Quarterly Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I

Second Periodic Examination in Grade 9 English

Name: _________________________________________________________
Section: ______________________________ Date: ____________________

I. LISTENING: Your examiner will read to you two (2) listening texts. Each text
will be read twice. Listen carefully and answer the questions after each second
reading. Select the letter of your answer.

I. Listening : Your examiner will read to you a listening text twice. Listen carefully and answer the
questions that follow. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. What happens when there is a decline in daily water intake?
a. There will be a dramatic reduction on work output.
b. The person will be constipated.
c. The person will feel weak.
2. According to the text, each and every cell in our body is comprised mostly of what?
a. Water b. oxygen c. blood
3. When do we usually use up body’s water reserve?
a. When we eat
b. When we exert energy in working
c. When we are dehydrated
4. If the body’s water supply is not quickly replenished, what do we experience?
a. Weakening in our system
b. Drying of skin
c. Losing of breath
5. What could be the result of severe dehydration?
a. Death b. insanity c. dryness
II. Speaking
A: Identify the word which has an underlined part which is produced differently. Encircle the letter
of your answer.
6. a. Façade b. famous c. fake d. facial
7. a. how b. bowl c. frown d. clown
8. a. flight b. side c. rhyme d. dim
9. a. noise b. joy c. boil d. juice
10. a. charade b. comrade c. today d. make

B. Identify the word which is stressed differently. Encircle the letter of your answer.

11. a. gazes b. master c. burden d. stunned

12. a. continually b. ambition c. corridors d. across
13. a. kindness b. weary c. slopes d. daisies
14. a. comfort b. heaven c. kinsman d. endure
15. a. exactly b. eternally c. overthrow d. delivery

III. Vocabulary: Read each sentence carefully and by using context clues, give the meaning of the
underlined word in each item. Encircle the letter of your choice.
16. Ignorance is a menace to country’s progress.
a. equanimity b. passiveness c. repose d. threat
17. The prosecutor produced panoply of evidence.
a. impressive display c. hectic celebration
b. hectic celebration d. Victorian undergarments
18. The senator’s sonorous voice filled the hearing room.
a. dull b. full- sounding c. listlessd. flowing smoothly
19. The president has to deal with innumerable problems affecting the country.
a. important b. few c. many d. serious
20. The referee may have been prejudiced in his feeling for the home team, but his decisions were
made with impartiality.
a. unfairness b. inequity c. favoritism d. integrity
21. The politician explained his illegal fund raising with disingenuous excuses.
a. upset b. straightforward c. insincere d. unsympathetic
22. Businessmen have discovered that it is more satisfactory to be benevolent than to be selfish and
a. spiteful b. honest c. ruthless d. generous
23. The audience ignored the man’s clamor for change on social injustice
a. cheer b. cry c. interruption d. silence
24. After striking out for the second time, Dick tossed his cap down in disgust and strode off
a. willingly b. triumphantly c. carefully d. sadly
25. This student has exerted a minimum effort and consequently receives only a passing grade.
a. plenty b. enough c. small d. high
IV. Reading

A. Directions: Read the following poem, and answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter of
the correct answer.

The Farmer

You who cultivate the field,

Your merit is great
Wealth flows from your fingers
The sea gushes out in front of your house.
You share what you produce
With the begging orphan at your door.
For this you receive blessing.
And so ants will not eat your fingers;
After you die, your destiny will be paradise,
As long as you live, you will be blessed.

26. Who are the people with whom the farmer shares his produce?
a. The rich and the famous
b. The workers in the field
c. The professionals
d. The begging cripple and orphan
27. Why does the speaker say that the farmer’s merit is great?
a. He is a great provider.
b. He cultivates the fields that give wealth.
c. He makes everybody healthy.
d. He receives God’s blessings.
28. What does the speaker predict about the farmer in the afterlife?
a. The farmer’s destiny will be paradise.
b. He will be rich and successful.
c. He will be rewarded by God.
d. He will be given a chance to live again.
29. What values of the farmer are given appreciation in the poem?
a. Simplicity and humility
b. Kindness and resourcefulness
c. Industry and hospitality
d. Laziness and selfishness
30. What does paradise symbolize?
a. Beauty and tranquility
b. Loneliness and poverty
c. Happiness and fulfillment
d. Chaos and misfortune
31. Which of the following best describes the farmer?
a. Nature’s lover
b. King of the land
c. The heir to paradise
d. The handicap’s friend
B. Directions: Below is a news article. Read it and answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.

Water firms blamed for Munti ‘quakes’

The Muntinlupa City government yesterday ordered an inquiry into the existence of 43
alleged illegal water pumping stations which may be the real culprit for some mysterious
“earthquake” in the city.

Frequent extraction of huge volumes of ground water by giant pumping stations and
deep well has been cited by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology as a possible
cause of mysterious ground fissures.

- Jerome Aning

32. How many illegal water pumping stations are possible culprits for the “earthquake”?
a. 43 b. 34 c. 48 d. 46
33. The word, “culprit” in the text means _________.
a. cause of a problem b. criminal c. law breaker d. police
34. What, according to the text, could be the cause of ground fissures?
a. frequent pumping of water
b. frequent digging of grounds
c. frequent extraction of huge volumes of ground water
d. frequent shaking of earth
35. Which of the following statements is not a fact presented in the article?
a. There was an earthquake that happened in Muntinlupa City.
b. There are 43 illegal water pumping stations which may be the cause of ‘quake.’
c. The pumping stations are giant.
d. Mysterious ground fissures are evident in the city.

V. Literature
Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
36. Which of the following lines appeals to the sense of sight?
a. “After the silence of centuries”
b. “ The rift of dawn and reddening of rose”
c. “ Time’s tragedy is in that aching stoop”
d. “ Rebuild in it the music and dream”
37. The word “pure” is in rhyme with the word,________.
a. endure b. grave c. mad d. dead
38. “ And whispers of wind in the listening sky”
What figure of speech is used in the line stated above?
a. Oxymoron b. apostrophe c. personification d. simile
39. Which line is marked with vivid imagery?
a. “ What is precious is never to forget.”
b. “ Near the snow, near the sun, in the highest fields”
c. “ I think continually of those who were truly great.”
d. “ Never to deny its pleasure”
40. “…and soft laughter ran through the crowd as the people stirred back into position after Mrs.
Hutchinson’s arrival.” To what sense does this line appeal?
a. Hearing b. taste c. smell d. touch
41. “ I look at him steadfastly. His face was cleanly composed; his eyes dimly calm.”
What point of view is used in the statement above?
a. First person b. second person c. third person d. unknown
42. This refers to the message of the story.
a. Setting b. point of view c. conflict d. theme
43. Which of the following does not represent an external conflict?
a. man vs. monster b. man vs. flood c. man vs. man d. man vs. indecisiveness
44. The people in the story who advance the plot through their thoughts and actions are the
a. Characters b. cast c. protagonists d. plot
45. “Death, be not proud.” What figure of speech is expressed by this line?
a. Apostrophe b. metaphor c. personification d. irony
46. “ Pal, I’ll tell you what to do. I just have five pesos left. I’ll buy food and we’ll share it.”
The speaker is __________________________________.
a. mean b. industrious c. kind-hearted d. selfish
47. “ I never thought that that moment of silence would be the end.”
What feeling is expressed?
a. grief b. excitement c. anxiety d. hunger
48. _________ is a form of writing that uses not only words, but also form, patterns of sound,
imagery, and figurative language.
a. Prose b. Poetry c. Short Story d. Song
49. The highest point of interest, conflict or suspense in the story is called ________.
a. Rising of action b. exposition c. climax d. resolution
50. Poetry has the following elements except _________.
a. Mood b. rhyme c. themed. plot
51. This refers to the group of lines in poetry.
a. Meter b. stanza c. line d. couplet
52. “ The moon was a ghostly galleon throws up in the cloudy seas.” This is an example of ________.
a. Parallelism b. metaphor c. apostrophe d. hyperbole
53. What is the purpose of Martin Luther King of saying,
“ So let the freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let the freedom ring
from the mighty mountains of New York. Let the freedom ring…”
a. To entertain b. to criticize c. to inform d. to persuade
54. “The Lottery” is an example of ____________.
a. Fiction b. non-fiction c. news story d. commentary
55. What kind of conflict does the story, “The Lottery” have?
a. Internal b. external c. long- standing d. repeated

VI. Grammar
A. Directions: Underline the correct modifier to complete each sentence.
56. This is an ( extreme, extremely) slow copier.
57. The rest of the play proceeded ( smooth, smoothly).
58. The ( serious, seriously) injured player was carried to an ambulance.
59. Michelle handles his DVD player (careless, carelessly).
60. The melody floated (graceful, gracefully) throughout the building.
61. The farmers have to finish their work ( quick, quickly)
62. Myra ( sudden, suddenly) saw the spider.
63. The little boy was sleeping ( comfort, comfortably) on the couch.
64. The teacher had an ( unusual, unusually) quiet classroom.
65. She spoke ( nervous, nervously) in front of the audience.
B. Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
66. Which of the following sentences contains an adverb of time?
a. The building suddenly collapsed.
b. Next week, the school will conduct an earthquake drill.
c. I volunteered to run for secretary.
d. The boats were tied downstream.
67. Which of the following sentences uses early as an adverb?
a. I awoke early.
b. I had an early class.
c. Early bird catches the worm.
d. Catch the early bus.
68. “ The president openly admitted his mistake during his speech.”
Which word is modified by the adverb, openly?
a. President b. admitted c. mistake d. during
69. “ Did you read the directions carefully?”
Which is not true about the word, carefully in the sentence?
a. It is an adverb of manner.
b. It comes after the word it modifies.
c. It modifies the word direction.
d. It answers the question, how?
70. “The storm blew up very rapidly.”
What is modified by the word, very?
a. storm b. blew up c. rapidly d. the
C. Directions: Expand the following sentences using the adverbs inside the parentheses.

71. The visitors arrived. (at the venue, this morning)

72. The students performed. ( on stage)

73. The officials will have a conference. ( at the hall, tomorrow)

74. Put those empty bottles. (in the box, carefully)

75. I will talk to you. ( in my office, later)
D. Conditional Sentences: Choose the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence.
Encircle the letter of your choice.
76. If the students watch the film, they _________ it.
a. Will love b. would love c. would have loved
77. If Fe _______ ahead, she would have been able to buy a ticket
a. Went b. have gone c. had gone
78. If my Grandma were still alive, she _________ me from playing mobile games.
a. Will stop b. would stop c. would have stopped
79. The dish _______ better if you had added more seasonings.
a. Has been b. would be c. would have been
80. If we treat others with justice and fairness, they ________ respected.
a. Will feel b. would feel c. would have felt
81. Djorge will go if I ________.
a. Go b. will go c. have gone
82. If Dwayne had a lot of money, she __________ his sister abroad.
a. Will have visited b. will visit c. would visit
83. If Aireen ______ only careful in using her cellphone, she would not destroy it.
a. Was b. were c. had been
84. Jam could have passed the exam if she ________ the lessons well.
a. Reviewed b. had reviewed c. reviews
85. If Nikka earns a lot of money, she ________ to Los Angeles.
a. Will fly b. would fly c. would have flown
E. Complete each of the following with appropriate result or condition. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.
86. If the weather is fine, _____________________________________.
a. we would go to the park
b. we will go to the park
c. we would have gone to the park
87. He could have presented his report very well ___________________________.
a. if he prepared
b. if he had prepared
c. if he prepares
88. If Filipinos had jobs,___________________________.
a. They will not experience poverty
b. They would not experience poverty
c. They wouldn’t have experienced poverty.
89. If the test were more difficult, ___________________________.
a. I will not pass
b. I would not pass
c. I would not have passed
90. Dianne would feel better ___________________________________.
a. If she takes her medicine
b. If she took her medicine
c. If she had taken her medicine
VII. Writing: Interpret the data presented below. (10 points)

Senior High School Enrolment

S.Y. 2016-2017
Tracks No. of Enrollees
ABM 75
STEM 150
GAS 66

Prepared by: Checked:


Teacher III Head Teacher I

Principal III
Second Quarter Examination in Grade 9 English

Listening Text

According to health experts, a decline in daily water intake results in dramatic reduction on
work output. Why? Each and every cell in our body is comprised mostly of water. The body organs
need adequate supply of water to perform at their fullest. When we exert energy, as a result of work,
we use up the body’s water reserve. If the body’s water supply is not quickly replenished, we
experience weakening in our system. Our metabolism slows down because the body needs to protect
itself from total exhaustion and dehydration. Severe dehydration, when not checked within a few
hours, could have fatal effects.

Listening Text

According to health experts, a decline in daily water intake results in dramatic reduction on
work output. Why? Each and every cell in our body is comprised mostly of water. The body organs
need adequate supply of water to perform at their fullest. When we exert energy, as a result of work,
we use up the body’s water reserve. If the body’s water supply is not quickly replenished, we
experience weakening in our system. Our metabolism slows down because the body needs to protect
itself from total exhaustion and dehydration. Severe dehydration, when not checked within a few
hours, could have fatal effects.

Listening Text

According to health experts, a decline in daily water intake results in dramatic reduction on
work output. Why? Each and every cell in our body is comprised mostly of water. The body organs
need adequate supply of water to perform at their fullest. When we exert energy, as a result of work,
we use up the body’s water reserve. If the body’s water supply is not quickly replenished, we
experience weakening in our system. Our metabolism slows down because the body needs to protect
itself from total exhaustion and dehydration. Severe dehydration, when not checked within a few
hours, could have fatal effects.

Listening Text

According to health experts, a decline in daily water intake results in dramatic reduction on
work output. Why? Each and every cell in our body is comprised mostly of water. The body organs
need adequate supply of water to perform at their fullest. When we exert energy, as a result of work,
we use up the body’s water reserve. If the body’s water supply is not quickly replenished, we
experience weakening in our system. Our metabolism slows down because the body needs to protect
itself from total exhaustion and dehydration. Severe dehydration, when not checked within a few
hours, could have fatal effects.
Second Quarter Examination
Grade 9 English

I. Listening 36. B 71. The visitors
1. A 37. A arrived at the venue this
2. A 38. A morning.
3. B 39. B
4. A 40. A
5. A 41. A 72.The students
II. Speaking 42. D performed on the stage
A. 6. A 43. D
7. B 44. A
8. D 45. A 73. The officials will
9. D 46. C have a conference
10. B 47. A tomorrow at the hall.
B. 11. D 48. B
12. C 49. C
13. C 50. D 74. Put those empty
14. D 51. B bottles carefully in the box.
15. C 52.B
III. Vocabulary 53. D
16. D 54. A
75. I will talk to you
17. A 55. B
in my office later.
18. B
19. C VI. Grammar
20. A A.
( Consider other
21. C 56. Extremely
possible answers.)
22. D 57. Smoothly
23. B 58. Seriously
24. D 59. Carelessly
25. C 60. Gracefully
IV. Reading 61. Quickly
A. 62. Suddenly
26. D 63. Comfortably 76. A
27. D 64. Unusually
28. A 65. Nervously
29. C B. 77. C
30. A 66. B
31. C 67. A
B. 68. B 78. B
32. A 69. C
33. A 70. C
34. C C. 79. C
35. A
V. Literature
80. A 85. A 89. B

81. A E. 90. B

82. C 86. B VIII. Writing

(Answers vary)
83. B 87. B

84. B 88. B

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