Themodynamics 1 C&o - Heat Engines

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Air Standard Cycle or Heat Engines

Second Law of be permanently reduced to a lower

Thermodynamics value.”
The second law of When this is combined with
thermodynamics has been the first law of thermodynamics,
enunciated meticulously by the law of energy conservation, the
Clausius, Kelvin and Planck in following results: “Whenever
slightly different words although energy is transferred, energy must
both statements are basically be conserved, but the value of
identical. Each statement is based energy cannot be conserved, and
on an irreversible process. The first some energy must be permanently
considers transformation of heat reduced to a lower value.”
between two thermal reservoirs
Heat Engine or Thermal Engine
while the second considers the
transformation of heat into work Heat engine is a device that
continuously converts heat to work
“It is impossible for a self-
(or power). The word ‘continuous’
acting machine working in a cyclic
is of critical importance in this
process unaided by any external
definition and needs further
agency, to convey heat from a
elaboration; it means that the
body at a lower temperature to a
engine will continue to operate if
body at a higher temperature”. –
the heat energy input is
maintained. The ability of the
“It is impossible to construct device to convert heat to work
an engine, which while operating in does not necessarily make the
a cycle produces no other effect device a heat engine. A heat
except to extract heat from a engine is a device that operates in
single reservoir and do equivalent a cycle.
amount of work”. – Kelvin and
The second law of
thermodynamics may be written in
several ways. Regardless of the
terminology used, however, the
purpose of the second law is to
give the sense of direction to
energy-transfer. Heat engines differ considerably
from one another, but all can be
The second law of
characterized by the following:
thermodynamics states:
“Whenever energy is transferred, 1. They receive heat from a
the value of energy cannot be high-temperature source
conserved, and some energy must
Air Standard Cycle or Heat Engines

(solar energy, oil furnace, when working between the same

nuclear reactor, etc.). two constant temperature heat
2. They convert part of this heat reservoirs.”
to work (usually in the form
Work of a Cycle If there is no
of a rotating shaft).
change in stored energy during
3. They reject the remaining
cyclic operation of a system, which
waste heat to a low-
may be steady or non-flow, the net
temperature sink (the
amount of energy crossing the
atmosphere, rivers, etc.).
boundary as heat equal to the net
4. They operate on a cycle.
amount of energy crossing the
Heat engines and other cyclic boundary as work.
devices usually involve a fluid to
and from which heat is transferred
while undergoing a cycle. This fluid
is called the working fluid.

Corollary of 2nd Law of

First Corollary of the Second
Law The second law gives a sense
of direction to a process, whereas W net =Σ W =Σ Q
the first law does not. It also tells
W net = ∫ Pdv
us that it is impossible to have
perpetual-motion machine of the Reversible Non – Flow Process
second kind, one that violates the
second law. W net =− ∫ V d p

The first of two corollaries to this Reversible Steady – Flow Process

law states: “It is impossible to W net = ∫ T dS
construct an engine to operate
between two heat reservoirs, each Reversible System
having a fixed and uniform
Thermal Efficiency The
temperature, that will exceed the
thermal efficiency may well be
efficiency of reversible engine
thought of in its simplest form,
operating between the same
output divided by input. The output
of a power cycle is the network and
The second corollary of the the input are the heat added to the
second law states: “All reversible working substance from an
engines have the same efficiency external source of heat
Air Standard Cycle or Heat Engines

W net
e cycle=
W net =Q A −Q R

Carnot Cycle
The cycle was first suggested
by a French engineer Sadi Carnot
in 1824 which works on reversible
cycle and is known as Carnot cycle.
Any fluid may be used to
The assumptions made for
operate the Carnot cycle which is
describing the working of the
performed in an engine cylinder
Carnot engine are as follows:
the head of which is supposed
alternatively to be perfect I. The piston moving in a
conductor or a perfect insulator of cylinder does not develop
a heat. Heat is caused to flow into any friction during motion.
the cylinder by the application of II. The walls of piston and
high temperature energy source to cylinder are considered as
the cylinder head during perfect insulators of heat.
expansion, and to flow from the III. The cylinder head is so
cylinder by the application of a arranged that it can be a
lower temperature energy source perfect heat conductor or
to the head during compression. perfect heat insulator.
IV. The transfer of heat does not
affect the temperature of
source or sink.
V. Working medium is a perfect
gas and has constant specific
Air Standard Cycle or Heat Engines

VI. Compression and expansion cycle, according to first law of the

are reversible. thermodynamics the work obtained
is equal to the difference between
the heat supplied by the source
Carnot cycle Processes (Q1) and the heat rejected to the
sink (Q2).
Process 1 – 2: Isothermal
Hot energy source is applied.
Heat Q1 is taken in whilst the fluid
expands isothermally and
reversibly at constant high
temperature T1.
Process 2 – 3: Isentropic
The cylinder becomes a
perfect insulator so that no heat
flow takes place. The fluid expands
adiabatically and reversibly whilst
temperature falls from T1 to T2.
Process 3 – 4: Isothermal
Cold energy source is
applied. Heat Q2 flows from the
fluid whilst it is compressed
isothermally and reversibly at
constant lower temperature T2.
Process 4 – 1: Isentropic
Cylinder head becomes a
perfect insulator so that no heat
flow occurs. The compression is
continued adiabatically and
reversibly during which
temperature is raised from T2 to T1.
The work delivered from the
system during the cycle is
represented by the enclosed area
of the cycle. Again, for a closed

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