Pathophysiology and Concept Map Guide: Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Pneumoniae and Staphylococcus Aureus

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Pathophysiology and Concept Map Guide


 Young age (4 mos. old) –  Environmental: the primary

immature immune system caregiver of patient X has a
 Not fully immunized (still 4 cold and the rest of the family
mos. old) – no MMR yet; also caught this illness; PCAP
newly vaccinated with Penta- is mainly caused by viral
valent vaccine and PCV. infections.


Pneumonia occurs as result of invasion of the lower respiratory tract by a

pathogenic organism. Viruses cause a significant percentage of CAP infections,
especially in children younger than two years. However, this case suggests a
bacterial infection as evidenced by the medical management carried out to the
patient. Bacterial pathogens include Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma
pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus.

Inhalation of droplets and Cough

bacterial pathogens through
the pharynx, larynx and
trachea; microorganisms
enters and affects the lungs Prepare suction
Presence of equipment
Increased WBC phlegm/
count: accumulation
Immune system responds to
* Lymphocytes of mucus Cefuroxime,
infection causing mucosal
– 68 Azithromycin
irritation and accumulation
* Segmenters -
of mucus Dyspnea with
* Monocytes – use of Elevation
9 accessory of head
Bacteria proliferates in the muscles;
lungs “Ga hanguson
Zinc Sulfate siya ilabina Salbutamol
mag higda.”

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(1997). A practical guide for the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric
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