Kinematics of Particle

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Kinematics of a
Dr Raudhah Ahmadi
Lecture Outline
Rectilinear Kinematics:
Continuous Motion
Rectilinear Kinematics:
Erratic Motion
 Mechanics – concern with the state
of rest or motion of bodies subjected
to the action of forces


 Statics – equilibrium of a body that is
either at rest or moves with constant
 Dynamics – deals with accelerated
motion of a body
i. Kinematics – treats only geometric
aspects of motion
ii. Kinetics – analysis of the forces
causing the motion
Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous
 Rectilinear – straight path
 Particles – has mass but negligible size
and shape
e.g. rockets, projectiles or vehicles
 Rectilinear kinematics – specifying at any
instant, the particle’s position, velocity
and acceleration
 Position
1) Defined by using single coordinate axis, s
2) Origin, O
3) Position vector r – specify location of particle P at
any given instant from origin
4) Algebraic scalar s – position coordinate of
Magnitude of s = distance from O to P (in meter)
Sense – follow the coordinate axis positive direction
In this case, s is positive
 Displacement – change in its position

r  r   r
 If particle moves from P to P’
s  s  s
s +ve if particle’s position is right of its initial
s -ve if particle’s position is left of its initial
 Distance traveled -> +ve scalar represent
total length of path over which the
particle travels
 Distance traveled ≠ Displacement
 Displacement is a vector quantity
If particle moves through a displacement
∆r from P to P’ during the time interval ∆t,
the average velocity, vavg;
vavg 

Instantaneous velocity is defined as

vins  lim r / t 
t 0

 vins 
Representing vins as an algebraic scalar,

ds Kinematic
v  

 equation
dt  

Velocity is +ve = particle moving to the right

Velocity is –ve = Particle moving to the left
Magnitude of velocity is the speed (m/s)
Average speed – total distance traveled by
a particle, sT, divided by the elapsed time ∆t

v  
sp avg

The particle travels along the path of length

sT in time ∆t

vsp avg  sT
vavg  
Average acceleration – if the particle’s
velocity is known at points P and P’ during
time interval ∆t
aavg 

∆v represents difference in the velocity

during time interval ∆t, ie

v  v'v
Instantaneous acceleration – is found by
taking smaller and smaller values of ∆t and
corresponding smaller and smaller values of
∆v, so that..
a  lim v / t 
t 0

Or using algebraic scalars,

Kinematic dv 
a 
dt   d 2s 
a 2 
dt  
Subs, v  ds
 Particle is slowing down, its speed is
decreasing => decelerating => v  v'v
will be negative.
 Consequently, a will also be negative,
therefore it will act to the left, in the
opposite sense to v
 If velocity is constant, acceleration is zero
 Units :- m/s2
 Differential
relation involving the
displacement, velocity and acceleration

𝑎 𝑑𝑠 = 𝑣 𝑑𝑣
a Kinematic
dt equation
Constant acceleration

𝑎 = 𝑎𝑐

When the acceleration is constant, each

of the three kinematic equations may be
integrated to relate ac, v, s and t.
 Velocity as a Function of Time

Integrate ac = dv/dt, assuming that

initially v = v0 when t = 0.
v t
 dv   a
v0 0
c dt

v  v0  act   
 

Constant Acceleration
 Position
as a Function of Time
Integrate v = ds/dt = v0 + act,
assuming that initially s = s0 when t = 0

 ds   v  act  dt
s t
s0 0

1 2
s  s0  v0t  act   
2  

Constant Acceleration
 Velocity as a Function of Position
Integrate v dv = ac ds, assuming that
initially v = v0 at s = s0
v s
 vdv  
v0 s0
ac ds

v  v  2ac s  s0 
2 2   
0  

Constant Acceleration
Important points
 Rectilinear kinematics refers to straight-
line motion
 Average speed is the total distance
traveled divided by the total time. This is
different from the average velocity which
is the displacement divided by the time.
 The acceleration, a = dv/dt, is negative
when the particle is slowing down or
 A particle can have an acceleration and
yet have zero velocity.
Kinematic Equation
 Velocity, v

 Acceleration, a 
 Displacement, velocity and acceleration
differential relation
𝑎 𝑑𝑠 = 𝑣 𝑑𝑣
Constant acceleration
 Velocity as function of time
v  v0  act
 Position as a function of time
1 2
s  s0  v0t  act
 Velocity as a function of position

v 2  v02  2ac s  s0 
Example 1
The car moves in a straight line such that
for a short time its velocity is defined by v =
(0.9t2 + 0.6t) m/s where t is in sec.
Determine it position and acceleration
when t = 3s. When t = 0, s = 0.
Coordinate System. The position coordinate
extends from the fixed origin O to the car,
positive to the right.
Position. Since v = f(t), the car’s position
can be determined from v = ds/dt, since this
equation relates v, s and t. Noting that s = 0
when t = 0, we have

  
 

 0.9t 2  0.6t 
s t

ds   0.9t  0.6t dt

 
s t
s  0.3t  0.3t 3 2
0 0

s  0.3t  0.3t 3 2

When t = 3s,
s = 10.8m
Acceleration. Knowing v = f(t), the
acceleration is determined from a = dv/dt,
since this equation relates a, v and t.

dv d

a   0.9t  0.6t
dt dt
 
 

 1.8t  0.6

When t = 3s,
a = 6m/s2 
Erratic Motion
Given the s-t Graph, construct the v-t Graph

 The s-t graph can be plotted if the

position of the particle can be
determined experimentally during a
period time t.
 To determine the particle’s velocity as a
function of time, the v-t graph, use v =
 Velocity as any instant is determined by
measuring the slope of the s-t graph
Erratic Motion

Slope of s-t graph =
Erratic Motion
Erratic Motion
Given the v-t graph, construct the a-t graph

 When the particle’s v-t graph is known ->

acceleration as a function of time (a-t graph) ->
a = dv/dt
 Acceleration at any instant -> slope of v-t graph

Slope of v-t graph =
Erratic Motion
Erratic Motion

 Differentiation reduces a polynomial of

degree n to that of degree n-1
 If the s-t graph is parabolic (2nd degree
curve) -> the v-t graph will be sloping
line (1st degree curve) -> the a-t graph
will be a constant or horizontal line (zero
degree curve)
A bicycle moves along a straight road such that it
position is described by the graph as shown. Construct
the v-t and a-t graphs for 0 ≤ t ≤ 30s.
v-t Graph.
The v-t graph can be determined by differentiating the
eqns defining the s-t graph
0  t  10 s; s  0.3t 2 v  0.6t
10 s  t  30 s; s  6t  30 v 6

The results are plotted.

We obtain specify values of v by measuring the slope
of the s-t graph at a given time instant.

s 150  30
v   6m / s
t 30  10
a-t Graph.
The a-t graph can be determined by
differentiating the eqns defining the lines of the v-t
0  t  10s; v  0.6t a   0.6
10  t  30s; v  6 a 0

The results are plotted.

Thank you

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