La Quimica Del Concreto
La Quimica Del Concreto
La Quimica Del Concreto
Why Chemistry
Matters in Concrete
This is one aspect of chemistry, but chemistry is not only Moisture, or water, plays the most important role in the
thermodynamics, it is also kinetics. In other words, concrete has setting, strength development, and eventual deterio-ration of
the potential to change, but how fast will that happen? Concrete concrete. Portland cement hardens because of a chemical process
made carefully with the right materials in the proper proportions, called hydration. This means that the silicate and aluminate
and developing the optimum microstructure by adequate curing, minerals in portland cement react and combine with water to
can last for many hundreds, or even thousands, of years. An produce the “glue” that holds together the aggregate that we call
example of this is the Pantheon in Rome, expertly constructed concrete. Further-more, in a more general fashion, these cements
with a pozzolanic “Roman Cement,” which so far has lasted for are called “hydraulic cements.” Hydraulic simply means the
over 2000 years. capability to harden under water. Portland cement is only one
type of hydraulic cement, and it should be noted that C 1157-00,
When Joseph Aspdin patented his “Portland Cement” in the ASTM performance specifi-cation for cement, is called the
1824, it was titled “An Improvement in the Modes of Producing “Standard Performance Specification for Hydraulic Cement,” and
Artificial Stone.” Concrete was considered to be artificial stone includes both portland and blended types.
having the appearance, strength, and durability of the real thing.
Some of the early concrete
As Duff Abrams emphasized in his seminal paper “Design of
The opinions expressed in this point of view article may Concrete Mixtures,” however, presented at the December 1918
not necessarily be those of the American Concrete meeting of the Portland Cement Associa-tion and then published
Institute. Reader comment is invited. as the Lewis Institute Bulletin 1, the water-cement ratio (w/c)
dictates the strength of
Unhydrated cement
The rate of liquid transport through the C-S-H phase is on the
order of 1000 times slower than that occurring through the
Unhydrated cement
capillary pores. Therefore, even if the capillary pores account for
only 1% of the total transport cross section, they will still provide
90% of the solution transport. Any chemical reactions that
depend solely on transport through C-S-H are negligible for all Fig. 1: Relative volumes of cement, water, and hydration
practical purposes. products before (left) and after (right) hydration
If liquid-filled cracks are present, the movement of a solution
will be proportional to the number and size of cracks. result in expansion, a buildup of internal pressure, and then
Additionally, cracks will also provide shortcuts between pore cracking. Concrete is a brittle material and there-fore can only
clusters and thereby expose deeper layers of concrete to the expand to a limited degree before cracking. In broad terms, the
penetrating solution. With sufficient cracking, the cracks observed expansion is equal to the sum of the crack widths. It is
themselves may form a connected system percolating the not possible to determine the cause of expansion and cracking
concrete and allowing dissolved reactants to move into the from the appearance of the crack pattern on the surface of the
system more quickly. concrete. Interior concrete samples must be examined
The most common type of chemical attack on concrete results microscopically, chemically, or both, to determine the root cause
from exposure to soils or ground water containing elevated of the internal expansion. In field concrete exposed to the
sulfate contents. This malady is a common occurrence in the elements, there are two basic modes of expansion:
western United States, and has been known for many years.
Production of ASTM Type II and Type V cements is particularly ■ The aggregate can expand relative to the cement paste;
intended to provide resistance to deleterious sulfate exposure. and
The mechanism of sulfate attack is relatively simple. If cement ■ The cement paste can expand relative to the aggregate. It
contains an elevated amount of C3A, a substantial amount of the follows from physical considerations that, in a
calcium monosulfoaluminate (AFm) phase will form during composite system consisting of expanding particles in a matrix,
hydration. This substance is reactive, and if additional sulfate cracks are formed in the matrix radiating away from the particles.
from an outside source such as soil or ground water penetrates Expansion of particles in a hardened paste, such as aggregate
the concrete, the monosulfate will readily react with it and particles undergoing ASR, causes the particles to crack and the
convert back to the AFt phase, or ettringite. The conversion of crack to extend outward into the surrounding paste. A particle
the monosulfate phase into ettringite will result in a significant cracking, when expanded from the surface, is actually a fairly
volumetric increase and be disruptive to the concrete. If this is common experience. When ice cubes are dropped into a drink
allowed to continue, the concrete will eventually be destroyed. and a familiar crackling sound is heard—that is the sound of the
ice being heated on the outside, expanding, and then cracking.
The expansion at the surface causes the inner part of the particle
Concrete made at a high w/c and subjected to sodium sulfate- to be under tensile stress, and it cracks from the inside outward.
containing ground water can be damaged by another mechanism.
Studies conducted in California have shown that, even with the
use of ASTM Type II and Type V cement types, if water is able Shrinkage of cement paste is a common phenomenon related
to percolate through the concrete, the wetting and drying on the to hydration, and from a cracking point of view, is equivalent to
surfaces exposed to air result in serious deterioration. Damage is the expansion of aggregate particles.
mainly from the repeated crystallization of alkali sulfates and Consider, however, what would happen if the paste actually
carbonates during the drying cycles (Stark 1989). expands relative to the aggregate particles. When cement paste
expands relative to the aggregate particles, as it has in DEF, gaps
open up around the particles. This concept is actually a little
Chemistry and cracking counterintuitive, in that one might expect the expanding paste to
Cracks in concrete may develop for physical reasons such as actually crush the particle rather than create a gap around it. This
drying shrinkage or mechanical loading. Local chemical is similar to the question of whether a hole that has been drilled
reactions in the concrete, however, may also
(b) (c)
through a piece of metal will become smaller or larger in
diameter as the metal is heated and expands.
One way to understand the phenomenon is to consider
concrete made with aggregate that does not expand, and conduct
the following imaginary experiment (Fig. 2). First, assume that
the concrete, including both paste and aggregate, expands, say
20%, in all directions. There is no distortion, no cracking, and
the concrete is just somewhat larger. Next, since the aggregate
particles were not expanding, shrink them back to their original
size. What has happened? The particles now rattle around in
holes that are 20% larger than the individual particles. Thus,
gaps have actually formed around the aggregate particles and,
furthermore, these gaps are proportional to particle size.
Alkali-silica reactivity
The chemical reaction called ASR takes place between the
highly alkaline (very high pH) pore solution and reactive
siliceous portions of some aggregate particles. The large amount
of hydroxyl (OH–) ions present in the pore solution, due to a
high alkali concentration (potassium and sodium), dissolve the
reactive silica on the aggregate surfaces to form an alkali silicate
gel. Although any form of silica can react with alkali hydroxides
in theory, it is the siliceous rocks such as opal, greywacke, some
chert, and glassy volcanic materials that appear to be the most
reactive. Reactive siliceous aggregates will form alkali-silica gel
starting at the surface of the aggregate and moving inwards.
Tensile stresses build up during the reaction, causing the
aggregate particles and the surrounding paste to crack. In severe
cases, the cracks will inter-connect and lead to weakening of the
concrete. The weakening is only due to the cracks; the paste
between the cracks maintains its composition and strength.