Cluster 1

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(2:30-4:00 T-F)
Kerstien R. Dagalea
CLUSTER-I (1, 2)
What do you know about Learner-Centered teaching? How do Learner-Centered teaching
promote? Why it was shift Teacher-Centered to Learner-Centered teaching? How this approach
vary from each other?
Learner-Centered teaching it is where the learner is at the center of learning. It has recently
challenged teacher-centeredness for allowing students to create their understandings through their
experiences and actions. Learners are responsible for their own learning. They should be actively
engaged in the class to develop their abilities and to improve their knowledge. This approach shift the
focus of activity from the teacher to the learner because in the traditional method which is the teacher-
centered approach, teachers are the only one who's active in teaching while students are only a passive
recipients. So in that case, students do not construct their understandings by themselves instead teachers
help them construct knowledge. That's one reason why it was shifted to Learner-Centered teaching.
Teacher is responsible for students behavior in the classroom as well as to understand the capability of
each of the learner. It is the role of the teacher to guide and facilitate learning to their students provide
the conditions for effective learning. It is important for teachers to assess the student levels of
understanding because students learn in different ways. Learner-Centered teaching promote a different,
deeper and better kind of learning because it enables higher education to achieve learners goal.
We all know that, assessment is used to determine future teaching goals. It assess students to know
their ability. In Learner-Centered approach there are four(4) purposes of assessment namely;
Assessment for Learning or the Formative Assessment that enables student to take responsibility for their
own learning, and identify areas where they do well and where they need to improve more. The second
purpose is Assessment for Certification or the Summative Assessment in which it measures whether
learners have met or rich the content and how well students have learned. The third one is Protect
Academic Standards it is where the learners protect or maintain their academic activity to avoid failing
marks and to keep their grades high or on top. Lastly the Feedback for Teaching it is a results for both
formative and summative assessments. The purpose of these assessment is to improve students learning
and teachers teaching.
Kerstien R. Dagalea

CLUSTER-II (3, 4, 5)

In nature of learning process it emphasizes how vital learning is in our life. Learning as an
active process where learners should learn to discover something new or facts for themselves.
Through learning, it creates our curiosity and motivates us to learn and gain something. It helps
in solving any problem in ones life. Learning wouldn't be possible for learners without the help
of the teacher because It's the teacher's goal to impart and share their knowledge to the students
for them to have the knowledge and understanding. Every teacher wants his/her students to
become active participants in the learning process, by empowering them to become independent
learners and entice them to achieve their ability and full potential.
There are two(2) learning strategies, the cognitive and meta-cognitive factors. These two
factors are closely related to each other in a way that they are involving active control to higher
order thinking. In this factors learners are using their strategic thinking skills for them to be
easily understand the things that they wanted to know. It plays a vital role in student learning, in
the way students are taught and assessed in the classroom. Thinking about thinking it is knowing
"what we know" and "what we don't know". To sum it up, cognitive and meta-cognitive factors
is the process or knowledge that every learners build.
In order for the learners to learn at their best. As a teacher ,future teacher rather, must be a
motivator to your students and set them good examples because through motivations it helps
them energise, sustain and direct students in the right path nor having a positive outlook and
good behaviour. Intrinsic motivation it is where learners create a desire to learn because it is
worth knowing. As a teacher, we must put an effort to develop meaningful and respectful
relationships with your students. Serve them as their guide, facilitator and assessor. Aspire them
and be an INSPIRATION.
Kerstien R. Dagalea


CLUSTER-III (6, 7, 8)

Learning takes place without personal involvement and meaning on the part of the learner. Learning is
controlled by the learner not by the teacher. Changes in perception and behavior are mere products of
human meaning and perceiving rather than any exerted upon the individual. Learning is influenced by
social interactions with others. Individuals interact and turn to others to learn something new.
Somehow, social interaction is important in learning and it has proven to be quite that it is effective
when learning with peers because you can talk freely and share ideas with your peer. Through that, they
acquire knowledge and learning.

Just as teachers have different teaching styles or strategies, learners also are indifferent when it
comes to learning. Every student is a unique individual because they learn indifferently; different
learning styles, abilities, interests, skills and potentials. Teachers are liable to know the characteristics of
each of his/her students on the way they learn, so that the teacher can planned strategies for an
effective and productive learning-teaching styles considering the individual differences of the learners.

I know everyone knows about the new curriculum, new program of education that has been
implemented in the Philippines for the past 7 years. It was called the K to 12 program wherein it covers
kindergarten and 12 years of basic education. Its aim is to provide and give an opportunity to every
students by giving them enough or sufficient time to enhanced and master their skills and abilities in
order for them to be college and work ready when the time comes. "According to the former President
Benigno Aquino III, the K-12 programme will pave the way for an ever brighter future for young Filipinos
by equipping them with basic education up to international standards."
Kerstien R. Dagalea


CLUSTER-IV (9, 10 11)

Learner-Centered teaching aims to assure that there would be no academic gaps in what is taught. In
the classroom, its main focus on each students learning. Teacher serves as the facilitator to growth by
utilizing the interest and unique needs of students.

Teacher in the classroom is a geniune manager. He serves as the wheel of all activities, and these
activities will succeed depending on how well he can control and guide them properly. Classroom
management is a major responsibility of the teacher. Many teacher has failed because they don't
learned to manage the class properly. Classroom management includes care of routine and discipline. A
well-managed class is conducive to mental growth and development and learning becomes interesting
and enjoyable. Good classroom management establishes an atmosphere which permits activities to be
carried on efficiently and effectively. Pleasant surroundings induce good thoughts and inspire both
teacher and pupils to do their best.

Teachers serve many roles in and outside the classroom. Teacher inspires students and care for their
well-being in every aspects of their lives. They considered as students second parents. They strive to be
a good role model to everyone and their gretest goal is to see their students succeed in the path they
chose. In the classroom, they are the ones who set the tone and build a warm environment, serves as
the mentor and nurture students ability. Teacher endure vulnerability to provide the most effective
learning mechanism for their students. They not only teaches, but also vivify, motivates and encourage
students to be their best not only in school but to society as well for them to be a productive
constituents in the future.

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