Mounier - 2010

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Eur Respir J 2010; 35: 795–804

DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00057509
CopyrightßERS Journals Ltd 2010

Study of prone positioning to reduce

ventilator-associated pneumonia in
hypoxaemic patients
R. Mounier, C. Adrie, A. Français, M. Garrouste-Orgeas, C. Cheval, B. Allaouchiche,
S. Jamali, A.T. Dinh-Xuan, D. Goldgran-Toledano, Y. Cohen, E. Azoulay, J-F.Timsit
and J-D. Ricard, on behalf of the OUTCOMEREA Study Group

ABSTRACT: The aim of the present study was to examine whether prone positioning (PP) affects AFFILIATIONS
ventilator associated-pneumonia (VAP) and mortality in patients with acute lung injury/adult A full list of the authors’ affiliations
and the OUTCOMEREA Study Group
respiratory distress syndrome. members can be found in the
2,409 prospectively included patients were admitted over 9 yrs (2000–2008) to 12 French Acknowledgements section.
intensive care units (ICUs) (OUTCOMEREA). The patients required invasive mechanical
ventilation (MV) and had arterial oxygen tension/inspiratory oxygen fraction ratios ,300 during
J-F. Timsit
the first 48 h. Controls were matched to PP patients on the PP propensity score (¡10%), MV Medical ICU
duration longer than that in PP patients before the first turn prone, and centre. INSERM U823
VAP incidence was similar in the PP and control groups (24 versus 13 episodes?1,000 patient- Albert Michallon Teaching Hospital
days MV-1 respectively, p50.14). After adjustment, PP did not decrease VAP occurrence (HR 1.64 38043 Grenoble CEDEX 9
(95% CI 0.70–3.84); p50.25) but significantly delayed hospital mortality (HR 0.56 (95% CI 0.39– E-mail: [email protected]
0.79); p50.001), without decreasing 28-day mortality (37% in both groups). Post hoc analyses
indicated that PP did not protect against VAP but, when used for .1 day, might decrease mortality Received:
and benefit the sickest patients (Simplified Acute Physiology Score .50). April 06 2009
Accepted after revision:
In ICU patients with hypoxaemic acute respiratory failure, PP had no effect on the risk of VAP. Aug 24 2009
PP delayed mortality without decreasing 28-day mortality. PP .1 day might decrease mortality, First published online:
particularly in the sickest patients. Sept 09 2009

KEYWORDS: Acute lung injury, mortality, prone position, ventilator-associated pneumonia

osocomial infections adversely affect In addition to improving oxygenation, PP has

N patient outcomes, increase healthcare

costs and generate difficult diagnostic
and therapeutic challenges [1]. In the intensive
been shown in experimental studies to diminish
ventilator-induced lung injury [10], and most
clinicians agree that turning patients prone
care unit (ICU), ventilator-associated pneumonia improves secretion drainage [11, 12]. Whether
(VAP) is the most common nosocomial infection, these effects protect against VAP is unclear. On
with 8–28% of patients on endotracheal mechan- the one hand, PP has been shown to enhance
ical ventilation (MV) being affected [2]. Mortality alveolar recruitment by avoiding atelectasis [13],
rates in patients with VAP have ranged from 24% which facilitates lung infection in experimental
to 50% [3]. Injured lungs are highly susceptible to studies [14]; but on the other hand, PP may
infection, and acute respiratory distress syn- increase the dissemination of lung pathogens. In
drome (ARDS) is associated with a high rate of randomised controlled trials of PP in patients
VAP [4–6]. Prone positioning (PP) has been used with acute lung injury (ALI)/ARDS, VAP rates
to improve oxygenation [7]. Despite the lack of are inconsistently reported [15] and, when avail-
conclusive evidence that PP improves patient able, vary across studies. Thus, in a study of 136
outcomes, PP is used in hypoxaemic patients patients with severe ARDS, PP had no effect on
receiving MV for ARDS. No data are available on VAP rates [16]; whereas in another study,
the rate of PP use in this population, even in the conducted in 791 patients with hypoxaemic acute
largest recent epidemiological studies [8, 9]. respiratory failure, VAP was slightly but signifi-
cantly less common with PP [17].
European Respiratory Journal

For editorial comments see page 725.

The primary objective of this study was to clarify
the effect of PP on VAP rates in ICU patients with
Print ISSN 0903-1936
Online ISSN 1399-3003 c

ALI/ARDS. To this end, we used a large prospective database of Procedures

ICU patients. We also compared mortality with and without PP. Because diagnostic coding has been found to be unreliable for
identifying ALI/ARDS cases [26], we used parameters
MATERIALS AND METHODS collected by our data-capture software to select patients with
ALI/ARDS (Pa,O2/FI,O2 ,200 or 300). All ICUs followed the
Study design and data source
same rules for initiating MV. In patients receiving MV, tidal
We conducted a prospective observational study in the
volume was set to maintain a plateau pressure of ,30 cmH2O
French OUTCOMEREA multicentre database over an 8-yr
in most patients and f35 cmH2O in all patients. PP (strictly
period (2000–2008). The database is specifically designed to
horizontal) was left at the discretion of the attending physician.
record daily disease severity and the occurrence of iatrogenic
In all ICUs, PP protocols involved remaining prone for
events and nosocomial infections [1, 17–21]. Inclusion criteria
.6 h?day-1. In both groups SP consisted of semi-recumbency
for the study were MV for o2 days, started within 48 h after
unless the patient had refractory shock. Administration of
ICU admission, with an arterial oxygen tension/inspiratory
stress ulcer prophylaxis and enteral feeding were at the
oxygen fraction ratio (Pa,O2/FI,O2) f300 during the first 2
discretion of the attending physician. None of the study
days of MV with bilateral infiltrates with classic absence of
ICUs used selective digestive tract decontamination or
clinical evidence of left atrial hypertension according to the
continuous aspiration of subglottic secretions.
protocol of each ICU. Patients ventilated at least once with PP
(PP group) were compared to patients who were never
turned prone while on MV (supine positioning (SP) group). Statistical analysis
Results are expressed as median (interquartile range) or n (%)
as appropriate. For categorical variables, comparisons were
Data collection
based on Chi-squared tests for categorical data and Wilcoxon
Senior physicians in each participating ICU collected data
tests for continuous data.
daily. For each patient, the investigator entered the data into a
computer case-report form using data capture software As the use of PP was not randomly assigned, we developed a
(RHEA, Rosny-sous-Bois, France) and imported all records to PP-prediction model to compute a PP propensity score, which
the OUTCOMEREA data warehouse. Data collection was we then used to match patients managed with PP to controls
approved by the CECIC Clermont Ferrand ethics committee managed with SP only. This matching procedure minimised
(IRB no. 5891; Centre d9Investigation Clinique, CHU de treatment selection bias and potential confounding. The
Clermont Ferrand, France). The database is registered with rationale and methods underlying the use of a propensity
the CNIL (Commission National Informatique et Liberté; Paris, score for a proposed causal exposure variable have been
France), an independent French administrative authority described elsewhere [19, 27]. The propensity score (probability
protecting privacy and personal data. All codes and definitions that each patient would receive PP at any time during the ICU
were established prior to study initiation. The following stay) was calculated by multivariate logistic regression using
information was recorded for each patient: age and sex; predictive variables collected within 48 h after ICU admission
admission category (medical, scheduled surgery or unsched- in the overall population.
uled surgery); origin (home, ward or emergency room); and
McCabe score [22]. Severity of illness was evaluated on the first Using an algorithm [28], we matched each control to a PP
ICU day using the Simplified Acute Physiology Score II [23], patient based on three characteristics (fig. 1): PP propensity
the Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score [24] score (¡10%); MV duration greater than or equal to MV
and the Acute Physiologic and Chronic Health Evaluation II duration in the PP patient before the first turn prone; and
score [25]. Knaus scale definitions were used to record pre- centre. The propensity score was based on risk factors for PP.
existing chronic organ failures including respiratory, cardiac, To take risk factors for VAP into account, we adjusted on
hepatic, renal and immune system failures [25]. imbalances between groups and risk factors for VAP. We then
adjusted on the following: at admission, male sex, pneumonia,
Patient characteristics, treatment modalities (including MV, septic shock, acute respiratory failure and coma; within 48 h
position, inotropic agents and antimicrobials), and invasive after ICU admission, vasoactive drugs; and on the day before
and noninvasive procedures were collected daily. MV dura- PP (or the corresponding day in the SP group), antibiotic use,
tion, time in the ICU and hospital, and outcome at ICU and at least one catheter, SOFA score and Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio (table 1).
hospital discharge were recorded prospectively. Clinically
suspected nosocomial pneumonia was routinely investigated Assuming a 50% rate of VAP in the PP group, 200 PP patients
using cultures of protected distal specimens, protected brush- and 200 matched controls managed with SP only were needed
ing or bronchoalveolar lavage, as previously described [2, 18]. to detect a hazard ratio (HR) of 2 for VAP with .90% power
and a type I error risk of 0.05.
Quality of the database Imbalances between groups after matching were tested by
The data-capture software automatically conducted multiple conditional logistic regression. Comparisons between matched
checks for internal consistency of most of the variables at entry patients were based on a Cox model. The time of origin (T0)
into the database. Queries generated by these checks were was defined as the beginning of PP in exposed patients and the
resolved with the source ICU before incorporation of the new equivalent time in matched controls (fig. 1). Only cases of
data into the database. At each participating ICU, data quality pneumonia occurring between T0 and 48 h after MV
was controlled by having a senior physician from another discontinuation were considered. Data were censored at 28
participating ICU check a 2% random sample of the study data. days (starting at T0). Deaths within 28 days after T0 were taken



Day 0

Matched SP patients

VAP before PP VAP after PP

Admission characteristics

Matching criteria
PP propensity score


MV duration before PP

Beginning of PP=Day 0

PP patients

Beginning of
endotracheal MV

FIGURE 1. Diagram of the matching process. The matching criteria (denoted in grey) are: propensity score ¡10% calculated over the first 48 h after intensive care unit
admission; centre; and mechanical ventilation (MV) duration before prone positioning (PP) in the PP group or on the corresponding day (day 0) in the supine positioning (SP)
group. We calculated the number of patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) after day 0.

into account. We used Kaplan–Meier plots to evaluate the risk based on data in the literature [2] and OUTCOMEREA 1

of VAP and death in each group. database, were: male sex; pneumonia diagnosis at admission;
chronic respiratory failure; acute respiratory failure at admis-
Risk factors for VAP and parameters that were not balanced sion; septic shock at admission; use of vasoactive agents within
between the PP and SP groups were used to estimate the the first 48 h in the ICU; temperature; cardiac frequency (fC);
adjusted HR of VAP using a marginal Cox model for clustered Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio; and the need for an arterial catheter.
data. This model takes into account both the censored nature of
the data and accounts for intra-cluster (intra-pair) dependence VAP occurred in 414 (19%) out of 2,208 SP patients and 90
using a robust sandwich covariance estimate [29]. Values of (45%) out of 201 PP patients. Median duration of PP use was 1
pf0.05 were considered significant. Analyses were computed day [1–3]. PP was significantly associated with longer MV
using the SAS 9.1 software package (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, duration compared to SP (19 (8–35) days versus 7 (4–13) days,
USA). Survival curves were drawn using R (R Foundation, p,0.0001), longer time in the ICU (25 (11–39) days versus 10 (5–
Vienna, Austria). 17) days, p,0.0001), and longer time in the hospital (41 (18–68)
versus 24 (12–43), p,0.0001). Mortality was higher in the PP
RESULTS group (95 (47%) versus 777 (35%) hospital deaths, p50.0006).
Overall population of the database Risk factors for PP in the overall population of 2,409 patients
The study flow chart is shown in figure 2. Of the 2,409 included are listed in table 2. Predictors of PP at the final step of the
patients, 201 (8%) received PP. Risk factors for VAP, selected multivariate logistic model (table 3) were male sex, coma,

TABLE 1 Risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and death associated with prone positioning (PP)

Event HR (95% CI) p-value

After adjustment for confounding variables: imbalanced variables and Pneumonia 1.64 (0.70–3.84) 0.25
VAP risk factors#
After adjustment for confounding variables: imbalanced variables and Death 0.56 (0.39–0.79) 0.001
hospital risk factors"

: adjusted on the following: at admission, male sex, pneumonia, septic shock, acute respiratory failure and coma; within 48 h after intensive care unit (ICU) admission,
vasoactive drugs; and on the day before PP (or the corresponding day in the control group), antibiotic use, at least one catheter, Sepsis-related Organ Failure
Assessment (SOFA) score, and an arterial oxygen tension/inspiratory oxygen fraction (Pa,O2/FI,O2) ratio. ": adjusted on the following: at admission, Simplified Acute
Physiology Score, at least one chronic disease, pneumonia, septic shock, cardiac arrest, acute respiratory failure and coma; within 48 h after ICU admission, vasoactive
drugs; and on the first day of PP, antibiotic use, enteral or parenteral nutrition, catheter, SOFA score and Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio.

3145 patients pneumonia, septic shock, acute respiratory failure, coma and
with ALI/ARDS lowest Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio; 2) during the first 48 h of MV, use of
Pa,O2/FI,O2<300 and MV vasoactive agents and use of at least one catheter; and 3) on the
on admission day before PP (or the corresponding day in the SP group), use
of antibiotics, use of at least one catheter, lowest Pa,O2/FI,O2
Exclusion criteria: ratio and SOFA score. The median time from ICU admission to
736 patients with ICU PP was 6 days [2–12]. The median time spent in the ICU after
stay ≤2 days or MV ≤1 day T0 was longer in the PP group than in the SP group (14 (6–29)
days versus 3 (1–8) days, p,0.0001).

2409 patients Risk of VAP

There were 57 episodes of VAP after T0. The incidence of VAP
after T0 was not significantly different between the PP and SP
groups (24 versus 13 episodes?1,000 patient-days MV-1,
Supine position
Prone position p50.14). The most common causative microorganisms were
(n=201) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n520; 35%), Enterobacteriaceae (n512,
21%), Escherichia coli (n510, 18%) and Staphylococcus aureus
(n59, 16%). The rate of multidrug-resistant bacteria was
Matched n=199 Matched n=199 balanced between the two groups.
49 VAP after T0 8 VAP after T0
(24 episodes/ (13 episodes/ PP did not influence the VAP risk (HR 1.33 (95% CI 0.61–2.92),
1000 patient-days MV) 1000 patient-days MV) p50.48). Results (table 1) were unchanged after adjusting on
risk factors for VAP and imbalances between groups (HR 1.64
(95% CI 0.70–3.84), p50.25) (fig. 3).
FIGURE 2. Flow chart of patients with acute lung injury/acute respiratory
distress syndrome (ALI/ARDS) and matching procedure. Pa,O2/FI,O2: ratio of arterial We assessed the impact of PP duration by separately
oxygen partial pressure over fraction of inspired oxygen; MV: endotracheal evaluating patients in each quartile of time with PP. Among
mechanical ventilation; ICU: intensive care unit; VAP: ventilator-associated 109 patients with a single day of PP (with 109 matched SP
pneumonia; T0: time of the first turn prone. There was no significant difference in patients), PP was not associated with VAP (HR 1.11 (95% CI
VAP occurrence after T0 between the groups with and without prone positioning (24 0.39–3.10), p50.85). Neither did the 90 patients with at least 2
versus 13 VAP episodes?1,000 patient-days MV-1, respectively). days of PP have a lower rate of VAP compared to the 90
matched SP patients (HR 0.72 (95% CI 0.32–1.65), p50.44).

haemorrhagic shock, at least one catheter, core temperature Mortality

o38.2uC, fCo120 bpm, prothrombin time f65 s, and Pa,O2/ When we used the marginal Cox model with adjustment on
FI,O2 ratio range within the first 48 h in the ICU. Matching on risk factors for hospital death and imbalances between groups,
propensity score, severity and centre was successful for 199 PP we found that PP significantly delayed hospital mortality (HR
and 199 SP patients. 0.56 (95% CI 0.39–0.79), p50.001) (fig. 4 and table 1). However,
mortality 28 days after T0 was similar in the PP group (n573,
The Hosmer–Lemeshow of 3.7 (p50.89) indicated good fit of 36.7%) and in the SP group (n574, 37.2%). Among patients
the data, and discrimination was good (area under the with a single day of PP (n5109), mortality was not different
receiver-operating characteristics curve 0.74). from that in the matched controls (HR 0.83 (95% CI 0.51–1.35),
We performed stepwise logistic regression with a 5% threshold p50.45). In contrast, adjusted mortality in the 90 patients with
on all risk factors for PP identified in the univariate analyses: o2 days of PP was significantly lower than in the matched
male sex; transfer from ward; admission diagnosis of pneu- controls (27 (30%) in the PP group versus 38 (42%) in the
monia; admission diagnosis of acute respiratory failure; controls; HR 0.30 (95% CI 0.12–0.74), p50.009).
chronic cirrhosis; acute respiratory failure at admission; coma
at admission; haemorrhagic shock at admission; use of ARDS patients
vasoactive drugs, steroids, or enteral nutrition within 48 h When we confined the analysis to patients with Pa,O2/FI,O2
after ICU admission; at least one catheter within 48 h after ICU ratios ,200 at admission (i.e. ARDS), we were able to obtain
admission; and categories of temperature, fC, prothrombin 155 PP-control pairs matched on the PP propensity score,
time, and Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio within 48 h after ICU admission. severity and centre. In this analysis, PP was not associated with
the VAP risk (adjusted HR 1.03 (95% CI 0.42–2.56), p50.94) or
To calculate the predicted risk for PP in an individual patient: the risk of death (adjusted HR 0.90 (95% CI 0.61–1.32), p50.58).
1) compute the logit: logit5sum (‘‘Beta estimate’’ multiplied by
value of corresponding parameter); then 2) compute the Subgroup analyses
probability, using the logit: p5(exp (logit)) divided by In the overall population of 398 ALI/ARDS patients (tables 5 and
(1+exp(logit)). 6), 104 patients had Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratios ,120 within 2 days before
PP (or the corresponding time in the control group). Among
Case–control analysis them, 72 received PP and 32 were controls. VAP occurred in 20
Parameters that were not balanced between the SP and PP (27.8%) PP patients and two (6.3%) controls. Of the PP patients,
groups (table 4) were as follows: 1) at ICU admission, 32 (44.4%) died, compared to 20 (62.5%) controls. After



TABLE 2 Risk factors for prone positioning (PP) in 2,409 TABLE 2 Continued
patients who received endotracheal mechanical
Variables SP PP p-value
ventilation (MV) within 48 h after intensive care
unit (ICU) admission, for o2 days, and who had Treatment during the first 48 h
arterial oxygen tension/inspiratory oxygen
Vasoactive drugs 1413 (64) 156 (77.6) 0.0001
fraction (Pa,O2/FI,O2) ratios ,300 during the first
Steroids 680 (30.8) 76 (37.8) 0.04
48 h on MV
Antibiotics 1753 (79.4) 169 (84.1) 0.11
Variables SP PP p-value Enteral nutrition 566 (25.6) 35 (17.4) 0.01
Parenteral nutrition 385 (17.4) 45 (22.4) 0.08
Procedures during the first 48 h
Patients n 2208 201
Arterial catheter 1119 (50.7) 126 (62.7) 0.001
Age yrs 66 (54–76) 65 (50–75) 0.04
Central catheter 1403 (63.5) 162 (80.6) 0.0001
Males 1411 (63.9) 150 (74.6) 0.002
Swan catheter 107 (4.8) 20 (10) 0.002
Transfer from ward 1055 (47.8) 112 (55.7) 0.03
At least one catheter 1482 (67.1) 170 (84.6) ,0.00014
Severity scores at admission
Laboratory variables in the
SAPS II 52 (40–64) 51 (40–65) 0.85
first 48 h
APACHE II score 20 (15–25) 20 (15–25) 0.64
Temperature max uC 38.2 (37.7–38.9) 38.6 (38–39.2) ,0.0001
SOFA score 7 (5–10) 7 (5–11) 0.79
fC max bpm 116 (100–135) 126 (108–144) ,0.0001
Prothrombin rate max % 69 (55–80) 61 (49–74) ,0.0001
Chemotherapy 138 (6.3) 10 (5) 0.47
Lowest Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio 165.5 (112–220) 129 (85–193) ,0.0001
Steroid therapy .1 month or 82 (3.7) 11 (5.5) 0.22
Laboratory variables in the first
.2 mg?kg-1
48 h in categories
AIDS 45 (2) 2 (1) 0.31
Temperature o38.2uC 1146 (51.9) 144 (71.6) ,0.0001
Bone marrow aplasia 33 (1.5) 4 (2) 0.59
fC o120 bpm 1027 (46.5) 128 (63.7) ,0.0001
Diagnosis at admission
Prothrombin rate f65% 917 (41.5) 117 (58.2) ,0.0001
Pneumonia 450 (20.4) 63 (31.3) 0.0003
Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio
Septic shock 249 (11.3) 31 (15.4) 0.08
,100 436 (19.7) 73 (36.3) ,0.0001
Cardiac arrest 181 (8.2) 4 (2) 0.002
100–159 600 (27.2) 57 (28.4)
Acute respiratory failure 130 (5.9) 24 (11.9) 0.001
160–219 614 (27.8) 39 (19.4)
Stroke 124 (5.6) 7 (3.5) 0.20
220–299 558 (25.3) 32 (15.9)
Acute renal failure 94 (4.3) 3 (1.5) 0.06
COPD exacerbation 78 (3.5) 5 (2.5) 0.44
Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema 66 (3) 5 (2.5) 0.69 Data are presented as n (%) or median (interquartile range), unless otherwise
Multiple organ failure 34 (1.5) 7 (3.5) 0.04 stated. SP: supine position; SAPS II: Simplified Acute Physiology Score II;
Admission category# APACHE II: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; SOFA:
Medical 1562 (71) 135 (67.5) Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary
# "
Emergency surgery 406 (18.4) 36 (18) 0.23 disease; fC: cardiac frequency. : data are missing for eight patients; :
Scheduled surgery 233 (10.6) 29 (14.5) evaluated using the APACHE II score (Knaus criteria). Variables within the first
Previous health status (McCabe) 48 h in the ICU were obtained as follows: in patients who received PP on the first
Not fatal 1267 (57.4) 118 (58.7) ICU day, we only used the worst data collected on day 0; in patients who
Fatal within 5 yrs 730 (33.1) 69 (34.3) 0.48 received MV on the second ICU day (day 1), we used the worst data collected
Fatal within 1 yr 211 (9.6) 14 (7) on day 1; and in patients who received MV on the first ICU day (day 0), we used
Comorbidities" the worst data collected between day 0 and day 1.
Immunosuppression 274 (12.4) 29 (14.4) 0.41
Respiratory failure 383 (17.3) 42 (20.9) 0.21
Cardiovascular failure 344 (15.6) 26 (12.9) 0.32
Cirrhosis 143 (6.5) 21 (10.4) 0.03 adjustment on imbalances between groups and risk factors for
Renal failure 103 (4.7) 9 (4.5) 0.90 events, PP was associated neither with VAP (HR 0.69 (95% CI
At least one chronic disease 962 (43.6) 99 (49.3) 0.12 0.19–2.52), p50.57) nor with death (HR 0.56 (95% CI 0.29–1.09),
Main symptom at admission p50.09).
Acute respiratory failure 623 (28.2) 71 (35.3) 0.03
Among 114 patients with SAPS II score values .50 on the day
Coma 520 (23.6) 17 (8.5) ,0.0001
of the first turn prone (or the corresponding day in controls),
Septic shock 407 (18.4) 40 (19.9) 0.61
64 received PP and 50 were controls. VAP occurred in 11 (17%)
Multiple organ failure 73 (3.3) 11 (5.5) 0.11
PP patients and one (2%) control. Of the PP patients, 41 (64%)
Cardiogenic shock 101 (4.6) 6 (3) 0.30
died, compared to 39 (78%) of the controls. After adjustment
Haemorrhagic shock 89 (4) 20 (10) 0.0001
Monitoring and scheduled surgery 202 (9.1) 15 (7.5) 0.42
on imbalances between groups and risk factors for events, PP
COPD exacerbation 53 (2.4) 8 (4) 0.17
was not associated with VAP (HR 4.33 (95% CI 0.70–26.65),
Acute renal failure 34 (1.5) 6 (3) 0.12
p50.11) but was significantly and negatively associated with
hospital death (HR 0.44 (95% CI 0.29–0.69), p50.0003) (tables 5
Trauma 21 (1) 3 (1.5) 0.46
and 6).

MV. Patients in the treatment group were turned prone for 4 h

TABLE 3 Predictors of prone positioning (PP) at the final once a day, starting early during the ICU stay. The diagnosis of
step of the multivariate logistic model
VAP relied on quantitative cultures from bronchoscopic
Intercept Estimator OR (95% CI) protected-specimen brush samples. In this relatively small
study, PP was associated with less deterioration in the lung
Male 0.4377 1.55 (1.10–2.18)
score, but VAP rates were not significantly different between
Coma -0.8015 0.45 (0.27–0.76)
groups (20% with PP versus 38% with SP, p50.14) [33]. In
Haemorrhagic shock 0.9845 2.68 (1.56–4.60)
addition, patients kept supine had their head and trunk
Variables collected within the first 48 h#
elevated at 20u instead of being placed in the semi-recumbent
At least one catheter 0.6325 1.88 (1.25–2.84)
position (at least 30u of head-of-bed elevation). The other study
Temperature o38.2uC 0.8655 2.38 (1.70–3.31)
that found no effect of PP on the VAP rate was conducted in
fC o120 bpm 0.4157 1.52 (1.11–2.08)
136 patients with severe ARDS [16]. PP was started early and
Prothrombin rate f65% 0.4966 1.64 (1.21–2.24)
used for most of the day. There was no difference in VAP rates
Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio# between the PP and SP groups. In the largest study (n5791),
,100 0.8611 2.37 (1.51–3.71) PP did not affect mortality but decreased the rate of VAP [17].
100–159 0.3551 1.43 (0.90–2.26) This study included medical and surgical patients with acute
160–219 -0.0767 0.93 (0.57–1.52) hypoxaemic respiratory failure. PP was started early after
220–299 intubation and used for a mean of 8.6 h?days-1 for a mean of 4.1
days. The diagnosis of VAP was based on quantitative cultures
fC: cardiac frequency; Pa,O2/FI,O2: arterial oxygen tension/inspiratory oxygen
of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. The VAP rate per 100 patient-
fraction ratio. #: variables collected within the first 48 h after intensive care unit
days of intubation was 1.66 with PP and 2.14 with SP
(ICU) admission. Variables within the first 48 h in the ICU were obtained as
follows: in patients who received PP on the first ICU day, we only used the worst The 21% VAP rate in our cohort of 2,409 patients is consistent with
data collected on day 0; in patients who received mechanical ventilation (MV) previous data [2]. The VAP incidence rate of 24 per 1,000 MV-days
on the second ICU day (day 1), we used the worst data on day 1; and in in our PP group is only slightly higher than the rate in PP patients
patients who received MV on the first ICU day (day 0), we used the worst data in the largest randomised controlled study [17], and crude
collected between day 0 and day 1.
mortality rates are similar (31% and 36% respectively). However,
the prevalence of VAP in our study was lower than hypothesised,
which decreased the power of the study.
PP duration in our study was considerably shorter, than in
We found that PP was used in 8% of ALI/ARDS patients with
previous studies probably because no uniform PP protocol was
Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio values ,300 while receiving MV. In the overall
population, PP failed to protect against VAP or death. used. However, our data shed light on outcomes in everyday
practice. We identified several risk factors for PP: admission
Although PP was described more than 30 yrs ago [30], very diagnosis of ARDS or pneumonia; shock at admission;
few data are available on the rate of PP use outside the setting vasoactive drug use; low Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio; and prolonged MV.
of physiological studies or randomised controlled trials. In a
study describing the management of ARDS over an 8-yr period PP is widely believed to improve bronchial secretion drainage,
in a single ICU, PP was used in 4% of ARDS patients during thereby limiting colonisation of the distal lung, an effect
the first half of the study period and in 25% during the second expected to decrease the risk of VAP. However, other effects of
half after routine PP use in the sickest patients was PP may increase the risk for VAP. Once patients are turned
incorporated into the standard management protocol [31]. prone, they are in the horizontal position, which may be
These proportions are consistent with our finding that 8% of associated with a higher risk of aspiration than the semi-
patients were turned prone at least once during the ICU stay. recumbent supine position [34], particularly in patients
receiving enteral feeding [35]. PP has also been associated
Numerous physiological and clinical studies have shown that with greater residual gastric volumes and poorer tolerance of
PP improves oxygenation [7] by homogenising the pleural enteral nutrition, which in turn are associated with a higher
pressure gradient and increasing ventilation to the dorsal areas risk of VAP [36]. Data from a P. aeruginosa unilateral
of the lungs. PP may also reduce lung overdistension [32] and pneumonia mouse model suggest that PP may promote the
improve alveolar ventilation and lung mechanics, thereby dissemination of localised infection to the contralateral lung
preventing or lessening ventilator-induced lung injury [10]. In [37]. Finally, the influence of PP on the VAP risk may vary with
addition, PP improves secretion drainage, which is often the timing of PP relative to MV initiation. When PP is started
impaired in intubated patients. These effects would be .3 days after MV initiation the distal airways may already be
expected to translate into a decreased risk of VAP [12]. colonised [38, 39] and, therefore, potential benefits from
improved secretion drainage may be lost.
The VAP rate was a secondary evaluation criterion in three
randomised controlled trials comparing PP and SP [16, 17, 33]. Although PP dramatically increased oxygenation in severely
Only one of these trials found that PP protected against VAP as hypoxaemic patients [15–17, 38, 40–42], no effect on mortality
a secondary end-point [17]. Another study [33] evaluated the was found in randomised controlled trials. Similarly, our results
effect of PP on the lung injury score and on the development of do not support the routine use of PP in patients on MV whose
VAP as a secondary criterion in 51 comatose patients receiving Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio is ,300. Furthermore, they suggest that a longer



TABLE 4 Comparison of patients treated with prone TABLE 4 Continued

positioning (PP) and individually matched
patients kept in the supine position (SP) Variables SP PP p-value

Variables SP PP p-value Antibiotics 152 (76.4) 168 (84.4) 0.05

Enteral nutrition 46 (23.1) 35 (17.6) 0.17
Subjects n 199 199 Parenteral nutrition 43 (21.6) 44 (22.1) 0.90
Age yrs 66 (54–76) 65 (50–75) 0.24 Procedures during the first 48 h
Males 133 (66.8) 149 (74.9) 0.08 Arterial catheter 98 (49.2) 124 (62.3) 0.004
Transfer from ward 95 (47.7) 110 (55.3) 0.12 Central catheter 116 (58.3) 160 (80.4) ,0.0001
Severity scores at admission Swan catheter 13 (6.5) 20 (10.1) 0.23
SAPS II 52 (37–64) 51 (40–66) 0.79 At least one catheter 125 (62.8) 168 (84.4) ,0.0001
APACHE II score 20 (16–25) 19 (15–25) 0.59 Variables collected on the day
SOFA score 7 (5–10) 7 (5–11) 0.65 before PP
Immunosuppression Antibiotics 128 (64.3) 163 (81.9) 0.0001
Chemotherapy 11 (5.5) 9 (4.5) 0.64 At least one catheter 113 (56.8) 162 (81.4) ,0.0001
Steroid therapy .1 month or 9 (4.5) 11 (5.5) 0.66 Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio 254 (185–337) 193 (121–296) ,0.0001
.2 mg?kg -1 SOFA 5 (4–9) 7 (5–10) 0.005
AIDS 7 (3.5) 2 (1) 0.12
Bone marrow aplasia 5 (2.5) 3 (1.5) 0.43 Data are presented as n (%) or median (interquarile range), unless otherwise
Diagnosis at admission stated. SAPS II: Simplified Acute Physiology Score II; APACHE II: Acute
Pneumonia 39 (19.6) 63 (31.7) 0.006 Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; SOFA: Sequential Organ Failure
Septic shock 16 (8) 30 (15.1) 0.02 Assessment; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Pa,O2/FI,O2: arterial
Acute respiratory failure 13 (6.5) 24 (12.1) 0.08 oxygen tension/inspiratory oxygen fraction ratio; ICU: intensive care unit. :
Stroke 9 (4.5) 7 (3.5) 0.62 data are missing for two patients; : evaluated using the APACHE II score
Acute renal failure 9 (4.5) 3 (1.5) 0.10 (Knaus criteria). The p-values were obtained by conditional logistic regression.
COPD exacerbation 9 (4.5) 5 (2.5) 0.29
Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema 7 (3.5) 5 (2.5) 0.57
Multiple organ failure 7 (3.5) 7 (3.5) 1.00
time spent in the prone position does not increase the incidence
Admission category#
of VAP. That PP does not affect mortality may be ascribable to
Medical 138 (69.7) 134 (67.7)
the major contribution of sepsis and multiorgan failure to
Emergency surgery 36 (18.2) 35 (17.7) 0.75
mortality in ARDS patients, as opposed to respiratory disease
Scheduled surgery 24 (12.1) 29 (14.6)
[43] the use of unproven rescue treatments (inhaled nitric oxide
Previous health status (McCabe)
or prone position) may be used as a rescue therapy in patients
Not fatal 108 (54.3) 117 (58.8)
with refractory hypoxaemia [15, 40, 43].
Fatal within 5 yrs 64 (32.2) 68 (34.2) 0.14
Fatal within 1 yr 27 (13.6) 14 (7) Interestingly, post hoc subgroup analyses performed by
Comorbidities" GATTINONI et al. [15] identified a subgroup in which PP was
Immunosuppression 26 (13.1) 28 (14.1) 0.74 associated with a significant decrease in 10-day mortality. This
Respiratory failure 36 (18.1) 42 (21.1) 0.42
Cardiovascular failure 36 (18.1) 26 (13.1) 0.18
Cirrhosis 17 (8.5) 21 (10.6) 0.51
Renal failure 6 (3) 9 (4.5) 0.44
Survival distribution of VAP

At least one chronic disease 94 (47.2) 98 (49.2) 0.68

Main symptom at admission
Acute respiratory failure 42 (21.1) 71 (35.7) 0.002 0.8
Coma 58 (29.1) 17 (8.5) ,0.0001
Septic shock 32 (16.1) 39 (19.6) 0.36 0.7
Multiple organ failure 11 (5.5) 11 (5.5) 1.00
Cardiogenic shock 6 (3) 6 (3) 1.00 0.6
Haemorrhagic shock 15 (7.5) 19 (9.5) 0.47
Monitoring and scheduled surgery 22 (11.1) 15 (7.5) 0.23 0.5
COPD exacerbation 5 (2.5) 8 (4) 0.41
Acute renal failure 0 6 (3) 0.99 0.4
Trauma 3 (1.5) 3 (1.5) 1.00
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Lowest Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio within 154 (96–220) 130 (85–194) 0.006 Time since the start of prone position days
48 h after ICU admission
Treatment during the first 48 h FIGURE 3. Kaplan–Meier estimates of the occurrence over time of ventilator-
Vasoactive drugs 124 (62.3) 154 (77.4) 0.0009 associated pneumonia (VAP) in the group kept in the supine position (–––––) and in
Steroids 68 (34.2) 75 (37.7) 0.44 the group treated with prone positioning (????????). HR 1.64, 95% CI 0.70–3.84;
p50.25. c

specific classic characteristic of ALI/ARDS. There is no

Survival distribution of hospital death

consensus regarding the criteria for using PP or the optimal
0.9 duration of PP. In addition, a possible centre effect was taken
into account by including the centre in the propensity score.
0.8 In conclusion, our prospective multicentre cohort study
suggests that the use of PP is not superior to SP to prevent
0.7 VAP. However, PP may improve survival in longer PP use and
in the sickest patients.
0.5 Statements of interest for A.T. Dinh-Xuan and E. Azoulay can be found
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time since the start of prone position days
The authors’ affiliations are as follows. R. Mounier: Assistance
FIGURE 4. Kaplan–Meier estimates of 28-day hospital survival in the group Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Louis Mourier Hospital, Medical ICU,
kept in the supine position (–––––) and in the group treated with prone positioning Colombes, France. C. Adrie and A.T. Dinh-Xuan: Assistance Publique-
(????????). HR 0.56, 95% CI 0.39–0.79; p50.001. Hôpitaux de Paris, Cochin hospital, University of René Descartes,
Physiology Dept, Paris, France. A. Français: INSERM U823, Albert
subgroup was defined by Pa,O2/FI,O2 f88 mmHg, SAPS II.49, Bonniot Research Center, team 11, Outcome of cancers and critical
and tidal volume of 12 mL?kg-1. In our study, PP for .2 days illnesses, La Tronche, France. M. Garrouste-Orgeas: Medical-Surgical
ICU, Saint Joseph Hospital, Paris, France. C. Cheval: Medical-Surgical
was associated with significantly lower hospital mortality in
ICU, Hyères Hospital, Hyères, France. B. Allaouchiche: Surgical ICU,
patients with SAPS II .50 on the first day of PP. There was also Edouard Heriot Hospital, Lyon, France. S. Jamali: Medical-Surgical
a trend toward a decreased mortality in with Pa,O2/FI,O2 ICU, Dourdan Hospital, Dourdan, France. D. Goldgran-Toledano:
,120 mmHg (tables 5 and 6) corresponding to the quartile of Medical-Surgical ICU, Gonesse Hospital, Gonesse, France. Y. Cohen:
patients with the lowest values in the initial study group Medical-Surgical ICU, Avicenne Teaching Hospital, Bobigny, France.
(table 4). We did not study tidal volume because high volumes E. Azoulay: Medical ICU, Saint-Louis Teaching Hospital, Paris, France.
such as those reported by GATTINONI et al. [15] have not been J-F. Timsit: INSERM U823, Albert Bonniot Research Center, team 11,
used in our ICUs for over 10 yrs. Altogether, these data suggest Outcome of cancers and critical illnesses, La Tronche and Medical ICU,
Albert Michallon Teaching Hospital, Grenoble, France. J-D. Ricard:
that PP may be helpful in patients whose acute illness is very
Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Louis Mourier Hospital,
severe. Furthermore, they are consistent with a recently Medical ICU, Colombes and INSERM U722, UFR of Medicine,
published meta-analysis showing that beyond the increase of University of Bichat, Paris, France.
Pa,O2/FI,O2 PP may improve survival in patients with greater
severity of the acute illness [44] through other mechanisms. The members of the OUTCOMEREA Study Group are as follows.
Scientific committee: J-F. Timsit (Hôpital Albert Michallon and
Furthermore, the fact that PP decreased mortality in this group
INSERM U823, Grenoble, France); P. Moine (Surgical ICU, Dept of
may also suggest that we should use it for a longer period of
Anesthesiology, University of Colorado, Denver, CO, USA); A. de
time independently on the effect of its beneficial effect on gas Lassence (ICU, Hôpital Louis Mourier, Colombes, France); E. Azoulay
exchange. (Medical ICU, Hôpital Saint Louis, Paris, France); Y. Cohen (ICU,
Hôpital Avicenne, Bobigny, France); M. Garrouste-Orgeas (ICU
Our study has several limitations. The presence or absence of Hôpital Saint-Joseph, Paris, France); L. Soufir (ICU, Hôpital Saint-
radiographic pulmonary infiltrates was not specifically Joseph, Paris, France); J-R. Zahar (Dept of Microbiology, Hôpital
recorded in the database. However, we performed a survey Necker, Paris, France); C. Adrie (Dept of Physiology, Hôpital Cochin,
of all 12 participating centres to ensure that they all use this France); A. Benali (Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Hôpital

TABLE 5 Post hoc analyses of the effects of prone positioning (PP) on the occurrence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP)

Population Sample size VAP

Supine Prone Supine Prone HR (95% CI) p-value

All 199 199 8 (4) 49 (24.6) 1.64 (0.70–3.84) 0.25

Single day of PP 109 109 7 (6.4) 12 (11) 1.11 (0.39–3.10) 0.85
o2 days of PP (time-dependent covariate) 90 90 1 (1.1) 37 (41.1) 0.72 (0.32–1.65) 0.44
Minimum Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio ,120 within 2 days before PP 32 72 2 (6.3) 20 (27.8) 0.69 (0.19–2.52) 0.57
SAPS II .50 on the first day of PP 50 64 1 (2) 11 (17.2) 4.33 (0.70–26.65) 0.11
Only patients with Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio ,200 at admission 153 153 7 (4.6) 40 (26.1) 1.03 (0.42–2.56) 0.94

Data are presented as n or n (%), unless otherwise stated. Pa,O2/FI,O2: arterial oxygen tension/inspiratory oxygen fraction ratio; SAPS II: Simplified Acute Physiology Score.
The marginal Cox model was used to compute the hazard ratio (HR) adjusted on imbalances between groups and risk factors for events.



TABLE 6 Post hoc analyses of the effects of prone positioning (PP) on the occurrence of death

Population Sample size Death

Supine Prone Supine Prone HR (95% CI) p-value

All 199 199 74 (37.2) 73 (36.7) 0.56 (0.39–0.79) 0.001

Single day of PP 109 109 31 (33) 46 (42.2) 0.83 (0.51–1.35) 0.45
o2 days of PP (time-dependent covariate) 90 90 38 (42.2) 27 (30) 0.30 (0.12–0.74) 0.009
Minimum Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio ,120 within 2 days before PP 32 72 20 (62.5) 32 (44.4) 0.56 (0.29–1.09) 0.09
SAPS II .50 on the first day of PP 50 64 39 (78) 41 (64.1) 0.44 (0.29–0.69) 0.0003
Only patients with Pa,O2/FI,O2 ratio ,200 at admission 153 153 53 (34.6) 61 (39.9) 0.90 (0.61–1.32) 0.58

Data are presented as n (%), unless otherwise stated. Pa,O2/FI,O2: arterial oxygen tension/inspiratory oxygen fraction ratio; SAPS II: Simplified Acute Physiology Score. The
marginal Cox model was used to compute the hazard ratio (HR) adjusted on imbalances between groups and risk factors for events.

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