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GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: d. develops thoughtful self-direction

9. Developing more complex moral reasoning patterns
1. This booklet contains 150 test questions. through successive and sequential stages among
Examinees shall manage to use three (3) hours. learners may be best stimulated through the:
2. Shade only one (1) box for each question on a. moral development approach
your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded b. cognitive development approach
will invalidate your answer. c. developmental theory
3. AVOID ERASURES. d. moral dilemma strategy
4. This is RN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW AND 10. The most flexible and effective strategy in
TRAINING INSTITUTE CO. property only. encouraging a person to introspect about his thoughts
and ideas, consider other alternatives, and arrive at a
purposeful stance for himself and in relation to other
a. discussion c. total person experimental learning
1. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of b. moral dilemma d. clarifying response
your Examine ID/Answer Sheet Set. 11. The wisdom of God or the divine reason and will,
2. Write the subject title “VAL ED PBE” on the box which directs all the actions and movements of things:
provided. a. ethical or moral norm c. eternal law
MULTIPLE CHOICCE: b. universal moral law d. natural law
12. Values vary in different generation, cultures, and
1. The Filipinos have constituted themselves into a societies and within persons themselves. This means
nation – state to pursue the goal of social progress that:
and total human liberation and development of their: a. values are dynamic
a. Intellectual dimension c. Moral dimension b. values are learned
b. Political dimension d. Social dimension c. values are transmitted
2. The process of working out a sense of morality d. values are caught from various source
through the active structuring of one’s own social 13. To help the Filipino develop his human potential,
experiences, the outcome of which is a preference contribute to the growth of Philippine culture and built
that is considered desirable or acceptable by a appropriate structures and institutions is the task of:
referent group: a. Education c. The Philippine constitution
a. Values analysis c. Moral development b. Society and nation d. Political leaders
b. Values modification d. Values clarification 14. In the experiential learning process, which of the
3. Children in this level of moral development conceive following phases encourages students to share their
the “right” or the “moral” as the literal or strict feelings and thoughts with one another?
obedience to rules, that they should submit to these a. application phase c. directive phase
rules as an obligation to power and authority to avoid b. value processing phase d. introspective phase
punishment by elders: 15. The teacher becomes a director of value learning
a. pre-conventional stage c. pre-moral stage and enriches the learning through cognitive and
b. heteronymous stage d. autonomous stage effective inputs:
4. VAIVE-IAPEN ideas that tells about the learners’ a. abstraction c. analysis
behaviour such as his attitude, interest, aspiration, b. activity d. application
worries and beliefs: 16. One of the reasons mass media play a vital and
a. value indications c. creative goodwill important role in our society is that called:
b. valuing d. behaviour indicators a. they have a great role in the formation of Filipino
5. In layman’s language, the term VALUE means one of values
the following: b. they cater to the upliftment of the common good
a. to realize a certain urgent demand for something c. they correct the miseducation of the Filipinos
important d. Filipino today are products of media
b. for one or something is worth or what one prize in 17. The Filipino’s lack of nationalism and dependence
life on foreign power is a result of:
c. to have power or vigor to do a specific thing a. of the school fixed curricula
d. basic attitudes and core beliefs b. some religions are becoming a money making
6. Empowering the person’s will to do good is business
exercising in him called: c. of the disintegration of families as a basic unit of
a. fullness of truth c. love and fairness society
b. rationalization d. freedom and responsibility d. of the domination of media and new communication
7. The deepest source of man’s most authentic actions, technologies
the most privileged place in which God speaks to him, 18. Which of the following statements is the most
and the highest peak of the person’s humanity called: effective means of acquiring moral values?
a. practical judgement c. truth and goodness a. by reading literature on moral development
b. spirituality d. consciousness or central sense b. by following the advices given by the significant
8. The valuing process as a teaching strategy focuses others
on aspects of one’s own life in general, understands c. by listening to significant others for their moral
without judging, pursues reflection and: values
a. focuses on major approach d. by examining what she/he caught and by reflecting
b. includes illustrating the strategy on what she/his learned
c. ends with the limitation of the approach

19. What is the basic premise in the development of the 29. Which is a technique used in a qualitative
human being? evaluation of values development?
a. the development of human being is limitless a. teacher made examination
b. there is a supreme being more powerful that b. semantic differential scale
oneself c. achievement test
c. the human being’s potential are means to d. diagnostic test
development 30. What level of affective domain is develop if the
d. the human beings endowed with faculties of teacher wanted to enhance the student’s sensitivity to
optimum development the feelings and needs of others?
20. When we compare test scores of college students a. receiving c. characterization
with their cumulative grade point at the time of testing, b. responding d. valuing
what kind of validity are we establishing? 31. Our will is to come to the fullest love of the
a. criterion related c. concurrent Supreme Goodness which is called:
b. predictive d. content a. animal c. man
21. What strategy/technique can bring awareness of b. universe d. God
what we think, feel, do and also gives an opportunity 32. Values Education seeks to form the spiritual
to get in touch with oneself? faculties of the WILL whose function, purpose, goal
a. affirmation c. introspection and highest human fulfilment is:
b. disclosure d. centering a. to control, feel, direct and understand
22. It is designed to solve the social ills of society b. to do/act, to choose/love, goodness and virtue
through personal transformation and renewal and no c. to know, decide and act for the common good
strengthen the moral fiber of the Filipino people: d. none of the above
a. sustainable development 33. The subject or object of Values Education in the
b. moral recovery program Philippines context is the:
c. people empowerment a. human person c. Filipino values
d. economic development foundation b. curriculum d. Filipino culture & historical heritage
23. Parents who implement harsh punishments not 34. If a person believes she has the right over her own
accompanied by reasoning teach children to be: body and therefore, believes her unborn child can be
a. insightful about their own behaviour aborted?
b. hostile and aggressive a. she does not violate anything
c. both well disciplined and counter aggressive b. she is expressing moral values
d. unresponsive to the feelings and needs of others c. she is expressing behavioural values
24. Teaching values in the classroom means that the d. the decision is but normal, it is acceptable in other
teacher works on lesson objectives in the ______ countries
domain: 35. A type of justice among equals which demands
I. Affective II. Cognitive III. Psychomotor respect for the property or reputation of others to
a. I, II and III c. I and II ensure solidarity and fellowship among men is:
b. I only d. I and III a. commutative c. social justice
25. Excessive money borrowing, malicious gossips and b. Legal justice d. distributive
other unworthy practices are actualizations which 36. Television is an ally of education in values when:
could directly affect the teacher’s credibility with what a. It only entertain the viewer
group? b. It fosters and accepts all public opinions
a. Community c. School officials c. It encourage several patrons and sponsors
b. Parents d. Students d. It is placed at the service of man through objective
26. Which of the following should be considered in and truthful information
order to combat the negative factors that destroy the 37. The objective of the intellect is:
solidarity of the Filipino family? a. goodness c. love
a. strengthen faithfulness of husband to their wives b. truth d. understanding
b. seek help from all sectors of the community 38. In the education of values, it is important to
c. be responsible member of the families establish the child’s emotional stability and self
d. believe in a formidable family confidence. This could be best achieved through:
27. Which behaviour shows that you can think/act a. ambivalent child c. authoritative child
locally and globally at the same time? b. authoritarian child d. permissive child
a. patronize indigenous culture 39. The following are the expected scope of the values
b. maintain global awareness on various issues education teaching learning process except one:
c. travel to many attractive places around the world a. involves not just cognitive but all the faculties of the
d. be proud of the local products, export the same for learner
world consumption b. the learner conforms to the ideas and opinions of
28. What are the factors that contribute to the family’s the majority
success in values formation for the children? c. one learners value the way children learn things
I. Effective child rearing methods from their parents
II. Empathy and well directed love for the children d. has direct and immediate relevance to the personal
III. Schooling experience and religious instruction life of the learner
IV. Permissive and modern ways of bringing up 40. As a rational organism, man acquires knowledge of
children the universal truth through the intellect in three steps:
a. I, II and IV c. II, III and IV a. cognision, imagination and memory
b. I, II and IV d. II and IV b. observation, reasoning and judgement

c. reasoning, apprehension and judgement a. favourite book characters c. actor/actress idols

d. simple, apprehension, judgement and reasoning b. teachers d. parents
41. A more general summative evaluation of a values 51.What approach is used when a science teacher
development program should be carried out because: emphasizes the value of intellectual honesty and
a. values cannot be develop as easily as cognitive respect for the emergence of new knowledge in
skills teaching science concepts and acquiring scientific
b. the immediate outcome is more important than its skills?
long term effects a. values integration c. values inculcation
c. behaviour indicators are apparent after a relatively b. value analysis d. values clarification
long period of time 52. The family is still the most dominating factor
d. it facilities testing and measurement which provide affecting values development because:
data for further development a. parents are always the best role models
42. Continuous exposure of Filipinos to foreign TV b. values are first taught and caught in the family
programs results in: c. the family and home environment are roots of the
a. the implanting of basic values Filipino character
b. the domination of ruling class d. the conduct of the Filipino is very much determined
c. the cultural penetration and influence by the social values of the family
d. the transmission of foreign messages 53. For the goal of developing a sense of integrity and
43. The interaction an individual experiences, acquires accountability, government officials and employees
and learn from his family, his church, the school and should:
other social institutions helps him to: a. keep performance records
a. be consistent in his attitudes and action b. be given value clarification seminars
b. adopt moral beliefs, attitudes and values c. get rid of useless, meaningless rules
c. stand for the hard right against the easy wrong d. be given recognition, awards or incentives
d. discover his character in the choice of life he wants 54. Which of the following operative Filipino values
to live most specifically need some modification so that they
44. If the church wants to be truly effective in can propel other values for the common good and
promoting moral and spiritual values, it should: social justice?
a. It shows in deeds what it preaches by mouth a. obedience and respect to elders
b. stand condemned if it falls to live its preaching b. utang na loob and pakikisama
c. study and pronounce the mission of preaching c. ningas cogon and bahala na
d. set the example with regards to the implementation d. hospitality and bayanihan
of justice 55. Values Education requires parents to fulfil three
45. A value is said to be a powerful emotional main goals except on:
commitment when: a. to instruct in universal truths and moral principles
a. It can be used explicitly to judge the worth of things b. to help from a delicate and certain conscience
b. people care deeply about the things that they value c. to encourage the practice of virtues
c. It contains ideas about two or more conflicting d. to view a child as mini adult
desires 56. The following are the tasks of politicians except
d. It is supported by feelings of sympathy for poor one:
people or others in need. a. to be brave and dutiful
46. If values are associated with past experiences or b. not only to lead, but to educate citizens as well
with persons with whom those experiences were c. to sponsor and encourage people to behave in a
encountered, they are: certain way
a. hierarchical c. transmitted d. to manipulate the political system, to ensure order
b. subjective d. relative accordance with the existing laws
47. Exponents of values define value as the stance 57. Which of the following practices is exclusive to an
that the self takes to the world through the feelings, authoritarian family?
ideas, imagination and: a. there is consultation with the family members
a. emotional expressions c. degrees of importance before making decisions
b. internalization d. behaviour of the individual b. Parents inculcate the rights and responsibilities of
48. The goal of values education in the Philippines is to every member
provide and promote values at all three levels of the c. Parents know everything more than any member of
educational system for the development of the human the family
person committed to: d. there is freedom in the practice of democratic rules
a. an abiding faith in God as a reflection of spirituality 58. Every human person can’t live without others. This
b. the development of sense of nationalism means that the human person is essentially a/an ____
c. the development of cultural values being.
d. building just and human society a. dependent c. incarnate
49. The concept that everything is connected to b. free d. being
everything else refers to: 59. In which of these cases, does peer pressure
a. sharing and involvement c. collective effort become most critical?
b. interdependence d. harmony in diversity a. when the peers values contradict with parental
50. Significant role models strongly influence the moral instruction
values of our young positively or negatively. Who b. when the parents disapprove of the peers of his/her
among the following have generally the greatest child
influence on the young?

c. when the adolescent blindly gives in to peer 72.Which of the following is an indication of the human
pressure being’s inclination towards personality?
d. when parents are unaware of his/her child’s peers a. becoming a religious person
60. Which technique/method in values education is b. becoming spiritual as one grows older
most appropriate when you want your student to take c. elevating one’s material self to spiritual self
a stand and justify that stand on a moral issue? d. satisfying one’s material needs ahead of spiritual
a. values clarification c. moral dilemma needs
b. inculcation d. role playing 73. What could be the best help for school aged
61. Which of the following will help strengthen family? children to develop their sense of competence and
a. engaging in a civic work industry?
b. lending hand to the poor a. strict rules to follow for better accomplishment
c. communication with family members b. give opportunities for work so they accomplish
d. working, playing and praying together more
62. Which of the following gives premium to c. facilitate personal satisfaction and pride in their
individualistic desire, pleasure and conscience? accomplishment
a. pragmatism c. utilization d. don’t reinforce every accomplishment they may
b. liberation d. hedonism become dependent on reinforcement
63. Which of the following strategies should be directly 74. Since private property has a social dimension, what
observed to foster accountability? is demanded by justice?
a. encourage growth of self-esteem a. keep the property as hidden capital
b. demand official receipts in business transaction b. give away what we have to those who have none
c. school curricula should be oriented to self reliance c. develop what we have and share the fruit of
d. award government employees who demonstrate development with others
desirable behaviour d. donate what we have to government for distribution
64. Which is a manifestation of a lack of discipline? to those who have less
a. palusot syndrome c. observance of time schedule 75. Which of the following is NOT an effective time
b. sustainable projects d. qualification standardization management?
65. What is implied in this statement: “Adapting to a. setting goals and priorities
change is adapting to modernity” b. avoiding procrastination
a. Change does not necessarily mean forgetting c. acting on impulse and delays
tradition d. evaluating progress towards goals
b. if one has to change, it must be a change for the 76. What is best for a frustrated teacher to do to
better evaluate his beliefs and values?
c. all changes are new and modern a. self-disclosure c. introspection
d. not all changes are modern b. affirmation d. feedback
66. What is the school’s ethical responsibility? 77. Which of the following is an indication of a moral
a. understand the child’s pattern of growth and person? She/he _______.
development a. is skilled to act on his/her own decisions
b. instill the spirit of absolute freedom in action b. is gifted with emotions to judge which is good and
c. teach values separately from concept bad
d. transmit culture c. sticks to his personal conviction without listening to
67. On which must you base your class assessment for others
affective learning? d. is endowed with the faculty to choose to be good
a. class activity c. topic and to love
b. text book d. learning objective 78. A boy is an attention seeker and always does what
68.Which assessment technique can help a Values pleases his parents. What level of morality does a boy
Education Teacher determine if a favourable change display?
in her students’ thoughts and attitudes has taken a. pre-conventional c. conventional
place? b. universal ethical d. post conventional
a. making students to do a sociogram 79. To facilitate testing and measurement which
b. organizing them for a group project provide data for evaluation, objectives in values
c. giving them cognitive question to answer development are translated into behaviours that are:
d. asking students to wrote a brief autobiography a. cognitive and behavioural
69. Which of the following is the correct order od the b. reliable and time bound
valuing process? c. measurable, observable or describable
a. prizing, choosing, acting d. specific, measurable and attainable
b. acting, choosing, prizing 80. The “Politics of service” and the Moral Recovery
c. choosing, prizing, acting program core values are congruent because:
d. choosing, acting, prizing a. they manifest processes of democratization and
70. What type of conscience judges “what is good as decentralization
good and what is evil as evil”? b. they affirm the commitment of all sectors in
a. lax conscience c. partially true conscience Philippine society
b. true conscience d. scrupulous conscience c. they are designed to draw personal transformation
71. The objective of the will is: and renewal
a. goodness c. peace d. they reinforce the response and contribution of
b. harmony d. understanding outstanding leaders

81. “Maka-Diyos, Maka-Bayan, Maka-Tao at Maka- c. recognition of the weakness and strengths of the
Kalikasan” are the four pillars of: child
a. the politics of service d. the knowing faculties of internal senses and
b. the principle of subsidiary intellect of the child
c. the kabisig peoples’ movement 91. Which of the following signify human nature
d. public service as a public trust according to theory of Hobbes? Human being are:
82. The feudal structure of the Filipino social a. composed of body and soul
environment where there are great gaps between the b. physical objects
rich and the poor majority develops: c. moral agent
a. the feeling of inferiority d. vegetative
b. low tolerance 92. Which virtue aids one to face life’s difficulties and
c. strong family orientation trials?
d. passivity and dependence a. justice c. temperance
83 The DepEd Values Education framework is called: b. prudence d. fortitude
a. prescriptive and can be imposed 93. One way to raise one’s level of cognitive
b. the subject of education, to learn, and be taught consciousness or awareness is to begin thinking with:
c. the object of education, the center of the curriculum a. teaching as a process
d. grounded on the rational understanding of the b. “if-then” logical paradigm
Filipino c. dynamic interaction
84. One of the following does not belong to the d. the “pros-cons” technique
spiritual faculties of man: 94. The cognitive aspect of the valuing process
a. conscience c. intellect wherein the individual has a full understanding of the
b. will d. passion consequences of each option being considered is:
85. Which of the following is/are considered the a. prizing and cherishing
effective child-rearing practice/s? b. choosing freely
I. Totally accept the child for what she/he is c. choosing from alternatives
II. Depend strongly the child’s conviction d. choosing reflectively
III. Reinforce good behaviour by reward 95. The main reason for pursuing all other values is:
IV. Spend time with the child a. that man’s personhood is transcendent
a. I and IV c. I only b. the inner worth of the human person
b. IV only d. I, II and III c. that each individual is capable of rising above the
86.Which of the following value integration materials
approaches is done when the teachers is asked to 96. Values have a social function when:
add an activity to the lessons plan that a particular a. they become the vehicle for the transmission of
value is touched? learning
a. unnatural integration c. vertical integration b. commonly held values unite families, tribes,
b. natural integration d. eclectic integration societies and nation
87. Which of the following situation could the true c. that each person is endowed with faculty of free
essence of nationalism be reinforced among the choice
learners using the inculcation approach? d. that each individual is capable of rising above the
a. mobilizing the learners to join rallies of national materials
concerns 97. The affective cognitive experiences for self
b. promoting the use of locally made products to help direction methodology:
the Philippine economy a. defend on the learner’s creativity
c. providing moral dilemma situation on the issue of b. constitute the content of values education
going abroad as the OFW’s c. increase the teachers wealth of experiences
d. telling the students to speak in Filipino at all times d. make use of the experiential and the confluent
regardless of the situation learning approaches
88. Which of the following is violated by entertainment 98. At the core of the valuing process is an ongoing
programs as a vehicle for moral recovery? process of using one’s innate capacities and
a. design films that have social relevance potentials in full, creative and joyful ways called:
b. making films that upholds social values a. self direction c. self actualization
c. producing films that exhibit human exploitation b. introspection d. symbolic self completion
d. encouraging the educated & trained to be involved 99. The supreme and overarching value that
in movie industry characterizes education on the basis of the foregoing
89. What is implified by this statement; “Bill Gates, philosophy of the human person is:
one of the richest men in the world, had made a great a. human personality c. human conscience
contribution by introducing the computer in all b. human dignity d. human body
business, industries and schools”? 100. The Filipinos have constituted themselves into a
a. non material change c. social change nation-state to pursue the goal of social progress and
b. technological change d. cultural change total human liberation and development of their:
90. Values formation begins with reality through the a. intellectual dimension c. moral dimension
external sense, these images of reality are personal b. political dimension d. social dimension
through ______. 102. The process of working out a sense of morality
a. careful planning for the training of the child through the active structuring of one’s own social
b. education of the child through his/her environment experiences, the outcome of which is a preference

that is considered desirable or acceptable by a 112. How should we regard an adolescent’s questioning
referent group: about religious beliefs?
a. Values analysis c. Moral development a. it is normal since he/she is doing it with reason and
b. Values modification d. Values clarification faith
103. Children in this level of moral development b. it is only a result of a confused behaviour
conceive the “right” or the “moral” as the literal or strict c. it must be something to be encouraged
obedience to rules, that they should submit to these d. it should be put off and ignored
rules as an obligation to power and authority to avoid 113. How can true nationalism be enforced among
punishment by elders: learners by the use of the inculcation approach?
a. pre-conventional stage c. pre-moral stage a. providing moral dilemma situations on the issue of
b. heteronymous stage d. autonomous stage going abroad such as the OFWs
104. VAIVE-IAPEN ideas that tells about the learners’ b. promoting the use of locally made products to help
behaviour such as his attitude, interest, aspiration, the Philippine economy
worries and beliefs: c. telling the students to speak in Filipino at all times
a. value indications c. creative goodwill regardless of the situation
b. valuing d. behaviour indicators d. organizing debate on moral issues for students
105. In layman’s language, the term VALUE means one 114. Which of the following is the most common cause
of the following: of the lack of smooth personal relationship and open
a. to realize a certain urgent demand for something communication in the home nowadays?
important I. Lack of Education III. Modern technology
b. for one or something is worth or what one prize in II. Noisy city life IV. Lack of Parental Guidance
life a. II, III and IV c. I, II and IV
c. to have power or vigor to do a specific thing b. I, II, III and IV d. II and III
d. basic attitudes and core beliefs 115. Which of the following is the BEST action of a
106. Which of the following is/are condition/s to teacher to help student who can hardly pass a subject
economic efficiency? due to low reading ability?
I. Deep sense of work ethics a. tutor the student for free
II. The use of capital for family enterprises b. ask student to rent books for extra reading at home
III. Accelerated productivity through job efficiency c. give extra time for reading remedial activity for the
IV. Self-reliance and discipline in national economy student
a. I, III and IV c. II, III and IV d. ask the parent to enrol the student in a remedial
b. II and IV d. I and II reading program
107. Which of the following tends to retard the 116. Which of the following are needed most for a
attainment of the nationalistic goals of Values socially responsible teaching?
Education? a. Values, English language proficiency, computer skill
a. being vigilant of people’s lack of integrity and b. Critical thinking, multidisciplinary knowledge, passion
accountability to teach
b. involving oneself in action oriented community c. Strong specialization, length of experience, sense of
organization commitment
c. being aware of the national issues and problems d. Openness to accept change, compassion for
besetting our country students, obedience to authority
d. helping the economy by encouraging OFWs to 117. An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of
continuously work abroad the Filipino reveals that:
108. Which of the following core values should NOT be a. our faith in God keeps us passive & dependent on
exposed by media in this regard? forces outside ourselves
a. appreciation of indigenous arts and culture b. many of our strong points are also the sources of our
b. aggressiveness and sensationalism weaknesses
c. critical thinking and assertiveness c. our family orientation gives us a sense of rootedness
d. boldness in creativity and security
109. On a communal level, sustainable development as d. there is much that is good in us
a value could be BEST attained through which of the 118. Which of the following is a true statement about
following? technology in education?
a. responsible consumerism c. personal discipline a. it is impossible to teach values if schools use the e-
b. wise use of resources d. voluntary simplicity learning mode
110. When of the following indicators can be used as a b. there will be a great demand for advancement in this
barometer for measuring sustainable human present century
development? c. there is no need to learn the use of technology, after
a. improved health and general well being of the all the fad will fade away
community d. schools will not be needed in e-learning because
b. increased awareness and protection of the students can learn whenever
environment 119. Which of the following illustrates the connectivity of
c. lower inflation rate as indicated by a higher GNP intrapersonal and interpersonal nature of the person?
d. higher employability of the skilled workforce a. personal conflict management is essential for self
111. Unlike animals, the human person is capable of change
directing himself/herself to his/her goal? b. effective relationship skills with others lead to one to
a. self introspection c. self discipline achieve peace with oneself & with the world
b. self motivation d. self determination

c. personal integrity and self discipline are important c. the value becomes more meaningful and readily
virtue in responding to the demands of social justice imbibed
d. international understanding demands deep sense of d. the learner must not be value neutral
solidarity and subsidiary among poor and rich countries 128. The concept of Building a People, Building a
120. The pakikipagkapwa-tao is one of the strengths of Nation means that:
the Filipino character. How is this manifested? a. changing structures is changing our people
a. sense of gratitude – utang na loob b.
b. solicitious concern for others – malasakit
c. moral strength or fortitude – lakas ng loob
d. sensitivity to people’s feelings – pakikiramdam
121. Why have media become a stronger influence on
the young’s value than the home, schools and church?
a. there seems to be a gap between generations of the
adults and the young
b. media are multi sensory and the young are attracted
to their stimulating strategies
c. parents and teachers strategies of teaching the
young have generally become more prescriptive
d. some parents have become lax in their roles as value
models due to other concern outside the home
122. It ushered the hope that our people and our
society will be able to rise above the social ills that have
plagued us for the past several decades:
a. an inquiry into the strengths and weaknesses of the
Filipino characters
b. committee on social justice, welfare and development
c. committee on education, arts and culture
d. people power revolution in February 1986
123. When government leaders violate the law or show
themselves to be self-serving and driven by personal
interest, there is a negative impact on the Filipino
a. they have a poor power that is God given
b. Filipinos look up to their leaders as a role models
c. they are abusing their power to manipulate the
Filipino people
d. political leaders have a direct line to the hearts and
minds of the people
124. Advertising messages conveyed through the mass
media by:
a. reflect the fragility of our nations democratic political
b. provide the most powerful behaviour models
c. they have the power to shape our values
d. they are devoid of any national purposes
125. If values are internalized, they become part of the
person. The characteristic of values means:
a. values are caught c. values are subjective
b. values are dynamic d. values are personality
126. The following principles are bases for pursuing
values education at the national, regional, local and
institution levels except one:
a. it must purport to be a list of human values
b. teachers must have the proper sense of values
c. It must be oriented toward the total person of the
d. it must take into consideration the unique role of the
127. The basic assumption when it comes to the
practical application of values learned where the learner
is expected to integrate his effective and cognitive
learning’s into his life situations and an experience is:
a. values education is not confirmed to the classroom
but extends to experiential learning in the community
b. the students are allowed to understand more
meaningfully the important value concept

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