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53–63 (2004)


Gabriella VARGA and Zoltán C ZAP

Geotechnical Department
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
H–1521 Budapest, Hungary
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Received: Nov. 2, 2004


Today’s technology makes it possible to easily compute slope stability using computer software but
the accuracy of the results is questionable. In this paper we compare how the application of three
different models influences the results in case of different types of soil using the results of laboratory
tests from several parts of Hungary. From the analysis of a cutting, soft-soil model deformations are
much smaller than that of the other two models. The results of the calculation of an embankment are
similar. The safety parameters are approximately the same for each model.

Keywords: soil model, laboratory test, clay, safety factor, settlement.

1. Introduction

Having heard of the presentation of Numerical analysis of deep excavations [2] drew
our attention to the subject discussed in this paper. After thoroughly analysing the
paper itself we found that their results do not match our findings, thus we decided
to do further investigations [3]. This paper presents our results that are based on
recent geotechnical soil models.
The fracture of soil is mainly caused by shearing and the formation of yield
surfaces. Fractures can develop by loading and unloading. These two alternatives
are shown in the following figures (Fig. 1).
In these states the elastic and plastic deformations can also be formed. It
means that we have to use models that are valid for both the elastic and plastic
zones. In order to be able to select the proper model we have used the results of
several laboratory tests. Most of the examined soils were soft or hard clay.
We have done calculations using three different models: Mohr-Coulomb
model, soft soil model, and the hardening soil model [1] (further details can be
found in [4], [5], with the latter one discussing the PLAXIS program). In all three
models we need to define the elastic and plastic yield conditions. The yield condi-
tion is the same for all the three models: that is the MC yield condition shown in
the Fig. 2.
54 G. VARGA and Z. CZAP

Fig. 1. Two alternatives of soil fracture a) loading b) unloading

Fig. 2. Mohr-Coulomb Model

2. Mohr-Coulomb Model

The elastic-plastic Mohr-Coulomb model is a ‘first order’ approximation of soil

behaviour. Since this model uses constant stiffness the calculation is quite fast. The
model uses five parameters as well as the initial stress of the soil under examination:

• E, the Young’s modulus (or E oed , the oedometer modulus, or G, the shear
• υ, the Poisson’s ratio,
• c, the cohesion,
• φ, the friction angle, and

• ψ, the dilatancy angle (only in dense cohesionless or overconsolidated cohe-

sive soils).

Parameters are obtained from drained triaxial tests. In order to calculate

the Young’s modulus, E, the secant modulus at 50% strength denoted as E 50 is
recommended, the initial slope indicated as E 0 is only to be used if we make no use
of the initial strength. (See Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. The definition of the Young’s modulus

3. Hardening-Soil Model

This model is fairly more accurate than the Mohr-Coulomb model for simulating
the behaviour of different types of soil, both soft soils and stiff soils. In order to
describe soil stiffness it makes use of the unloading and reloading stiffness as well
as the oedometer loading stiffness. The hardening soil model is characterized by the
stress-dependency of stiffness moduli. Based on the compression test the following
formula can be used:  
ref σ m
E oed = E oed ,
E oed the oedometer modulus
E oed the reference oedometer modulus,
p the reference pressure.
The pref , reference pressure is typically 100 kPa. Another characteristic of
this model, which is based on the triaxial test, is a hyperbolic dependency between
56 G. VARGA and Z. CZAP

the vertical strain, ε1 , and the deviator stress, q (q = σ1 − σ3 ).

1 q ref c · ctg φ − σ3 m
−ε1 = , E 50 = E 50 ,
2E 50 1 − q c · ctg φ + pref
qa the asymptotic value of the shear strength,
q the deviatoric stress,
ε1 the vertical strain,
E 50 the confining stress dependent stiffness modulus for primary loading,
pref the reference pressure,
E 50 the reference stiffness modulus corresponding to pref ,

σ3 the minor principal stress.
The ultimate deviator stress, q f , and the asymptote, qa are defined as:
  2 sin φ qf
q f = c · ctgφ − σ3 , qa = ,
1 − sin φ Rf
R f the failure ratio, is typically 0.9.
The unloading-reloading modulus (E ur ) varies as a function of σ3 similarly
ref ref
to the E 50 modulus. Typically E ur = 3E 50 . The dilatancy value is limited by the
dilatancy cut-off.

4. Soft-Soil Model

The most important features of this model include stress-dependent stiffness, the
differentiation between primary loading and unloading-reloading, the memory of
pre-consolidation stress, and the usage of the Mohr-Coulomb criterion.
The equation for primary loading is:
∗ p
ε − εref = −λ · ln ,
λ∗ the modified compression index.
The equation for unloading-reloading is:
∗ p
εve − εve0 = −κ ln ,

κ∗ the modified swelling index.

The relationship between the elasticity modulus and Poisson’s ratio is char-
acterized by the following formula:

E ur p
= ∗,
3 (1 − 2νur ) κ
E ur the elastic unloading-reloading modulus,
νur the Poisson’s ratio for unloading-reloading.
κ ∗ is defined by the Mohr-Coulomb law and the pre-consolidation stress.

5. Examination

From the several data processed we have chosen the results from an examination
at Tatabánya (firm clay, the unit weight is 21 kN/m3 ). From the triaxial test the
cohesion is c = 68 kPa, and the friction angle is φ = 18◦ . In the Fig. 4 you
can see stress-strain formula in case of the soft-soil model in a semi-logarithmic
scale. This semi-logarithmic scale makes the results linear. The input parameters
of this model are obtained from compression tests. It is also suited for loading and
unloading-reloading examinations. The usual ratio between λ∗ and κ ∗ is three.

Fig. 4. Soft-Soil model stress-strain formula in case of compression test

The following figure shows the stress-strain model in case of the hardening
soil model (Fig. 5) The Mohr-Coulomb yield condition is also applied here. Both
stress and strain are depicted in a logarithmic scale. As we can see the Young’s
modulus is increasing in proportion with the power of stress. The value of the
58 G. VARGA and Z. CZAP

Young’s modulus comes from triaxial tests and the oedometric stiffness comes
from compression tests. The sigma-epsilon dependency of the triaxial test, in this
case, is hyperbolic. The unloading-reloading modulus (E ur ) varies as a function of
σ3 similarly to the E 50 modulus.
Fig. 6 shows the stiffness-total stress dependency in case of triaxial tests. We
can see that the greater the initial value of σ3 the greater the Young’s modulus is.

Fig. 5. Hardening-Soil model stress-strain formula in case of compression test

Fig. 6. Hardening-Soil model stiffness-total stress dependency in case of triaxial test

To test the results we used the PLAXIS 7.2 finite element code where we
examined stability of cuttings and embankments. The finite element net is made up
of 15-node (4th order) triangular elements (Fig. 7).
In the following figure you can see the finite element model of a cutting and
the deformation in all three models (Fig. 8). Differences are present for both the

Fig. 7. Triangular element

shape and the volume of deformation. In case of the Mohr-Coulomb model the
displacement is approximately parallel, in case of the hardening soil model it is
leaning away from the wall while it is leaning towards the wall in case of the soft-
soil model. The shape of the soil wall under examination is important because
during construction it needs to be supported and we need to know the distribution
of forces.

a) Finite element model of a cutting b) Deformations (10×) in case of the

Mohr-Coulomb model

c) Deformations (10×) in case of the d) Deformations (100×) in case of the

Hardening-Soil model Soft-Soil model
Fig. 8. The definition of the Young’s modulus

The volume of deformations in the figure has been magnified for view ability.
60 G. VARGA and Z. CZAP

In case of the soft-soil model deformations are much smaller than that of the other
two models.
In case of cuttings we have compared the volume of displacements. The
horizontal displacement is shown as a function of depth (Fig. 9). The displacements
in case of the soft soil model are smaller by an order.

Fig. 9. Comparison of displacements in case of a cutting

Fig. 10 shows a model of an embankment. The embankment, the height

of which is the same as the cutting examined above, is substituted by a uniform
load, so that the parameters of the embankment do not to influence the results. We
have inserted an interface element into the singular point of the load. An interface
element makes possible to have different displacements on its two sides, which
avoids the formation of unbearable tension in the soil. Differences are present for
both the shape and the volume of deformation. We have experienced the smallest
deformations in case of the soft-soil model while the MC model showed some
surface elevation.
Fig. 11 shows the settlement for embankments where the difference in defor-
mations are also significant.
Safety factors have been defined for all three models in a way that we have
decreased the shearing capacity until we experienced infinitely great deformations.
The n r is the reduction factor. The Fig. 12 depicts the soil fracture in case of em-
bankments and cuttings. Different colours show different volume of deformations.
Although this figure shows the formation of a fracture for the MC model it is very
similar to the other two models since all three models work according to the MC
fracture condition.
tg φ c
tg φr = ; cr = ; n = max (n r )
nr nr
Table 1 contains the safety parameters for different models in case of cuttings

a) Finite element model of an embankment b) Deformations (5×) in case of the

Mohr-Coulomb model

c) Deformations (5×) in case of the d) Deformations (20×) in case of the

Hardening-Soil model SoftSoil model
Fig. 10. Examination of an embankment

Fig. 11. Comparison of displacements in case of an embankment

and embankments. We can conclude that the safety parameters are approximately
the same for each model but in case of embankments it is twice as in case of cuttings.
62 G. VARGA and Z. CZAP

a) Soil fracture in case of a cutting b) Soil fracture in case of an embankment

Fig. 12. Soil fracture modelling by Plaxis

Table 1. Safety factors

Cutting Embankment
Mohr-Coulomb 1.741 3.959
Hardening-Soil Model 1.719 3.884
Soft-Soil model 1.731 3.909

6. Summary

The difference in the safety parameter can be explained by the fact that cutting is an
expansion while embankment is a compression for soil. Although the soil mechan-
ics parameters are the same, expansion is a small deformation while compression
is a significant deformation (Fig. 13). Thus in cases of the same load embankments
have greater safety parameters than cuttings.

Fig. 13. Two alternatives of soil fracture


The difference shown in Figs. 9 and 11 is more significant. We have applied

three different soil models that are frequently used in recent investigations all around
the world. Their parameters have been defined by the same laboratory examinations
but still the resulting soil deformations significantly differ.
One possible cause of this difference is that we made use of the results of
triaxial tests when applying the Mohr-Coulomb and the Hardening Soil models
while in case of the Soft Soil Model we only used the results of the compression
test. Based on these findings we may conclude that the similar results of the first
two tests are more reliable. Nevertheless, experience shows that real deformations
are significantly less than the calculated results, which may support the third model.
To resolve this contradiction we firstly need to do further tests that provide
statistically sufficient volume of data. Secondly, we need to compare the test results
with real-life deformation data.


[1] B RINKGREVE , R. B. – V ERMEER , J., PLAXIS-Finite Element Code for Soil and Rock Analyses.
Version 7. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield, 1998.
[2] F REISEDER , M. G. – S CHWEIGER , H. F., Numerical Analysis of Deep Excavations, Proceed-
ings of Application of Numerical Methods to Geotechnical Problems, Udine, 1998. pp. 283–292.
[3] B IRÓ , V. – C ZAP, Z., Sheet Pile Wall Measurement with up-to-date Numerical Methods, GÉP,
50 (5) (1999), pp. 24–26.
[4] C ZAP, Z., Modern Constitutive Models in Geotechnics, microCAD’99, Miskolc, 1999.
[5] C ZAP, Z., Geotechnikai szoftverek összehasonlítása, Geotechnika 2002 Conference, Ráckeve,

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