Phy Statement Doxcx

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According to me each and every learner have their own capabilities which needs to be noticed and
reinforced in a positive manner. Looking at an educational setting a teacher has to play an important
role which is identifying student capabilities and further facilitates and model that capability. In such a
way a teacher ensures that students are motivated towards their school work and in the long run able to
reach their potential. In general context it is well known that every other individual have unique abilities
in different fields, some individuals are good at arithmetic’s and science whereas others are good at
practical work. Therefore, academically wise it would be a good strategy that those in authority i.e.
teachers, staff members assess student’s capabilities and ensure that their capabilities are reinforced by
promoting specialization in those fields. Thus those good at practical work should do practical related
subjects such as Design and Technology and Home Economics.

Learning is a process of acquiring information, knowledge and skills through experience, study and being
taught. It is a lifelong process in the sense that students attain knowledge which in return use it in
everyday life. Hence forth a successful learning involves application of knowledge provided in a real life
situation. Teaching is a way of imparting knowledge, it is a way of engaging with a learner to enable or
further understanding and application of concepts and processes. Thereby teaching involves getting to
know one’s students, being able to know how they learn and transforming them into active learners. A
good learner is self-driven, independent and aware of what it is they want in life. A good learner is
basically self-disciplined and organized with their school work. Good learners tend to have good
interactions with the teacher and their mates in class, they highly engage in class activities as a result
attain good results. A good teacher observes how each and every individual learns then cater for their
needs without favoritism and criticism.

My expectation as a teacher is to help learners become effective learners simply meaning being more
responsible and devoted when it comes to their school work. As a teacher I also expect learners to
manage their time well for instance students should be punctual during lesson time and bring their
exercise books for marking on time as asked by the teacher. Moreover I expect learners to make use of
resources provided to them in a productive way for example handling resources such as chairs, tables
with care and study with textbooks and notes provided to them. The following teaching methods could
be used in order to assist students reach their full potential. Inquiry – based instruction thus imposing
thought- provoking questions which inspire young students to think for themselves and become more
independent learners this is proposed by (Gholam, 2019). This strategy works for learners who are
interested in exploring the world that is to say learners good at science.

Differentiation is another method whereby teaching is emphasized more on allocating tasks based on
student’s abilities and as a result, no learner is left behind for example handing out worksheets that vary
in complexity to different groups of students. Lastly group discussion this method helps to improve
learner understanding as they share ideas amongst each other it also helps learners to think critically
when given problems to solve.

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