Casting - Solidification.

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Materials Science and Nanomaterials - Solidification training Date: __11__ th May, 2020

Teacher: Chem. Eng., Dr. Sc. Alejandro Amadeus Castro Vega

Name (Student): Angie Gonzalez, Tania Bermudez

You might cast a polycarbonate vessel in a metallic mould that provides a high “glossy” surface, taking into account
what you learn about solidification. In this case, the next Chvorinov’s rule was founded totally valid:
2 2
V n ρ λ c ∆Ts
t s=B ( )
, where B= piece piece
T melt −T 0( )( π
)[ (
4 k mould ρmould c mould
1+ piece
λ piece )]
The preferred material for this mould would be Brass, and the value for the mould constant in the Chvorinov’s
formula is: 1902.2055 s/m2, when the mould surface remains at 47°C. (Use the thermal data provided in table 1, for
your actual calculus)

The injection blowing process for this kind of bottle can be described as the next image shows. Please model the
bottle as a hollow piece, 5 mm in thickness. Outer diameter 10 cm on base, 3 cm on neck. Propose the dimensions
you consider complete the geometry.

(0,5 points) The solidification time is 0.7694 s.,
Table 1. Thermal properties of selected materials

Conductivity Density (ρ), Specific Heat TFus, °C Latent heat of
Material (Pouring
(k), W/m⸱K kg/m3 (Cp), J/kg⸱K (Melting) fusion (λ), kJ/kg
Aluminium 220 2707 896 660 730 321
Brass (65%Cu -
119 8800 380 930 1040 168
Copper, alloy 0,5%Be 388 8933 385 1084 1180 207
Iron, Cast 55 7920 456 1127 1340 126
Silver 418 10510 230 879 900 88
Zinc 112,2 7144 384,3 419,5 440 118
Quartz sand 6,91 1460 795 1712 ~1900 156
Polycarbonate 0,22 1220 1399 ~155 ~190 71.8
Sodium glass 0,9 2390 840 750 ~795 ~124

t s=B ( )
where B=¿ ¿
So, since polycarbonate is the material that we want to mold to make the bottle, it is necessary first of all that the
material for the mold have a higher melting point than the melting point of the sample. On the other hand, it is
necessary to start filtering the possible materials for the mold according mainly to costs and safety, so in the first
place silver is a too expensive material to be use in a mold in the manufacture of bottles. On the other hand, in order
to achieve an optimal solidification time and be able to reduce it using a good mold, since the bottle industry cannot
take too long to manufacture its product, so it is partially necessary to reduce the solidification time, therefore we
need our mold to have high values of conductivity, density and specific heat in order to decrease the value of the
constant B and therefore, the solidification time, the best options according to the requirements we mentioned
before are brass and zinc.

kg J J 2

)[ )]
(( 1220 )(71800 )
)( ( ( )
1399 ( 463 K−428 K )
m 3
kg π kg ∙ K
B= 1+
428 K −320 K W kg J J
4 119
m )( )(
∙ K 8800 3 380
m kg ∙ K ) 71800

B=1902 .2 055 s /m 2
1.971 x 1 0−3 m 3
t s=1902.2055 s/m 2 ( 0.098 m2 )
t s=0.7694 s

Please motivate the mold material selection (< 100 words, security considerations):

However, at this point it is also necessary to evaluate the security of the materials to use in the mold that is why we
need to evaluate the tensile properties of these materials to choose the best one that resists opening and closing
movements to recluse and release the sample, and therefore resist wear and do not generate or damage its
structure under certain conditions, in this order, brass has higher values of tensile strength and higher values of
elastic modulus, so this material will resist more movements throughout the casting process and will not be
damaged by its use.

Outer diameter for the neck = 3 cm = 0.03 m; radio = 0.015 m

Inner diameter for the neck = 2.5 cm = 0.025 m; radio = 0.0125 m
Outer diameter for the base = 10 cm = 0.1 m; radio = 0.05 m
Inner diameter for the base = 9.5 cm = 0,095 m; radio= 0,0475 m
Height = 30 cm = 0.3 m
Area = 0.098 m2
Volume = 1.971 x10-3 m3

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