Dr. Melissa Sell:: 1 German New Medicine 101 Introduction To The Five Biological Laws

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1 German New Medicine 101 Introduction to the Five Biological Laws

Dr. Melissa Sell: Hello and welcome to GNM 101: An Introduction to the 5 Biological Laws.
My name is Dr. Melissa Sell. And I am beyond excited to be sharing this
basic information with you today.

This German New Medicine and the 5 Biological Laws has radically changed
the way that I work with my own health, with the health of my patients and
clients. And I know that it is going to dramatically change the way you see
health, the way you see your body, the way you relate your own
psychology and your own biology.

And so, this presentation is going to serve as a primer, as a basic

introduction to you understanding these biological laws of nature.

This presentation is based on information published on

www.LearningGNM.com . We thank the author, Caroline Markolin, PhD for
her consent to use the GNM material including the subject-related
diagrams for the production of this video.

This presentation is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a

substitute for professional medical advice.

So, let’s get into it.

Here’s what we are going to learn today—a completely new model for
understanding health. The model that we’ve been working off of, the
paradigm of the germ theory of disease and genetics is outdated. I mean
with things like epigenetics, we know that it’s not just what genes you
were given that determine your health. We also know that just because
there are certain germs on you doesn’t mean that you develop diseases.

So, those are both theories. They’re not laws. And they are outdated,
outmoded. And they no longer work for us understanding disease. It’s the
old medicine.

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We’re going to understand why the body develops what we call “disease”
and why I also put disease in quotes. In GNM, we really don’t even refer to
what traditional, old-school medicine calls disease.

We’re going to learn how nature works. This is what I love. All of the
answers for understanding, they are all hidden and locked away in nature.
And for thousands of years, all of the brilliant minds have said, “Look to
nature… look to nature… look to nature.” And Dr. Hamer has looked to
nature and has seen things in nature that have never been seen before. So
we’re going to learn a little bit about how nature works.

And most importantly, we’re going to learn why we never have to fear
disease again. The fear of disease eats away at people and literally causes
the diseases that people are fearing.

And so, overcoming fear with knowledge and wisdom and understanding is
the greatest defense that you have against developing what we thought of
as diseases. So this understanding will help you to relax, to find ease, to
find that peace of mind because you know now how your body works and
you don’t have to be afraid of symptoms and afraid of things going wrong
because you fully understand what’s going on in your body.

So, let’s do a little history lesson about where GNM even came from.

So, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, he’s a German medical doctor. He was actually
the youngest licensed medical doctor in Germany at the time. He was very
innovative. He held several patents on something called the Hamer Scalpel.
He was just forward-thinking, very innovative and was very into being a
medical doctor.

He practiced traditional medicine all throughout the beginning of his

career. He had his children. His wife was also a medical doctor. Everything
was going great… until 1979.

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At the time, Dr. Hamer was living in Italy and his 17 year old son was shot
and killed in a very tragic scenario. And this completely shocked and
devastated Dr. Hamer and his family.

And so, this traumatic loss was followed by, three months after his son
passed away, Dr. Hamer discovered he had a testicular cancer. And being a
medical doctor, and being healthy his whole life, he knew that this just
wasn’t random. He had a feeling. He had an idea that this cancer must
have had something to do with the tragic loss of his son.

And so, like any good doctor with an inquisitive mind, he started making
connections and asking questions and interviewing other patients. He had
access to a lot of cancer patients and he started asking them questions.
“Did you have something happen to you very unexpected? Did something
happen before you got diagnosed with cancer?”

He started making connections, and he found that, without exception,

every single person that he had interviewed had some type of trauma,
some type of something that happened in their life that was very
unexpected and shocking before they had their diagnosis of cancer.

And now, he didn’t just leave it there because a lot of people have made
connections between stress and emotional problems and distress and
disease and things like cancer. But he saw something more specific. He was
seeing a pattern. And he was very curious why does one person develop
testicular cancer, and another breast cancer, and another colon cancer?
Why? Is there a reason, is there a rhyme to why certain people develop
certain cancers?

And so he, again, took it another step further.

Working off of the premise that the brain controls the entire body, Dr.
Hamer wanted to see what was going on. Is there anything we can see

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going on in the brain of these patients? And what he discovered was


On CT Scan, when he paired together the story of the patient, the

emotional conflict, the trauma they experienced, the type of cancer that
they had, he started seeing patterns on CT scans. And the CT scans
revealed an activity in a very specific location in the brain, an area of
activity based upon what type of cancer.

And so, Dr. Hamer has linked together an entire science of which cancers
are driven from which areas of the brain and which are triggered from
certain emotional/biological conflicts.

I know that’s a lot to get through. So we’re going to go through a piece at a


So, here’s what he discovered. He discovered that everything we now call a

disease is caused, is originated, by an unexpected emotional/biological
conflict shock, something that happens to an individual that catches them
completely off-guard.

In GNM, we call this a DHS, a Dirk Hamer Syndrome, in honor of Dr.

Hamer’s son.

So, as soon as the DHS occurs, the moment it happens, the person is
affected at the levels of their psyche, their brain, and their organ

Now, what plays out from there, these diseases, they’re not meant to harm
or to kill the individual. They are completely understandable. They are
reversible. They are meant to facilitate the resolution of whatever the
conflict was. It’s for your greatest chance of survival.

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We now call diseases, significant biological special programs. I want you to

think about it like pressing a button. When the brain interprets, when your
subconscious mind, when your psyche interprets a shocking situation,
automatically, depending on the type of situation that it was, your body
presses a button. And the button sets off a specific program—the buttons
in the brain, and then it’s communicated to the organ exactly what it needs
to do to help you to resolve the conflict

And so, that is the major premise. And Dr. Hamer has mapped out five
biological laws. And he calls them laws because it’s not just theory. Every
single case that he went through, he found that these laws were
consistently among every single patient every single time.

And that’s what makes a law. As soon as there’s an exception, it’s no

longer a law; it’s a theory. And that’s why everything that we have now in
modern medicine, it’s theory, it’s not law because it doesn’t happen across
the board every single time.

And that’s one of the most frustrating things for people when it comes to
something like cancer. You see people who, by the book, they do all the
right things—they eat all the right foods, they exercise, they do all these
right stuff. And so that, by the standard understanding, should be perfect.
That should prevent them from ever developing cancer, but those people
will develop cancer anyways.

And then, just the opposite, we have people who do everything wrong by
the standards, and yet they never develop cancer.

And so, that’s where these theories just kind of throw you for a loop and
leave people—leave people like you and me—leave the individual in a state
of fear because you can feel that you’ve done everything right. But because
these are theories we’re working off of and not laws, we don’t really know

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at the end of the day. And we just kind of hope and cross our fingers. We
hope it’s not going to be us.

So, with Dr. Hamer and the five biological laws, he takes into consideration
things that medicine doesn’t take into consideration like the specificity of
your unique perception and viewpoint. That is one of the most remarkable
things and unique things about GNM and the 5 biological laws. Apart from
even psychiatry which has its own flaws in the way it looks at things,
standard medicine, for the most part, they realize that stress is bad, but
they don’t take into account your personal viewpoint, how you see the
world—and Dr. Hamer does.

It also ties in evolution, how our bodies got to be where they are now, and
embryology—so literally, the building blocks that built up where it went
from two cells to trillions of cells that are organized and coordinated in
absolute perfection that is you. That is an amazing process. A

And so, he looks at all of these things. He looks at our relationship

evolutionarily to microbes, to things like bacteria, to things like fungus
which is so amazing. We’ll get to that in this presentation.

He also looks at the day/night rhythm, the cycle, just the normal way that
humans interact with our environment and the normal cycles of our body.

And so, he ties it together in such beauty, in such perfection. And that is
now what we call the 5 biological laws.

So, let’s talk about the first one. Dr. Hamer also calls the first biological law
the iron rule of cancer. And for this, there are three criteria. The first is that
every disease—now we’re calling significant biological special program—
originates from the Dirk Hamer Syndrome, the DHS which is an unexpected,
highly acute and isolating conflict shock that occurs simultaneously in the
psyche, the brain and on the corresponding organ.

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Secondly, the content of a conflict determines which organ will be affected

and from which area of the brain the SBS will be controlled.

And then, the third criteria. Every SBS run synchronously on the level of the
psyche, the brain and the organ.

So, let’s get an idea. Let me give you some examples of what this looks like
and how it is understood and coordinated.

So, the psyche, that is where the conflict occurs. That is where you
perceive something that has gone on. And so it could be a separation
conflict. It could be a divorce where you’re going to be parted from your
spouse. It could be a self-devaluation conflict where you’re feeling
worthless (i.e. you lost a sporting event It could be a nest worry conflict.
You’re really concerned for the well-being of your child. It could be a death
fright conflict where you are really scared that you are going to die maybe
because of a diagnosis, maybe a terrible accident.

So, that’s the psyche level. There are many different, so many different,
types of conflicts. And there are so many different types of ways that an
individual will interpret a conflict.

But as soon as it happens, as soon as it’s perceived, the brain, remember, I

said kind of presses a button. And the button, really, it’s an impact that you
see. If you look all the way over to the right side where there are arrows
around these circles, those circles are something we call a Hamer focus
which Dr. Hamer’s colleagues originally made that name up as a joke
because they would tell him, “Oh, this is just an artifact. This isn’t anything
at all. That’s just a blurry image that appear on a CT scan.”

And Dr. Hamer actually confirmed with Siemens, this CT scan developer,
that these images that you see, these impacts, these Hamer focus in the
brain on the CT scan is not an artifact, that is a delineated activity, area of
activity, in the brain.

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And so, from there, the brain, it sets into motion on the organ level a very
specific set of responses.

And so, here are some more examples of the psyche-brain-organ

correlation. So again, I mentioned the nest worry conflict. Let me give you
an example. A nest worry conflict could be a mother standing on the
sidewalk holding her child’s hand. The child sees a dog across the street,
darts away from her mother, runs out into the street, and a car comes by
and hits the child.

In that moment, the mother has a conflict shock. This unexpected thing
happened, she wasn’t prepared for it. And all of a sudden, she sets into
motion from the area of the cerebellar mesoderm, the motion is set for the
glands of the breast to proliferate and form additional breast gland cells
for a purpose.

And the purpose is for the nourishment and the healing of her offspring
that she is so gravely concerned about. And so, in that moment, the body
starts proliferating breast gland tissue.

And this is regardless of whether or not the woman is lactating, the age of
the woman. This is a built-in, deep down biological program that’s
programmed into every woman.

Now, even down to the level of understanding whether it’s the right or the
left breast, Dr. Hamer has an explanation based on biology, based on
handedness. A right-handed woman, because she’s right-handed, she
biologically associates her left side with her child because the right-handed
woman holds a child with her left arm. Her left breast will immediately
start to proliferate breast gland cells.

Now, the moment that the child turns out to be fine, goes to the doctor
and everything is fine, the body starts to break down that breast gland
tumor. Again, we’ll get more into all of the details. I’m just trying to get

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that basic pattern so that you start to understand what’s actually going on,
that there’s not an error. This is designed. This is programmed. This is
based on evolution. This is for the child’s greatest survival, for the
propagation of the species.

So, your body, it knows how to survive. It knows how to best have your
offspring survive, how to best make sure that you are reproducing, so that
you even have offspring.

Another example is an indigestible morsel conflict.

And so, something that you’ll start to understand and you’ll start to see is
that this is something we have in common with every species, every
animal. Animal, they experience these conflicts in real terms. And in the
course of evolution, there was a point at which we experienced all of these
conflicts in a very real way. An indigestible morsel would be like an animal
swallowing a bone that can’t be digested. And so the body has to have a
plan for that.

And the plan for that which is mediated by the brain stem is to produce a
digestive system tumor.

So, for example, the duodenum, if there is a bone fragment stuck in the
duodenum, it will begin to proliferate additional cells. And the purpose of
these additional cells is additional digestive gastric juices to break down
this indigestible morsel.

Now, humans, we don’t typically swallow pieces of bone—I mean, we can.

But more likely, we will experience an indigestible morsel conflict in a
transposed way, in a psychological way, in an emotional way, say a piece of
news that you just can’t digest. Something happened and you hear about
it, you just cannot accept it. This is an indigestible morsel for you in that

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And so, your body will set off that program. As long as you are active with
the conflict, as long as you’re just milling about it, and you’re upset about
it, and you just can’t believe it, your body is programmed to help you in
this way. It is seeking to assist you in breaking down this indigestible
morsel by causing a tumor of additional stomach cells, duodenal cells,
rectal cells. All of these tumors of the digestive tract come from this
concept of an indigestible morsel.

Death fright conflict has to do with the brain stem, has to do with lung
cancer. Lung cancer is very commonly a secondary cancer. And it’s taught
in traditional medicine that it is a metastasis. You have a cancer in the
breast or in the prostate. And the theory, in medicine, is that pieces of this
tumor break off. They go and they get in the lung, and then they cause a
lung tumor. They think that the cancer is there just to take over your body,
to spread and divide and conquer and kill the organism when that is not
the case at all whatsoever.

The lung cancer is there because your body experienced perhaps a

diagnosis as a death fright, as a shocking death fright, concern for your
very existence. And so your body starts to proliferate lung cells, alveoli
cells so that there is greater surface area for the absorption of oxygen—
which is, again, that’s so tightly knit to us being alive, breathing. And so
your body is helping you to breath.

And you can see the connections with all of these different types of
conflicts. And there are very detailed maps and ways of understanding
exactly what’s going on at every stage of the process.

So again, psyche-brain-organ. Your subjective mind, it’s how your mind

chose to perceive the situation unique to you. It’s as unique as your
fingerprint. Everything about who you are determines how you see the
world and how you interpret scenarios.

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This is a subconscious and a subliminal interpretation. We know from

neuroscience that your brain actually makes an assessment of a situation
six to ten seconds before your conscious mind is even aware of it. And so
the brain has already pushed the button. It’s already made up its mind by
the time you have interpreted that “I’m upset about this… I’m concerned
about this… I’m worried about this.” Your body has already set into motion
this program.

And this even begins as soon as you have a conscious, as soon as you have
an awareness even as a fetus. You can be impacted. And that’s how
children can be born with what we perceive as problems. It’s because it
began while the child was in utero.

Now, again, the moment of the DHS, there is a focus of activity in a

predetermined area of the brain. And this is so interesting. And we’ll get
into the embryology aspect and the evolution aspect.

These predetermined areas of the brain, they’re mapped out and they’re
based on evolution. When organisms were just a single loop with one hole
for the in and the out—which is very, very interesting—before we even had
a mouth and an anus, there was just a tube. And there was one hole that
everything came out of.

And so, your brain is mapped in a very particular way based on that in and
out format from very early, early on evolutionary forms. The
predetermined areas of the brain are fascinating.

The focus of activity can be identified in a CT brain scan as a concentric ring

configuration called the Hamer focus. And again, the location depends on
the nature of the conflict.

As soon as a Hamer focus occurs on the brain level, as soon as that button
is pushed that organ associated with that area undergoes a functional

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change. And the functional change is meant to facilitate the resolution of

the problem and to help you.

So, it could be a growth. It could be additional cells. It could also be tissue

loss or tissue ulceration. Or it could be a functional loss where the cell or
tissue type is no longer producing a certain thing that it normally produces.

So, being human—I mean, come on, how many different types of potential
conflict shocks are there. Just think about all of the things you’ve
experienced in your life. There are refugee conflicts for people who are
literal, actual refugees, or say there was a hurricane and their home got
destroyed, you feel like a refuge, you have nowhere to go. That’s a conflict.

Isolation, let’s say you have an accident or you have a diagnosis and you
are left in the hospital and you’re feeling isolated and separated from the
pact. That’s scary for you.

Being too slow. If you were too slow to meet a deadline, and you lost your
job, or you didn’t get a promotion.

If you were insulted, that indigestible morsel conflict; if you’re feeling ugly,
if you’re devaluing yourself; if you’ve lost someone, if you’ve had a death
in your family, if you’ve lost a pet; if you’ve had some type of abuse, some
type of sexual dysfunction or sexual problem or abuse; some kind of anger;
if you’re afraid; if you’re feeling attacked; if you’re feeling disfigured; if you
were inappropriately touched; if your territory has been taken away; if
you’re a child, and your parent has a new child, you could interpret that in
so many different ways.

And so, the potential for different kinds of conflict shocks is really endless
when you think about humans and how we respond to things. And that’s
why one of the best forms of prevention is self-knowledge and self-
awareness and this resilient ability to assess the situations that you’re in
and chose how you want to respond rather than reflexively responding.

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So, your subjective assessment, it depends on you. It depends on what

you’ve been through, your past experiences, what is important to you,
what do you believe about the world, what do you believe about yourself,
what do you believe about other people, how have you been conditioned
socially, culturally, what’s going on in your world and your life, what are
you afraid of, what makes you feel vulnerable.

Your individual perception is so unique. And that’s why disease is so unique

or specific biological special programs that get set off in you are very
unique and will not seem the same to another individual.

So, your individual perspective, you may experience the same objective life
event—this happened, that happened, there was a divorce, there was a
death, financial problems, hospitalization. But your interpretation of the
subject can vary so, so much.

So, let’s say, objectively, there was a divorce. You’re a female and you find
out that your husband is leaving you. You have to get a divorce. And so you
could experience that as a separation conflict where you feel as though
your spouse has been torn from your breast, and you’re not going to
physically be able to be near them and touch them anymore. Your body
could interpret that in a way that affects your breast ducts.

You could feel abandoned by your spouse which could affect your kidney
collecting tubule.

You could be angry and so mad about the fact that this happened which
would affect your coronary artery.

It could be a starvation conflict, and you’re worried about how you’re going
to provide for yourself or if you have children. And that would affect your

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And so, the specific type of biological program that is set off by something
like a divorce is you just don’t know until the symptoms show up, until you
discover how your body chose to interpret that scenario.

And that’s why I love GNM and the 5 biological laws, because you get to
know yourself in such a deep, subconscious level, on a level that most
people would never know how their subconscious mind interpreted the
scenario until after the fact, until learning yourself and how you uniquely
see the world.

Now, the second biological law. Now, this one is so cool. And you will know
right away. Once we go through this, you will have experienced both of
these phases of the second biological law which says that every significant
biological special program—remember that’s what we used to call disease,
we now know it’s a special program that’s designed and adapted for this
scenario—runs in two phases provided that you’ve resolved whatever the
original conflict was.

So, this is the beautiful chart that Dr. Hamer has mapped out about the
two-phase pattern. And this is just an absolutely remarkable discovery and
map for understanding what goes on in the diseased state.

So, I want you to see the beginning of the chart where it says day phase
sympatheticotonia, and then night phase vagotonia.

So, in a normal rhythm, think of a pendulum—back and forth, day and

night. In the day time, you’re more sympathetic active which is your fight-
or-flight nervous system. The sympathetic system is more active. And
then, past 5 p.m. in the evening, if you’ve got this normal day/night
rhythm, you’re more vagotonic which is the parasympathetic, the rest-and-
digest. And that’s just normal. We should have day, and then night—
pendulum, back and forth.

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Now, at the moment of the DHS, as soon as the conflict, the unexpected
shocking thing happens, the normal day/night rhythm is interrupted. And
then, the pendulum swings all the way to the sympathetic side. And so you
are in the conflict active phase.

And so, you stay there for a period of time. We’ll talk about the symptoms
of the conflict active phase in a moment.

But then, when you resolve the conflict, it’s over. You’ve resolved it, you’ve
made peace. Now the body goes into a healing phase.

During the first half of the healing phase, PCLA, this is where there is a lot
of fluid in the area. There’s swelling, there’s exudate, there’s just edema.
There’s pain, there’s discomfort.

And that goes on until the pendulum gets all the way to the complete
vagotonia, like as much vagotonia as possible. It’s swollen to the area.

And then, there’s something that happens called the epileptoid crisis. See
that arrow that points straight up and is blue again? That represents a
turning point of the healing program.

And so, for a moment, for brief period of time—not even just a moment,
it’s a brief period—the body goes back into sympathetic. And it squeezes
out. And this is where there’ll be an event, some type of health event like a
heart attack, like a migraine attack, like a seizure, like muscle cramps.
Something happens in the body. And the body starts to squeeze all of the
edema out.

And then, it gets to the second phase of healing which is scarring. And then
the body gets back into that rhythm after a period of time.

And so, this is such a beautiful, amazing map. Let’s go into the specifics of
what happens during each phase.

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Conflict active phase, this would be also called the cold phase. This is when
you are in prolonged sympathetic dominance—cold hands, cold feet,
shivering, fast heart beat, high blood pressure, you’re nervous, you’re
restless, you can’t eat, you can’t sleep. You’re compulsively thinking.

This is after that conflict happened—after you got the news, after you got
the phone call, after you got the diagnosis, after you found out about the
whatever. Your psyche is in compulsive thinking mode. You’re not sleeping
because your body wants you to resolve the situation. So it won’t let you
sleep all night. You wake up at 3 a.m. You’re restless, you’re worried. Your
mind is going a mile a minute. And you have not resolved the conflict yet.

And so, at that moment, that’s when the brain—that’s the sharp ring
formation in the brain area. And then, the organ is undergoing those
changes. It happens immediately. It happens before you’re even aware of
it. Your body has pressed that button. And the program has been set into

And now, conflict activity, again, it’s adapted. It’s a beautiful system. It
works great. But it’s not meant to work for a very long period of time. And
so that’s why the coaching and the help that I give people with GNM
counseling, with helping them with these problems, we’ve got to keep
these conflict activity periods as short as possible. It’s not that they won’t
happen. They will happen. I still have conflict active periods. But your
ability to recognize that you’re conflict active and to actively resolve
situations quickly is going to serve you so well over your lifetime. And we
want to get to a conflict resolution as soon as possible.

So, there are many possible resolutions to whatever conflict you are
experiencing. The best kind is a natural resolution. If you were terrified
that you lost your purse, or you lost your keys and your phone, all of your
stuff—your purse is just gone—that is a conflict activity period. The best

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solution/resolution is a natural resolution where you find your purse, and

you have all of your things again. And then, you can be totally at ease.

If that’s not the case, and if it actually is gone, you’re downgrading the
intensity, talking yourself down and realizing that all of those things are
replaceable and everything is okay. Sometimes, talking with someone,
emotionally releasing yourself from this concern, realizing you’ll be able to
take care of all of it, that there are things in place—cancel the credit cards
and replace the phone and everything is okay.

And so what was a really awful situation can be downgraded. And it

doesn’t have to prolong for very long. I know this is a very specific situation
with the purse being lost. But thinking in whatever terms that you are
having a problem with something, think about downgrading it, emotionally
releasing it, forgiving another person, forgiving yourself, trying out a new
perspective, understanding other people.

So, if it’s a scenario with somebody else that you feel like has done
something that you don’t agree with and that you’re really upset about,
understanding that they’re doing the best for themselves and their life,
maybe your priorities shift. So, let’s say you lost your purse, but then you
found out you won $10 million with the lottery ticket in your pocket. So
you’re not as concerned because it no longer is your priority on that lost

And then, you’re just seeing the bigger picture, taking a new perspective.
And that’s why there are so many different approaches to limiting your
conflicts that you have and downgrading them and feeling better faster.

So, after you’ve resolved your conflict, there is a consequence to having

been in a conflict active phase. Your body was doing something. Your body
was in adaptive state for a period of time when it was in prolonged

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sympathetic mode. There were additional cells that were built up. There
were cells that were eroded away depending on the conflict.

So, there was a lot going on. You didn’t have any symptoms because your
body is like they don’t have time to have symptoms right now. It doesn’t
even matter. We’re willing to sacrifice tissue. We’re willing to build up new
tissue. We’re willing to do whatever it takes to help them resolve this
conflict because we want to survive to see another day.

And so that’s at what level your brain is thinking and your body is thinking.
It’s all about survival. It may just be a lost purse, but your body is like,
“We’ve got to rally all of our resources behind helping her solve this
conflict.” So that may mean eroding the lining of your arteries going to
your heart, so that you can have more blood and more power to overcome
this situation. It could mean your body turning your beta cells or your
pancreas. You stop making insulin, so you’ve got a lot of sugar in your
blood, so that you have a lot of energy, so that you can resolve the

So, you can see, the body is doing you a favor. But it’s meant to just be for
a brief period of time. But then you need to heal.

And so your body has to go through a restoration period after you’ve been
conflict active. It’s how it happens. It’s rhythm. It’s the pendulum. It’s how
it must occur.

And so the healing phase. This is the warm phase. And there are two
phases to it. So this is post-conflict or lysis. So after the conflict is resolved,
portion A, so the first half.

This is prolonged parasympathetic dominance. You’ve got warm hands.

You’ve got a fever. Night sweats are a very specific thing that happens. If
you have a TB-related growth or a TB-related tumor, certain tumors, when
they build up, tubercular bacteria will break them down. They’ll be very

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particular—night sweats, an odor to your body. Even if it’s a digestive

cancer that’s being broken down by TB, there’ll be a certain way of
smelling in the bowel movement because it’s all getting out.

Your body is getting it out. It’s sweating it out. It’s healing the body.
There’s fatigue. You’re really tired. There’s pain.

The pain comes from the swelling. All healing happens in a fluid
environment. And so there’s swelling on the organ level. And there’s also
swelling on the brain level. Remember, your brain isn’t affected as much as
your organ is affected. There’s that impact area of the brain. And so fluid
rushes in there as well to heal. And fluid rushes into the organ to heal,
whether it’s the breast, the digestive system, the skin. There’s going to be
swelling. You’re hungry again. So you’re gaining weight. You’ve go a slow
pulse. Your blood pressure is low. You just can’t get out of bed. You’re

And so, this is so important, that you let your body heal, that you do the
rest, that you take the time and you let your body do what it needs to do.

On the psyche level, you’ve resolved the problem. You’re feeling pretty
good. You’re in a state of relief. You’re kind of disappointed that you’re
sick. If you don’t understand the new medicine, you don’t know that this is
a normal and proper function of the body. And so you’re in a state of relief,
but now you’re not feeling too hot.

On the brain level, like I said, there was fluid that has rushed into the area
of the brain. And so there’s brain edema. There’s dizziness. There’s a dull
headache because there’s an increase of the intracranial pressure because
of the fluid.

On the organ level, it’s a construction site. There’s tissue being broken
down, tumors being broken down. Sometimes, there’ll be bleeding because

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there’s small capillaries that build their own tumors. And all of these needs
to be broken down because it’s your body returning to normal.

And the intensity of this phase will depend on the intensity of the conflict.
And so there are minor things that happen all the time. So let’s say you’re
fed up with something going on in your house. You go through an hour or
two of being just really frustrated and upset and just kind of angry and fed
up about something. This may induce a cold.

The program of just being fed up, just full—in German, it’s a phrase that’s
like “my nose is full.” You’re just like, “This stinks!” You’re just like, “This
sucks. This stinks.” And so, your body, what it does when you’re conflict
active with that will erode the lining of your nose because it wants to sniff
out, it wants to get rid of this problem.

And then, the body, when it’s repairing, you are stuffed up. You have a
head cold because you are healing from a stink conflict, from something
that just stunk. You’re just upset about it. You were sniffing it out. And so
your body did something.

And so, if that was just a minor thing, it didn’t last very long, it’ll be a minor
conflict. You’ll have a head cold for a few days, what you call a head cold.
Then again, we think it’s germ. We think it was a germ that got on us. And
now we’ve got this germ. But really, it was something going on
psychologically, something that affected you in this way that caused your
body to respond with the proliferation of new tissue cells, of swelling in the

Alright, so let’s talk about the epileptoid crisis. This is such a fascinating
portion of the healing program. And this is designed specifically to squeeze
out the edema. You can only handle so much swelling in an area before
we’ve got to turn the corner.

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And in order to turn the corner, the body induces this surge of sympathetic
dominance. And so just think of it as the absolute. That pendulum has
made it all the way over, as far as it can go, into parasympathetic. And
something needs to get it going back the other way. And that’s what this
episode is.

So, depending on the conflict program, depending on what it was, it could

be all sorts of different things—the middle of the night coughing fit, it
could be a stroke, a migraine attack, a heart attack, diarrhea, all sorts of
different things.

And when the epileptoid crisis typically will strike, when it will happen will
be during a time of rest. It’s going to likely be a night or in the very early
hours of the morning when your body is totally relaxed because that is that
point at which the greatest swelling has made it to the area—during
relaxation, a vacation.

And then, the extent, so how severe this epileptoid crisis is going to be will
depend on how bad the conflict was—again, how long it went on, how
intense it was. And so, this may be a very intense situation.

And so, it’s actually very important to work with someone if you are
worried. If you’ve been conflict active for a long time, if you’ve had an
ongoing problem that’s been years and years and years, you want to talk
with someone before you just kind of go and clear up the problem, fix the
problem, resolve the conflict, because there’s some very potentially,
possibly even fatal epileptoid crises that can happen if you’ve been
conflict active for an extremely long period of time.

I find it so interesting that actually some things are better off not being
resolved. And so if you’ve suffered a certain type of conflict, it’s actually
good to kind of get mad about it every now and then and keep it active in

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your mind because if you were to try to heal and completely resolve it, the
healing fallout, the healing crisis that you would have may actually be fatal.

So, just kind of a caution here. Don’t worry about it. Just kind of say, “Oh,
isn’t that very interesting?” If you’ve had something that’s been going on
for nine months or more, definitely talk to someone. There are ways to
mitigate the effects.

And so, in German New Medicine, modern medicine is very useful at times.
If you, during a healing crisis, have experienced an extreme bleed because
of the nature of the small capillaries and the breaking of the capillaries
during the healing process and the swelling, you may lose a lot of blood.

And so, definitely, if you are experiencing a lot of bleeding, get to the
hospital so you can have a transfusion so that you will make it through this
healing crisis.

Medicine has a very important role to play, modern medicine, in

supporting your healing process. And so that’s all it is. It’s a supportive

You do want to be cautious about medications because most medications

that are used, what happens is it takes you out of this parasympathetic
vagotonic state where you’re symptomatic. And what the chemicals or the
pharmaceuticals do is actually put your body physiologically back into the
sympatheticotonia state. So you’re not feeling pain anymore, and you’re
like, “Woo-hoo! I feel great.” But if you want to heal, you actually need to
go through the course of the healing.

And there are ways to lessen the pain and to mitigate some of these
effects. But some of them, you’re just going to have to go through without
the aiding of medication. The medication doesn’t just numb you, it changes
your physiology. It changes what your body is doing.

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Okay! So you’re re-living the conflict physiology. The body is squeezing out
the edema. It’s happening on the brain level too. So you just might get this
splitting, splitting headache which is the brain squeezing the edema out.
And then, you go through a urinary phase because, again, you just
squeezed out a bunch of edema. It’s got to go out.

On the organ level, there’s spasms, muscle cramps. You’ll see that in the
heart attack. It’s actually muscle cramping to squeeze out edema. Very

Alright! So now we’re onto the second half. We made it through. We made
it through the epileptoid crisis. And so now, you’re still in the healing
phase, but you’re on the other side of it.

And even, it’s kind of like old wives’ knowledge, country doctors. They
know like, “Oh, if they make it through tonight, they’ll be just fine. If they
make it through tonight, they’ll be just fine.” And that’s what this is. That is
a colloquial experience of this very profound thing going on physiologically.
We’ve experienced it a ton of time. If they make it through this rough
night, this coughing spell, whatever this is, we know they’ll be just fine.
And we know that because they’ve made it to the second phase of healing
which is where new collagen is going to be made by fibroblasts. You just
relax all over, warm extremities. And so your body is healing. You’ve got a
feeling of well-being.

And so, this is such a wonderful phase to be in because you’ve made it—
depending on if you know the new medicine. If you still are living in the
model of the old medicine, the epileptoid crisis probably freaked you out.
If you had something happen, and you probably got rushed to the ER, you
might be experiencing, you might relapsing back into a conflict activity and
not finishing your healing process—which is such an important thing to be
aware of.

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So, people that end up with chronic conditions, it’s because they never
finish healing. They keep relapsing back, and they go back into the hospital.
They’re isolated again. They’re scared again. They’re worried again. And so
they’re back in conflict activity. They’re being given a bunch of medication.
And so they never make it to this phase.

And so, that’s why the more people that know about the new medicine,
the more people that know the 5 biological laws, and they are at ease, and
they understand, “I’m going to go through something. I might need a little
bit of help to get through it. But when I’m on the other end of it, my body
is doing what it needs to do.”

Okay! Another thing that happens here is on the brain level. And so the
glial cells of your brain are like the connective tissue. They come in. There’s
more glial cells than there are even actual neurons. The glial cells are the
supportive tissue. And so they are proliferating during this phase. And it
may be diagnosed as a glioblastoma which is glial cells proliferating.

But this is not a tumor. This is not something that needs to be gone in and
removed. This is a restoration area. This is the area that was impacted by
the DHS being restored. And then, in the CT scan, you’ll see this white glial
ring. This is a good thing. This is the body healing.

The organ is being restored. There’s scar formation. If it was something

that impacted your bones, your bones are remineralizing and they’re
stronger than they were before.

Okay! So let’s go on to the third biological law. This one is, again, so
interesting. This is the compass of German New Medicine. It’s
encompassed in the third biological law. This is the ontogenetic system of
cancer and cancer equivalent.

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So, this is basically an understanding of where certain cell types come from
and what type of biological program they will perform. So, it’s got to do
with embryology.

And I love this quote from Dr. Hamer: “The medical textbooks of the future
will no longer assign diseases to special disciplines. But they will instead
categorize them according to their embryonic germ layer relation. The new
medicine offers a reliable scientific system that allows the classification of
diseases in line with embryological aspect.”

I do remember when I was going through embryology, I loved it. It’s so

fascinating. But it’s so complex. It’s just remarkable how we went from two
cells to what we are now. It’s like the most profound magic that seem so
mundane because people have babies all the time. It’s just something
we’re immersed in life. But when you look at the details of it, it’s just
remarkable that this is how you were formed, this is how your body came
to be what it is now.

On the left here, you see the endoderm. So the endoderm is the yellow.
And so that is everything from the mouth to the rectum. That is the
alimentary canal. And it is the oldest. It’s the oldest tissue. And so that’s
the brain stem.

The old mesoderm, the old mesoderm has to do with certain connective
tissue of your dermis and your pleuras, your protective areas, having to do
with your cerebellum.

The new mesoderm is bones and ligaments and tendons that comes from
the central medulla.

And then the ectoderm is the new brain which is your epidermis.

So, we’re going to go through each of these levels and understand and talk
about what’s going on.

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So, the endoderm. The endoderm is the oldest brain. This is primal. Think
evolutionarily, these are the ancient of the ancient creatures. We also call
this the reptilian brain because, again, it’s the oldest, oldest brain.

And this is what forms your most basic functions. So think of just like a
basic being that doesn’t have higher thought that just be. What does it do?
It breathes, it eats and it reproduces. That’s what it needs to do.

And so this, the oldest conflict type, the most basic built into you conflict
types are death fright conflict (so that has to do with breathing), a morsel
conflict (having to do with food and eating), and then a procreation conflict
(having to do with reproduction).

And what Dr. Hamer found was that all endodermally-derived tissues—so
that’s a cool thing. When you’re just these two cells, and then you become
this blastocyst as your cells are coming together, you’ve got all these cells
that are forming, and you’ve got this neural tube. And then you’ve got
these three germ layers, these three basic layers that fold together, and
they turn into all of your complex organs.

And so the endodermally-derived tissues will all behave in a certain

pattern, in a certain way. And so all endodermally-derived tissues, in the
conflict active phase—when you’re freaked out, when you’re worried,
when you’re scared—these tissues will proliferate. These are the ones that
will have tumors. These will have growths.

And so that’s why there are lung tumors, lung growths. There are digestive
system tumors and growths, and then breast gland tumors, prostate, things
like that. And so, during the conflict active, cells are proliferating. During
the healing phase, there is tumor breakdown. There is a very specific way
that the body is designed and programmed to break down tumors.

So, let’s give an example, indigestible morsel cancer. This is an

endodermally-derived tissue coming from the brain stem. So the conflict is

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not being able to digest a morsel. We gave an example of that earlier. An

animal would bite off a bone too much, we could be angry about
something—something concerning a family member, something concerning
money. It’s a situation that you just cannot digest.

So, during the conflict active phase, the body is going to proliferate
secretory cells to increase gastric juices to better digest an unwanted
morsel. That’s what it is. It’s not trying to eat you from the inside-out. It’s
not there to kill you. It’s there to help you. It’s helping you to digest this
indigestible morsel.

So, let’s move on to the mesoderm. We did endoderm, now mesoderm.

And so there are two types of mesoderm. There is the old and the young.
So, this is the midbrain. This is the mammalian brain. This is the limbic
brain. And this has to do with protection and support.

So, again, think about evolution of creatures. We had basic, basic

functions. Now we want a little more protection.

And so, the old mesoderm form the breast glands, the dermis, the pleura,
the peritoneum, the pericardium. These are all protection organs. So they
have to do with, guess what, attack conflict.

So, if you’re feeling attack, if you are feeling also soiled conflict—and so
again, this could be actual physical attack (someone slaps your face), or it
could be a verbal attack (you really feel attack, someone is saying all kinds
of mean things ot you and you’re feeling attacked in that way. This can
cause things like acne).

And so, during the conflict active phase, there is cellular proliferation. And
so the cells are building up. Why? To protect you even further. And during
the healing phase, those cells are then broken down.

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Now, the young mesoderm is the striated muscles—the bones, the

tendons, ligaments and connective tissue. So these have to do with self-
devaluation conflict. This is kind of like your structure. And if you start to
doubt yourself, if you’re feeling not smart enough, not good enough,
unworthy, all of these things are interpreted in your body as, wow, we are
devaluing our actual make-up.

And so, the bones during the conflict active phase, they break down. Like
osteoporosis, there’ll be breakdown, an erosion of certain areas of
muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments. Again, it all depends on the specific
type of conflict.

And the purpose is, afterwards—if you’ve ever broken a bone, you know
that, afterwards, that bone is the strongest bone in your body, whichever
one was broken because after there’s been a devaluation, after there’s
been a breakdown, the body comes in and makes it stronger than before.

So, here are the examples. Old mesodermal-derived tissues, cerebellum,

we’ve given. We’ve talked about this one a couple of times already with
the nest worry conflict. So you’ve got this extreme concern for the well-
being of a loved one.

The breasts, they symbolize care and nurture. This conflict doesn’t have to
be your child. It could be about your parent, a pet, another loved one, a
friend. It could be about your home. It could be worry regarding an
argument you had. It’s something that you just have this extreme concern
for the well-being of someone.

And so, during the conflict active phase, there’s a proliferation of the milk-
producing cells to provide more milk to speed up the healing of a loved
one. Breast milk, if you are not aware, is absolutely brilliant. It does so
much. If your offspring, if your child is born premature, it changes its
composition. If your child has a fever, it changes its composition.

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Depending on what your baby needs, your breast milk will change
accordingly because the body is so smart. It knows exactly what to do and
exactly what that offspring needs. A

And so, again, this is such a deep ingrained biological program. This is at
work all of the time whether or not you’re breastfeeding.

So, a self-devaluation conflict, this is the other mesodermal tissue—the

young or the new mesoderm. And this is in the location of the brain of the
cerebral medulla.

So, the conflict is a self-devaluation. Examples are like, “I’ll never succeed.
I’m a failure.” You’re humiliated. If you’ve been abused, if you’ve lost your
status, lost a job, the bones of your body, they literally start to
demineralize. And so the biological purpose is once the problem has been
resolved, you are stronger. You are reinforced. You are more resilient
afterwards. And so, we want to get to that afterwards as soon as possible.

Now, the ectoderm. This is the new brain. This is the newest evolutionarily.
This is the human brain, what makes us human, our cerebral cortex. And so
it’s got more to do with social contracts, things that we worry about now
that we’ve got this bigger brain that has more things to think about.

And so, the cerebral cortex, the ectoderm layer, goes on to create the
lining of the bile ducts, the pancreatic ducts, the milk ducts, the cervix, the
bronchial tubes, heart vessels, and then the epidermal layer, your outer
layer of skin.

This has to do with more advanced conflicts—things like separation

conflicts, sexual conflicts, territorial conflicts. And during the conflict
activity, when you’re upset, when the problem is going on, when it’s active,
there is cell ulceration. And during the healing phase, there is cell
restoration. So there’s less cell during the conflict activity because, again,

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this is meant to help you. During this scenario, the loss of cells has a very
specific meaning. And then, after healing, your body wants to restore.

Okay! So we’re going to cover an ectodermally-derived tissue conflict. And

so this is very interesting because the last example we gave is of the breast
glands and how that has to do with the nest worry conflict. And remember,
the breast glands are old mesoderm-derived tissue which behaves like
endoderm. So there’s cell proliferation during the conflict active phase.

Now, the separation conflict involved in this particular type of ectodermal

tissue is the ectodermal tissue of the breast ducts. And so the breast ducts
are lined with ectoderm. And that is controlled from the cerebrum.

And so, this conflict of separation, think of the phrase “torn from my
breast.” So what happens if you have a separation conflict—and this, again,
doesn’t have to be a child. It could be a partner. It could be a pet that
maybe got hit by a car or something. And you just lost them all of a
sudden. You had this separation conflict where you won’t have contact any
longer with this person, this being, this thing that you loved.

So, in nature—again, we go to think of this in the natural sense. In nature,

if a mother loses her offspring, the breast ducts—so you lose this child that
you were prepared to have. I guess this can even happen during a
miscarriage or a stillbirth or a child that dies very early on.

The breast milk has been built up in the breast gland depending, again, on
the age of the child that it was lost. But in theory, the breast ducts are still
going to respond in this way. Even if you’re not lactating, even if you’re not
breastfeeding, your breast ducts will still respond in this way because it’s a
pattern of behavior that’s programmed into the breast ducts.

If the emotion perceived by the psyche is this “torn from my breast”

separation conflict, the breast ducts will erode during the conflict activity.
And that is to siphon off the built up milk to prevent any blockage of milk

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getting stuck in the canal because of the fact that there’s no baby to have
the milk.

And so, ductile cancers—so during the conflict activity, the cells of the
breast ducts are eroding. And you can’t really even feel that. There are no
symptoms during the conflict activity. The body is just responding. The
body is responding by widening the duct.

And you can even see that image in the middle. The top is the normal duct.
So you’ve got normal, everyday duct. Then there’s separation conflict.
There is an impact in the area of the cerebrum. And then, it is
communicated to the breast duct to erode immediately.

And so, just imagine a stage between those two where that normal duct,
those cells are starting to erode and they’re widening. And the purpose of
that, again, is to siphon off the milk, so that there’s plenty of space for it to
dump off and not get stuck in the breast.

And so now, as soon as the conflict is resolved (however the person is

resolving that conflict), immediately, the cells will start to regenerate. And
think of it almost like a scab. It’s a healing cancer. A ductile carcinoma,
they’ll say, “Oh, this is an invasive ductile carcinoma,” all that means is that
the conflict activity have gone on for a long time or was extremely intense.
And so, basically, there’s big, gaping holes in the breast duct because of
the erosion. And now the body has to fill it in.

And so the extent of that cancer that you see locking off here now, that is a
scab. That is exactly doing specifically what it’s supposed to do. It’s cellular

And so, when you feel a tumor in this stage, this tumor will be experience
—it’s already in healing. And so, if there’s a ductile cancer that you’ve got,
that is totally okay. It’s the body healing. And it is doing exactly what it’s
supposed to do.

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It’s the fear. It’s that fear of discovering a lump or going in for a
mammogram and having this discovery and you finding out that it’s breast
cancer. That is the biggest danger of this type of cancer, the fear associated
with it.

In all likelihood, women have experienced all sorts of cancers that are
there, they heal, and they go away because the body is programmed for
this. It’s designed for this. It’s what happens if it’s left alone. But we’ve got
this hypersensitive world of making sure that everyone is getting
mammograms. We’re checking and we’re checking. We’re hyperactive
looking for these things. But we are not understanding how they get there.

And so, we’ve got this society that’s all about early detection. But we don’t
understand why it’s even there to begin with. And so we’ve got this
misinterpretation, we get really scared. We try to take action before when,
really, if it was just…

And I’m not saying do nothing. And so, that’s one thing I do want to make
very clear. GNM and understanding the 5 biological laws is not about doing
nothing. It’s about understanding and having proper guidance and coaching
through this process so that you are making informed decisions. You’re not
making decisions out of fear. You’re not cutting away parts of your breasts
that are actually healing you, that are doing exactly what they’re supposed
to do.

And so that’s why it’s all about ease. It’s all about relaxation. It’s all about
realizing what your body is doing, being prepared for the healing symptoms
and everything that goes along with that.

And so, this is an example of an ectodermal conflict regarding separation

and the breast ducts.

And so, that kind of wraps it up for the examples that I wanted to give of
each different type of tissue and each different type of conflict.

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Alright! Onto the fourth biological law. This one is the ontogenetic system
of microbes. I love this law because I am very pro-bacteria. I’m really into
probiotics and sauerkrauts. And this was one of these big health
revolutions for me, just starting to get all of these good bacteria and
making my own sauerkraut. I’m really into it because it just makes sense to
me that our body is mostly bacteria.

When you think about bacteria, we think about bugs. But really, it’s such a
part of us. Bacteria are actually instructed by our brain. Your brain tells
your bacteria what to do and when to do it.

And so, what Dr. Hamer discovered is that germs, microbes are there.
Bacteria are there for our health. They help us all of the time. We co-
evolved together. We didn’t evolve separately from microbes. We didn’t
evolve in sterile hospital rooms. We evolved literally up against, entwined,
with every aspect of nature.

And so, just as fungus break down decaying wood in the forest, fungus in
our bodies break down tumors for us. Bacteria, like TB bacteria, are some
of the oldest bacteria. And so they literally work to break down tumors in
our bodies. They are there for our health. They are not here to hurt us.

And they’re there all the time, but they’re seasonal workers. The bacteria
are only active when they are needed, when the brain instructs them to
activate. And so it’s when they are needed to break down the results of a
conflict phase.

So, there was a conflict, then there was a resolution. And now, okay, call
up the bacteria. They need to become active now so that they can do what
they need to do.

And so, diseases are not contagious. The bacteria and the fungus that are
present, they’ve gotten the blame. They’ve gotten the blame for being
responsible for the head cold, for the flu, for the this, for the that. We do a

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swab and we say, “Oh, look at this. This here, this here is what caused it”
when that’s not the case at all whatsoever. It’s like saying that the fire
truck caused the fire, saying that the flies caused the garbage.

No, they’re there because they’re part of the clean-up crew. They’re part
of fixing the problem.

And so, that’s what I find. So I’d like to vindicate the bacteria and the
fungus of the world for people thinking that they are the cause of disease
when they’re not at all whatsoever.

And this is another thing to show you, that diseases are not contagious.
The germ theory is not the proper model. If a germ gets on a person, they
could be totally fine because they’re not conflict active and their body isn’t
using that bacteria to help with the healing process.

And Dr. Hamer found that specifically with endodermal tissues—again,

endoderm, oldest tissue—fungi, microbacteria like tuberculosis works with
that old, old tissue. The mesoderm will be other types of bacteria like
Streptococcus, Staphylococcus. It’s used in the mesoderm.

And now, the ectoderm, it’s bacteria and then the viruses—if they even
exist. There is a very interesting—and I’ll do a workshop about this as well,
viruses. There are no electron microscope pictures of viruses. When we
say, “Oh, we’ve isolated a virus,” really, what we’ve isolated is what the
body is doing. It’s a very specific response, something that’s happening in
the body. And it can’t be isolated.

And so, the fact that it can’t be isolated and then put on someone to cause
the exact, same disease, that’s part of the scientific process. And that
cannot be reproduced in viruses. And so that’s why there’s a lot of
question about whether viruses exist. And if they do, they’re there to help.
And they help during the healing process. And that’s why they show up
when a person is symptomatic.

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35 German New Medicine 101 Introduction to the Five Biological Laws

Okay, the fifth biological law, this is just the quintessence. This is the
pinnacle, the ultimate, the fact that diseases is not an error. Your body is
not making a mistake. It’s not messing up. It’s not screwing up. It is doing
everything evolutionarily, biologically, embryologically perfect.

It evolved over millions of years, these biological special programs. While

they don’t make sense to us anymore because we’ve evolved mentally so
far beyond needing these things to break down, we don’t need necessarily
additional stomach lining cells to break down the anger morsel conflict that
we have with our spouse. It’s not functional for us anymore. But it’s doing
something for us, for our benefit.

You know, just thinking about this, how you got to now, it’s like, “Wow!
Thank you body. I realize that I don’t actually need the stomach tumor, but
it’s taught me a lot about myself. It’s taught me a lot about my
relationships. It’s taught me a lot about how I interpret situations. And now
I’ve got this greater self-awareness and self-knowledge and self-
understanding. And now, the next time I encounter a situation, I’m going to
handle it differently because I know that if I handle it in the same way, my
body is going to have that same response.”

And so, I just think that’s a beautiful, beautiful, wonderful thing, to have
access to this medicine. In Spanish, German New Medicine is called The
Sacred Medicine, La Medicine Sagrada which I just think is beautiful. And I
do see it that way. I see this as a sacred, beautiful understanding of how
the human body works, of how perfect it is, and how it’s always optimizing,
it’s always adapting. It’s always getting better.

And I love this quote from Nitze: “There is more wisdom in your body than
in your deepest philosophy.” And I just feel like that is the absolute truth.
There is so much wisdom. The five biological laws is just—I just think just
getting into understanding the body in this deeper way, understanding

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36 German New Medicine 101 Introduction to the Five Biological Laws

ourselves, understanding nature, I just think it’s wonderful. And it takes

the fear away.

And that’s the thing I wanted you to get from this presentation, a glimpse
into the understanding of what’s going on, and then just that [sigh of
relief]. I want you to relax. I want you to realize that your body is working
for you, that it’s helping you.

And so, if you need any type of coaching, if you’d like me to work with you
on this so we can talk through things, you can learn to understand how you
view this scenario, what’s going on, what stage are you in, what symptoms
do you need to be prepared for, how do we prevent this from happening
again, there are so many levels to the ways that we can apply this
knowledge in our real day to day life, and so I am here for you.

I shifted from full-time practice as a chiropractor to doing mindset

coaching. And now, when I’ve married it all together, the understanding
the knowledge and wisdom of the body that I learned in school, the
mindset work that I’ve done for years now, and then the understanding of
GNM and the five biological laws have really just allowed me to be able to
offer things to my patients and clients to help you have that complete
approach to your mind, to your body, and how to integrate it all together.

So, feel free to send me an email at [email protected] . You can visit

my website, DrMelissaSell.com where I have other videos and articles.
Please follow on Facebook, connect with me on Instagram.

And this is it! This is the new medicine. Bear it well. Share it with other
people. People deserve to know how their body works. And they deserve
to be free from fear. And that is my mission.

So, thank you so, so much for joining me. And I hope to speak with you
very soon.

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