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1. In which age the head is larger and as heavier than

(a) Toddler
(b) Infants.
(c) Adults
(d) School age children

2. Rapidly cell division takes place in which age groups?

(a) Adults
(b) Geriatrics
(c) Teenager
(d) Children.

3. Normal size of testes in male new born babies?

(a) 1.5-2lg&0.7-1wd.
(b) 1.2-3l&0.3-0.6wd
(c) 2.5-2.5l&3.0-2wd
(d) None of the above

4. What is the normal ovary size in baby girl?

(a) 10mm lg &2-4 wd

(b) 5mm in lg&5-8wd.
(c) 12mm in lg&6-9wd
(d) 6mm in lg& 2-4wd

5 .The size of the testes reach maturity at the age?

a) 13-17yrs
b) 12-16yrs
c) 6-12yrs.
d) 6-18yrs
6. In which age groups the sutures are not united?

a) Infant
b) Toddler
c) School age
d) newborn

7. In bone which part is important for bone growth?

a) Bone marrow
b) Calcium channels
c) Epiphycial plates
d) Shaft of bone

8. The normal weight of brain in neonates?

a) 300-800gms
b) 200-600gms
c) 300-500gms.
d) 200-500gms

9. What is the normal weight of brain in adults?

a) 1300-1400grms.
b) 1200-1600gms
c) 600-800grms
d) 200-300grms

10. In which age groups the negativist behaviour is


a) Infants
b) Newborns
c) Toddlers.
d) adults
11. In which age groups the industry vs. Inferiority is

(a) Schooler’s
(b) Infants
(c) New born
(d) adults

12. In which age group the identity and confusion is


a) Infants
b) Adults
c) Toddlers
d) adolescents

13. In which age groups the separation of anxiety is


a) Toddlers
b) School age
c) Adults
d) infants

14. Imbalance of more fluids and electrolytes is seen in

which age groups?

a) Children
b) Geriatric
c) Adults
d) None of above

15. In which age group there is no tear formation is


a) Newborn
b) Adolescents
c) Toddlers
d) Early infancy
16. No voluntary control over the environment or activity?

a) Infants
b) Toddlers
c) Preschoolers
d) adults

17. What glands rapidly developed in axilla, areola and

genital areas?

a) Endocrine gland
b) Apocrine gland
c) Thyroid gland
d) Adrenal gland

18. What is the normal respiratory rate in children?

a) 30-60brths/min
b) 40-60brth/min
c) 30-50brth/min
d) 30-70brth/min

19. What is the normal respiratory rate in adults?

a) 12-20brths/min
b) 16-20brth/min
c) 12- 24brth/min
d) 15-32brth/min

20. In which age groups artery carries oxygenated blood

away from the heart?

a) Adult age
b) School age
c) Infant
d) toddlers
21. In which age groups the vein carries oxygenates blood
back to the heart?

a) Foetal circulation
b) ventricular circulation
c) arterial circulation
d) pulmonary circulation

22. In which circulation the exchange of gaseous takes place

in placenta?

a) Foetal circulation
b) ventricular circulation
c) pulmonary circulation
d) ventricular circulation

23. The life span of RBC count in children’s?

a) 60- 90 days.
b) 50-60days
c) 30-60days
d) 40- 80days

24. Which age groups can hear loud noise?

a) Newborn at birth.
b) infants
c) toddlers
d) adults

25. The normal blood volume of neonates?

a) 62mk/kg body weight

b) 85ml/kg body weight.
c) 52ml/kg body weight
d) 32ml/kg body weight
























1. What is the main indication of naso gastric tube

a) feeding or administration of medication.

b) induce hunger

c) for airway passage.

d) none of the above

2. Which position is used during insertion of nasogastric


a) semi fowlers.

b) upright position

c) prone position

d) side lateral position

3. Which of the following is the contra indication

of naso gastric tube insertion?
a) Cleft lip
b) Severe mid face trauma.
c) Aspiration
d) None of the above

4. In which conditions the peak flow meter is used?

a) To detect severity of asthma.
b) To identify o2 saturation
c) To identify apnea
d) None of the above
5. What is the main purpose of an nebulisation?
a) To prevent thick mucus plugging.
b) For easily breathing
c) For airway patency
d) None of the above
6. What is the main indication of using AMBU in
neonatal resuscitation?
a) Perinatal asphyxia.
b) Bradycardia
c) Apnea
d) None of the above
7. What is the contraindication of usage of AMBU bag in
a) Diaphragmatic hernia.
b) Asphyxia
c) Chocking
d) None of the above
8. The expected respiratory rate of a neonate
within 3 minutes of birth may be as high as:
a) 50
b) 60.
c) 80
d) 100
9. Which position is used in bag and masking
a) Sniffing position.
b) Supine position
c) Side lateral
d) None of the above
10. Which of the following is
the main indication of urinary catheterization?
a) Urinary retention.
b) Poly uria
c) Dysuria
d) None of the above
11.Which of the following is not included in types of
a) Straight catheter
b) Indwelling catheter
c) Nasal catheter.
d) Condom catheter
12. In which age groups the cuffed ET tubes
are used?
a) >8 yrs.
b) 3-4yrs
c) 1-12months
d) None of the above
13.Which position is used in the procedure called

a) Sniffed position.
b) Lateral position
c) Prone position
d) None of the above

14.What is the main complication of laryngoscopy?

a) Tracheal perforation.
b) Aspiration
c) Apnea
d) None of the above
15.Normal oxygen saturation n children?
a) 94-100%.
b) 95-100%
c) 92-985
d) 90-100%
16.The normal size of the umbilical cord?
a) 50-60cms.
b) 55-60cms
c) 60-70cms
d) 55-65cms
17.Normal weight of the new born?
a) 2.5 to 4.5kgs.
b) 3.5 to 4.5kgs
c) 1.5 to 2.5kgs
d) 1.2 to 4.5kgs
18.What is the normal rectal temperature of a child?
a) 98-100 degrees
b) 97-100degrees.
c) 90-101degrees
d) 90-98 degrees
19.What is the uncuffed endotracheal tube size for 8yrs
a) 6mm.
b) 8mm
c) 5mm
d) 12mm
20.What is the meaning of gastric lavage ?
a) Removal of small volume of content in
b) Feeding of a child
c) Induce vomiting
d) Neutralizing
21.What is the main purpose of kangaroo mother care?
a) Exclusive breast feeding.
b) Mother care
c) Improves physical growth
d) Improve conversation
22.What is the correct indication of phototherapy in
a) Treatment of hyperbilirubinimia.
b) Treatment of hypoglycaemia
c) Treatment of hyperglycemia
d) Treatment of hypovolemia
23.What is the prefered site IM injection in infants of
12mnths of age?
a) Anterolateral thigh.
b) Anterolateral of gluteal region
c) Deltoid
d) Fore arm
24.What is the treatment of child with jaundice?
a) Light therapy.
b) Fluid therapy
c) Kmc
d) None of the above
25.Which of the following is not comes under
complication of cannulization?
a) Cellulites
b) Phlebities
c) Ischemia.
d) hematoma

1. c

2. a

3. b

4. a

5. a

6. a

7. a


9. a

10. a

11. c

12. a

13. a

15. a

16. a

17. a

18. b

19. a

20. a

21. a

22. a

23. a

24. a

25. c
Care of hospitalized child
1. Which is the major stessors of hospitalied child?
a) Separation.
b) Loneliness
c) Sickness
d) Hunger
2. Which age group the separation anxiety is the major
stress in children?
a) 8mnth -3yrs.
b) 6mnths-2yrs
c) 6mnths-1yr
d) 2mnths-1yrs
3. Which is the first stage that the infant goes through
separation of anxiety?
a) Detest
b) Pretest
c) Protest.
d) Defeat
4. Which is the second stage that the infant goes
through separation of anxiety?
a) Despair.
b) Despire
c) inspire
d) misfire
5. Which is the third stage that the infant goes through
separation of anxiety?
a) Attachment
b) Detachment.
c) Mis matchment
d) Affectionate
6. Which types of mechanisms adopted by the
a) Friendly mechanism
b) Defence mechanism.
c) Motivational mechanism
d) Emotional mechanism
7. What are the reactions of defence mechanism of
school aged children?
a) Regression.
b) Suppression
c) Impression
d) Aggression
8. How does the reactions of toddlers in protest stage?
a) Shaking crib.
b) Fantasy
c) Smiling
d) Talking
9. What is the age of infants in which the depression is
a) 4-6mnths
b) 4-8mnths.
c) 3-6mnths
d) 2-8mnths
10.How does the toddler may react in stressful situation?
a) Aggression
b) Denial
c) Regression.
d) anger
11.Which of the following reactions the toddler have?
a) Listless
b) Fingering lip
c) Tightly clutching a toy.
d) All the above
12.Which type of relationship does the parents have
towards nurses?
a) Good relationship
b) Trusting relationship.
c) Friendly relationship
d) Family relationship
13.What type of experience does the children have when
prepared properly?
a) Positive psychological experience.
b) Negative psychological experience
c) Neutral psychological experience
d) None
14.What is the effect of prolonged hospitalization of
a) Retards growth and development.
b) Retards in physical activity
c) Retards mental status
d) None of the above.
15.What happens in prolonged illness and hospitalization
of neonatal period?
a) Interrupts feeding
b) Interrupts early stage of development.
c) Interrupts physical activity
d) Interrupts play
16.What are the specific causes of parental anxiety
related to hospitalization of their children?
a) Separation from child
b) Unknown events or out come
c) Suffering of the child
d) All the above.
17.How does the anxious parent can be recognised?
a) Trembling
b) Withdrawl
c) Hostile
d) All the above.
18.What are the reactions and family members can be
influenced by?
a) Cultural and spiritual belief.
b) Cultural aspects
c) Child sickness
d) Emotional belief

19.What is the role of nurse in care of sick child and

family members?
a) Complementary and supportive.
b) Obeying
c) Annoying
d) None of the above
20.Which causes the biological stress in children?
a) Pathological organisms.
b) Fungal agents
c) Parasitic agents
d) Viral agents
21.Which is the cause the psychological stress in
a) Separation from home.
b) Trauma
c) Physical restrain
d) Treatment procedures
22.What are the causes of chemical stress in children?
a) Cross infection
b) Toxic substances.
c) Change in role
d) Anxiety
23.What are the factors may increase the parental
a) Separation of the child
b) Financial obligation
c) Unknown events
d) All the above.
24. Which of the following is the correct meaning of
a) Refusal.
b) Truth
c) False
d) None of the above
25.Which of the following is the meaning of despair?
a) Absence of hope.
b) Belief
c) Trusting
d) None of the above


1. A

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. B


7. A

8. A
9. B

10. C

11. C

12. B

13. A

14. A

15. B

16. D

17. A

18. A

19. A

20. A

21. A

22. B

23. D

24. A

25. A

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