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• it cannot be emphasised enough: the substantial mark allocations and consistently

low mean marks in this topic area make it extremely important in achieving high
band results.

Thank you for subscribing to SmarterMaths Teacher Edition (Silver) in 2018.

The “HSC Final Stretch Revision Series” is the more concise version of our
“HSC Comprehensive Revision Series” (released in Term 3) for students SmarterMaths HSC Teacher Edition
targeting Band 5 and 6 results that want around 5 hours of what we consider
SmarterMaths is an affordable, simple to use, fully online program for schools. It allows
the best revision in the last 10 days before the HSC exam. teachers to sort past HSC and other supplementary questions easily by topic and band.
IMPORTANT: If students did complete the longer “HSC Comprehensive We save teachers hours of time in resource
Revision Series” in Term 3, this can also be a revision set for you. Many of the preparation. High quality, differentiated
higher performing students in past HSC’s attest to doing past exams twice as revision worksheets can be created in
a secret to their success. This is where cobwebs are turned into cables under a minute. These worksheets can be
through repetition, confidence is built and speed through the paper is printed or given to students in softcopy
developed (critical to peak achievement). format. “I’m kicking myself that I
didn’t find SmarterMaths
SmarterMaths also allows schools to
Our analysis on each topic, the common question types, past areas of difficulty earlier.”
integrate their past RAP results data into
and recent HSC trends all combine to create a super effective “final stretch” the program. This feature, which comes at ~ Prateek Kripal, Head of Mathematics,
revision series. Mount Carmel Catholic College
no extra cost to Silver subscribers,
immediately and effortlessly identifies past
areas of weakness at your school.

HSC Final Study: 2UA Topics 1-2 (~12.5% historical contribution) New syllabus – no worries!
SmarterMaths adjusts to new syllabus requirements as quickly as any program in the
Key Areas addressed by this worksheet market. All topic areas remaining in the new courses are retained and recategorized to
reflect the new syllabus structures, while new (previously unexamined) content will see a
Topic 1: Basic Arithmetic and Algebra growing supplementary database of HSC standard questions.
• significant figures and scientific notation (no dedicated questions since 2014, 2015);
• surds asked 8 of last 10 years – core competency;
If you want to see more, please visit and get your free trial.
• inequalities within Topic 1 not asked since 2011; absolute values asked 2016/17;
• factorizing – attention to cubics, asked 2014/15 but not since.

Topic 2: Plane Geometry

• this topic area is guaranteed to be examined with an expected high mark allocation;
• proving similarity in this question type has typically been worth 2 full marks and is
where most students will find the easiest opportunity to score.
• proofs in the latter parts of questions are typically very challenging (note the 2017
question was very tough) but students are reminded that the starting point is almost
always utilising the ratio property of corresponding sides.
Mathematics (Advanced) 3. Algebra, 2UA 2015 HSC 1 MC

HSC "Final Stretch" Revision Series What is 0.005 233 59 written in scientific notation, correct to 4 significant figures?

1. Basic Arithmetic and Algebra (A) 5.2336 × 10−2

Factors and Other Equations (B) 5.234 × 10−2
Inequalities and Absolute Values
Surds and Rounding (C) 5.2336 × 10
2. Plane Geometry −3
(D) 5.234 × 10
Teacher: SmarterMaths
Exam Equivalent Time: 45 minutes (based on HSC allocation of 1.5 minutes approx. per mark)

4. Quadratics, 2UA 2010 HSC 2b

Solve the inequality x 2 − x − 12 < 0 . (2 marks)

1. Algebra, 2UA 2012 HSC 2 MC

Which of the following is equal to ?
‾ − √3
‾ 5. Algebra, 2UA 2016 HSC 11c
2√5‾ − √3 ‾ Solve | x − 2 | ≤ 3. (2 marks)
2√5‾ + √3‾
‾ − √3‾
2√5‾ + √3‾

2. Algebra, 2UA 2014 HSC 6 MC

Which expression is a factorisation of 8x 3 + 27?

(A) (2x − 3)(4x 2 + 12x − 9)

(B) (2x + 3)(4x 2 − 12x + 9)

(C) (2x − 3)(4x 2 + 6x − 9)

(D) (2x + 3)(4x 2 − 6x + 9)

6. Plane Geometry, 2UA 2007 HSC 5a 10. Plane Geometry, 2UA 2007 HSC 8b

In the diagram, AE is parallel to BD , AE = 27 , CD = 8 , BD = p , BE = q and ∠ABE,

In the diagram, ABCDE is a regular pentagon. The diagonals AC and BD intersect at F . ∠BCD and ∠BDE are equal.
Copy or trace this diagram into your writing booklet. Copy or trace this diagram into your writing booklet.
(i) Show that the size of ∠ABC is 108° . (1 mark) (i) Prove that ΔABE ||| ΔBCD . (2 marks)
(ii) Find the size of ∠BAC . Give reasons for your answer. (2 marks) (ii) Prove that ΔEDB ||| ΔBCD . (2 marks)
(iii) By considering the sizes of angles, show that ΔABF is isosceles. (2 marks) (iii) Show that 8 , p , q , 27 are the first four terms of a geometric series. (1 mark)

(iv) Hence find the values of p and q . (2 marks)

7. Algebra, 2UA 2004 HSC 1a

The radius of Mars is approximately 3 397 000 m . Write this number in scientific notation,
correct to two significant figures. (2 marks)

8. Algebra, 2UA 2004 HSC 1d

Find integers a and b such that (3 − √2

‾) = a − b√2
‾. (2 marks)

9. Algebra, 2UA 2008 HSC 1c

2 1
Simplify − . (2 marks)
n n+1
Worked Solutions
11. Plane Geometry, 2UA 2015 HSC 15b
The diagram shows ΔABC which has a right angle at C . The point D is the midpoint of the 1. Algebra, 2UA 2012 HSC 2 MC
side AC . The point E is chosen on AB such that AE = ED. The line segment ED is produced
to meet the line BC at F . 1 2√5‾ + √3‾
‾ − √3 ‾ 2√5‾ + √3‾
2√5‾ + √3‾
( √
2 ‾
5 − √3‾)(2√5‾ + √3‾)
2√5‾ + √3‾
‾) − (√3‾)
2 2

‾ + √3‾
⇒ D

Copy or trace the diagram into your writing booklet. 2. Algebra, 2UA 2014 HSC 6 MC
(i) Prove that ΔACB is similar to ΔDCF. (2 marks)
8x 3 + 27
(ii) Explain why ΔEFB is isosceles. (1 mark)
= (2x)3 + 33
(iii) Show that EB = 3AE. (2 marks)
= (2x + 3)(4x 2 − 6x + 9)
Copyright © 2004-17 The State of New South Wales (Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW) ⇒ D

3. Algebra, 2UA 2015 HSC 1 MC

0.005 233 59
= 5.234 × 10−3
4. Quadratics, 2UA 2010 HSC 2b 5. Algebra, 2UA 2016 HSC 11c

x 2 − x − 12 < 0 MARKER'S |x−2| ≤ 3

2 COMMENT: Drawing the
Solve x − x − 12 = 0 parabola proved the most (x − 2)2 ≤ 32
(x − 4)(x + 3) = 0 (x − 4x + 4) ≤ 9
efficient way of answering this 2
question for students.
⇒ x = 4 or − 3 x 2 − 4x − 5 ≤ 0
(x − 5)(x + 1) ≤ 0

From the graph ∴ −1≤x≤5

x − x − 12 < 0
when 3 < x < 4
6. Plane Geometry, 2UA 2007 HSC 5a


Sum of all internal angles

= (n − 2) × 180°
= (5 − 2) × 180°
= 540°
540 8. Algebra, 2UA 2004 HSC 1d
∴ ∠ABC = = 108°
(3 − √2
‾) = 9 − 6√2‾ + (√2‾)
2 2

(ii) BA = BC = 9 − 6√2‾ + 2
(equal sides of a regular pentagon) = 11 − 6√2‾

∴ ΔBAC is isosceles ∴ a = 11, b = 6

∠BAC = (180 − 108) (base angle of ΔBAC)
= 36° 9. Algebra, 2UA 2008 HSC 1c
2 1

(iii) Consider ΔBCD and ΔABC n n+1
2(n + 1) − 1(n)
BC = CD = BA =
n(n + 1)
(equal sides of a regular pentagon)
2n + 2 − n
∠BCD = ∠ABC = 108° =
n(n + 1)
(internal angles of a regular pentagon) n+2
∴ ΔBCD ≡ ΔABC (SAS) n(n + 1)

∴ CBF = 36°(corresponding angles in

congruent triangles)
10. Plane Geometry, 2UA 2007 HSC 8b
∠FBA = 108 − 36
= 72°
∠BFA = 180 − (72 + 36) (angle sum of ΔABF)
= 72°
∴ ΔABF is isosceles.

7. Algebra, 2UA 2004 HSC 1a

3 397 000 Prove ΔABE ||| ΔBCD
= 3.397 × 10 ∠ABE = ∠BCD (given)
= 3.4 × 106 m (2 sig figures) ∠EAB = ∠DBC (corresponding angles, AE || BD)
∴ ΔABE ||| ΔBCD (equiangular)
T2 = ar
(ii) Prove ΔEDB ||| ΔBCD 3
∠EDB = ∠BCD (given) 2
∠CDB = 180° − (∠BCD + ∠DBC) (Angle sum of ΔBCD) = 12

∠EBD = 180° − (∠ABE + ∠DBC) (∠ABC is a straight angle)

T3 = ar 2
= 180° − (∠BCD + ∠DBC) (∠ABE = ∠BCD, given)

3 2
= ∠CDB ∴q=8⋅
∴ ΔEDB ||| ΔBCD (equiangular)
= 18

(iii) In a GP, r =
If 8, p, q, 27 are 1st 4 terms of a GP 11. Plane Geometry, 2UA 2015 HSC 15b
p q 27 (i) Prove ΔACB ||| ΔDCF
⇒ = = .
8 p q
Since corresponding sides of similar
triangles are in the same ratio
= =
p q 27
= = .
8 p q

∴ 8, p, q, 27 are 1st 4 terms of a GP.

(iv) 8, p, q, 27 ∠EAD = ∠ADE = θ (base angles of isosceles ΔAED)

a=8 ∠CDF = ∠ADE = θ (vertically opposite angles)
Using Tn = ar ∠DCF = ∠ACB = 90° (∠FCB is a straight angle)
T4 = ar ∴ ΔACB ||| ΔDCF (equiangular)
27 = 8 × r 3
27 (ii) ∠DFC = 90 − θ (angle sum of ΔDCF)
r3 = ♦ Mean mark 45%.
8 ∠ABC = 90 − θ (angle sum of ΔACB)
r = ∴ ΔEFB is isosceles (base angles are equal)
(iii) Show EB = 3AE

DC DF (corresponding sides of ♦♦ Mean mark 23%.

AC AB similar triangles)

1 DF
2 AB
2DF = AB
2(EF − ED) = AE + EB
2(EB − AE) = AE + EB (given EF = EB, ED = AE)
2EB − 2AE = AE + EB

∴ EB = 3AE … as required

Copyright © 2014-2018 M2 Mathematics Pty Ltd (

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