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Forum Geometricorum
Volume 13 (2013) 169–184. b b

ISSN 1534-1178

Gossard’s Perspector and Projective Consequences

Wladimir G. Boskoff, Laurenţiu Homentcovschi, and Bogdan D. Suceavă

Abstract. Considering as starting point a geometric configuration studied, among

others, by Gossard, we pursue the projective study of a triangle in the Euclidean
plane, its Euler line and its nine-point circle, and we relate Pappus’ Theorem to
the nine-point circle and Euler line.

1. Introduction
The relative position of Euler’s line with respect to the sides of a triangle has
raised the geometers’ interest since the very first paper on this topic, Leonhard
Euler’s classical work [10].
In 1997, problem A1 from the W. L. Putnam competition explored the case
when Euler’s line is parallel to one of the sides of a triangle. Amer. Math. Monthly
published Problem 10980 proposed by Ye Zhong Hao and Wu Wei Chao, whose
statement is the following. Consider four distinct straight lines in the same plane,
with the property that no two of them are parallel, no three are concurrent, and
no three form an equilateral triangle. Prove that, if one of the lines is parallel to
the Euler line of the triangle formed by the other three, then each of the four given
lines is parallel to the Euler line of the triangle formed by the other three. In the
Editorial Comment following the solution of problem 10980 (see vol. 111 (2004),
pp.824), the editors have pointed out the meaningful contributions to the history of
this problem, especially Gossard’s presentation at an A. M. S. conference in 1915.
A generalization from 1999, given by Paul Yiu, is mentioned in [13].
In the Bulletin of the A. M. S. from 1916, we find O. D. Kellogg’s report on
Gossard’s 1915 talk at the AMS Southwestern Section Conference (see [15]). As
far as we know, Gossard’s paper has not been published, although we know from
the report what he proved and what methods he used. The summary, as published
by the Bulletin, is the following: ”Euler proved that orthocenter, circumcenter,
and centroid of a triangle are collinear, and the line through them has received the
name Euler line. He also proved that the Euler line of a given triangle together
with two of its sides forms a triangle whose Euler line is parallel with the third side
of the given triangle. By the use of vector coordinates or ordinary projective coor-
dinates, Professor Gossard proves the following theorem: the three Euler lines of

Publication Date: October 15, 2013. Communicating Editor: Paul Yiu.

The authors express their thanks to Alfonso Agnew for his useful suggestions on this work.
170 W. G. Boskoff, L. Homentcovschi and B. D. Suceavă

the triangles formed by the Euler line and the sides, taken by twos, of a given trian-
gle, form a triangle triply perspective with the given triangle and having the same
Euler line. The orthocenters, circumcenters and centroids of these two triangles
are symmetrically placed as to the center of perspective.”
Our goal in the present note goes beyond providing elementary proofs for these
facts, and aims to explore the deeper geometric meaning of a phenomenon seen in
the above mentioned results. Application 1 is Ye and Wu’s problem. Applications
3 and 4, proved below, are just particular cases of Application 1. Proposition 1 is
Gossard result from 1916, with a different proof. Furthermore, the original tools
in Gossard’s work were ordinary projective coordinates. That’s why tt would be
natural to explore from a projective viewpoint the geometric structure inspired by
Euler’s original contribution, which made the substance in Gossard’s work. In the
last part of our paper, we discuss the projective viewpoint on the relative position
of the Euler line and the three lines forming a given triangle. We will show how
Euler’s line can be regarded as the axis of a projectivity between two sides of a
triangle. This result was also proved by D. Barbilian (see [4]), and it appears in
a note unpublished during Barbilian’s life. The result is presented below in our
Proposition 4. We have been able to reconstruct the context of Barbilian’s work
and we have obtained incidence results that complete the discussion on Ye and
Wu’s problem.
Finally, with Propositions 3 and 4, which as far as we know appear for the first
time here, we extend the projective analysis on this geometric structure (i.e., a
triangle, its Euler line and its nine-point circle) and will relate Pappus’ Theorem to
the nine-point circle and Euler line. We also study the parallelism of Euler’s line
with one of the sides of the triangle from the projective viewpoint. In conclusion,
one of the most important consequences of our investigation is that we are able
to better understand the geometric connections between Euler’s line and the nine-
point circle using projective methods. Our geometric motivation was the belief
that beyond the synthetic and analytic methods, one can fathom the entire depth
of a geometry problem by understanding the projective background of a certain
geometric structure.

2. Synthetic and analytic viewpoint

First, we prove a Lemma which will become our main tool of investigation. This
Lemma was inspired by Ye and Wu’s problem. Consider the Euclidean plane and
a Cartesian frame. Let A, B, C be three arbitrary points in the Eulcidean plane.
Lemma 1. Denote by mE the slope of Euler’s line in ∆ABC and by m1 , m2 , m3
the slopes of the lines BC, AC, and AB, respectively. Then
m1 m2 + m3 m1 + m2 m3 + 3
mE = − .
m1 + m2 + m3 + 3m1 m2 m3

Proof. Measuring the slope of the angle between BC and the Euler’s line of ∆ABC,
we have (see Figure 1):
Gossard’s perspector and projective consequences 171



Figure 1

m1 − mE HS AM − AH − ON
= tan ∠(HOS) = =
1 + m1 mE MN BN − BM
2R sin B sin C − 2R cos A − R cos A
R sin A − 2R sin C cos B
2 sin B sin C + 3 cos(B + C)
sin(B + C) − 2 sin C cos B
3 cos B cos C − sin B sin C
sin B cos C − sin C cos B
3 − tan B tan C
= .
tan B − tan C
Replacing in the last relation the following expressions
m3 − m1 m1 − m2
tan B = , tan C = ,
1 + m1 m3 1 + m1 m2
we get the equality

m1 − mE 3 − m3 −m 1
1 m3
m1 −m2
· 1+m 1 m2
= m31+m
−m1 m1 −m2 .
1 + m1 mE 1+m m − 1+m m
1 3 1 2

Cross-multiplying and collecting the like-terms, we obtain:

m1 m2 + m1 m3 + m1 mE + m2 m3 + m2 mE + m3 mE + 3mE m1 m2 m3 + 3 = 0.
Solving for mE in this relation immediately yields the relation from the statement
of our lemma. 

We should remark here that any other relative positions of the points A, B, C
yield the same result. Now, we present several applications of this lemma.
172 W. G. Boskoff, L. Homentcovschi and B. D. Suceavă

Application 1. (Problem 10980, American Mathematical Monthly, proposed by

Ye Zhong Hao and Wu Wei Chao, 109 (2002) 921, solution, 110 (2004) 823–824.)
Consider four distinct straight lines in the same plane, with the property that no
two of them are parallel, no three are concurrent, and no three form an equilateral
triangle. Prove that, if one of the lines is parallel to the Euler line of the triangle
formed by the other three, then each of the four given lines is parallel to the Euler
line of the triangle formed by the other three.
Solution: Denote by m1 , m2 , m3 , and m4 the slopes of the four lines d1 , d2 , d3 , d4 ,
respectively. Suppose that Euler’s line of the triangle formed by the lines d1 , d2 , d3
is parallel to d4 and has slope mE . Then mE = m4 and we get
m1 m2 + m1 m3 + m1 m4 + m2 m3 + m2 m4 + m3 m4 + 3m4 m1 m2 m3 + 3 = 0.
This relation is symmetric in any one of the slopes and the conclusion follows
Application 2. Consider ∆ABC and ∆A′ B ′ C ′ such that the measure of the ori-
ented angles between the straight lines AB and A′ B ′ , AC and A′ C ′ , and BC and
B ′ C ′ , respectively, are equal to α. Then the measure of the angle between Euler’s
line of ∆ABC and Euler’s line of ∆A′ B ′ C ′ is also α.
Solution: We consider the following construction (see Figure 2). On the circum-
circle of ∆ABC, we consider the points A′′ , B ′′ and C ′′ such that A′′ B ′′ kA′ B ′ ,
A′′ C ′′ kA′ C ′ and B ′′ C ′′ kB ′ C ′ . More precisely, we choose A′′ such that the angle
\′′ ) is α.

C ′′ C′



Figure 2

Let us consider now the rotation RO α of center O (O is the circumcenter of

∆ABC) and oriented angle α. Then m(∠(AB, A′′ B ′′ )) = m(∠(AC, A′′ C ′′ )) =

m(∠(BC, B ′′ C ′′ )) yields A′′ = RO α (A), B ′′ = Rα (B), C ′′ = Rα (C). We denote
by e, e and e Euler’s lines of ∆ABC, ∆A′ B ′ C ′ , and respectively ∆A′′ B ′′ C ′′ .
′ ′′

Then ∆A′′ B ′′ C ′′ is obtained by rotating ∆ABC about O by α. Thus, all the ele-
ments of ∆ABC rotate about O. This means e′′ = RO α (e), or m(∠(e, e′′ )) = α.

Since the slopes satisfy the following equalities mA′′ B ′′ = mA′ B ′ , mA′′ C ′′ =
Gossard’s perspector and projective consequences 173

mA′ C ′ , and mB ′′ C ′′ = mB ′ C ′ , then me′′ = me′ , which actually means m(∠(e, e′ )) =

Remark. Let ∆ABC and ∆A′ B ′ C ′ be two triangles with the property AB⊥A′ B ′ ,
AC⊥A′ C ′ , BC⊥B ′ C ′ . Then the Euler lines of the two triangles are perpendicular.
We can prove this Remark directly from Lemma 1. However, we can also pro-
vide a direct argument for its proof. Denote by m′1 , m′2 , m′3 the slopes of the side
and by m′E the slope of Euler’s line of ∆A′ B ′ C ′ . Then

m′1 m′2 + m′3 m′1 + m′2 m′3 + 3

m′E = −
m′ + m′ + m′3 + 3m′1 m′2 m′3
 1  2       
− m11 − m12 + − m13 − m11 + − m12 − m13 + 3
= −         
− m11 + − m12 + − m13 + 3 − m11 − m12 − m13
m1 + m2 + m3 + 3m1 m2 m3
m1 m2 + m3 m1 + m2 m3 + 3
= − .
This proves that the two lines are perpendicular.
Application 3. In the acute triangle ABC, Euler’s line is parallel to BC if and only
if tan B tan C = 3.
Note: In [17], it is mentioned that this problem was proposed by Dan Brânzei.
We have discussed this application in [6]. The solution uses a direct trigonometric
argument. We present here the analytic argument based on Lemma 1.
Solution: Choose a coordinate system so that the x-axis is parallel to BC. If we
denote by m1 the slope of the straight line BC, then m1 = 0. Denoting m2 , m3 , me
the slopes of the straight lines AC, AB, and Euler’s line e, respectively, we get
from Lemma 1:
m2 m3 + 3
me = − .
m2 + m3
Thus, Euler’s line e of ∆ABC is parallel to BC if and only if me = 0, which
is equivalent to m2 m3 = −3. Now we take into account that m2 = − tan C and
m3 = tan B (or, depending on the position of ∆ABC, we could have m2 = tan C
and m3 = − tan B). Consequently, tan B tan C = 3. 
For an interesting connection between the formula obtained here for me and
Tzitzeica surfaces, a topic studied in depth in affine differential geometry, see [2].
For a graphical study of Tzitzeica surfaces by using Mathematica, see [3]. For the
importance of Tzitzeica’s surfaces in the development of differential geometry at
the beginning of the 20th century, see [1].
Application 4. (W. L. Putnam Competition, 1997) A rectangle, HOM F, has sides
HO = 11 and OM = 5. A triangle ABC has H as the intersection of the altitudes,
O the center of the circumscribed circle, M the midpoint of BC, and F the foot of
the altitude from A. What is the length of BC ?
174 W. G. Boskoff, L. Homentcovschi and B. D. Suceavă

Solution: Since Euler’s line is parallel to BC, by the previous application, we

have tan B tan C = 3. This is just a consequence of the previous application. We
can continue our argument as in [14], pg.233, or [6]. Expressing tan B and tan C
from triangles ABF and AF C, respectively, we get
ha ha
· = 3.
Since HGkBC, we have ha = AF = 3F H = 3 · 5 = 15. Therefore, BF · F C =
15·15 2 2 2
3 = 75. Namely, we express BC = (BF +F C) = (F C−BF ) +4BF ·F C.
To compute the first term in the last expression we write F C −BF = F M +M C −
(BM − F M ) = 2F M = 2OH = 22. Therefore, BC 2 = 222 + 4 · 75 = 784,
thus BC = 28. 

Lemma 2. Euler’s line of ∆ABC intersects the lines AB and AC in M , respec-

tively N. Then Euler’s line of ∆AM N is parallel to BC.




Figure 3

Proof. Choose a coordinate system so that the x-axis is parallel to BC, as in Ap-
plication 3 (see Figure 3). If we denote by m1 the slope of the straight line BC,
then m1 = 0. Denoting m2 , m3 , me the slopes of the straight lines AC, AB, and
respectively Euler’s line e. By Lemma 1:
m2 m3 + 3
me = − ,
m2 + m3
and the slope of Euler’s line of ∆AM N is
me m2 + me m3 + m2 m3 + 3
me′ = − .
me + m2 + m3 + 3me m2 m3
Gossard’s perspector and projective consequences 175

In fact, the numerator of the last expression is

me m2 + me m3 + m2 m3 + 3
= me (m2 + m3 ) + m2 m3 + 3
m2 m3 + 3
= − (m2 + m3 ) + m2 m3 + 3 = 0.
m2 + m3
In fact, we proved that me′ = 0, which means that e′ kBC. 

Application 5. Consider two triangles such that ∆ABC ≡ ∆A′ B ′ C ′ and they
have the same Euler’s line. Then ∆A′ B ′ C ′ is obtained from ∆ABC either by a
translation, or by a central symmetry. 
Example 1. Problem 244 in [19] states the following. Let H be the orthocenter
of ∆ABC, and Oa , Ob , Oc the circumcenters of triangles BHC, CHA, AHB.
Then ∆ABC ≡ ∆Oa Ob Oc have the same nine-point circle and the same Euler’s
line. This provides us an example of two triangles that have the same Euler’s line
(see Figure 4).

Oc Ob

C1 O


B A1 C


Figure 4.

Example 2. Now we describe two triangles of interest that have the same Euler’s
line. Consider ∆ABC and its circumcircle C. Consider also the incircle tangent to
BC, AC and AB respectively in D, E, and F. On the straight lines AI, BI, CI we
consider the excenters (i.e., the centers of the excircles) Ia , Ib , and Ic . Remark that
176 W. G. Boskoff, L. Homentcovschi and B. D. Suceavă

the circumcircle of ∆ABC is the nine-point circle of ∆Ia Ib Ic , because A, B, C

are the feet of the altitudes (e.g. AIa ⊥Ib Ic ).





Figure 5.

Thus, I is the orthocenter in ∆Ia Ib Ic , and O is the center of the nine-point circle
in ∆Ia Ib Ic . Therefore, OI is Euler’s line in ∆Ia Ib IC . Remark that ∆DEF and
∆Ia Ib Ic have parallel sides. Therefore their Euler’s lines must be parallel (we may
say that this is a consequence of Application 2). But the circumcenter of ∆DEF
is the point I. This means that the Euler’s line of ∆DEF passes through I and,
being parallel to OI, must be OI. 

3. Gossard’s perspector
In this section we present an elementary proof of Gossard’s result cited in [15].
Proposition 3 (Gossard, [15]). Denote by e the Euler line of an arbitrary ∆ABC
in the Euclidean plane. Suppose that e intersects BC, AB, AC in M, N, and re-
spectively P. Denote by e1 , e2 , e3 Euler’s lines of ∆AN P, ∆BM N, and ∆CP M,
respectively. Denote A′ , B ′ , C ′ the intersection of the following pair of lines:
e2 ∩e3 , e1 ∩e3 , and e1 ∩e2 , respectively. Then ∆A′ B ′ C ′ ≡ ∆ABC, and ∆A′ B ′ C ′
has the same Euler line e, and there exists a point IG (called Gossard’s perspec-
tor) on the line e such that ∆A′ B ′ C ′ is the symmetric of ∆ABC by the symmetry
centered in IG .
The proof presented below is based on Lemma 1. Thus, we claim that it may
be more elementary than Gossard’s original proof, as it is presented by Kellogg in
[15]. An important rôle in the proof is played by the conditions e1 kBC, e2 kAC,
e3 kAB.
Gossard’s perspector and projective consequences 177

A(0, 1)



M B(b, 0) C(c, 0)


Figure 6

Proof. We choose coordinate axis such that the vertices of ∆ABC have the co-
ordinates A(0, 1), B(b, 0), C(c, 0) (see Figure 4). Let G be the gravity center of
∆ABC; then G( b+c 1
3 , 3 ). The slope of Euler’s line in ∆ABC is given by
m2 m3 + 3 − 1c − 1b + 3 3bc + 1
me = − =− = .
m2 + m3 − 1c − 1b b+c
Thus, the equation of Euler’s line is y = 3bc+1
b+c x−bc. The coordinates of the points
M, N, and P are:
bc(b + c)
M ,0 ,
3bc + 1
b(b + c)(bc + 1) 2b2 c − bc2 + b
N , ,
3b2 c + 2b + c 3b2 c + 2b + c
c(b + c)(bc + 1) 2bc2 − b2 c + c
P , .
3bc2 + 2c + b 3bc2 + 2c + b
The line e1 passes through the center of gravity of ∆AN P and is parallel to BC,
therefore it has the equation
yN + y P + y A
(e1 ) : y= .
At the intersection of lines e and e1 we have the point Q whose coordinates are
b+c 1 1
Q · (E + 3bc), E ,
3bc + 1 3 3
178 W. G. Boskoff, L. Homentcovschi and B. D. Suceavă

where we have denoted by

2b2 c − bc2 + b 2bc2 − b2 c + c
E= + + 1.
3b2 c + 2b + c 3bc2 + 2c + b
The center of gravity of ∆BM N, denoted R, has the coordinates
1 bc(b + c) b(b + c)(bc + 1) 1 2b2 c − bc2 + b
(xR , yR ) = +b+ , · 2 .
3 3bc + 1 3b2 c + 2b + c 3 3b c + 2b + c
Euler’s line in ∆BM N passes through R and is parallel to AC, thus it has the
(e2 ) : y − yR = − (x − xR ).
Denote by S the intersection of the lines e and e2 . We get
(3bc + 1)(xR + cyR ) − bc(b + c)
yS = .
3bc2 + 2c + b
To emphasize the transformation by symmetry (as described in [15]), we claim that
yS + yp = yQ + yM . This is equivalent to
(3bc + 1)(xR + cyR ) − bc(b + c) 2bc2 − b2 c + c
3bc2 + 2c + b 3bc2 + 2c + b
1 2b c − bc2 + b 2bc2 − b2 c + c
= + +1 .
3 3b2 c + 2b + c 3bc2 + 2c + b
By replacing xR and yR and simplifying the relation, we obtain the desired equal-
ity. Therefore, the segments [P S] and [QM ] have the same midpoint. (It is not
necessary to check also that xP + xS = xQ + xM , since P, S, Q and M are
Denote by IG the common midpoint of those two segments. As above, one can
prove that IG is the midpoint of the segment [N T ], where {T } = e3 ∩ e. The
analogy of the computation can be further seen since the coordinates of IG are
symmetric in b and c. Thus, with the above notation for E, IG has the coordinates
1 bc(b + c) b+c 1 1
(xIG , yIG ) = = + · (E + 3bc) , E .
2 3bc + 1 3bc + 1 3 6
We can write the coordinates in the form
1 b+c 1
IG · (E + 6bc), E .
6 3bc + 1 6
This is the point called the Gossard perspector. Denote SIG the symmetry of center
IG in the Euclidean plane. Since e1 kBC, Q ∈ e1 M ∈ BC, and IG is the midpoint
of [QM ], we have e1 = SIG (BC). Similarly e2 = SIG (AC), e3 = SIG (AB).
Then, we have obtained the following:
{A′ } = e2 ∩ e3 = SIG (AC) ∩ SIG (AB) = SIG (AC ∩ AB) = SIG ({A}).
Similarly, {B ′ } = SIG ({B}), and {C ′ } = SIG (C).
Consequently, ∆A′ B ′ C ′ ≡ ∆ABC, and ∆A′ B ′ C ′ = SIG (∆ABC).
Gossard’s perspector and projective consequences 179

Denoting G and G′ the gravity centers of ∆ABC and ∆A′ B ′ C ′ , we have

{G′ } = SIG ({G}). For the orthocenters we get a similar correspondence: {H ′ } =
SIG ({H}). Thus, e′ = SIG (e), where e′ is Euler’s line of ∆A′ B ′ C ′ . But IG ∈
e. Thus, Euler’s line e passes through the center of symmetry. We deduce that
SIG (e) = e, or e′ = e. Finally, we proved that ∆ABC and ∆A′ B ′ C ′ have the
same Euler’s line. This completes the analytic proof of Gossard’s prospector theo-
rem, as mentioned in our introduction (see [15]). 
Example 3. We have seen in Example 1 (see [19], 244) that if H is the or-
thocenter of ∆ABC, and Oa , Ob , Oc are the circumcenters of triangles BHC,
CHA, AHB, then ∆ABC and ∆Oa Ob Oc have the same Euler’s line (see Figure
4). In fact, Oa , Ob , and Oc are the symmetric points of O with respect to the sides
BC, AC and, respectively, AB. Denote by A1 , B1 , and C1 the midpoints of the
sides BC, AC and, respectively, AB.
Then H is the circumcenter of ∆Oa Ob Oc . Actually, ∆Oa Ob Oc is the homo-
thetic of ∆A1 B1 C1 by homothety of center O and ratio 2. Thus, ∆Oa Ob Oc has the
sides parallel and congruent to the sides of ∆ABC, and, furthermore, OOa ⊥BC,
and also OOa ⊥Ob Oc , (and the similar relations). This proves that O is the ortho-
center of ∆Oa Ob Oc . Therefore ∆ABC andb∆Oa Ob Oc interchanged among them
the orthocenters and the circumcenters. This is the argument to see that the Euler’s
lines in the two triangles are the same and the two triangles have the same cen-
ter of the nine-point circle, since O9 is the midpoint of OH. Further, ∆ABC and
∆Oa Ob Oc are symmetric with respect to O9 . Therefore, Gossard’s perspector in
∆Oa Ob Oc is the symmetric of Gossard perspector in ∆ABC with respect to O9 ,
the center of the nine-point circle.

4. Projective viewpoint
Consider now a projectivity f : d1 → d2 . (See also [7, pp.39 ff], [8, pp.9-11])
The geometric locus of the points from which the the projectivity is seen as an
involution of pencils of lines is called axis of the projectivity.



Figure 7.

More precisely (see Figure 7), any projectivity relating ranges on two distinct
lines determines another special line, the axis of projectivity, which contains the
180 W. G. Boskoff, L. Homentcovschi and B. D. Suceavă

intersection of the cross-joints of any pairs of corresponding points (see [8, pp.36-
37]). This result is known as the axis theorem. To illustrate it, if M1 → N1 and
M2 → N2 , then the point {P } = M1 N2 ∩M2 N1 lies on the axis of the projectivity,
since we have the mapping r1 = P M1 → P N1 = r2 and r2 = P M2 → P N1 =
r1 . Thus, r1 → r2 and r2 → r1 , which means that the projectivity f : d1 → d2 is
seen as an involution. As a consequence, we remind here the well-known geometric
structure called Pappus’ line.



Figure 8.

Let A, B, C ∈ d1 and A′ , B ′ , C ′ ∈ d2 . Then the points {M } = AB ′ ∩ BA′ ,

{N } = AC ′ ∩ AC ′ ∩ CA′ , {P } = BC ′ ∩ CB ′ , are collinear (see Figure 8). This
result can be viewed as an immediate consequence of the axis theorem. Indeed,
consider the projectivity f : d1 → d2 uniquely determined by A → A′ , B → B ′ ,
C → C ′ . By the axis theorem, we get immediately that the points {M } = AB ′ ∩
BA′ , {N } = AC ′ ∩ AC ′ ∩ CA′ , {P } = BC ′ ∩ CB ′ are collinear. With this
preparation, we are able to show that the Euler’s line of a triangle ABC can be
regarded as the axis of projectivity for three suitable projectivities between the
sides of ∆ABC (see Figure 9).



B A1 A′ C

Figure 9.
Gossard’s perspector and projective consequences 181

Denote by A′ , B ′ , C ′ the midpoints of the sides BC, AC, and respectively AB.
Denote by A1 , B1 , C1 the feet of altitudes from A, B, C. We use the standard no-
tations for O, the circumcircle, G the center of gravity, and H the orthocenter of
∆ABC. There are three projectivities, each one between two sides of ∆ABC. One
of them is fC : BC → AC, the projectivity determined by B → A, A1 → B1 ,
A′ → B ′ . Since H and G appear as cross-joints points, they lie on the axis of pro-
jectivity of fC . Specifically, {H} = AA1 ∩ BB1 , {G} = BB ′ ∩ AA′ . Since two
points determine uniquely a line, and since G and H determine Euler’s line, this
means that the Euler’s line is identified with the axis of projectivity fC . Further-
more, on the Euler’s line we get a new point: {ΩAB } = A1 B ′ ∩ A′ B1 . We can also
emphasize the pair of homologous points that determine O, the circumcenter, in
this projectivity. Extend the line determined by the vertex A and by O and denote
{X} = AO ∩ BC. Similarly, {Y } = BO ∩ AC. Since in our projectivity B → A,
then X → Y. Thus, on the axis of projectivity we obtain {O} = AX ∩ BY.
Considering similar constructions for the projectivities fA and fB , we obtain the
following fact.
Proposition 4 (Barbilian [4]). In ∆ABC, let A′ , B ′ , C ′ be the midpoints of the
sides BC, AC, and respectively AB. Denote by A1 , B1 , C1 the feet of altitudes
from A, B, C. Then the points {ΩAB } = A1 B ′ ∩ A′ B1 , {ΩCB } = C1 B ′ ∩ C ′ B1 ,
{ΩAC } = A1 C ′ ∩ A′ C1 are collinear and they lie on Euler’s line of ∆ABC.




B A1 A′ C

Figure 10.

In the first part, we have presented Applications 3 and 4, where we give syn-
thetic and trigonometric characterizations of the fact that Euler’s line is parallel
to a side of the triangle. We study here the following question: What is projec-
tive condition that the projectivity fC : BC → AC must satisfy such that Euler’s
182 W. G. Boskoff, L. Homentcovschi and B. D. Suceavă

line is parallel to BC? Denote by (e) Euler’s line in ∆ABC. (See Figure 10.) Let
{T } = AC ∩(e), {U } = BC ∩(e). We need to determine the pairs of straight lines
that characterize in a projectivity the points T and U. Recall that the projectivity
fC has as homologous points B → A. To get T , consider the pair C → (e) ∩ AC.
Similarly, we get U by the pair (e) ∩ BC → C. Therefore we have obtained the
projective characterization of the fact that the Euler line is parallel to a side of the
triangle. Thus, we are able to state the projective counterpart of Application 3,
which is the trigonometric characterization of this parallelism.
Proposition 5. In ∆ABC, let (e) be the Euler’s line. The sufficient condition that
(e)kBC, is that the projectivity fC has ∞ → C as pair of homologous points. Sim-
ilarly, to have (e)kAC, it is sufficient that fC has C → ∞ as pairs of homologous
Four our next step, we need to recall here Pappus’ Theorem on the circle. Let
A, B, C and A′ , B ′ , C ′ six points on the circle C. Then the intersection points
AB ′ ∩ A′ B, AC ′ ∩ A′ C and BC ′ ∩ B ′ C are collinear. To recall the idea of the
most direct proof, consider the projectivity f : C → C uniquely determined by
A → A′ , B → B ′ , C → C ′ . Then, the intersection points mentioned in the
statement lie precisely on the axis of the projectivity. With this observation, we
obtain that Euler’s line is the axis of projectivity of a certain projectivity within the
nine-point circle. The result is the following.
Proposition 6. Consider A′ , B ′ , C ′ the midpoints of the sides BC, AC and re-
spectively AB. Let A1 , B1 and C1 the feet of the altitudes. Consider the projec-
tivity φ uniquely determined by A1 → B1 , A′ → B ′ , B2 → A2 . Then the points
A1 A2 ∩ B1 B2 = {H} (the orthocenter of ∆ABC), A1 B ′ ∩ A′ B1 = {ΩAB } and
A′ A2 ∩ B ′ B2 = {O9 } (the center of the nine-point circle) are collinear on the axis
of projectivity of φ.




B2 B A1 A′ C

Figure 11.
Gossard’s perspector and projective consequences 183

The proof is just a direct application of Pappus’ Theorem on the circle, for the
geometric structure described in the statement. Since H and ΩAB are on Euler’s
line, the axis of projectivity and Euler’s line must be the same straight line. As a
consequence, the third point, O9 , the center of the nine-point circle, must be on the
axis of projectivity, thus on Euler’s line.
Proposition 4 appears in [4, pp. 40]. Actually, Dan Barbilian collected in an
undated note, published in the cited collection of posthumuous works, several pro-
jective properties of the nine-point circle and its connection with Euler’s line. He
focused mainly on the projective properties, which represent, as we can see, an
important part of the more complex phenomenon whose overall picture we tried to
present here.

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184 W. G. Boskoff, L. Homentcovschi and B. D. Suceavă

Wladimir G. Boskoff: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University Ovidius,

Constantza, Romania
E-mail address: [email protected]

Laurenţiu Homentcovschi: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University Ovid-

ius, Constantza, Romania
E-mail address: [email protected]

Bogdan D. Suceavă: California State University Fullerton, Department of Mathematics, P.O. Box
6850, Fullerton, CA 92834-6850
E-mail address: [email protected]

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