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1) Which of the following enzymes are present in the acrosome of the bovine sperm?

a) Trypsin
b) Adenylate cyclase
c) Phospholipase C (PLC)
d) Acrosin
2) After ovulation, which of the following is most important for the rapid movement of the
oocyte to the ampular-isthmic junction of the oviduct?
a) Fluid production by the isthmus
b) Cilliary beating in the ampulla
c) Muscle contractions in the ampulla
d) The presence of cumulus cells surrounding the oocyte at ovulation.
3) Following artificial insemination in the cow, increased retrograde flow will occur if semen
is placed in which of the following locations?
a) Cervix
b) Uterine body
c) Uterine horn, at the greater curvature (half way up the uterine horn)
d) At the distal tip of the uterine horn
4) The concentration of sperm in the ejaculate would be highest among which of the following
farm animal species?
a) Bull
b) Ram
c) Boar
d) Stallion
5) Which of the following are examples of the maturation function in the epididymis?
a) The development of motility
b) Concentration of sperm
c) Secretion of glycoproteins by principle cells
d) Contractions of smooth muscle
6) The ATP produced by sperm does not go towards which of the following?
a) Motility
b) Substrate cycling
c) Maintenance of ionic gradients
d) Transcription and translation
7) If apoptosis of spermatogonia was prevented by inhibition of genes that promote apoptosis,
which of the following would occur?
a) More sperm would be produced.
b) The blood testis barrier would be destroyed.
c) The number of round spermatids would increase but the number of spermatozoa would
d) The process of spermiation would be inhibited.
8) Failure of the blood testis barrier would directly prevent
a) Stem cell renewal.
b) Spermatocytogenesis.
c) Meiosis
d) Spermiogenesis.
9) Spherical bodies, weighing 0.45 – 0.9 kg, attached to the placenta of a normal calf
comprising of an outer skin enclosing a mass of adipose connective tissue is known as
a) Perosomus elumbis c) Otter calf
b) Amorphus globosus d) Schistosomus reflexus
10) Obturator paralysis is more common in
a) Mare c) Bitch
b) Cow d) ewe
11) The relations of the dorsum of the fetus to the quandrants of the maternal pelvis is
a) Presentation c) Posture
b) Position d) None of the above
12) Sterno abdominal presentation is a
a) Posterior longitudinal presentation c) Anterior longitudinal presentation
b) Transverse ventral presentation d) Transverse dorsal presentation
13) Wry neck is mostly seen in
a) Bovine c) Equine
b) Caprine d) Canine
14) Recommended fetotomy procedure in perosomus elumbis is
a) Amputation of fetal limbs c) Transverse division of fetal trunk
b) Bisection of pelvis d) Amputation of head and neck
15) Generally stallion attains the puberty at the age of
a) 4 to 7 months c) 12 to 24 months
b) 9 to 12 months d) 36 to 42 months
16) Sertoli cell tumor of the testes in dog secretes
a) Testosterone c) Androgen
b) Estrogen d) Prolactin
17) Dystrophia adiposogenitalis is observed in the
a) Dog c) Boar
b) Stallion d) Ram
18) Large number of primary sperm abnormalities are indicative of
a) Ectopic testes c) Testicular neoplasm
b) Testicular degeneration d) Testicular fibrosis
19) Smooth muscle around spermatic cord to help in thermoregulation of testes is
a) Tunica dartos c) Pampiniform plexus
b) Cremester muscle d) Gubernaculum
20) Mitochondria concentrates close to the axoneme and forms the
a) End piece of the tail c) Mid piece of the tail
b) Neck of the sperm d) Annulus
21) Unnatural tactile stimulation and ejaculation is known as
a) Onanism c) Pederasty
b) Coolidge effect d) Balling up
22) A complete series of cellular associations along a seminiferous tubule
a) Spermatogenic wave c) Spermiogenesis
b) Spermiostasis d) Cycle of seminiferous epithelium
23) Terminology used for the high per cent of abnormal sperms
a) Teratozoospermia c) Asthenozoospermia
b) Aspermia d) Necrozoospermia
24) Inability to withdraw the penis back in to the prepuce
a) Paraphimosis c) Phimosis
b) Posthitis d) Preputial prolapse
25) Effect of novelty of stimulus females reduces refractory period in males is known as
a) Balling up effect c) Bruce effect
b) Coolidge effect d) Pederasty

1-d, 12-b, 23-a,
2-c, 13-c, 24-a,
3-a, 14-c, 25-b
4-b, 15-c,
5-a, 16-b,
6-d, 17-a,
7-b, 18-b,
8-c, 19-b,
9-b, 20-c,
10-b, 21-a,
11-b, 22-a,

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