Ainuddin Kibzai: Pcs Strategy

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English General And English Essay

1. English Essay (450-500 words) Marks = 30

2. Précis + Title + Underlined words Marks = 30
3. Letter Marks = 15
4. Paragraph Writing Marks = 15
5. Prepositions/Phrasal Verbs Marks = 10
6. Idioms Marks = 10
7. Pair of Words Marks = 10
8. One-word Substitution Marks = 10
9. Punctuations Marks = 10
10. Corrections Marks = 10

General Knowledge

1. Current Affairs  2 Questions Marks = 20

2. Scientific Terms Marks = 20
3. Scientifics Differences Marks = 12
4. Scientific Reasoning Marks = 20
5. Personalities Marks = 10
6. Abbreviations Marks = 10
7. Why in NEWS currently Marks = 10
8. Foreign Phrases Marks = 10
9. One-word Substitution Marks = 10
10. Capitals + Currencies Marks = 10
11. Derivation Method Marks = 10
12. Words Sentences Marks = 10


Pakistan Affairs Marks = 60

Questions: 3 out of 6
Each Question = 20 Marks

1. Partition of Bengal (2012) (2009)

2. Separate Electorate (2012)
3. Khilafat Movement (2012) (2009)
4. Indian National Congress (2012)
5. One Unit (2012)
6. Indian Independence Act (2012)
7. Objectives Resolution (2012)
8. Quaid’s Fourteen points (2010) (2009)
9. Lucknow Pact (2010) (2016)
10. Minto-marley reforms (2010)
11. Simla Deputation (2010)
12. Cabinet Mission Plan (2010)
13. Khutba-e-Allahabad (2010)
14. Aligarh Movement / Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (2009) (2007) (2002)
15. Hazrat Shah Waliullah (2009) (2001) (2000) (2016)
16. Constitutional History of Pakistan (2009) (2007) (2003)
17. Post-Partition Problems (2009) (2007) (2007) (2000)
18. Cabinet Mission Plan (2009)
19. War of Independence- - -1857 (2007)
20. The Redcliff Award (2007)
21. Islamic Sections in 1973 Constitution (2007) (2002) (2001) (2000)
22. Hazrat Mujaddad Alf Sani (2003) (2001) (2000)
23. Ideology of Pakistan (2000)
24. Educational Institutions-DEOBAND
25. All India Muslim League
26. Nehru Report
27. Hindi-Urdu Controversy


Current Affairs and General Questions

1. Population growth in Pakistan and its Effects on Socio-Economic Conditions

2. Corruption --- how to eradicate it (2010)
3. Democracy in Pakistan (2010) (2007) (2007) (2002) (2001)
4. Are aims of Pakistan achieved (2007) (2003) (2002) (2000)
5. Canal water Dispute (2007)
6. Kashmir Issue (2007) (2007) (2002) (2000)
7. Educational System in Pakistan (2007) (2002)
8. National Integration (2007) (2003) (2002) (2001)
9. Non-formal Education (2003) (2001) (2000)
10. Cultural heritage of Pakistan (2002) (2001) (2000)
11. L.F.O. (2003) (2016)
12. Foresting (2003) 35. Terrorism (2003) (2002)
13. How to make Pakistan a prosperous country (2001) (2000)
14. Nuclear Program of Pakistan, Its Safety and Security; International
15. Civil Military Relations in Pakistan
16. Pakistan and US War on Terror
17. Foreign Policy of Pakistan post 9/11
18. Pakistan’s National Interest
19. Critical Analysis on problems and performance of major sectors
20. Pakistan and changing regional Apparatus
21. The Recent Constitutional and Legal Debates, the Latest Constitutional
Amendments and Important Legislations, Legal Cases and the Role of Higher
22. Non-Traditional Security Threats In Pakistan: Role Of Non-State Actors


Islamic Studies Marks = 40

Questions: 2 out of 4
Each Question = 20 Marks

1. Treaty Of Hudaibiyah (2010) (2012)

2. Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) (2010) (2003) (2002) (2001) (2016)
3. Islamic Shariah and its Sources (2010) (2003) (2002) (2001) (2000) (2016)
4. Zakat (2010)
5. Fundamental Beliefs of Islam (2009) (2002) (2000)
6. Migration to Madinah (2009) (2003)
7. Status of Women in Islam (2009) (2007) (2016)
8. End of the Prophethood (2009)
9. Characteristics of Makki and Madni Surahs (2009)
10. Patience and perseverance (2009)
11. Jehad (2009) (2012)
12. Tauheed (2012) (2007)
13. Farewell Sermon (2012) (2016)
14. Fasting (2012)
15. Day of Judgement (2012) (2007)
16. Conquest of Makkah (2012)
17. The Holy Quran (2007)
18. Fair Earning (2007)
19. Shirk (2007)
20. Islam as code of life (2007) (2001) (2000)
21. Ethical values (2007) (2003) (2002) (2001)

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