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12 Kinematics of Particle

12.1 Introduction
···· mechanics


• mechanics : motion, time, force, state

• statics, dynamics : time, a = 0 or a = 0

• kinematics, kinetics : geometry, force

/ statics

mechanics / kinematics

/ dynamics

/ kinetics

problem solving : geometry, the equation of motion

knowns → unknowns, simultaneous equations (Matlab, Mathematica)

f = ma

τ = Jα = Iα

motion = translation + rotation

chapters 12 ∼ 19
particle/rigid-body, kinematics, kinetics of force and acceleration, kinetics of work and en-
ergy, kinetics of impulse and momentum in two-dimension

12.2 Rectilinear Kinematics : Continuous Motion
···· particle, body

···· motion, position, displacement, velocity, acceleration



• particle : position (translation) ← no dimension, concentrated mass

• body : position (translation), orientation (rotation) ← dimension, distributed mass

– rigid body : no deflection, or negligible

– flexible body : deflection

motion : translation + rotation

• rectilinear motion

• curvilinear motion

scalar, vector

• scalar : magnitude

• vector : magnitude, direction

position : coordinate system (fixed origin, coordinate axes), position coordiante of s, vector,
displacement : change of position, vector, Δs = s − s, time interval of Δt, (old, new)

• average velocity
vavg =

• instantaneous velocity : velocity, vector, [m/s]

Δs ds
v = lim =
Δt→0 Δt dt

speed : scalar

• average acceleration
aavg =

• instantaneous acceleration : acceleration, vector, [m/s2 ]

Δv dv d2 s
a = lim = = 2
Δt→0 Δt dt dt

ds dv
differential relation from v = dt
, a= dt

ads = vdv

dt = ds
→a= dv
= dv

constant acceleration of a = ac , initial condition of t = 0, s0 , v0

integration of ac = dv
→ dv = ac dt
 v  t
dv = ac dt ⇒ v = ac t + v0
v0 0

integration of v = ds
→ ds = vdt
 s  t  t
ds = vdt = (ac t + v0 ) dt ⇒ s = ac t2 + v0 t + s0
s0 0 0 2

integration of ac ds = vdv
 s  v
ac ds = vdv ⇒ v 2 = v0 2 + 2ac (s − s0 )
s0 v0

Example 12.1, coordinate system, origin O, rightward : +s, v = (3t2 +2t)[m/s], s(0) = 0[m]
→ t = 3[s], s ? a ?
Example 12.2, integration, origin O, downward : +s, a = −0.4v 3 [m/s2 ], s(0) = 0[m],
v(0) = 60[m/s] → t = 4[s], s ? v ?

12.3 Rectilinear Kinematics : Erratic Motion
···· graph

···· derivative, integral


Fig. 12-7, Fig. 12-8, t–s, t–v, t–a graphs, slope of graph, derivative

s = s(t)
v = v(t) =
a = a(t) =

Fig. 12-9, Fig. 12-10, integral, area

a = a(t)

Δv = adt

Δs = vdt

Fig. 12-11, Fig. 12-12, s–v, s–a graphs

vdv = ads

Example 12.6, 0[s]  t  30[s], s = t2 [m] at 0[s]  t  10[s], s = (20t − 100)[m] at

10[s]  t  30[s] → t–v ? t–a ?

12.4 General Curvilinear Motion
···· curvilinear motion

···· path, hodograph


scalar : a, vector : a, matrix : A

vector : magnitude, direction
position vector : r = r(t)
displacement vector : Δr = r  − r, time interval of Δt, (old, new)
velocity vector : tangent to curved path

Δr dr
v = lim =
Δt→0 Δt dt

acceleration vector : Δv = v  − v, time interval of Δt, (old, new), tangent to hodograph

Δv dv d2 r
a = lim = = 2
Δt→0 Δt dt dt

12.5 Curvilinear Motion : Rectangular Components
···· components

xyz coordinate system, right-hand system, unit vectors of i, j, k

position, components of x, y, z

r(t) = x(t)i + y(t)j + z(t)k

magnitude of position : r = x2 + y 2 + z 2
direction of position : ur = r/r, uint vector
velocity : v(t) = dr (t) , i̇ = j̇ = k̇ = 0

dx(t) dy(t) dz(t)

v(t) = i+ j+ k
dt dt dt
= ẋi + ẏj + żk

= vx i + v y j + v z k

magnitude of velocity : v = vx 2 + vy 2 + vz 2
direction of velocity : uv = v/v, uint vector, tangent to path

magnitude of velocity in two-dimension : v = vx 2 + vy 2
−1 vy
direction of velocity in two-dimension : φv = tan vx
dv (t)
acceleration : a(t) = dt

dvx (t) dvy (t) dvz (t)

a(t) = i+ j+ k
dt dt dt
= ẍi + ÿj + z̈k

= ax i + ay j + az k

magnitude of acceleration : a = ax 2 + ay 2 + az 2
direction of acceleration : ua = a/a, uint vector

magnitude of acceleration in two-dimension : a = ax 2 + ay 2
direction of acceleration in two-dimension : φa = tan−1 aaxy
Example 12.9, origin O at point A, x = 8t[m], path of y = 10
[m] → t = 2[s], ẋ ? ẏ ? ẍ ? ÿ
y y
tan−1 x
= arctan x
: +90° ∼ −90°
arctan 2 (y, x) : +180° ∼ −180°

12.6 Motion of Projectile
···· projectile

Fig. 12-20 : r0 = (x0 , y0 )T , v0 = (v0x , v0y )T , a = (0, −g)T , g = 9.81[m/s2 ]

horizontal motion : x–axis

• ax = 0

• vx = v0x

• x = v0x t + x0

vertical motion : y–axis

• ay = −g

• vy = −gt + v0y

• y = − 12 gt2 + v0y t + y0

Example 12.11, origin O at point A, x(0) = 0[m], ẋ(0) = 12[m/s], y(0) = 0[m], ẏ(0) =
0[m/s] → y = −6[m], t ? x ?
Example 12.12, θ = 30°, x(0) = 0[m], y(0) = 0[m], v(0) = 7.5[m/s] → x = 6[m], y ?
incline plane ?

12.7 Curvilinear Motion : Normal and Tangential Com-

···· osculating plane

Fig. 12-24 : osculating plane, known path

curved path of particle ≈ series of differential arc segments ds from associated circle having
radius of curvature ρ and center of curvature O
uint tangent vector : ut (increase of position), unit normal vector : un (concave side of curve)
osculating plane : ut ⊥ un
position : s = s(t), known !
velocity : v = dt
= ṡ
v = vut = ṡut

magnitude of velocity : ṡ
direction of velocity : ut
a = v̇ = v̇ut + v u̇t = s̈ut + ṡu̇t

u̇t ?
ut  = ut + dut , (old, new)
dut , magnitude : dθ, direction : un ⇒ dut = dθun ⇒ u̇t = θ̇un
θ[rad], ds = ρdθ → θ̇ = ṡ

∴ u̇t = un

a = s̈ut + un
= at ut + an un

magnitude of acceleration : a = at 2 + an 2
direction of acceleration : φa = tan−1 aant

• at : time rate of change in magnitude of velocity, translational motion

• an : time rate of change in direction of velocity, rotational motion

radius–of–curvature of ρ in path of y = f (x)
  dy 2  32
1 + dx
 d2 y 

osculating plane of three-dimension : ut ⊥ un , ub = ut × un

TNB frame : tangential, normal, binormal
Example 12.14, parabolic path of y = 20
, x = 10[m], y = 5[m], v = 6[m/s], a = 2[m/s2 ] →
Example 12.15, r = 300[m] = constant, a = 7[m/s2 ] = constant, v(0) = 0 → a = 8[m/s2 ],

12.8 Curvilinear Motion : Cylindrical Components
···· coordinate system

coordinate system

• cartesian coordinates : rectangular coordinates, x(t), y(t), z(t), unit vector of i, j, k

• cylindrical coordinates : polar coordinates, r(t), θ(t)[rad], z(t), unit vector of ur , uθ ,


• spherical coordinates

Fig. 12-30
position : r = rur
velocity : v = ṙ = ṙur + ru̇r
u̇r ?
ur  = ur + dur
dur , magnitude : dθ, direction : uθ ⇒ dur = dθuθ ⇒ u̇r = θ̇uθ

v = ṙur + rθ̇uθ

= vr ur + vθ uθ

magnitude of velocity : v = vr 2 + vθ 2
−1 vθ
direction of velocity : φv = tan vr

acceleration : a = v̇ = r̈ur + ṙu̇r + ṙθ̇uθ + rθ̈uθ + rθ̇u̇θ

u̇θ ?
uθ  = uθ + duθ , (old, new)
duθ , magnitude : dθ, direction : −ur ⇒ duθ = −dθur ⇒ u̇θ = −θ̇ur

a = r̈ur + ṙu̇r + ṙθ̇uθ + rθ̈uθ + rθ̇u̇θ

= r̈ur + ṙθ̇uθ + ṙθ̇uθ + rθ̈uθ − rθ̇2 ur

= r̈ − rθ̇ ur + rθ̈ + 2ṙθ̇ uθ

= ar ur + aθ uθ


magnitude of acceleration : a = ar 2 + aθ 2
−1 aθ
direction of acceleration : φa = tan ar

cartesian coordinates → cylindrical coordinates : coordinate system !

r = x2 + y 2
−1 y
θ = tan
z = z

cylindrical coordinates → cartesian coordinates : coordinate system !

x = r cos θ

y = r sin θ

z = z

ẋ, ẏ, ż

ẋ = ṙ cos θ − rθ̇ sin θ

ẏ = rθ̇ cos θ + ṙ sin θ

ż = ż

ẍ, ÿ, z̈
ẍ = r̈ − rθ̇2 cos θ − rθ̈ + 2ṙθ̇ sin θ
ÿ = rθ̈ + 2ṙθ̇ cos θ + r̈ − rθ̇2 sin θ

z̈ = z̈

Example 12.17, r = constant, θ̇, θ̈ → vr ? vθ ? ar ? aθ ?

Example 12.18, θA = t3 [rad], rB = 100t2 [mm] → t = 1[s], v B ? aB ?

12.9 Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Par-

···· interconnection

interconnection : dependent motion, datum

Fig. 12-37 : constant total length of l

2sB + h + sA = l

2vB + vA = 0

2aB + aA = 0

Example 12.21, vB = 6[m/s] upward → vA ?

12.10 Relative Motion of Two Particles Using Trans-

lating Axes
···· reference frame

···· translating axes


Fig. 12-42
absolute position : r A , r B from O–xyz reference frame, fixed coordinate system
relative position : r B/A from O –x y  z  reference frame, moving coordinate system

r B = r A + r B/A

v B = v A + v B/A

aB = aA + aB/A

relative velocity : v B/A

relative acceleration : aB/A
Example 12.25, origin, θ = 45°, vT = 60[km/h] = constant, vA = 45[km/h] → v T /A ?
Example 12.26


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