Treasure Hunt

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• You must form groups of four of five students.
• You can only speak English during the “hunt”. If a student speaks Spanish the
people responsible will exclude him/her from the rest of the challenges.
• You cannot run or shout in the school area.
• You must be polite all the time: ask for permission, say “please” or “thank you”.
• Only one person in each team can speak at a time and/or answer the questions
that people are going to ask you. It’s better if you take it in turns.
• Except for the first challenge –in which only two people can take part-, you can
all participate in all the tests.
• You must always wait patiently for your turn if other people have arrived before
you in any of the tests.
• You must keep all the items you collect until the end of the hunt.
• The team which finishes first and correctly all the challenges will be the winner
and will open the Treasure Trunk.
• In every challenge or test you will get a card. That card will have information
about Winter Festivities all around the world. It will also contain a short poem to
tell you what to do or where to go next.
• If you break any of these rules, the people in charge will exclude you from the

Challenge 1:
• Two people per group go to the Computers’ Rooms on the second floor.
• Switch on a computer and go to the following webpage:
• Find the answers to the following questions and write them down. You don’t
have to write full sentences; just the necessary information.
1. How do you say Santa Claus in Chinese?
2. What is the name of the old lady who brings Italian children presents on
Epiphany night?
3. What gift did King Balthazar bring to Baby Jesus?

• After you have the answers, show them to one of the English
teachers. If they are correct….

A card on the door is waiting for you

It’s got the next clue.
Join your team mates
And decide who’s the next one to play.

Before leaving the room, make sure you have

switched off the computer and that everything is
Challenge 2:
Hannukah is the Jewish Festival of Lights which starts at the end of November or
the beginning of December and lasts for 8 days. During Hannukah a new candle is
lit every day.
In 1966 Dr. Maulana Karenga created Kwanzaa. It is a festival celebrated y
African Americans. It lasts for 7 days. One of its symbols is “Muhindi”, which is the
Swahili word for “corn”.

Now you have to knock

On room 206 door.
Listen to what that person has to say
If you still want to play.

In groups, the students go into the English Departament Room. They should ask for
permission to enter.
Avelino says to each group:
“Here you are!; every time you get a new card, a new person
must wear the hat.” He gives them a Santa Claus hat and a card and says good-bye.

Challenge 3:
In Holland, children get their presents from St. Nicholas or Sinterklaas, who
lives in Madrid.
In Slovakia Baby Jesus brings gifts to children.
In Italy Santa Claus is called Babbo Natale. In Denmark they call him
Julenmanden; they think he lives in Greenland and is helped by elves.
Greek children receive their presents on 1st January.
The Irish name for Santa is Daidí na Nollag. His name in Armenia is
Gaghant Babba and he comes on New Year’s Eve.

At the school canteen

You’ll find another clue.
Say “Merry Christmas” to Alberto and Raquel
‘Cos they’ve got something for you.

One student per group says “Merry Christmas” to Alberto or Raquel; they will reply
“Merry Christmas”, as well, and give them a new card.
Challenge 4:
Shortbread is typical from Scotland.
In Holland they decorate Christmas trees with special cookies called Papernoot.
The traditional dessert for Christmas dinner in Britain is Christmas Pudding.
The special Latvian Christmas dinner is cooked brown peas with pork sauce, small
pies, cabbage and sausage.
In certain parts of France they eat 13 different desserts made from fruits, nuts and

Now your next step

We’ll take you to the place
Where teachers prepare and correct tests.
Answer Richard’s question
And he’ll give you Christmas decorations
With a lot of information.

Richard asks one question to each team. If they answer correctly, he gives them a
Christmas tree ball and they can go out; if they don’t, they must wait until all the teams
have answered and try again.

Possible questions (and answers):

1. What is the Danish name for Santa Claus? Julenmanden
2. What is the name of the old woman who brings Italian children presents on
Epiphany night? Befana
3. Where does Sinterklaas usually live? Madrid
4. Where is shortbread typical from? Scotland
5. When does Santa Claus come in Armenia? On New Year’s Eve
6. How long does Hannukah last? 8 days
7. Who brings presents in Slovakia? Baby Jesus
8. Where does Julenmanden usually live? Greenland
9. What does “Muhindi” mean? “Corn”
10. What is the Italian name for Santa Claus? Babbo Natale.
11. Where do people decorate Christmas trees with special cookies? Holland
12. What festival do Jewish people celebrate in December? Hannukah
13. Who arrives in Armenia on New Year’s Eve? Gaghant Babba or Santa
14. What other name does Saint Nicholas have in Holland? Sinterklaas
15. How long does Kwanzaa last? 7 days
Challenge 5:
The first recorded celebration of Christmas on 25th December took place
under the Roman Emperor Constantine, who was the first Christian Emperor.
The real Saint Nicholas was a bishop who lived in Turkey in the 4th century.
In Germany they have the tradition of the “Sternsingers”, four children who
visit the houses singing songs and collecting money for charity.
In Iceland they usually decorate the Christmas trees on 23rd December, St,
Thorlakur’s Day.

A tiny piece of tinsel

Hanging on a wall
Keeps another secret in the entrance hall.

The teams of students should understand that they have to pick a piece of tinsel from a
wall in the entrance hall. That tinsel has a card attached to it with more information
about Winter Festival all over the world.

Challenge 6:
. It’s typical from Central America. Its botanical name is “Euphorbia
pulcherrima”, but we all call it “Poinsettia” because it was Joel Roberts Poinsett,
first Ambassador from the USA to Mexico, who became interested in it and took it
back to his country.
The first documented use of an evergreen tree at Christmas celebrations is in
a square in Riga (Latvia) in 1510.
The Christmas tree which stands in the middle of Trafalgar Square (London)
is a present from Norway for the help Britain gave them during World War II.

The end is near;

The teachers are here.
Ask them what is next.
Do you think you’ll be the best?

We, teachers, give them the crossword puzzle to solve using the information they
already have. The team which finishes first and correctly will win the Treasure Trunk.

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