mediterranean with cold winters and hot
grain yield from 0.478 to 1.406 t/ha, while summers, and crops grown on current
Al Bab was the wettest of the five locations rainfall). However, the paper illustrates
but not the highest yielding because of the some general concepts that, with some
low temperatures in winter (Table 16.7). modifications, could be useful in other
In the five locations, we tested between crops and in other types of dry area.
6 and 12 lines (including the checks) repre- The first concept is that in these
senting the result of two cycles of decentral- environments, climatic, nutritional and
ized participatory selection starting from a biotic stresses usually occur together
common set of 165 lines. The yield of the (though not necessarily all of them all of the
best lines is shown in Table 16.8, expressed time); and, so far, there is little substitute
as a percentage of the local check. for actually exposing the breeding material
At the two driest sites, Bylounan and to a real field situation. Although little
Melabya, five lines outyielded the local practiced, the idea is not new. Nearly
check on average over 3 years by between forty years ago Hurd (1971) published
3.2 percent and nearly 9 percent, but only a paper with the title: Can We Breed for
three lines were consistently superior to the Drought Resistance? The first sentence of
local check in each of the three years. In the the paper was “My answer to the above
two wetter locations, five lines outyielded very pertinent question is a confident and
the local check by between 7.5 percent optimistic ‘Yes’”. He concluded: “One
and 14.7 percent, but only the two lines method is to grow large populations in
in J. Aswad and two of the four lines in early generations under typical dry growing
Siebatt consistently outyielded the local conditions.” Twenty years later, Bramel-
check. In Al Bab, two lines consistently Cox et al., (1991) recognized that the key
outyielded the local check by slightly more to increased production with fewer external
than 35 percent; two lines (ArabiAbiad/ inputs would be through a re-evaluation of
Arar//H.spont.41 and SLB28-53/SLB21- the identification and use of selection and
81) were among the highest yielding lines in testing environments.
two locations (Bylounan and Melabya the Although this concept is obvious to
412 Plant breeding and farmer participation
many and not new, selection for stress stress environment, it is probably for that
environments is still seldom done in the reason.
target environments and it still a highly The main conclusion of this paper is
controversial issue, as it is the relationship that breeding for stress environments is
between high yield under optimum possible, provided it is conducted with
conditions and high yield under abiotic strategies and methodologies that little have
stress conditions (see, for example, Chapter in common with those used in breeding
18 in this volume). This may not always for favourable environments. Adaptation
be necessarily a deliberate choice of one over time can be improved by breeding
breeding strategy or another, but is simply for specific adaptation to a given type of
due to the distance of suitable selection sites stress environment. This can be achieved by
from main cities, with all the associated taking advantage of the temporal variability
inconveniences. We hypothesize that in of stress environments, which permits
these cases an interesting solution may exposure of the same breeding material to
be offered by farmers’ participation in variable combinations of stresses over a
breeding (Ceccarelli and Grando, 1997; (relatively) short period and to accumulate
Ceccarelli, Grando and Baum, 2007). favourable alleles at the several loci involved
Conducting selection in farmer’s fields in drought resistance through successive
has the advantage of exploiting genetic cycles of recombination and selection.
differences under farm conditions, with the We are aware that this is fundamentally
additional advantage of making use of the different from the modern trend of plant
farmer’s knowledge of the crop. breeding towards broad adaptation over
The second concept is the use of space. The difference represents the
germplasm usually ignored by most plant contrasting interests of farmers and seed
breeders, such as landraces and wild relatives. companies. Farmers are interested in
This approach is a direct consequence of cultivars that are consistently superior on
choosing to work in the target environment their farm, regardless of how they perform
and has led to the development of a number at other locations or in other countries.
of barley cultivars, now grown in a number Seed companies, however, want to market
of farmers’ fields in the central and northern as much seed of as few cultivars as possible.
Syrian Arab Republic and in environments Breeders have been breeding, perhaps
considered too difficult and therefore unconsciously, more for seed companies and
beyond the plant breeder’s domain. for their personal prestige than for farmers.
The third concept is that in dry areas, The two objectives coincide when selection
every effort should be made to control and target environments are similar, but
environmental variability in trial and this approach has by-passed millions of
nurseries evaluation. When working at small farmers in difficult environments.
stress sites, the breeder should forget the Recent advances in plant genomics have
typical research-station style of work. The enabled one to dissect various molecular
methodology, experiment designs and plot mechanisms (signal transduction pathways)
techniques used in the very homogeneous involved in drought, cold and salt stress
environment of the experiment station are tolerance and in identifying various
not suitable; in fact, when the conclusion is genes involved in such stress tolerance.
reached that progress cannot be made in a Information generated in genomics should
Breeding for quantitative variables. Part 3: Breeding for resistance to abiotic stresses 413
be integrated into practical plant breeding. Austin, R.B., Ford, M.A. & Morgan, C.L. 1989.
Various genes identified, in both model Genetic improvement in the yield of win-
plants and crop plants, could be used in ter wheat: a further evaluation. Journal of
future for developing stress-tolerant plants Agricultural Science, Cambridge, 112: 295–
through either marker-assisted selection or 301.
direct gene transfer. Blum, A. 1988. Plant breeding for stress envi-
ronments. Boca Raton, USA, CRC Press.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Blum, A. 1993. Selection for sustained pro-
This chapter is based on the work carried duction in water-deficit environments. In
out at ICARDA over more than twenty International Crop Science I, pp. 343–347.
years. Many people have made this work Madison, USA, CSSA.
possible, and we would like to acknowledge Blum, A., Golan, G., Mayer, J., Sinmena, B.,
the technical assistance of Mr A. Ayyan, Mr Shpiler, L. & Burra, J. 1989. The drought
R. Azzo, Mr M. Hamzeh, Mr G. Kashour, response of landraces of wheat from the
Mr A. Khorea, Mr M. Michael and Mr northern Negev Desert in Israel. Euphytica,
H. Pashayany. The work, dedication and 43: 87–96.
support of many farmers in Syria are Blum, A., Golan, G. & Mayer, J. 1991. Progress
gratefully acknowledged. achieved by breeding open-pollinated
We thank Der Bundesminister für cultivars as compared with landraces of
Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit (BMZ), sorghum. Journal of Agricultural Science,
the Italian Government, the International Cambridge, 117: 307–312.
Development Research Centre (IDRC) Bramel-Cox, P.J., Barker, T., Zavala-Garcia,
and the OPEC Fund for International F. & Eastin, J.D. 1991. Selection and test-
Development for their financial support. ing environments for improved perform-
ance under reduced-input conditions. In
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