Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (Cipet) (An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt of India)
Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (Cipet) (An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt of India)
(An Autonomous Body under Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt of India)
N.B.: 1). Use separate sheets wherever necessary, while filling the application form
2). All entries in this application form should be neatly typed.
2. Full Name
(in block letters)
4. Community
8. Nationality Religion
9. Mother tongue
14. Were you at any time declared medically unfit; asked to submit your resignation;
discharged or dismissed from Govt./Semi-Govt./Autonomous Body or Private
15. Have you ever faced any Vigilance Enquiry or enquiry by anti-corruption bureau/Central
Bureau of Investigation or any other Investigative Organization
Yes No
If Yes: Please indicate in brief, the details of the Vigilance Enquiry and outcome thereof
in separate page
Give particulars in a chronological order starting from SSLC (Xth Std) School Certificate)
N.B.: Each and every post held in a Government organization, on promotion with
higher scales of pay, period-wise, has to be shown below, as separate entries.
Period of
Designation Pay Scale
Sl. Place of Employment
Organization Name /Position & Gross
No. Employment (Month/Year)
held Salary
From To
18. If you claim Experience, please furnish details
19. Extra - Curricular activities, if any:
20. Current Membership of Professional Bodies and Awards / Scholarships received (if
any) :
Responsible persons not related to the applicant but closely acquainted with the applicant
24. Last drawn pay details (Last Pay Slip attested by Gazetted Officer to be attached)
D.A. Rs.
H.R.A. Rs.
25. Notice period / No. of days likely to be availed for relieve from parent organization on
28. Social / Political / Religious Affiliations of the Candidate if any, Mention the name and
clear details about the affiliations:
I Declare that the Entries made in this application are correct and true to the best of my
knowledge and nothing has been either concealed or misrepresented by me. In case of any
misrepresentation, I understand that employment, if any gained, is liable for cancellation /
Place: Signature
Forwarding of Application through proper channel: (To be filled in by the forwarding
The applicant has been working in this Office / Organization / Institute / University presently
in the Post of ________________________________ and he/she joined this organization
on _______________________and is still in service as on date. We have No Objection to
his/her candidature being considered for the post he / she is applying. There are no Criminal
/ Vigilance / Disciplinary proceedings contemplated / pending against the applicant.
(Name & Designation with seal)