English 1 Noun

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Lesson Plan in English I

I. Objectives

At the end of a 30-minute period and with the use of Power Point Presentation, 100% of
the Grade I pupils should be able to do the following with 90% accuracy:

A. recognize the difference between common noun and proper noun;

B. use capital letters properly; and
C. appreciate the use of common noun and proper noun in our daily life.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Common Noun and Proper Noun

B. Reference: https://www.google.com
C. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation and visual aids

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s activity Pupil’s activity

1. Prayer
Please all stand and let us pray. One of the pupils will go in front and lead the
2. Greetings
“Good morning class!” “Good morning, teacher.”
“How are you today?” “Fine and good, teacher.”
“Have you eaten your breakfast?” “Yes.”
3. Checking of attendance None, teacher.
Who’s absent today?

B. Review

Teacher’s activity Pupil’s activity

Yesterday we talked about what? Yesterday we talked about noun.
What is a noun? Noun is a name of person, place, animal,
thing and ideas or events.
Very good!

C. Energizer

Teacher’s activity Pupil’s activity

So before we start the lesson, we will sing Everybody will sing.
first. The song is entitled “If You’re Happy”
Did you enjoy the song? Yes we did.
D. Development of the lesson

Teacher’s activity Pupil’s activity

1. Activity
I have here 5 columns with label and 5
words. All you need to do is to place
each word to its correct column.
Do you get it? Yes, teacher.

Teacher’s activity Pupil’s Activity

2. Analysis
Look at the table we made a while Noun is a name of person, place, thing,
ago. Now, define noun. animal and event or idea.
Very good!
There are many kinds of noun, but
today let’s focus on the first two kind
of noun.
I have here the examples. What do Common Noun
you think, these pictures fall at?
Very good. What is common noun? Common noun is a word used to name
person, place, thing, animal and event or idea
in GENERAL term.
How about these pictures? Proper Noun
Very good. And what is proper noun? Proper noun is a word that used to name
person, place, thing, animal and event or idea
in SPECIFIC term. It always begin with a
capital letter.

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

3. Abstraction
After learning all of this, what do you It is all about Common Noun and Proper
think is this all about? Noun
Very good!
What is common noun? Common noun is a word used to name
person, place, thing, animal and event or idea
Very good! in GENERAL term.
And what is proper noun? Proper noun is a word that used to name
person, place, thing, animal and event or idea
in SPECIFIC term. It always begin with a
capital letter.
You did a great job!
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
4. Application
Now, I will divide the class into two Start answering with the group.
groups. The first group will give the
common noun of the following
proper noun and the second group
will give the proper noun of the
following common noun.
Give yourselves a “Good Job Clap”

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Write C for common noun and P for proper noun on the space provided.

________ 1. Mr. Lopez

________ 2. television

________ 3. pizza

________ 4. Cebu City

________ 5. Independence Day

V. Assignment

Write three (3) sentences each using Common Noun and Proper Noun and underline it.

Prepared and submitted by:

Ms. Remalyn A. Talicusay

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