LM2524D/LM3524D Regulating Pulse Width Modulator: General Description
LM2524D/LM3524D Regulating Pulse Width Modulator: General Description
LM2524D/LM3524D Regulating Pulse Width Modulator: General Description
March 2005
Regulating Pulse Width Modulator
General Description one pulse per period even in noisy environments. The
LM3524D includes double pulse suppression logic that in-
The LM3524D family is an improved version of the industry sures when a shut-down condition is removed the state of
standard LM3524. It has improved specifications and addi- the T-flip-flop will change only after the first clock pulse has
tional features yet is pin for pin compatible with existing 3524 arrived. This feature prevents the same output from being
families. New features reduce the need for additional exter- pulsed twice in a row, thus reducing the possibility of core
nal circuitry often required in the original version. saturation in push-pull designs.
The LM3524D has a ± 1% precision 5V reference. The cur-
rent carrying capability of the output drive transistors has Features
been raised to 200 mA while reducing VCEsat and increasing
n Fully interchangeable with standard LM3524 family
VCE breakdown to 60V. The common mode voltage range of
the error-amp has been raised to 5.5V to eliminate the need n ± 1% precision 5V reference with thermal shut-down
for a resistive divider from the 5V reference. n Output current to 200 mA DC
In the LM3524D the circuit bias line has been isolated from n 60V output capability
the shut-down pin. This prevents the oscillator pulse ampli- n Wide common mode input range for error-amp
tude and frequency from being disturbed by shut-down. Also n One pulse per period (noise suppression)
at high frequencies (.300 kHz) the max. duty cycle per n Improved max. duty cycle at high frequencies
output has been improved to 44% compared to 35% max. n Double pulse suppression
duty cycle in other 3524s. n Synchronize through pin 3
In addition, the LM3524D can now be synchronized exter-
nally, through pin 3. Also a latch has been added to insure
Connection Diagram
Top View
Order Number LM2524DN or LM3524DN
See NS Package Number N16E
Order Number LM3524DM
See NS Package Number M16A
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Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 5) Internal Power Dissipation 1W
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, Operating Junction Temperature
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Range (Note 2)
Distributors for availability and specifications.
LM2524D −40˚C to +125˚C
Supply Voltage 40V LM3524D 0˚C to +125˚C
Collector Supply Voltage Maximum Junction Temperature 150˚
(LM2524D) 55V Storage Temperature Range −65˚C to +150˚C
(LM3524D) 40V Lead Temperature (Soldering 4 sec.)
Output Current DC (each) 200 mA M, N Pkg. 260˚C
Oscillator Charging Current (Pin 7) 5 mA
Electrical Characteristics
(Note 1)
LM2524D LM3524D
Symbol Parameter Conditions Tested Design Tested Design Units
Typ Limit Limit Typ Limit Limit
(Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 3) (Note 4)
VREF Output Voltage 5 4.85 4.80 5 4.75 VMin
5.15 5.20 5.25 VMax
VRLine Line Regulation VIN = 8V to 40V 10 15 30 10 25 50 mVMax
VRLoad Load Regulation IL = 0 mA to 20 mA 10 15 25 10 25 50 mVMax
Ripple Rejection f = 120 Hz 66 66 dB
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Electrical Characteristics (Continued)
(Note 1)
LM2524D LM3524D
Symbol Parameter Conditions Tested Design Tested Design Units
Typ Limit Limit Typ Limit Limit
(Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 3) (Note 4)
Sawtooth Valley RT = 5.6k, CT = 0.01 µF 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.6 VMin
VIO Input Offset VCM = 2.5V 2 8 10 2 10 mVMax
IIB Input Bias VCM = 2.5V 1 8 10 1 10 µAMax
IIO Input Offset VCM = 2.5V 0.5 1.0 1 0.5 1 µAMax
ICOSI Compensation VIN(I) − VIN(NI) = 150 mV 65 65 µAMin
Current (Sink) 95 95
125 125 µAMax
ICOSO Compensation VIN(NI) − VIN(I) = 150 mV −125 −125 µAMin
Current (Source) −95 −95
−65 −65 µAMax
AVOL Open Loop Gain RL = ∞, VCM = 2.5 V 80 74 60 80 70 60 dBMin
VCMR Common Mode 1.5 1.4 1.5 VMin
Input Voltage 5.5 5.4 5.5 VMax
CMRR Common Mode 90 80 90 80 dBMin
Rejection Ratio
GBW Unity Gain AVOL = 0 dB, VCM = 2.5V 3 2 MHz
VO Output Voltage RL = ∞ 0.5 0.5 VMin
Swing 5.5 5.5 VMax
PSRR Power Supply VIN = 8 to 40V 80 70 80 65 dbMin
Rejection Ratio
Minimum Duty Pin 9 = 0.8V, 0 0 0 0 %Max
Cycle [RT = 5.6k, CT = 0.01 µF]
Maximum Duty Pin 9 = 3.9V, 49 45 49 45 %Min
Cycle [RT = 5.6k, CT = 0.01 µF]
Maximum Duty Pin 9 = 3.9V, 44 35 44 35 %Min
Cycle [RT = 1k, CT = 0.001 µF]
VCOMPZ Input Threshold Zero Duty Cycle 1 1 V
(Pin 9)
VCOMPM Input Threshold Maximum Duty Cycle 3.5 3.5 V
(Pin 9)
IIB Input Bias −1 −1 µA
VSEN Sense Voltage V(Pin 2) − V(Pin 1) ≥ 180 180 mVMin
150 mV 200 200
220 220 mVMax
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Electrical Characteristics (Continued)
(Note 1)
LM2524D LM3524D
Symbol Parameter Conditions Tested Design Tested Design Units
Typ Limit Limit Typ Limit Limit
(Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 3) (Note 4)
TC-Vsense Sense Voltage T.C. 0.2 0.2 mV/˚C
Common Mode −0.7 −0.7 VMin
Voltage Range V5 − V4 = 300 mV 1 1 VMax
VSD High Input V(Pin 2) − V(Pin 1) ≥ 1 0.5 1 0.5 VMin
Voltage 150 mV 1.5 1.5 VMax
ISD High Input I(pin 10) 1 1 mA
VCES Collector Emitter IC ≤ 100 µA 55 40 VMin
Voltage Breakdown
ICES Collector Leakage VCE = 60V
Current VCE = 55V 0.1 50 µAMax
VCE = 40V 0.1 50
VCESAT Saturation IE = 20 mA 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.7 VMax
Voltage IE = 200 mA 1.5 2.2 1.5 2.5
VEO Emitter Output IE = 50 mA 18 17 18 17 VMin
tR Rise Time VIN = 20V,
IE = −250 µA 200 200 ns
RC = 2k
tF Fall Time RC = 2k 100 100 ns
VIN Input Voltage After Turn-on 8 8 VMin
Range 40 40 VMax
T Thermal Shutdown (Note 2) 160 160 ˚C
IIN Stand By Current VIN = 40V (Note 6) 5 10 5 10 mA
Note 1: Unless otherwise stated, these specifications apply for TA = TJ = 25˚C. Boldface numbers apply over the rated temperature range: LM2524D is −40˚ to 85˚C
and LM3524D is 0˚C to 70˚C. VIN = 20V and fOSC = 20 kHz.
Note 2: For operation at elevated temperatures, devices in the N package must be derated based on a thermal resistance of 86˚C/W, junction to ambient. Devices
in the M package must be derated at 125˚C/W, junction to ambient.
Note 3: Tested limits are guaranteed and 100% tested in production.
Note 4: Design limits are guaranteed (but not 100% production tested) over the indicated temperature and supply voltage range. These limits are not used to
calculate outgoing quality level.
Note 5: Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. DC and AC electrical specifications do not apply when operating
the device beyond its rated operating conditions.
Note 6: Pins 1, 4, 7, 8, 11, and 14 are grounded; Pin 2 = 2V. All other inputs and outputs open.
Note 7: The value of a Ct capacitor can vary with frequency. Careful selection of this capacitor must be made for high frequency operation. Polystyrene was used
in this test. NPO ceramic or polypropylene can also be used.
Note 8: OSC amplitude is measured open circuit. Available current is limited to 1 mA so care must be exercised to limit capacitive loading of fast pulses.
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Typical Performance Characteristics
Switching Transistor
Peak Output Current Maximum Average Power
vs Temperature Dissipation (N, M Packages)
00865030 00865031
00865032 00865033
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Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued)
00865034 00865035
Test Circuit
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Functional Description
The LM3524D has an on-chip 5V, 50 mA, short circuit pro-
tected voltage regulator. This voltage regulator provides a
supply for all internal circuitry of the device and can be used
as an external reference.
For input voltages of less than 8V the 5V output should be
shorted to pin 15, VIN, which disables the 5V regulator. With
these pins shorted the input voltage must be limited to a
maximum of 6V. If input voltages of 6V–8V are to be used, a
pre-regulator, as shown in Figure 1, must be added.
*Minimum CO of 10 µF required for stability.
The LM3524D provides a stable on-board oscillator. Its fre-
quency is set by an external resistor, RT and capacitor, CT. A
graph of RT, CT vs oscillator frequency is shown is Figure 2.
The oscillator’s output provides the signals for triggering an
internal flip-flop, which directs the PWM information to the
outputs, and a blanking pulse to turn off both outputs during
transitions to ensure that cross conduction does not occur. 00865006
The width of the blanking pulse, or dead time, is controlled
by the value of CT, as shown in Figure 3. The recommended FIGURE 3.
values of RT are 1.8 kΩ to 100 kΩ, and for CT, 0.001 µF to
0.1 µF.
If two or more LM3524D’s must be synchronized together, ERROR AMPLIFIER
the easiest method is to interconnect all pin 3 terminals, tie The error amplifier is a differential input, transconductance
all pin 7’s (together) to a single CT, and leave all pin 6’s open amplifier. Its gain, nominally 86 dB, is set by either feedback
except one which is connected to a single RT. This method or output loading. This output loading can be done with
works well unless the LM3524D’s are more than 6" apart. either purely resistive or a combination of resistive and re-
A second synchronization method is appropriate for any active components. A graph of the amplifier’s gain vs output
circuit layout. One LM3524D, designated as master, must load resistance is shown in Figure 4.
have its RTCT set for the correct period. The other slave
LM3524D(s) should each have an RTCT set for a 10% longer
period. All pin 3’s must then be interconnected to allow the
master to properly reset the slave units.
The oscillator may be synchronized to an external clock
source by setting the internal free-running oscillator fre-
quency 10% slower than the external clock and driving pin 3
with a pulse train (approx. 3V) from the clock. Pulse width
should be greater than 50 ns to insure full synchronization.
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Functional Description (Continued) CURRENT LIMITING
The function of the current limit amplifier is to override the
The output of the amplifier, or input to the pulse width modu- error amplifier’s output and take control of the pulse width.
lator, can be overridden easily as its output impedance is The output duty cycle drops to about 25% when a current
very high (ZO . 5 MΩ). For this reason a DC voltage can be limit sense voltage of 200 mV is applied between the +CL
applied to pin 9 which will override the error amplifier and and −CLsense terminals. Increasing the sense voltage ap-
force a particular duty cycle to the outputs. An example of proximately 5% results in a 0% output duty cycle. Care
this could be a non-regulating motor speed control where a should be taken to ensure the −0.7V to +1.0V input common-
variable voltage was applied to pin 9 to control motor speed. mode range is not exceeded.
A graph of the output duty cycle vs the voltage on pin 9 is In most applications, the current limit sense voltage is pro-
shown in Figure 5. duced by a current through a sense resistor. The accuracy of
The duty cycle is calculated as the percentage ratio of each this measurement is limited by the accuracy of the sense
output’s ON-time to the oscillator period. Paralleling the out- resistor, and by a small offset current, typically 100 µA,
puts doubles the observed duty cycle. flowing from +CL to −CL.
The outputs of the LM3524D are NPN transistors, capable of
a maximum current of 200 mA. These transistors are driven
180˚ out of phase and have non-committed open collectors
and emitters as shown in Figure 6.
00865008 00865009
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Typical Applications
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Typical Applications (Continued)
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Typical Applications (Continued)
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Typical Applications (Continued) The circuit works as follows: Q1 is used as a switch, which
has ON and OFF times controlled by the pulse width modu-
BASIC SWITCHING REGULATOR THEORY lator. When Q1 is ON, power is drawn from VIN and supplied
AND APPLICATIONS to the load through L1; VA is at approximately VIN, D1 is
The basic circuit of a step-down switching regulator circuit is reverse biased, and Co is charging. When Q1 turns OFF the
shown in Figure 12, along with a practical circuit design inductor L1 will force VA negative to keep the current flowing
using the LM3524D in Figure 15. in it, D1 will start conducting and the load current will flow
through D1 and L1. The voltage at VAis smoothed by the L1,
Co filter giving a clean DC output. The current flowing
through L1 is equal to the nominal DC load current plus
some ∆IL which is due to the changing voltage across it. A
good rule of thumb is to set ∆ILP-P . 40% x Io.
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Typical Applications (Continued)
where: L1 is in Henrys
f is switching frequency in Hz
Also, see LM1578 data sheet for graphical methods of in-
ductor selection.
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Typical Applications (Continued)
*Mounted to Staver Heatsink No. V5-1.
Q1 = BD344
Q2 = 2N5023
L1 = > 40 turns No. 22 wire on Ferroxcube No. K300502 Torroid core.
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Typical Applications (Continued)
Parameter Conditions Typical
Output Voltage VIN = 10V, Io = 1A 5V
Switching Frequency VIN = 10V, Io = 1A 20 kHz
Short Circuit VIN = 10V 1.3A
Current Limit
Load Regulation VIN = 10V 3 mV
Io = 0.2 − 1A
Line Regulation ∆VIN = 10 − 20V, 6 mV
Io = 1A
Efficiency VIN = 10V, Io = 1A 80%
Output Ripple VIN = 10V, Io = 1A 10 mVp-p
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Typical Applications (Continued)
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Typical Applications (Continued)
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Typical Applications (Continued) The network D1, C1 forms a slow start circuit.
This holds the output of the error amplifier initially low thus
In calculating the output capacitor Co it can be seen that Co reducing the duty-cycle to a minimum. Without the slow start
supplies Io during tON. The voltage change on Co during this circuit the inductor may saturate at turn-on because it has to
time will be some ∆Vc = ∆Vo or the output ripple of the supply high peak currents to charge the output capacitor
regulator. Calculation of Co is: from 0V. It should also be noted that this circuit has no
supply rejection. By adding a reference voltage at the non-
inverting input to the error amplifier, see Figure 21, the input
voltage variations are rejected.
The LM3524D can also be used in inductorless switching
regulators. Figure 22 shows a polarity inverter which if con-
nected to Figure 20 provides a −15V unregulated output.
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Typical Applications (Continued)
L1 = > 25 turns No. 24 wire on Ferroxcube No. K300502 Toroid core.
FIGURE 21. Replacing R3/R4 Divider in Figure 20 with Reference Circuit Improves Line Regulation
FIGURE 22. Polarity Inverter Provides Auxiliary −15V Unregulated Output from Circuit of Figure 20
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Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters)
unless otherwise noted
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LM2524D/LM3524D Regulating Pulse Width Modulator
Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted (Continued)
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