Sleep Regulation, Physiology and Development, Sleep Duration and Patterns, and Sleep Hygiene in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschool-Age Children

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Sleep Regulation, Physiology and

Development, Sleep Duration and
Patterns, and Sleep Hygiene in
Infants, Toddlers, and Preschool-Age
Eleanor Bathory, MD,a and Suzy Tomopoulos, MDb

Sleep problems are common, reported by a quarter of parents function and behavior in children; thus, understanding
with children under the age of 5 years, and have been optimal sleep duration and patterns is critical for pediatri-
associated with poor behavior, worse school performance, cians. There is little experimental evidence that guides sleep
and obesity, in addition to negative secondary effects on recommendations, rather normative data and expert recom-
maternal and family well-being. Yet, it has been shown that mendations. Effective counseling on child sleep must
pediatricians do not adequately address sleep in routine well- account for the child and parent factors (child temperament,
child visits, and underdiagnose sleep issues. Pediatricians parent–child interaction, and parental affect) and the envi-
receive little formal training in medical school or in residency ronmental factors (cultural, geographic, and home environ-
regarding sleep medicine. An understanding of the physiology ment, especially media exposure) that influence sleep. To
of sleep is critical to a pediatrician’s ability to effectively and promote health and to prevent and manage sleep problems,
confidently counsel patients about sleep. The biological rhythm the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that
of sleep and waking is regulated through both circadian and parents start promoting good sleep hygiene, with a sleep-
homeostatic processes. Sleep also has an internal rhythmic promoting environment and a bedtime routine in infancy,
organization, or sleep architecture, which includes sleep and throughout childhood. Thus, counseling families on
cycles of REM and NREM sleep. Arousal and sleep (REM sleep requires an understanding of sleep regulation, physi-
and NREM) are active and complex neurophysiologic proc- ology, developmental patterns, optimal sleep duration rec-
esses, involving both neural pathway activation and suppres- ommendations, and the many factors that influence sleep
sion. These physiologic processes change over the life course, and sleep hygiene.
especially in the first 5 years. Adequate sleep is often difficult
to achieve, yet is considered very important to optimal daily Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2017;47:29-42

Introduction architecture changes over the lifespan, particularly in

the first 5 years of life. Newborns spend as much as
leep is not just the absence of waking, but an
S active neurophysiological process and the
primary activity of the developing brain. Sleep
80% of their day sleeping, and most toddlers and
preschoolers spend half or more of their day asleep.
Sleep has been shown to be as important to animal
is necessary for survival, but the major function of
survival as food. Animal studies show that rat life
sleep remains elusive. Sleep duration, quality, and
spans are decreased from 2 to 3 years to only 5 weeks
From the aDepartment of Pediatrics/Department of Family and Social if deprived of REM sleep, and to 2–3 weeks if deprived
Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center, 3455 Jerome Ave, Bronx, NY; and of all sleep. Human studies demonstrate that adequate
Department of Pediatrics, NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY. sleep in children is essential to normal growth and
Corresponding author. E-mail:
This research was supported in part by Grant UL1 TR000038 from the
development, maternal and family well-being, and
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes child sleep is associated with significant predictors of
of Health. adult health. In this review, we discuss sleep regula-
Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2017;47:29-42 tion, biological rhythms, and sleep architecture; the
1538-5442/$ - see front matter
& 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. neurophysiology of sleep; the development of sleep patterns in infants and young children; sleep duration

Curr Probl PediatrAdolesc Health Care, February 2017 29

and patterns: normative data, recommendations and
influential factors; sleep problems; and recommended
sleep hygiene.1–4

Sleep Regulation, Biological Rhythms,

and Sleep Architecture
Sleep is regulated by two overlapping but distinct
systems—the circadian system and sleep/wake homeo- FIG. 1. Hypnogram: normal distribution of sleep stages
in healthy young adults. (Reproduced with permission from
stasis.5,6 The circadian system endogenously synchro- Mindell et al.11).
nizes biologic rhythms, including sleep, cyclically with
the 24-h day and is adjusted through the influence of but separate system referred to as the homeostatic
exogenous factors. Sleep/wake homeostasis describes system. This is the biological drive to maintain
the body's internal neurophysiologic drive toward equilibrium between sleep and waking. This model
either sleep or waking. Homeostasis is governed by assumes that sleep debt increases with cumulative
the principles of equilibrium; the body is driven toward waking hours, leading to an accumulation of sleep-
a balance between sleep and wakefulness (i.e., there promoting substances called somnogens in the central
is a neurophysiologic drive to sleep after long periods nervous system (CNS). Increasing somnogen levels
of wakefulness and drive to wake after long periods during waking hours drive the body toward sleep,
of sleep).7 followed by the dissipation of somnogens during sleep,
resulting in decreasing drive to
Circadian System sleep. Thus sleep is regulated
Sleep is regulated by two through a biological drive to
The circadian system consists maintain equilibrium or
of cyclic changes in the body— overlapping but distinct homeostasis.5,7
endogenously generated biolog- systems-the circadian system Adenosine is widely accepted
ical rhythms with a periodicity and sleep/wake homeostasis. to be one such somnogen.
of 24 h. Such biological Adenosine is a byproduct of
rhythms include the sleep and biological activity in the brain
wake cycle, alertness, body temperature cycle, daily (from dephosphorylation of ATP) and thus accumu-
cycles of hormonal secretion (e.g., melatonin and lates with activity, increasing sleep propensity, and
cortisol), and blood pressure regulation.5,8,9 The circa- then dissipates with rest and sleep. Adenosine pro-
dian process is driven by the circadian clock that is motes sleep by inhibiting arousal; it activates the
located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the ventral hypothalamic ventrolateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO)
hypothalamus. This clock is synchronized by daily neurons that inhibit arousal-promoting centers. In vitro
exogenous environmental cues known as zeitgebers. studies show that adenosine binds to presynaptic sites,
The most powerful zeitgeber is light that activates exciting the VLPO neurons and blocking inhibitory
photoreceptors in the retina inhibiting pineal gland neurons. In vivo studies support this finding; in animal
secretion of the sleep-promoting hormone, melatonin. models, adenosine injected directly into the brain's
Other exogenous cues that help synchronize biological sleep centers results in increased sleep.10
rhythms with the 24-h day are daily routines such as
hearing an alarm clock and eating meals.6,9
Ultradian Rhythms
Sleep and Waking Homeostasis
Thus, sleep and waking are regulated by a circadian
There are many endogenous and exogenous cues that process and by a homeostatic process.8 However, the
help regulate and modify the circadian rhythm, but sleep state itself has a cyclic or rhythmic organization.
level of sleepiness and recent sleep do not directly Sleep alternates between rapid eye movement sleep
influence the circadian system. Rather cumulative (REM) and non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM), in
sleep influences sleep physiology through a concurrent sleep cycles or ultradian rhythms (Fig. 1).6,11

30 Curr Probl PediatrAdolesc Health Care, February 2017

TABLE 1. Neurophysiologic activity during wakefulness and sleep1,2.
Anatomic location of nucleus Neurotransmitter Wakefulness NREM REM
LDT/PPT (thalmic branch) Acetylcholine þ 0 þ
LC/DR/TMN (hypothalamic branch) Monoamines þ þ 0
VLPO/MNPO GABA/galanin 0 þ þ
Lateral hypothalamic area that secretes Orexin/hyporetin Orexin/hyporetin þ 0 0
Lateral hypothalamic area that secretes MCH MCH 0 0 þ
LDT/PPT (laterodorsal and pedunculopontine tegmental nuclei), LC/DR/TMN (locus coeruleus, dorsal raphe nucleus, and tuberomammillary
nucleus), VLPO/MNPO (ventrolateral and median preoptic nuclei) GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid), and MCH (melanin-concentrating hormone).
España, Rodrigo A, and Scammell, Thomas E. Sleep neurobiology from a clinical perspective. Sleep, 2011;34(7):845.
Saper CB, Scammell TE, Lu J. Hypothalamic regulation of sleep and circadian rhythms. Nature. 2005;437(7063):1257–1263.

REM and NREM sleep have defining EEG patterns, NREM sleep occurs mostly during the first 3 h after
and both neurological and physiological features, sleep onset. Adults enter sleep through NREM sleep
though the function of each is not fully understood. starting with stage 1, progressing to 2 and then 3, and
NREM sleep is believed to function primarily as a only then progressing to REM sleep. Each sleep cycle
restful and restorative sleep phase, and a period of is composed of the time it takes to move through the
relatively low brain activity. NREM sleep consists of three stages of NREM sleep and REM sleep. These
three stages: stage 1 (transition from wakefulness to cycles occur in approximately every 90–110 min with
sleep), stage 2 (initiation of true sleep), and stage 3 decreasing non-REM and increasing REM duration
(deep sleep; previously divided into stages 3 and 4). over the course of a night with brief periods of
During the transition from waking.6
wakefulness to sleep, stage REM sleep is thought to have
1 NREM, there is intense sleep- REM and NREM sleep has a role in consolidating and
iness, and sometimes hypno- defining EEG patterns, and both integrating memories and in
gogic hallucinations and/or neurological and physiological the development of the central
brief involuntary muscle con- features, though the function of nervous system (CNS)—both
tractions. In addition, the EEG maintaining and establishing
pattern transitions from alpha
each is not fully understood. new connections particularly
waves associated with wakeful- during times of development.
ness, to shorter frequency theta waves associated with REM sleep is characterized by a burst of rapid eye
sleep. Then there is initiation of true sleep, stage movements; there is a high brain metabolic rate, a
2 NREM sleep, with a decreased awareness of outside variable heart rate, an active suppression of peripheral
stimulus and decreased muscle activity. There are muscle tone, and a lack of normal thermoregulation.
characteristic EEG findings of sleep spindles and K- REM sleep is most likely to occur at the body temper-
complexes. Sleep spindles, also referred to as sigma ature trough of the circadian rhythm. During REM sleep,
waves, are small bursts of higher frequency activity. K- there is desynchronized cortical activity with low-voltage
complexes are brief bursts of high negative voltage, and high-frequency EEG. REM sleep is when dreaming,
followed by larger positive voltage peak, and then a including nightmares, occur.1
larger and slower negative voltage peak. K-complexes
are the largest voltage events on a typical EEG. It is
thought that the K-complex represents a form of sup-
pression of cortical arousal in response to stimuli and
Neurophysiology of Sleep
may be related to sleep-based memory consolidation. Arousal and sleep (both NREM and REM) are
Average adults spend about 50% of the night in stage dynamic physiologic processes regulated through a
2 NREM sleep. In deep, slow wave sleep, stage 3 NREM complex, and only partially understood, network of
sleep, an individual is least responsive to external stimuli. activation and suppression of neurologic pathways
It is characterized by delta waves on EEG, which are from the brainstem through the cerebral cortex
high-amplitude and low-frequency waves. Most para- (Table 1).7 A basic understanding of the neuroanatomy
somnias, such as night terrors, sleep walking, and and neurophysiology is important for understanding
nocturnal enuresis, occur during deep sleep.1 the development of sleep.

Curr Probl PediatrAdolesc Health Care, February 2017 31

Ascending Arousal System Wakefulness requires coordinated activity across
the many neural pathways and neurotransmitters.
Arousal or wakefulness is mediated by a system of
Anatomic lesion studies of humans and animals, as
neurons ascending from the brainstem and hypothal-
well as studies of pharmacological and genetic
amus to the cerebral cortex (Fig. 2). There are two
perturbations, demonstrate that the different types of
anatomic branches of the ascending arousal system: the
neurons (neurotransmitter-type and by anatomic loca-
first branch travels through the thalamus and the
tion) promote subtly different aspects of arousal. For
second through the hypothalamus and basal forebrain.
example, histamine levels are highest during the onset
The thalamic branch is primarily composed of chol-
of arousal. Norepinephrine is particularly high during
inergic neurons originating in the pedunculopontine
periods of stress or when presented with novel
(PPT) and laterodorsal tegmental nuclei (LDT), pro-
stimuli. Orexin/hypocretin sustains wakefulness and
viding input to the thalamic-relay nuclei and the
interestingly is found to be deficient in individuals
reticular nuclei of the thalamus, resulting in thalamo-
with narcolepsy.7,12
cortical activation. The hypothalamic/basal forebrain
branch originates in the brainstem and posterior
hypothalamus in the locus coeruleus (LC), dorsal raphe
nucleus (DR), and tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN) Sleep-Promoting System and the Transition
and results in cortical and subcortical activation. These Between Sleep and Waking States
nuclei are composed primarily of monoaminergic
Sleep requires activation of sleep-promoting path-
neurons (neurons that secrete neurotransmitters with
ways and deactivation of the arousal pathways. The
amine groups), such as norepinephrine from the LC,
best understood loci in the sleep-promoting system are
serotonin from the DR, and histamine from the TMN.
the neurons of ventrolateral preoptic area (VLPO) and
Also important to the ascending arousal system is
median preoptic area (MNPO). The VLPO/MNPO
orexin/hypocretin, an excitatory neuropeptide, synthe-
innervate the nuclei of the ascending arousal system
sized by neurons in the lateral hypothalamus, which
(LDT/PPT, LC, DR, TMN, and the orexin/hypocretin
augment the excitation of the nuclei in ascending arousal
neurons) and secrete inhibitory neurotransmitters/
system, particularly in the LC and TMN.6,7,12,13
neuropeptides (GABA and galanin), thus inhibit-
ing arousal.7,12
Interestingly, the neurons of the VLPO are inhibited
by monoamines. Thus, during sleep, the firing of the
VLPO neurons blocks cortical activation by inhibiting
the neurons of the ascending arousal system. Inhibition
of the arousal system leads to a decrease in the local
monoamine levels, leading to VLPO disinhibition, thus
further reinforcing the VLPO activity and therefore
further suppression of the arousal system. Conversely,
during wakefulness, activation of the monoaminergic
neurons leads to arousal through activation of the
ascending arousal system, but also reinforces arousal
by inhibiting the VLPO with increased monoamine
FIG. 2. Neurochemical systems that promote arousal. Cortical levels.
and subcortical regions are excited by monoaminergic neuro-
transmitters including norepinephrine (NE) from the locus Sleep and waking states are discrete behavior states
coeruleus (LC), serotonin (5-HT) from the dorsal and median and require a regulatory system that ensures that sleep–
raphe nuclei, histamine (HA) from the tuberomammillary wake transitions happen relatively rapidly, and that
nucleus (TMN); and dopamine (DA) from the substantia nigra,
ventral tegmental area, and ventral periaqueductal gray (SN/
there is very little time spent in a transitional state
VTA/vPAG). Neurons of the basal forebrain (BF) promote cor- between sleeping and waking. This is achieved phys-
tical activation using acetylcholine (ACh) and γ-aminobutyric iologically through these mutually inhibitory feedback
acid (GABA). Neurons in the laterodorsal and pedunculopon- loops between the sleep-promoting pathways and the
tine tegmental nuclei (LDT/PPT) release ACh to excite neurons
in the thalamus, hypothalamus, and brainstem. (Reproduced arousal pathways, creating what is referred to as a “flip-
by permission from España and Scammell.7). flop” switch.12

32 Curr Probl PediatrAdolesc Health Care, February 2017

Neurophysiology in REM, NREM Sleep, and typical 1-year-old sleeps 10–12 h at night without
Waking waking, followed by two daily naps.1
These excitatory and inhibitory neurons that regulate Over the first few months, the ability to retain
sleep and wakefulness also regulate sleep phase (REM/ calories increases and caloric need and growth relative
NREM states).7,12 VPLO/MNPO neurons promote to size decreases. This allows infants to consume
sleep through inhibition of the thalamic and hypo- adequate calories during the day and require progres-
thalamic pathways of the arousal system during both sively fewer nighttime meals to sustain growth. Simul-
NREM and REM sleep. The monoaminergic neurons taneously, the biological rhythms that contribute to
are most active while awake, but also have low level sleep regulation also mature, with decreased sleep
activity during NREM sleep and no activity during fragmentation and increased sleep consolidation, mak-
REM sleep. Though much of the arousal pathway is ing infants capable of sleeping through the night. By 6
inactive during REM sleep, there are a subpopulation months, babies should have consolidated sleep, with a
of cholinergic neurons in the thalamic arousal system long stretch of sleep at night, usually including 0–2
that are active during REM sleep and inhibited by feeds overnight.6
aminergic neurons during wakefulness and NREM During nighttime sleep, there are a number of physio-
sleep. The atonia characteristic of REM sleep is driven logic arousals that occur in between sleep cycles. These
by both the cholinergic and arousals can be disruptive to sleep if
monoaminergic neurons of an infant does not move directly into
the arousal system. The chol- The coordination of these bio- the next sleep cycle, by falling back
inergic neurons cause activa- logical rhythms and their syn- asleep. Infants who have learned to
tion of the neurons in the chronization with the times of self-soothe and self-initiate sleep are
medial medulla which inhibits more likely to fall back asleep more
motor neurons. The mono-
day develops rapidly over the rapidly after these arousals, without
aminergic excitatory signals, first 6 months of life, highlight- signaling parents, thus allowing
which contribute to muscle ing the importance of effective them to further consolidate sleep.

tone while awake, are fully behavioral routines that rein- Acquisition of new skills and
inhibited during REM sleep force this development early in abilities can affect infant sleep.
resulting in a decrease in Over the first year of life, infants
muscle tone. In the lateral infancy. develop an understanding of
hypothalamus, there are neu- object permanence and experience
rons that secrete orexin/hypo- separation anxiety. Separation
cretin that target arousal nuclei and are most active anxiety generally peaks between 6 and 18 months,
during wakefulness and not active during sleep sometimes leading to increased sleep disruptions—
(NREM or REM). In this same cluster of neurons in both difficulty separating at bedtime and difficulty self-
the lateral hypothalamus, there are REM sleep active soothing during brief nighttime arousals. Additionally,
neurons that secrete the inhibitory melanin- acquisition of new gross motor skills can negatively
concentrating hormone (MCH) neuropeptide. This influence sleep, particularly sitting up, pulling to stand
complex network of activation and suppression of and walking, as infants will often experiment with new
neural pathways leading to wakefulness or NREM skills during brief nighttime arousals leading to longer
sleep or REM sleep, is only partially understood and more sustained arousals.15
requires further study.
Development of Biological Rhythms
Biological rhythms integral to the sleep–wake cycle
Development of Sleep Patterns in include changes in body temperature and changes in
Infants and Young Children hormone levels such as melatonin and cortisol. Infants
are born with low levels of maternally transferred
Over the first year of life, infant sleep patterns melatonin, which dissipates by 1 week, and endoge-
change. Newborns usually sleep most of the day and nous melatonin does not rise to detectable levels until
night, waking only for feeding every 1–3 h, whereas a approximately 6 weeks. Melatonin levels are still very

Curr Probl PediatrAdolesc Health Care, February 2017 33

low at 12–16 weeks, but by 6 months they are a stable weeks of age. This classic early infancy non-active sleep
part of the sleep–wake cycle. Thus, exposure to pattern is replaced by continuous high-amplitude slow
morning light, which will decrease daytime melatonin waves more consistent with NREM sleep. At about 4–8
production, is important even at an early age. Temper- weeks of age sleep spindles can be seen, and by 6 months
ature rhythms mature faster and are significant by high-amplitude slow wave spikes or K-complexes can
1 week. Early morning waking coordinates with been.1,18
increased body temperature by about 6 weeks, at Ultradian sleep cycles are also shorter in children and
approximately the time when melatonin levels first get progressively longer into adulthood; infant active/
become detectable. A few weeks later, evening sleep, non-active sleep phases cycle about every 45–60 min
sunset, and decrease in body temperature become extending to about 90–110 min for adult NREM/REM
coordinated. Cortisol secretion is related to the sleep– sleep phases. Active/REM sleep is 50% of sleep at
wake cycle; its secretion peaks early in the morning birth, 40% at 3–5 months of age, and close to the adult
and is lowest around midnight to 4 AM. Cortisol level of 25–30% by about 1 year of age.1 REM sleep is
increases blood sugar and metabolism and so is higher thought to be important in brain development and
during the day when there is a greater demand for growing and strengthening new neural connections.
energy. The coordination of these biological rhythms Thus, it has been suggested that infants have propor-
and their synchronization with the times of day tionally more REM sleep that stimulates structural
develops rapidly over the first 6 months of life, development, neural differentiation, and the develop-
highlighting the importance of effective behavioral ment of neural pathways during the neonatal period
routines that reinforce this where there is a relative lack of
development early in infancy.16 external stimulation.19
Circadian sleep–wake rhythm Thus, sleep patterns, including Thus, sleep patterns, including
and ultradian REM-NREM circadian and ultradian circadian and ultradian rhythms,
rhythm both change as the rhythms, change dramatically change dramatically over the first
biologic clock matures and 5 years of life. Sleep becomes
becomes better coordinated
over the first 5 years of life. consolidated—with a long block
with light and dark cycles, of nighttime sleep and with a
ambient temperature, noise, hunger, core temperature, diminishing number of naps. Sleep also becomes
and hormone production.17 coordinated with other biologic rhythms. Sleep cycles
change: becoming longer with less REM and more
NREM sleep. There are physiologic changes that are
Development of Ultradian Rhythms
universal, but there are also many changes and differ-
Infancy is a time of rapid brain development and ences in sleep patterns that are influenced by environ-
significant change in the internal organization of sleep. mental, cultural, and behavioral differences among
Newborn sleep is not described as REM or NREM children and their families.1,6,18
sleep but rather as “active,” “indeterminate,” or “non-
active.” Active sleep is similar to REM sleep, and non-
active sleep is similar to deep or NREM sleep. Active Sleep Duration and Patterns:
sleep consists of continuous medium activity EEG Normative Data, Recommendations,
patterns that are similar to those seen during wakeful- and Influential Factors
ness. Newborns enter the sleep cycle through active
sleep (REM-like sleep) for the first 3–6 months and In the first 5 years of life, many parents and children
then transition to deeper quiet sleep. However, in active struggle with sleep and sleep-related behaviors.
sleep, newborns do not have inhibition of muscle move- Adequate sleep duration is a topic that is frequently
ment the way adults do during REM sleep, and thus discussed among parents and pediatricians, and pedia-
newborns frequently look restless early in sleep. Non- tric sleep research has clearly shown that insufficient
active sleep has a characteristic trace-alternant pattern on sleep has negative impacts on neurobehavioral
EEG-bursts of slow waves, intermixed with sharp waves, and cognitive functions, health and well-being.1,20–22
and periods of relative quiescence with very low- Due to methodological difficulties, experimental evi-
amplitude activity—which usually disappears by 3–4 dence detailing best and most appropriate sleep

34 Curr Probl PediatrAdolesc Health Care, February 2017

TABLE 2. American Academy of Pediatrics and National Sleep Foundation/American Academy of Sleep Medicine: recommended age-related ranges for
sleep duration.
Age group AAP/bright futures (2008)1 National Sleep Foundation/American
average sleep per day (range) Academy of Sleep Medicine (2015)2,3,4
recommended sleep per day (range)
0–3 mo 14 h (12–16) 14–17 h (11–19)
3–6 m 13 h (12–15) 12–15 h (10–18)
6–9 mo 13 h (10–14) 12–15 h (10–18)
9–12 mo 13 h (10–14) 12–15 h (10–18)
1–2 y 12–13 h (12–14) 11–14 h (10–16)
3–5 y 12–13 h (12–14) 10–13 h (8–14)
Hagan JF, JS Shaw, PM Duncan. Bright futures: Guidelines for health supervision of infants, children, and adolescents. Elk Grove Village, IL:
American Academy of Pediatrics; 2008.
Hirshkowitz M, Whiton K, Albert SM, et al. National Sleep Foundation's sleep time duration recommendations: methodology and results
summary. Sleep Health, 2015;1(1):40–43.
Hirshkowitz M, Whiton K, Albert SM, et al. National Sleep Foundation's updated sleep duration recommendations: final report. Sleep Health.
Paruthi S, Brooks LJ, D'Ambrosio C, et al. Recommended amount of sleep for pediatric populations: a consensus statement of the American
Academy of Sleep Medicine. J Clin Sleep Med, 2016;12(6):785–786.

durations in children is lacking, and adequate sleep is Sleep Duration Recommendations: How Much
best defined more vaguely as the number of hours of Sleep do Young Children Need?
sleep that an individual child or baby requires to be
well rested and optimally functional.23 This varies Bright Futures, a national health promotion and
from child to child and among cultural and ethnic prevention initiative led by the American Academy
groups. It is not well understood why some individ- of Pediatrics (AAP), provides the most widely
uals tolerate less sleep or require more sleep.24 Thus, accepted recommendations for preventive pediatric
there is a wide-range of “normal” sleep durations and health care, including information about typical sleep
patterns, and sleep duration recommendations (sim- patterns and daily sleep duration.25 The data presented
ilar to body BMI standards) are based on population in Table 2 references a manual produced in 1999 by the
averages.6 Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training (NCAST)
organization to train health care providers to better
counsel families regarding sleep–wake behavior and
self-regulation. The NCAST sleep manual uses data
from NCAST unpublished data (1985) and data from a
longitudinal study by Jacklin et al.26 Although the
source material for these recommendations does not
reference the most current studies, it does provide daily
sleep durations similar to the most recent sleep
duration recommendations made in consensus state-
ments by the National Sleep Foundation (2015) and the
American Academy of Sleep Medicine (2016) and
based on a synthesis of expert opinion and a systemic
review of the literature.25,27–30
There are limited recent large studies that report on
child sleep patterns and duration. One large study of
child sleep habits, using a nationally representative
sample, was published in 2004 by the National Sleep
Foundation. This cross-sectional study collected child
FIG. 3. Percentile curves: total daily sleep time by age group. sleep durations from a stratified random sample of
Filled circles represent group means, blank circles repre- 1473 parents through short-structured telephone inter-
sent 25th and 75th percentiles, and triangles represent
5th and 95th percentiles. (Reproduced with permission from views. This study reported total average daily sleep
Sadeh et al.33). times of 12.8 h for infants (0–11 months), 11.7 h for

Curr Probl PediatrAdolesc Health Care, February 2017 35

toddlers (12–35 months), and 10.4 h for preschool-age Income Dynamics.23 The median sleep duration data
children (3–5 years old). All of these average presented in the Williams study also correlate well with
durations are at the lower end of the sleep duration the current recommendations, and spans the pediatric
ranges recommended by Bright Futures, and the 2015 age range, making these percentile curves instructive
consensus statement made by sleep experts from the for clinical use.23,25,27,28,32,33
National Sleep Foundation and the American Academy
of Sleep Medicine (Table 2).25,27–29,31 Influence of Cultural, Social, and
Some studies present their pediatric sleep duration
Environmental Factors
data using percentile curves, similar to the BMI curves
that are widely used in clinical practice. Normative The cultural milieu is important to understanding and
percentile curves have the potential to be easy to use evaluating child sleep duration and patterns.35 There
and instructive in the clinical setting. The percentile are a number of studies that compare sleep duration
curves published by Iglowstein et al.,32 Sadeh et al.,33 and patterns in young children in different countries
and Williams et al.34 all provide excellent graphical and cultures. A large Internet-based study (n ¼ 29,278)
representation of normative sleep duration and the compared infants and toddlers from predominantly
reduction in mean sleep duration and narrowing of the Asian countries (China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia,
range of sleep duration with advancing age (Fig 3). Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Tai-
Iglowstein et al. (2003) were the first to publish sleep wan, Thailand, and Vietnam) to predominantly Cau-
duration study data in the form of percentile curves that casian countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand,
could be used as a clinical United Kingdom, and the United
tool to evaluate sleep disor- States). This study found later bed-
ders in pediatric practice. The cultural milieu is important times and shorter nighttime and
Data for these curves were to understanding and evaluat- total sleep duration among young
collected from parent inter- ing child sleep duration and children in predominately Asian
views, using structured countries.24 Similarly, a study com-
questions, in a longitudinal patterns. paring Chinese elementary school
study of Swiss children age children to children in the
(n ¼ 493) from the 1970s through 1990s. The daily United States found that Chinese children went to
sleep duration data presented in these curves fall at the bed late and woke up earlier, resulting in about 1 hour
higher end of most recent recommendations and used a less sleep daily.36 Another study compared 0–6 years
relatively small samples size, and thus may not be the old children from Italy to those in the United States and
most clinically instructive in all popula- found that Italian children went to bed later and slept
tions.25,27,29,30,32 Sadeh et al. (2009) created a new fewer hours.37
daily sleep duration percentile curve for children 0–36 In addition to these international comparisons, there
months old using data from a large, cross-sectional, US are also a few studies of young children and infants
and Canadian Internet study (n ¼ 5006). The authors within the United States that demonstrate cultural and
report that the study population was skewed toward racial/ethnic variations in sleep duration in young
more Caucasian participants and more participants children. Shorter nighttime and longer daytime sleep
with higher levels of education than the general durations were observed in 2–8 years old Black
population, potentially limiting its applicability to children in Southern Mississippi compared to White
some patient populations. However, the median data children.38 Similarly, a contemporaneous study
reported in these percentile curves correlate well with showed that 2–7 years old African American children
the most current recommendations (Fig 3). in Jefferson, Kentucky, had later bedtimes, similar
Most recently, Williams et al. (2013) published a daily wake times, and shorter sleep durations when com-
sleep duration percentile curve for children from birth pared to Caucasian children.39 Another study showed
to 20 years old. Data were collected from prospective shorter nighttime, but longer daytime, and equivalent
sleep diaries completed by parents of 1506 children, daily sleep durations, when comparing 2–5 years old
over three time points (1997, 2002, and 2007), as part White children in the Chicago area to Hispanic and
of the nationally representative longitudinal Child Black children.40 A more recent study found that
Development Supplement of the Panel Study of Black, Hispanic, and Asian 2-year-old children in

36 Curr Probl PediatrAdolesc Health Care, February 2017

eastern Massachusetts were more likely to have shorter patterns.49 With the proliferation of computers, video
daily sleep duration than White children. Differences games, television sets, and particularly hand-held
have also been demonstrated in urban compared to less personal electronic devices, there is increasing evi-
urban neighborhoods. For example, 1-year-old infants dence and increasing concern that media use is
in Eastern Massachusetts who lived in more urban interfering with sleep both neurophysiologically and
areas were found to have shorter daily sleep duration by replacing sleep time.50,51
than those who lived in less urban areas. These
differences in early childhood sleep duration and
Influence of Media
patterns among children from different geographic
locations and cultures have been noticed throughout Young children have been exposed to significantly
childhood. more media over the past few decades. Studies show
Parent–child relationships and parenting factors, that 66% of children under the age of 2 years watch
specifically parental affect (depression and anxiety) television, videos, or DVDs, averaging 56 min daily.52
influences infant and child sleep. Depression, in The popularity of mobile devices such as tablets and
particular, has been linked to poor maternal and infant smartphones in recent years has compounded this
sleep. A large longitudinal study in England showed problem.52 One study looking at children aged
that mothers with prenatal depression were more likely 6 months to 4 years found that almost all (96.6%)
to have infants with sleep problems at 18 months and had used a mobile device and most had started before
30 months. In a study in the age of one.53 As media has
Southern California, maternal become ubiquitous, there is
depression and anxiety were Media exposure may lead to growing concern that media neg-
associated with infant sleep sleep difficulties through nega- atively impacts child sleep.
problems at infant age 6 and There are several hypotheses as
12 months.44 Similarly, in a
tive impacts on sleep schedules to why media may disrupt sleep.
study of low-income, primarily and routines. First, light exposure before sleep
Spanish-speaking Mexican- may alter the sleep/wake cycle
American mothers in Arizona, those with more depres- through changing melatonin levels.54,55 Second, inap-
sive symptoms when their infants were 5 months of propriate content such as violence may negatively
age were found to have infants with more nighttime impact behaviors.56,57 Third, increased media use can
awakenings at age 9 months. In a study done in result in reduced sleep duration through displacement
Brazil, mothers with chronic and more severe depres- of sleep time.56–61 Lastly, it may be that parents who
sion had infants with worse sleep problems at 12 allow longer duration or poorer quality media may also
months of age.46 Additionally, young children with not be less likely to enforce rules regarding bedtime
more sleep disruptions had mothers with more sleep routines and sleep hygiene.56 Each of these hypotheses
disruptions, negative maternal mood, and more parent- suggest that media negatively impacts sleep duration
ing stress.47 Similarly, a sleep intervention in Australia and quality, and may lead to sleep difficulties.
that improved infant sleep also improved maternal Decreasing sleep duration in children is a source of
depressive symptoms.48 Infant temperament has also concern voiced by sleep specialists, pediatricians, and
been found to influence sleep duration and quality.1 even by mass media. Decreased sleep duration can lead
The relationship between sleep duration/quality and to poor behavior, learning, and health outcomes. It has
maternal affect is likely to be particularly important been suggested that TV and other electronic media
when considering interventions to promote sleep.6 devices may be to blame, at least in part, for decreasing
Interestingly, it has been shown that child sleep sleep durations over the 20th/21st centuries.62 Vijak-
duration has been declining over time, particularly khana et al. studied 6- and 12-month-old media
since the start of the 20th century.49 In a systematic exposure in the evening (after 7 PM) and nighttime
review, Matricciani et al. found that over the past sleep duration in 12-month-old children. This study
century daily sleep duration has decreased by 41 h. It found that infants exposed to evening screen media at
has been theorized that the major cultural-historical 6- and 12-months of age had decreased 12-month
changes over the past century, such as all night stores, nighttime sleep duration.59 Cespedes et al. showed a
televisions and computers, have affected sleep correlation between increased television viewing and

Curr Probl PediatrAdolesc Health Care, February 2017 37

decreased sleep duration among study participants in bedroom.66 One study of 2–13-year-old children
Massachusetts at 6 months, 3 years, and 7 years of showed that 470% of Black and Hispanic children
age.63 In a longitudinal study of Australian children, compared to 22% of White children in the Boston area
starting at ages 4–5 years and followed at ages 6–7 had TVs in their bedroom.67 Brockmann et al. found
years and 8–9 years, Magee et al. showed that shorter that 1–6-year-old Chilean children who had televisions
daily sleep duration at earlier ages predicted increased in their bedroom were more likely to have sleep
media use at a later age. In addition, this study distrubances than those without televisons in their
demonstrated that longer daily media viewing pre- room; specifically, more sleep terrors, more night-
dicted decreased sleep duration.64 Shorter sleep dura- mares, more sleep talking, and more likely to report
tions were found to be related to increased television being tired when waking up in the morning.61
viewing among primary school children by both Thus, in clinical practice, clinicians making sleep
Owens et al.58 (Kindergarten—4th grade) and Van duration recommendations must consider the social,
den Bulck et al.65 (4–10 years old). Paavonen et al. also cultural, and environmental context of the child,
found shorter sleep durations among 5–6 years old particularly media exposure. The complexity of the
children with increasing quantity of both active and varied influences on children's sleep duration under-
passive media viewing.56 scores the need for further study of the biology of
In addition to its effects on reducing sleep duration, it normal and disturbed sleep as a means to better
has also been shown that media exposure may lead to understand age-specific optimal sleep durations.6
sleep difficulties through negative impacts on sleep Though precise optimal sleep duration remains
schedules and routines. Thompson et al. studied 4–35- unknown, there is considerable normative data, and
month-old children and found that more hours of we know that inadequate sleep is associated with many
television viewing per day were associated with an negative outcomes for children and their families. As
irregular naptime schedule and an irregular bedtime such, the implementation of effective sleep hygiene
schedule.51 Garrison et al. studied 3–5-year-old chil- recommendations is critical to helping children and
dren and found that overall increased daily media families get more high-quality sleep.
consumption was associated with more sleep prob-
lems. Specifically, evening media viewing and daytime
viewing of violent programs were both correlated with Sleep Problems
increased sleep problem scores.57 In slightly older
elementary school-aged children, Owens et al.58 found Sleep problems are common and often behavioral in
TV viewing associated with sleep quality; specifically, origin, due to factors such as child temperament and
bedtime resistance, sleep-onset delay, and anxiety development, parenting style or affect, child–parent
around sleep. Paavonen et al.56 found higher rates of interactions, and environmental factors. There are also
Sleep–Wake Transition Disorder (difficulty falling parasomnias, which are episodic, undesirable behaviors
asleep) among 5–6-year-old children who actively or that occur with sleep.11 Nightmares occur during REM
passively watched more adult television programs sleep, typically early in the morning, most commonly in
(with the exception of sporting events). Additionally, primary school-age children, though do occur in 1.9–
in a study of 1–6 years old Chilean children, Brock- 3.9% of preschool-age children.11 Management includes
mann et al. found that those who watched television in avoidance of frightening television, games, books, or
the evening, rather than the daytime, were more likely movies that may be influencing dreams, providing
to report sleep disturbances. Media exposure has been comfort, and most importantly, maintaining good sleep
associated with sleeping difficulties such as hygiene with regular routines and adequate sleep.11,68
sleep-onset delay, frequent night awakenings, and Partial arousal parasomnias, such as sleep walking,
disturbed sleep. confusional arousals, and night terrors, occur during
Television in the bedroom, regardless of television NREM sleep, early in the night, typically during the
viewing duration, has been associated with more sleep transition out of the first and deepest period of NREM
problems in preschoolers.57 Many children of all ages sleep.69 During episodes, children misperceive and are
now have televisions or other portable media devices unresponsive to their environment and do not remember
in their bedrooms. Greater than 20% of infants and episodes in the morning. Night terrors are most common in
young children have a television sets in their children 4–12 years old, but can occur in infancy through

38 Curr Probl PediatrAdolesc Health Care, February 2017

adulthood. Events can last from a few minutes to an hour with activity transitions. They also moderate impulsiv-
with autonomic and behavioral characteristics of fear, ity and self-regulation.11 Routines are also believed to
agitation, and confusion. Confusional arousals are more benefit family well-being by decreasing caregiver–
common in infants and toddlers, and less common in older child conflict.71 Presence of regular bedtime routines
children. Episodes are characterized by confusion rather improves sleep, both sleep latency (time to fall asleep)
than fear and are accompanied by some movement ranging and frequency of night waking in infants and
from more subtle moaning and crying to thrashing. toddlers.72
Episodes typically last about 10 min but can range from Bedtime routines provide external clues that sleep is
1 to 40 min.69 Sleep walking typically starts in children coming, and assist children to prepare for sleep
4–6 years old and peaks in children 8–10 years old.11 mentally by being both predicable and calming. By
Partial arousal parasomnias are often associated with about 6 months of age, parents should begin using a
inadequate sleep (both chronic and acute), changes in sleep regular bedtime routine. Bedtime routines should be
patterns, or sleep disruptions. Inadequate sleep can lead to relatively brief (no more than 30–45 min) and involve
increased slow wave sleep, thus leading to an increased the same few relaxing activities prior to bed every day,
probability of NREM-associated such as warm bath, reading
parasomnias. Partial arousal para- stories, and singing lullabies.73
somnias are generally treated with Healthy sleep patterns can be Following the soothing pre-
reassurance and education, primar- established and sleep problems bedtime activities, children
ily focused on behavioral manage- can be prevented and managed should have a comfortable
ment of the episodes, with good sleep environment which is
sleep hygiene practices and main- through sleep-promoting calm, quiet, dark and warm,
taining routines.11,69 parenting practices, or good with no TV present.74 In addi-
When diagnosing parasomnias, “sleep hygiene.” tion to a regular sequence of
it is always important to consider events that precede sleep, reg-
and rule out nighttime seizures. ular bedtimes, nap times, and
Some characteristics of seizure episodes can be similar, corresponding wake times provide useful routines and
but there are a number of distinguishing features: help to synchronize sleep and wake cycles with the
nocturnal seizures have more variable timing of occur- circadian rhythm.1,11
rences, may happen multiple times in one night, are Children should be appropriately stimulated during
associated with low arousal, and may include findings waking times, specifically, they should be exposed to
like incontinence, tongue biting, drooling, and stereo- bright light in the morning and encouraged to have
typic repetitive behaviors.68,69 Behavioral sleep prob- regular vigorous exercise during the day. Children
lems and parasomnias are quite common, particularly should avoid stimulating activity and foods near sleep
early in childhood, and are often discussed during times. In particular, parents should avoid sugar and
pediatric visits. Healthy sleep habits and routines should caffeine prior to bedtime.75 Nap and nighttime sleep
be recommended to help prevent sleep problems schedules need to be timed appropriately so that nap
and to help manage sleep problems when they times are not too late in the afternoon, thus making
happen. children less sleepy at bedtime.18 Additionally, there
has been increasing attention to the negative impact of
Recommended Sleep Hygiene media on sleep. Children should avoid media viewing,
particularly with violent content, before bed.51,57
Healthy sleep patterns can be established and sleep One of the most important learned sleep behaviors in
problems can be prevented and managed through infancy is the ability to self-soothe and fall asleep
sleep-promoting parenting practices, or good “sleep independently. To promote self-soothing, it is recom-
hygiene.” Good quality sleep, particularly nighttime mended that infants learn how to fall asleep independ-
sleep, encourages full daytime alertness.51,70 ent of a caregiver, after a bedtime routine. This ability
Routines are critical to good sleep hygiene, specifi- to self-soothe allows infants to more rapidly return to
cally consistent sleep schedules and pre-sleep routines. sleep after the many physiologic arousals that occur
Routines benefit young children by providing them throughout the night, and thus have more consolidated
with a sense of predictability and security, and help and less fragmented nighttime sleep.15,62 Appropriate

Curr Probl PediatrAdolesc Health Care, February 2017 39

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42 Curr Probl PediatrAdolesc Health Care, February 2017

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