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5-5 The Triangle Inequality The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle
must be greater than the length of the third side.

4. MULTIPLE CHOICE If the measures of two Find the range for the measure of the third side
sides of a triangle are 5 yards and 9 yards, what is of a triangle given the measures of two sides.
the least possible measure of the third side if the
measure is an integer? 16. 
A 4 yd
B 5 yd SOLUTION:  
C 6 yd Let n represent the length of the third side. 
D 14 yd  
According to the Triangle Inequality Theorem, the
SOLUTION:   largest side cannot be greater than the sum of the
Let x represents the length of the third side. Next, set other two sides. 
up and solve each of the three triangle inequalities.  
5 + 9 > x, 5 + x > 9, and 9 + x > 5 If n is the largest side, then n must be less than
That is, 14 > x, x > 4, and x > –4.
. Therefore, .
Notice that x > –4 is always true for any whole If n is not the largest side, then is the largest and
number measure for x. Combining the two remaining
must be less than . Therefore, .
inequalities, the range of values that fit both
inequalities is x > 4 and x < 14, which can be written  
as 4 < x < 14. So, the least possible measure of the Combining these two inequalities, we get
third side could be 5 yd.    .
The correct option is B.
Is it possible to form a triangle with the given
side lengths? If not, explain why not. PROOF Write a two-column proof.
7. 11 mm, 21 mm, 16 mm 18. Given:
SOLUTION:   Prove:
Yes; 11 + 21 > 16, 11 + 16 > 21, and 16 + 21 > 11 . 
The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle
must be greater than the length of the third side.

The key to this proof is to figure out some way to get
No; The sum of the lengths of any two BC=BD so that you can substitute one in for the
other using the Triangle Inequality Theorem.
sides of a triangle must be greater than the length of Consider the given statement, if two angles of a
the third side. triangle are congruent, what kind of triangle is it and ,
therefore, how do you know that BC must equal BD?
SOLUTION:   Statements (Reasons)
Yes; 1.  (Given)
2. (Converse of Isosceles Thm.)
The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle
must be greater than the length of the third side. 3. BC = BD (Def. of  segments)
4. AB + AD > BD ( Inequality Thm.)
Find the range for the measure of the third side 5. AB + AD > BC (Substitution Property.)
of a triangle given the measures of two sides.
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16.  CCSS SENSE-MAKING  Determine the

possible values of x.
Combining these two inequalities, we get
2. (Converse of Isosceles Thm.)
  . 3. BC = BD (Def. of  segments)
  4. AB + AD > BD ( Inequality Thm.)
5-5 The
  Triangle Inequality 5. AB + AD > BC (Substitution Property.)

PROOF Write a two-column proof. CCSS SENSE-MAKING  Determine the

18. Given: possible values of x.

SOLUTION:   Set up and solve each of the three triangle
The key to this proof is to figure out some way to get inequalities.
BC=BD so that you can substitute one in for the
other using the Triangle Inequality Theorem.
Consider the given statement, if two angles of a
triangle are congruent, what kind of triangle is it and ,
therefore, how do you know that BC must equal BD?  
Statements (Reasons)
1.  (Given)
2. (Converse of Isosceles Thm.)  
3. BC = BD (Def. of  segments)
4. AB + AD > BD ( Inequality Thm.)
5. AB + AD > BC (Substitution Property.)

CCSS SENSE-MAKING  Determine the

possible values of x.  

Notice that  is always true for any whole 
number measure for x. Combining the two remaining
Set up and solve each of the three triangle inequalities, the range of values that fit both
inequalities is  and  , which can be

written as .
PROOF Write a two-column proof.
23. PROOF Write a two-column proof.
Given: ΔABC
Prove: AC + BC > AB (Triangle Inequality Theorem)
(Hint: Draw auxiliary segment , so that C is
  between B and D and .)
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 2
7. m ADC < m BAD (Definition of inequality)
inequalities is  and  , which can be 8. AB < BD (Angle–Side Relationships in Triangles)
9. BD = BC + CD (Segment Addition Postulate)
written as . 10. AB < BC + CD (Substitution)
5-5 The Triangle Inequality 11. AB < BC + AC (Substitution (Steps 2, 10))

PROOF Write a two-column proof. 24. SCHOOL When Toya goes from science class to
23. PROOF Write a two-column proof. math class, she usually stops at her locker. The
Given: ΔABC distance from her science classroom to her locker is
Prove: AC + BC > AB (Triangle Inequality Theorem) 90 feet, and the distance from her locker to her math
(Hint: Draw auxiliary segment , so that C is classroom is 110 feet. What are the possible
between B and D and .) distances from science class to math class if she
takes the hallway that goes directly between the two

Statements (Reasons)
1. Construct  so that C is between B and D and Let n represent the length of the third side. 
. (Ruler Postulate)  
2. CD = AC (Definition of congruence) According to the Triangle Inequality Theorem, the
3.  (Isosceles Triangle Theorem) largest side cannot be greater than the sum of the
4. m CAD = m ADC (Definition. of other two sides. 
congruence angles )
If n is the largest side, then n must be less than 90 +
5. m BAC + m CAD = m BAD (  Addition 
110. Therefore, n < 90+110 or n <200.
If n is not the largest side, then 110 is the largest and
6. m BAC + m ADC = m BAD (Substitution) 110 must be less than 90 + n. Therefore, 90 + n
7. m ADC < m BAD (Definition of inequality) >110 or n>20.
8. AB < BD (Angle–Side Relationships in Triangles)  
9. BD = BC + CD (Segment Addition Postulate) Combining these two inequalities, we get 20 < n <
10. AB < BC + CD (Substitution) 200. So, the distance is greater than 20 ft and less
11. AB < BC + AC (Substitution (Steps 2, 10)) than 200 ft.

Find the range of possible measures of x if each

24. SCHOOL When Toya goes from science class to
math class, she usually stops at her locker. The set of expressions represents measures of the
distance from her science classroom to her locker is sides of a triangle.
90 feet, and the distance from her locker to her math 27. x + 1, 5, 7
classroom is 110 feet. What are the possible SOLUTION:  
distances from science class to math class if she
According to the Triangle Inequality Theorem, the
takes the hallway that goes directly between the two
largest side cannot be greater than the sum of the
other two sides. 
If x + 1 is the largest side, then x + 1 must be less
than 5 + 7. Therefore, x + 1 < 5 + 7 or x + 1 < 12 or
x <11.
If x + 1 is not the largest side, then 7 is the largest
and 7 must be less than 5 + (x + 1). Therefore, 5 + x
+ 1 > 7 or 6 + x > 7 or x > 1.
SOLUTION:   Combining these two inequalities, we get 1 < x < 11. 
Let n represent the length of the third side.   
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 3
According to the Triangle Inequality Theorem, the ESTIMATION Without using a calculator,
largest side cannot be greater than the sum of the
>110 or n>20. perfect squares.
Combining these two inequalities, we get 20 < n < Since , .
5-5 The So, the distance is greater than 20 ft and less
is between and . Since = 1 and =
than 200 ft.
2, .
Find the range of possible measures of x if each
set of expressions represents measures of the Since , .
sides of a triangle.  
27. x + 1, 5, 7 5.9 > 2.9 + 1.5, so it is not possible to form a
SOLUTION:   triangle with the given side lengths.
According to the Triangle Inequality Theorem, the
largest side cannot be greater than the sum of the CCSS REASONING  Determine whether the 
other two sides.  given coordinates are the vertices of a triangle.
If x + 1 is the largest side, then x + 1 must be less 38. X(1, –3), Y(6, 1), Z(2, 2)
than 5 + 7. Therefore, x + 1 < 5 + 7 or x + 1 < 12 or
x <11. SOLUTION:  
If x + 1 is not the largest side, then 7 is the largest We can graphically show that given coordinates form
and 7 must be less than 5 + (x + 1). Therefore, 5 + x a triangle by graphing them, as shown below. 
+ 1 > 7 or 6 + x > 7 or x > 1.
Combining these two inequalities, we get 1 < x < 11. 

ESTIMATION Without using a calculator,

determine if it is possible to form a triangle with
the given side lengths. Explain.
We can algebraically prove that the given
SOLUTION:   coordinates form a triangle by proving that the
Estimate each side length by comparing the values to length of the longest side is greater than the sum of
perfect squares. the two shorter sides.  
Since , . Use the distance formula.  has endpoints X(1,–3)
is between and . Since = 1 and = and Y(6, 1).
2, .

Since , .
5.9 > 2.9 + 1.5, so it is not possible to form a
triangle with the given side lengths.
CCSS REASONING  Determine whether the 
given coordinates are the vertices of a triangle.  has endpoints Y(6, 1) and Z(2, 2).
38. X(1, –3), Y(6, 1), Z(2, 2)
We can graphically show that given coordinates form
a triangle by graphing them, as shown below. 

 has endpoints Z(2, 2) and X(1, –3).

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5-5 The Triangle Inequality

 has endpoints Z(2, 2) and X(1, –3).  has endpoints K(9, –5) and L(21, –8).

Here, XY + YZ > XZ, XY + XZ > YZ, and XZ + YZ >  has endpoints L(21, –8) and J(–7, –1).
Thus, the given coordinates form a triangle. 

40. J(–7, –1), K(9, –5), L(21, –8)

We can graphically determine if the  given 
coordinates form a triangle by graphing them, as Here JK + KL = JL. You can also confirm this by
shown below.  using your calculator. Compute
  to confirm that it equals 0. 
Thus the given coordinates do not form a triangle.

43. CHALLENGE What is the range of possible

perimeters for figure ABCDE if AC = 7 and DC = 9?
Explain your reasoning.

We can algebraically prove that the these three

points are collinear and therefore, by showing that
the sum of the two shorter segments is equal to the
longest segment. 
The perimeter is greater than 36 and less than 64.
Sample answer: From the diagram we know that
Use the distance formula.  has endpoints J(–7,–
 and  , and
1) and K(9, –5).
because vertical angles are
congruent, so . 
Using the Triangle Inequality Theorem, if 9 is the
longest length of the triangle, then the minimum
length of or is 9 – 7 = 2. If   or is
the longest length of the triangle, then the maximum
value is 9+7=16. Therefore, the minimum value of
  the total perimeter, p, of the two triangles is greater
 has endpoints K(9, –5) and L(21, –8). than 2(2 + 7 + 9) or 36, and the maximum value of
the perimeter is less than 2(16 + 7 + 9) or 64 or,
expressed as an inequality, .

44. REASONING What is the range of lengths of each

leg of an isosceles triangle if the measure of the base
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero is 6 inches? Explain. Page 5

Each leg must be greater than 3 inches. According to
value is 9+7=16. Therefore, the minimum value of SOLUTION:  
the total perimeter, p, of the two triangles is greater Sample answers: whether or not the side lengths
than 2(2 + 7 + 9) or 36, and the maximum value of actually form a triangle, what the smallest and largest
the perimeter
5-5 The Triangle isInequality
less than 2(16 + 7 + 9) or 64 or, angles are, whether the triangle is equilateral,
expressed as an inequality, . isosceles, or scalene

44. REASONING What is the range of lengths of each 46. CHALLENGE The sides of an isosceles triangle
leg of an isosceles triangle if the measure of the base are whole numbers, and its perimeter is 30 units.
is 6 inches? Explain. What is the probability that the triangle is equilateral?
Each leg must be greater than 3 inches. According to Let x be the length of the congruent sides of an
the Triangle Inequality Theorem, the sum of any two isosceles triangle. Based on the Triangle Inequality
sides of a triangle must be greater than the sum of Theorem and properties of isosceles triangles, we
the third side. Therefore. if you consider an isosceles know that the following inequality can be written and
triangle with lengths x, x, and 6, we know three solved: 
inequalities must hold true: .
Since the last two inequalities are
the same, we will only consider the solutions of the
first two. 
Therefore, based on the given information that the
two congruent sides are whole numbers greater than
     7.5 and the perimeter of the triangle is 30 units, we
  can create a list of possible side lengths for this
Since 6 >0 is always true, the solution for the lengths triangle:
of the legs of the isosceles triangle is greater than 3.  
There is no maximum value. 

45. WRITING IN MATH What can you tell about a

triangle when given three side lengths? Include at
least two items.
Sample answers: whether or not the side lengths * 10,10 10 is equilateral so the probability of the
actually form a triangle, what the smallest and largest
angles are, whether the triangle is equilateral, triangle being equilateral is . 
isosceles, or scalene  

46. CHALLENGE The sides of an isosceles triangle 51. Which of the following is a logical conclusion based
are whole numbers, and its perimeter is 30 units. on the statement and its converse below?
What is the probability that the triangle is equilateral? Statement: If a polygon is a rectangle, then it has
four sides.
SOLUTION:   Converse: If a polygon has four sides, then it is a
Let x be the length of the congruent sides of an rectangle.
isosceles triangle. Based on the Triangle Inequality F The statement and its converse are both true.
Theorem and properties of isosceles triangles, we
G The statement and its converse are both
know that the following inequality can be written and
H The statement is true; the converse is false.
J The statement is false; the converse is true.
The statement is correct because there exists no
contradiction. All rectangles are four-sided polygons. 
  The converse is false because there exists a
Therefore, based on the given information that the contradiction. A trapezoid is a four-sided polygon that
two Manual
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7.5 and the perimeter of the triangle is 30 units, we  
can create a list of possible side lengths for this Thus, H is the answer. 
D z = 14w – 7  This is correct. 
E 7 + 14w = 7z This is not correct because 14w and
* 10,10 10 is equilateral so the probability of the 7 are added, not subtracted. 
5-5 The Triangle Inequalityis . 
being equilateral  
  Thus, the correct answer is D.

51. Which of the following is a logical conclusion based Find x so that . Identify the postulate or
on the statement and its converse below? theorem you used.
Statement: If a polygon is a rectangle, then it has
four sides.
Converse: If a polygon has four sides, then it is a
F The statement and its converse are both true. 57. 
G The statement and its converse are both
false. SOLUTION:  
H The statement is true; the converse is false. By the Alternate Exterior Angles Theorem,
J The statement is false; the converse is true.
Solve for x.
The statement is correct because there exists no
contradiction. All rectangles are four-sided polygons. 
The converse is false because there exists a
contradiction. A trapezoid is a four-sided polygon that
is not a rectangle.
Thus, H is the answer. 

52. SAT/ACT When 7 is subtracted from 14w, the

result is z. Which of the following equations
represents this statement?
A 7 – 14w = z
B z = 14w + 7
C 7 – z = 14w
D z = 14w – 7
E 7 + 14w = 7z
A 7 – 14w = z This is not correct because 14w is
subtracted from 7, not the other way around. 
B z = 14w + 7  This is not correct because 14w and
7 are added, not subtracted. 
C 7 – z = 14w  This is not correct because the
difference of 7 and z is considered, not 14w and 7. 
D z = 14w – 7  This is correct. 
E 7 + 14w = 7z This is not correct because 14w and
7 are added, not subtracted. 
Thus, the correct answer is D.

Find x so that . Identify the postulate or

theorem you used.

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By the Alternate Exterior Angles Theorem,

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