Geotech Chapter 4

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Compaction 4

Natural ground is not' always suitable in its present slate for the proposed construction work. For
example, the granular soils at a proposed site for a high-rise building may be in a looser state than
desired, suggesting potential future stability problems or settlement problems, or both. The
landfill clay liner that lies at the bottom of a landfill may allow more leachate than desired to flow
through, polluting the groundwater. The simplest remedy in both circumstances is to compact the
soils to ensure they have adequate strength and stiffness to limit any postconstruction settlement
and stability problems, and to limit the quantity of seepage through the soils. Compaction is one
of the most popular ground improvement techniques carried out in earthworks associated with
roads, embankments, landfills, buildings, and backfills behind retaining walls. Generally, the
main objective is to increase the strength and stiffness of the soil and reduce the permeability of
the soil, all of which are achieved through a reduction in the void ratio. Some common machinery
used in earthmoving is shown in Figures 4.1a through 4.1e. The soil excavated from the borrow
area is transported to the site, where it is sprinkled with a specific quantity of water and
compacted to the appropriate density. Acting like a lubricant, water sticks to the soil grains and
facilitates the compaction process, thus densifying the soil.

Reduction in void ratio is a measure of the effectiveness of compaction. Since void ratio is
never measured directly, it is indirectly quantified through the dry density of the compacted
earthwork. It can be seen intuitively and in Equation 2.9 that lower void ratios equate to larger dry

Figure 4.1 Some earthmoving machinery: (a) excavator (b) backhoe (c) spreader (d)
dump truck (e) roller

50 Geotechnical Engineering


Water content and compactive effort are the two major variables that influence the degree of
compaction and the engineering behavior of the compacted soil. This is illustrated through
Example 4.1.
Compaction 51

From both tests in Example 4.1, it can be seen that the dry density increases with the water
content up to a certain value, where the dry density is known as the maximum dry density pd max
and the corresponding water content is known as optimum water content. A further increase in
water content results in a reduction in the dry density. Increasing the compactive effort (see
Example 4.1) leads to a reduction in the optimum water content and an increase in the maximum
dry density. The optimum water content and the maximum dry density of the two tests are:

A curve drawn through the peaks of all compaction curves with different compactivc efforts on
the same soil is known as the line of optimum. The compacted earthwork will have very good
geotechnical characteristics (i.e., strength, stiffness, permeability, etc.) when it is compacted near
the optimum water content. Particularly in clayey soils, the behavior of the compacted earthwork
is quite sensitive to the water content in the vicinity of the optimum water content. Therefore, it is
necessary to know the optimum water content and the maximum dry density of a soil under a
specific compactive effort in order TO specify the right values for the field work. Terms such as
dry of optimum or wet of optimum are used depending on if the compaction is carried out at water
content less or greater than the optimum water content

The phase diagrams of the compacted soil at different water contents are shown in Figure 4.2a.
The variations of dry density and void rat iu against the water content are shown in Figures 4.2b
and 4.2c respectively.
52 Geotechnical Engineering


In the field, soil is compacted in 150- 500 mm thick layers (known as lifts) using a wide range of
rollers. Laboratory compaction tests were developed by R. R. Proctor in the 1930s, replicating the
field compaction process in a cylindrical compaction mold with a volume of about 1 liter. The
standard Proctor compaction test (ASTM D698; AS1289.5.1.l) and the modified Proctor
compaction test (ASTM D 1557; AS 1289.5.2.1) are the two popular compaction tests carried out
for developing the compaction curve, and hence derive the optimum water content and maxi-
Compaction 53

mum dry density. Here, a hammer of specific mass falling through a specific height is used for
compacting the soil in a few layers of equal thickness. as shown in Figure 4.3. The test details are
summarized in Table 4.1.

4.3.1 Zero Air Void Curve

From Equations 2.6 and 2.9, it can be shown that:


Figure 4.3 Compaction mold and hammer

54 Geotechnical Engineering

Therefore, in any soil (i.e., for a known value of G.), the value of S is fixed for a specific pair of
values of wand pd In other words, every point in the pd w space (see figure in Example 4. 1) has a
specific value of S. Thus, Equation 4.1 can be used to draw contours of S in a pd w space.

The contour of S = 100% in the pd w space is known as the zero air void curve. Any point to the
right of the zero air void curve implies S > 100%, which is not possible. Therefore, it is necessary
that any compaction test point must lie to the left of the zero air void curve, which is a good
check. II is quite common to show the zero air void curve along with the compaction curves. The
S-contours in Example 4.3 give an idea of the degree of saturation of all test points. Some-
Compaction 55

times, they are replaced by air content a contours where air content is defined as the ratio of the
air void V avolume to the total volumeV t In terms of a, Equation 4.1 becomes:

G s (1−a) pw
pd = (4.2)
1+w G s

Similar to S = 70%, 90%, and 100%, one can draw a = 30%, 10%, and 0% using Equation 4.2.
They are not the same.


There is a wide range of rollers that are being used for compacting soils in the field. The
compactive effort can be in the form of static pressures (e.g., smooth-wheeled roller), kneading
(e.g., sheepsfoot roller), vibration (e.g., vibratory plates), or impact (e.g., impact roller), or any of
these combined. While clays can be compacted effectively by a kneading action, vibratory
compaction is the most effective in granular soils. Figure 4.4a shows an impact roller. Figure 4.4b
shows a water truck sprinkling water to the soil in preparation for the compaction.

In clayey soils in particular, the behavior of the compacted earthwork can be very sensitive to
the water content A comparison is given in Table 4.2.

Compacting dry or wet of optimum has its own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on
the expected performance of the compacted earthwork in service, one would select the appropriate
water content. For example, a landfill liner should have low permeability and ductility to
minimize future cracking. Therefore, it is better to compact it wet of optimum. On the other hand,
a foundation base requires higher strength and stiffness, and hence it is better to compact it dry of

There are two ways of specifying compaction of earthworks, namely, method specification and
end-product specification. In method specification, the engineer representing the client takes
responsibility for the finished product and specifies every detail including type of roller, number
of passes, lift thickness, water content, etc. In end-product specification, the contractor is required
to select the variables and take responsibility for meeting the requirements of the end product. The
specified requirements generally include a narrow range of water content and dry density of the
compacted earthwork. 1he dry density is often specified as a certain percentage of the laboratory
maximum dry density (e.g., 95% of pd max from the modified Proctor compaction test in the
laboratory). This is expressed through a variable known as relative compaction R, defined as:

R= × 100 % (4.3)
pdmas lab
where pd field is the dry density of the compacted earthwork, and pd max lab is the maximum dry
density determined by the laboratory compaction test. R can exceed 100% due to a larger

56 Geotechnical Engineering

Figure 4.4 Field compaction: (a) impact roller (b) water truck sprinkling water (c) nuclear
Compaction 57

compactive effort in the field. Dry density of the compacted earthwork and the water content are
determined by a sand cone/replacement test (ASTM D1556; AS1289.5.3.l) or nuclear
densometer (ASTM 02922; AS 1289.5.8.1, see Figure 4.4c). Sand cone tests are destructive (i.e.,
requires that a hole be dug into the compacted ground) and nuclear densometer tests are
nondestructive and faster, hence more popular. These control tests are carried out on the
compacted earthwork at a specified frequency (e.g., one test per 500 m 3) to ensure the
specifications are met. When discussing coarse-grained soils, it is possible to specify the density
in terms of relative density than relative compaction. Lee and Singh (1971) suggested that they
are related by:

R = 80 + 0.2 D r (4.4)
58 Geotechnical Engineering

 Optimum water content and maximum dry density for a

specific soil are not fixed values; they vary with the
compactive effort.
 You can work in terms of densities (and masses) or unit
weights (and weights).
 In clayey soils, the behavior of compacted earthwork is very
sensitive to the water content, depending on whether the clay
is compacted to the dry or wet of optimum. Therefore, a
stringent control is necessary.
Compaction 59

1. A standard Proctor compaction test is carried out on the soil sample ( G s = 2.74) collected from
an earthwork and the compaction curve is shown in the figure. Draw the zero air void curve to
see if it intersects the compaction curve.

The compaction specifications require that the earthwork be compacted to a relative compaction

of at least 95% with respect to the standard Proctor compaction test, and that the water content
be within ± 11/ 2 % of the optimum water content. A field density test was later carried out to
check the quality of compaction. A hole was dug in the compacted earthwork and 957 g soil
was removed. The volume of the hole, as measured through a sand cone test, was 450 cm 3. A
26.3 g soil sample that was removed from the hole was then dried in the oven and had a mass
of 22.8 g. Does the compaction meet the specifications?

Solution: Let's use Equation 4.1 with G s = 2.74 to locate a few points for the zero air void curve.

This gives:

pd =2.74 /(1+2.74 w)

on the zero air void curve. Substituting w (%) = 17, 18, 19, and 20 in this equation gives pd
(t /m3 ) = 1.87, 1.84, 1.80, and 1.77. Plotting these four points on the above plot shows that the
compaction curve fully lies to the left of the zero air void curve.

From the laboratory:

owc lab=16.0 %∧ p d max =1.81 g /cm3 ∨t/m 3 (see figure)

60 Geotechnical Engineering


Specifications: (a) R ≥ 95% (standard Proctor) and (b) 14.5% ≤ w field ≤ 17.5%

The control test shows that the compaction meets the specifications with respect to both water
content and relative compaction.

2. The data from a standard Proctor and modified Proctor compaction test on a soil ( G s = 2.64)

a. Plot the compact ion curves along with the zero air void curve and find the optimum water
content and the maximum dry density for each test.

b. Compaction control tests were carried out at four different field locations, and the results
are as follows
Compute the dry density, bulk density, and the water content for each test and plot the
points in the above graph along with the compaction curves.

Compaction 61

c. The compaction specification requires that the in situ dry density be greater than or equal to
95% of the maximum dry density from the modified Proctor compaction test and for the water
contents to be within ± 2% of the modified Proctor optimum water content. Determine which
of the four control tests meet the specifications, and give reasons why the specifications were
not met for the tests that failed.

Solution: The computed values are shown in the plot.

owc modified Proctor =12.5% ,∧¿

pdmax modified Proctor =1.91 t /m 3

Specifications require that: (a) pd field ≥ 1.81t /m 3 and (b) 10.5%≤ w field ≤ 14.5%.

∴ Only the control tests falling within the shaded region would meet both water content and
relative compaction criteria.

Control test 1: Too dry and low dry density

Control test 2: Meets the specifications (falls within the shaded region)

Control test 3: Too wet and low dry density

Control test 4: Control test itself is invalid-lies to the right of zero air void curve
62 Geotechnical Engineering

1. Write a SOO-word essay on the different types of rollers used in compaction, clearly
stating where each is suitable. Include pictures wherever possible.

2. Discuss the ground improvement techniques dynamic compaction and vibroflotatiol1.

Include pictures.

3. From phase relations (Chapter 2), show that the air content a is given by:

e(1−S )
( 1+ e)

and use this relation to show that:

Gs (1−a) pw
pd =
1+w G s

4. A standard Proctor compaction test was carried out on a silty clay, using a 1L
compaction mold. The tests were carried out with six different water contents. Every
time, the entire compacted sample was extruded from the metal mold, and the wet and
dry masses were determined. The specific gravity of the soil grains is 2.69. The test
data are summarized below.

a. Plot the compaction curve and find the optimum water content and maximum dry
density. Plot the void ratio against the , water content in the same plot to show that
the void ratio is the minimum at optimum water content.

b. Draw the zero air void curve. Docs it intersect the compaction curve?
c. What would be the degree of saturation of a sample compacted at the optimum
water content in a standard Proctor compaction test?

d. Draw the 95% saturation curve and 5% air content curve in the above plot. Why are
these two different?

e. Using the standard Proctor compactive effort, at what water content would you
compact to achieve 80% saturation?

Answer: 19%, 1. 75 t/m 3, 91%, 17.5%

Compaction 63

5. A compacted fill was made to the following specifications:

• Relative compaction (0 be at least 95% with respect to the standard Proctor compaction test,

• Water content to be within the range of optimum – 1/2% to optimum + 2%

The dry density vs. water content plot from a standard Proctor compact ion test is shown in the
figure below. A sand cone test was do ne as part of the control measure. Here, an 840 cm 3 hole
was dug in to the ground, from which 1746 g soil was removed. An 85 g sample of this soil was

dried in an oven to 70.4 g. The specific gravity of the soil grains is 2.71.

a. Determine if the compacted earthwork meets the specifications

b. Find the degree of saturation and the air content at the optimum water content

Answer; Does not meet the specs. 88.1%. 4.0%

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