Harmony in The Family: By: Priya Jaidka

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Harmony in the Family

By: Priya Jaidka

Basic Human Aspiration
= Happiness, Prosperity and its Continuity

= To Understanding Harmony
At all 4 Levels
To Live in “

1. Harmony in the Human Being

2. Harmony in the Family
3. Harmony in the Society
4. Harmony in Nature / Existence
(in the self)

(with human (with rest of
beings) nature) Animal


Harmony in the Family
1. Relationship is – between the self (I) and the other self (I)
2. There are feelings, or expectation of feelings, in relationship – of one
self (I) for the other self (I)
3. These feelings can be recognized – they are definite
4. Their fulfilment and evaluation leads to mutual happiness
Feelings in relationship:

1- Trust 6- Reverence
2- Respect 7- Glory
3- Affection 8- Gratitude
4- Care 9- Love
5- Guidance

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• When these feelings are in me, I am in a state of harmony, happiness
• When I express them to the other, the other also feels happy
• I only expect the other to express these feelings to me
• I feel happy only when the other expresses these feelings to me

In which case do I have control on my state?

Trust = to be assured
= to be assured that each human being inherently wants oneself
and the other to be happy and prosperous, to have this clarity

Absence of Trust
= lack of assurance that the other intends my happiness
= Doubt, Fear, Opposition…

Verify on the basis of your natural Verify on the basis of your
1a. I want to make myself happy √ 1b. I am able to make myself
always happy
2a. I want to make the other happy √
2b. I am able to make the others
always happy ?
3a. The other wants to make
herself/himself happy √ 3b. The other is able to make
herself/himself always happy ?
4a. The other wants to make me 4b. The other is able to make me
happy ?
always happy ??

Intention – Natural Acceptance Competence

What I really want to be What I am
Verify on the basis of your natural Verify on the basis of your
1a. I want to make myself happy √ 1b. I am able to make myself
always happy
2a. I want to make the other happy √
2b. I am able to make the others
always happy ?
3a. The other wants to make
herself/himself happy √ 3b. The other is able to make
herself/himself always happy ?
4a. The other wants to make me 4b. The other is able to make me
happy ?
always happy ??
Why this much difference? Is the other not like me?
Observe that 3a & 4a are but a reflection of 1a & 2a. The other is a
Natural Acceptance,
reflection of me ie Intention Competence
What we really want to be What we are
Verify on the basis of your natural Verify on the basis of your
1a. I want to make myself happy √ 1b. I am able to make myself
always happy
2a. I want to make the other happy √
2b. I am able to make the others
always happy ?
3a. The other wants to make
herself/himself happy √ 3b. The other is able to make
herself/himself always happy ?
4a. The other wants to make me 4b. The other is able to make me
happy ?
always happy ??
I evaluate my self on my intention (2a)
I consider myself to be good because I have good intention
Natural Acceptance, ie Intention Competence
When I lack competence, I want to develop my competence. I expect
What we really
the other want to bethis, and helpWhat
will understand
we are
me… with affection 9
I evaluate the other on his competence (4b)
Verify on the basis of your natural Verify on the basis of your
Since the other does lack competence, competence
I assume the other does not
have the intention
1a. I want to make–myself
I doubt his intention (4a)
happy √ 1b. I am able to make myself
I conclude the other is bad always happy
2a. I want to make the other happy √
2b. I am able to make the others
Irritation, anger, condemning the other are indications of doubt on
always happy ?
3a. The other wants to make
herself/himself happy √ 3b. The other is able to make
Doubt on intention is a major reason herself/himself
for problems inalways
happy ?
4a. The other wants to make me 4b. The other is able to make me
happy ?
always happy ??

Natural Acceptance, ie Intention Competence

What we really want to be What we are
About the Other About Myself
The other broke a glass The glass broke by accident
The other did not come on time I tried really hard to reach on time

The other makes mistakes I make mistakes by accident


The other is bad I am good

Trust on intention = Having no doubt on intention
Verify on the basis of your natural Verify on the basis of your
Trust is to be able to see that: competence
Everyone wants to understand (Sabhi sahi samajhna chahte hain)
1a. I want to make myself happy √ 1b. I am able to make myself
Everyone wants to live in harmony (Sabhi sahi jeena chahte hain)
Everyone can understand (Sabhi sahi always happy
samajh sakte hain)
2a. I want to make the other happy √
2b. I am able to make the others
Ie. to have no doubt on intention, to have the clarity that the other wants
to be happy, and to make me happy always happy ?
3a. The other wants to make
herself/himself happy √ 3b. The other is able to make
herself/himself always happy ?
4a. The other wants to make me
√ 4b. The other is able to make me
always happy ??

Natural Acceptance, ie Intention Competence

What we really want to be What we are
Opposition Trust
If we do not have trust on If we have trust on intention, we
intention, we have a feeling of feel related to the other –
opposing the other

We express this as irritation or In case the other is lacking in

anger, breakup competence, we start facilitating
the other to improve his/her
competence, affectionately
(Small acts of mistrust stay in the
(without being irritated or angry)
thoughts, multiply, grow; doubt,
fear, opression…; opposition
ultimately leads to fighting, We make a program with the other
struggle and war) based on right evaluation of
each others competence

This is living with human

Reaction Response
1a. The other makes a mistake 2a. The other makes a mistake
1b. This made me irritated/angry 2b. I could not understand how the
other can avoid making the
mistake / I could not help the other
to understand how the other can
avoid making the mistake
2c. I get irritated/angry within myself
first, then I express it to the other

The perceived source of my irritation/ The perceived source of my irritation/

anger is the inability of the other – anger is my own inability – “My
“The other makes me angry” inability forced me get angry”

When I assume 1b, I complain about When I become aware of 2b, I take
the other responsibility – I develop my own
ability and facilitate the other to
avoid making the mistake in future

3 possibilities

- I am unable to explain  I have scope of improving my competence

- The other is unable to understand  The other has scope of
improving his competence, but with my current competence, I can not
be of help
- The other does not want to understand  This is an invalid possibility
since every human being wants to understand

Who can be expected to take initiative? One who is responsible or one

who is otherwise?

Ex: Trust
How many persons do you have trust on intention – unconditional
(never having a feeling of opposition, getting irritated or angry)?

Is increase in this number an indication of your progress or decrease in

this number an indication of your progress?

How many persons do you have trust on intention – unconditional
(never having a feeling of opposition, getting irritated or angry)?

Is increase in this number progress or decrease in this number


(Answer yourself…try to find it inside your SELF)

Feelings (or Expectation of Feelings) in Relationships
• Trust (Vishwas) FOUNDATION • Reverence (Shraddha)
VALUE • Glory (Gaurav)
• Respect (sammaan) • Gratitude (Kratagyata)
• Affection (Sneha) • Love (Prem) COMPLETE VALUE
• Care (Mamta)
• Guidance (Vatsalya)

Natural acceptance for all of this is already within you

Right understanding makes you aware
Once you are aware of it, there is continuity of these feelings and you
are able to fulfill them
Having right feelings in oneself leads to one’s happiness
Expressing these feelings to the other leads to happiness in the other

Justice is ensuring right understanding in the self leading to right

feelings and it's expression in relationship resulting in mutual
hapiness. We have Natural Acceptance for Justice for All – from
Family to World Family

Respect = Right Evaluation

• Over evaluation– to evaluate for more than what it is

• Under evaluation– to evaluate for less than what it is Disrespect
• Otherwise evaluation– to evaluate for other than what it is

Whenever the evaluation is not right, it is disrespect

If we observe, we will find in our day to day relationship, we tend to do

one of the above three, leading to disrespect

Check for yourself in every interaction with others whether it is respect

or disrespect

Differentiation (Disrespect)
Differentiation = Disrespect

Body Physical Beliefs


Gender Age Race Physical Wealth Post Isms Sects


Evaluation on the basis of Body, Physical Facilities or Beliefs

(preconditioning) turns out to be differentiation and therefore

Differentiation like this has led to resentments and protests. Example:

Generation Gap, Black vs White, Powerful vs Opressed, Rich-Poor,
Communism-Capatilism, Hindu-Muslim and so on
Respect : Right Evaluation – on the basis of the Self (I)
1. Our purpose is the same, our natural acceptance is the same – Just as I
want to be continuously happy, so does the other
2. Our program is the same – Just as I can live happily by understanding and
living in harmony at all levels, so it is for the other
3. Our potential is the same – Desire, Thought & Selection is continuous in
me and also in the other. Just as I can understand, so can the other

The minimum content of respect is – to be able to see and accept that

The Other is Similar to Me

The difference could only be at the level of

4. Understanding ;not information
∀ If the other has better understanding than me, I want to understand from other
∀ If the other has lesser understanding than me, I accept the responsibility to improve
the understanding of the other

Differentiation Respect
I evaluate on the basis of body, I evaluate on the basis of I (Self)
physical facilities or belief (pre 1. We have the same purpose
conditioning) 2. We have the same program
3. We have the same potential
(difference only in competence)
The other is different from me The other is like me

We are competitors. I make effort We are complementary to each

to accentuate the difference, to other. I live with responsibility
manipulate, exploit the other – if I have more understanding
than the other, I help the other
– If the other has more
understanding than me, I
become ready to understand
from the other
This is living with human
conciousness 22
The feeling of being related
Verify on the basis of your natural acceptance if you want to be related

None  The feeling of being related to none – in opposition to all

One  The feeling of being related to one
Many  The feeling of being related to many
Everyone  The feeling of being related to all Love

The feeling of being related
Affection – The feeling of acceptance of the other as one’s relative
(feeling of being related to the other)

Love – The feeling of being related to all (Complete Value)

The feeling of being related
It all starts with identifying that one is related to other human being
(Affection ) and it slowly expands to the feeling of being related to all
human beings (Love ) and then to all, each & every unit in nature
(human being as well as other units).

This leads to Undivided Society .It starts from family and slowly expands
to world family; without being obstructed at any intermediate level.
Evaluate for yourself if you have natural acceptance for this or to
make a boundary at some level.

Every human being has natural acceptance for expanding up to world

family through this feeling of love, but due to lack of understanding of
relationship, he is not able to ensure a relationship of mutual
happiness even with his family members.

Understanding of the Harmony &
at all 4 levels
Living in that Harmony

Excellence and competition are not similar.

In excellence, one helps to bring the other to his level
In competition, he hinders the other from reaching to his level
Excellence is Absolute & Definite
Competition is always relative, with no definite state, no point of

Reverence – The feeling of acceptance for Excellence

Understanding of the Harmony &
at all 4 levels
Living in that Harmony

Excellence and competition are not similar.

In excellence, one helps to bring the other to his level
In competition, he hinders the other from reaching to his level
Excellence is Absolute & Definite
Competition is always relative, with no definite state, no point of

Effort made to achieve the excellence

Reverence – The feeling of acceptance for the Excellence

Check for yourself

In relationship:

What is the role of physical facilities?

What is the role of feelings?
What is the priority?
Where is the bulk of the effort?

Joint family = happy family?
Small family = happy family?
Samajhdaar family = happy family

Love marriage = happy marriage?

Arranged marriage = happy marriage?
Marriage with right understanding & right feeling = happy marriage

Harmony in Family – From Family to World Family (Undivided Society)
1. Relationship is – between the self (I) and the other 1- Trust  FOUNDATION VALUE
self (I)
2- Respect
2. There are feelings, or expectation of feelings, in
relationship – of one self (I) for the other self (I) 3- Affection 7- Glory
3. These feelings can be recognized – they are 4- Care 8- Gratitude —
definite 5- Guidance 9- Love COMPLETE VALUE
4. Their fulfillment and evaluation leads to mutual
6- Reverence

Justice is ensuring right understanding in the self leading to right feelings and
it's expression in relationship resulting in mutual happiness. We have
Natural Acceptance for Justice for All – from Family to World Family
Natural acceptance for Justice is already within you
Right understanding makes you aware
Once you are aware of it, there is continuity of these feelings and you are able
to fulfil them
Having right feelings in oneself leads to one’s happiness
Expressing these feelings to the other leads to happiness in the other

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