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By Jonathan Cleek
How does communication affect our
´ At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
´ Identify people in your life that you would like to communicate with and
information about what you want to share with those people
´ Define the ability to effectively communicate
´ Discuss the importance of effective communication in supporting healthy
What is interpersonal communication?
´ “The ability to communicate and receive messages effectively.
´ Requires a sender, a receiver, and a message.
´ Can be challenging. It is a skill that can be practiced, though.
´ Things to consider: tone, timing, setting, audience (receiver), and the
words used.
I Wish I Could Talk To. . . activity.

´ Think about someone you wish you could talk to.

´ This could be a family member, a friend, a significant other, a teacher, a
coach, a family friend, etc. This person may or may not be readily
available to talk, so think hard for a moment.
´ Next, while using the app FlipGrid, you will make a short video-message to
the person that you chose. The video should answer the prompt: “I Wish I
Could Talk To ______, about __________.”
´ Open the FlipGrid app
´ Where it says “Enter Flip Code,” input the name “Cletus.” You should then
find yourself somewhere that looks like this:
Some questions. . .

´ Was it easy or hard to come up with someone you wish you could talk to?
´ Does anyone want to share who they chose to record their video for?
´ Are there any similarities between who we chose to talk to? Rather, did we
want to talk to some of the same people?
´ How or why is it important to be able to effectively communicate in order
to enhance our health?
Any questions for me? Thank you!!!

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